Seminar Report PAKISTAN: THE CHANGING SECURITY DIMENSION D W LAN ARFA OR RE F S E T R U T D N IE E S C February 7, 2020 CLAWS VI N CT IO OR VIS Y THROUGH D W LAN ARFA OR RE F S E T R U T D N IE E S C CLAWS VI N CT IO OR VIS Y THROUGH KNOWLEDGE WORLD Centre for Land Warfare Studies KW Publishers Pvt Ltd New Delhi New Delhi Seminar Coordinator(s): Col H Kataria, SM and Dr. Jyoti M Pathania Seminar Report written by: Col H Kataria, SM and Dr. Jyoti M Pathania Rapporteur: Vishakh K Valiathan and Alakh Ranjan D W LAN ARFA OR RE F S E T R U T D N IE E S C CLAWS VI N CT IO OR VIS Y THROUGH Centre for Land Warfare Studies RPSO Complex, Parade Road, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi 110010 Phone: +91.11.25691308 Fax: +91.11.25692347 email:
[email protected] • website: CLAWS Army No. 33098 D W LAN ARFA The Centre for Land WarfareOR Studies (CLAWS), New Delhi, Ris anE independent think tank dealing with contemporary F issues of national security and sub-conventional S conflicts and terrorism. CLAWS conductsE research that is futuristic in outlook andT policy-oriented in approach. R U T D CLAWS Vision:N To establish as a leading Centre of Excellence, Research and StudiesIE on Mili- tary Strategy &E Doctrine, Land Warfare, Regional & National Security, MilitaryS Technology and Human Resource.C © 2020 Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS), New Delhi All rights reserved The views expressed in this report are sole responsibility of the speaker(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of India, or Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army), or the Centre for Land Warfare Studies.