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World Bank Document KADUNA STATE Public Disclosure Authorized ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (SEEDS) Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized FINAL DRAFT Public Disclosure Authorized TABLE OF CONTENT Fonvard xi Executive Summary xii An Overview 1 What are the Major Benefits of KADSEEDS over Previous Attempts 3 The Major Strategies for Achieving KADSEEDS Goal 7 Vision and Policy thrusts for the period 2005 - 2007 13 Reform Government and its Institutions 14 Social and Economic Empowenent 17 Provide Enabling Environment for Economic Actors to Thrive 20 Methodology 22 Structure of the Report 24 Chap:er One Framework for Understanding and Implementing the KADSEEDS 26 Accountabilrty Relationships 27 Promoting Accountability Relationships Among Four Actors 30 Chapter Two Poverty and Poverty Reduction 34 Poverty and Security 39 Tackling Poverty 41 Incentives for Civil Servant 1999 2004 45 Chapter Three Reforming Government and its Institutions 47 Public Sector Reform 48 Structural Reform 50 Institlrb;onal Reforms 53 Economic Planning, Cooperation and Coordination 57 Fiscal Policy and Operations 63 Administration of Justice and Human Right 68 Information, Communication, Advocacy and Participation 72 Chapter Four Infrastructure and Social Services 77 Education 79 Health 94 Water Supply 110 Roads, Transport and Housing 125 Rural and Community Development 129 Lands and Survey 134 Gender and Youth Development 138 Women Affairs and Sociai Development 142 Chapter Five Agriculture 146 Environment 164 Culture and Tourism 171 Science and Technology 176 Chapter Six Private Sector Investment 186 Chapter Seven Implementation 192 Institutional Framework 192 Monaoring and Evaluation 193 Pilot Projects 196 Risk Mitigation 196 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 0.1 KAOSEEDS Value tree 11 Figure 1.0 Five instruments of accountability 28 Figure 1.1 Accountability Relationships 31 Figure 2.0 Kaduna state Poverty Index by LGAs 36 Figure 2.1 Channels of making water available 38 Figure 2.2 Electricity Suppfy 3 9 Figure 3.0 Pattem of revenue collection 64 Figure 3.1 Ratio of Capital to Recurrent Expenditure (1 995-2003) 66 Figure 4.0 Number and Ownership Patterns of Health Facilities in Kaduna State 95 Figure 4.1 Kaduna State Health Personnel 96 Figure 4.2 Condition of Water Supply (2004) 111 Figure 4.3 Channels of making water available 114 Figure 4.4 Number of villages linked to Electricity Supply from 1999-2004 by LGAs 131 I. I. 0) 0 'a 2 -C @.I '9 m 11 -I c@.I C 0 I? *"a" GJ 5 5% z2 t. *t. In .-w 0 C a, 8 m .-C ...C a, E a -a -E -m s :: mu x a, at-0 Y ACRONYMS kau Ahmadu Bello University DTA Duty Travel Allowances Ahmadu Bello University ED1 Education lndex A@UTH Teachlng Hospital Economlc And Financial Crimes EFCC Pi)@ African Development Bank Commission Acquired Immune Deficiency AIDS El Environment And Infrastructure Syndrome Africa Programme For ERC Educational Resource Centers APOC Onchocerciasis Control ARI Acute Respiratory Infection ESA External Support Agency Best Available Technology ESI Economic Status index Business Apprenticeship EL! European Union BATC Tra~ningCenters EtG Bacile Calmette Guerin FA0 Food And Agricultural Organisation Budget Monitoring And Price FASCOM Farmers Suppiy Company E?.1FIII Intelligence Unit Community Based FCT Federal Capctal Territory cao Organisation Contagious Bovine FDI Foreign Direct Investment CSPP Pleuropneumonia Convention On The Ellmination 01All Forms Of FGN Federal Government Of Nigeria Discrimination Against Women Department For International GER Gross Enrolment Ratio DFlD Development EM0 Debt Management Office HC Health Clinic Diphtheria. Partusis And HDF Human Development Fund DPT Tetanus DRF Drug Revolving Fund HIV Human immuno- Deficiency Virus Independent Corrupt Practices MDGs Millennium Development Goals Commission International Fund For MDT Muniple Drug Therapy Agricultural Development International Financial MMR Maternal Mortality Rate Institution Multi State Agricultural Development Institute Of Governance And MSADP Soclal Research Programme International Monetary Fund MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework National Council On Development NCDP IMR Infant Mortality Rate Plannlng ITN lnsacticlde Treated Nets PIEC Natlonai Economic Council Joint Admlsslons And PlECO Nigerian Examination Council JAM6 Matriculation Board National Economic Empowerment And JP5 Joint Planning Board NEEDS Development Strategies JSS Junior Secondary School NEPA Natlonai Electric Power Acthcrity Kaduna State Economic National Fadama Development KADSEEDS Empowerment And HFDP Programme Development Strategies KAPVIA Kaduna Publlc Works Agency NGCI Non-Governmental Organisation K3SG Kaduna State Government N:JF Nlgerian National Petroleum Kaduna State Development NI,IPC KSDPC And Property Company Corporation Kaduna State Media FJPC Natlonal Planning Commission KSMC Corporation Kaduna State Transport KSTA NPI National Programme On Immunization Author~ty National Support Programme On Food NSPFS LGA Local Government Area Security LSS Life Saving Skills ODA Official Development Assistance Mathematics Association Of OPSR Office Of Public Service Reform t"1ilAFI Nigeria Manufacturers association of GPV Oral Polio Vaccine MAN Nigeria < 0 LC 0 - n a L7 c;om amw Z oo>a am2 w 2-2 'Vg.iwo .i XI a ornm t- 1.) UI .z a a n e 9 aaa aan or irm "I V) (0 UJ rn 69 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Kadiina State Economic Ultimately, the future has remained Empowerinenl and LJevelopment Strategy uncertain for the citizenry inspite of the (KADSEEDS) is a amscious effort by the massive interventions to mitigate the people to design a comprehensive circumstances of their existence. programme tirat will address the unique challenges that confront the State. It is a KADSEEDS is a new approach to the development plan that is conceptualized struggle to promote and make good the and articulated as a vision of the laudable intentions of our past leaders by Government and the people of the State to expunging the social vices that currently reduce poverty and create wealth. frustrate poverty reduction and wealth Through broad consultative and creation efforts. The new process compels participatory processes, the KADSEEDS us today to understand 'where we are provides well-defined policy direction for now', 'where we want to be between now the next two and a half years of this and 2007', and 'how to get there1. Under administration and lays a solid foundation the new dispensation, the enormous for continuity and sustainable development potentials of the State, which have thereafter. suffered neglect andlor misuse, will be exploited, harnessed and utilised to turn The development history of Kaduna State things around. KADSEEDS is indeed, an is simply exemplifying. The State is a economic and social action plan that will proud custodian of the history of the North. transform Kaduna State into a vibrant It is the repository of the structures and economy where prosperity, equity and legacies of the great Sardauna of Sokoto justice shall reign. and other Northern Leaders of repute. Unfortunately, these valuable legacies To achieve this commitment, KADSEEDS have, over the years, not been sustained, is introducing radically, new and more thus posing new and enormous social efficient ways of doing things, at the public, challenges to our contemporary private and individual levels using the environment. The emergent scourges of following principles: poverty, disease and ignorance have a. Reforn~irrg Government and culminated in creating a demoralised irrstitutinns: This strategy involves society that thrives on fear and suspicion. restructuring, right-sizing, re- xii professionalising and strengthening environment for foreign and government institutions to perform indigenous enterprises to thrive and maximally by: flourish with a view to enhancing i. Rationalising the number of official employment opportunities and institutions and officials; economic growth in the State. The ii. Stn'ctiy enforcing the implementa- exercise will, among other things, entail: tion of the provisions of the , recently reviewed and updated '. Conscious and consistent effort to official publications; promote security of lives and property iii. Improving internally generated throughout the State; revenue collection mechanism by ii. Privatisation and liberalization of non- enforcing existing tax laws and performing public enterprises; regulations and exploring new iii. Improvement of investment in the revenue sources; provision and utilisation of iv. Preparedness to enforce the infraslructural facilities and services; Fiscal Responsibility Act to ensure iv. Pursuit of avenues for increased credit transparency and efficiency in the facilities to individuals and SMEs and utilisation of public funds and providing improved network of loan resources; recovery; Encouraging the co-operation and v. Sustaining manpower develop- V. ment by re-introducing the State development of strong linkages Manpower Committee and between industries, SMEs, NGOs and execution of the Kaduna research institutions in the State; StateNVorld Bank Capacrty Vi. Creating Public Private Partnership Building and Good Governance through joint investments and project, structured interaction with private vi. Introducing Due Process, Budget sector operators. Implerncntation of a Social Charter Monitoring and Price Intelligence C. Units in all Agencies of for Empowerirtg People: This aspect Government of KADSEEDS deals with the vii. Re-aligning the functions of all line commitment of government to provide Ministries, Agencies and economic
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