This chapter describes the research finding that will describe the first research question from the first chapter and it is divided into three subdivisions, namely the research findings, the meaning of the song, and the figurative language that found in the songs lyric.

2.1 Biography of Three Groups of Band 2.1.1 Simple Plan is a band from Montréal, Québec, Canada. The band is fronted by 5 personels, they are , Jeff Stinco, Sébastien Lefebvre, and David Desrosiers. Since forming they have never experienced a change of personnel. Here is the history of the formation of the band Simple Plan. In 1996, the band Reset formed by Pierre Bouvier, Chuck Comeau, Philippe Jolicoeur, and Adrian White. Reset toured in Canada with MxPx, Ten Foot Pole, and Face to Face, although they are not too managed to get popularity. Ikbal (2015) their debut , No Worries, was released in 1999. Soon, Chuck Comeau away from the band to go to college. Two years later he met with his friends Senior during hugh school, Jeff Stinco and Sébastien Lefebvre, who at that time were in their own band, and they intend to merge to form his own band. Meanwhile, Reset released their second album, No Limits. One day, Comeau and Bouvier met again in the concert and Bouvier left Reset to join Comeau. David Desrosiers then replaced Bouvier in Reset, but he also left Reset six months later and joined by Bouvier. This makes Bouvier can concentrate on vocals, having previously had concurrent fill positions at the same vocal bass. The origin of the name of Simple Plan is not clear. When asked, the band often provide answers in the form of jokes, including one of them is because they formed the band as an "impromptu plan" to avoid working in fast food restaurants. But anyway, most likely, the name "Simple Plan" is taken from the title of the movie "A Simple Plan", or piebald work song titled "Just a Simple Plan".

2.1.2 Guns And Roses Pop rock band genre that much favored by music lovers one is Guns And Roses. Guns N 'Roses (GNR) is a pop rock band from the United States, which established 1984 and officially in March 1985. GNR is a founding member is a former Rose vocalist Ian Tracii Guns are also former LA Guns guitarist. Eddy (2013) the group was founded in , the United States had a chance to changing personnel even Tracii Guns also leave this group. Starting in 1983, when it was after failing to join the Poison along his childhood friend, , they together form a Road Crew. put an ad in a newspaper for a bassist, and after that he received a response from Duff McKagan. When the Road Crew disbanded, Slash joined a local band, Black Sheep. Chaired by Willie Bass, the band is then shared an agent with another band, known as .

2.1.3 Magic! Band that brought reggae music that is booming today one of which is the band Magic!. Anitai (2015) this band from Toronto, Ontario, Canada and have 4 personnel’s, namely Nasri, Mark Pellizzer, Alex Tanas and Ben Spivak formed in 2012. The band is well-known as well as single song titled "Rude". The song became a song that many heard around the world, even be a song that was on top of music. Reggae band usually rendition of the theme of social, natural, and life. But many also sing the theme song of love. Magic! not miss the band also performed the song with the theme of love. Although the band is relatively young in formation, but not a few people who love it. Not only where the band was formed, namely Canada, but also abroad, even to Indonesia, it is because the song they performed was nice to hear even.

2.2 The Meaning of the Songs 2.2.1 Jet Lag This song is about there in love but they are far away from each other (as in Canada-London) and since they are on the other side of the earth it is so hard to talk to each other because the time difference (Canada and London are 9 hour difference) when one of the are going to bed the other is just waking up so it is hard to talk to each other. One of them left for like a job or something and they miss each other. They are counting down to when the other one will be home. And they are trying to distract themselves from thoughts of the other. In the lyrics of this song, the singer told in uneasy conditions, withstand longing for his lover. However, the distance separated them, so that they could not meet. Only through telephone they communicate each other as a cure homesickness them. Researcher found 2 lessons and the messages we can take in the lyrics of this song, the first one is, it teaches us the importance of communication. The most important thing in relationship is a communication. Without communication, the relationship will be chaotic. Although the distance with our partner is close, but if there is no communication, then it could be that relationship will be damaged. Conversely despite the distance that separates a pair, if still no communication then the relationship will be maintained. The second is the importance of instilling a sense of trust to our spouses, despite the distance that separates us with our spouse, if we trust each other and keep each other one heart, and then the relationship will be fine until they were reunited. The song is included rock genre song. Can be known from the strains of a hard instrument and tend complicated. From the beginning of the song, the intro could be heard was the sound of pounding electric guitar with a distinctive effect and loud, loud strings drums, followed by the singer who sang the lyrics of the song with a tempo that is not too slow as the pop genre song. The lyrics of this song are also expressive and quite difficult if re-arranged or sung by ordinary people who do not sing. Although melodic of the guitar on this song is not long as Sweet Child O Mine song of Guns And Roses, but it is quite difficult to play, because the chord is changing, and this becomes its own characteristics of rock genre songs.

2.2.2 Summer Paradise, it is about Australia. It was Written and released while Simple Plan were on tour in Oz, it came as inspiration when the band were at a Queensland Beach surfing and just enjoying themselves. This is a song about finding way back to the time were on vacation, to the times that went out, you fell in love. It’s about passion to escape real life, leaving job behind, not thinking about anything else and just enjoying the moment right now. The inspiration for this song was , city where the guys from Simple Plan come from and where they are used to a pretty cold weather and sometimes just want to escape all that and go to a place where it’s warm and where they’d feel good. Time love, and good close friends. Being away somewhere nice on a beach over summer, relaxing, drunk a cup of coffee, and having an amazing time. The singer misses these good times and wished they could've stayed like that forever, but they have come back to reality and he only has memories to remember. The singer saying "tell me how to get back to summer paradise" and "I'll be there in a heartbeat". This is a really feel good song, but it is also quite sad. Anyway, it is about a breakup and the guy wants the girl back into his life. when he says "summer paradise" he's comparing his time with this girl to a place where everything is perfect, and when he says "tell me how to get back to, back to summer paradise with you, and I'll be there in a heartbeat" he's asking what can he do so that she will take him back and he can be in "summer paradise" again, and he'll do it no matter what it is, no questions asked. And when he says "someday, I will find my way back to where your name is written in the sand" he's saying to himself, "I’m gonna get her back, one day. We'll be together again." The song from the Simple Plan band is including into genre of reggae song. The song is sung by Simple Plan featuring K’naan, the theme of this song is love and freedom. Seen from the strains and music instrument that used of this music, seems like typical style of reggae, whisk repetitive guitar adorn of this song, as well as the lyrics, there are words or phrases that are repeated, where there are musical accent that seemed disjointed, known as skank, which is characterizes from the genre of reggae. The rhythm of this music is also slower than the genre of music which is similar to genre of reggae, namely is ska genre.

2.2.3 This song is a song from the Simple Plan band, from the album Still Not Getting Any. This is the second album from the Simple Plan band, and released on October 26th 2004, through and Atlantic Records. This song is about a man whose life is filled with hardship and distress. It seems clear from the lyrics in this song, the singer depicts his life filled with problems, never thought, never considered true, always one of the eyes of others, shut himself in room, all of which he told to a woman in the form question. Many form of question sentences lyrics in this song, such as 'do you ever feel like breaking down?', 'do you ever feel out of place?,' do you ever wanna run away?’, and 'do you lock yourself in your room?' phrase, this question he addressed to a woman who could be said to be his new girlfriend, a new one comes in the life of the singer. In this one love song, the singer asked above some sentence, to ask if the woman is truly loved, when knowing his actual condition, which is not as nice as the life of the prince in a fairy tale. The singer tried to be honest with woman, so that later in the future no word regret. I think this song is also nice to hear, impregnated his words, and can also be used as a lesson in relationships with our partners, in order to always be honest, however, the condition of our true, our partners must know, so there are no regrets later on. One of the rock genre songs from Simple Plan band, which opened by intro with an acoustic guitar, then began to enter the electric guitar with effects are quite loud, and the drum beats stomping tempo does not slowly, and the lyrics are sung too vigorously, not slow. The sound of electric guitars and drums in the chorus are dominates over the bass, so it fits with loud vocal sounds. The structure of the song is also included complex song, the chord and tempo that does not fit the pattern of music that is usually constant. Although the ending of the song there is only the sound of an acoustic guitar and the vocalist, not detract beautiful impression on this one rock song.

2.2.4 Don't Cry This song is a pop song power ballad by the pop rock band Guns N' Roses, two versions of which were released simultaneously on different . The song reached the top 10 in many countries, including number 8 in the UK Singles Chart and number 10 in the U.S. on the . The song features of Blind Melon on backing vocals. Shannon grew up in the small town of Dayton, Indiana, which neighbors Axl Rose's hometown of Lafayette, Indiana. The two became friends when they subsequently met in Los Angeles and discovered they were from the same state. He also appears in the video for the song. This song is about a couple who are in trouble. A woman who saw her boyfriend set with another woman, immediately jealous and does not want to meet with her boyfriend. Whereas woman who sit to her boyfriend that there is no any relationship, just friends. The man, who in this song is the singer, trying to convince himself that he is not cheating, it's never lied to the woman. The singer also tried to calm the woman, who kept crying hold jealous, he tried to make the woman calm in a way reminiscent of the wonderful memories that they went through together, and by continuing to request that the woman was stopped grieving, stop crying, and convince tomorrow better. This song gives us a lesson that before we doing an action, because of something, let us examine first the truth, so as not to cause new problems because of our fault directly to convict someone who is uncertain mistakes. This song is from Guns And Roses band, that including one of pop genre song. This song opens with guitar with effect slowly as intro, followed by slow drum beats. Then the singer opened the first lyrics of this song with a voice slow and the overall tempo of the music beat slow and calm. Until the chorus is not too jerky, stay relaxed, there is little touch of guitar melodies a bit harsh. This song is also easy to sing and use tempo standards and not difficult. And this song is also easy to combine with other genre of the song, such as rock genre.

2.2.5 November Rain is a song in the style of a power ballad by the American pop rock band Guns And Roses. Written by the band's lead singer Axl Rose, the song was released as a single in 1992 from their third studio album, I (1991). It features a sweeping orchestral backing and is one of Guns And Roses' longest songs. November Rain is a song about love, pain and fear. The opening statement clearly says that the singer sees the love in his partner’s eyes, restrained by a fear that she may be hurt. However, the love is there and the singer feels it just as well. Now, one could extrapolate that these characters have had experience with pain, probably with each other. This is due to the fact that this is a relationship that has lasted for some time (echoed soon in the next verse, “…such a long, long time”). Now let’s see the introduced to the title phrase. November Rain is a metaphor for the troubled patches of a relationship, obviously linking the dreary, sad feelings of the two. And this “candle” is love. It’s hard to hold on to love with feelings of sadness and pain in your heart. The narrator offers that if they were truly in love, that they should simply “lay it on the line” in order for his spirit to rest on the matter. Otherwise the singer will be hurt to walk through the November rain. The second section, just as the melody and structure changes, the lyrics contrast here as well. Our narrator now decides to give his love space rather than beg for an admission of love, insightfully musing that “Everybody needs some time.” The singer continues to reassure her that though it is hard to get over the wounds of the past, we must learn to put these feelings behind us rather than dwell on them. Sometimes it feels that the whole world, “...even friends,” are evil, and will only cause you harm. One must realize though, that to be able to “heal” these wounds would make time itself only a charm. The final reiteration of the title is accompanied by an optimistic verse. After fear, there is shadow. After blame there is love. There can be love despite darkness, so we can now see through the rain. Our hero implores his lover to put aside this darkness, and “find a way,” to love and happiness. After all that has happened, see that nothing is capable of lasting forever. Neither love or pain. Therefore, as sure as there is darkness, there will be light. Just euphoric love is fleeting, so are our times of despair. The song that including into the genre is from Guns And Roses, we can tell from the sound of his music, such as the harmony of this music that is easy to understand, beat music that is slow, the drum beats are not too hard and fast, and can be combined with the kind of other music, especially is genre, because Guns And Roses band also have some of the songs that including into genre of rock music, such as the Sweet Child O Mine and . Pattern melody in this song made a little complicated for the benefit of the lyrics, so it could be said also that song including into genre of pop ballad song, or generally get in on the genre of music pop, lyrics are expressive sung by Axl Rose as vocalist also indicated that this song is pop genre song.

2.2.6 Sweet Child O' Mine Sweet Child O' Mine is a rock song by the American pop rock band Guns And Roses, featured on their debut studio album, (1987). Released on August 17, 1988 as the album's third single, the song topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart, becoming the band's first and only number-one single in the U.S. Billboard ranked it as the No. 5 song for 1988. It reached number six on the UK Singles Chart, when re-released in 1989. The thing about 'Sweet Child O' Mine,' it was written in five minutes. It was one of those songs, only three chords. You know that guitar lick Slash does at the beginning? It was kind like a joke because we thought, 'What is this song? It's gonna be nothing, it'll be filler on the record.' And except that vocal-wise, it's very sweet and sincere, Slash was just around when he first wrote that lick guitar. Axl to his love at the time. Basically she is the thing, that when he is going through life, is his reason of living. The singer brings good memories and a feeling in his heart that he can't get from the world. Maybe when he says "sweet child o mine" he says that because she youthful and pure and he feels protective to her. Very simple message here as the researcher sure any true fan would know but I'm just gonna put it on here anyway. The lyrics to this classic were written by the singer, Axl about his long time girlfriend, who eventually married but then sadly divorced. The song itself was an actual accident when Slash and Steven Adler (Guitarist of Guns And Roses) were warming up and just messing around. Slash for the longest time said he didn't really even like the song because it moves slow enough to be considered a ballad. That being said it still is an awesome song that continues to be played over and over again. But the best one of this song is when Slash played melody used his guitar, it was awesome. Sweet Child O’ Mine song is open with the intro by electric guitar that uses the effects of modern hardware by the one of the best guitarists in the world, he is Slash, followed by the entry of bass sound is also electric bass with high notes plus wasp drum boisterous, indicating that this song is including into rock genre of music, because this song is also uses a fast beat music. Plus the chorus before the guitar melody that could be said to be very complicated, where the melody is too long and the speed is fast enough, and also a bit out of the chord that was supposed to decorate and add variants of this genre of rock music. The singer also adds his voice became louder on the last chorus, and in the end of the song there is a little beat of second guitar melodic that make this song is really complicated to be sing by other band that has low skill.

2.2.7 No Way No No Way No is the fifth track on Magic!’s debut album, Don’t Kill the Magic. It was released as the fourth single from the album on 2nd March 2015. Lyrically, it talks about what a man would do for the woman he loves. “No Way No” serves as the answer to things he wouldn’t do. This song tells of a man who loved his girlfriend, and he tried to convince his lover that he was very, very loved, even though he was a little annoying sometimes before the woman. Take a look from verse 1 in the lyrics of the song, the singer or the man doing stupid things to woman. But actually he was saying to the women. In the first chorus, the man assured the woman that he was very loving and trying to always be there for his girlfriend, to ask that the form of figurative rhetoric. He asked a few things to the woman who actually himself knows the answer. The singer do this is to convince the woman that he loved her so much. He does anything for women. There are some messages and lessons that can be drawn from the lyrics of this song. We could take a message and a lesson that is in a relationship, we let always able to provide comfort, love and affection to our spouse, under any circumstances, it is so couples we also do the same to us, although sometimes interspersed with naughtiness that is excusable, because it is used as a spice in a relationship. No Way No, this song is from Magic! band. If we listen to this music carefully, and also pay attention to the lyrics then we will understand that this song is a song that including into genre of reggae. From the beginning intro already sounding of electric guitar effects characterized by reggae music, by listening to whisk guitar strings from bottom to top and repeatedly. Coupled with the drum beats are not too hard to sound just hit the tip of the stick drum. The lyrics also too many words repeated over again, like the songs genre of reggae in general, it is just that in this song is packaged in the form of reggae that has been combined with a touch of modern music is more famous.

2.2.8 One Woman One Man One Woman One Man, this is like big pop song ballad on the album. It is about guy saying all he wanted was one woman one man. This song is a song that is very touching, has a meaning so deep if impregnated. In the lyrics of this song, between man and woman is very contradictory, conflicting one each other. Narrated in the first verse of this song the man is someone who is not appreciated, it is not regarded as a loser, but the woman is much desired by another man, because of his kindness, beauty, and maturity in addressing the problem. But her life is not as beautiful as what others see, in fact she keeps in sadness, a desire that is simple, namely one only woman for one man. No matter how beautiful, how high degree, how rich the woman, she wants only one true heart just love it, do not share her man with another woman, because it will only hurt him, though the man was rich, handsome, and has high office, it is not useful. In the lyrics of this song there is a moral message that we can take as a lesson. A woman, as depicted in the lyrics of this song, she just wants to be the only woman who is loved by the man, she did not think about anything else, just that one thing, namely fidelity. As a man should also understand the desire of these women, even though many other women are more beautiful than the female, because women if it is to love a man, then he will not love another man, because love could not be forced. Vice versa, if the heart of a woman has been betrayed, it will be difficult for him to believe again told her that. This is a message that very valuable is necessary faithfulness, so that no party that hurt. This song is a song that has a slowly tempo music and the beat of this music is too slowly also. The intro is open with acoustic guitar and drum beat is slowly, indicating that the song was included songs in general pop genre. If we pay attention to chant the lyrics of this song also sounded the singer softly sang the lyrics of this song, the lyrics are so simple and easily sung and also easy to understand the meaning, so the listeners of pop genre song casually enjoy this song. Guitar melody of the song is too simple not like a song that tends to rock genre. 2.2.9 Rude This song is a reggae love song. The singer wants to marry that girl but needs to get permission from her dad, but when he says "no" he is upset he loves her and wants to be with her for the rest of his life, he is heartbroken and thinks the love of his father must think he is not human and is rude. In the end he marry her because he loves her so much and wants to be a happy beautiful family. In the song, a guy is dating a girl. On a Saturday morning, he dresses his best and goes to the father, trying to be polite, and get the father on his side. He asks the father if he can marry his girlfriend. The father outright says absolutely not. The guy still really wants to marry the girl, so he says he will marry her anyway. The next verse is saying whether you say yes or if you say no, I am going to marry her. And you can decide to walk down the small island with her, or you can just let us go get unofficially together. He asks the dad again if he can marry his daughter, and the dad says, no, never. The next part is a repeat of what I just said, but in the apparently the girl is all dressed up, and so is the guy. They are in wedding clothes, implying very strongly now that they really will get married without the dad's permission, although they would like to make it official. The girl rebels, pulling away from her dad to go be with the guy, implying that yes, the girl does love the guy. The message in this song may be addressed to the parents who have children who are grown and ready to get married, should not force their children to marry with whom. But let the children choose their own spouses candidate. Do not let cases like this, for the sake of her daughter, blurred want to marry with the man that she loved so much. Remain members of freedom but also oversees. This song is a song that became the mainstay of Magic! band, and brought the genre of reggae song is successfully received by the lovers of music, especially of course for reggae music lovers, and this song bring theme love song, make the listeners of this song is more love. Pay attention to the drum beats in the song is relaxed and also take notice of the shuffle of the stringed guitar played under to above, or Ras Muhamad one of the famous reggae musician says 'ceket- ceket', then we will know that this song is indeed a song genre of reggae. This song also played electric bass guitar with a high tone so audible in the first verse. There are effects from the keyboard which makes this song more viscous in genre of reggae.

2.3 The Figurative Language That Found In The Songs Lyric 2.3.1 Comparative Figurative Language Comparative figurative language consists of personification, metaphor, smile and allegory. Personification Personification is a figure of speech in which a thing, an idea or an animal is given human attributes. The non-human objects are portrayed in such a way that we feel they have the ability to act like human beings. For example, when we say, “The sky weeps” we are giving the sky the ability to cry, which is a human quality. Thus, we can say that the sky has been personified in the given sentence. In other definition, personification is figure of speech in imaginative something, which doesn’t have soul, as though they have human characteristic (James L Potter, 1967: 54). It is meant that inanimate things in this world are guessed as animate by give some attributes in inanimate things. So that the people who do it can do everything like human being. A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or abilities. The rhetorical figure which stands out in the opening line. (Bennett & Royle, 2004: 81) Example: - School alarm calls students to enter their classroom. Calls are verb form in dictionary. Letter s is addition in present tense form because the subject is singular (alarm), alarm is inanimate thing; meanwhile it is given attribute like activity that is done by animate. Alarm can’t call, because call is attribute of mouth that can does it. -. The wind whispered through dry grass. -. The flowers danced in the gentle breeze. - Time and tide waits for none.

There are the figurative language kinds of personification that found by the researcher in the lyric of the songs, and the researcher marking by using italic ( I ) in the words or phrases which contained the figurative language, below:

1. It's driving me mad S1 C1 L3 Said it showed there to the word sunset. Which said it own sunset is a thing, not human being, so it may not be driving sunset. Because the word ‘driving’, is typically performed by humans. But in this lyric poet illustrates that sunset that could deliver him into stress, as if the sunset is human.

2. Would not time be out to charm you S5 V2 L4 As we know that time is not of the human form. But as though it is describes that time of life, like human beings. While the lyrics of the song states that the time has alluring nature to you words, addressed to the girl in the song's lyrics. This word is used to have the impression that interesting to the listeners of this song.

Table The Personifications that Found in the Songs Lyric. Lyric No Lyric Song title Line Genre Coding structure 1 It's driving me mad Jet lag Chorus 1 3 Rock S1 C1 L3 2 Wouldn't time be November Verse 2 4 Pop S5 V2 L4 out to charm you Rain

The figurative language of this kind of personification researcher found only two personifications. That first one is from the genres of rock, with the song entitled Jet Lag, and the last one is from the pop genre with the song entitled November Rain. Metaphor Metaphor is conceptual (mental) operations reflected in human language that enable speakers to structure and construe abstract areas of knowledge and experience in more concrete experiential terms. Hurford (2007: 331). Metaphor is a variety of analogy which compare two things directly, but in short pattern (Keraf, 1994: 139). It is meant that between subject and object have same attributes, and writer uses it to compares it to another. Example: - Library is science field. Library is place where people can find many kinds of books, it is compared with science field because both library and science field have same attribute, they can add our knowledge. - He is the apple of my eye There is, of course, no real apple in a person's eye. The "apple" is someone beloved and held dear. - Feel blue No one actually ever feels like the color blue, although many people say they are "feeling blue" to mean they are feeling sad. - Broken heart Your heart is not literally broken into pieces; you just feel hurt and sad.

There are the figurative language kinds of metaphor that found by the researcher in the lyric of the songs, and the researcher marking by using italic ( I ) in the words or phrases which contained the figurative language, below:

1. I wanna share your horizon S1 B1 L6 These include figurative language lyrics kind of metaphor. Evident in the lyrics that contained the phrase 'I wanna share your horizon', the true horizon could not be owned by someone, it's just that the lyrics describe that a man who praised his girl for her beauty, so that he likens the beauty of his girl who his love as if the horizon that stretched wide, so that everyone knows.

2. My heart is sinking S2 V1 L1 In the sentence it is clear that it is included in the figurative language is metaphor. My heart is sinking, as we know that the heart was not a ship that could sink or other submerged objects. But this is only a phrase that describes the singer that his heart he felt sad or being moody as far away from his girlfriend.

3. Above the clouds away from you S2 V1 L3 Normally humans could not be above the clouds, flying like a bird or airplane. This lyric singer in the line describes his longing for his girl who left him. As if he were above the clouds away from his girl that he love, and may not be able to meet as soon as he wants.

4. Is written in the sand S2 B1 L4 Writing activities usually done on paper. While writing on the sand in the lyrics in this song looks strange, things that are not common, and the lyrics are a figurative language that includes the type of metaphor. The singer misses his girlfriend, who is far from him, and he expressed his desire that way.

5. My soul is broken S2 B1 L2 Researcher found the figurative language in the lyrics are kind of metaphor, it is seen clearly because it literally is not possible that the soul is broken, scattered into several parts. The lyrics describe that the singer was depressed, because his girlfriend away from him, so that depicted him with the words 'my soul is broken'. This is similar to my heart is broken that is still kind of figurative language type of metaphor. 6. Streets are frozen S2 B1 L3 This is figurative language lyrics, the metaphor, the same as the previous lyrics to the second line. As we know that the streets in general do not possess freeze, like water or ice. Bait lyrics only describe the feeling of the singer who misses his girl. So is described thus, cold, freezing, overcast describe something less good.

7. I can't stop these feelings melting through S2 B1 L4 Figurative language is metaphor in the line exists on the lyrics phrase 'feelings melting’, why this is so, because everyone knows that feeling could not be melting like ice melting. The lyrics are still related to the lyrics before, on line 2 and 3, which are both figurative language type of metaphor.

8. And I am freezing S2 V3 L4 The lyrics in this song is a kind of figurative language type of metaphor, as in the lyrics of 'I am freezing' the meaning is not really the singer was frozen, it is only to describe the feelings of the singer who was sad because his girlfriend away from him, so as if the singer freeze being away from loved ones.

9. Oh baby, tell me, was I dreaming? S2 V3 L6 The lyric in this song is figurative language type of metaphor, on the lyrics 'baby'. The word baby in the lyrics is not a baby with a real sense that the human newborn child or children who are still under the 3-5 age of years, but its meaning is love, affection or love. The word 'baby' of the singer goes to his beloved girlfriend.

10. Now my heartbeat is sinking S2 V3 L9 Metaphor in the lyrics of this song is the phrase 'heartbeat is sinking'. Obviously in the lyrics of the line is metaphor, because in fact never been nor could heartbeat sinking like a ship or boat as the singer in his song. The part of the lyric, only illustrate that feeling despondent singer to his beloved girl.

11. Do you ever feel like breaking down? S3 V1 L1 In the line of the lyrics to this song are figurative language is metaphor. Precisely on 'feel like breaking’. Feel never breaking down, just feel sadness, disappointment, or the like. In this song the singer describes his life to his beloved. Life is never felt happily, and therefore depicted with feel like breaking down as if life already useless.

12. Do you lock yourself in your room? S3 V1 L6 The lyric of this song is still associated with the lyrics before. There are also figurative language type of Metaphor, that is 'Do you lock yourself'. Someone here is described as a door or the like that can be locked. Its meaning is alienating itself from the crowd. The only one in the room who got a problem, could it be sadness or the other.

13. To be left out in the dark S3 C1 L3 Metaphor in the lyrics is seen from the word 'left out in the dark'. Its meaning is the one who alone are in trouble. Because in fact, someone who in a place, and the dark is not a place, but a condition.

14. To be kicked when you're down S3 C1 L4 The lyrics are a continuation of the previous lyrics, 'to be kicked' here has a meaning that is someone who is not considered as being in distress, only be considered if necessary. The singer describe the condition is destroyed by the word 'kicked' to make it more striking hearts of the fans.

15. There's something in your eyes S4 V1 L2 The lyrics in this song are very full of figurative language. Metaphor is one of them. Metaphor on this lyric 'There's something in your eyes', whereas in fact there is nothing in the eyes, abnormal eyes like the eyes in general. The singer said so to appease hearts lover was sad, so that the singer tried to comfort her.

16. Something is changing inside you S4 V1 L7 Something is changing inside you that mentioned here is breathtaking. In the lyrics of this song is said to be inside you. The point is that attitude has changed because the heart is actually physically could not be change, only the changed is feeling of the hearts. It could also be said this is a romantic expression of a man to his partner who is not as romantic as before. 17. I still love you, baby S4 C1 L2 The lyrics often appear in romantic songs or love songs. The word 'baby' is often included in the lyrics of songs nuanced romantic. Baby in this song is meaningful affection or love, it's just packed in another form, that looks different and interesting to listen too.

18. There's a heaven above you, baby S4 C1 L5 This lyric is an expression of a man to the woman who he loved so much. He was happy with the woman he loved, so he described it with the phrase 'there's a heaven above you' as if heaven really exists above the woman. The word 'baby' also illustrates that he was very dear to woman.

19. And the times we had, baby S4 V2 L8 Like the earlier discussion with the word ‘baby ', which has often appeared in the song's lyrics before, hich the meaning is a term dear to his girl.

20. How I felt inside now, honey S4 V3 L4 Figurative language contained in these lyrics is the word 'honey', which is similar to the word baby in the lyrics of the song before, the meaning of which is affection, love, or love. This word does not mean anything food produced by bees. The word 'honey' used by the singer illustrates that as if his girlfriend sweet, sweet itself. This word could also be used to make the woman happy smile. 21. But you'll be alright now, sugar S4 V3 L6 The word 'sugar' is figurative language type of metaphor used in the lyrics of this song. Mean the same thing with words in the romantic lyric verses earlier, namely love, or too dear. Singer used the word as a picture of the woman that it was a beautiful, kind and warm. As we know that sugar is someone something tasty, sweet to eat.

22. Come the morning light now, baby S4 V3 L8 Often said that this one appears in the lyrics of Don’t Cry - Guns And Roses, 'baby' that has meaning, love, or love as was mentioned in the previous lyrics are kind of figurative language type of metaphor.

23. And we both know hearts can change S5 V1 L6 Physical heart could not changing just the attitude shown by the lyrics are changed, because it is not always going to be as good as the first. The lyrics show unfavorable changes in their relationship. Whether the man or the woman who changed the attitude.

24. And it's hard to hold a candle S5 V1 L7 Figurative language in the lyrics are on the phrases "hold a candle", where the real meaning is not holding or keeping a candle to remain on, but its meaning is to maintain the relationship in order to stay awake, harmonious. This lyric is a continuation of the previous lyrics 'And we both know hearts can change'. 25. I know it's hard to keep an open heart S5 L1 V2 Metaphor in the lyric of this song is the phrases 'open heart'. The literal meaning is an open heart, while we know that the heart could not be opened, because the heart is not like a house that has a door that can be opened. The meaning of the lyrics are so difficult to forgive others who have hurt us, is described by the lyrics to the next line is 'when even friends seem out to harm you'.

26. But if you could heal a broken heart S5 V2 L3 Researcher found the figurative language in the lyrics of 'broken heart'. Our heart is not crushed in the real meaning, it's just 'broken heart' here meaning is the heart that was sad. The lyrics are a continuation of the previous lyrics, that 'when even friends seem out to harm you', where the lyrics have a strong relevance in determining the meaning of the lyrics before.

27. She's got eyes of the bluest skies S6 L1 V2 There is figurative language type of metaphor in the lyrics of this song, because the singer states that his eyes as blue as the clouds. As we know that clouds are so bright and clean blue sky. Describe the singer’s childhood was wonderful, full of joy and have not faced such a complex problem as when he was an adult.

28. Hey baby S7 V1 L1 The lyric of this song opens with figurative language metaphor, namely the word 'baby'. As in the preceding discussion, the words 'baby' also has the meaning of affection, love or affection. This word has frequently appeared in the song's lyrics before.

29. Your heart's too big to be treated small S7 V1 L2 Metaphor in the lyrics of this song is on the word 'heart's too big'. Its meaning is not a large heart, but the exact meaning is aimed at the woman who was too good song if treated badly, or too dear if treated rough, take a look at the lyrics to the next, namely 'to be treated small'.

30. Will I back down my sword to protect our home S7 C1 L3 Songs from the band's Magic! This has a figurative meaning language that is kind of metaphor. At the word 'back down my sword', the literal meaning is to draw his sword, to protect the house, but the meaning is to protect the house in general with whatever it is, could any weapon, not just a sword.

31. She is the sun S8 V1 L2 Figurative language type of metaphor is also contained in the line of the lyrics of this song. In the lyrics of this song, mentioned by the singer that 'she is the sun’. The singer says in the lyrics of this song matched with the sun, which means full of bright light and beautiful, shining on the earth and bringing life.

32. She is the queen of love S8 V1 L2 The lyrics are still the line with the lyrics before. This is continuation of the previous lyrics. There is also a kind of metaphor figurative language. In the singer’s lyric, describe the woman as queen of love, the meaning of which is a good woman, and full of tenderness, bringing happiness to anyone who associated with her. So many people are paying attention to her.

33. She is the sail S8 V2 L2 Metaphor is a kind of figurative language in the temple of the lyrics of this song. In stanza lyrics to this song the singer states that the woman who his love is 'sail'. The meaning of the lyrics of this song are the lady was a great woman, she becomes a vehicle that can deliver people who climb to cross the river, a woman who could become a great leader, guiding people who are in it.

34. Knocked on your door with heart in my hand to ask you a question S9 V1 L3 In the song there is a metaphor in which the line lyrics 'heart in my hand'. Its meaning is that the liver is not really there at the hands of the poet, but the meaning of 'heart' in the line of the lyrics of this song is a love. The singer was about to apply the idol of his heart, and went to his home, to meet the father of the woman with the love that he brought.

35. Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? S9 B1 L1 Figurative language metaphor in this song line lyric is on 'the rest of my life', which if we look at the meaning is to break in life. But the meaning is not so, for the rest of my life that is the true meaning in my life. So in this lyric the singer want to apply his proposal, and requested permission to his girlfriend's father to propose to his daughter, for lifelong companion, until the end of his life.

Table The Metaphors that Found in the Songs Lyric. Song Structure No Lyric Line Genre Coding title lyric 1 I wanna Jet lag Bridge 1 6 Rock S1 B1 L6 share your horizon 2 My heart is Summer Verse 1 1 Reggae S2 V1 L1 sinking Paradise 3 Above the Summer Verse 1 3 Reggae S2 V1 L3 clouds Paradise away from you 4 Is written Summer Bridge 1 4 Reggae S2 B1 L4 in the sand Paradise 5 My soul is Summer Bridge 2 2 Reggae S2 B2 L2 broken Paradise 6 Streets are frozen Summer Bridge 2 3 Reggae S2 B2 L3 Paradise 7 I can't stop these Summer Bridge 2 4 Reggae S2 B2 L4 feelings melting Paradise through 8 And I am Summer Verse 3 4 Reggae S2 V3 L4 freezing Paradise 9 Oh baby, tell me, Summer Verse 3 6 Reggae S2 V3 L6 was I dreaming? Paradise 10 Now my Summer Verse 3 9 Reggae S2 V3 L9 heartbeat is Paradise sinking 11 Do you ever feel Welcom Verse 1 1 Rock S3 V1 L1 like breaking e To My down? Life 12 Do you lock Welcom Verse 1 6 Rock S3 V1 L6 yourself in your e To My room Life 13 To be left out in Welcom Chorus 1 3 Rock S3 C1 L3 the dark e To My Life 14 To be kicked Welcom Chorus 1 4 Rock S3 C1 L4 when you're e To My down Life 15 There's Don’t Verse 1 2 Pop S4 V1 L2 something in Cry your eyes 16 Something is Don’t Verse 1 7 Pop S4 V1 L7 changing inside Cry you 17 I still love you, Don’t Chorus 1 2 Pop S4 C1 L2 baby Cry 18 There's a heaven Don’t Chorus 1 5 Pop S4 C1 L5 above you, baby Cry 19 And the times Don’t Verse 2 8 Pop S4 V2 L8 we had, baby Cry 20 How I felt inside Don’t Verse 3 4 Pop S4 V3 L4 now, honey Cry 21 But you'll be Don’t Verse 3 6 Pop S4 V3 L6 alright now, Cry sugar 22 Come the Don’t Verse 3 8 Pop S4 V3 L8 morning light Cry now, baby

23 And we both Novemb Verse 1 6 Pop S5 V1 L6 know hearts can er Rain change 24 And it's hard to Novemb Verse 1 7 Pop S5 V1 L7 hold a candle er Rain 25 I know it's hard Novemb Verse 2 1 Pop S5 V2 L1 to keep an open er Rain heart 26 But if you could Novemb Verse 2 3 Pop S5 V2 L3 heal a broken er Rain heart 27 She's got eyes of Sweet Verse 2 1 Rock S6 V2 L1 the bluest skies Child O’ Mine 28 Hey baby No Way Verse 1 1 Reggae S7 V1 L1 No 29 Your heart's too No Way Verse 1 2 Reggae S7 V1 L2 big to be treated No small 30 Will I back down No Way Chorus 1 3 Reggae S7 C1 L3 my sword to No protect our home 31 She is the sun One Verse 1 2 Pop S8 V1 L2 Woman One Man 32 She is the queen One Verse 1 2 Pop S8 V1 L2 of love Woman One Man 33 She is the sail. One Verse 2 2 Pop S8 V2 L2 Woman One Man 34 Knocked on your Rude Verse 1 3 Reggae S9 V1 L3 door with heart in my hand to ask you a question 35 Can I have your Rude Bridge 1 1 Reggae S9 B1 L1 daughter for the rest of my life?

In this figurative language type of metaphor, researcher found quite a lot of metaphor from different genres of music and songs title. Researcher found 35 metaphors. There are 15 metaphors of the pop genre with a three songs are Don’t Cry, November Rain, and One Woman One Man. Furthermore there are 6 metaphors of the rock genre, with three songs that are Jet Lag, Welcome To My Life, and Sweet Child O' Mine. The last are 14 metaphors of reggae genre with three title songs that are Summer Paradise, No Way No, and Rude. Simile Simile is comparison which has explicit characteristic, it means that they state something similar with each other directly that use words likes as and like (James L Potter, 1967: 54). Simile is trope in which one thing is likened to another, specifically through the use of ‘like’ or ‘as’ (Bennett & Royle, 2004: 295). Simile: a trope in which one thing is likened to another, specifically through the use of ‘like’ or ‘as’ (a species of metaphor). Example: - Her face is moon light. Writer compares face and moon light because both of them have same attribute, so clear, clean, and everybody can sees it clearly. - Our soldiers are as brave as lions. - Her cheeks are red like a rose. - He is as funny as a monkey.

There are the figurative language kinds of metaphor that found by the researcher in the lyric of the songs, and the researcher marking by using italic ( I ) in the words or phrases which contained the figurative language, below:

1. We're crashing like waves S2 V2 L3 Figurative language simile species discovered by researcher at the temple of the lyrics of this song is on the word ‘crashing like waves'. Poet equated himself destroyed as waves in the lyric stanza with the mention of the word 'like' that is a hallmark of figurative language kind of simile. Word surf mentioned to illustrate how the destruction of the feelings of the poet.

2. Do you ever feel like breaking down? S3 V1 L1 In the temple there is figurative language lyrics simile. That is the phrase 'feel like breaking down'. The poet describes a condition in which he was feeling shattered. There is the word 'like' in the lyrics which express feelings of breaking down the poet stated.

3. Like somehow you just do not belong S3 V1 L3 The lyrics are a continuation of the previous lyrics on this song. The poet states 'like somehow you just do not belong', an expression of feeling bad, where he felt he was not in its proper place, or feel something uncomfortable. How uncomfortable if we are in a condition or a place we do not like, this is the condition that the poet felt in the temple of the lyrics of this song.

4. To feel like you've been pushed around C2 S3 L5 In the lyrics there is also figurative language type of Simile. That is contained in this lyric stanza includes the word 'like' that characterize the figurative language simile. The lyrics describe the feeling that felt poet himself has been wasted, it is not considered, is no longer needed, it is not useful for everyone around him.

5. Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky S6 V1 L1 Similes in this the lyrics in the line is ‘everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky'. The poet describes his childhood where she felt so much happiness, so it is said by him of his childhood as bright blue sky glow. As we know that the blue sky portrait of a sunny atmosphere, beautiful, and make happy.

6. As if they thought of rain S6 V2 L2 This lyrics is a continuation of the previous lyrics, namely 'She's got eyes of the bluest skies'. Proceed with the lyrics 'As if they thought of rain'. The point is that the eye as described that he was having trouble. The word 'rain' means grief or there is also a problem. 7. As cold as the winter S8 V1 L1 In this song there is figurative language kind of simile. At this lyric stanza includes the word 'as' that is characteristic of this figurative language. Phrase 'as cold as the winter', the poet describes himself filled with flaws and vices. Poet likening himself to winter, where cold means the condition is not good, in contrast to warm, it will be impressed either.

8. Got in my car and raced like a jet, all the way to you S9 L2 V2 Reggae song of the band Magic! This is a famous song. There is a kind of figurative language simile in this song, namely the 'raced like a jet'. This illustrates that the lyrics of the poet drove quickly toward the house of her lover. There is the word 'like a jet', the jet is a vehicle very quickly, so the meaning is the poet impatient or in a hurry to get home lover.

Table The Similes that Found in the Songs Lyric.

Structur No Lyric Song title Line Genre Coding e lyric 1 We're crashing Welcome Verse 2 3 Rock S3 V2 L3 like waves To My Life 2 Do you ever feel Welcome Verse 1 1 Rock S3 V1 L1 like breaking To My down? Life 3 Like somehow you Welcome Verse 1 3 Rock S3 V1 L3 just don't belong To My Life 4 To feel like you've Welcome Chorus 2 5 Rock S3 C2 L5 been pushed To My around Life 5 Where everything Sweet Verse 1 1 Rock S6 V1 L1 was as fresh as the Child O’ bright blue sky Mine 6 As if they thought Sweet Verse 2 2 Rock S6 V2 L2 of rain Child O’ Mine 7 Got in my car and Rude Verse 2 2 Reggae S9 V2 L2 r aced like a jet, all the way to you

At This figurative language type of simile researcher found seven similes, there are from two genres of music. Namely 6 similes from the rock genre, with two songs, that are Welcome To My Life and Sweet Child O' Mine, and 1 simile from reggae genre, from Rude song.

2.3.2 Contradictive Figurative Language Contradictive figurative languages consist of: Hyperbole Hyperbole or overstatement is figurative language that contain exaggeration element about something (James L Potter, 1967: 135). It is meant that something is made greater than the fact. Hyperbole is a figure of speech which involves exaggeration, excess or extravagance (Bennett & Royle, 2004: 292). An extravagant statement; the use of exaggerated terms for the purpose of emphasis or heightened effect. Example: - I was surprised till half-died hear his saying. Writer explains his surprised till make him die, meanwhile in the fact it is contrast. He still alive and doesn’t die. - ‘I’m starving’ Starving instead of simply ‘I am hungry’ - Incredible Incredible instead of ‘very good’

There are the figurative language kinds of metaphor that found by the researcher in the lyric of the songs, and the researcher marking by using italic ( I ) in the words or phrases which contained the figurative language, below:

1. Trying to figure out the time zone's making me crazy S1 V1 L7 Figurative language type of hyperbole on this line of lyric is precisely in 'the time zone making me crazy'. This word is used to describe the feelings of the poet who was bored, waiting for a long time, to make it mad. Whereas in actual fact, he is still in a healthy condition, not crazy. It's just exaggerated to make it more alluring song lovers.

2. And I'll be there in a heartbeat S2 C1 L3 In this lyric poet states 'and I'll be there in a heartbeat', he would come to her lover in an instant, even though the distance is very far. It is impossible. Stated that, because the singer longing for her lover because of the distance. And he wants to be with his girlfriend as soon as possible. 3. And I'd give away a thousand days, oh S2 B1 L5 The lyrics in this song are figurative language kind of hyperbole. At this lyric poet said he would give away a thousand a day, and continued with the next lyric is 'just to have another one with you', in which the poet only wants to be with her lover even for a day. He sacrificed many things for something small, it is not comparable, but this is unique figurative language.

4. Just tryin 'to kill the pain V1 S5 L10 There is figurative language that is hyperbole in the temple of these lyrics. In this lyric poet uses the word 'kill the pain'. Kill the word should not be used, which is commonly used is 'treating pain', it's just that the poet used the word 'kill' that has beautiful lyrics, exaggerating things, and have a distinct impression on his audience.

5. I am a sinner S8 V1 L1 Figurative language in the temple of the lyrics of this song is kind of hyperbole. Say in the lyrics to this song as if the poet is the greatest sin in the world, so he says 'I am a sinner' as a form of recognition that he is a sinner, and also as a comparison with the temple of the lyrics afterwards, which strongly opposed by the poet himself.

6. I am a burden S8 V1 L3 Type of figurative language in the line of the lyric in this song is same, that is Hyperbole. As in the lyrics of the first stanza, the temple of the lyrics is also intended as an acknowledgment and regret the poet, who thinks that he is only a burden and bring trouble to others, troublesome others and useless, so the poet says so.

7. She cries by the red in her eyes S8 B1 L1 In the second song of the band Magic! This, researcher found the figurative language kind of hyperbole. Mentioned in this lyric stanza, the singer states that 'she cries by the red in her eyes', which means a woman sobbing because grief is very deep. Although women are not the usual cry, cry red blood, the poet expressed by crying blood, with the intention of giving the impression that over the temple of the lyrics of this song.

8. I am a loser S8 V2 L1 Figurative language type of hyperbole is also contained in the temple of the lyrics of this song. It is said by the poet 'I am a loser', he is portrayed as a loser in front of a woman, because she and her were not comparable rank. The male is the common people, while her one of the high class.

9. The way I live is far too gone S8 V2 L4 The poet stated that the way of life which he lived have gone too far astray somewhere. This is figurative language including the type of hyperbole. The poet too exaggerating about his way of life, as indeed illustrate that he could not come back to life like a normal human being in general, making listeners more attentive to this song. 10. I can not live without her S9 L2 V2 In the temple of the lyrics of this song, researcher found the figurative language kind of hyperbole. The poet uses the phrase 'I can not live without her', because the application of the poet to his lover rejected by the father of the woman. So he say so, but he also could live, albeit without a female hero, only just so much love and unfortunately for the woman, so that the singer said so to the father of the woman, and hope the father of the woman changed her mind and accept the proposal of the singer.

Table The Hyperboles that Found in the Songs Lyric. Structure No Lyric Song title Line Genre Coding lyric 1 Trying to figure Jet lag Verse 1 7 Rock S1 V1 L7 out the time zone's making me crazy 2 And I'll be there Summer Chorus 1 3 Reggae S2 C1 L3 in a heartbeat Paradise 3 And I'd give away Summer Bridge 1 5 Reggae S2 B1 L5 a thousand days, Paradise oh 4 Just tryin' to kill November Verse 1 10 Pop S5 V1L10 the pain Rain 5 I am a sinner One Verse 1 1 Pop S8 V1 L1 Woman One Man 6 I am a burden One Verse 1 3 Pop S8 V1 L3 Woman One Man 7 She cries by the One Bridge 1 1 Pop S8 B1 L1 red in her eyes Woman One Man 8 I am a loser One Verse 2 1 Pop S8 V2 L1 Woman One Man 9 The way I live is One Verse 2 4 Pop S8 V2 L4 far too gone Woman One Man 10 I can't live Rude Verse 2 2 Reggae S9 V2 L2 without her

There are 10 figurative language kinds of Hyperbole that found by researcher. There is 1 hyperbole from the rock genre, with Jet Lag song, 3 hyperboles of the reggae genre, from Summer Paradise and Rude songs, and the last of the pop genre, with November Rain and One Woman One Man songs. Litotes Litotes is figurative language that contains statement which made smaller from original (James L Potter, 1967: 135). It is meant that people usually use it to make it simple. So that they are not arrogant because they guess something invaluable although exactly is so valuable. Litotes is figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite. Example: - I hope you can receive this invaluable giving. Invaluable thing that writer said in the fact is valuable giving, but he says it as invaluable. - Expression “not too bad” for “very good” That is an understatement as well as a double negative statement that confirms a positive idea by negating the opposite - She is not a beauty queen She is not a beauty queen,” means “She is ugly”. The researchers found no figurative language kind of litotes, in all studied lyrics. Paradox Paradox is variety of figurative language which has a real contrasted with a fact. It can be meant all of things that interest because of their truth ((James L Potter, 1967: 136). Example: I feel sad in the middle of wedding party happiness. Writer compares sad and happiness in the sentence to explain that he isn’t happy in the wedding party happiness. Meanwhile most of people feel happy when they are in wedding party. The researchers found no figurative language kind of paradox, in all studied lyrics.

2.3.3 Correlative Figurative Language Correlative figurative language consist of Metonymy Metonymy is figurative language that uses character or name of thing that relate to name of person, something as pronoun, uses words to describe another things closely associated with it (James L Potter, 1967: 142). Example: Students in our school like to read St. Alisyahbana. Alisyahbana in the sentence refers to book that he has made. The researchers found no figurative language kind of metonymy, in all studied lyrics. Synecdoche Synecdoche is figurative language that say name of partial to represent whole or oppose (James L Potter, 1967: 143). Synecdoche divided into two kinds: - Pars pro Toto Partial represent whole Example: till evening, I haven’t seen his nose. His nose in the sentence is meant whole of body that consists of head, neck, stomach, hands, feet, etc. it isn’t just nose as, because it represents person as whole. There are the figurative language kinds of Synecdoche - Pars pro Toto that found by the researcher in the lyric of the songs, and the researcher marking by using italic ( I ) in the words or phrases which contained the figurative language, below:

1. No one ever lied straight to your face V3 S3 L1 Figurative language synecdoche of the first kind, that is pars pro toto. In this temple of the lyrics contained in the word 'face'. Face here represents a woman, a whole human being. Here the poet states with only mentions 'face', whereas in reality not only the face, but rather a complete whole body, like a normal person in general.

2. I could rest my head S5 V1 L16 Researcher found the figurative language lyrics synecdoche in this temple there is the word 'head'. In these lyrics, the poet uses the word head to represent the whole body fatigue, or also can soothe the entire body.

Table The Synecdoche - Pars Pro Toto that Found in the Songs Lyric. Structure No Lyric Song title Line Genre Coding lyric 1 No one ever lied Welcome Verse 3 1 Rock S3 V3 L1 straight to your To My face Life 2 I could rest my November Verse 1 16 Pop S5 V1L16 head Rain

Researcher only found 2 figurative languages kind of synecdoche - pars pro toto. There are from two genres of music, from genre of rock and pop. In the genre of rock that is contained in the Welcome To My Life song, and in the pop genre contained in a song entitled November Rain.

- Totem pro parte Whole represent partial. Example: Indonesia got gold medals in the championship. Indonesia in the sentence is meant some persons who become winner in a competition. It is not all population in Indonesia. There are the figurative language kind of Synecdoche – Totem pro parte that found by the researcher in the lyric of the songs, and the researcher marking by using italic ( I ) in the words or phrases which contained the figurative language, below: 1. Are you stuck inside a world you hate? V2 S3 L5 In the lyrics, there is a figurative language that the second type of synecdoche, the Totem pro parte. In the temple of the lyrics to this song the poet uses the word 'world' to change a place or environment which women who talk to the living. Asked the singer using the phrase in the lyrics of this, are you stuck inside a world you hate? Though there is not the world as a whole, but only somewhere.

Table The Synecdoche - Totem Pro Parte that Found in the Songs Lyric. Structur No Lyric Song title Line Genre Coding e lyric 1 Are you stuck Welcome To Verse 2 5 Rock S3 V2 L5 inside a world My Life you hate?

In the figurative language kind of synecdoche - totem pro parte the researcher only found 1, there is in the rock genre, more precisely on a song entitled Welcome To My Life. Additionally researcher did not find the other two genres. Allusion Allusion is figurative language that show indirectly forwards a person or event that people have know together (James L Potter, 1967: 145). Example: Many victims caused by Nazi. Nazi was a military organization that was leaded by Adolf Hitler. This organization was known as cruel organization. It members might be kill all its enemies and didn’t pay attention toward its enemies, women, children, old people, all were killed by them. The researchers found no figurative language kind of allusion, in all studied lyrics. Ellipsis Ellipsis is figurative language that eliminates word or part of sentence (James L Potter, 1967: 146). Example: She and her mom to Bandung (eliminate verb go). The sentence eliminate verb in it because the correct sentence is she and her mom go to Bandung. The researchers found no figurative language kind of ellipsis, in all studied lyrics.

2.3.4 Repetitive Figurative Language According to Gorys Keraf (1994: 140), repetitive figurative language consists of: Pleonasm Pleonasm is figurative language that uses words improperly to emphasize meaning of word (Gorys keraf, 1994: 145). Example: He falls down to the ground. Verb falls in the sentence means something or person who rare to the bottom (ground) and down also has same meaning with falls that rare to the bottom. So, both words fall and down are force one to another.

There are the figurative language kind of pleonasm that found by the researcher in the lyric of the songs, and the researcher marking by using italic ( I ) in the words or phrases which contained the figurative language, below: 1. As I'm lifting up S2 V1 L2 In the lyrics of this song researcher found the figurative language kind of pleonasm. Judging from the lyrics of sentence structure, word 'lifting' has shown something that up, and said raise certainly shows the direction upwards, not downwards as possible. After the word ‘lifting’ then the word 'up' equally showed up. So pick those two words mean the same thing, namely the rise.

Table The Pleonasm that Found in the Songs Lyric. Structure No Lyric Song title Line Genre Coding lyric 1 As I'm lifting up Summer Verse 1 2 Reggae S2 V1 L2 Paradise

Researcher only found one figurative language kind of pleonasm, which is contained in the reggae genre, in a song called Summer Paradise. Additionally researcher did not find the other two genres. Climax Climax is figurative language that states something from small to great (Gorys keraf, 1994: 145). Example: Children‟s, teenagers, old people have same right in laws. Subject in the sentence are consecutively based of age. It begins from young to old. The researchers found no figurative language kind of climax, in all studied lyrics. Anti-Climax Anti-Climax is opponent of climax figurative language (Gorys keraf, 1994: 145). Example: Head master, teachers and students have attend in the ceremony field. Subject in the sentence are consecutively based of job level. It begins from senior to the junior level in job. The researchers found no figurative language kind of Anti- Climax, in all studied lyrics. Rhetoric Rhetoric is figurative language in question that the answer has known by questioner. (Gorys Keraf, 1994: 146). Example: Who are person wont to happy? The question in the sentence is not needed answer from everybody. Because everybody knows that the answer is yes and all people want to be happy.

There are the figurative language kind of pleonasm that found by the researcher in the lyric of the songs, and the researcher marking by using italic ( I ) in the words or phrases which contained the figurative language, below:

1. Do you need some time ... on your own? S5 C1 L1 In stanza lyrics to this song, there is figurative language type of rhetoric. The poet in the lyrics of this song asks women adored. But these questions can be answered solely by the poet who asked it. This means according to the characteristics of the type of rhetoric from figurative language, because in fact the questioner already knows the answer to the question he asked. In the first chorus line three of the poet answered his own question he asked.

Table The Rhetoric that Found in the Songs Lyric. Structure No Lyric Song title Line Genre Coding lyric 1 Do you November Chorus 1 1 Pop S5 C1 need some Rain L1 time... on your own?

Researcher only found one Figurative language kind of rhetoric. There is contained in the pop genre song, namely November Rain. Additionally researcher did not find the other two genres. Repetition Repetition is figurative language that uses repetition word to emphasize meaning (Gorys keraf, 1994: 146). Example: Good bye my girls, good bye my sweet heart, good by my angel. The sentence uses repetition words good bye, in all and just changes the word after good bye.

There are the figurative language kind of repetition that found by the researcher in the lyric of the songs, and the researcher marking by using italic ( I ) in the words or phrases which contained the figurative language, below:

1. I miss you so bad, and my heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged S1 C1 L4 In the lyrics of this song lyric temple in which there is no figurative language repetition types. In the lyrics it is clear there is the word 'heart' repeated. It is intended to emphasize the significance that the heart of the poet being bored or despondent. The word is repeated to confirm the meaning of that feeling bored and attracted the attention of the listener to this song.

2. Take me back, take me back I1 S2 L2 Songs from the band Simple Plan is a song sung by K'Naan. In the lyrics of this song is the repetition of words sung by K'Naan. It is a form of suppression of meaning, where the poet wanted her back in a place that is missed, followed by the next lyric, the 'back to summer paradise', the place is a place dear to his heart.

3. Hey baby, baby S7 V1 L1 The lyrics of this song are figurative language repetition. This is confirmed in the lyrics of the word 'baby' whose meaning is dear. The word is repeated twice to confirm that the poet was so fond of his girlfriend and her attention by calling her by the romantic word twice.

4. So please do not blame me, blame me S7 V1 L3 In these words there is also a kind of figurative language repetition. The poet trying to defend himself from accusations that blamed her lover, and he tried to convince his girlfriend that he was innocent, so that he repeated the word 'do not blame me, blame me' to assert her innocence, just happened misunderstanding between them both. 5. And I know that is stupid, stupid S7 V1 L5 The lyrics are a continuation of the previous lyrics. In this lyric, there repetition words, namely the word 'stupid'. The word is meant the poet to assert that it does is it is impossible. He wants what it wants met.

6. And I know you is not foolish, foolish S7 V1 L7 The lyrics are still associated with the lyrics before. At this lyric stanza the poet realized that he was wrong, tried to deceive a person with whom he spoke. She realized that she was trying deceived is not a fool, so that repeated the word 'foolish' meaning confirms that woman are not as stupid as he thinks.

7. My sister, sister S7 V2 L1 The word that recurs in the temple of the lyrics is the word 'sister'. In this lyric the singer spoke to her sister by calling her repeatedly, in order to give more attention to her sister, because the poet will speak something to her sister.

8. I promise you'll miss her, miss her S7 V2 L3 This lyric is continuing from the previous lyrics. Repetition word in the lyrics of this temple is the 'miss her' addressed to his sister on the lyrics before. The poet very confident that one day her sister will miss her love to come back, and therefore very confident, repeating the words of the poet as an affirmation. 9. Hey lady, lady S7 B1 L1 The lyrics in this song, still there is figurative language repetition types, there is a repetition of the word 'lady', where the poet made a focus of concern for women were on him, so he repeated his call to the woman twice.

10. So let's not waste it, waste it S7 B1 L3 This lyric is continuing of the previous lyrics. This is figurative language lyrics repetition, namely the 'waste it'. The poet intends to woo the woman that her idol would live together with him, spending time together, because he thinks life is too short to be enjoyed alone, more beautiful if it passed both. The repetition of this word confirms that the poet wanted to live together with a female hero, and as soon as possible together, without delay.

11. I am a loser, I only confuse her S8 V2 L1

Figurative language in the line of the lyrics of this song is kind repetition. Looks clear in the line of the lyrics to this song are the repetition of words, namely the word 'I'. I am a loser, I only confuse her, the repetition of the word 'I' twice, after which followed a different phrase, which essentially states that only the singer who becomes a burden and useless for the woman he loved.

12. Say yes, say yes S9 B1 L2 In these words there is a kind of repetition figurative language. Seen very clearly at Bridge 1 and Line 2 are said to ' say yes, say yes '. The word ‘yes’ is repeated two times. It is intended by the singer that the father of the woman lover accept his proposal, so he tried to convince him. Impression singer of his girlfriend's father forced to accept it when the father of his girlfriend has not been answered or not accept the proposal of the singer.

Table The Repetitions that Found in the Songs Lyric. Structur No Lyric Song title Line Genre Coding e lyric 1 I miss you so bad, Jet lag Chorus 1 4 Rock S1 C1 L4 and my heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged 2 Take me back, take Summer Intro 1 2 Reggae S2 I1 L2 me back Paradise 3 Hey baby, baby No Way Verse 1 1 Reggae S7 V1 L1 No 4 So please don't No Way Verse 1 3 Reggae S7 V1 L3 blame me, blame me No 5 And I know that is No Way Verse 1 5 Reggae S7 V1 L5 stupid, stupid No 6 And I know you ain't No Way Verse 1 7 Reggae S7 V1 L7 foolish, foolish No 7 My sister, sister No Way Verse 2 1 S7 V2 L1 No 8 I promise you'll miss No Way Verse 2 2 Reggae S7 V2 L2 her, miss her No 9 Hey lady, lady No Way Verse 2 1 Reggae S7 V2 L1 No 10 So let's not waste it, No Way Bridge 1 3 Reggae S7 B1 L3 waste it No 11 I am a loser, I only One Verse 2 1 Pop S8 V2 L1 confuse her Woman One Man 12 Say yes, say yes Rude Bridge 1 2 Reggae S9 B1 L2

There are 12 figurative languages kind of repetition. Researcher found in the three genres of music studied, namely pop, rock, and reggae. In the rock genre, researcher found the first repetition, on a song called Jet Lag. 9 figurative language kind of repetition is found in the reggae genre of music. Exactly on three songs, entitled Summer Paradise, No Way No, and Rude. And the last is in the pop genre of music, in song entitled One Man One Woman. From the results of the analysis above, shows that many figurative languages that exist in the lyrics of the song, from different genres of music found by the researcher. The kinds of figurative language that exist in the lyric of the songs such as, personification, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, synecdoche- pars pro toto, synecdoche- totem pro parte, pleonasm, rhetoric and repetition. Some of the exist in that lyric not only one, but more than one. There are also the kinds of figurative language that not found by the researcher, such as litotes, paradox, metonymy, allusion, ellipsis, climax, and anti-climax.