University of Houston-Downtown’s Newspaper Student Run Since Volume One Dateline:downtown Volume 61 Issue 4 November 21, 2018 In this issue WWE in hot water due to News ...........................................................................pg 3 Saudi partnership.....pg 6 College Life ...............................................................pg 5 Arts and Entertainment ......................................... pg 7 Opinions .....................................................................pg 11 2 Staff From the editor’s desk Editor Quintin Coleman a musical. This may be a high-minded and idealistic take but perhaps it’s worth Assistant Editor keeping in mind that hard work may very Michael Case well take you further than you imagined. It’s impossible to quantify someone’s lifelong career (especially Business Manager given that the man in question died at 95) into a space of about 550 words. Irene Nunez It’s also impossible for me to go into a heartfelt tribute as I wasn’t a diehard fan Social Media Manager of Marvel growing up. What I can say, however, is that he did so much for so Sonia Sanchez many people in so many contexts. He was someone who did something rare for his time: he wrote material that appealed Faculty Advisor to children but could appeal to adults at the same time (if adults took a critical Joe Sample, PhD Photo courtesy of LBC9 News knew and loved. He even created his own look at those comics anyway.) His world company after leaving Marvel yet still re- became so large that it essentially formed tained his status as an ambassador for the Staff Writers the childhood of children for past genera- On November 12, the world lost a leg- company. Or maybe he could be viewed tions and for generations to come. endary figure in Stan Lee. as just a man who was insanely creative Sara Ali Maybe we’ll see another Stan I won’t profess to be the biggest and talented. Lee in our lifetime but more than likely Emily Boyd comic book fan in the world (though I No matter the way Lee is looked we won’t. Perhaps the best thing that all do enjoy the no-nonsense style of the at, either past, present or future, I think of us can do to maintain his legacy is to Sheila Delgado Punisher, Spider Man and his variety of it might be best to use this space not to engage and revel into this gigantic world crazy villains, and the madcap antics of eulogize him (anything that I could say he helped create throughout his long Jesus Garay Deadpool), but even I, as someone who would not be sufficient enough to be a life. Excelsior, true believer. You will be only occasionally delves into the world proper tribute to his greatness) but rather Joshua Williams of comics, recognize what a big deal Stan to draw some lessons from his life. sorely missed. Lee was to the world of comics, and to One of the biggest lessons that Lissette Perez nerd culture in general. could be drawn (no pun intended) from Lee can be looked at in a couple his legacy is the principle of hard work. of different perspective. He can certain- It’s easy to simplify his success (and Staff Cartoonists ly be viewed as a cultural icon. Indeed, continued success) as being in the right Brenda Valenzuela he has made endless cameos in many place at the right time but I think that’s television shows and movies, both ani- too simple of an answer. Even after Margo Espinoza mated and live action. Lee has also been he became successful, he didn’t stop the creator, either in part or in whole, of working until he couldn’t do it anymore. some of the most recognizable characters He maintained his Marvel movie cameo TCOM 4360 Writers ever created. stints until his passing, still attended He can be viewed as a prolific comic conventions well into his old age Emily Christiansen businessman that may exemplify the and wasn’t afraid to delve into unfa- American dream. He started from a miliar territory like co-writing a manga Ashley Medrano minor position at Marvel Comics and (Japanese comic for the unfamiliar) with grew into the Stan Lee that many people a famous manga author or working on Sonia Sanchez Submission policy Dateline Downtown welcomes submissions to the editor from any member of the UH system. Submissions should include the author’s full name, phone number or email address, and affiliation with the University, including classifi- cation and major. Writers’ Guidelines are available on the UHD/dateline webpage. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Email submissions to [email protected]. Letters to the Editor and reader submissions may be edited for space, content, spelling, grammar and malicious, vulgar, or hateful statements. Submissions must be the original work of the writer and must be signed. All submissions become property of Dateline: Downtown and will not be returned. Contact us editordatelinedown- DatelineDowntown the_dateline The_Dateline [email protected] News 3 Texas candidates speak with UHD students during Gator Day of Action By Emily Christiansen Dr. Windy Lawrence of UHD’s national service through programs like munities and the political process. Center for Public Deliberation opened Ameri-Corps to help cover the costs of More than twenty candidates the event with a speech on the impor- college and serve the community. Mike Emily Christiansen is a third year Tech- running for office joined UHD students tance of communication in politics. She Collier discussed his commitment to nical Communication major. She enjoys for a meet and greet hosted by the SGA described the current political atmo- having an independent redistricting com- reading Piers Anthony books set in and UHD’s Center for Public Delibera- sphere as one where opposing parties no mittee address gerrymandering in Texas. Xanth and comics. She spends nearly all tion on October 24. longer engage in meaningful discussion. Patrick Gunnel said that he believes the of her time with her boyfriend and kids The Republican, Democratic, She encour¬aged people to “resist the federal government has too much power playing board games, going to parks, or and Libertarian candidates represented temptation to get sucked into that polar- and that he does not support the 16th the library. She plans to work as a techni- offices ranging from precinct judges ization.” amendment. cal writer or editor after graduation. to house of representatives. The meet While the candidates did The Gator Day of Action and greet was split into fifteen minute explain their plan of action if elected, reflects UHD’s ongoing commitment sessions. During each session, students they stayed away from disparaging other to civic engage¬ment. The Center for sat at a table with two or three candidates candidates or party views. Todd Litton Public Deliberation encourages citizens and had a chance to ask them about dif- explained how he supports expanding to become more involved with their com- ferent issues. Mental health poses challenges to students Compulsive-Disorder, Panic Disorder, explained fear or anxiety, sudden weight school or work. The UHD counseling By Sara Ali Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and loss or weight gain accompanied with a services is located in One Main Build- Mental health problems have Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Some of change in grooming habits and slurred ing, S445 Enrolled students have access become very common and is one of the symptoms for anxiety disorders can speech or impaired coordination. to 5 counseling sessions per each new the biggest challenges faced by college include problems concentrating, fearful- Regardless of the mental health issue, presenting issue. Come meet some of the students. A study done by the National ness and irritability. stigma plays a big role with someone counselors that are available on campus Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Another common mental illness who is facing those issues. According to like Karen Jubert, M.Ed., LPC and Del- found that one in four students have a di- that millions of college students encoun- the National Alliance on Mental Illness phia Medina LCSW-S. agnosable illness, 40% do not seek help, ter is eating disorders. Eating disorders (NAMI), “stigma is when someone, or 80% feel overwhelmed by their responsi- can be defined as extreme behaviors, even you yourself, views a person in a bilities and 50% of them have become so emotions and attitudes that revolve negative way just because they have a anxious that they struggle in school. around food and weight perceptions. mental health condition.” Oftentimes, Some of the mental illnesses Some examples of eating disorders in- some people describe stigma as a feeling faced by students are depression, anxiety, clude Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervo- of shame and judgement from someone eating disorders and addiction. One of sa, and Binge Eating Disorder. This can else, which can create huge challenges the things holding back students from manifest itself as having a distorted or that prevent individuals from reaching getting help is the stigma attached to poor body image, a fear of public eating, out and getting the help they need. There mental health. Facing these mental ill- making excuses for not wanting to eat in are ways that people can stand up to stig- nesses has made their life more arduous, public and excessive exercise. ma. Some of the ways include educating since college is a time where they are Addiction is something that oneself and others about mental health, balancing school, family, social life and many college students have to contend supporting those that are close to you work altogether. with on campus. Some forms of addic- that are dealing with issues and see the One of the most common men- tion can come in the form of alcohol or person, not the condition.
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