Molecular Plasticity of Adult Bergmann Fibers Is Associated with Radial Migration of Grafted Purkinje Cells
The Journal of Neuroscience, January 1994, 14(i): 124-133 Molecular Plasticity of Adult Bergmann Fibers Is Associated with Radial Migration of Grafted Purkinje Cells Constantino Sotelo,’ Rosa-Magda Alvarado-Mallart,i Monique Frain,2 and Muriel Verner ‘Neuromorphologie: Dkveloppement, Evolution, INSERM U. 106, HBpital de la Salpktrikre, 75651 Paris Cedex 13, France, *Biologic Molkulaire du Dkveloppement, INSERM U. 368 Ecole Normale Supkrieure, 75230 Paris Cedex, France, and 31nstitut Cochin de Gbnbtique Molkulaire, CJF 9003 INSERM, 75014 Paris, France Embryonic Purkinje cells (PCs) from cerebellar primordia adult cerebellum and become functionally integrated into the grafted in adult pcd mutant cerebellum replace missing PCs synaptic circuitry of the cerebellarcortex of the host (Sotelo and of the host, and become synaptically integrated into the de- Alvarado-Mallart, 1991). The cerebellar mutant mouse strains fective cerebellar circuit. This process of neuronal replace- .LJC~,nr, and Lc, in which Purkinje cells (PCs) die (Sidman and ment starts with the invasion of grafted PCs into the host Green, 1970; Mullen et al., 1976; Caddy and Biscoe, 1979; cerebellum, and their radial migration through its molecular Wassef et al., 1987; Dumesnil-Bousez and Sotelo, 1992), have layer. The present study is aimed at determining whether provided models for studying graft integration (Sotelo and Al- the glial axes for this migration are embryonic radial glial varado-Mallart, 1986, 1987a, 1991, 1992; Dumesnil-Bousezand cells that comigrate with the grafted PCs, or adult Bergmann Sotelo, 1993). Penetration of grafted PCs into the cerebellum fibers of the host, transiently reexpressing the molecular of mutant hosts begins 3-4 d after grafting (DAG 3-4) by tan- cues needed for their guidance of the migration.
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