Volume 43, Issue 1 February/March/April 2012 A BULLETIN FOR EVERY BARBERSHOPPER IN THE MID-ATLANTIC DISTRICT INSIDE: CARPE DIEM! (or FIND A LONG LADDER) ...................... 2 Atlantic Harmony Brigade Scholarship ..................... 3 M-AD Youth in Harmony ..................................... 3-5 Harmony College East ..................................... 7 Q Prelims/Western Division News ..................... 8 MAD Website Upgrade ................................. 9 Chapter Treasurer Info...... ....................... 10 Splinters from the International Board ....... 11 Creating a Wall of Sound ....................... 12 You Gotta Know the Territory .............. 13 New Year’s Resolutions .................... 14 Rahway Novice Contest ................. 14 Why have a Leadership Academy ... 15 Chapter News ......................... 16-21 SHOWTIME! .......................... 20 News of Qs ........................ 22-23 Songs we Sing .................. 24 Handy Links .................. 24 Who Do You Call? .......... 25 Noah and Katie: Barefoot boy gets the girl with a little help drawing cupid’s bow from Singing Cedars chorus pickup quartet. See page 6. Courtesy photo What can Operation Harold Hill 2.0 mean for your chapter? See pages 13-14 MID-ATLANTIC DISTRICT OFFICERS he holidays were over and it was back to Finally, virtually all chapters said they want- members may take a variety of classes to in- President: Dick Powell (Roxanne); the old grind for George. Up at 6, fight ed help to make their chapter meetings more crease their knowledge and skill in all aspects 410-451-1957;
[email protected] Tthe traffic, bite his tongue at work, fight fun and their performances more entertaining of barbershop. Quartets and choruses can Immediate Past President: Gary Plaag; 703- the traffic, rush through dinner and then race to increase retention. get coaching to take them to a whole new 670-4996;
[email protected] CARPE DIEM! to chapter meeting.