October 7,1999 Serving the Westland Corhmunityfor 35 Years Q
«• *WP Rescued boy's mom advocates CPR training, A4 OllfcSRjVMl ummmisiAXMrn/ii rm,tnwm~ Putt** you 1« touch Thursday wtth yow world October 7,1999 Serving the Westland Corhmunityfor 35 years Q VOLUME 35 NIIMBF.R 36 WESTI.AND. MICHIGAN * <J8 PAGES • http://observeroctrmric.ton> S »•!• fc«*»T«*« CM« HHWPWH»# AsCf IN THE PAPER Teens make slight MEAP gains Wayne-Westland educators are concerned The percentage of nth-graders earn A breakdown of MEAP results for TODAY about MEAP results, in which almost one- ing state endorsements in math, read John Glenn and Wayne Memorial high third of llth-graders failed to earn state ing and writing war.highef 4n 1999 schools wasn't available early this endorsement in math. Students have made than in 1998,,'as Wayne-Weatland Btu-" week - but it should be ready early LOCAL slight gains over 1998 results* dents made slight gains in the wake of next week, Barreai said. curriculum improvements. District results BY DAKRELL CLEM fell short on state endorsements in "It does take time," Sam Barresi, Buddies: Thesecond STAFF, WRITER reading, science and writing, assistant superintendent of instruc Diatrictwide, juniors made one of dclem9oc.homecomm.net On a brighter note, juniors who tion, said, - their strongest gains in reading, where annual Buddy Walk, held the percentage of students earning Nearly one-third of Wayne-Westland failed to earn diploma endorsements Students earn state endorsements in Saturday in Westland's after taking Michigan Educational math, reading, science and writing by state endorsements jumped 5,8 percent high school juniors failed to score high in 1999.
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