Coordinating Lead Authors: Manfred A. Lange (Cyprus), Maria Carmen Llasat (Spain), Maria Snoussi (Morocco)

Lead Authors: Arnault Graves (Spain/France), Julien Le Tellier (Greece/France), Arnau Queralt (Spain), Grazia Maria Vagliasindi (Italy)

Contributing Authors: Elen Lemaitre-Curri (France), Piero Lionello (Italy), Katarzyna Marini (France), Cyril Moulin (France)

This chapter should be cited as: Lange MA, Llasat MC, Snoussi M, Graves A, Le Tellier J, Queralt A, Vagliasindi GM 2020 Introduction. In: Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin – Current Situation and Risks for the Future. First Mediterranean Assessment Report [Cramer W, Guiot J, Marini K (eds.)] Union for the Mediterranean, Plan Bleu, UNEP/MAP, Marseille, France, pp. 41-58.


Table of contents

1.1 The Mediterranean Basin: a region affected by accelerating climate and environmental change ...... 44 1.1.1 What do we know about the Mediterranean Basin and what do we need to know? ...... 44 1.1.2 An integrated Mediterranean risk assessment for sustainability ...... 46

1.2 The Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC) ...... 47 1.2.1 Goals, basic structure and frst accomplishments of MedECC ...... 47 1.2.2 Principles and processes of work in MedECC ...... 47

1.3 The First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1): A synthesis of knowledge on risks from climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean Basin ...... 48 1.3.1 Report scope and objectives ...... 48 Geographic scope...... 48 Scenarios and reference periods ...... 50 Adapting to climate and environmental change ...... 51 Toward a systemic approach ...... 51 MedECC MAR1 as a policy support instrument ...... 52 1.3.2 Methodology ...... 52 1.3.3 Communicating uncertainties and results ...... 53 1.3.4 Report structure ...... 54

References ...... 55 Information about authors ...... 58


1.1 The Mediterranean Basin: a region affected by accelerating climate and environmental change

1.1.1 What do we know about the of the results. Projections of such changes into the Mediterranean Basin and what do we need future are key for the mitigation of risks to human to know? livelihoods (Bolle 2003; Lionello 2012; Navarra and Tubiana 2013; Luterbacher et al. 2016). The Mediterranean Basin is considered one of the cradles of civilization (Abulafa 2011; Sağlamer As a frst assessment, based on various sources 2020). Its rich cultural and scientifc heritage dates of information, Cramer et al. (2018) have shown back to the Egyptian and Mesopotamian empires, that the Mediterranean Basin is at risk of suffering followed by the remarkable accomplishments of from levels and rates of climate and environmental Greek thinkers and philosophers and the no less changes now and in the foreseeable future that ingenious scientists, engineers and architects exceed global mean values. This applies to changes of the Roman Empire. Throughout the history of in temperatures, precipitation and the frequency the last several millennia, people, communities and magnitude of extreme weather events, but it and societies have learned to adapt to and mas- also implies changes in land and sea use, pollution, ter environmental conditions that have often been air quality and other factors. Average annual mean adverse, and which frequently caused severe dam- temperatures in the Mediterranean Basin have age to human lives and environmental integrity. risen by 1.5°C since pre-industrial times (1861- But it has not only been their ability to adapt to 1890), approx. 0.4°C above the global average changes in natural conditions that has protected (Chapter 2), due to a combination of local drivers Mediterranean societies from severe impacts. As (e.g., land use changes) and changes on a global time has gone on, there has been a steadily grow- scale that affect the Mediterranean Basin through ing body of knowledge and understanding of the various modes of tele-connectivity (Lionello et al. underlying causes and the usual course of such 2014). changes, based on careful and long-term obser- vations and analysis. It is no surprise then that we Although droughts have been a common experience now know a lot about the changes and variations for most of the history of the Mediterranean, the in environmental conditions that we observe today. recently observed decline of seasonal precipitation But neither the level of observation nor the level for parts of the Basin (Chapter 2) presents new of knowledge is the same, whether for the entire and signifcant challenges for Mediterranean region, or for all environmental issues, or for their communities. While most climate models show integration with the socio-economic system. Add- remarkable agreement in the expected decrease ed to this lack of homogeneity is the complexity of in Mediterranean rainfall, there are also some the region, both in terms of climate and environ- results indicating signifcant differences in ment, and culture and socio-economics (Zamora magnitude and sign for these changes. Even Acosta and Maya Álvarez 1998; Woodward 2009; if future global warming is limited to 2°C, as IEMed 2015). prescribed by the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, summer rainfall risks being reduced by 10-30% During the second half of the 20th century and up in some regions. Such a decrease will enhance to the present day, numerous scientifc projects existing water shortages and increase irrigation have studied the changing environment of the demand for agricultural productivity, particularly Mediterranean Basin and its adjacent regions (for in countries on the southern rim of the Basin a compilation of such research activities, see (Vautard et al. 2014). Climate change, population Appendix A.4.1). The capacity for systematic growth, increasing domestic needs and pressure observation of the environment has increased from tourism, new industries and urban sprawl substantially, followed by the development of may see irrigation demand rise by 26-92% by the conceptual and numerical models of the changing end of the 21st century (Fader et al. 2016). Although atmosphere and ocean, as well as of other frequently addressed by policymakers, irrigation environmental changes and their impacts. Through and food security remain a sensitive issue that the work done by large numbers of scientists, we needs additional research (Grafton et al. 2018; have gained not only a more complete understanding WWAP 2019). Research into the extent to which of past changes but have also learned to generate local landraces can cope with projected climate projections of future climate and environmental changes without signifcant loss of productivity change with increasing confdence in the reliability should be a priority (FAO 2015). More aridity


exacerbates ongoing desertifcation, with strong a signifcant increase in seawater acidity of the socio-economic impacts on farmers (UNEP/MAP Mediterranean, which is set to continue (Tsimplis 2016). The interlinkages between resources have et al. 2013; Palmiéri et al. 2015). Acidifcation has been addressed through the concept of the Water- serious consequences for organisms that produce Energy-Food Nexus (e.g., Hoff 2011; Kennou et al. carbonate shells and skeletons and for marine 2019), but they still present unresolved challenges. ecosystems throughout the Mediterranean Basin Since the impacts of climate change are likely (Gattuso et al. 2015; Palmiéri et al. 2015). to include the degradation of agricultural water resources and loss of fertile soils, enhanced efforts Beyond climate change, the Mediterranean Basin to adapt agricultural and other land systems to also experiences environmental challenges climate change are necessary to ensure food due to changing land and sea use, agricultural security and rural livelihoods (UNEP/MAP 2016). intensifcation and urban sprawl, increasing Despite this reduction, extreme precipitation events pollution and declining biodiversity. Due to drought, are expected to intensify in a large part of the region. land use change, and high temperatures, the Therefore, food socio-economic and environmental area affected by forest fres could increase by impacts should be added to those produced by approx. 40% up to ~100% relative to recent levels, water scarcity (Tramblay and Somot 2018). generally proportional to warming (Turco et al. 2018). Likewise, warming in combination with Primarily caused by global processes, including overfshing risk causing the local extinction of thermal expansion of sea water and accelerated more than 20% of exploited fsh and marine melting of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica, invertebrates by 2050 (Jones and Cheung 2015). sea level is projected to increase more strongly than previously estimated (DeConto and Pollard These examples show that climate change, in 2016; IPCC 2019). This will have repercussions combination with other challenges, will likely not for the Mediterranean Sea, as well. For the recent only affect ecosystems on land and in the ocean, past, in which sea level has been monitored by but also create risks for the services they provide satellite altimetry (1993-2018), Mediterranean sea and therefore ultimately the ecological basis for level has increased up to 2.8 ±0.1 mm yr-1, which is the well-being of people in the Mediterranean consistent with global sea level trend (3.1 ±0.4 mm Basin. Combined with current changes in lifestyle, yr-1) (Cazenave and WCRP Global Sea Level Budget e.g., the switch to a more urbanized life-style and Group 2018). At a sub-regional level, by the end of a more processed animal-based diet, in particular the 21st century (2080-2099) the projected rise in southern Mediterranean countries in particular the average sea level of the Mediterranean Basin are at risk of increasing their dependence on food with respect to the present climate (1980-1999), is imports and trade from elsewhere (CIHEAM 2014; estimated to be 37 cm, 45 cm, 62 cm and 90 cm UNEP/MAP 2016). Landraces are likely to be lost under RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP8.5 and high-end as farmers replace them with other landraces, or greenhouse gas emission scenarios, respectively improved varieties, that are better adapted to the (Somot et al. 2016; Jordà et al. 2020). new conditions (FAO 2015). Some scholars argue that this trend could be mitigated by boosting a Coastal regions around the Mediterranean Basin return to the traditional Mediterranean diet, with are densely populated. Due to the near absence signifcant health benefts for all Mediterranean of tides in much of the Mediterranean, many people including their visitors (Serra-Majem et al. cities and coastal infrastructures are built close 2011). to current mean sea levels. They are therefore particularly vulnerable to future sea level rise. Climate and environmental changes and their Paired with an increasing frequency of storm impacts imply risks for human security in the surges, these cities and infrastructures face Mediterranean region (Karmaoui 2016; Rigaud et enhanced risks of fooding. Sea level rise will lead al. 2018). These changes are added to escalating to loss of arable lowlands, notably in intensively confict and insecurity in some African and Eastern used river deltas such as those of the Nile, the countries that are leading thousands of people Po and elsewhere, with adverse consequences for to fee, taking their chances on unseaworthy agricultural activities and food security. A related boats across the Mediterranean. Public health is problem is the intrusion of seawater into coastal already affected by multiple facets of climate and aquifers (seawater intrusion), which renders these environmental change, including enhanced and aquifers unsuitable for human consumption and more frequent (urban) heat waves, increasing for most agricultural purposes (Hegazi et al. 2005). air pollution (higher risk of cardiovascular or Enhanced uptake of atmospheric CO2 has led to respiratory diseases), and increased spread


of disease vectors (West Nile virus, dengue, gional assessment as a possible “bridge” between chikungunya) (Kuglitsch et al. 2010; Negev et al. the global and the national to local scale, essen- 2015; Orru et al. 2017). Environmental change is tial for the advancement of mitigation and adap- also increasingly recognized as a relevant factor for tation strategies. Such a bridge appears to have socio-economic risks (e.g., famines) in situations particular potential in the Mediterranean context, of instability and confict. Synergistic effects since this region is at a crossroads between Africa, between societal, economic and environmental and (Western) Asia. The importance of the factors should also be considered, as well as the regional dimension has been emphasized in the relevance of globally connected socio-economic context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda structures (Le Roy Ladurie 2004, 2006). For and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). instance, droughts, foods or other extreme events The 2030 Agenda recognizes regional dimension in agricultural regions elsewhere may lead to and regional governance as playing a crucial role market disturbances and may affect prices, trade, in translating sustainable development policies production and security in the Mediterranean too. into concrete actions at the national level (UN 2015; UN-SDSN 2018). 1.1.2 An integrated Mediterranean risk assessment for sustainability Mitigation of the processes underlying climate and environmental change and adaptation to their Considering this incomplete compilation of unavoidable impacts represent a priority for public examples for current understanding of global and private decision makers concerned with the and environmental changes in the Mediterranean future of communities and environmental integrity Basin, one might get the impression that much in the Mediterranean Basin. Effective mitigation is known already. However, impressive as it may and adaptation require investigations that go seem, most environmental research conducted so beyond current knowledge. Looking at the current far in the region is primarily driven by disciplinary state of the Mediterranean, we note the following and sectoral investigations. A more comprehensive, challenges and needs: systemic and holistic approach to interrelated processes and components would likely make • A substantial gap between knowledge and useful contributions to environmental decision- understanding of climate and environmental making in the Mediterranean Basin. So far, an change between the northern-rim countries and adequate and comprehensive assessment of risks most of the southern- and eastern-rim countries posed by climate and environmental changes in the of the Mediterranean Basin. Mediterranean Basin is lacking (Cramer et al. 2018). • A disparity of observational data and monitoring systems between the North versus the South The absence of integrated studies comes in and the East, which calls for an intensifcation addition to the painful lack of monitoring and of observations and the creation of observational risk analysis capacity in southern and eastern networks, notably in the MENA region. countries of the Mediterranean Basin. There are • Research on short- and mid-term weather and few, but strong indications that these countries climate predictions, including seasonal forecast potentially face larger risks from climate and ing to better manage water resources and agricul- environmental changes, compared to northern ture, is being carried out in some Mediterranean countries, while commanding signifcantly scarcer countries. The results of such studies have the fnancial resources to effectively adapt to their potential to be applied more broadly. impacts (IPCC 2014). • Despite some initiatives (e.g., the Mediterranean Climate Outlook Forum - MedCOF), the level This report cannot replace a full and integrat- of climate services offered by the scientifc ed research-based risk assessment in the terms communities in most Mediterranean countries outlined above. It rather aims at providing an remains insuffcient. Such services can be assessment of current knowledge such as it decisive in providing vital information on short- emerges out of the existing body of research. While term to intermediate climate trends to planners the assessment is designed and carried out as a and decision makers involved in agricultural and regional study, its results may also provide useful water policies. conclusions on a global scale. Global environmen- • The implementation of more advanced ear- tal change inevitably has distinct regional manifes- ly warning systems may enable better prepa- tations. Similarly, processes and changes on the ration for extreme events and other climate- regional level will have consequences for global related risks that usually affect the Mediterra- processes. The MedECC network sees this re- nean region. Such systems need to be based on


and accompanied by an adequate societal and The overarching goal of this report is to provide individual risk awareness (see the recommenda- such a synthesis, based on existing knowledge tions of UNISDR 2015). in the scientifc literature. The work has been • Large-scale programs are needed (or should carried out by the Mediterranean Experts on be strengthened) in eastern and southern Climate and environmental Change (MedECC) Mediterranean countries to address pressing aiming for a comprehensive synthesis of current multi-factorial challenges such as land degra- scientifc knowledge that covers all relevant dation and desertifcation, ultimately focusing disciplines, sectors and sub-regions. The on increased resilience to change as well as the assessment considers three major interconnected reinforcement of ecological transitions to more domains, namely resources (water, food & energy), sustainable resource use. ecosystems (marine, coastal and land), and society • In order to address these issues, a comprehensive (development, health and security). Although the scientifc synthesis and assessment report is target audience of this assessment is decision required. This report should include recent trends, makers and policymakers, anyone interested in the likely future developments, and consequences of Mediterranean can beneft from it. After completion climate and environmental changes on natural of this frst assessment, there is a desire to develop systems, the economy, and human well-being in a platform for constructive science-society-policy the Mediterranean Basin. dialogue.

1.2 The Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC)

1.2.1 Goals, basic structure and frst • To contribute to future reports of the Intergov- accomplishments of MedECC ernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on MedECC’s main, overarching goal is to provide a Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) state-of-the-art risk assessment on climate and or similar assessments in the Mediterranean environmental changes and their impacts across Basin. MedECC has an important role to play the Mediterranean, based on existing scientifc in the work of the IPCC, as it is contributing knowledge, with the following specifc objectives: to the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) with a cross-chapter paper dedicated for the frst time • To activate and engage the scientifc community to the Mediterranean. working on environmental and climate changes in the Mediterranean Basin; MedECC’s work therefore focuses on two comple- • To provide comprehensive updated and con- mentary directions: solidated scientifc knowledge on these chang- es and make it accessible to policymakers, key • Publishing a scientifcally robust assessment and stakeholders and the general publi in a process synthesis of environmental and climate changes which facilitates ownership of scientifc knowl- and their impacts in the Mediterranean Basin, edge; based on currently available research; • To identify possible gaps in the current • Building a science-policy interface on these understanding of environmental and climate changes and their impacts in the Mediterranean changes and their impacts in the Mediterranean; and thereby providing a scientifcally sound basis • To help build capacity of scientists from south- for decision-making. ern and eastern Mediterranean countries to in- ternational levels and standards by encourag- 1.2.2 Principles and processes of work in ing training, research and development efforts MedECC in these countries in the context of the Paris Agreement; Since the founding of MedECC, two scientists at • To bridge the gap between research and deci- the French National Centre for Scientifc Research sion-making, contributing to the improvement of (CNRS) coordinate the development and work policies at all levels; of the network. Central to the governance of MedECC is its Steering Committee (SC, Fig. 1.1) which


CH GB DZ HR 1 2 1 1 EG Secretariat 2 CY 5 SOCIO-ECONOMIC LB WORLD ES IL 2 4 SCIENTIFIC International 15 COMMUNITY institutions, MA Network of national Steering 4 scientists organizations, PT Committee governments, 3 NL 1 TN decision-makers MC 1 MT 7 3 TR 1 IT DK1 10 FR Figure 1.1 | Structure and functioning of MedECC. GR 13 4 DE 5 met for the frst time in April 2016 in Barcelona, (country code: Appendix D) Spain. The SC is currently composed of 20 members from 11 countries (Appendix A.4.1), including 16 sci- Figure 1.2 | Distribution of MAR1 Coordinating Lead entists in a personal capacity (representing environ- Authors and Lead Authors by country. mental sciences, political sciences and economics) and 4 representatives of policymaking bodies: the United Nations Environment Programme/Mediterra- The added value of the work of MedECC lies in the nean Action Plan – Barcelona Convention Secretariat large geographical and thematic scope addressed (UNEP/MAP) and its Plan Bleu Regional Activity Cen- (see below) and the comprehensive involvement of tre, the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterrane- more than 86 Coordinating Lead Authors (CLAs) an (UfM), and the Advisory Council for the Sustainable and Lead Authors (LAs) from 21 countries partici- Development of the Government of Catalonia (CADS). pating in the drafting of the report (Fig. 1.2). 27 (31%) More details on the work and accomplishments of the are based in southern and eastern Mediterranean SC can be found in Appendix A.4.1.2. countries and 31 (36%) are women. In total, 190 authors from 25 countries contributed to the re- MedECC work is carried out by an open and inclusive port (CLAs, LAs and Contributing Authors - CAs). network of scientifc experts to support decision-mak- Appendix A.4 provides more information about the ing through accurate and accessible information on steps of MAR1 as well as the duties of the different current and future environmental and climate chang- players involved in report preparation. By providing es and their impacts in the Mediterranean Basin. The information on the assessment/synthesis process network currently comprises more than 600 scientists underlying MAR1, we aim to address both institu- from 35 countries who contribute in a personal capaci- tional stakeholders/organizations as well as indi- ty on a voluntary basis. Members of the network do not viduals interested in the organization of MedECC primarily represent an institution or country. and its work.

1.3 The First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1): A synthesis of knowledge on risks from climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean Basin

1.3.1 Report scope and objectives cultural heritage. While the Mediterranean Sea is a well-defned water body, limited by the Strait Geographic scope of Gibraltar, the Dardanelles Strait and the Suez Canal (Fig. 1.3), various defnitions are used for the Located at the crossroads of three continents, the land boundaries of the Mediterranean region. Mediterranean region is unique in its historical and In political terms, the United Nations Environment geographical specifcities, as well as its natural and Program Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP1)



North Sea Vis Snowdon tula O d r E e lb R Brocken e h Celtic i ne Sea nnel English Cha Mar ne Danube Loire Hohe Acht S GerlachMu D P r o Mt. Blanc Sea of R L Moldoveanu rd Gora Goverla

h Kkes S Azov o o a a gne A Po v Massif n Balaneshty Bay of Biscay e D Central T i B ube Ligurian H na a D an E Adriatic Sea ri lk PYRENEES Sea A c an P Alp Moun Black Sea E s Daravica tains us Gulf of N or Eb p ro Lion Corsica N BALKAN Sea of os o I b e r i a ic I N B Duer n C o r d ear Marmara i l l e al E H r a -B PENINSULA o a Balearic S e IBERIAN lan e l ta S Basin Sardinia le Dardanelles a Tyrrhenian n Cyclades ANATOLIA C id PENINSULA Sea e A s e Erciyes Dagi ajo vir Balearic g T lqui ra e uada e a G ill Islands n rd Co Sicily S Taurus Demirkazik B aetic asin e Mulhacen n B a Kizlar Sivrisi eria Alboran Alg Ionian Gibraltar e l l i e n Dodecanese Sea l a s T Jebel Chambi Sea Hellenic E A t Trench Crete r Rif N S ès Sea of Crete I Gab Qurnat as Sawda T A E N lf of Mediterranean Cyprus Adrar Bou N A R I Gu Nasser O U A H Mediterranean Sea Ridge O M S Herodotus um A S Har Meron E S L al Abyssal Plain r ia T Jab Rb A A Gulf of l ar L A khd T Sidra l A g a A Er s nd l a Gra l t a Qattara e t l A n i t i ide A n Occ Depression N Gebel Katherna

Figure 1.3 | Geography, physiography and landscapes of the Mediterranean Basin (Source: GRID-Arendal)2

covers 21 riparian countries, which are Contracting ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar, located at Parties (CPs) to the Barcelona Convention the western end of the Mediterranean, the linkup (excluding Jordan and Portugal, which are not between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea riparian countries sensu stricto, and Gibraltar/ through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles and the UK and Palestine, which are not currently CPs but connection to the Red Sea through the Suez Canal have observer status). The population of this so- in the South-East (Fig. 1.3). The Mediterranean Sea defned Mediterranean region is about 480 million can be divided into two sub-basins: the Western inhabitants (EEA 2020). From a geopolitical point and the Eastern Mediterranean, which are in of view, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM3), turn made up of a series of various small basins created in 2008, embodies a much wider spatial (Amblàs et al. 2004). The Mediterranean region scope of 43 countries (all the countries of the includes 75 coastal watersheds and 224 coastal European Union and 15 countries in the southern administrative regions, with a total of 46,000 km of and eastern Mediterranean). coastline (UNEP/MAP 2016).

For much of the physical assessment by MedECC, The topographic, geographic and socio-economic we adopt a simple regular latitude-longitude box structures of Mediterranean landscapes are (29°N to 47.5°N and 10°W to 39°E, Fig. 2.1), which heterogeneous. Their current shapes are the includes some regions with non-Mediterranean result of centuries of interactions between natural climates, such as the Alps, the Eastern forcings and diverse human activities, both past or part of the Sahara. This defnition of the and present. Mediterranean region is similar to the MED zone adopted in IPCC-AR4 (IPCC 2007), and slightly The coastal area comprises a large set of ecosys- larger than in IPCC-AR5 (IPCC 2013) and the tems that deliver valuable services to people, in- ongoing AR6 assessment. cluding lagoons, estuaries, deltas, coastal plains, wetlands, rocky shores and nearshore coastal are- The Mediterranean Sea is a relatively small, semi- as, seagrass meadows, coral communities, frontal enclosed sea with limited exchange to the global systems and upwellings, seamounts, and pelagic

2 3


systems. Most of these systems are very sensitive exacerbating the human pressures in coastal to human and climate forcing. Wetlands repre- zones, and generating a 40% increase in marine sent 1.7-2.4% of the total area of Mediterranean litter, particularly during the summer season countries (Tour du Valat 2012). The most extensive (Galgani et al. 2014). coastal wetlands are found in estuaries like that of the Po (Italy), Nile (Egypt), Rhône (France) and Ebro The variety of cultures, policy and governance (Spain) rivers. approaches and the diversity of social systems have led to very different levels of socio-economic Other elements of Mediterranean heritage are the development and ecological footprints of the nearly 15,000 islands and islets dotted throughout Mediterranean states between the north and the the basin, some of which are particularly south (Raleigh et al. 2008; IPCC 2014; Rigaud et vulnerable. The largest islands are Sicily, Sardinia, al. 2018; GRID 2019). Per capita income levels are Corsica, Cyprus, and Crete, and the major island three to fve times higher in southern European groups include the Balearics off the coast of Spain countries (France, Italy and Spain, in particular), and the Ionian, Cyclades, and Dodecanese islands compared to countries on the southern and eastern of Greece. In total, the islands’ coastlines comprise shores of the Mediterranean Sea. While important around 19,000 km, or more than 41% of the progress has been made in the South and the East Mediterranean coastline (Emmanouilidou 2015). over the last twenty years, instability and signifcant In terms of land surface, islands represent only inequalities persist. This north-south dichotomy 4% of the land area of the whole Mediterranean is at the heart of the climate change issue, as it Sea Basin (Kolodny 1974). The small islands (less exacerbates imbalances by having greater impacts than 10 km2), are particularly valuable in terms of on lesser-developed countries, which have limited biodiversity. Since many of them are uninhabited capacities to deal with the impacts and possible or weakly impacted by human activities, they adaptation measures. constitute valuable “life laboratories” for assessing the sole impacts of climate change. Since 2005, Due to the complexities and heterogeneities of the Mediterranean Small Islands Initiative (PIM4) topographic, geographic and socio-economic has been working to improve knowledge and structures in the Mediterranean Basin, regional, management of these territories, as well as raising sub-regional, national or local scales are awareness of the importance of local populations considered where appropriate and where data for the preservation of these fragile territories. and information are available. For instance, the spatial separation of drivers has been considered The Mediterranean is also complex in terms of at the level of ecosystems (open ocean, deltas, its socio-political settings. For millennia, the river basins, wetlands, drylands, etc.). Impacts Mediterranean has been a unique geographical of environmental change are sometimes quite space but – except for the Roman Empire – it has localized but concern a large number of domains. been a politically, economically and culturally They are complex to understand and require divided region. While its geographical scope has studies and simulations at reduced spatial scales, remained unchanged over the past 5,000 years associated with high degrees of uncertainty. Best of human history, the modes of government in practices with regard to mitigation and adaptation countries and regions have been in permanent fux measures are usually reported at the local level, as (Brauch 2010). adaptation measures are generally implemented at a territorial scale where end-users and decision Approximately one-third of the Mediterranean makers are more engaged. population is concentrated along its coastal regions. Meanwhile, about 250 million people Scenarios and reference reside in coastal hydrological basins. In the periods southern region of the Mediterranean, around 120 million inhabitants are concentrated in Different periods and time windows have been coastal hydrological basins, where environmental selected by climatologists and adopted by IPCC to pressures have increased (EEA 2020). In addition, monitor and record changes in climate conditions around 360 million international tourists visited throughout Earth history along the different the Mediterranean countries in 2017 (UNWTO reports. In order to quantify human impacts with 2019). Approximately half of these arrivals - respect to an “unperturbed” reference state (ideally 170 million - are in Mediterranean coastal areas, the climate just before human activities started to



demonstrably change the environment at global to actual or expected climate and its effects in scale) a practical approach to identifying impacts order to either lessen or avoid harm or exploit and their characteristics is needed (Chapter 2). benefcial opportunities” and also emphasizes that there is “increasing recognition that an adequate Instrumental observations of temperature are adaptive response will mean acting in the face of available mainly since the second half of the continuing uncertainty about the extent of climate 18th century but only in some European countries. change and the nature of its impacts” (IPCC 2014). In the IPCC AR5 report, the 1850-1900 period Other authors emphasize how the increasing is considered as the best approximation for an climate pressure recalls the need to shift rapidly unperturbed state, but, it is not named pre- from incremental to transformative adaptation industrial. It has nonetheless been kept as the (Rickards and Howden 2012; Vermeulen et al. reference for the pre-industrial period in the IPCC 2013). Adaptation can be understood as a set of Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming actions which “adjust to” a new situation (e.g., at 1.5°C (SR15) (IPCC 2018) (Section 2.2.1). change date of seeding), which recalls a “technical fx” approach, or as a “structural coupling dynamic Climate modelling and climate projections process”, where social learning is the main adopted the practice of describing future changes process informing decisions at any critical point with respect to a recent baseline (during which of an ongoing adaptive pathway (Collins and Ison validation of models is supported by a large 2009). In the latter framing, the assumption is that amount of instrumental observations). Because no single group has clear access to understanding of the long residence time of carbon dioxide in the issues and their resolutions, hence the the atmosphere, the human infuences on the diffculties in securing the active and broad-based current trajectory of a changing climate appear engagement of stakeholders, and the facilitated to be irreversible for decades to centuries, even if spaces for “learning to adapt” become crucial. signifcant mitigation measures are implemented Adaptation can be operationalized as part of immediately (Millar et al. 2006). Thus, given the pathways of change and response, which implies dynamics of the natural climate system and the the reorganization of institutional structures that superimposed changes humans are causing, the are likely to lead to more sustainable trajectories 21st century is an important transitional time (Rickards and Howden 2012). for undertaking both mitigation and adaptation actions. In order to be able to propose future The design of adaptation pathways can emerge climate projections considering various possible from the integration of capacity-based (i.e., socio-economic trajectories and climate policy bottom-up) approaches with impact-based (i.e., pathways, we follow the IPCC scenario approach. top-down) approaches (Vermeulen et al. 2013). Although results based on multiple IPCC scenarios The same authors show that when the signal-to- are reported in MAR1, we mostly focus on two noise ratio of the changing climate is low, i.e., the options which encompass the range of IPCC-AR5, noise associated with natural weather variability CMIP5 and CORDEX simulations: the “business is higher than the changing climate signals, as usual” scenario (RCP8.5, for an explanation of the capacity to respond can basically rely on the RCPs see Box 2.2) and the optimistic scenario “no-regret” or “win-win” approaches resulting in closest to the UNFCCC Paris Agreement target incremental adaptation practices, such as short- (RCP2.6). These scenarios were also chosen due term investments on higher water storage capacity to model projection availability constraints at the or use of water-saving technologies, which can regional scale. Where more recent studies are also respond to weaknesses emerging from the not available, the assessment also considers usual climate uncertainty. When climate shifts studies based on the older IPCC SRES approach are stronger, impact-based decisions can more (Nakićenović 2000) (Section 2.2.1). effectively inform systemic or transformative adaptation pathways, even when uncertainty of Adapting to climate and future predictions is relatively high (Vermeulen et environmental change al. 2013). Climate change adaptation is a necessity, possibly Toward a systemic approach an opportunity, but many defnitions exist and the nature and effectiveness of adaptive responses is As previously emphasized in this chapter, a large critically infuenced by the framing of adaptation amount of scientifc material (data, publications, responses (Wise et al. 2014). The IPCC AR5 has reports, etc.) is available for various Mediterranean framed adaptation as a “process of adjustment areas (from localities to countries or marine sub-


basins), for different periods of various durations, policies of the European Union, Arab League, EU- for different compartments (atmosphere, soil, Africa and EU-Asia cooperation, North African continental or sea water, etc.) and on different topics Unions, Maghreb and Mashriq. To provide adequate (chemical composition, physical characteristics, support, MAR1 has been inspired by other science- ecosystems, human activities, etc.). New data from policy interfaces such as the IPCC and IPBES, satellite providers are essential for those regions aiming to provide an unbiased, scientifc view of with poor instrumental coverage, but also to climate and environmental change, its various, provide a complete overview of the Mediterranean multi-sectoral impacts and the risks they imply for Region (e.g., GEO-Cradle,, the society. COPERNICUS and Digital Africa systems, or the Integrated Geospatial information Frameworks, The MedECC MAR1, by summarizing existing IGIF). All of these elements contribute to the fndings and results, aims to highlight their policy overall understanding of the impacts of climate relevance without being policy-prescriptive. and environmental changes in the Mediterranean. The fact that advanced research is so complex The MedECC MAR1 is designed to address the that it requires very focused and specialized needs of multiple actors involved in providing a studies makes it diffcult to achieve the objective response to climate and environmental changes of having an overall integrated understanding of and risks in the Mediterranean region. The primary the functioning of the Mediterranean environment, target users of the report are governments and of the modifcations due to local human activities policymakers at all levels, the UfM and the UNEP/ and of the evolutions related to global changes. A MAP at the regional level, and more broadly, holistic approach is however of major importance the comprehensive system of intergovernmental in order to better understand the interactions processes pursuing different aims, including between these multiple elements, and then provide the three “Rio Conventions” (UNFCCC, CBD, a robust scientifc basis to develop and implement UNCCD) and the Ramsar Convention (and their sustainable and effective policies. fnancial instruments), as well as IPCC, IPBES and the Commission on Generic Resources for This systemic approach has been successfully Food and Agriculture (CGRFA). Other important adopted for decades by scientists contributing to the end-users include the scientifc community, IPCC by developing more and more refned global major economic decision makers and the private climate models. Nevertheless, these models are not sector, the education sector, civil society and designed to address all processes that determine non-governmental organizations (CSOs and the evolution of the Mediterranean environment and NGOs). MedECC aims to build close relationships socio-ecosystems under both climate change and with various media in order to help guide the other environmental processes caused by human interpretation of its report and to ensure that the activity. public is provided with objective and unbiased information about MAR1. The development of an integrated Mediterranean model with the spatial and temporal resolution MAR1 contributes to meeting the need for an suitable for comprehensively resolving the relevant advancement and implementation of regulatory processes has to be a long-term target for the instruments aiming to reduce greenhouse gas scientifc community. Such an approach could emissions and emissions of pollutants to mitigate provide answers to the concerns of policymakers climate and environmental changes in the related to sustainable development strategies in the Mediterranean Basin. The scoping and drafting of Mediterranean region. At present, MedECC aims to the report involved ample consultation of completed initiate the process by providing a frst synthesis of or ongoing assessments of comparable nature the state of knowledge in the various scientifc felds like the IPCC and IPBES assessment reports and that need to be considered and brought together in builds on the existing relations between MedECC order to move one step forward in this direction. and other groups. Findings of MAR1 will be directly employed for the drafting of a Mediterranean MedECC MAR1 as a policy Cross-Chapter Paper in the forthcoming IPCC support instrument Sixth Assessment Report (Appendix A.1). Given the stated goals and objectives of MedECC, 1.3.2 Methodology MAR1 is intended to support policies in deriving mitigation and adaptation strategies, particularly The drafting of MAR1 entailed a collective and in the context of Mediterranean cooperation under iterative review, synthesis, analysis and judgment


of available scientifc knowledge. The entire as UNEP/MAP and UfM, main questions and key assessment is supported by scientifc references; messages will be discussed with them prior to no additional research has been undertaken by fnal publication, in order to take their views and MedECC. In some cases, a new analysis of data the advice of the MedECC SC into account; was conducted using existing models to address • the public at large, mainly, but not exclusively, specifc questions and to identify knowledge gaps those living in Mediterranean countries; the to be addressed by other initiatives and research main challenges and opportunities will be programs. communicated to them; in so doing, we will progress from MAR1’s strictly “informative” role The report is primarily based on peer-reviewed towards a more “participatory” and “responsible” literature (in English or other languages) but one, in order to further understanding and selected non-peer reviewed literature was also acceptance of measures aimed to cope better considered (such as institutional or government with climate and environmental changes in the reports, national statistics, etc.) in which case Mediterranean region. the authors carefully checked the quality of the references included to justify their inclusion. A The approach of the MAR1 report meets the call scientifc literature database was maintained by made by the United Nations program on the the MedECC Secretariat and was made available Sustainable Development Goals as well as the to all report authors. concessions proposed after the COP 21 under the UNFCCC (Paris Agreement), in particular SDG 17 Drafts of the report have been subject to a “Strengthen the means of implementation and dual scientifc review allowing suggestions and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable amendments by scientifc experts. A frst internal development” (Partnerships for the Goals). review of the First Order Draft (FOD) involving the SC and the authors of the report was carried out, Following the AR5 IPCC (IPCC 2013), the metrics and the Second Order Draft (SOD) was submitted for communicating the degree of certainty in key to external scientifc reviewers. fndings (notably on climate drivers) will be the following: The main body of MAR1 is accompanied by a Sum- mary for Policymakers (SPM), which undergoes an • Confdence: confdence in the validity of a approval procedure organized with the UNEP/MAP fnding, will be based on the type, amount, – Barcelona Convention Secretariat and its Plan quality, and consistency of evidence (e.g., data, Bleu Regional Activity Centre, through their Focal mechanistic understanding, theory, models, Points and/or the Members of the Mediterranean expert judgment) and the degree of agreement; Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD), confdence is expressed qualitatively and its level as well as with the UfM Member State represent- will be based on the evidence (robust, medium atives within the regional Climate Change Expert and limited) and the agreement (high, medium Group (CCEG). and low). A combination of different methods, e.g., observations and modelling, is important 1.3.3 Communicating uncertainties and results High agreement High agreement High agreement Communication of the fndings of MAR1 aims Limited evidence Medium evidence Robust evidence to also adequately communicate scientifc Confidence scale uncertainties and confdence in the material used. Medium agreement Medium agreement Medium agreement For this purpose, three different target groups are Limited evidence Medium evidence Robust evidence

differentiated: Agreement

Low agreement Low agreement Low agreement • the scientifc community; all of the main Limited evidence Medium evidence Robust evidence conclusions will be supported by robust literature and/or evidence following the AR5 IPCC (IPCC Evidence (type, amount, quality, consistency) 2013) criteria to communicate the uncertainty of fndings; Figure 1.4 | The basis for the confdence level is given • policymakers and stakeholders; conclusions as a combination of evidence (limited, medium, for them will be summarized in the MAR1 robust) and agreement (low, medium and high) Summary for Policymakers; considering the (Mastrandrea et al. 2011). strong relationships with key institutions such


for evaluating the confdence level. There is 1.3.4 Report structure fexibility in this relationship; for a given evidence and agreement statement, different confdence The outline for the MAR1 report was approved levels could be assigned, but increasing levels by the MedECC Scientifc Committee during its of evidence and degrees of agreement are meeting on May 24, 2018 in Marseille, France. correlated with increasing confdence. Fig. 1.4 MAR1 consists of a Summary for Policymakers, shows how the combined evidence and agreement six main chapters and several appendices, as results in fve levels for the confdence level used follows: in this assessment. Confdence should not be interpreted probabilistically, and is distinct from • Summary for Policymakers, including an Execu- “statistical confdence”. tive Summary. • This chapter, Chapter 1, “Introduction”, frames the motivation and main components of the Term Likelihood of the outcome MedECC Assessment. • Chapter 2, “Drivers of change”, focuses on the Virtually >99% probability physical, bio-chemical and human drivers of cli- certain mate and environmental changes, distinguishing Extremely likely >95% probability between climate, pollution, land/sea use and Very likely >90% probability management, and invasive species. Based on these drivers, the analyses in Chapters 3-5 all Likely >66% probability consider past trends and current situation, pro- More likely than not >50% probability jections, vulnerabilities and risks, adaptation, knowledge gaps and research needs. About as likely 33-66% probability • Chapter 3, “Resources”, assesses the state of as not knowledge for major resource challenges: water, Unlikely <33% probability food and energy in three sub-chapters describing each of these resources. Extremely unlikely <5% probability • Chapter 4, “Ecosystems”, assesses the state of Exceptionally <1% probability knowledge for marine, coastal and terrestrial unlikely ecosystems. • Chapter 5, “Society”, addresses major issues of Table 1.1 | Likelihood terms associated with development, health and human security under outcomes used in MAR1 (from IPCC 2013). climate and environmental change. • Chapter 6, “Managing future risks and building socio-ecological resilience”, discusses options for more sustainable policies given the risks • Uncertainty: quantifed measures of uncertainty identifed in Chapters 3-5. It describes the in a fnding will be expressed probabilistically, i.e., future risks associated with climate change in based on a statistical analysis of observations Mediterranean countries, and critically reviews a or model results, or on expert judgement. range of examples of adaptation and mitigation, The qualifer “likelihood” provides calibrated promoting their synergies, as well as cooperation language for describing quantifed uncertainty. It and networking among Mediterranean countries can be used to express a probabilistic estimate for building resilience. of the occurrence of a single event or of an • Supplementary information is given by the ap- outcome, for example, a change in a given climate pendices, which include the information on parameter, an observed trend, or a projected MedECC partners and related research activ- change lying in a given range. Statements ities, the institutional context of MedECC, the made using the likelihood scale may be based main steps in MAR1 preparation, maps of pro- on statistical or modelling analyses, elicitation jected temperature and precipitation changes for of expert views, or other quantitative analyses. the Mediterranean Basin, the lists of acronyms Where suffcient information is available, it is and country codes. preferable to avoid the likelihood qualifer in favor of the full probability distribution or the appropriate probability range. Table 1.1 shows the list of “likelihood” qualifers to be used in this report.


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Information about authors

Coordinating Lead Authors Manfred A. Lange: The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus Maria Carmen Llasat: University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Maria Snoussi: Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco

Lead Authors Arnault Graves: Union for the Mediterranean, Barcelona, Spain Julien Le Tellier: United Nations Environment Programme / Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) – Barcelona Convention Secretariat, Athens, Greece Arnault Queralt Bassa: Advisory Council for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia of the Government of Catalonia (CADS), Barcelona, Spain Grazia Maria Vagliasindi: University of Catania, Catania, Italy

Contributing Authors Elen Lematre-Curri: Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM), Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier, (IAM), Montpellier, France Piero Lionello: University of Salento, Lecce, Italy Marini Katarzyna: MedECC, Plan Bleu, Marseille, France Cyril Moulin: National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy (CNRS-INSU), Paris, France