Office of Student Affairs 2007-5-01 A Modest Proposal, vol. 3, no. 8 Kimberly Allen, et al. © 2007 A Modest Proposal Find more information about this article here. This document has been made available for free and open access by the Eugene McDermott Library. Contact
[email protected] for further information. T H E E UTO STUDE N T PUBLICATION Mindless Markllp· Waterview tenants pay for Utley's greed page 4 ~·--- INSID E The Trinity River Project scandaJ to the courtroom Dallas's Central Park vision page 8 ~-~~~ is becoming a reality page 16 S UMMER 2007 • VOLUME 3 • ISSUE 8 AMP.UTDALLAS.EDU 2 CoNTENTS SUMM ER 20 07 • Vo LuMe 3 • Issu e 8 In 1his Issue. • • AR TS & L EISURE E DITORs' Buzz Student Government's Failure 12 Listening for the Summer 3 The closed SG meeting opposes the central An overview of the hottest albums responsibility of the organization. and concerts coming this summer EDITORIAL BY JORDAN YOUNGBLOO Editors Fatty J's Picks Kimberley Allen Summer selections for food Liam Skoyles C A M PU S LIFE near campus. Benedict Voit BY JAMES FICKENSCHER Jordan Youngblood Millionaire's Payday 4 A continued in-depth investigation into the Utley Foundation's financial history. S ociAL CoMM ENTARY BY KIM ALLEN I 5 Rooting for the Underdog 6 No Vacancy Knowing the odds were against you Contributors can help make the not-so-sunny Why there is a desperate need to overhaul (create?) results a little more satisfying. a UTD system of reserving rooms on campus. Richard Badgett BY JONATHAN LANE BY LIAM SKOYLES Charlie Cliff Jonathan Coker Working to Avoid Work 16 A Bridge to the Future Ben Dower 7 The Trinity Trust Project is a bold James Fickenscher Fun ways to waste that oh-so-precious time.