
U V l UONDAT. lCAIUaia,.XM( ffandm tnr CtSttina V m O AVBRA4W DAILV CnOCiXTION A l W ...... ♦ . ^ f - v fsr Ihs sraalb sf FShrasry, its i SliirCHDRCHCBOIR ford. „ U m Boot Caterere cf New m O T T O W H PRAISES VEIiRAN^’ Y.M.C.A.No7 ^ RAND TARES CHARIZ Haven wUl cater. SELL MANY HCKEIS N. B. Riehaids. Rony N. Roth 5 . 8 7 6 ^ Msmber sf Ihs AafM 2flA ativlTFB ™ ]r Iw U P u in n IS aprclill IN TORD HDSICAL Maseh S> and George R. Waddell ore co-chair­ GIFTS FOR EASTER TM b« Na. Itai- OFOTADEISRVICES Barsaa sf Ctasalstlsas O r t e t€ Bad U m wm hold 4:00—Grade School vs. Alumni men o f the benefit bon. Arthur A . MRS. B LU O TTS HELP IN DISASTERS Basketball gams. FOR SHRINERS BALL Knolla to choinnoa of the ticket M AN(m STER — A (TTY OF VILLAGE (HARM j tUa •vmtiiK la Prognmi !■ in Keeping With RUG AND mFT SHOP f Ban «t • 0’elBdi ahaip. S:1S—Busineaa Men’s VoDay ball Appropriate Mnrical Proenua committee and Albert Dewey heads tbs uriMn oonunlttes. 997 Bfain Street Holr Wedi; Solm bjr Min lass. Yesterday at Ail Three Sal- VOL. LVL, NO. 147 oa Fage M.) MANCHBStBR, C0NN„ TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) rltttbe| Winard and Robert Gordon. 0:SO—Milk Dedlers’ aasodattoa Rsssrvatloos for boxos should be D. A. V. Banquet Speaker upper meeting. vatitei A m y Meetings. mode with Albert icnnoe, td. 4886. ationi AO Proceeds fro n Dance O i I oatranitjr. flytaeuw, N. A t the South Ucthodlat church 7 :000—" 0 ------T ” Senior BaskatbaU LsSf gue: Msmbers of the Salvotioa Army hoBM over Um t u t Bight the third muaicBl eervice Says H e y Are Always On 7;00—Highland Park vs. Ar^ bond took chorgs o f all the meat- Next Monday Night to Aii “This W ay Oh^ — By Request Of The Police togs at the Manchester atadel, OJNIC SCHEDULE FOES OF COURT ITALY DENIES Mato street, Sunday. Bandmaster tu u iS SJJ ta*!!!?^J!! High under the direction of Clifton 8:00—South Methodist vs. ’Tnl- Uthwhudw eC 7 I the Scene First and Ready. Harold A. ’Turktogton arranged a Manchester Pnblie HcBith ArlyneM oriaity i oottviUa. Crippled ChiMren. College rfawee wm be re-| C Braiaetd, organlat and direc­ moot appropriate musical program NnrsiBg Aasodatioa MURPHY TO ARRANG 9:00— Oxfords vs. Ramblsn. t MsBdajr. April S, tor. and tbe sp eu to g during tbe day was 74 Haynes S t TeL 3428 CANNOT* AGREE LANDING MORE In keeping with the aeaaon, It 8:00— " Y " Bowling Lsogue: Gib­ Carnty "The veteran is flrst on the scene by members o f the band. In the (AB eitoiea at Hayasa S t mt— f jB etui ae en Ucketa (o r the A . 0.1 being Palm Sunday and the oe|^' son’s vs. ’Tslcottvllle; Bon Am i vs. Beservationa and distribution of o f any catastrophe or extreme dis­ Reid's; Shearer’s vs. Keller's. morning service Bandsmen William ______otberwtae ooted.) i ehould he made aa aoon aa nlog o f Holy week, the numbcra Leggett and David Addy were to tickets for the Shrine Easter Mon­ Teacher of O N A i m M E N T order, ready and wUUng to do his Tuesday, Blareh 38 day ball at the State armory, Mon­ MEN J SPAIN choaen were aucb aa went to pre­ to P. ICcVeigti. Oiureh | charge. The message wras brought pare thoee present for the aacrcd share to alleviate human suffering," 13:15—Business Committee lunch­ day evening, March 39 have been Tueadoy, 9:00 a. m.— Dental clinic PIANO VOICT CONFERENCE BETWE eon meeting. by Mr. Leggett, bis subject being for the pre-achool chUd. duties usually attached to this time. Past Department Commander Bam "The Power of tbe Spirit" rapid and arrangements are weU to It is interesting in passing to .lote 4:00— B o ^ ’ gjrmnasiiim period. hand, according to the various oom- Tueodey. 10:00 a. m. TonsU HARMONY I eom iJtteea te eooBeetloa with I ’The afternoon servlee was to tbe Senators Admit There k ftrkaiii hformed That Group that the prelude aa played on the McGill, Disabled American Veter­ 6:30— Girls’ basketball practice, mlttea chairmen handling the bene­ Otolc. I Beater dance of Campbeil I form of a musical prognun arranged studio State Theater BMg K. o f C. to be held a t the organ, "Andantlno quasi allegieto'' ans of the World W ar of Connecti­ coach, Maurice Burke. fit ball plams. Wedneodey, 2:00 p. m.— W eil Baby ' I by Bandmaster’ ’Turktogton and ainlc at YM.CA. Boitoa, Wednesday eve- tl>c Symphony by Widor, cut, asserted at the annual dinner 7:30— Women's gymnasium pe­ Receipts from* the baU will be For Appointment Call 3072 Small Chance of A g re e Sent on March 5 Was ' the .well known French compoaer riod, under tbe direction o f Miss made up entirely o f compositions by Thursday, 9:00 a. m.— Pre-Notol CHRYSLER AND LEWIS I Maireh Si, are requeeted to I of David McCann Chapter, la tbe given, wrlth funds secured by vari­ was chosen by Mr. Bralnerd with­ Phyllis Burdick. Army composers. Some o f the Otolc. tBolght at the K. of C home Stats Armory Saturday night numbera included on the program ous Shrine Temples to this section, lain etreet out hia knowing at the Ume of " I am sure that the veteran would 8:00— South Methodist Church to the Springfield. Maas., Shrtos ment On Sobstitnte Meas Composed Only of Volun­ arranging hia program, that Just Bowling League. wore: March, "Soldiers of Carist," / be the first to take off his coat and selection, "My Keeper", March "The Hospital for Crippled ChUdren. Dur­ To Meet Tomorrow m At* [air. and Ifaa: Robert U. Reid le-1 this week past this g iM t master dig into that terrible shambles of 8:30— Andover Boys' Gymnasitun ing the week of March 29, 159 passed away at the age of 9S years, Golden W e s t" ’The male quartet sure Bnt Contimie Parleys teer Doctors aiid Norses. II Duce Lashes Out Saturday from a buslneael twisted steel girders and brick, once period. Shrine units throughout tbe cotmtry pieaaure trip to Florida. and that Archibald Sessions, former 0:30— ^Tolland County vs. Hart­ rendered beautifully "The Light of t o n g h t tempt to A fo rt F i the beautiful New London, ‘Texas, tbe Cross." Bandsman James wUl sponsor social events and other ^ ; + organist at the South chui^ was ford County Basketball game. forma of entertainment designed to school. During the flood of 1988 the Muiurie led a brief testimony meet­ Woshtogton, March 28.— (A P) — London, March 38.— (A P )—Italy Jennie Roagoakl entertained I * pupU o f Widor. veterans of Hulford county volun­ bolster the funds o f the dosen 8:16 A t European Critics of her little daughter’s play pretty response after the ing. ^Democratic opponents of the Roose- Trouble in Detrmt -1 ''*’7 teered for any kind of work tbe of- Shrine hospitals for crippled chil­ Informed Great Britain today to re­ at a birthday party y es te iS y I InvocaUon waa Stainer’s "Cross of The evening service waa conduct­ ficlala could give—and they stayed dren to the United Stotes. The enlt Judloiaiy hUl aald today tbore ply to urgent queries oonoarntog the r BtUe daughter, Amelia, who Jesus", this being foUowed by the CHURCH ATTENDANTS ed by Bandsmen William Hall and i i i bn until the end," Commander Mc­ sum o f 8500.000 is expected to be aUght chance of agreement Ha oooutod raporta obraad that ha seven years old. The children Word of God In- Russell Clough. ’The message was reported landing of Italian troope to Rome, March 28.— (A P )—Premlerf Gormofr Dedm * Gill declared. brought by Mr. Hall, his s u b ^ t be­ raleed this means to be divided SETBACK among them on a oubetitute oon- Benito Mussolini faced a cheering had returned from Libya a day ~ the iM i«i good thlnga to n * ™ ^ " * *’1' Gdunod. ’The cantata dlESTS AT DINfiER among all units. Spain that the oontlngent which dis­ and played games. Alarge, *7 Maunder, "Penitence, Pardon and ’The guests representing all local ing “God’s Watchful Care.” "The Btltutlonnl amendment, unleM the throng of blackshirts from a bal­ ahead o f schedule yesterday because The Capitol orchestra of Hart­ V. F. W. HOME embarked at (Jadla March 5 of the Spanish situatian. Win Back C p vt ----- decorated birthdav o ie I *" “• InterpretatloB by ex-service units as well as several Ptdma” was beautifully rendered as propoeed enlargement of tbe Su­ cony o f Pissza Venezia today, tha rannoay oake|y^ ^ to in all a cornet solo by Bandsman Robert ford will play for dancing and deco- made up only of volunteer doctors 18th anniversary of Fascism, and Tbe Premier pictured “our mag­ ■even pink candles, was tbe I D, A. V. posts in the county, were preme Court le abandoned. Acolytes of St. Bridget’s Lyons with piano accompaniment by ratlopa at the armory are to charge Manchester Green Senator O’Mahoney (D., W ya), and nursea. ahouted a defenre of Italy’s Empire nificent Fascist Italy*' os subject to o f attraction. ’Those present the essentials necessary to portray welcomed by Commander James Workers Phi for : I Church Guests of Pastors Bandmaster Turkington. o f G. O. Simon company of Hart- one o f the few members o f the Judi­ N o Italato troope have landed to building. “one o f the usual tempests and Valerie Jean Temple, Helen the sacred story as told In the Fiiullay of David McCazm Chapter, The meetings for the week ore: ciary committee otill uncommitted Spain, the reply stated flatly. It was Reporting on bis nine-day tour of told his vast sudlenca that tbs an­ arsham, Betty Brown. Amelia work. ’The optniing theme, "How chairman of the evening program. for Their Services Past Two 4" Admission 25c. 1 ’The Holy Week services on Read Tbe Herald Adrs. on Uie ndmtolstratlon bill, conferred pointed out thst foreign rae- following hyitm number, ‘1 Heard Women's Home League Wednes­ Wheeler yesterdsy that the Demo­ swer on this potoL tempest of printed paper and ah declared, cannot be shaken by theoe and John I * Lowla to oonf i r r,aftetnoon at tbe home of| It to be known that be waa writb mins and Rev. Frederick L. Clarx, 8 P. M. TH U R SD A Y — MARCH 25TH ...» I Ibe Voice of Jnsua Say”, was also day afternoon at 2:30. cratic diasentera could agree The number o f foreigners to Spain Inundstion of turbid ink." sttsefcs. tomonvir at fjinring hi en i Beatrice Thomas of McKee | ■ rendered. In the neat num­ tbs veterans and their allied units pastor and assistant pastor, respec­ No Strings Attached! , Nothing To Buy! since tbe control agreement went in­ He counter-attacked Anglican ’*To the. bod faith o f others i per cent and was always will­ tively. ’The dinner was in return Young People's meetings: Girl quickly. tempt to avort "eattraaod oad i 100 Just Bring In This Coupon. He eaid be would oppoee amend- to affect were tovestlgstod separate­ pulpit utterances against Italy's shall oppoos our todestructiblo will, ber, "O Csist ’Thy Burden Upon the ing to help out at any time. for the fine wrork done by the boys Guards Tuesday 7:30; Corps Cadet menta such ss suggested by Wheel­ ly by the British to aa effort to Bthiopion conquest as evidence that to the cootlea of lies or others, (wa meaaurw wtth pooriMs nafo Til. in «.h ^ .V. n,.., 1* ^ ”. the several necessary and during the past two weeks’ missions. class Tuesday 7:30; Leadership Others guests introduced were: er end O'Msboney, which be be­ avoid clogging the agenda of the Britim ers were eager to oee ’’motes’’ shall oppose) the gusts of our im- oonaequonoas" hi ths O iiyalar i **** *2!r contrmstia* „ moods were shown Benjamin Buskey was toastmas­ Training class Wednesday 7:30; POPULAR MARKET—Rubinow Buildingr om M win inMt tomorrow at 7:801 forth in the usual artistic manner Mn. Alice Scalley, Commander of lieves "tend to curt) the court or In­ non-toterventioa committee. 'This to the eyes of others while neglect­ petuoiu truth; to tbe Utod hatred poratioa otalka. ter at the dinner which was served Band of Love Saturday 2:30. I home o f Mrs. Marlon Eddy, I that one alarays expects to hear Hartford Chapter, D. A. V. Auxil­ Name ...... terfere with its funcUODS.' group, o f which Italy la a member, ing "beams’’ to their own. o f others, our conactoua contempt.'* The governor, peanemakar to i iary; Commander Charles Wlgren, by Miss Ada Ragani, assisted by Practices: Senior Band Tuesday • • • ••••••♦•♦••••eeoeoeoooo* •# I South Main street., The assist-1 from this group o f talented sing­ Wheeler’s amendment would em­ made ready today to go ahead with n Duce proclaimed that “vindica­ W ith rising votes, ha ooid Italy recent General MotMs atalbw Dllworth-Oornell Post, American Mrs.. Mary Cervini. Edward Ko- 7:30; Songsters Friday 7:30. Carrying folding cots and canned goods, sltdown strikers are riiown ameigliig from a Detroit printing plant hostess wiU be Mrs. Bertellne ers. ’H m finale, "Wtaen the Son of A d d re s s...... power Congreee to override a Su­ the land and sea patrol plan to iso­ tion" of Adua after 40 years show­ hod overcome sanetlous applied to cotad ha had oasaraaM hoth Legion; Vice-Commander William sack presented a statue to Mias Pa- they bod held since March 13. It waa tha third plant from which Detrott poUca had ejected striken to a m Work will bo on salting I Man Shall Come In AU His Glory", Winners Most Be Present preme Court deciaion by a two-thirds late the conflict over the protest of ed Italians bad long memories and tbs Ethiopian war. U ooncluoion would aoeept hto tolegiiiphdfl I Fortin, Anderson-Shea Post, V. F. ganl during the dinner. drive on oltdowns. In this cose, the strikers took the police order to good humor and offered no reslatsnce. waa in all its triumphal utterance We have brashes fer all types vote. O’Msboney would require a th4 Valencia government. would be ready to reply similarly to of that ecoQomie otruggla ha d ior- tloos to B fooo-to-fkoa W.; Commander George Johnson, ’The boys were in attendance for Children Without Parents Cannot I^rticipate. octortoed os a "surrender of Um portrayed with an effect that was of powei motors ui stock end con tWD-thlrds vote by the court to in­ In Ooae Oeutoet tbe wrongs of the future, opi 11 B. iB„ oastaia stoadorfl tlam il Ward Cheney Camp, U. S. W. V.; the past two weeks at the^ early bu litess.**« U m "Joyland" committee of the I thrininig and intense. make repairs without delay. validate a law. French official aourcM to Paris whet be termed bod faith wti 8 B i Idsatleal telegramd tp Lawrrence Converse, Ward Cheney masses, at 5:30 and 7 a. m. daily. Should Italy be "wrongad" in the ' 1 Osdais wUl have a m eetb^ to-1 Tbe several solos in the work W ATCH FU T PIttiisin’e Suggeetton. said the French and British foreign todestruotible wlIL" chairman e f Um Chiydtar i Camp, U. S. W. V.; Jacob BarU, Pulleys — Beltins future, he went on. or obould a lit at 7:80 in the Masonic Tern-1 waa taken by Miss Eleanor Willard, *nie two westerners got together offices were to close contact, appar­ (An Italian (Oroe was defeated tlon board and to Um BdlltaBti Y-D Association; Commander Fred PROVIDENCE SHtlKE tendency be shown by ItsHona to A ll membeis ars urged to at-1 soprano, and Robert Gordon, bari­ I GUARDIANS aa a result of a suggestion by Sens­ ently convinced that Premier : '.us- HOUSE SETS THE DATE at Adua in on earlier Ethiopian tola of Um OonunlttM tor 1 tone, and as one expects from these Baker, Mons-Ypres Command, Brit­ campaign.) forget their “wrongs’' the whole I ilwajrt at your tcrvicc NORTON tor Pittman (D., Nev.), who favors aoUnl’s unexi>ectod return yesterday OrgantoaUoa. Um govornor. i well known artists, were done full ish War Vhtorans; President Henry The premier deacribed “profeo- nation would bo stirred up again by POLICECOURT ' the Roosevelt blU. He indicated from a visit Libya was connected Um state would "employ ill JUv. and Mrs. Ferris B. Reynolds Justice, too. Both soloists were m Mutrle, Arm y and N avy Club; Mrs. ELE(TRI('AL they could cqunt op his help to com' COMES TO AN END sional Pacifists" os “the real ene­ tbe Focist Party. sory sad avmUohle meaiw to Gustave WIttkofske, 58, of North with the insurgent defeat northeast In ixmclusion, ha told tha Black' ‘'* as their week-end g u e ^ Mr. their usual good form and sang with Jacob JacobuccI, Commander, Un­ A LE A D E R IN mittee if the amendment advocates FOR CIVIL SERVICE BILL mies o f European peace and ool- pubUo authority." street pleaded gulHy in police court INSTRUMENT CO. o f Madrid. Mrs. George~ T . Schnare and I great feeling and their interpreta­ known Soldier Chapter, D. A . V. laboratlon," adding that Italy sin- shirts: Remember and prepare your- I this morning to a charge of Indecent Phone 4060 would compromise among them (Ttas defenders o f Madrid have B is reforoBoa w u to tha wrttdl , M ary Buntin o f Springfield, tion was a l^ y s Just what should Auxiliary, Hartford; Mrs. Mildred cn ely desired peace. setveo, that to the order o f Um deyr* I Hilliard Street Hancbeeter MODERN DIRECTION . selveo. charged that captured insurgents attachmoBt toouad hy O m U t Jn have been. ’The minister, Rev. Tedford, Mary Bushnell Cheney exposure on Main street Friday night and was sentenced to Jail for Senators Burke (D., Neb.) and dlaeloeed tbe backbone o f the fifth Alton OompbaU lost Friday for BArl Bi. Story, gave a short address Auxiliary, U. S. W. V.; Mrs. Sophia Q erb m Nbetj Stores Go 30 days by Judge Raymond A. John­ King (D., Utah) toalsted the bUl, assault against tbe Spanish cspltsl State Legislatnre to Take Up orrast of 8,(KW strikora vAdJutant Anscombe c t the Salva- in keeping with the season o f tbe Holmes, President, Dilworth-Cornell which they oppoee, be disposed of ACCUMUUTEDGAS son. & on the GusdslaJsra front was three eight Chiyaler Oor; Arm y has received noUfleation year. American Legion Auxiliary; Mrs ' WUllom P. Qulsh la «v «r before amendments could be seri­ divisions of Hsilsns. Much Discussed Measure Back to Work After Wage deflanoe of a visit on April 14 o f General Florence Sullivan, Arm y and Navy alert to take full advan­ ously considered. FORMER BRAIN TRUSTER It w u "eeqieetod" (Officisla to Rome scouted the Auxiliary; Mrs. Henrietta Binks. r i i i s j K Some Roosevelt eupportere ap­ AS CAUSE OF BLAST tage of the latest sdeotl- idea o f any political algniflcance to Thomu O. Wtlooa, of Wayas i Higgins formerly served as president, Mons-Ypres Command, peared willtog to link leglstotlon Increase Is Promised. I OVER 500 MEN ATTEND flo odvonoea which make n DOM’s return.) On Thursday — Some tv. wcMld **mmamt I o f the Arm y in London. Eng- British War Veterans Auxiliary. with amendments, if that would ^ Now Dp to Dues atata outborittaa to axaciitlaa e t 1 . and la one of the most proml- Following the roast beef dinner It ponible for him to bet­ strengthen their position, but gave RAPS CHANGES IN COURT The French eouroee espreeeed tbe WTita." . Salvationists now living. ST. BRIDGETS SERVICE served by the entertainment o O F IDEAL ter. attend. Hanebeoter no encouragement to talk about re­ of the Proposed Chanf es. Experts, Agree r t T e x u In- Boston. Mocch 38.— (A P )—Strike mlttee of the post, a fine program familleol Every modern sorting to amendment alone. belief the Itallsn premier might now decide .srhetew. to wtthdeMs, — m — ou ttifl^ltenVia toiliM flu r Btow-' f Walter, son o f Mr. and Mrs. David I waa held In the veterans room. The Improvement Is at once Whether any auppocters o f the .. *3Kb>to leapeettog righto oC For A Personal Loan rapport from luaurgrat OefiethliSBi' ^ iqinry; M n n b r ‘ CimditMiM (Ord. Conn., a threat o f a deport- eta and aeeklng to advaaea o f Buckland, is in at his | Largest Number Ever to Re­ program was aa follows: Vocal solo, Included In Qulsh service. leffUlatlon would attempt to obtain -- ...... State Capitol, Bortford, March Raymond Moley Sayt It UllELLPREPARED with appendieltls. ceive Communion Present at M ra Agnes Mullen, Hartford; violin There Are No And benew where eervice is direct teaUmony from ChtW-JusttoT Fmnctoc9. f f l BiaUHJp gft.ta hto meat store stalks to Sprtoi^ld. propar totaraata hy lawftil UMSI ImportoaL Ever, dsloil HughesHugh«i or other JusticesJusUce. wasw si a top­top- ^ 28.— (A P ) —The House todajr made Mow,, and mugs tMciMUMS (or g,i ibe tetegnuua aal4 atata Maas Yesterday Morning. solo, Robert McGowan, Hartford 00 Ready Circle of Klrg*s I piano solo, George Hanna, Hartford Is made le Bi yeiu needs and is e f apecuIaUon. Vatoneto'gov­ Tbe civil service bill the drilek' o f the >.Fepd tt Anedwr School woifcert to Ptttafleld and Worcester, Wonld Throw 0?er fte meat ooukJ not fonaka Ita i bters will have a social meet- Scotch comedy and capers. Tommy Holidays In The ■ecurity ei endoteen me net Would Onto Hnghea. ernment that' It could not oonsent to day for 11:30 s. m. Thursday. Maas- marked the New fltoglond to' SAYS WAR GENERAL bUlty. The men’s mlaslun, which was the patrol of Its costs by Italy and ' tomorrow afternoon from 3 to 4 Hynes, Hartford; tap and acrobatic required lei eraonale np te Senator Dietorich (D., Bi.) in<&- dustrlsl situsUon today. Purtog aeariy thxaa w«Mg 1.^ ...... I held in St. Bridget’s church last Germany held first pIsM on tbe Rep. Noah H. Swayne, Republto- American Method o f Seek* dancing. Miss Astrid Skoog; vocal $ m JHE FUNERAL HOME (F cated yesterday be wanted an op­ New London, Tax- March ’ 38.— At ProvMeaoe retail clerks to 90 deadlocked nagoUattona oa Week In the directors’ room of the week, came te a close yesterday Drug Business Phone agenda for today's meeting of the on floor leader, sold this was ty solo. Commander James Findlay; The role ei inleresl efaarqed I portunity to question Mr. Hughes (A P ) — Rigid inspection o f every ru­ stores went back to work after a United Automobile WorkenT "■•.tarn M ^ i ^ Ubrary. The host- .nem oon wtth renewal of topUsmal committee. agreement of aU parties, because piano solos, Mrs. Jean Drawbell is three (3) pel cent pet a WILLIAM P. about his letter oi, the bill, but de­ ral school In the vast east Toxas one-dsy strike, granted wage In­ |5«I Mrrfinlw r ? r Seymour, vows by the men, who flUed the The modern drug store has be­ menlh. ei Ihiitv-six (361 pel Tbe note declared tbe government Republican memben viere having a mg Economic Changes. Peyton C. March Declares PVank Nickerson, Mrs. Ferris djurdi overflowing. A t the 8 piano solos, Mrs. Mildred Tedford; HE, clined to say today whether be luncheon at 13:80 p. m. today. oil field ores was the expected after­ creases scaled up to 10 per cent aft­ righta to Chiyaler pUntw tha come such on Important adjunct cent pel OBiiuin os unpaid would press tbe matter. would not permit nstlona it charged ids, Mrs. Frank V. WlUiamS | o’clock service yesterday morning comedy act, Sam Olive, Hartford math today o f the disastoous Lon­ er a night-long conference of dto- h u grown Um dtaputo oouM ha to the physician that they must 'rmenni el loan. Backed by Justices Van Devantet with openly intervening to behalf of The bill to one sponsored by Re­ Meredith Stevenson. the mass was reserved for men only vocal solo, David White, Hartford. don achool explorion—caused, ex­ putoata at the State CtopItoL Army and Navy Are tied only by a faee-to-faoa IDEAL FINANCING and Brandeia, the Chief Justice publican members of the reorgani­ Washington, March 33.— (A P) — and over BOO received communion at James Munslo led the group, sing' COMFORT be on duly every day In the week U I s e r H l perts 4greed, I7 accumulsted gas. la Springfield organiser Ben of Chiyaler and Lawto. wrote: (OMUnoed Ua Pago Pwe) sation committee and follows largo- Raymond Moley, once one of Prest- that time, the largest number of ing old favo:^tes and war time and long hours each day. A nqcrtrrn'nON Ine. '1 2 5 MAIN y ' X . School doors were shut as safety Shonboig of the Retail Clerks inter- Tha governor'a tel^yama MANCHESTER. “ An increase to the number of ly tbe civil service proposal o f the Splendidly Equipped Now. lONCUIB men to ever receive communion at 821 Main Street experts began a eeorch for poulble nsUoaal Aasodation announced, they dent Rooaevelt’s closest odvlaora, dispatched after a night of songs. registered pharmacist is on duty Justices, apart from any question of state reorganization commission. one time in the history o f the HEALTH Over W. T. Onuit Store similar conditions thst kUled 455 would hold a mass meeting "possi­ opposed tbe O iief Executive’s court phone convanaUoas with Boy cool os you srould invest year at our store from opening hour policy, which I do not dlsruas, would church. Phone 7281 Principal changes would ellmtosts bore. bly this oreek” to discuss unionisa­ the dispute and wtth Fedual not promote the efficiency of tbe bill today on the ground it would PLANS FOR RECTTALI The closing services yesterday nioney—expect it to pey retnnis. to the morning untU the last FAMOUS SCULPTOR the necessity of state employes to Extreme caution pervaded tbe tion. Sbonberg ssld there would be WaAIngton, March 38—(AP)— Department repreamtaUvos. Jai oourL" ’abandon" the “American method” afternoon were conducted by Rev. Old Compony’e Anthracite ie a thing nt nIghL service on June 1, 1937 from taking eapedolly after Gordon C. "no stopping" a drive to organize The Army’s World War chief ot F. Dewey, Federal labor eonctUa On the contrary, be said, “it would of seeking social and economic A. M. McDowell, C. S. C., and Manchester an examination; and would remove Hawley, chief engineer of the state’s five and ten cent stores "until the staff, hopeful this country naver w u to Detroit clean, long-burning fnel-ro- Now that pharmacy haa at­ impair that efficiency so long as tb* changes. Date Tentatively for Mon­ Rev. Frederick Shultes, C. S. C., the the requirement for mandatory dis­ fire Insurance department, told a concerns are convinced the sales­ again will be involved to such a con­ Meanwhile, the law w u tained Its present high standard, court acta as a unit.” DIES Hi NEW YORK "That method, the American day Evening, June 21 — mission priests from the Congrega­ qnlraellttleattentlon giveaeven, WILBERT ASPHALT charge of one per cent of tbe state military court of inquiry yesterday girls ha ve taken it on the chin long flict. beUevea It U better prepared tor a "show of strength,” to Date Book hundreda of taoks In preparing method," Holey told the Senate eomfortabie bent, which poya rieh The letter. Jubilantly produced on employes annually. he hod located another achool to the enough." uuw *b»n ever before tor a club ot OtHcen Are Elected. tion of Holy Cross, Notre Dame, In­ medicines have been taken over THE N E W Judiciary committee, "is to toll tbe to downtown Detroit under diana, who have conducted the mis­ the stand by Wheeler, took no posi­ Tbe House received a favorable vicinity endangered by oocaptog gas. Oauneettout Strike arms. promiu agreement with Next Week dividends In health for the entire by the drug etorea which gives BURIAL VAULT tion on the wisdom or Conatltutioo- ;>ubllc In an orderly fashion preclae- sion, followed by Benediction con­ report on a measure petitioning '’A teat a few houn ago,' Hawley Ending of a two-week strike at General PeytoB C. March, 73, ro- A t the meeting of the Lillian Ger­ March 38.—Annual Blaster Break- family. the physician more time for his ellty o f the Roosevelt suggest icn. iy what is necessary to tbe way ot Frank Oouseu. The majror'a ducted by Rev. James P. ’Timmins, Frederick Maemonnies Exe­ Congress to eliminate the Federal told the toveotigators, "at the Car­ the Malleable Iron Fittings Com­ tired, expreseed this opinion today. trude Grant Expression Club, held faat at Y. M. C A. patlento. Following its presentation, tbe economic and social change, to seek sent that Um nwettog ] on Saturday afternoon, Mrs. O lla pastor of S t Bridget's church. Also Sunrise Service o f Protest­ POPULAR gasoline tax, of one cent a gsUon lisle school near hare showed gas pany at Branford, Conn., oent 700 to convince the people ot its wis­ Few men have been afforded bock* held at 5:45 p. m., inatoad of only Uvtog former Juatlce—John ground for posstog Judgment equal vSix Carroll presided at the business ant young people at Sunset Hill, H t o B B S c W I levied to 1932. was escaping underneath the place employes bock to work wtth on im- dom, and then to ask approval of to that portion of CadlUu Working hand to hand with the Heasto (3arke o f San Diego, CWU. cuted Some of World’s to his servios to the SponiA and i.is e tin g, and Miss Maryann M e b 5:30 a. m. Tbe bill declared that tha tax at the rate ef 730 cuUe feet a day, m e^ato ten per cent wage increase the change. naor Um county building medical profeaaloa the modern —declared to a radio ad treasurer, June B. BIckmore. March 31.—Annual K. of C. East­ G. E. W ILLIS & SON, sculptors, died of pneumonia to Doc­ open the way to the death o f the BREAKS HIS BACK purpou w u to "defend Um -Preliminary plans for the program Reaches $12,797.71. er ball at Rainbow in Bolton. TUESDAY tors’ boasts] last night after an lU- Ideals that gave them birth." Btrlkp” by protasttog poUes the June recital were discussed, Alsp American Legion "stag” ban­ Inc. ^^2otAinq to PURSUIT OF REBELS nesa of a few daya. Former Brain Truster. Uou of rit-down strikora la ^4hbd the date tentatively set for Tax collections last week totaled quet at Orange hail. Coal, Lumber, Masons* Supplies Among the greatest of tha Moc- Holey, a member of the original non-automoUva planta. ^Mooday evening, June 21. SPECIALS In purrhanlng n burial vault FLYING DUCHESS IN 186 FOOT DIVE 1812,797.71, Collector Samuel Nelson, April 1.—Anderson-Shea Post, V. less, mineral asphalt with aa monnies works are the great Marne ‘brain trust" which advised Presi­ N o More la terf Btaaoa Paint make sure that your expra- I Petisioners of War of 1812 Mererel of the members preikmted Jr., reported this morning. Increas- F. W., and Auxiliary banquet at V. outer vault of granite hard- battle monument at Meaux, France, dent Roosevelt during bis first cam. Whila the union daforred ;>BI«x>iogues to the 2 Main St TeL 5125 dltore boys andlsturbed aecnr- ^ ypotogues to the club workshop tng the total tax Income since the F. W. Home. Center Cut ond-strong reinforced concrete the Woshtogton group at Princeton, palgn for the presidency and during Ity . . . Insist npon the dnsJ Goyemment Planes Harass thrutened coll of a eity-wlda I which also Included literary,literary.! beginning of the fiscal year, Au- April 3.—Arm y and N avy club’s . . . secore the ntaiost m N. J,, the Nathan Hoia otatus in IS BELIEVED LOST tbe early days of the New Deal, wais8 Wilbert, n vnnit of east, seam- Recall Feats of Fathers motiva atalko, city officials i‘___ *P*n>rototlon._ pretatlon. and voice technique. ( gust 16. to 8225,073.23. annual Ladies’ Night. burial protectloa. a ty Hall Pork, New York, and tbe the third witness to appear before Professional Attempts I The phonetic bee captained by Fran- POrwK CHOPS od there would bo no furthor Of the total, approximately 8190,- N ext Month Rear Gnard Positions; In- colossal fountain of tbe World’s Co­ the committee in opporition to tbe ferenee with "poacoful" "■— Wollett and Esther Pitkin waa I (X) waa received from delinquent Sold By Reputable Funeral Directors 10 April 9.—Rainbow Girls' Minstrel lumbian Etopooitlon o f 1898 to Chi- N ew York, M ordi 33.— (A P ) — fflo m one o f the British ships landed court bill. Several raids, two yesterday, by tbe latter's team. Miss town and school district taxes. Most Publicity Stunt Which show, Hollister street school. coga Searchers Comb Fields Two white-haired women who still to the fort. Our men were out of Moley appeared aa a supporter of ediy were booed upon ” ?*?v*^*i* ®’*"**T was welcomed of last week’s receipts were from Ib. 2 April-10.—Midnight show at State 2 S ® ELMORE «e COMPAMT sorgents Continue Flight Mocmonnleo' moot controversial art drawing pensions from Uncle ommunlUon, x x x ao they Juft tbe Roosevelt objectives and aa a non-employu were among Um S ? ” *** meeting of one concern which settled a back tax theater by Klwranls club for benefit statue to "Ovle Virtue”, in New frank critic of the Supreme (3ourt. May Cost Him His Life. BWch will take place April 17. bill of several year’s standing. Rocky Hill — Omnectient 8mn because o f tbe W ar of 1813 wrapped it up to rags and shot 'er of Kiddles’ Camp. York, although others of hto works Where 71 Year OM Woo^ turned the clock back today to the bock. But be Inalated that the proper and Ik e announcement e f aa Also Legion dance at Rainbow Madrid, March 38.—(A P)—The raised storms at the turn o f the cen­ tlrne when "Father helped chose the "Somebody sold afterword thst best way to achieve tbe obJectlvM tog meeting between Chtyolat Inn, Bolton. S i r l o i n government pressed its pursuit of tury. Ovle Virtue depicts a claoie- Rsdoosts", and sighed whimsically, shot hit something exploiilve on the was through OinstltuUonal amend' San Froncleco, March 38.— (A P ) Lewis at Iraising cUmaxad April 16.— DeMolay Mother and aa’s Plane Was Last Seen. General EmiUo Mola’a insurgent al hero spurning the alrena o f cor­ "thooe were the days!” Royal Qeorge and killed fourteen ment — Tbe dubious distinction o f outdo­ oonUmicd efforts to bring them Son banquet at Masonic Temple. NEW army today against the s tra fe ruption with his feet. Nearly a continent sport, Mrs. men.” "We will have to answer to our ing Steve Brodle by diving 186 feet Moshroonis April 17.—Tali Odars spring for­ STEAKS gether to New York. Chryslor ' supply centers o f Jsdraque and Al- Hto "Bacchante with Infant Carolyn Poulder King, 85, of Oieek- Mrs. Morgan’s grandfather, Jedioh conscience and to future genera­ from tbe Son Franciaco-Ooklud tofore h u refused to meet Green Beans mal dance at Country club. London. March 38.— (A P ) —Emer­ ’ WHITE TURNIPS madroMs, 58 miles Dorthaast of Ma­ Faun’*, mode to 1894, was done In towago, N. Y- and Mrs. Esther Arm Hill, fought to the Revolutionary tions," he asserted, “if we abandon Bay bridge w u held by Ray Wood any repreorataUva o f the April 18.—First anniversary ban­ Coming! drid. to amaab Mols’a attempt to re- Franer and tbe Frendi government gency WOTkera ir. the Fenlands turn­ that American method which, de­ Caciimbers H ill Morgan, 80, o f Independence, W ar under Lafayette, and since today—at the cost of a broken buk - 2 bunches 25c quet of Guiaeppe Garibaldi society at lb. long u strikan conUnued to orgmiise hto routed forces. tried to buy it but won outbid by ed from their struggle with a flood Ore.—the only women now on the then, some cloee relative has been spite minor flaws, has proved.to be He probably will have to Uve to a Celery Sub-Alpine club. 29« the plants. q d u e Picked squadraos of government Chorlee F. McKlm, New York arch­ today to bunt fOr Britain’s "Flying penston Ust o f the 1813 conflict— re­ a veteran of every American war. the truest and best avenue to' tbe wheel choir tbe rest of hia life, par­ FANCY, FRESH April 19.— (Combined concert o f It w u assumed Lowls would Peppers bombers here seed the Insurgent itect. who preeented It to the Boeton Duchess," the 71-year-old Dneheoa cced the feats of their-fathers. Mrs. King was interviewed to the achievement of desirable ends. tially paralysed, physiclau ogid. Beethoven Glee club and G Clef club Smoked and Fresh puUle Ubrary. of Bedfont to the fear aha tomorrow to rattle the .fiEElTS.. .2 bunches 15c Annual Semi-Fonnal rear guard positions, where Insure Mrs. Morgan, Intervlewad at her Evangelical Church Home where she Begrels the Move, That Is, If be Uvea. ■trike on the bosia of the Cabbage at High school halt In New Yoeft New crashed on some watery field. *T view this propoeal not so much grat commanders were speeding borne to Independence, q>tyly Uvea to (SMektowogo, suburb of Of his lup, 51 feet more than Geurol Motors ogroomrat. Ripe Tomatoes April 23. — Muster of Ward Che­ their effort to unify their diratgan- The nbroiy tniotoee, however, de­ I t was beUeved aha might have marebed boUi and forth across her Buffalo. N, Y. Her fathe. served with alarm os with a deep regtet n tB S H ney Camp and Auxiliary at Stata SHOULDERS Brodie's purported 185-foot plunge for exclusive borgiUnlng Spinach toed forces cided l b flgnree were too nude, eo mistaken land eovored with saveral living room, otogtog to a high, to the New York mllltU to the War that after a period of many years off Brooldya bridge to fame and Armory. McKlm gave it to the Metropolitan ■lx months. Chrysler ASPARAGUS .. lb. 29c Itedishes, 5c. Insurgefft resistanM, to cover the feet of water for a smooth, dry strong Toloe: o f IS IX Her husband, Darius King, fortune to 1886, the 80-yeor-otd St. here rejected that proposal April 34.— 40th anniversary cele­ EASTER DANCE letoforMment, develops along the Mussnm of Art of New York, which "Wa’re marching down to old waa stotioned at Fort Niagara. Her (Coutiaoed em Pag* T w o) landing pisca yesterdsy whila flying Louis profeuional diver recalled to­ Large Bimeh 59c. Dahdeliona. bration of South Mancheet^ Fire day. Ib. erest aMe of tha Aragon highway. received It wtth bonor and installed solo from Wobura on what waa to- Quebec, w h en tbe drunu ore loudly pension Is $00 s month. Department at Masonic T>m^e. day: Homer Martin. UAW The dlveraion centered on Hits tt near tba'sntranee o f the buUdtog. tanded os a abort Jaunt beMttog. Sba marrtad at 19, when her bus- TREASURY BALANCE. 'T stepoed off backward and Also Scandla Lodge semi-formal Inr 1933, Macmctmlee’ "Venue and hod announced a city-’ when a small detachmant put up a "Tbe Americans have won the day band was 7L counted ta i". 'Then I bent double spring dance at Rainbow Inn, Bol­ Wednesday, March 31 SUced Adonis" was draped with eonvoa to Alrplanea roared off in tbe eokt Washington, March 38.— (A P) — would be ordered If poUes datormtoed resistoBM until it elaor dawn to comb the territocy (or and the British are retreating.” *T bod to work bard", obe sold. and grabbed my left thumb with my ton. New Rochelle, N. Y , atthongh UO,- Tbe position ot the Treasury on to thrir oettvlUM oi^lnst i dHRAPEFRUlT $ for 2$e (breed to withdraw slowly. a oign o f the Oaehaaa’ — »-g ship « She turnad. erect as a ramrod. "M y husband was not to good health, right band. A s I came out o f Um down proteots. Tifo sud^ April 26-37.—Minstrel by Brother­ 000 persona had viewed tt to N ew ''That’s tbs song my fM her used March 30: BACON The goverainent’a v lr tu a ^ unop­ and police reoumad oeorch o f isw ir* and I ploughed, dragged and planted Jack-knife, I held my hands over my ware broken up Saturday' hood o f Concordia Lutheran church. York ooriler to tbe year without ob- to atog me. R e colled It Napoleon’s Receipts, 869,597X44.02; expendl- posed advanM, aix days after the Woods, IS mllaa (rom Potersborough on our form so w e eouM Uve. head to brook the impact ot Um mors yiektod quietly to polleo Shonldera, 23c lb. BIBOSEVE April 30.—DeMolay spring JeriloHi. March.’ The soldiers song It wtrnn tures, 837,647,088.34; balsnce, 81.* dance at Mhaonic Temple. Rainbow Inn-"Bolton defeat of tbe main body of the to- where a gamoksepor ooid ha oow "But that was so long ago. My water. sure yosterday. BED RASPBEBRIBS Others of hto noted works toduds » they went after the Radcoats." 709,139X87.48; customs receipts for D«dn,2Sclb. lb. aiugent aseanlt army, placed the ptona lost nigh t age is ogoUat b n . 1 can’t remem- "That w u aU 1 remombor. I must M s ^ OottSMS. la OB COT CORN OomlBg Bveots tbs equestrian ststno e f Gen. George - Mrs. Morgan has been bUnd for bar ao.wolL” tbe month, 836.044,010X8. DcfadT Beef, 1-4 Ib. 18c. May .—Coronation supper and eapitaTs defendan irithto striking "I new a plana flying vary have bit the water with tetTifle Im­ moat dapartsMBt 12 Sponsored By B. MeCMIan to Waahtogtan. D. C,. 7g yoon , bat Um Is oettva and op- She onjoys oitUng to n rocking Receipts tor the fiscal yoor (otoce pact." Greteid Beef, 29e Dt. dance at Tinker haU by Daughters distance of the porittons held by the tha central broona doors and tbs over Um wood," bo related. "It _ tin’s chugss Um poUes tlmlatio. She has a little bouao, 10 am ir near a window which looks ouu July 1). 883X47,050.711X7; expendi­ Hopping oft a truA that eartled 21c of Scotia. Country RoD enemy at the outset of their fifth statue o f Bhakaspoara to tbs Con- wiowtog bard and the mmehtM h u . "bratoT to sjsettog strlkscs, -children and aoverni giandehtldren. on rarroundtag flolda. tures. 85X47,478,337.18, (Including him onto the brtdga. Woods ettmbeil May 31-June 5. — TaU Gedare drive against Madrid. greralwial library, and tha Ptonoor oppee-wd (rom riow. the ongbw oaoursnoe thsrs wmild hs "no Campbell Council, H er penaioo eboek Is n month. Aokod what sort of oriebraUan 83,062X35,595.52 o f emergency over the aide, threw o ff a robe “Joylantf' at Dougherty's lot. monument in Danvm. eaemed to halt end I tM»fc fersnes with psaesfni Mar fOtlMr, John TOI, fought tho A o bos on her htathday. hor fOoe penditures); excess ot expedltures, veoltog him to padded bothtog anit . J™ * 14-19. — VeUrons' Caralval BUTTER Tbe vital poelthiHS at AlmadrooM Bis Widow, Mrs. AUm Jonoa Mon- mast have coma down." down stalkss.” K . o f C . British 138 yoaio ago. enlisting with erinlded. and A c exidaliMd with • 81X00,427X15.49; gross d eb t 884,- and footbaU helmet, shouted "la Tbs only aeUoa. hs ssld. Pinehurst G rocery, Inc. at Mato and Maple stroeto. and Jodraqna, dtotribntloti ooBtiri mennlea, surrivao, with tw o Ongh- P etsruborough to west o f the F4w- three brotb^ to the New York 571,762X45.15,’ an increase Of 86,' everything O. KT” to a boat below, Ji m 21. Legion Carnival at for 'tha supply of ths Insurgent dlvl< o f a prevtoua marrtago, lir a In disputss srhars term toads sad north of Londog Woburn, militia «t Soekatts Baiter. Tb^ "Pva never had a birthday part 823,050.50 over the previous day. and leaped. s n U M a S t Y M t Dougherty tot ■tone, were oU thststood to the way. Donald Wyoong o f Port W a ~ Dial 4151 whore Wdbun Abboy, aaot of baBt a fort on LokFOntorio. that I can reBNmbar—that latt- Gold osaeta, 811X18X99X44.40. In­ Wood who ■■sertoil be petfonned Augi^ S^SepL 6. — Knighto of ~ $3.00 Per Couple 2 ^ 1 * N. Y , and Mra C M Ba *"M N y fa ather told hm", oho relatad e q )t whiB m y kuAaad waa aUvo. cluding 8385,781X74.91 o f Inactive Oolumbua Oonivml. York. OMirUy, "that oneo s cannon bou Tben w e need to have a M g BMaL" gold. r t n i L v a

SOOTH CHDlHfl CHOR ford. Tha Root Catarsra of ABOUT TOWN PRAISES ySTERANS’ Haven win cater. N. B. Rlehardo, Harry N. Roth Moteay, MOseh IS _ ?*»• »«>.. m . INT1IIIIDIIDSKAL and George H. WaddeU are co-chair­ CMir cC ted Mw wm hold 4:00—Grads School vbl Alum ni men of the benefit bon. Arthur A. HELP IN DISASTERS Knolte is chairman of tha tlckat lieeiler miotfae this wreelae la Basketball game. ^ ten at • o'clock steip. Progrmm b ta Keeping With 8:18—Bustnass Maa’s VoDoy ball Appropriate Musical Prognuu committee and Aniart Dewey hsada Holy W edi; Sohw by M in ass. Yesterday at All Three Sal* the ushers committee. 6 :8 0 —M ilk IC Ulhwis, a Jonlor In the W lllon! and Robert Gordon. D. A . V. Banquet Speaker ▼atioB Arm y M eetiugs. o< Itiitesos Aawihilstiattoii supper AD Proceeds frosr Dascs O i 7:00—"T ” Senior BasketbaU Lisar I m loofolty, Sjrroeiiac, N. At ths South Methotet church llamben of tha Salratton .Army totoraod iMMBo ovor the wodi g ue: last night the third musical service Says They Are Always On 7:00—Highland Park vs. Ar* bond took charge a t all tha meet* N at Moodaj Niflil lo Aid “This Way Ou<^ — By Request Of The Police ’ OM i»Mk opcinc TnooUca of the season was presented by the Inga at tha Manchaster atadel. CLINIC SCHEDULE FOES OF COURT ITALY DENIES Uthwln Is tao son o t Alex* choir under the direction of Clifton 8:00—Bouth Mathodiat va. Tal* Main atreet, Sunday. Bandmaotar Manchester PubUc Health l i thwlBshy t t U 7 High the Scene First and Ready. Harold A. Turklngton arranged a Crtpiiled Qdldreo. ArlyneMoriaity C ollsgo rfs s s is w ill be rs> C BrMnerd, organist and dirae* oottvlUa. Norsfiif Afloodathm MURPHY TO ARRANG moot appropriate muaical program tor. 9:00—Oxfords va. Ramblara. CANNOT* AGREE rnotitey; April 8. and the opesudag during the day svaa 74 Haynes SC Td. 3426 LANDING MORE In keeping with tbs season, it 8:00—"T” Bowling Loague: Olb- "The vetarao Is first on the aeene by membera of tha band. In the (AO eUaloa at Hayaea St. naleas Carrity ^teUtnis on ttekols Air the A. O. being Palm Sunday and the o e ^ ' son'a va. ToleottvUle; Bon Ami vs. Reeervatlona and distrtbuUon a t of any catastrophe or extreme dis­ Reld'a; Shaarer’s va. Keller’a. morning aervlce Bandsmen WUUam otherwioe aoted.) I shoold be mode as so«i as nlng of Holy week, the numbers I>ggett and David Addy were in tickets for the Shrine Easter Mon­ Teacher of ONAMM)MENT MEN J SPAIN to P. McVeigh, ChurCb chosen were such as went to pre­ order. ready and wUUng to do hla Toeoday, Bbreh SS " day ball at the State armory, Mon­ 12:16—Business Committee lunch­ charge. The meaaage waa brought day evening, March 39 have been Tuesday, 9:00 a. m.—Dental cUnie CONFERENCE BETWE pare those present for the sacred share to alleviate human aufferlng," PIANO VOICE by Mr. Leggett, hla oubjact bate for the pre-Bchool child. duties usually attached to this time. Past Department Commander Sam eon meeting. ’The Power of the SpLrtL” rM>ld and arrangem enta are w ell In It la Interesting in passing to ,iote 4:00—B o^ ' gyirniaalnm period. band, according to the various com­ Tueeday, 10:00 a. m. — TonoU _HARMONY [;AH ooandttoao la ocnaectloa with The afternoon service was In the C linic. Senators Admit There Is Britain Informed That Group ~ tester dance of Campbell that the prelude as played on the McGill, Disabled American Veter­ 6:30—Olte' basketball practice, mittee chairmen handling the bene­ organ, “Andantino quasi allegreto" ans of tha World War of Connecti­ coach, Maurice Burke. form of a musical program arranged fit ban plans. Wednesday, 3:00 p. ra.—WeU Baby studio State Theater Bldg K. of C. to be held at the by Bandmaster’ Turklngton and ainlc at Yil.CJL Botton, Wednesday eve- from the 5th Symphony by Wldor, cut, asserted at the anmml dinner 7:80—Women's gymnasium pe­ Receipts from the ball will be For AppointuienCCall 307i SmaD Chance of Agree­ Sent 00 March 5 Was naade up entirely of compositions by Thursday, 9:00 a. m.—Pre-Natal CHRYSLER AND LEWI I MSireh S I, are rep ea ted to the well known French composer of David McCann Chapter, In the riod, under the direction of Mlos given, with funds secured by Vari­ was chosen by Mr. Bralnerd srith- FbyUla Burdick. Army compoaera. Some of the CUnic. m ight at the R. of a home State Armory Saturday night numbers included on the program ous Shrine Temples in this section, ment On Snhstitote Meas* out his knosrtng at ths time of “I am sure that the veteran would 8:00—South Methodist Church to the Springfield, Maoa, Shrine Composed Only o f Vohm- arranging his program, that Just Bowling Lea^e. were: March, “Soldiers of Christ,” ba the first to tsdee o ff his coa t and aelecUgn, “My Keeper”, March “The Hoapitel for Crippled Children. Dur* To Meet Tomorrow ^ llr. and Mrs. Robert M. Reid i«< this week post this great master dig Into that terrible abambles of 8:30—Andover Boya’ Gymnasium tag the week of Match 29, 159 sore Bot Contimie Parleys passed asray at the age of 93 jrears, period. Golden West." The male quartet teer Doctors and Nurses. II Duce Lashes Oat Saturday from a business tw isted Steel girders and brick, once rendered beautifully “The Light of Shrine unite throughout the country pleasure trip to rioilda. and that Archibald Sessions, former 9:30—Tolland County va. Hart­ tempt I to Afert Fi I the beautiful New London, Texas, the Croas." Bandsman Jamea will sponsor social events and other TONIGHT* organist at tbs South church, was ford County Basketball game. forma of entertainment designed to a pupil of Wldor. school. During the flood of 1986 the Munale led a brief testimony meet* Wsshtagton, March 23.—(AP) — London, March 28.—(AP)—Italy ^Mrs. Jaonla Rosgookl entertafaiod veterans at Hartford county volun­ bolster the funds of the doxen 8:15 A t European Critics of her Uttla daughter's play- A very pretty response after the i»8 - ^Democratic opponents of the Roose- informed Great Britain today In rt- Troohle in Detroit teered for any kind of work the of­ The evening service waa conduct* Shrine hospitals for crippled chil­ I at a Urthday pai^ yestMday Invocation was Stolnar'a “Cross of dren In the United States. The oult JudMary blU said today there ply to nrgent querlaa oonoarnlng the Jesus”, this being followed by the ficials could give—and they stayed m C H ATTENDANTS ed by Bandsmen William Hall and ' her little daughter, Amelia, who on until the end,” Commander Mc­ sum of 8500,000 la expected to bo w as SUgtat chsnoe o f agreem ent reported of Italian troops In Rome, March 38.—(AP)—Premlarf Ha ocoutod reports abroad'that ha Gotenor Decjarei aeren years accompaniment by Manchester Green Senator O’Mshooey (D., Wya), shouted a defense of Italy’s Bmplra nificent Fascist Italy" oa subject to star of attraction. Those present welcomed by Commander Jamea of G. O. Simon company of Hart- No Italaln troops have landed In Workers Pin for the sacred story as told In the Findlay of David McCann Chapter, Church Guests of Pastors Bandmaster Turklngton. one of the few members of the Judl' building. “ aoa a t the usual tempests and Valerie Jean Temple, Helen The meetings for the week are: clary committee still uncommitted Spain, tbs reply stated flatly. It was Reporting on his nine-day tour ot told Us vast audience that the an­ > Oraham, Betty Brown, Amelia work. The opmlng theme, “How chairman of the evening program. for Their Services Past Two ■i- Admission 25c. -f Long WUt Thou Forgive Me. O The Holy Week services on Read The Herald Adfs. on the administration bill, conferred pointed out that foreign medical Libya, Italy's North African colo­ niversary found FoociaU celebrating Demonstration Late Ti Alberta Staum, Sonny Mayor David Chambers, - the first Weeks. workers do not come under the ban the acUevement at party objertlvea Lord" with ths ^ipeal In request ■peaker Introduced by Chairman ThuradSy and Saturday nights at 8 with Senator Wheeler (D., Mont.) ny, he declared be and Italy stood Mary Ragasacs Clara was very pleasing In Its portrayal. o’clock. A special Good Friday and other opponents on the possl on volunteera effected by 27 natlona. unmoved by what be characteriaed in “an atmoopbere of Bmi Ire.” ' Mario Tiirigno. Amelia Findlay, said that It was his first The acolytes of St. Bridget's Hla reference to Engl Evidence of a thoughtful and care­ aervlce will be held from 10-12 a. m. bllity of union behind a si>eclflc In an accord of neutrality, last Feb­ oa “tendentious’’ reports and critl- Datrott, Mknh 88— (AP)' many beautiful gifts. * opportunity to thank the rank and church were given a dinner In the ruary 30. clsma from abroad. eriUclam waa bitter. Ha callad'lt ful period of rehearsal was evident file of veterana for their support of Special speakers will briefly talk on am endment. basement of St. Bridget's church at Senator Bailey (D., N. C.) took Authorised sources said Great He termed such comment publish­ “hysterical, hyprocritlcal oratory.' ernor Fiaiik Murphy oniwaaoad not onty In this offering but many civic enterprlaea during the the close of the two weeks mission “The Seven Last Words of Christ lh a Sewing CIrele of the Anted throughout the whole cantata. The On the Croas.” exception to the opinion given by Britain was satisfied with the an­ ed In fBngland and France os “a Italy's “Imperturbable calm," ha day ha axpsetad Walter P, Legion auxiliary will meet to* past year, and said that he wished last night by Rev. James P. Tim­ 3 Easter Hams Free! declared, cannot be shaken by these following hymn number, "1 Heard Women's Home League Wednes­ 8 P. M. THURSDAY— MARCH 25TH Wheeler yesterday that the Demo- swer on this p<^t tempest ot printed paper and an and John L. Laarta to oonfSr r^aftemoon at the home of It to be known that he was with mins and Rev. Frederick L. Clark, craUc dissenters could agree The number of foreigners In Spain inundation of turbid ink." mttAcJu. the Vote (rf Jesus Say*', was also tha veteraiis and their allied units pastor and assistant pastor, respec­ day afternoon at 2:30. him tomorrow at laifitig la aa te atrloa Thomas of UcKi No Strings Attached! Nothing To Buy! quickly. olnca the control agreement went Ifl- He counter-attacked Anglican **To the bad faith of others wren rendered. In the next num* too per cent and was alwaya will­ tively. The dinner was In return Yoimg People’s meetings: Girl tempt to avait “ntrama aad “O Cast Thy Burden Upon the Guards Tuesday 7:30; Corps Cadet Just Bring In This Coupon. He said he would oppose amend­ to effect were investigated separate­ pulpit utterances against Italy's shall oppose oiir Indestructlbla will, ing to help out at any time. for the fine work done by the boys ments such as suggested by Wheel­ ly by the British In an effort to Ethiopian conquest as evtdenca that to the caotles of Ilea or others, (wa maasuraa with poaMbto Lord”, the several necessary and during the past two weeks' missions. clasa Tuesday 7:30; Leadership ’ Ib o MlgpAh group of the Wesley* contra sting _ m oods wrere shown Othera guesta Introduced were: er and O’Mshoney, which he be­ avoid clogging the agenda of the Britishers were eager to see “motes” shall oppose) the gusto ot our Im­ conaequaneea" la tha ChiyMai Mra. Alice Sealley, Commander of Benjamin Buskey was toastmas­ Training class Wednesday 7:30; POPULAR MARKET—Rubinow Building Onild e ^ meet tonoorrow at 7:U forth In. m e usual artistic manner Band of Love Saturday 2:30. lieves “tend to curb the court or in­ non-intervention committee. This In the eyes of others wmle neglect­ petuous truth; to the UInd hatred poration atrika. Hartford Chapter, D. A. V. Auxil­ ter at the dinner which waa served of others, our conaetoua contempt" the horns of Mrs. Marlon Eddy, that one always expects to hear Practlcea: Senior Band Tuesday Name ...... terfere with its functions.' group, of which Italy la a member, ing “besma" in their own. Tha govarnor, poaoamakar to Sooth Main street, The assist* from this group of talented slng- iary; Commander Charlea WIgren, by Mias Ada Pnganl, assisted by Wheeler’s amendment would em­ n Duce proclaimed that “vindica­ With rlring volee, ha sold Italy recant Gaoaral Motors aMtak Mrs. ■ Mary Cervinl. Edward Ko- 7:30; Songsters Friday 7:80. A ddress...... made ready today to go ahead with Carrying folding oote and canned goods, ritdown oMkera are riiown emerging from a Detroit printing plant hostess wlU be Mrs. Bertellne eia. The finale, “When the Son of Dilwortb-COrnell Poat, American power Coagreea to override s Su­ the land a ^ soa patrol plan to Iso­ tion" of Adua after 40 years show­ had overcome sanctlous applied tai ted ba had aaauraaea both a Work will be on salting Man Shall Come In AU His Glory", Legion; Vice-Commander William sack presented a statue to Miss Pa- preme Court decision by s two-thirds they had held since March 13. It was the third plant from which Detroit police had ejected strikers in a ed Italians bad long memories and the EtUopian war. Tha oonelustoa would aooapt bia tetegraphed lavl ganl during the dinner. Winners Must Be Present. late the conflict over the protest of dftve on oltdowna. In this case, tha strikers took the police order In good humor and offered no reslatance. was in all Its triumphal utterance Fortin, Aoderaon-Shea Poat, V. F. We bave bnmhes ter an types Children Without Parents Cannot Participate. vote. O’Mshoney would require s th4 Valencia govenimeht. ’ '' ’ arould be ready to reply simllarly'to of that economic struggle ha ehor- tlooa to a faoa-to-fhoa jMrtrayed wrtth an effect that eras W.; Commander George Johnson, The boys were In attendance for of power motors m stock and can two-thirds vote by the court to In­ the wrongs of the future, opposing acterlaad os a “surreiider of tlM U a. m.. aaatoia ataadaid ttato the past two weeks at the early In Cloae Contact n m *MayIand” eom m lttee o f the hrlillnig and Intense. Ward Cheney Camp, U. 8. W. V.; make repairs without delay. validate s law. what he termed bad faith with “on buslnais*** IB idaoUeai talagiaBM to masses, at 5:30 and 7 a. m. daily. French official aourcee In Paris Should Italy be “wrongad" In tha Osdais will have a meeUng to- The several solos In the work Lawrenea Converse, Ward Cheney , WATCH FUT Pittman’s Suggestion. said the French and British foreign Indestruottble will.” oh aln aa a a t tha Chnralar ht at 7:80 In the Masonic Tern- was taken by Mias Eleanor Willard, Camp, U. a. W. V.; Jacob Barts, Pulleys — Belting The two westerners got together (An Italian force was defeated future, ha went on, or should a tkm board and to tha mlUtaat offices were in close contact, appai^ PROVIDENCE STRIKE tendency ba shown by Italians to An members are urged to at* soprano, and Robert Gordon, bari­ y-O Association; Commander Fred I GUARDIANS as a result of a suggestion by SenS' ently convinced that Premier J'.us- HOUSE SETS THE DATE at Adua In aa earlier Ethiopian ta la a t the Ooauatttoa tor tone, and os one expects from these Baker, Mona-Ypres Command, Brit­ at your service NORTON tor Pittman (D„ Nev.), who favors cam paign.) forget their "wrongs" tha whole Orgaalsatloo, tha fovaraor. aoUnl’s unexpected return jresterday The premier described “profes- natton would ba stirred up agsin by wrell knowm artists, wrere dona full ish War Vtotarans; President Henry POLiCECOURT ' the Roosevelt bill. He Indicated from a visit to Libya was connected tha stata would "employ oQ 'tev. and Mrs. Perris B. Reynolds Justice, too. Both soloists were m Hutrte, Army and Navy Club; Mra,_ ELECTRICAL they could count op bis help In com­ atonal Paclfiata’’ aa “the real ene­ the Faaclat Party. Gustave WIttkofske, 58, of North with the insurgent defeat northeast COMES TO AN END oary aad avallabls BMoas to “ 1 as their week*end guests, Mr. their usual good form and sang writh Jacob JacobuccI, Commander, Un­ mittee If the amendment advocates FOR CIVIL SERVICE BILL mies of European peace and col­ In conclusion, he told the Black­ pubHe authority." street pleaded gulRy In police court INSTRUMENT CO. A LEADER IN o f Madrid. shirts: Remember and prepare your­ I Mrs. Oeorge T. Schnare and great feeling and their Interpreta­ known Soldier Chapter, D. A. V. Phone 40S0 woidd compromise among them­ laboration," adding that Italy sin­ tion wras always Just what should this morning to a charge of Indecent (Tha defenders of Madrid have cerely desired peace. selves, that is the order of tha dayr Hla rttoraaoa was to the Mary Buntln of Springfield, Auxiliary, Hartford; Mra. Mildred HIIHard Street Manebester MODERN DIRECTION . . . selves. charged that captured Insurgents attachment Issued by Ctreait Ji have been. The minister. Rev. Tedford, Mary Bushnell Cheney exposure on Main street Friday night and waa sentenced to Jail for Senators Burke (D., Neb.) and diselooed the backbone of the fifth Clerks m Ninety Stores Go Allan OamptoU loot lYIday to r Earl B. Story, gave a short address Auxiliary, U. S. W. V.; Mra. Sophia King (D., Utah) Insisted the bill, State Legislatnre to Take Up In keeping writh the season o f the 30 days by Judge Ra}mK>nd A. John­ oasault against the Spanish capital ACCUMULATED GAS arreot a t 8,000 strikars c ^Adjutant Anaeomhe of the Salva- Hotmea, President, Dilworth-Comell son. which they oppoee, be disposed of on the Guadalajara front was three eight Chiyalar OorpexaUea Army has received notification year. American Legion Auxiliary; Mra # ' WUllam P. Qulah Is ever before amendments could be seri­ Back to Work After Wage dlvisions of Italians. daflaneo of a eourt iajunol alert to take fuU advan­ ously considered. Mach Disenssed Measnre the visit on April 14 of General Florence Sullivan, Army and Navy (Officials in Rome #oouted the FORMER BRAIN TRUSTER said It was "mpaetaff’ Higgins, retired officer. Auxiliary; Mra. Henrietta Binks. r H I V K tage of the Inteet sclenU- Some Roosevelt supporters ap­ AS CAUSE OF BLAST peared willing to link leglalation idea at any political significance In hcrease Is Promised. Thomas G. WilooB, a t W ayns Higgins formerly served as OVER 500 MEN ATTEND president, Mona-Ypres Command, llo advances which make n Daca’a return.) On Thursday — Some ty, would ’Ysquaat inilstsii of the Army In London, ISng- British War Veterana Auxiliary. with amendmente. If that would I Sb%ttQ5i in ^ It poesible for Mm to bet­ Now Up to Dues atata authorlUoa In axscatkm at and Is one at the most promt' Following the rout beef dinner strengthen their position, but gave J A P S CHANGES IN COURT w rite." ter. attend. Maacheotor no encouragement to talk about re­ The French aouroea exprsaaed the > Salvationists now living. ST. BR ID G E n SERVICE served by the entertainment com­ O T IDEAL belief the Italian premier might of the Proposed Changes. Everts Agree it Texas In- Boston, Maseh 88.— (A P)—Strike mittee of the post, • fine program famllleol Every modem sorting to amendment alone. paw deolda wbatkar,, to w ttM w , IW alter, sea of Mr. and Mrs. David was held In the veterans room. The Improvement la at once Whether any auppocters a t tha ■■ ‘ ' “ ' ' it-' ... tS!hila romeettag righto of i [For A Personal Loan! legislation would attempt to obtain ■UDDort from bBKM cnt O e ftrn llM ’ ford. Conn., a tluMt ef a depart­ era and aaalrlng to adraiiea ' a t Buckland, la in at his Largest Number Ever to Re­ program was aa follows: Vocal solo, Inclnded In Qnlsh aervtoe. state Ospitol. Hartford. March qtnrj^ Smiliur Confitiont Riynond Moley Says It UllQlPREPARED with appendlcitia. And borrow where aerriee la di?i^rt^^y W FiandwJrgimflUp hla ment store stelka la Springilleld. prapar Intaraota tar l a a ^ ceive Communion Present at Mra. Agnea Mullen, Hartford; violin There Are No ^ more dirWtly. 28.—(A P)—The House todajr made aolo, Robert McGowan, Hartford moot inpofloat Cvar, detail Hughes or other Justices was a top­ Maae,^ and wage hicraasto for 8,100 the tMagraiun said, oUto Maas Yesterday Morning. 'Zha psotest of the VoMneia goV' ^'Mver R eady C ircle a t K Irg'a piano oolo, George Hanna, Hartford; Is made te 8l yeur needs and ic of apeculattoo. the civil service blU the drAifi’ o f the ^.Feqnd at AneilMr School woHcert in Pittsfield and Worcester, W omU Throw Orer Ae meat could not fonwka tte i Holidays In The ■eeurtly at enderaaie ore aet Would Quis Hugfaeo. arnment that it could not oonsent to day for 11:30 a. m. Tburaday. Maas., marked the New Btagland ta- SAYS WAR GENERAL bUlty. htero will have a social meet- The men's mlaslun, which was Scotch comedy and capers. Tommy ' afternoon from 3 to 4 required lot otnennlt op te Senator Dieterich (D., Ol.) ta(fi- the patrol of Its costa by Italy duatrial situation today. During nearly throa i bom oiTow held In St. Bridget's church last Hynea, Hartford; tap and acrobatic Germany held first place cm the Rep. Noah H. Swayne, Republic­ American Me Aod of Seek- i O 'clock In the d irectors' nx>m o f the $30a JHE FUNERAL HOME OF cated yesterday he wanted on op­ New London, Tex_ March '38.— At ProvMenoa retail clerks In 90 deadlockad aagotlatlona week, came to a close yesterday dancing. Mias Aatiid Skoog; vocal Drug Business Phone agenda for today's meeting at- the an floor leader, said thla was by 'iW btea Memorial library. The host- solo, Commander Jamea Findlay; The rote oi Intereet charged portunity to question Mr. Hughes (A P )—Rigid Inspection of every ru­ Btores went bock to work after a United Automoblla Worlunf afternoon with renewal of Baptismal te three (3) pet cent pet com m ittee. agreement of all partlea, becauaa i will be Mrs. Arthur Seymour, piano solot, Mra. Jean Drawbell Q WILLIAM P, about hla letter ol the bill, but de Republican members iSere having a ral school In tha vast east Texas one-day strike, granted wage ta- in$ Erononiic Changes. Peyton C. March Declares id to r oaolnMya vowra by the men, who flite the The modern drug store has be. month, or thlrty-eix (38) per clined to aay today whether he The note declared the government ereaaea scaled up to 10 per cent aft­ Prank Nickerson, Mrs. Ferris church to overfiowrlng. At the 8 piano solos, Mrs. Mildred Tedford; HE, luncheon at 13:80 p. m. today. oil field area was the expected after- righta in Chrysler plaata, tha come such an Important adjunct cent pet annum on unpaid would press the matter. would not permit nations it charged math today of tha dlsasteoua Lon­ er a night-long conference of dla- haa grown tha diapute oouM I olds, Mrs. Frank V. Williams o’clock service yesterday morning comedy act, Sam Olive, Hartford; Hmoonf ol loan. with openly Intervening in behalf of The bill la one sponsored by Re­ ; Mrs. Meredith Stevenson. vocal aolo, David White, Hartford. to the physician that they must Backed by Justices Van Devantef don ochool explosion—caused, ex­ putonts at the State Capitol. Army and Nary Are tied only by a faea-to-foca ths mass was reserved for men only and Brandels, the Chief Justice publican membera of the raorganl- Washington, March 38.—(AP) — and over 500 received communion at James Munsle led the group, sing­ COMFORT be on duty every day In the week IDEAL FTNANCING I perts agreed, by accumulated gas. In Springfield organiser Ben ot CairyMar aad Lawls. u ((Joatlnoed Un Page Two) sation committee and follows larga- Raymond Moley, once one of PreM- w rote: that time, the largest number of ing old favorites and war time and long hours each day. A accrrrin'nnN hre. >225 MAIN School doors were shut as safety S h on beig a t the RetaU Cfierks Inter­ Splendidly Equipped Now. Tha govaraot's talagTaina MANCHESTER.. “An Increase In the number of ly the civil service proposal of the experts began a search for poaslblr national Association announced they dent Roosevelt's closeat advisors, dlopatcbed after a nl|$t a t ION CLUB men to ever receive communion at songs. registered pharmacist Is on duty 821 Main Street state reorganisation oommlasion. HEALTH Over W. T. Orant Store I Justices, apart from any question of similar conditions that killed 455 would hold a maaa meeUng “poaal- opposed the Clilef Executive’s court phone coavsraatioaa with parttaK-f one time In the history of the Buy eool aa you would invest your at our store from opening hotu Phone 7281 policy, which I do not dtscuss, would Principal changes would eliminate bare. bly tUs week” to discuss unionisa­ the dispute and with Fadatal r church. not promote the efficiency of the bill today on the ground It would Washington, March 38— (AP)— PLANS FOR RECITAL The closing services yesterday money expeel it to pay returns. In the m orning rmUl the last FAMOUS SCULPTOR the necessity of stste employes In Extreme caution pervaded the tion. Shanberg said there would be Department rapraaentatlvaa. cou rt.’’ service on June 1, 1937 from taking 'abandon" the "American method" afternoon were conducted by Rev. Old Company’s Anthradta la a thing at night. especially after Gordon C. "no stopp’ng" a drive to organise of seeking social and economic The Army’s World War chief ot F. Daway, Federal labor i Manchester On the contrary, be sold, “It would an examination; and would remove Hawley, chief engineer of the state's five and ten cent stores "until the staff, hopeful tills country never waa In Detroit A. M. McDowell. C. S. C., and clean, long-bnrning fnel—re» Now that pharmacy has at­ Impair that efficiency so long os the changes. i tM Date Tentatively for Mon- Rev. Frederick Shultes, C. S. C.. the the requirement for mandatory dis­ fire Insurance deportment, told a concerns are convinced the sales­ again wlu be Involved In such a con­ Meanwhile, tha law waa L --,- qnirm little atteatlaa—gives even, tained Its present high standard, court acts os a unit.’’ DIES IN NEW YORK charge of one per cent ef the state ‘That method, the American i a y Evening. June 21 — mission priests from the> Congrega­ Date Book WILBERT ASPHALT military court of inquiry yesterday girls ha ve taken tt on the chin long method,” Moley told the Senate flict, believes It la better prepared for a “ihow of atraagth," to ba I comfortable heat, which pays rich htmdreds of tasks In preptwlng The letter. Jubilantly produced on employes annually. he hod located another school In the enough." iiow Uian ever before for a clash ot Olhcere Are Elected. tion of Holy Cross, Notre Dame, In­ medicines have been taken over Judiciary committee, "Is to tell Uie In downtown Detroit ondar a i THE NEW tha stand by Wheeler, took no posi­ The House received a favorable vicinity endangered by eecaptag gaa. OonnaeUcat Strike arms. diana, who have conducted the mis­ N ext W eek dividends In healtli for the entire by the drug storeo which gives BURIAL VAULT tion on the wisdom or Constitution­ public In an orderly fashion preclae- promloe agraament with M At the meeting a t the Lillian Oer- sion, followed by Benediction con March 38.—Annual Easter Break­ report on a measure petitioning “A test a few boura ago. ’ Hawley Ending of a two-week strike at ly what is necessary In the way ot Omeral Peyton C. Mareli, 78, re­ Frank Oouseno. Tbs mayot'a < fam ily. the physician more tltne for his ality of the Roosevelt suggestion. Frederick Mncmoniiies Ex^ tired, expressed this opinion today. ^Iflide Grant Expression Club, held ducted by Rev. James P. Timmins, fast at T . M. a A. pntlentk Congress to ellmlnste the Federal t(dd the taTestlgaton, "at the (^ ' the Malleable Iron . Fittinga Com­ economic and social change, to seek sent, that tha maetlag ahool' Following Its presentation, the Usla school near bore showed gas pany at Branford, Conn., sent 700 Few men bave been afforded back­ t an Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Celia pastor of St Bridget’s church. Also Sunrise Service of Protest­ POPULAR only living former Justice—John gasoline tax, of one cent a gallon to convince the people of Its wis­ held at 5:45 p. m., Inataad of I - Dtx Carroll presided at the business [ i n o S n t t ^ l levied In 1932. wsa eacaplng underneath the place amployea back to work with an Im­ ground tor paaalng Judgment equal la thkt portion of CXdlllao ant young people at Sunset Hill, Working hand In band with the Hessln Clarke of San Diego, Calif, cated Some of World’s dom, and then to ask approval of to Ills aervica In the Spanish and |: Mversteln, a member of the staff of LAST WEEK 1$ LARGE oct comedy at Whiten Memorial Bring your prescriptions to tMs The measure said further this state fire Insurance department aid' said the terms of settlement Includ­ mosaic of the American (tenstitu- tha demonatration. ; Mt. Sinai Hospital; vice president, auditorium given by Community Rexall store for the best In mod­ **Where Thrifty Shoppers taxation should be left, properly to ed In diacovertag the C^llsle leak. ed recognition of the Amalgamated ttonal tradition. But to seek to The unioa’a eotimata ot tha i ern pharmacy work. New York, March 28.—(AP) — i^Osrol Jean Wood; secretary, Ellza- One Concern Pays Big Delin­ Players and sponsored by the T. M. ANTHRACITC ' Shop” Frederick Macmonnlea, 78, one of achieve -them through the destruc­ bar expected at tha meeting j.teth H. Gorton of South Glaaton- LOYALISTS PRESS (Oeattaned Ua Page Pwe) (Oeattaned On Page Twe) (Oonttaued oa Page Eight) quent Riil; Total for Week C. A. the world’s most succxmiful modern tion of the American tradition Is to from 60,000 to 300,000. Tha aa treasurer. June B. BIckmore. March 31.—Annual K. of C. East­ G. E. WILLIS & SON, sculptors, died of pneumonia In Doc­ open the way to the death of the BREAKS m s BACK purpose was to “defend tha il| Prelimliuiiy plana for the program Reaches $12,797.71. er ball at Rainbow In Bolton. TUESDAY tors’ hospital last night after an 111- ideals that gave them birth." atrikp” by protesting pollea of the June recital were discussed, Also American Legion "stag" ban- Inc. to d i w i t ! PURSUIT OF REBELS ness of a few daya Former Brain Truster. Uoaa of Mt-down strikara la i ^'■ahd the date tentatively set for Tax collections last week totaled quet at Orange ball. Coal, Lumber. Masons* Supplies SPECIALS Amcmg the greatest of tbs Mac- Moley. a member of the original IN 186 FOOT DIVE non-automoUve plants. MCoday evening. June 21. fl2.797.71. Collector Samuel Nelson. In purcbaatag a burial vault teso, mineral asphalt with aa FLYING DUCHESS April 1.—Anderson-Shea Post. V. Paint I monnles works are the great Marne Pensioners of War o f 1812 ‘brain trust" which advised Presi­ No Moca lateefaaaaMa : ' Several of the members presented Jr., reported this morning, increas­ F. W., and Auxiliary bruiquet at V. make anre that your expen- outer vault of granite kard- battle monument at Meaux, France, dent Roosevelt during hla first cam­ Willie the union deferred 2 Main S t TeL 5125 tfltura bnya undisturbed eecnr- Wenologues In the club workshop ing the total tax Income since the F. W. Home. Center Cut and-strong retnforoed concieto Goyenunent Planes Harass the Washington group at Princeton, paign for the presidency and during tlireatenad oaU a t a Mty-wtda < Kjtepgram arfaich also Included literary beginning of the fiscal year, Au­ April 3.—Army and Navy club's tty . . . Inslat npon the dual . . . secure the utmoet bi IS BELIEVED LOST the early days of the New Deal, wsM Wilbert, a vault of caat, seam- N. J., the Nathan Hale statue in Recall Feats o f Fathers motive atrlke, dty oflidala < fiJmerpretation, and voice technique, gust 16, to 1225.073.22. annutU Ladles’ N ig h t burial protectloB. City Hall Park, New York, and the the third witness to appear )>efore Professional Attempts th e phonetic bee captained by Fran- por.x CHOPS ed there would )m no further Of the total, approximately fl90. N ext Month Sold By Reputable Funeral Directors Rear Guard Positions; In­ colotsal fountain of the World’s Oo- the committee In oppoMtIon to the ference with "peacefuT ; aae Wallett and Esther Pitkin was 000 was received from delinquent April 9.—Rainbow Girls’ Minstrel lumbian Etepoaitlon of 1893 in Chi' court bill. n by the latter's team. Mias N ew Y ork, M arch 33. (AP) •—^from one of the British ships landed Pnbficity Stnnt W kidi Several raids, taro yeaterdoy, town and school district taxes. Most show, Hollister street school. cago. Searchers Comh Fidds Tw o w hite-haired women who atlU in the fort. Our men were out of Moley appeared as a supporter at ediy arere bairad upoa "iCargueiite O’Leary was welcomed of laet week's receipts were from April 10.—Mldrdght show at State l b . 2 S c surgents Continne Flight Macmonnlea’ most oaotroverslal the Roosevelt objectives and aa a ^ bte the club, the next meeting of ELMORE COMPANT ore drawing pensions from Uncle ammunition, x x x so they Juft non-employaa arere among the i one concern which settled a back tax theater by Klwania club for benefit Rocky Hill — Connecticut statue la "Civic iqrtue", In New 8ton because of the War of 1813 (rank critic of the Supreme Court. May Cost Him ffis life. p amlch wUl take place April 17. blU o f several rear's standing. wrapped it up In rags and shot 'er 3 of Kiddles’ Camp. York, although othera of hla works Where 71 Year Old Wom^ turned the clock back today to the bsciL But be Inslated that the proper and The announcement of Also Legion dance at Rainbow Madrid, March 38.—(APIr-The raised storms at the turn of the ceO' time when "Father helped chase the “SometxMly said afterward that best way to achieve the objectives tag meeting between Cbiyelet Itm, Bolton. Sirloin government pressed its pursuit of tury. Civic Virtue deplete a classic­ an’s Plane Was Last Seen. Redcoats’’, and sighed whimsically, shot hit something explosive on the was through Constitutional amend­ San Francisco, March 38.—(AP) Lewis at Isinalng cUmaxed April 16.—DeMolay Mother and General Emilio Mola’s Insurgent al hero spurning the olrena of coT' "those were the days!" Royal George and killed fourteen ment. —The dubious distinction of outdo­ continued afforta to bring them NEW Mushrooms Son banquet at Masonic Temple. STEAKS army today against the stra fe ruptlon with hla feet. Nearly a continent apart Mra. men.” *We will have to answer to our ing Steve Brodle by diving 186 feet gether in New York. Chiryalar r April 17.—Tall Cedars spring for* supply canters of Jadrsque and Al- Hla "Bacchante with Infant Carolyn Poulder King, 85, of Cbeek- Mra. Morgan's grandfather, Jedlsb conscience and to future genera­ from the San EYancisoo-Oakland tofore has refuaad to mast Green Boons mal dance at Country club. London, March 38.—(AP)—Emer­ WHITE TURNIPS madrooes, 63 miles northeast of Ma­ Faun", made In 1894, waa done towaga, N. Y., and Mra. Esther Ann Hill, fought in the Revolutionary tions,’’ he asserted, “If we a)>andon Bay bridge was held liy Ray Wood any repraaaotativa a t tha i April 18.—First anniversary ban­ Coming! drid. to smaab Mola’s attempt to re­ Franee and the Frendi government gency workers Ir the Fenlanda turn­ HUl M organ, 80, Independence, that American method which, de­ Cucumbers a t War under Lafayette, and since today—at the cost of a broken liaek. long as atrlkoin cootlmied to i 2 bunches 25c quet of Gulseppe Garibaldi society at tried to buy It but was outbid by ed from their struggle with a flood organise hla routed forces. Ore.—the only women now on the then, some close relative bos been spite minor flaws, has proved to be He probably wlU have to live in a the plants. Celery Sub-Alpine club. CSiarlea P. McKIm, New York arch­ today to hunt for Britain’s "Flying the truest and beat avenue to' the TANCY, FRESH Picked aquadroos of government pension list o t the 1812 conflict—re­ a veteran of every American war. wbed clialr the rest of Ills life, par­ It was assumed Lewis would i Peppers April 19.—Combined concert a t bombers harassed the insurgent itect. who presented tt to the Boston Duchess." tha 71-year-old Ducheoe called the feats a t their fathers. Mrs. King waa Interviewed in the achievement of desirable ends. tially paralysed, phjraldaaa aqld. Beethoven Glee club and G Clef chib Smoked and Fresh tomorrow to oettla the rear guard poaltiona, where insur- pubUe Hhrary. of Bedford, la the fear she had Mrs. Morgan, Interriewad at her Evangelical Church Home where she Begrets the Move, That Is. If be Uvea .SEETTO,. .2 bunches 15c Cabbage at High school holt Annual Semi-Fonnal In New Tmfc Saw crashed <» some watery field. view this propoeal not so much strilto on tha baala ef tha gaat commanders were opeeding home In Independence, opryly Uvea in Cheektowaga, suburb of Of his leap, 51 feet more tlian General Motors agreamant, Ripe Tomatoes April 23. — Muster of Ward Cha­ The library trustees, bawerer, de­ with alarm as with a deep regtet r V E S H SHOULDERS their effort to unify their dlrorgmn- It was believed she might have marched back and forth acrosa her Buffalo, Nt Y. Her fathe. served Brodle’s purported 185-foot plunga for exeluatva bargaining righto ney Ctunp and AirxIIlary at Stata Ixed forcea cided Its figures wars too nude, so Uvlng room, singing In a high, that, after a period of many years Spinach Arm ory. mlatoken land covered with several In the New York mthtla In the War off Brooklyn bridge to fame and ; months. Chiyalar Insurgaft reslatance, to cover the McKlm gave It to tha Matropolltan feet of water tor a smooth, dry atrong voica: of 181X Her huoband, Darius King, fortune In 1886, the 80-year-old St. ASPARAGUS .Ib. 29c Radishes, 5c. April 24.—toth annlveraary cele­ here rejected that propoaol EASTER DANCE reinforcement, develop^ along the Museum a t Art of New York, which landing place yesterday while flying "Wa’ra marching down to old was atotloned at Fort Niagara. Her (tJOBtiaoed aa Page Two) Louis professional diver recalled to­ larga Bunch 59c. Oandeiions. bration of South Manchester Fire a day. Ib. wast Okie of the Aragon highway. received It with honor and taataDed aolo from Woburn on what waa la- Quatiee, where the drums are loudly pension la $00 a maath. d a y: Departnient at Masonic Temple. It near tha ontranee o f the bulkUng. TREASURY BALANCE. Homar Martin, UAW . The diversion centered on Hits tended aa a abort Jaunt. She marriad at 19, when her hus­ ‘T atepMd off bacinrard and had announced a etty-wlde ' : BEBDUC8S—a Z E M Also Scandla Lodge seml-formal where a small detachment put up a Iir 1938, Mscmonniaa’ “Venus and ’Tha Americana have won the day band was 7L counted f^ ,. Then 1 lient double spring dance at Rainbow Ian, Bol­ Wednesday, March 31 SUced Adonis" waa draped with canvas Alrplanea roared off in the eidd. Waahlngton, March 38.— (AP) would ba ordered If poUce ; ton. determined resistance until It clear dawn to comb the terrltnty for and'the British are retreating." "I had to work hard”, ahe said and grabbed my left thumb with my In th eir activitiee ai^iaWt at forced to withdraw slowly. New Rochelle. N. Y , attbough 180, , She turned, erect as a ramrod. "My husband was not la good health, The position of the Treasury CTKAPBFRUIT for Sc April 36-37.—'Minstrel by Brother­ a sign of the Durhees* right hand. As I came out of the down protests. T ifo auek 5 2 000 persona had viewed It In New "That’s the song my father used and I plougbad. dragged aad planted M arch 30: Ja^-knife, 1 held my bonds over my hood of Concordia Lutheran etaureh. BACON The government’s vlrtua^ unop­ York aarller In the year without ob- and police resumed search of were broken up Saturday i posed advance, six dajrs after the to slag me. He called It *Napoleon’a oo our farm ao we could live. Reedpte, 860,597,244.02; expendi­ head to break the Impact of tiM mote yielded quietly to poUee ] Fftek Sheulden, 23e ib. BIROSETE April 30.—DeMolay annuel spring JeeUena. W oo^ 18 mllea fromPetoraborough March.’ The soldiars oang It when tures. 837.647,088.34; balance, 81.- dance at Mksonie Temple. Rainbow Inn-Bolton defeat of the main body of tha In- wbeie a gamekeeper sold ha aaw a "But that was oo kmg ago. My w ater. sure yesterday. D«dB.25elb. BCD RASPBEBBOES Others of hla noted works tnrinde they went after the Redeoata." aga la against me. I can’t remem- 709.139A87.48; cuatoms receipts for "That was all I temambar. 1 must Coming Eteente lb* •nigent aasault army, placed tha the aqueotrian stotne ef Gan. Oaotga plane last night M ayor OouaMM. la a D iM Beef. 1-4 Ib. 18c. OB CUT CORN capital's defendara arlthln striking • Mrs. Morgan haa Wen blind for bar so well.” the month, 836.044,010.38. hava bit tha water with tarrifle Im­ meat department age Mat 13.—Coronation supper and Sponsored By B. McCMlaa la Washington, D. C„ "I oaw a plana flying vary low 78''yaan, but Mia Is active aad op- She onjoys Mttlng In a rocking Receipts for the fiscal yaar (aloca p a ct." G rtead Baef, 2te Ib. dance at Tinker haU by D au gh ten (Ustanca of the positions held by the ths central taonae doora a ^ tha over tha wood,” ha related. "It _ tin's charges the pollea 2 1 c o f Scotia. Country Roll enemy at tha outset of their fifth tlialstle. She haa a little bouse, 10 chair near a window which looks out July 1), 88SA47.050.711A7: expoidl Hopping off a truck that carried "bvutar la ejeetiag atrlkara, statue of Sbakaspaare in the Con- snowing hard and tha ms/»iiiM ai»- -children aad several graadehlldrea. oo surrounding fialda. tures, 85A47,478A27.18. (tndudlng May 31-Juna 5. — Tan Cedars t v ^ drive against Madrid. graaalnnal Ubrary, and the him onto the bridge. Woods climbed aaouxanoe there would ba ln o .1 Campbell CooncU, . j appaa-wd from view, tha angina Her pansioa dieck Is ^ a month. . Asked what oort a t oelebratlaa 83,063AS6A90-53 Of emergency over the aide, threw oft a reba 'Joyiand” at Dougherty’s lot. monument in Oonvar. aaemad to halt and I tMeit the plana ference with peaceful BUTTER The vital pooitiana at Almadranaa Her totbar, John Hm, fought tha Mm haa on bar Mrthday, bar face penditures); exceaa of expeditureo, vealing him In padded twraiwy gait Saw* strikes.* — Vaterans’ Carnival K .o f G Bis Widow, Mrs. AUea Jonm Mae- must have ooma dosm." Britisb 135 yean ago. anliatlng with crinkled, and aba oxplainad with 81300,427,016.49; gross debt, $84,- and football helmet, ebouted "U The only aetioa, bs aaid. I Pinehursl Grocery, Inc. at Main and Maple strsetei and Jodraquo, dlatrlhatlan eentara mownlaa, aurrivea, with two daugh­ Peteraborough la weot of tha Taw three bcothws. In tha New York 571,762,645.15, an Incrsaae of 86.- everything O. KT" to a boat bMow, la disputea whMte eulM dan JrM 21. — Lagteo Carnival at for ftia supply of ths insurgent divl- ters a t a ptewtoua marriage, Mrs. lands and north of London. Woburn, tomrfBStrwt I>«xigherty lot slons, wars all that stood In tha wajt militia at Baekatta Harbor. Tb«y “Tae neaar hod a Mrthday party 833,050.50 oaer tha praaious day. aad leaped. pated. , ... D ia l 4 1 5 1 2 « - 7 1 e Donald Wyeong of Poet Wi'oabiiigton, wboro Wdbnm Abboy. saat of bunt a fort on Lalur Ontario. AuguM ^ S ept 6. _ Knlghte of $3.00 Per Coaple that I can reaaambor—that fa ex­ Gold oaaete, 8UA16A99AU.40. In­ Wood wbo eaeerted he performed N. Y , and Mni a B. ~ mfioflfaw ta ih a t to ld bmT, toa loMtod Columbus Carnival. Y ork. cept whan nqr husband was aUaa. cluding 8885,781374.91 of inactiaa C m Page JOgM) nMiTlly, "that once a bail Then wa need to baaa a big maaL" gold. W O ff T w e ) {OE^taMi as 4) BwoiiiRi lORALO. ifAN cm m at^obi ■ ■■ ■ ^ h* affocttvely sohred within tha Ooa> stitutlon.” STAT^ TOWN OmCERS Sraated petinlaaioa to Issue Benator Bailey, however, told ro* service nuaials to its members M R, N R & 0.L ANDERSON] porters the platform impU^ expan- •waral amendments.' ROIFE FUNERAL RITES murder you,” Mr*. Sion of Federal power* by amend­ LEONARD ST "Wa who 'hdacstly beiiave*" in Then She began offering him money, ' ttWiiJUU/ UR. I was granted the right to incorporate MARRIED THUrnr TEARS ^ purposes of the President,' ITALY DENIES ment He said be would .favor ______, •“ «> change its name to tha St IHLUONS NEEDED PORTER ATH M PIS ah* went on, “and I told him the po­ lOT AGREE submission of such an amendinent t t o l^ said, "but oppose his reor- ARE HELD IN HARTFORD Frankenstein Actor Yearns Uoe would aoon be her*. I told him but did not pledge himself to work Airaiige for Reloeating Motor "x eS S f'^ ’: S2[lS^e including if*™*gtkm of the court, c u not .help to wash tha blood from hla fur istldiation. Bolton Conplo Honored On *® Mlg course the perpetua- and run." V ehicle Inapection S U tio a I track and field sports and towung tkm of a baalo arreng. Pninliml Edllm, U tlm |. LANDING MORE TO SLAY WOMAN ON AMENDMENT^ Seme 36 proposals of amendment N ear S tate A rm ory . I in the lut of permitted Sunday Annlvereery by Party in To Play Baby-Kisser Roles FDR ilM T O RICANS Tha porter, amployad at tha are hanging fire within the Judi­ ------eport* waa delayed on tha request Rainbow Hall Saturday. _ "Does the Presidant mean that Bminesfi and Profeasionai apartment houaa for about a month, CCh « mm« fTMi P a d o m ) shall have no more amendments ciary oommitteo. More impend. Wilbur L. CroM, Jr., la oharars of i ^w®^***^*^ Oebhkrdt of tho motor LIfa Pay Laat Tribute to MEN m S P A » finally toirii M aba offered him and the auto inspecUon department o , 7*“ ^® who Mid that hi* Mr. and Mrs, Oscar U A n d s r s e m I ^ J>>cshe mean Publisher. Hollywood, March 38.—(AP) —f "So far,” Im said, "I have bean She Escapes Death by Ghrinf left DetocUvea aaid hla baaement WednoMlay. S M p. * tfc* Mn WM **pialaly «h. wparuneni of committee waa considering a bill (OtMeeas fr— Page O ne) Boris (Frankenstein) Karloff, t)is very fortunate in the way young- ^oyertyand Unemploymeiit room waa Uttered with detective CUnlc at T M .a A . fUtWa" flwnT*—iMiiH power*. PWEHIIRST CHOP SDEY the sute motor vehicle department, permitting Sunday M torcycie to h*" .T*” • P « t y I changes to mset ^ chsivingUm M shudder and shriek actor, is going | stors ^ v e dtuela Even in pictures magaxlnea. Thuraday, 9K)0 a. em—FlwHfii^f In celebrstioo o f their thlrUetb amd-1 ®®*y through InterpreUUm* Doe* Hartfhrd, Manih 83.— (A P )—Fu- that ha waa eon and Chairman David Chamber of ■ n e ^ a®rvicea for Jedin Furman the InsurgenU to control Ito ooasts •oft—hs wants to become more the: arlilcb wer* aomewhst horrifying, Hin Had Hit Her CUnlc. m hi* n otch only the qua*' ding anniversary Saturday night at , ^^at the OonstituUon must Rplfe, publisher of the Haitfoni baby-lOsaar type. the majority o< Uum didn’t aeem Lead to Troubles; Small CREATES BIG DEMAND the Board of Selectmen, this after­ t o f ®®“I1 lo t conced. There are about 14,000 federally tton or tionatituUonalJty. noon inspected L eon id atrM.t I *"u cleared its flies of a the Rainbow dance hall in Bolton **® **•• M y It ****'* ^'•l® Mtemoon in w e i^ h t to search its ships to th< Bueceoaor to Lon Chaney as the ! to fear ma. ' Ucenaed airplane pUota and more A paUndrooM ia a word, a Bociatai’y Wallace, addressing the where the local inspection sUUon toe"“w1ecUon“of“ More than 180 reUUves and friends Christ Church CathednU. M vsl units ottW s proposed block moot blood-chUUng portrayer o t I "Judging from lettera I receive, Percentage for Freedom. With Hammer. than 8,000 Ucenaed airplane me­ tones, which reada tha aama iVIkWlri* Far in Bureau at Ridimond. For live yean Stephen C Hung, were in sttendsno* from Manehes-1 Would Weaken Prestige Prominent newspapermen from horror roiea, Karloff aald today he ! moat of them had a feeUng of chanics in the United States. backward or forward. Boston manufacturer of Chinei hoDM he is through scaring foUu. pathy rather than fear for nm. They qaUod sdase Bupiema Court decisions ,.°i’®®^' ^ d o v e r and I Moley oontendoc the President’s many parte of the east, offlcUls of Gennsny were aasigiie The Very Rev. Walter H. Gray, ner, spurred hla determination to and hints of retribution in dealing •* n ld "promised to seek amend* cuatomera and fkienda. Bacause I C h ^ ^ i a after the state de- TChoois. 'Hie original btU waa were senred end danctuff wfts in - Wfttory.- ^ paraUeU in our the peninsula. Key” ) or sa 1 am in this one. At problem Island of American de­ ^ wh*at on*y U those problems cannot dean of the Hartford Cathednu. reform. with a 17-year-old negro porter. many of them wanted hla Chlneae objected atrenuoualy for action last week but Th# Valencia objection brought The acreen’a Walking Nightmare least, not a'single one of them wiU pendencies. . I to continuing at Ita former site off recommitted on the request oi conducted the aervicaa here. The Hla attack, as ahe rela te tha in­ wM/kmn foods In their homes, he began mak Very Rev. Percy T. Bdrop, dean ot renewed discuaaion of the old pro- Number One sent to 18-year-old be afraid.” TO deal with its poverty and un­ Prospect street. the committee. poaal to call in neutral nations ai cident to polloe, waa atrikingly Uke PUIILE No I2|2 SCRAMBLED W0B05 iCOPRKT WORDS ’, Ing chop suey and chow mein. At CSirist Church Cathedral, Spring- Jeme a aeaaon’e pass to the motion Karloff is a Chinese bandit chief­ employment, the administration has first he sold hese foods only in the The eubstitute bill merely provides observers and policemen of tbi tain in his current picture”, “War that of ItoJor Green, the Jackaon that highway safety education ahali field, Mass., will conduct the com- picture house. put about $M,000,000 into a recon­ Halghta hammer murderer, on Mra. vicinity of Boston. The business has mltUI services In Woodlawn ceme­ Spanish bordsrs and ooaata Instead ‘1 feel that 1 owe you some sort Lord ". It will be his second hu­ struction program launched in 1085. now grown to such an extent that be HOUSE SETS THE DATE be required in the school* of tha of delegating the control to the five of retribution,” Karloff wrote the man role since he played the part Mary Harrist Coae a few week* stats and does not carry the original tery, Elmira, N. X., tomorrow. Other millions have gone for di­ ago. Green ia awaiting elactroou- has added Connecticut and Rhode interested powers of Great Britain youth, "and 1 hope you wUl enjoy of Frankenstein’s monster In the rect relief, but oSIciala said today luand to his territory. bill’s period requirements. FORMER BRAIN T R O S IE R irlH IS S fs Two editions of the Times will be Uon. suspended today in order that the France, Germany, Italy and the 8o^ the shows you see with this tlckeL picture of that name. ten times that sum would be re­ Four weeks ago Plnehumt Qro- FOR C i m SERVICE BILL A bill Cvjnceming the employment that ideal,” he said, vleL Usually, he haa been to audiences, Mrs. Marans, 3:3, a Russian pian­ of children on hazardous mschtnea entire staff of the newspaper, of Ksurloff, clad in Chinese costume quired for permanent results. Mry received its first shipment of "Now what are the Indicated and looking very Oriental, sat on the the fiend In some hair-dressing spec Sunday’s bloodshed at Ponce, as ist whose husband, Jooepb, is em­ Hung's Chinese Chicken Chop Buey. was reported by the education com­ HITS COURT CHANGE PLAN meana by which popUai consent which Mr. Rolfe waa the leader for Ruby Keeler and Lee Dixon provide a novel Innovation b) fllm ployed aa a pianist at a midtown ho­ (Oontinasd ^ m Page One) hlne years, may be present. set of the studio where he is work- tacle, fostering fear with that cold, officials here 'View it, was a local Pinehurst now geU a shipment mittee and transferred to the com­ »«curedT When the ob- dance spectacles by doing a tap dance on the key board of a giant tel, said the porter struck her on mittee on labor. The bearers, the beads of eight ' ing and told of bl^ desire to gain dead-pan, icy-eyed visage and Jus­ affair, resulting from snapping of (Ooattened frew Pag* Qm ) ^ U v * la outsid* tbs UmiU of th# SELECTMEN CHANGE tifying it with dastardly deeds. typewriter the keybars o t which are girls’ legs. It's one o t the many the head with a claw -hammer and Favorable Beporta departmenU of the Times, will in­ Vtbe confidence of young film fans. tension between the police and ex­ . . ------Constitution consent must b* secur- tremist elements, but not sympto­ novelties in "Ready, Willing and Able” , the Warner Bros, laugh hit dragged her from room to room un­ Mein for special ordera. I STmlslu^Jcl I Favorable reports wars received clude Joseph W. Addison, foreman coming to the State theater on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. T h e House killed on bills providing: ^ g j^ lc h progresalv* Ideas have ®^^^y^O‘* •mending method pre- of tha pressroom; David R. Daniel, DATES OF 2 MEETINGS' matic of a widespread demand for til he was Induced to accept $4 and Chop Suey is not realiv a ('hinua hin. « Tr* » '“ *d a number of ~ j taking shape end have been aorlDad In th* OonstituUon. leave. ime.'^although it T "*• Granting of fishing and hunting advertising manager; Ward B. independence. Ten persona were “ •'lavement of I , "When the objef>Uve is within th* Duffy, managing editor; Bernard F. killed. Alone in her apartment, ahe relat­ ilnese diah which is pronoun7JIi JudI-1 licenses------to-- parsons------over 65 years ot NORMANDIE REGAINS droned over the city but no explo­ changes in 'attar of th* ConsUtuUor. but in- Garrlty, mechanical superintendent; Act to Avoid Conflict With It is doubtful that 20 per cent dent Rooeevelt be reassured hla ed, she asked the porter to help her age on payment of k recording group favored “no radical move." sives were dropped. Government ng-twol^how-ngot. It Jways con-1 blu7on to^iu^je^t* I fee; amendment of the charter ot Hh. 1 1 ■ P*'“ P°»al volves, nevertheleaa, a decision of Latham B. Howard, auditor and as­ R ecreation of Puerto Rico's 1,800,000 population with her spring cleaning. She gave tains three vegetables; Celery, Concert o f Combined Glee SPEED SUPREMACY! Independence, Barcelo said, waa a pursuit planes took to the air and him a hammer to fix a shslf and onions and bean sprouts, all blended Bills Killed Hartford; creation of a police and wMrh f " ''‘,^®®tf'l Into the situation l»alo importance, consent should be sistant secretary; Norman a John- favors Independence,” one Informed to °®'y '^•'°"y •"■‘•equat* eecured by tha subml*alo“ of Mn, circulation manager; Alexander Clubs and Shriners’ Ball. official said. matter for the future, iffter a surer circled wide, on the alert to inter­ promptly forgot about him until she with meat such as chicken turkev .. A"*®®* the‘’bills killed were: Re- pension funa in Torrlng- basis for the island’s economic life cept possible raiders. or_ysaI. _ ' ^ |‘•uc^g from 66 to 6 01. years the 15°®i-nursery stock to meet the present sltusUon; but proposal, through a nartv nla?to,™ Leslie, photo-engraving fore- Center Items Used By PoUUcians suddenly fett a blow on tbe bead. i n f i x e s w n ristM ov '?.".?^ '"•tltutlonal to S c el«=to7ato“electorate. man; and Martin F. Redmond, fore­ The Board o f Selectmen, in its Le Havre, France, March 33 — bod been eatabhslied. Stert Work On Roads Tries To Choke Her •• *‘«verti«m •1‘R'bnity age; Inc mini- consistency of this Republic that it meeting last night, endorsed the But the cry of ‘freedom’ is al­ The leader of one faction of Bar- by Pinsburst In regular ad. on bach mum weekly payment to |8; in- of the charter of the Thomaaton man of the stereotyping room. (A P )—The giant French liner Nor­ ways useful in politics, and the net Minister of Public Works Julio *T turned and saw him,” ahe re­ First and Second Water Company. combined concert scheduled by the mandie steamed Into Le Havre to a Toeeday celo’s party, former Senator Luis lated. "Then I said to myself, 'lU s Prisea: $8.00 and page of today's paper. crea^ng the weekly maximum pay. Beethoven and O O ef clubs for result of the Ponce rioting will be Munos Morin, hoarever,. has en- Just llaaon officer of the Cabinet at The Senate passed an amendment triumphal welcome today fljrlng the The men’s volleyball period will to keep alive a dead issue." Valencia to the Madrid defense ad­ ia what happened to Mrs. (3aae.’ ment from |7 to fiO; exempUng April 19 In High school hall. blue riband, symbolic of east bound bu from 8 to 7 o’clock. doraed a bUl by Rap. Oirtwright 88.00 Worth at volunteer firemen from’ oavment n*i o*5 P®****! '“*1 week granting Gov. Blanton Winship absolved ministration, announced work had The negro she continued closed ^^e/ine i GOV. MURPHY ARRANGES Arrangements wore made by the ' trans-Atlantic speed supremacy. The women’s swimming classes (D., Okla.) to grant independence the kitchen door and threatened to Drjl Clean log or the old age pension tax. ‘ L ‘T ® board to postpone by one day Ite tbe insular police of blame for Sun­ to Puerto Rico in relatively short been started on 19 of a projected Another of the biiia ufcvuM w ^ echool bonde. .The The riband, stowed in a locker will meet as follows: 7:00 to 7:48, day’s disorders in a report to Ernest strangle her If she eersamed. She Dyeing. W EDNESDA Y meeting scheduled for the night of since tbe'Cunard Uner Queen H w y order. network of 39 roads which “wlUiln permitted a Denslon«r'*^^!i^** have measure was amendment In the Beginners; 7:46 .o 8:30, Inter- H. Oruenlng, interior department a month will make Madrid one of contrived to get to th* Uvlng room, CONFERENCE BETWEEN the concert, and to also postpone by took the record last August, was I n ie^ te. ran to Uie foyer, and again waa at First Prise -Mra. TkanMa DevM wu • I FEATURE »500 of bis U f^ n su rM ci^ ir” ^ " p^**'!**^!.**'®* * provision thai reacli one night the meeting scheduled for territories director. the best served cities in Spain in re­ polntsdout that was Federal aid must be secured before again unfurled on the stem mast as The senior basketball league Tension between police and Na­ at meas-1 ^ agreement among CongrMsion'aJ next Monday night, the day of th* the Normandie moved slowly Into | LOYALISTS PRESS gard to transportation Unks.” tacked by the negro,. Bh* struggled Second Priae—Mia. OL BL Faame, i totalM MooSf "1® P"®'*®’ TH® 8®"®t® leaders favoring amendments CHRYSLER AND LEWIS games will be played . as follows tionalists goes back beyond the The minister acknowledged the free, ran to the bedroom and broke fo rfu n e iS ‘“ ® concurred with the House. He contended It waa "not within Shrinerf ball in Ui* Stole Armory. the port while aU the boats In the 7:16, Weldon Di'ug vs. Oak Onll AU aaawara abaM fe* aaat ditaet Contending that such in agree­ harbor set up a din with slrena and assassination by two youths on Feb* related problems of transportation a window leading to th* fire aacape. anee^^ "'**“ • ®®y P®*- "°"®® P‘“ ® «PProved by the Ben- Constitution” toi 8:16, P. A. A. C. vs. Blueflelds; 9:18, ruary 23, 1936, of Colonel B. FriuicU PURSUIT OE REBELS The negro followed, crying, T U Works, Blaaebester, Oewh, and not la fhe , Mce is divided between the sUte «te Included; “ vide for a court "that will iirt ment waa "quite within the realm (Oontlnmid from Pag* On*) whistles. and evacuation were the chief wor­ Everybody’s Commander Pierre Thoreuux re- Blast Sides vs. West Sides. Rigga, bead of the Insular police ries besetting the government. Jndgaa: L. A. tharn, M anrhiif BamMi OPEN AGAIN An*!!Ml^I“ i i**® P” “ ' “ ®>’ L , ‘*1® “ *«“ ment date in N** t from a number of I ??“ *.®y.*®V* "•* “ "ity BREAKS HIS BACK j ported he had made a 3,678-mUe Wednesday force. Tbe youths said they ohot (Continued from Page One) The semi-official Febus News Bady, Beckvtile LeatHt. u Py HouPP Norwich as October 1. and providing New I^al measures now in process Liberals is desired, let there and other union leaden for several Riggs in retaliation for the killing would have provided an eight-hour 1*>®1 '“ ‘‘•t be filed not later passage between Ambrose Light. The women’s afternoon bowling Agency reported insurgent planes o t preliminary adJudicaUon Md to .*® •*“ •'* *ttaln it reasonably, hours on the mass meeting. Th# will start at S o’clock. of four Nationalists. COLDS FOR BUSINESS M a r k e t day for hospital nurses. I than November 1. provide in advance for favorable ac- *”^®®‘' an effort to force It." union agreed to change th* bobr IN186FOOTDIYE New York, and Bishop’s Rock, off of the government sweep of upper had bombed Tarragona Monday in ORDERS 11.00 OR OVER the southwestern tip of Ehigland, at The First Xld Class will meet In For their part in plotting involved the early morning and disappeared nauGaN d y e w d r k y CClXKrTA BARBER SHOP I 64-Hoor Week Giving liens of the Southington ^® 8 “ Pr*«ne Court upon a ” ® “ "'•«mue< as ’’.fallacious from 5 p. m. to 6:46 p, m. and to in the Riggs slaying, Pedro Albisu Guadalajara province. ‘ •vorable report was made byl'^*^*'' precedence ove. all other measures not yet fSm u- Lhe sUtement that even move the site from the west to the an average speed of S0.D9 knots, the club rooms at 7:30 with Dr. R. Insurgent Mr squadrons turned over the Mediterranean. Shortly aft­ FEVER W E CALL con AND DCLIUEP M Oak Sttaat DELIVERED FREE I (OenUnued from Page On*) P .' Knapp. Campos, president of the National­ the labor committee on a measure *“ ®“™drancea except taxes, , wU". ■ constitutional amendment. east end of Cadillac Square. Both completing the trip in four days, six their attention to Madrid after erward they reappeared over Alcar- flrat ear OfJS’fratP Outx f7w ri PLnnt See Advt. On 7. minutes and 33 seconds. ist group, and eight associates 666UesM, VaMsts which would provide s 64-hour week , Placing the town clerk of Hamden The men’s swimming classes will ral, on the eastern coast, and by the TELEPHONF - T u"" *’*®® '""'■e outspoken ‘ distorted by the present ct.i.i.ges were designed to avoid a the feat purely for publicity and were sentenced to prison. Attempts week's silence late yesterday, but •elvsk Nsse Dtsai as ailsstee meet as follows: 7:00 to 7:45, Life Ught of a flare dropped three more Tti I HaCKVILLt IH’I I for sUta Institutional employes. The “ ■“'T' Instead of a fee basis, thM I have been,” Moley aald*^ "to “ “ •'* membership. lush hour Jam on Woodward avenue with no chance of immediate finan­ to free them pending appeal have were driven off by anti-aircraft bat­ bill was raised in committee as a I “ Cvidlng for biennial elections In Criticising the court for Its ar’bltra- ^® ' “"elusion, Moley said: In front of the City Hall, the busiest Saving; 7:45 to 8:30, Non-Swim- teries without dropping a bomb. bomba, destroying one house and •Ulab-M r - ’Tlasi” — WertflW MALE'S niPT STnnfr -<»l7 1 cial gain. Jumped feet first from the mere. heightened feeling of Albixu’s fol­ •wAMCMrsrrrt. cniMN. subsUtuts for a number of alimiar ^outolngton. Let us mak? democracy work by spot on the city's main thorough­ lower deck of the span yesterday. As lowers, officials said. Early today a second squadron wo(uding its five occupants. U afsM S* measures proposing a 48-hour w m U i!*®* the Btonlngton Board of w e Isw and to preserve Its contin­ working Wrough We Instruments of fare. be fell be was whipped by a strong WAPPING Tbe girls' gym class will meet Proponents of tha abort workln. "'■•'den and Burgesses the right to from 7 to 8 o’clock. UberalB Defeated uity Md unity so far as posslbls In democrftcy." It was further agreed city police wind, and struck the water with a In 1933 and 1936 Republlcan- hour bills contend there were state ".“ 'T® ® committee to settle small The hearing room wao packed would...... be in charge of traffic.traffic." On* -■ loud splash. The P. A. C. will play a basket­ WEEK SPECIALS ■•'"“ ■I unparal- official said ai least 1,000 officers There were over five hundred peo­ Sociailat coalition favoring making nearly an hour before Moley appear- He was pulled out unconscious by ball game in the gym starting at Puerto Rico a state defeated the riluibuiy*g Sno-Sheen Cake Flour, pkg. 22c u . ■•Nerer " “i ” " would be on hand. • ple wlio attended the minstrel and o’clock. s . T , r “ * nnr hi. . I*'®, ■••qraey-general, ®^1 SpecUtors crowded forward to helpers. , Liberals, who bcu;ked an independ­ The Sole Issue dance, prcMnted by the senior class A public setback party will son nor^h a glimpse of the one-time In the boat rode bis wife, Mrs. be ence plank. ter.L- . • i;:, ...... 3 - l b . ^ 6 9 c I c.*p“,s,irru.""L°"V “ “ “ "S 's.s'"'"'" Conferences between Chrysler and m m lcs Woods, and hla mother, of the Ellsworth Hemorial High held at the West Side Rec on Cedar operaUon of Providing for the creation of one hive sDoll^n '*'•>“ h’’!*" truster” as be poeed for union representatives- begun before school of South Windsor last Fri­ Lost week the Liberals' president. nave spoken to you advocaUng the P®°‘ “*''®Pl'*r». Mr*. B. M. Woods. Both said they atreet. Play will start at 8 o’clock. Rice Krispies...... pkg. loc the strike -continued. Th* union's day evening, at the school audi­ Insular Senator Antonio R. Barcelo, bad seen him Uap 184 Umea off Badminton will be playei at the aald here be had ooked that Presl- Dul^clt"!L*iih'’°'’°**‘ ‘‘“ ''® Pro'Mted , ®*^°f® ‘ I'® l>e*rlng aUrted, Hena- demand for recognition as ths sole torium. The proceeds will be used West Side Rec. Periods a. follows S?.'**P‘."*«l*PjeJ"l«=e...... 3-qt CM 53c faritv ?h«^ i‘^h"'“ '’® ®®‘l ■■“KU- D‘®terich (D-III.) modified a bargaining Issue continued the bridges from the Brooklyn bridge to the Aurora bridge in Seattle. for the trip to Washington In April. 1:00 to _ 3:00, Women; 8:00 to 10:00, and m l . . “ «®‘n»t the abuse »tatement he made yesterday that only stumbling block. Miriam Hopkins says: ' This is the second successful affair I w o m ^ ...... •••4c«n.l7c exceed $3 pei acre and aewers an obligation of the en- so le^em h power by !>® •'“ ‘I "ot opposed the utility'hold- Martin charged late yesterday Told her husband would be a crln- for the entire area of the state for- tire city, Instead of each of pis if he lives, his wife said: pr on by the school since the open­ two — NeUhrr .“i^!I ®°®'P^y on grounds ot con- that the unioii had evidence the cor­ ing of the new building lost THE NEW ests Improved by the emergency a'wer districts. riellher the attorney-general nor •tltuUonnllty. poration "deliberately withheld' "AU ws ask is that hs Uvsa If conaervaUon work. The Senate and House adjourned evidence subpoenaed by Senator hs does we’ll get along somenuw.' September. Plana are now imder the P ?irid.n r* *®PP“ ''M ...^ ‘ ®J •’'' “ ‘••'‘ng to the record of way for another play to be given TOWN GETS $50,000 UouM BUIb Faiwed | 11^18 ft. m. tomorrow, more i, proposal have been debate, he explained that yester- Robert M. LaFollette's special con IPOPULAI w i3 L ‘ ®^t*",*.^,®*'ler...... Mb. can 22c other bills passed by ths House mlttee on civil liberties. by the School Dramatic club in the ”My throat welcomes Luckies—my favorite thH ourt^tharif'll **'■ '^■'■"‘nge f “ y •>e Imd "not recalled ’ accurate- included: . B. E. Hutchinson, chairman of the ' HOSPITAL NOTES month of April. course if i S i persisted in this *> “ •• o f bis oppoalUon. Hr. and Mrs. William Katkaveck ON TBHPORARY NOTES ...... Chrysler finance committee denied MARKET M rtato,*'® **'’ the charge and said It appeared the of Wapping and Mrs. William *K.at- reck7e;.‘UT.VVtreTcilneee“"'^ the committee—Including Byrd i D- Admitted yesterday; Miss Helen kaveck Sr., and daughter. Miss Ann 855 Main Street I • F’™P*‘8ng s 1100 monthly pension Called A Shortcut Va.) and Vandenberg (R-Micb|__ UAW had “added the crimes of breaking and entering and burglary Monson of 63 Pine street. Mrs. Mary Katkaveck of Manchester with Robinow Building: ^■®y Agnss Flanagan of SATS WAR GENERAL But Moley contended the Presl- crowded into the back of the hall Metcalf of Rockville. Mrs. Elizabeth Must Pay One Per Cent Inter­ Bridgeport, widow of Michael J dentp proposal was a ’shortcut" to to theli already Illegal seizure of our friends, motored to Northampton, est On Obligration Falling “Where Thrifty Shoppers cigarette for 5 years’* and llatened Intently as Moley I lanta.” Taylor of 78 Union atreet. Mass., last Sunday. Flanagan, former clerk of the Fair- Uheral objectives, and one spoke. ■' Discharged yesterday: Mrs Due On August 13. Shop" Gramihted ^sar 10-lh cloth bag 51c field county Superior Court (Oontlnoed from Pmgt One) which would "impose upon one man K. T. Keller, Chrysler president MiM Ann Sokol of Wapping spent Senator ^ ra h 'R-Idal. often ab- announced Herman 1.^ Weckler, vice Louise Walsh of 198 Bast Center the week end at the home of Mrs. Senate bliu approved In concur-1 ki k . ■ ^ ^ ® P^®®ent Chief E x e cu u ;:;-:^ . eent. returned fo r'to ;^ ^ ;’ nerrtogx Local Fresh E ggs ...... dozen 31c 1 president and general manager ot street, Fred Sslser of West Hart­ Chaponla of Buckiand. **L$idties have been my favorite dga» rence by the House included- nigneat point of efficiency they have ^m ost sole responsibility of deter ------^ hearlnga. ford. William Geaa of 170 Osk Town Treasurer George H. Wad WEDNESDAY Providing that carpenters, plumb- “ "•••" ••* “ ‘<*- the De Soto division, bad been nam­ John A. Collins who baa been con­ dell today borrowed for the town ed a vice president of Chrysler Corp atreet, Antonio Grabino of IS Nor­ srs and similar workmen emploved I ■ -*®®f.‘ ®*' n.oblllMtIon o t resources man street. fined in the Hartford hospital for 550,000 oo temporary notes due SPECIALS rette for about 5 yean* T h ey're a hv Kmnlsw Ip tly flies of the War and Navy Ue- in charge ot industrial relations MAHIEU'S by banka to maintain real estate « A s Admitted today: Frank Harabur- several weeks, returned to his home August IS. Interest at one per cent need not be bonded unleas Wey partments constitute another reason Wcckler has been, participating In in Wapping, last Saturday after­ will be paid by the town, slightly kght smoke that sensitiveCroats iveL 183 Spruce Street ow ”I am opposed ‘ ------— to It, **obe added I negotiations with the UAW. da, Sr., of 136 Oak street, Joseph work------In-- We bank ouiioimrbuilding Itselfitself. i fS® ‘‘‘i viewpoint, but aside from becauae I believe that even if u did Ferguson of 81 Foster street. noon. higher than the nlnety-Hve-hun- Permitting employes of th« jitat* I General March said he conaid- AS CAUSE OF BLAST Recall Rumo.rs Laat Sunday at the Wapptng I dredtha of one per cent paid earlier CCRNED come. Of the many trends that sweep temporally remove an obstacle to Talk of recall movements against Discharged today: Frank Scarla- A bank-nk denartmMldepartment other Wan We I Importmice the pres- the evolution of progressive reform. to of 18 Vine street. Community church there were seven I Hil* year and the record low of fifty- (Oontlnned both Mayor Cousens and Governor young people who united with the D"® hundredths of one per cent paid dirough Hollywood, one of die longest commissioner to obtain toortg a ge It would. In the end. impair those rimt Pag* One) Murphy was beard yesterday. Mar­ Birth: A daughter to Mr. and Mri. ‘There are ex-se'rvice men. some church in profession of faith. They ^■*'- BEEF tv*w1»h'7h“ * 1 Former’ offlrei-JT irVhe'H ouse and teatltuUonM metoods and traditions tin said he waa “seriously conalder- Edwin Meyer of 106 Summit street, lasting hoB been the preference for approval of We oommis- Senate,” be said. ’They don’t w m ? Which make prii| "If a superflclal Inapection gives iug” such action against Cousens today. were as follows: Hiss Pearl ‘Tuttle, The 580,000 increases the total of rv.«ihi. f - «''*"*‘v* evolution ^ I t s Uke that,” ha «Ud. "what Hiss Elinor Stead, Sherman Wnl- nx>ney borrowed by tbe town for ^ ai I hut thsy roallso what w*ar 1m possible. 1 am opposed to this ■ an because of the strike raids. O. L Census: SIxty-one patients. lb. Luddes, I once asked a ^property* man Continuing for five more years and the necessity for speedy acuon because I believe that there Is a bet- f *®neral InspecUon give? Willtston, a manufacturers' agent, dron, Stanley Waldron, Sherwood y®*r'« operating expenses W* assoclaUon of mutual savings " 'e would not be In t h i'^ lt lo n we ter way to achieve the immediate This is Just on average school.” telegraphed the governor a demand Waldron. WlUlam Watrous and | In addition the town 1 9 c CO C A S U A L - bonks created five years ago for We w*re when we declared war on Oer- and the ultimate objective.” G*s Aeoamolatlon *^hat troops be used to oust the Philip Grant. has to pay this year 578,000 in notes —who supplies dgarettes to die acton Burnham is home | °? .'J***'* « borrowed before the end —4Uid Comfortable! purpose of establishing a mortgage •"“ •y- Can you realize It took Con- “hm ®°"'®nded U>«t the Rooae- D r E. P. Schocb, Texas Universi­ Chrysler strikers, with the threat a Hiss Virginia Uquldlty fund. gress 46 days to enact the draft ty chemist and authority on expld- recall movement would be started from college with her parents, Mr. of the previous fiscal year, to make —what die favorite is* He answered velt bill was submitted as "a make u) a deficit. SIRLOIH Because of We lUneas of tha Dam- ’®'*'^” shift,” unsatisfactory panacea ac slons, aald aU signs pointed to *^an April 1 unless the chief executive end Mrs. David Burnham of Pleas­ accumulation of gas under the base­ acted. With the first half of tbe current by opening up a box containing dga» ooratlc floor leader, Raymond J. , , Technical Equipnnent TOmpanled by apologies that a bet- ant Valley, for the Blaster vacation. tax due April 1 and payable on or Devlin, the Senate avoided contro- March said th* technical equlp- ter solution is not possible." ment floor oe the cause of dje Lon­ The governor disclosed yestecdsv Miss Baisabeth Pierce who is STEAKS that threats against his life had before. May 16, Treasurer Waddell lettes* Tfiey were all Luddes*** versial issues. ment of the Army Is, as far as Is Seek Best Policy don tragedy, worst of its kind In Uie training to be a nurse at tbe Hart­ today estimated that further bor­ English Tweedy Devlin, stricken with a Wroat all- *^,“ ®' *"y nation's, natioiL been received but had been given no ford hospital, waa home on Sunday •eems to me,” he commented attention. rowing may not be necessalry this Bulto a n d Ckmls ment, returned to New Haven after L . •'®. *dded,, "you c m that a moment such as this, when other witnesses tesUfled that and attended church services at the year. ■uagger through all a brief visit to the Capitol. I*" .what the other fellow has eronomlc life ha* risen to some- school officials switched from use ol Negotiations In the Reo Motor Car Wapping Community church serv­ '‘'' up his uleeve. Every waa Co. strike St Lansing entered their 2 9 * the daytime hours. Like the House, the Senate re­ has thing like a normal level—and here a commercial gas to a free supply ices. Brightly Becked jected a group of bills proposing brought out new weapons." Obtained by piping Into the residue second day. Mayor Max A. Temple­ He bellevps In a highly mechanis­ 1 am merely repeating the state­ ton. who brought the two sides to- Wapping Orange No. 30, will bold with color, OP In new changes in the Old Age Pension Act. ment of fact presepted by the ad­ line of M oil company last January their r^ular meeting next Tuesday P“ lcla — they are One of them proposed to exempt ed regular army which might be Gm radiators heated the achooL :elher, waa appointed spokesman PDUCE COURT FISH—FISH moved rapidly to any part of the ministration in the past campaign ?or Jhe conference, but declined to evening at the Wapping Community Fashion's own jxjstal employes from paying tha 53 that this is the time for careful- The mlllUry board did not make choice fop all-around head tax. united States, but said the country comment. Each side had seven church House at eight o’clock. There STAR OF THE RKO RADIO PICTURE reasoned planning. In a word, the public an opinion on Ite flndlnga and is a large class who wlU receive the Ray H. Wallace, 38, of 347 Park chic. Among the bills put off by the In time of war must fall back on the representatives. More than 2,000' avenue, Arlington, Mass., was fined draft. tlm* haa com* for the best of rem- will not do so unless speciflcallv re «ere made Idle by the strike. third and fourth degrees which will SWORD and ■THB WOMAN 1 LOVE" Senate was one which would trans­ quested by Governor James V. All- $100 and costs by Judge Raymond fer the surplus from tha state sink­ A small, highly trained army ***!.®® ®®*^ ®°^ second best, red. The Hudson Motor Car co. strike, be_ followed by the ^ ua

months Is, it ssems to m entremely thegr ers atroag aaoiigk ts M y ths Bedallst laadbr. U>tad for Fbbnfary this year ran off tha alopes and into ths rivers and streams im­ cockeyed. tow." WABC-C3B at 6:45 p. m., Satur­ CHARLES E SNOW GIVEN day. MeaawhU* tba network, HYDRO ELECntIC mediately. This boosted the poten­ B t r i l i ■o this newspaper, fo r one, is net Ten see, aeoator Borah believes DAILY RADIO PROGRAM NBC and CBS, Bias to eonUoue their tial energy of tbe riven and the 70TH BIRTHDAY PARTY going to boost for the Reorganisa­ ta osnse and effert sad he sees the In Mew Yo r k HER NAME summarlea «C th* Beagte Judiciary publle utUitlea o f tbe State took ad­ ,niMU«HKl> HI rHH tion plan. It la not going to swal­ sit-down strike not ee a primary TUI8DAY* MARCH tS (Ceatnl aad-BMtm SUaflArd Ttat) committee healing*. broRdcasttag RECORD BROKEN vantage of the situation to convert ~i rMINTINU U>H>‘ANf, low this proposal wbols; thsrs art Net«: AO proframs to kop aad baole ehalnt or m upo thoroet ualow ipoel- each dayEha ooK m ttoes in aessloa. it into electrical energy. I I H)M«U K r x t phenomenon but as an effect from By OEOBOE BOM flod: coast to ooost doslfnatlona Indndo w OT&tUblo ttAUoss. A surprloe birthday party ta hon­ ■•M kM icr, Cu m Btbe Hobo N ew * ia Dab ("Soap-box' , Tbe time* set aside are WEAF- How suddenly aqd how consider­ altogstber too many tunny looking a oauas. Andhrbsn you really taka New York, March 38— The hoboes Fregrama subjoot to ahango bg^ktatlono witliout grovloM notlooe Pe M# TH o HAH iriCHOlIHUN ' O’Brien, of lata a Mdantaor fellow T uesday , Match 38 NBC at 12:46 p. m. and WABC- ably water powar production Juml>ed or of cawrlaa H. Snow, of Prospect UliM rii ttanaiar spseks In It—which look aa though —that homeless tribe— have a bouse IN LIGHTS NtC-WIAF (RtD) NITWOfIK Cent. lael. MCONNECnCDT otreet, waa given Saturday evening the trouble to do some thinking on among the vegabonde. Age hoe P. M. CBS at 1:18. under these cireumstanocr U anown r » « a lt A Ueiobai I IHI organ! Shadsi of Walt Whitman •A S IC * Katti waaf. wtw w b m wtte 4i4»- Si4»-WUdenww Rm S. ■srial On the air tonight: at the home o f hta son-in-law imd they might harbor ptomainss. the subject the simplicity which in erm t up upon Don ( ’’Soapbox ' eda—Del Casine Sent Prearam 4:00— Stag and Swing with Ctarleton by compartacHli ol tbe above new and fellow poets, of the Open Road, Sy AGARIC BUZARD. Oien,NIAtsf>hs,lM frtac wcah kyw wfbr wro wgy W E AF-N BC . 7:15. Vocal Varie­ daughter, Mr. and Mrt. Edwin W. r^bllakM K*«ri Kuanina Hirapi OBrien, eo-ooUed beeauae of bta wban weaa wtam m rj waal: MIdwoati til^Alexsmter Ceres. Vlcilnist , Kelsey's Orchestra record figure for January with that r a il tha begtaniag was so apparent be­ The Hobo- News, trade paper for tita— SdO—Praas-Rasls News Psrlao ties; 8, Johnny ia ta Russ Morgan; Enectrie generation by water ilaaa iM HulidaVa KBiaraa al >ba ontortcAl proweae at Broadway kad wmaq who vow wdaf wiro wool 4:80— E^p Concert o f December when hydro production Laird, o f Manofleld. il OAica at Manrhaa'ar Conn. gins to fade and complicating ele­ America's itinerants, is alL ths katp vgl wood < • t!Sa— tsSa—Barlew’s Dtaner Concert 9, Vox Pop; 9:80, Fred AstiUre Re­ ONE SURE, TWO UNSURE street oornero: He now eervee es b e g i n HEBE TODAY ti4*- SiSf—Pretty Kitty Kelly, Sariel 5:00— Piaao and 1, Bea Rohan. power at Connecticut’s hydro-eleo- u 30,031,000 Ulowatt boun and Thirty-five friends and relatlVM nnl riaab Hall Haiiat ments Intrude. presses. M IO W tST 4 CANADA ~ wtmj k«tas vue; 10:45, Carol Weymann, so­ New York repreeentative for the ho­ . d a p h n e B RE TT loved LARRV Jennifer starUd to speak but that waa the loot straw. You and wlba wobe wday kfrr erot efef •iM - fdi-Peetle MetoOloe - ewrt: 5:15— Selene* Servloa trie developments during tbe month from this town. East Hartford and Of course there are any number "NO-nCE TO PO U C E,’’ the head­ Daphne went on: Herbert Peeto'c Sntentble—erect prano; 11:M, Dreams Long Ago. vrith that of November when it waa HtIHHi'HIKriuN RATHb Borah is certainly not a nitwit. bo worid end be deUven hie nightly s m i t h , arckltoct. Itat Daphne your blgta-bonded metoodat I waa 80UTH«"wnra wptf wwne wava wjaa 5:80—S t Louis Syncopators. o f January this year bro'xe all pre­ Manofleld were in attendance, and (aat b| Hail ...... lava line ta the first issue admonishes wfla^wsiifi wlod warn wme wab wapl •i1 »- 7i1S-Ma A Pa, akatab—bssiai WABC-CBS, 7:80. Alexander extremely low at 14574,000 kilo­ of persons who know exactly what homiletUca along the Rialto for a retnaMl to marry Lorry uotil “A ll. right. It’s fair kxebange; jealous.” Wandera at tba Heaven*—erect 5:45—Newa Service. viously existing records, the. total Mr. Snow received numerous glfU , Hobib bf Hall ...... I a« Neither 1s James M. Landis, chair­ the gendarmerie, 'This is s Bons you'll have Larry and I ’u have wjdx wamb Inroo wky wfka wbap kpre WooIIeott; 8, Hammerstein Music watt hodra. laaia UbDi ...... a vi to do about thii alt-down atrike nebuloue IneUtuUon be oolle the Ho she hod secamnlated suffldeat ’’Jeoloua ot m e?’’ Daphne da- wroftl ktba ktha wsoo wtar wls weae •:Sb— 7;S0—Alexendar Weelleett,Telli 6:00— Dinner Dance Music. production of theee plant, reaching Including a purse o f money. It was C. C" man of tba Securities and Exchange Fids Newspaper’’—which is by the theater. And it this la the wfbc kark kgno Si4b— 7i4b—Deakc Carter'a Cemment Hall; 8:30, A l Jolsoa and Parkya- Water power plants are generally koa!Mvaratl aaa faar ...... Ian* bo CoUaga whibh, be says, la alt XMHiey to lanneb JE NN IFE R , her I'Anded Incredulously. 7tW— t d i—HammarsMn Muale Hall 6:15—Hartftird PubUc School Series the linprecedented mark o f 41587,- his 70th birthday. buslneas: Oat a court to enjoin the Commission, who is soon to become way ot implying that oops should lesaon I mean It to be, you’U be MOUNTAIN—koa kdji kstr kghl ktar karkus; 0, Al Pearce Gang; 9;S0„ more costly to build Jhan steam uated along, the Bowery. With yom gar slater, on a career. "Certainly. You were oiwoya PAC!FIC-wkfl krir komo Uiq k ^ kfbk 7iH^ sim—Al Jalaon’a ihew—« to a — Weaver High School. 000 kllcwatt hours. It ta shown in MRMHRH UI> I'Hb aRibHTIATiLLi ait-downers and, whtn they refuse be careful to respect the Jouriui- a better v/ife to Larry. You’ll IrOa— tda—Al Pearee and Hit Cana Jack Ookle OoUege; 10:80, Musical generating statlonr and their output The Laird home was beautifully eHKl'e interconnected. This er. But It Is to be noted that the in this initial edition of the bouse make of you TuaV* OU.’’ oaat: Tam Mix—mMwaat rapoat • Double Breuted banal Jiamichaa aaraia ara alao ra explained that the claim o f today where. nmtha* tear. Before she leave# him better than anyone else uatii baale; Ragar Pryar Orah.—midwest Toam Crier." Talks—WJI^NBC, 10:30. Ameri­ production of the hydro plants was ta also demonstrated by a eompart- ’ Hiraad organ with "A Manual of Ho­ Daphne whirled out of the room. •tSO— •lOO—FraaoefUdia Nawo Farted llrSb—ItiSb—Lean Baltiaa A Orshsa. 7:46— Books Carter. 40.499.000 kilowatt hours The surer an individual la that this is that men con occupy premises to th e literary leader for this trade she ogola refuses Lorry’s offer of I got in the theater. Oh. Daphne, ■ > 3 ^ itlB Tam Thamaa and Oanga can Society td t the Control of Can­ eon with last November, the com­ boes." Hs urges these taneta up •:4»— •t45—Filly 4 Satty—waaf: Or* 8:00— Hommeratein Music HoU. monthly water power production for Rail aam n eliaai ol N C A dara tha light way to dsal with the prob­ Journal desertbea himself as "Hobo ■nvrtaM hot without telling him I wanted to be an actress! I ’d NBC-WJZ (BLUE) NETWORK cer, various speakers. bined steam and hydro output for • Sport Backs keep intact their right to strike is on the lUneronta: phan Annia—mldwaat n i i Flying 8:30—To be announced. March, 1935, nearly equalled this Deaths Last Night JW laa lem the more likely be ia to prove Benson, the Coast Kid." He to edl- why. So Lorry eeys goodby, os- Jennifer followed her. “Daphne hfive worked myself to death for Tima, ikateh—otbar atauena EAtlC — Baati wjs wbs-wbsa wbal What to expect Wednesday: which was almost exactly the same precisely the same as the claim ol "1— Use moderation ta oU things wham kdka wyar wxya wlw wayr wmal 9:00— Watch tbe Fun Go By — Al figure with generation totaling 40,- tor-ln-chlef, colufflniat, conductor ol enmlng that Osqthne has cboaen a .... ore you dolLg this Juat the rest of my Ilfs!" The tears • t O ^ 7:00—Amaa *n* Andy — wfll waby wabr weky w .^ waan wloo W EAF-N BC . 1:45, atvelan d Or­ as In January. In November, the • Two Knickers RuMiabara Hauraaaaia'iaa la> to be. upon examination, a person the employer o f the right to close —except sleeping. ^ career In prefereace to bis love. to teach me s lesson. Because it started to flow again. Donald MeQIbnay. Cominani—waat Feoroe and bis Gong. 467.000 kilowatt hours. No month t J b ilo a M a lh a w a ll|naiMliia question either simple or easy to gorgeooe dinner pnrta for oeveroi of the week, toe two girls avoided I wanted to have htm help me ‘ ' wfbe kark ksne 11:15—Ted Lewis Orchestra. Farm and Home Hour; 8:15, Chopin It con be nated from the above ^ III tveneraabiral armra aanaarina in meet the needs out of which this perience. He has done hla Junket­ ‘'4—Never work of necessity— mends. Including Hersberg and each other. If Jennifer pretendeo 0:00—10:00—Jlifimla Ftdiar Qaaalp — MOUNTAIN—Me kflr ktbl ktar kvod ber of tbe Ohio House o f Repreaen- answer. make a decision about oometblng to e 11:30—George Olson's Orchestra. Ckincert from Warsaw; 8, Alrbreoks; figures that tbe year’* biggest pro­ adaar'ianmama da iba Mannhaaiat type of economic pressure has been ing by freight exclusively and has it's fatal. lorry. lo r r y ta very hnppy to to be os:e«p when Daphne rose tahf tativet. > JIaanine Harald and he came to sec me. I told 0:40—10:40—Carol Waymann. goprana PACIPIC—kaa kfad kax ksa kaclkjr 13:00—Mol Hollett’s Orchestra 5:46, Holy Week Vespers. duction of electricity by water pow. OE7T8 AIR PERMIT AT 60 born." ridden the rods ever since the wan see Dnphne again, but she holds In the morning, It waa no differ­ 10:00—11 lOO—Nawa; VaWat Vialtea — , Fla.—Carroll F. Mulkey, There w u an Illustration of this "5— Don’t mix too much with him you were completely througb kfbk kw* kmJ kern ' 13:80— Leon Belaaco’s Orchestra Some Wednesday short waves: er normally cornea In tbe late win­ TUESDAY. MARCH 38 derlust came upon him which was him aloof, playing up to Herz- ent from Daphne’s pretense of the •aat: Amaa 'n* Andy—waet rapoat Cant. Kaat. 68, former wealthy St Louis res­ In tha United States Senate the It’s all crystal clear to Senator tramps or bums. It's demoraliz­ but 1 thought when you came back 10:1^11 il^ M a rtln a i Brathara Quar# Tomorrows Program 3RO Rome, 8 p. m., America’s ter and early spring months. To a long time back. So, knowingly berg. The following Sunday Oaph- same thing at night. I could plead for him. He used 10:00—11:00—Oraama of Long Ago 4:ia— 6:30—Tha SlnQlng Lady—easts Honolulu.— (A P )—A veteran avi­ taurateur. He waa one of tbe un­ ing." A. M. Hour; GSD, OSC, OSB London, 6:3U, have such a large amount of power other day. Senator Bllender of Bllender. It's a long way from fte offers his fellow hoboes two ne Is given a lead to Hersbrrg’s But Daphne had little need to to bong around me to bear me 11:00—lOiOd^-Kmary Oautach Orchestra Tha DIctatsra’ Orehaatra—wait ation enthusiast, Edward H. Lewis, derwriters of the S t Louis Eheposi- BMENSUd^SHOSI REORGANIZATION 11:00—12:00—Leu Broeae 4 Oreheetra 4:4b— Si4^To Sa Announced 7:00— Eta Alpha Programma— Oil ‘Boat Race" and 9:40 .Operetta emanating from the hydro develop­ 60. has a student pilot license after tlon In 1904. Louisiana, successor to tbs late clear to Senator Borali or Mr. Lan Irsns-coqtlnental routes and recom­ new play — the lead Jennifer had pretend many o l those nights. Re­ talk about yen. Then . . . then 11:40—12:45—Charlla Agnaw*a Orehaat. S:0»- idO—News; M. Willson Orah. f*rovides Une On Railroads sought, .lennifer, learning this, hearsing at the tense speed and Una Driggs, organist ■Good Night Vienna," PCJ Nether ments in January Is very unusual, having sought one for 25 years. Poor Oiuncil Bluffs, Iowa.—William El. One gntben UiAt Oovamor CroM Huey Long, made a speech In which dls. But doea this really prove mends the southern one, because ol 1 pretended he was my beau to S:S0— d:30—^ss-Radio News Period lands, 7, Happy program; RAN Mos­ Like all pioneer Journals, the Ho­ Itlls Daphne, “ I hate you!" concentration that was necesoary get back at you for what you had CtS-WABC NITWORK S:36— ti3S—isiatlaa of Romanes—wjx; 7:80— Shoppers Special—1st Sec­ and is accounted for by the treok eyesight, now corrected, woe the ob­ Mitchell, 76, veteran attorney who ad hid fUoiEbainUon Commlaalofl be denounced sit-down etrikes aa balmier climate. "Travel at night, Tony Rutaall tang Prog.—natwork tion. cow. 7. World Affairs; YX2RC Car­ that tha follower of Huey Long li­ bo News to drunk with crusading If the play was to open on the date done to Tuck. Tho night of the BABIC— Kaati waba wade woko woao variety of weather In the 1936-1937 stacle although nine years ago Lewis waa defense counsel for the Rev. be counsels, "because It givea you NOW OO ON WITH THE STORY wuab weal war wkbw wkro wbk v ir I i41L- 1:4b—Lowell Thamaa — aaat: 7:45— News Service. acas, 9:15, the Talganos; DJD Ber­ : aapbct the odwqinpan of the lUte the work of treasonable labor lead­ the real brains of the party? zeal. Its editorial columns ore thick Gordon Herzberg intended,— proved party I guess he knew that you wdro wcau wpro wfbl wJov; Mid­ Baearta and Ratty Sanga—watt winter. Precipitation Instead of be­ hsid 100 solo hours. He financed Lynn George J. Kelly, txriee tried a chance to Bleep and see the CHAPTER XXIV lin, 10 Ballads and Songs; CJRO, to put over tiia riorgAntibtion plan ers and piacsd on those leaders— be with rancor against Florida and a soul-fatiguing task. Daphne didn’t care about him anymore. watt: wbbm wfbm kmbo kmox wbaa d:00— 7!0b—Easy Aaaa, Skit—alao eat 8:00— Treasure House. ing held on the wsterslieds ta the the first night ta the territory in and acqu ltt^ of the VIlUaca, Iowa, scenery In the daytime. - Having Daphne was very calm about kfab krnt Silb— 7i1^Tha Three Jaalara—baale CJRX Winnipeg, 12, Uve, Laugh (.’alltornis, for denying entry to no­ left the house before 10 ta the He was wretched.” 8:15— Shoppers Special—2nd Sec- form of snow during January and 191L axe murders about 30 yesua ago. Retd I k Herald AAfs. t^tor Om bl They produced the plan named John L. L«w ls directly—full made tne trip ten times, without it. "I'm sorry that you do.’ CAST—wbna wpg wbp wbae wlbi’woro d:tb— 7iS0—Lum A Abner-aaat only; and Love. INDIFFERENCE TO PERIL madic society. The only railroad morning and often did not return Daphne poured cold water on a efrb ckac wibx wmaa waag wnbf Oaargo Oriffan, Tenor dalaa—wait tio a I new tbur dnil. that the people of responsibility for any bloodshed a dollar, he knows whereof he she said, "but I ’m a little sur­ Si4b— 7i4b—Pleranea Oaerga, baprana 9:00— Music ta the Air. speaks. line to arouse bitterness in the Ho­ until 2 or 8 In the next morning. tower, "Here, put that on your D ix ie —wgst wafa wbre wqam wdod Four hundred and fifty-five chil­ prised. And while 1 dislike quo­ klra wrao wlao wwl wtoo krld ktrb 7i0a— tdb—Tha Duda Raneh Program I btnte take no Interest in I t thaj might result from relentless bo News appears to be the Pennsyl­ The week-end was Just another head and He down for a few mln- 7iS»- t:Sb-Bd Ouott Walaama Vatlay 9:35— Songs o f Long A go — Mary The average trip to Caltfomle tations, you might remember that aeries of rehearsing days for her. ktaa waoo koma wdbo wbt wdaa wblg l i t la op to the newspaptoa to bestir enforcement of the law against the dren gave their lives, apparently, as vania line. "The Pennsylvania Is uftes. I ’ll give you an hour to rest wdbi wwva wmbg wajs vmbr wala •:0a— fdCL—a, Rarnia and Lada—to a H itt and Mary Herman. from New York, according to the one about sauce for the goose." Wiiat she was thinking woe some ktui kgkn wcoa wdaa waox kwkb know lite - *|30—Huabanda A Wives Talk a hostile road," one of the editorials and then we’ve got work to do.” 9:35— News Service. I Y, M, C.A. Notes misguided workers. the price o f realization on tho part editor, should take three weeks, "This la no time to be gay." thing that even Anne, her confi­ Vm m m wlno •tdO—lOdb—Ta Ra Annaunead ’ • • Afsn't 3'OU M tD W B if — wmbd vlsB wibw kfh *d»-1 0d ^R ay bhiald Radio Ravua 9:40— Ctaorlea Slossberg, pianist. We MBfoas that we don't know of the state of Twtas tnat It will not but If a hobo happens to be In h flaunts loudly; “ conscientious ho­ Jenifei said, ""w e’re going to dante, didn't know. mad?" It was quite a speech. Fresb- boes should boycott I t ” wkbn wcco wabt kaei wowo wnax woe lOdb—lltOlH-Nawai J. Ranny Orehet. 9:55—"Life of Spice.” Tueodoy do to trM t arith careless reckless- particular hurry to reach the Pa­ hav> a showdown.” Jennifer spoke to her Only "Just as mad as anyone could MOUNT.—kvor kla koh kri kxvo kfbb 16:30—11:3*—Prankla Mattara Orehaat. the newapaoers could do this, man senator as be la, Mr. EUender tIdO—12:0*—Phil Ohman A Orehaatra 10:00— Betty and Bob. 6:30— Girls basketball practice. cific Coast, he may make the But service on all other rail­ "Don’t be vulgar, Jennifer. Whet when It was necessary and then be at 1 fltycar-old child. Now COAST—kns kola k^rc kol kfpy kvl era eenfeas to behif unable to neaa so Insidious and devastating a on earth do you mean by a show­ kafo 11:3»—12:3»-OrlN Willlama Orehaatra 10:15—Modern Cinderella. 7:30— Women's gymnasium, with had all ths standard potter—and not crossing In ten days flat. About road routes Is given laudatory In monosyllables. But Jennifer take off that dress. I'll call you 10:80—Betty Oocker. Miss Burdick. 5 why they should, even If they a glimmer of aa original thought high explosive aa rectified natural luggage. We i, Hobo Benson dis­ mention, with the exception of two down? It's all on the table. took to giving bar strange glances h- an hour and we're going to RLE 10:38— Hymns of all Churches. 8:00— South Methodist church m nRCH dains any art ries of travel that There’s nothing you don’t know— and more than once she came into Replying to EUender whom do we gas. It was a shockingly high mid-western railroad lines that start rehearsing. 7:00— Morning Watch—Ben Haw­ 10:48—John K. Watkins. bowling league. cannot be taken along in the coal maintain untidy box cars. The edi­ or have guessed— abdut it. Mr the room they shared and stood ”W e ?’’ The aowspapera might print the price. thorne. 11:00— Heinz Magazine of the Air. 8:30— Andover bojrs’ group gym ­ flndT Whom, Indeed but Senator pocket. tors promise to bring this grievance Hersberg offered me the part and 8i;cntly staring for a moment _ Now that the tragedy is viewed "Yes," Daphne sold os she went 8:00— N ew a 11:30— Big Stater. nasium period. aarlally. o f course. They Borah—who does not talk conven­ But in the next breath, the edi­ I’ve accepted. You're always though there waa sometbtag she Into the other room. ”I might to the management's attention 8:15— Studio Program. ll:40—The Ad-Uner. 9:30— Tolland unty vs. Hart­ lit print say tea pages of tbs re- In retroepect it seems incredible that tor-in-chief offers this paradox. shortly. known that I woe Interested In wanted to say. need an understudy. I don't thmk W T iC tional patter, who does not take his Travelers Broadcaatlag Bervlee, 8:20— Good Morning Melodies. P. M. ford County basketball game. •lane poopis should have dealt so In- "Try, " he says, "to be as neat as the theater and you’ve always said Daphne bad to keep bar mind the one we have really knows all i dally for two months, giving up thoughts reedy-made from other Passenger trains, according to girl should take her chance Hartford, Coaa. 8:30— Cheerio. 13:15—News Service. Wednesday possible. That to. always carry a the Hobo News, are the moat dan­ from thoughts of Jennifer. A new the business I do. I COB teach enormous amount o f space and di.Terently with such an agency ol nhen it was offered to her.” BOJIOe W. I M « K. C. S8S4 I 9:0D—*RBdlo Bbsbat. 13:30—Romance of Helen Trent. 3:00— Baby clinic. people, who does not arrive at map comb with you. Don't dirty up quiet, a strained haunting ta Jen­ it to you. Just In case.” dsstructkm. Yet ta view of the gerous conveyancos for travel on- Sisters don’t do that to each Baateni Standard Tims. 9:15— Oretchen McMullen's Kitchen 13:45—Rich Man’s Darling. I oompoaltlan to the Job. But Judgments, who ponders deeply be­ box cars. And If you're bumming nifer’s eyes smote her and more (To Be Concluded) 2:00— Women’s bowling. tbe-cuff. Because the "truck" bot­ other," Jenifer retorted. "At 9130— Food News. 1:00— Five Star Revue. the Oovemor or the OommlMion New London catastrophe and its a meal, always go to the front than once she was tempted to ask 3:00— Doctors imd professional fore he epeaka et aU. And from toms of the tralne are tilted too least ndt a sister who has always 9:45— Adcle Rogers S t Johns. 1:15—Ad-Uner. men's gym class. ibvtous causes it to hardly surpris­ door, never to the rear" Jennifer to talk to her. Taeaday, March 28 that by doing so the news- Mr. Borah’s lips we learn that be ta close to the ground and leave little protested her 'great love and de­ 9:55— Bolon Orchestra 1:30—George Rector. Sartorially, incidentally. Benson Then, thinking of Jennifer and P. M. ' 4:00— Jolly Cn/m Girls club. could compel the people to ing that the military court Inveati- room for leg-stretching on a 60 or sire to do what to best’ for her Larry, she was firm again and put 10:00— "Mrs. W Iggs at the Cabbage 1:45— Auot Jennies’ Real Life Sto- by no means so cocksure about this has been rated the Best Dressed Ho­ 4:00— Program by Pupils of tbe 5:00—Manchester Grero boya' gating the affair waa notified yes­ 70-mlle run. Hobo News subscribers dear little slater. Oh, It’s despic­ her pity out of her bearL Quotations— riea What they printed they are sit-down trouble os people lUte Mr. bo, the Beau Bnimmel, of the wan­ Scfaoold of Litchfield, Ckmn. Patch.” gymnasium period. are advised to steer clear of "hot able of you!” Five days before the play was 3:00— News Thru a Woman’s Eyes much mistaken. You can terday that gas bad been discovered dering tribe. 4:80— “ Follow the Moon." 10:15—"John’s Other W ife." 6:00— Pirates’ gymaaalum period. Bllender. shot" freights--the faster freight ’Jennifer, you've cut yourself a to open, she found JennUer ta —Kathryn Oavens. leaking Into another school house 4:45—"The Guiding UghL" 10:30— "Just Plain BUI." 7:00— Senior “Y' basketball 1 *8 f I a horse to water but you can t trains— because ot their excessive slice of your ovvn cake and it tears. She was too young, but I thlnJt I 2:15— American School of the Air. 1 presume," said the Idaho man, O’Brien Is Its Sage 5:00— "Diek Tracy." 10:45— "Today’s Oilldren." league: 7:00, South Methodist vs. him drink. Particularly not far distant, at a rate threaten speed and because the engineer is doesn't taste very good, does it? ’ 'Jennifa’’ hadn't cried even when was old enough. 2:45—M yrt and Marge. it ia very generally agreed that One of the chief contributors Jennifer stared back at her 8:15—Tom Mix’." 11:00— "David Harum." Oxfords; 8:00, Highland Park vs. the water is very muddy Ing a duplication of the New London to unwilling to slow down for curves. she was a baby. —Mrs. J. T. HoOee, IS-yeor-old 3:00— Manhattan Matinee. wordleaaly. 6:80— "Jack Armstrong." 11:15— “Backstage Wife." Ramblers; 9:()0, TalcottviUe va. A r­ what is known na tho ait-down bride, conunentlng' on Um im r- 3:80— Current Questions Before the explosion. Probably It will devel­ ‘ For the first time you're learn­ 5:45— "LitU s Orphan Annie.” 11:80—How to ^ Charming. rows. atrike finds no Justification in law. "W hat ia it, Jennifer?" she ask­ riago of the S-yeor-old Tennessee 11:45— Voice of Experience. House. ■ Then, o f course, the newspapers op that euch conditions as existed that even Mr. Rno.HevcIt abandoned ing what It to to see another per­ ed gently. girl. 6:00— News. think It is generally agreed that self-generated are not promptly ex­ 12:(X) Noon— "W ay Down Elast.” 3:45—Jimmy Brierly. lit editorialise persistently and at the Consolidated schoql are com il utterly when ho went to the radio pelled and remain to ob.struct the son take what she wants. And Jennifer wiped her tears away 6:15—Jackie Duggan, songs. it ia a form of violence, which a Isi t it fair? ” P. M. —. TREAT COLDS PROMPTLY mon throughout the oil region. Only with his flrsl fireside chat on the ni tural flow of blood and nerve im­ on her sleeve; an Incredibly chlldlab Objections to thia type of atrike 6:30— W rightvllle Clarion. iMigth on the various phases of "F air!" gesture. 12:15— Story of Mary Marlin. Colds should be checked before govemmont of law and order can­ court. pulses. are baaed on the fact that it Is ef­ 6:45— Russ Gardner at'the Organ. I Morganisatlon plan. But again •t was in the big school that ga> Yet Mr. Cummings had to sing ’’Yes. that's the word," Daphne "Nothing,” she sold proudly 7:00— Amos ’n’ Andy. 12:80—‘The Forty-Niners." they become deep-seated. Oilds not recognize. The paramour t necessity In res said calmly. "Don't I get any­ fective. It is a strike, and strikes 12:45— Horry Rlcbman, Sanderson that hang on— stubixirn colds— may ; would be up to the public whether met spark—something that might the music aa he had written It. He loring health Is to rctnove those and walked Into the bath. 7:16— Vocal VarieUea. thing?" have been declared legal os a and C ivm it Freddie Rich’s O r lead to a more serious IBneas. laad the edltoriaU or not. ’’But," he continued, "it ocems liapiwn anywhere. presented a statist leal study of the poisons and si eh elimination will be Daphne got up and followed 7:30— "F irst NaUonsl’s Family "You’ve got everything.” means of halting production. chestra Father John'* Medicine helps fight to me we cannot properly appraise number of briefs .and opinions the followed inevitably by relict ot the her. "1 suppose you think this Party." wouldn’t. And the Governor Now the State Legislature Is hur­ Is easy for me?” —Homer Martin, president. C. A. 1:00—Yfews and Weather. RADIO tbe cold by building up strong nat­ members ol tho court had to read symptoms from which the patient 8:00— Leo Relsmsn’s Orchestra. the Oommiasloner have already that oituation by considering alone rying through a bill requiring the "Thanks for the oumpllment. I " I ’m sure I don't know, but If 1:15— Joyce Jordon, Girl Interne. ural resistance. Rich In Vitamins .. 'RV before they could render a decision has been suffering. 8:30— Wayne King’s Orchestra. Baetern Standard ITme. fte the pbyoical fact of workmen hold­ Introduction of malodorants Into waa going to point out to you that it makes you any more satisfied, 1:30— "The Old Gardaier." A and D. Free from harmful drugs. the reaaoo why— the people and by that means sought to show The vital forces of the body are it's about time I had a bit ot 9:00— Sidewalk Interviews. ing possession of p rt^ rty not their that the Job waa simply too much you’ll be glad to know that you’re Men sUll prefer blonds. But what 9:30— Fred Astaire; Johnny Green's 1:35— Doc Schneider's Texans. I not interested. gas supplleil to the piitilic. Per­ used to carry on the functional ac­ glamour In my life. It’s not too late breaking my heart." own against the proper owner. The for nine men. and particularly these they really want is a girl wno looks Orchestra 1:45— NBC Music Guild. New York, March 23.—(AP) — The Governor and the Commls- haps even that bill would have been tivity of each organ. A large amoun' I'm beginning to discover. 1 lived In "Have you really got one?" nine men among whom are six past like a blond, talks like a brunet, and 10:30— Jimmy Fiddler. 3:30— Intimate / pporel. Mothers and dads as spellers, sit-down strike, unlawful and ille­ no .protection In the Now London of this vital force is used In the u fiirni.m the gas In the Texas should be left to take care ol their caused by the congestion of waste Range is more than Just a reduction — it are some of our reasons: We system which gathers In the dimes school than there to for an nutomo- own affairs: we should take care ol material in the varioiu organs and the present." tissues and the patient reports that is an achievement in value. High-speed and the quarters and the half dol bile driver, pa-stlng along a cleat |:iflo not believe that the plan Is built he notices ari improvement In healtn. bum ert, separate astogril broiler, fnll-siae any framework of bona tifle sim- lara from the common people m highway at .sixty miles an hour, to After recovery, hla main problem la ' pUflcation and economy al all. We the ITnited States throiigh arlill ipprchcnd a blowout. The blow- to learn how to live In such a wav 16-inch oven, minute minder, condiment 14o not beUeve it would accomplish clal piico.i and pours them into the >uUi do sometimes come. The ex­ Health and Diet as to keep the elimlnadve organs set are all part of this GAS range — the functioning efficiently, so that these 3 ■y curtailment of extravagance coffers of a few great cor(xirations, plosion did come. It was just n )o ts ^ o u i HOME last word in modem cookery. Boy ope wastes do ni-t again accumulate. So Bd waste effort. We do not be­ thereby destroying the purehaalng case of 455 children In a school. A d v i c e much for the explanation of the for yonr home during March — the month lt would result In a smatlei power of the great masset of the nnuse being killed Instead ot one or ! B.> IIK KK.ANH MrtXt) physical benefits of fasting. In addition to the physical bene­ o f opportunity for thrifty buyers who wish payroll or better state services. people, ybu cannot nmlnlaln a two or three persons In a car. fits, there are also mental and S u f W a c m E ' to have an ap-to-date kitchen with modem BENEFITS OF K.\RTINO J W# do not believe It would hit effec- healthy economic or financial con spiritual changes which take place. ’ GAS appliancea. ily at the far too great powers dltlon In this country. I am one Many of the world's great eplntuml M an yol you have been observing teachers have known this; for ex­ f « f the Board of Finance and Con- of those who take the position that the Lenten sea.son, and It may In­ ample, Christ Is reported to have ^ trol. but on the contrary that It until you destroy - not control oi terest you to know chat this period fasted 40 days. 1 believe that the was originally set apart aa a season _ im ld almply change the name of regulate but destroy—the monnjsj Washington spiritual benefit will be more mark­ of fasting preceding Easter. ed If the patient antlcl|w.tea It. The It’s quit* easy for a bema to aay “Waleoaia”—to fact Ilihat board, increase its scope and llsUc control of the economic affairs The length ot the fast and Its great oecret of all mental healing la most every home doea—it’s sort of aecood nature with RIGULAR PRICI $ 1 1 4 0 0 f.Bmke its head s political boss of severity have varied greatly from FAMOUS ASTOGRIL BROILIR of the United States you are not Daybook to form In the mind a perfect pic­ them it seems. time to time. For example, at one ater power than any we have going to have law and order anri “ ' V Ptflian Cfot-er- t u r e of the condition desired. It Handy, convenient, easy to noe — this time It was customary to observe an th is to done while fasting, and the But there comet a time when homes—like men—find it ALLOWANCE had. We are not Ir. the leaat lawful action upon the part of those absolute fast for 40 hours, e.ating 3 Q O O separate high hroOer oven b designed for patient baa this definite picture ol difficult to radiate a cheerful "Wetcomar* And that by a so-called "merit ays whe have to deal with It. Lawlesti- Wushington—Now It can be re­ nothing whatsoever. However, the FOR OLD RANGI quidi oniform searing of meats and the ported that opening sessions ol the epiritual and r .ental improvement, a time usually ta when it ta evident to eveeyone that appear­ whose authors have to admit neaa fatUns by what It feeda upon. modern cuelnm is to give up Indul­ greater go<)d will be accomplished. draw-ottt brolUiig-tray Is placed to ovoid Senate hearing on tha Supreme gence in one article ot tood* during ance has been nagleeted without cauaa. Whan there ara ; its effectiveness depends on Its You may talk about your courts, Court bill were leas than spectacu­ bending over. It is entirely away from L«nt, and thia represents a partial QUESTIONS AND .ANSWERS tboee tcU tale aigna of outright IndUfaranM. admlDlatratlon.” you may talk about your Constitu­ lar. and that Is too bad. for Wash- fssl. rather ihiui a complete fast. It the baking oven and there is pm ty of Ington was entitled to a better deal. MARCH SPICIAL Oonnecticut's overblown adminis- tion, you may talk about order and it Interesting' to know that during (Chorea) If your hoDM right now. hag only a *Weak Welcome” ntensil storage space below the broiler. iv e system surely does badly This city seems off the beaten the Middle Ages, meat, milk and Question; Susan H. writes: we suggest you give It a coat of MeOUl’s Beat PqlnL It’s law. you may Ulk about alt-down theatrical track and gets few first eggs were torbidden by laws ot both reorganization. But our Idea there any form ot Chorea or i 3BC o f tba flnast Spring tonics avallabiOL YouU find It strikes, but In an economic system line perfurmaocea except euch as church and state during the season Vitus' Itence which is passed of Lent. the best taveatasent you aver tasda; on* that w ill return t. the w ay to bring It about would so controlled there Is no such thing the Senate provides. True the from the parents to the children?’ I to elect a Governor holding very Hous.« can put on shows but for the Those who observe partial fasta Answer: Huntington’s Chorea is you a thousand and one "Lusty W eleomaa" this year— and as economic Justice, and where there most part they are on Inferior at the present time are encouraged ! views of his own os to proo- hereditary, being tronamissable from TRAILER for years to coma. to DO economic JusUce there can nc brand unless they Involve funny to do so by the leaders in church os parents to offspring. It commonly SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED DEALER OR I reorganization and with energy no safety or security for Constitu­ business. an exercise lu self-denial or o j an develops In adult life. to develop and put over his exercise In discipline, however, 1 be­ tion or courU or for the citizen." lieve that there Is an addltioiuil o f reform— oeginning with Aria. (Pain ta Stomacb) At the conclusion of his speech Attorney General Cummings as a benefit to be gained from fasnng U mso ta th e tUngB first, notably that Board Question; Henriette asks: "What the Idaho senator said: "M y conten­ first wltneoa wsa better tha" ex­ which to seen in an Improved atate could cause a slight pain in \be ADVENTURE IIY 8 T B R T of health. Furthernrore. one may CHEF every r fhHUica and ControL tion to that obedience from some pected. He hod n tough aria to stomach first thing ta the morning M anchester DUision sing ta th«. first act. It sraa Cum­ experience both a mental and THOS. McGILL, JR. T a e s d a y amd ^fCtovenior Cross' method of tum- and disobedience from others be­ whicb geea away aa soon os 1 get mings who first advanced the doc­ spiritual Improvement from a fast up and move around, or or soon oa I The dramatic story ot two girls who wanted romance and a thrill­ Satarday ^ Hartford Haa Co. ’ the Job over to a study commis- properly conducted. PAINTER AND DECORATOR ■ le r a lo g at gets disobedience from all. We arc trine that -the courts were so head eat anything? Have hod it for live ing experience, and who took to the open road to find both! It OMOMa 9 0 w m letting the Commission fuss ■aid to be the most lawless naUoo over cecls in work that Justice sim­ Tire physical benefit coming from years. 126 Cedar Street D ial 6887 ll i S t a v e r a fast on fruit juice or on entire carries you breathlessly through series of episodes you’ll never Stadae WTIC. the ■nhjsct fo r a coupis of ta the world. Crime is nothing ply ctiiildn t seep through «t«t for Answer; The most probable cause 4 'hat reason six more Justice* were fruit to based upon ths principle that ia the preaence ot g «a wblcb baa and then expeetiag the press 11 the body will improve unner onv forget. Don’t miss it. A new serial with the setting of our times, than alarming. i cannot dto- needed on the Supremt Court and formed during tbe night. However, beginning in this paper ths publle to get aU excited •odate this lawleaaneas from the regimen which apeede up the re­ it la Impossible for me to tell you aa many os 50 on the inferior courta. moval ol waste matenoJ. The aymp ( ths rsButts Hod convert it into tawleasDcas ta the buataess wortd Bo many see nun* bole* war* obot definitely wtiat la tbe cause without tome ol dtocomfort which we deoig- examining you and 1 ouggeot that I ton conrss « f tw o f t three oa the part a t those who believe througb that argument before Mi M te as disease ayroptome ore pro- (Kunming* got to th* ritnea* laiws tbe best plan is for you to consult n there s nothing like gas for cooking tiueed because poisoos which ore doctor Bonr you. Thursday, March 25 BIANCHE8TBH EVENINb HERAIJD. MANCUE&rmi, OONN^ TUESDAY, MARCH 2 8 ,198T ROOSEVEirS COURT ROCKVILLE ALSO FINES ■■(■■CmvOT DOOTOM. HAVE nSCAL evening to attend the County-Wide tha college without the assistance ot will bold a public whist party on parsonage. Thursday afternoon. I>r. Alfred B. Suadqulat and H osniiriiFT the men on the regular staff. Monday evening, March 29 the pro­ Members will continue work on w . George Lundberg ai* th* ^COUNTRY STORT NIGHT Tdung People's Rally. An Easter MASSACHUSETTS NANI REV. s m N o r r l e f t] pageant entitled "Th* Door", waa Miss Wetatons la Oo-ed editor on ceeds being used for repairs to th* articles to be sold at tbe bazaar Tiny Sandbar Colony BACKED BY JURIST phyalclana who will teapond to Local Stocks ROCKVILLE the regular "Campus” staff and also lighting fixtures In the rooms. which win be held this summer. START ON JULY 1 amergency caUa tomorrow after- presented by tha ydiing people's tbe "Nutmeg'’, the college year Prizes will be awarded and re­ RecklcM Drivinr CharRes, Re- Boon. C0N1R0L READY AT STATE TONIGHT group of Ellington. book. She la president of the Con­ freshments will be served. There r . B. fliMw, b e . $6y000 TO CHURCH! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butler of Waits Big Flying ■nltinff from Fast Trip Hartford were Sunday guests of necticut State College Radio Play­ will be a heart prise and a door prize POST OFHCE SCHEDULES Only Li?ing Member of Na­ Through Two Towns. Costly. •flfl Farm bgtM Av*., Motion Picture Program In­ ers, a member of the State College in addition to the usual prlaea. TeMthrdy Ap- West Hartford Mrs. Butler’s aunL Mrs. Oscar A. PASTORS IN COUNn Players, an executive member of the WUllaai R. H artia cludes “A Doctor’s Diary” Leonard and family. Kingman Reef, March 23.—'(Viared by Airport Manager. 81 OBITUARY Antomatic, Bectric Eqidih commons club and was recently HERE ON GOOD FRIDAY Pan American Airways Radio) — Saunders, have managed .to ; fnn Shift of Date; To tion’s Highest Trihamtl, Rockvllle, March 23__(Special)- ABOUT TOWN aepnweebtive |Former Rodmlle Priestl and “Wild Brian Kent.” initiated to the ’Iheta Alpha Phi. (API—America’s smallest colony- off additional dry lu o Flned |100 and coat* In th* Man­ Bid Aaked TO EXCHANGE PULPITS PMneral af darenoe Dunn ■FUNERALS meot for Elevator WiD Cap. N at Bk. and i t . 35 ANDOVER situated on a 90 by 100-foot sand­ radio direction finder towers ' chester Police Court on a charge'of Tuesday evening card 3« Another of the popular “Country The funeral of Clarence Dunn, 58 The following schedule will be ob­ bar, 3,000 miles from the mainland erected. At the Island's Cmukt it ■ Detail; Gives His Opbion Over Air reckless driving,-R*y H. Wallac* of Conn. River B k ...... 400 W in , Probated ia Vc Store’’ nights will be held at the of 42 Shipsic street, who died on served at the Manchester post office Thomaa H. Kerr. ^ tonight at tbe Htfd. Conn. Trust ... 77 Overnight News Preaching Mission Committee Several members of the Parent- —Is ready for the latest trail-blazing point, three feet abovs si 2«r Park avenue, Arlington, Mas*, Highland Park Community club­ Provide Greater Safety. Stat* theater tonight. A whole Friday night, was .leld on Monday Teachers Association attended tbe on Friday, March 26. Good Friday: flying boat. metal fuel tanka will be sunk. ( Largely attended funeral aervlcea Htfd. N a t Bk. A Tr. 3« ■tageful of groceriea will be given Makes Arrangements for afternoon from the White Funeral City carrier delivery, one morn­ were held thia afternoon at 2 o'clock waa brought to Rockville Imme­ house with prises, social time and Makes Sereral BeqnesU Of Connecticut annual meeting of the Tolland Three palm trees, planted In 1922 The crest ot the coral mound 1 Would Aroid Bond Issue. .San Diego, ' Calif, March 23.- diately afterward* to face charges refreshment*. Phoenix SL Bk. A Tr. 29fi away oa prizes to those whose num­ Exchange on April 11. Home, followed by services at the County Council Wednesday evening ing delivery. No afternoon delivery. looks a flvs-mlle lagoon.. for Thomaa H. Kerr of North Falr- bsnraaoe Stocks (Hy Aaaoclaled, Preos) Rockville Baptist church of which by an unknown "discoverer”, *1-, - » fleld atreet, at the Thomaa Q. Doii- fA D —John Headn CTarke, the Su of racing and recljtless driving. The new, push-button control of bers are drawn. at the Odd Fellows hall la Rockville. Parcel Poet dellVery, regular ready have caused an overcrowding j *<1®" " r f . In conalderatloli of the penalty Aetna Casualty ...... 103 'These "Country Store" nights are the deceased was a member. Supper was served at 6:30 and tbe service. A p to to m iM th« date* of Man- gan Funeral Home on Holt atreet. preme Court Justice who retired at Star of the East. R. B. P„ No. 13 the elevator In the Manchester Me­ Aetna F ir e ...... gg Rockville, March 23— Arrange­ Rev. Edward L. Nleld, pastor ot problem—that’s how small the.flofof Olpper* in this ra«t Re>-. Dr. Earl E. Story of the South imposed there the racing charge Is preparing for lU entertainment of T. Slnnott creating a lot of fur. for patrons ot Cromwell —^Ernest Doane of Litch­ ments have been completed for an orchestra from Longview school Rural carrier delivery, regular island Is. ocean area. ^*f**«*a flacal year, Iqr moving th* 65, believes President Rooaevelt'a morial hospital wiU be cut in early I ■ P ^°r “Y Bemard'i field was elected president of tbe th* church officiated. Burial was in played during the supper hour. Fol­ aervlce: Uethodlat church olTtclated. There waa nolled In the local court and and dance in Orange hall Saturday Church there nearly le yean unUl tha theater and In addition many exchange ot ministers in the Grove HIU cemetery. The bearers A mere speck in the ocean. It Is The lagoon, protectad from I ^ bagfcmleg of th* period from Au*- Judiciary program la Cbnstltutlonal. 110. of a I 2S fine and costa 'of $11.06 evenly. April 24. The drawing for people am getting a lot of fine gro­ Connecticut Guernsey Breeders' As­ churches of the county on Sunday. lowing this the business meeting Stamp, Registry, Parcel Post and high breakers on two old were mar.y beautiful floral trlbutea Workmen from Conn. G eneral...... sociation at tbe annual dinner. were Carl Anderson, Irving Dunn, was held with election at officers 1,067 miles from Honolulu where the ttat !• back'to July l, and witbout 'from relative*, friends and organlza* "Plainly within the power* grant­ for reckless driving, was remitted. Jrf'.ooP Europe or its equivalent the Otl* Elevator company of Hart­ ceries absolutely free. Msrager April 11 at the morning service in (Jlayton ' Ryder, Francis . Dailey. General Delivery windows, open Pan American Clipper was tuned smooth enough to permit ed to the Congress and therefore Hartford Fire ...... RrckWUe Probate (Jourt It pro. Jack Sanson Introduced the "Coun­ Stafford Springs. — William S. each church. The plans were made and reports. Dr. Holtz from Hart­ 7:30 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. to cruise with safety. th* Moaaatty of doatliif another tlona of which Mr. Kerr was a men> enlarge* were brought In'both the of $225 In cash, will be held then. ford. In charge of foreman Victor Hartford Steam Boiler George Schwars and Reginald Kent. up today fur this next stop on a ber. c e a r 1 y Conatltutional, " was Manchester and RockvUle courts The committee desires Ucket Cicmsoii of this town, hsve no&rlv * ^ “*®Y* Y® church InatlluUons try Store” Idea here 10 years ago Brown, twice president of the Na­ by the Preaching Mission committee ford, wa* the speaker of the eve­ Money Order window, open 8:30 The company's supply bead taaue, waa tentatively approved NatioqaJ F i r e ...... totaling more than $6,000 tional Marine Engineers' Beneficial as a continuation of- tbe meetings Maoady Thorsday Service ning. He Is a member of the board 6.82U-milc flight from California to North Wind, serving as a. tail The bearera were Clarence Ewen. Clarke a opinion, rendered in a coun- kfler W allace bad been chased over turns not later than March 27. completed Installation of electrical Phoenix Fire ...... | and It 1* proving to be fully as popu­ The annual Maundy Thursday a. m. to 3:00 p. m. Auckland, N. Z. ; by the Selectmen laat nlcht. trjTvid© radio broadcast. will meet at the Washington Social Rev. Slnnott left $1,000 to th« Association and a resident of ai.d purposes of the Preaching Mis­ of medical examiners for the de­ Lobby, open 6:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. ary station for thia airport, ial Joafiph McCann and Thomaa Conn Vernon and Manchester roads by a wiring neceaaary for the change Roeala Insurance . .. °Y the Roman CMtboUc lar this year. Ckimmunton service will be held at partment of aeronautics for tbe The giant ship arrived tn Hono­ The board will meet again tomor- repreaentlng Washington Loyal Now 79. the only living former State Motor Vehicle Department club Sunday at 2 o'clock. Anyone from the old-type water pressure The motion picture program in­ Thompsonville, died In the Johnson sion which \.as held in Rockville the Union Congregational church on ro . chored on the lee side of tta* : Travelers ...... 480 masae*. to be divided Memorial hospital after an emer­ and Stafford Springs the early part State of Connecticut. The program lulu last Thursday from Alameda, east reef. From Ita two ** at • p. m. In the Municipal Orange Lodge, No. 117; and Henry member of the nation's highest trl- Inspector who reported that Wal­ wishing tickets after March 27 lift to the latest, electrically con­ cludes that dramatic thunderbolt, 'Thuraihzy evening, March 25 at wa* arranged by School SuperiO' All regular malls will be receiv­ (Jalif.. but engine trouble held up Its ; tuUdlng to oonalder the plan in de- should apply to William Henderson, Public Ctlllty Storks among the prieau of the dloceae ot gency operation. ol January. ed and dispatched according to ed antenna towers, radio dir Trotter, Richard Boyce and Thomaa lace's speed was between 70 and 85 trolled type lift. among ^astonary aocletlee; $1.00C "A Doctor’s Diary” In which beauU- New Haven.—The New Haven aeven thirty o’clock. A chorus choir visor 1. B. Dunfleld. take-off. r*?** ** ibawn up in the meantime W, Tedford, from the Star of the flning himself to "that naked legal miles an hour. c h a ir^ n ; Ernest Vennard. James Conn. Lt. and Pow. . , fli ful Helen Burgess continues her There are twelve churches who will sing the anthem, "O, Saviour ol regular schedules. beams were expected to 'b y Attorney Raymond R. Bower* The change does not involve Conn. P o w ...... 49 to the bishop to be used by him for Board of Education, prompted by have entered into the plan all In tbe Mra. Donald Tuttle and Mr. and Captain Edwin J. Mustek, in com­ Clipper on Its course. Eait, No. 13, Royal Black Precep- question"— ® * McCoUum. Francis' McGeown placement of a new cage In the climb to screen stardom. The ac' the World". Mrs. Donald Wstroua Mrs. Ell.sworth Oovell attended the The schedules w^ere announced to­ mand, expected the trip to take and WUham E. Buckley ot the Char- Thomas Leemon. Thomas Conn Htfd. Elec. LL i 60 such needs In the diocese as be may the New London, Tex., school ex-, northern section of the county with win render the solo, “Calvary. ” day by Postmaster TTiomn* J. On tbe return trip the Pan tory. Burial waa In the East ceme­ Would a condlUonal Increase of elevator weU. the old cage being Hartford Gas ...... 37 deem best; $1,500 to St. Francis'* companytng feature will be "Wild plosion tragedy, voted today to In- Rev. Valentine S. Alison and Rev. meeting of officers, home economics eight hours. The Clipper probably ; tar Rerialon Committee and Select- tery. David Dickson. Jolyi Herron. Jose^' Brian Kent" starring Relpb Bel­ The communion service will be committees and collectors of dues Quish. lean ship's crew planned to , nun Richard Martin, propoeer of the number of judges of the Su­ Bmks, Joseph or Albert Weir hooked up with the electric con­ So. New Eng. Tei. ( i ' I66 bospital “In appreciation of tb< ,«pect all schools in the city to elimi­ Rowland J. Marlin In charge of the will remain overnight before taking extensive ground and lagoon preme Court by Act of Congreaa as trols with the addition of the latest lamy. nate possible hazards to life and arrangements. followed with an address by Rev. Ur. for East Central Pomona Grange at off for Pago Pago, American Samoa, ' the plan. PRESIDENT SEES Mmnufactiirlng Stocks many kindnesses shown to me George 8. Brookes on "The Broken Findings will be Inoorpora' j. T huraday afternoon the new llacal EmlUo .Masxoll recommended by the President, be safety devices and electric control that Inatitution;" $1,000 to Thursday, Friday and Saturday limb. The following are the preaching Vernon Wednesday evening. DOUBI-E MURDER 1,546 miles southwest of Kingman plana for permanent baas The funeral of Emilio Maxzoli ot Con.*«Ututional or not?” Frederick T. Stone of 105 Spruce swltchea. Acme Wire ...... 4^ ^ brings Ruby Keeler and L«e UOton New Haven.—Guiseppe Brandano, assignments for April 11: Ellington Bread”. Miss Beatrice Hamilton, daughter ■;P*ar plan will be dlacuaaed during a street will be 90 year* old ThuiSlay. Am. H ardw are...... 40 Mary a Seminary In BalUmot*. U To Plan Gas Station Reef. for pasaengera whtti ragulw ^ Blr<;h street, held thia morning In Studiously avoiding criticism of Power for the new control is by to the State screen In "Ready. Will­ 47, of Haverhill, Mass., was expect­ Congregational.,,Rev. Dr. George B of Mr. and Mra. Frank Hamilton Ackerman, Miss. March 23.— Kingman Reef la one of tbe small­ LpuhUo hearing held in the State SL Jamea'a eburch waa largely a t­ The family will have open bouse at Arrow H u d H. com. 6714 $1,000 to St. Thomas’* Seminary John F. Dailey, Jr., is fo_ fo^ plajing with ‘Francta Holden In the day service between the , Capitol by the Cltle* and Borough* the supreme Oourt's recent deci- NO BOOST IN TAX a new electric motor and elevator Bloomfield; $500 to St. Bernard’s so­ ing and Able” a rapid fire dancing ed In Federal District Court today Brookes. Rockv^lc; North Coventry (AP)—Identity of the victims was est of the many atolls which dot the Stotes and the AnUpodee U i tended Rev. W. P. Reldy celebrated wu home of bis granddaughter, Mre. BilBn^s and Spencer . 511 and singing specialty. to answer several charges of vio­ (Congregational, Rev. Edward L. plihs to open a gas station on tbe n.lxed pair match of the American sought today by police trying to Pacific, said AUlc J. Copeland, chief ! oomaalttee of the General Aaeem- the maaa and was In charge of the Slons or the proposal* of the Presi­ lifting drum in a penthouae on the Bristol Brass ...... 60*4 ciety of Rockville; $250 to St. Rose’s ilcbulz property at the inteisectinn biidge League Master Point Tour­ «y. dent, Clarke drew upon hlatory for “ Cambridge roof of the hosplui. The motor pro­ church of Newtown; $100 to SL lating the liquor tax law. He waa Nleld, Rockville; Rockville Baptist. of Union street and Windsor avenue. solve the slaying of two white men engineer at the Kingman airport. At committal service In St. Jamea'a his material. atreet. from 3 to 6 p. m.. when Mr. Collins Co ...... 135 due In court yesterday but counsel Rev. Ernest J. Spinney. Somerville; nament at tlT Hotel Garde, led both found shot to death and partially present a small shelter and flagpole Final naturaMzatton papanj Jaaaaiy 1 BarUer Approved 'cemetery. A delegation from the Stone wlU receive. Four genera­ vides power sufficient to lift the Colt’s Pat. Firearms . 60 u Stephen’s church. Stepney; $100 to A public bearing will be held at sections in play with 61.8 per cent granted 90 days aftar appUo " I n 80 year*." he aald. covering Refuses to Comment on Chief at the maximum speed of 1(W the Sacred Heart church in South- explained his absence as due to Ill­ Rockville Congregational, Rev. Hor tbe Council room on Saturday. cremated on a burning heap of occupy much of the available room. IT*vlou*ly approved by th* Select- Itftllan club, of which he was a tions from New York and Connectl- Eagle Lock ...... 33 TOLLAND ness which forced his client to stay ace B. Sloat. South Wlllington; duplicate bridge. The champion* Six Pan American colonists hsod- has been fllad. M a waa a to bond for the member, attrnded. the i^rlod from 1789 to 1889. "Se Yeet per second. The elevator cage Fafnlr Bearings .. 122 oury. He left hla religious books to March 27 a t two thirty o’clock at totaled 133 H match points. Playing railroad ties and coal. num ^r of Judge* of the Supreme PhL*” Two great grand- capacity U 2.000 pound*. a t a Boston hospital. RockvUle Methodist, Rev. Roacoe F. which time all persons interested coat of government during the Mra Margaret Sullivan, aololat, Justice Hughes’ Letter children, children of Albert*Yost Gray Tel Pay SUtloh 13 St. Thomas's Seminary and person­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson of East Hampton.—Richard Elkin, Metzer, Ellington; Somers Congre­ game marked with several tops > period between th* beginning of the aang at the offertory, "Do l*ro- Court waa first determined by Act Jr and Mrs. Frances McPherson -Automatic Cuntrol Hart and Cooley . . . . 200 al article* to his immediate rela­ Hartford and David A. Brown of gational, Rev. J. Arthur Eldwards may be heard. the wlnness maintained a high aver­ tive*. 15, a High school freshman, was OonunoB OoodcU to Meet piaaaat flacal year and January i. fundia." At the elevation she aang ^ Congress; twice the number las Yost, hve In Manchester. Mr In addition to the new powering Landers. Frary A Ok. 40H Vernon were Sunday guests of Tol­ sought today by state police, after Rockville; SomeravUle Oongrega- age on most of tbe boards to win tbe : when a new year would begin. Yeau Ml." and at the close of the ^ e n reduced, and fi^e times it has of the elevator, switches have been Mann A Bow. Qass A 9U Attorney John F. Brady ot H art­ Tbe regular meeting of the (Com­ title by 2.3 per cent fion. the couple On the Supreme Court. with*h7,‘’°i “’fed land relatives. his 111 mother reported him miss­ tlonal. Rev. Reginald D. Avery, Oppoattlon to the bond laaue plan masa. “Abide With Me. ' Organist ^ e n Increased, always by Act of daughter. Mrs. MlnetU Installed to close the elevator cage New Brit. Mch., com. 88'4 ford 1* executor ot the eatate. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Miller and ing. Staffordville; StaffordvUle Federat­ mon Council will be held this eve­ who led the competition in Section waa votoed by the Selectmen laat Charles Packard played Hamlel'a Con^rujis. and never before ha^s the •McPheison. was formerly In the door automatlcaUy. rhe door opens do pfd...... joo family have had a* a recent gueat. Hartford.—Attorne.v General Ed­ ed, Rev. William F. Tyler. Vernon: ning In the Council rooms at aeven B lArgo" aa the body waa borne from tl Irty o'clock with Mayor Claude Carl Albert Burger who had been •Ig h t n * naa of a bond laaue to Con- Warra Springs, Ga.. March 23.— grocery business In Hartford and manually. The guard gates on the North and Judd ... 40 Mr. Weeks of Norwich, Conn. ward J. Daly had today the qom- Stafford Springs Methodist, Rev. V. aMdM poaMbla a changa In the fla- the church. suti^on to thus legUlate been quea- was later with Case, Lockwood A cage open and close automatically. Peck. Stow A Wilcox. 19 Mrs. Frank T. Newcomb had a* pleted draft of a flood control pact Alison, Tolland; Tolland Federated Mills presiding. living with his wife this winter at ?aal d i ^ would BMan, It waa ex- The bearera were John Garaventa. tlon^ certainly not in tbe court* f'^^P'—President Roosevelt .said to­ Brolnard. He has lived for nearly The change was made by the Russell Mfg. Co. . 37 MISS MARY HUTCHISON Sunday guests, Mrs. Donald Grant among four New England state* Rev. R. J. Martin, Stafford Springs; It 1* expected that a report will be the place In Andover owned tor his pialaad. that a portico of the oper- Nicolft Trez*l, Enrico . Qaffl&nesi It Is confidently believed that day be hoped there would be no new iO in Manchester. A grand- trustees of the hospital because the ScovUlMfg.es>...... ; 501.4 of Wapping, Mrs. Sadie Millard of for the regulation of freshet stages Vernon Congregational, Rev. Sum' iresented on the hearing held in son from Hartford, died Birlday htlap aoato of government thia year A n ^ o QattI, Charles Raccagnl and few. If any other Important power* taxes at this se.ssion of CMngresa. ^ n . I^nald S. McPherson. Is super­ hydraulic lifting machlnjery, tnstsUl- Stanley W orka ...... ElUngton. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose In the Connecticut river. It needed nek W. Johnson, Somers; Wlllington .lartford, laat Wednesday before the night at the Manchester Memorial {Would be refunded thia year, and John Bogglnl. Funeral arrange­ (rf Congress have been ao early and The Chief Executive made the intendent in the State Forestry de- endon. North Coventry. at which time the bill was heard re- earlier In tbe day. He bad been stek V*clarc. lives at 350 Center hospital In 1919, waa showing signs fore being presented to Gov. Wilbur latl^ to charging the City CHiarter with a cold but a few days and : pajm B ta on ^ bond* were due, approval of our country, our Presi­ ference of bis vacation here. of wear, and to provide groater U 3 Envelope, com .. 85 Guest at Affairs of Hospital Mrs. Phyllis Marlmaco and Mr. L. Cross. Members Social ,-pliw tatareat. dent*, and our courts, a* thl* of de- He did not expand tbe tax ob- safety. Marimaroo of Hartford were guests There will be a members social at to do away with the "off year” elec­ pneumonia developed which caused PM...... 133 Auxiliary and Sunset Circle the Elks Home on Wednesday after­ tion. There Is atUl another bill to be its death. He wa* 77 year* old and ' foptlon of new flacal year ar- termining the number of Judge* of Mrvatlon. ft was made In response o ^ alAta-wlde luncheon meeting of Workmen engaged In the work of Veeder Root ...... 159 Friday last of Mrs. Frank T. New- jaaaanta wUl permit the town to the Supreme Court.** to a request for comment on the re­ Whitlock CoU Plp4 .’; 45 of Noble Grands. eomb. noon for tbe RockvlUe Emblem Club. heard of Interest to the city and was born In Stuttgart, Germany. He WSSING ACTOR’S 6W Y Republican women wUl be held Fri- changing the control of the elevator The president, Mrs. Mae D. Chap­ that It is to Increase tbe asdariea ot came to this country about 60 years make It* aannal a n ^ ria U o n a with resigned from the cent statement of Marriner S ^ y . April 2. In Hotel Bond. Hort- J. B. Williams Co. ... 33 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Graham and BOLTON M i kaewladge of th* aiae of the Kccles, chairman of the Federal Re- have been considerably hampered Mias Mary Hutchison of 221 Pin* daughter Diana were Sunday guests man will be the hostess for tbe af' several city officials and also permit ago, had lived in Calllcoon, N. Y., hif *** ‘Ivvote f**“''*® 3Jlsa Katherine during the last month because the .Miscellaneous temoon. the city to pay members of the City and New York city before coming Ltnuid hat and to lay lU tax rat* nis attention to the movement for Mrve Board, that the budget should Arrow Aircraft ...... 344 street, who with her stater, Ml** oC Hartford relatives The Center church Sunday school WASHED UP BY THE SEA be balanced even if It were neces­ Byrne, vice chairman ot the SUte elTvator has been In almost constant Christine Hutchison, will leave Man­ John Bowers who has been In De- Meeting Tonight Council $100 a yeaf. It was expect­ to Andover. He founded a stamp world peace, said "the wiae men Central committee. The prmcipai use. Burdine*. Inc...... 44^ met at the usual hour and thirty The Ladles Ainciltary of tbe A.O. ed that this bill would also be heard Shop on Nassau street, New York I t imouM bJoo •UmlBBt# who framed our Constitution may sary to increa.se income and profits chester In April, to live in New Land. Florida for over two months were In attendance. The morning ^•a of tha svacag* annual coat of taxes. speaker will be Noah Swayne. I'he Necessary construction prepara­ Chapman Valve ..... 49 Haven, was guest of honor- at two has i^um ed aa far oa Hartford H. wUI bold their regular meeting at last week, but It was not assigned which la now conduct^ by bis London, March 23.— (AP) — Dr have nad more confidence In the meeting i* open tc all Republican Conn. Invest. MgL worship service waa at 11 a. m Rev. for a hearing. brothers, Arthur, Herman and Gus­ ^OppemdiMtely «1S,000 for intereat Percy Voaper today definitely Iden- Asked if he would comment on tory to installing the motor and lift-1 social functions yesterday. and la a guest of relatives In that eight o'clock thia evening at their : on temporary note* and would per- wisdom and patriotism of the Con­ women. Reservations for the lunch- ing apparatus was by Knofla Bros. Elec Steam Sterilizing A. S. Kline preached on "The rooms In the Prescott block. WIU Beautify annmds tave A. Burger. Mr. Burger gresses and the Presidents which the letter of Chief Justice Hughes ! Foundation Co...... tn the afternoon Miss Hutchison etty. Palma." ’The members of Vernon Grange also well known for hln collection of adt th* adaption of. quarterly pay- washed up from the Engfish chan- .saying the adminl.stration's propo.sed ^ n at 12 o’clock may be made entertained Group 4 of the Memorial Communion will be observed at Elks Notes were to come after them, and lea* ^rough Mrs. Emms L. Nettleton Hendey Mfg. Co. . A business meeting was held aft­ Another sitting In the pinochle have decided to enter the contest American prints. He leaves bis . meat of proparty taxea, Inatead of Supreme Court revi.sion would im- • King Seeley Corp ... Hospital auxiliary, of which she has the Tolland Federated church Thurs­ er the service. It was voted to ac­ sponsored by the Connecticut Slate wife, Mary J. Rtgney Burger; a son. f.-bnlaig to p iy the tax in two In- of confidence in courU than some seem pair the efflciencv of the before .March 31. been leader many years. OngtnaUy day evening, March 25. at 8 o'clock. tournament between the Rockville actor son who to have today. . . . highest Palmer Bros. cept the letters of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lodge of Elks and Maple Grove will Grange on "Beautifying Your Cl arles of West Hartford and two tsllmaota but two and a half h ^ ^ e n rayaterloualy misaing since tribunal, he refused to make anv Sylvania formed from the Sunset Sewing cir­ Rev. Valentine S. Alison will be granddaughters, Alice Jane and aontha apart "The single question as 1 am con- statement. Rol^rt Doellnei, well known local cle of Rebekah lodge the group has sne of the speakers In the three hour A. S. Kline from West Rutland, VL take place on Wednesday evening at Grange Hall Grounds." The board ^ disappeared from a gay cham­ “4ut some inconvenience might be and coned brown felt hat, waa in John Candito of East street. They added the housing and farm Newark. N. J.. March 23.— — ••dem af Hw "AI YWee* dmI can. Is siaay piscsi. ^^adt the tenant to pay the rent, not CWord. and other— auvouBguest* at thf* ( *^i'*'^*^* Etiiicallon during Anrit At While a brother and slater of the Ches and Ohio Halifax ...... 24 ' Mrs. Minnie Johnston. Mra Minnie Saturday evenings at the parsonage. TTie President said he would at- boy screamed. Anthony Dakls. 46- ^ ry s le r Krause, Mrs Grace Lathrop and end Mrs. Robert French of Rutland, Ml* SUOHT dltw*Me In price smewilc W W** $* w entirely In advance, but at the end Paris gave on the j Memorial church in South Hanover ...... 3714 Mass., and with them attended the Special music will be rendered Eas­ ON WEDNESDAYS FROM NOW ON AT of each week during the month. ^Pected to testify then VVillington. " '“•‘‘'’‘'’gfon Ea.ster Home Ins...... 4,,^ Miss Emily KIsaman Mias Edith ter. $2 a sweMi eslrs *a r*«r N«* paysMSh. Authorities said there Window to his death. Col Ga^* anH m Walsh, president of .SuijMt Circle, Boston Flower Show. Isst week. OperathM — - wtin nil! l^»st‘ihaU■Oiauarion on of the newly elected from thiMVhTLl^M^ *^^® rolling Home Fire Security H'4 Tuesday evening, March 23. at 8 The trustees of the hall met Sat­ <^Iigcr» suffered Com! Inv Tr acting for the other past grands! NASH With the flacal year beginning un^^h"!®® the body Moss. Bonding , . 92 urday evening. Plans wero made for unclothf^fi ia-Ka i...... • . orderl.be next day^'^® ^'^rii^raV ^b^rc made the gift of a handsome past o'clock the regular meeting of the . July L the grand list would be com- ' t Kastern Star, wiU be held Wed- | kTiday. National Liberty ... qi Child Study club will be held at some repairing to be carried out In Everybody's Market 10 Henderson Road MESSIER-NASH, INC. Phone 7258 They attributed its comli nesdav evening, March 31 at ' I fo^sKul and internal Injuries. ' Cons Edison North River . . 271^ district deputy’s pin to Miss Hutchl- the near future. ■ *»rlng Januai;y. February and tlon to long emersion. .son. Hick's Memorial school. The teach­ Orders Delivered Anywhere In Town FREE! Call In and Save Money! Dial 5721! -atarch by the assessors and during Ma.^onic hall, Mrs, Isadore Sharp ot I ilv “went “a ^ . Ptov. Wash ... 39,'* ers will have charge and Invite all The library Is open the second April by the Board of Relief, .''lalTor.i Hollow will be installed as aivrr„. f the .Cont C AA 1 : Pref-Accident ...... 49,* women of the community. and fourth Friday evenings a ball Remember! Our Stock Is Complete In Every Respect! SAVE! COMPARE! cj- During May appropriations for the KIWANIS SHOW DATE t^vM asL..“ I>*focUves Corn Prod I Seaboard Surety . 32 ‘ SICK RATS STOLEN hour each month. worthy matron with Roland Simp- I David Abbott and Arthur Jollimore Lfowell, Mass., March m _(AP) Members of Tolland Grange mot r yaar beginning July 1 would be •wn ot Bellrose stre.;t a. Worthy Del Lack and West ->2 I Security Ins. . 39 tn rehearsal at the community house Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Dlmock and Lr made and the tax rate would be Patron. ^aid. He demanded $100 of Mrs Douglas Aircraft . iij » Sprtngftetd FlreAMa. 125 Superintendent Christine S. Hacleod daughter, Patricio, have returned SOFTASILK! SNOSHEENI OR SWANS DOWN SOUTH ^V ENTRY IS POSTPONED TODAY ^phle Calllger "so I can go ha™ of the Lowell General hospital today Monday evening for the forming of flxed a t the same time, Mias Mercia Park and Mlsa Leigh i DuPont ...... 'l-WV a degree team. from a vacation in Florida. hi refused, L. S. F and G...... 25H appealed for the return of 15 tnfect- Tbe tax then would be due in Colman was reniuve.l fonney. students ai St. Margarita he allegedly knocked her down Eastman Kodak ^ ^ white rats and guinea pigs stolen The young people of the Tolland Miss Dorothy and Miss Ruth equal, quarterly insUiilinenl.-, Octo­ - the VVindham CVimmimi*.. %*_l Elec and M u a...... 5*^ W estchester 3. ^ Shedd of Wllllmantic Normal school largest pkg. I Active Service for Your Securitiei rial h 'pn. pru.sidenf of ■m.-. T- n" J“foP«l' Gillette roroiipi currencies. of the germs being |T"~' fog in WUlimantlc tor the w^nWr Is lor hcenaiiig dogs. In the local Klwaiiia Cl Mrs. t aJligers husband and 17', spread. CERMAN PRESS SILENT » patient at the hospital ' I .Hhipmenl, were .552 nietoT taKs and ! announced other son were not at home. an- Hecker Prod 13S A whist for thv henem of tli. that the annual KIwanis j Hershey ...... 9'j SUPER SUDS largest pkg. 11 Trustce, Agent or Custodian hcoiits vva,s held irl : keiinel licenaca. All dogs must RKKU' ' fon.lH to finance the Hudson Motors . . . 211 v ON POPE’S ENCYCLICAL library PYlday with" during April, he point- Kl die* Camp for underprivileged SEY.'HOLK’S SCHOOL HEAD tot Harv . in2s- Ith 15 tables play, ''d out The ch.irges are $2 for niale PASSES .AWAY SUDDENLY Blue Oooee, Fmaej, Sulcm Pri='®» w m e won by M A^ol1r,o ^®®" P««llK'ned from tot Nick ...... You WiU Find It Hard To Beat Krasdale Quality! i.'^.s Kuih I ur spayed female dog, $10.25 for April 10 to a later date that will be Berlin. March 23—(APi -- The John J. Cumnimk, Mrs. ii niaJr dog ajid $25 for Seymour, March 23 _ (AP) — tot Tel and Tel . ' ' 43,^ ORANGES! j,eoeral German public still waa kennel ^nounced m the near future. It Johns .Manvtilo .. . ' __ ' ’ 'l38i4 2's 2 D onald : Ik enae, with 10 cents additional for naa also been decided not U> present m'thlf'T ■uP«''fotendent Yellow Corn You can free yourself from the burdensome details of ignorant today—so far aa any press Grwn. Framis Franz, AUeeu Port, 01 the local schools, died at his home Kennecott t? or radio announcements were con- each d„g „nder the kennel license. a midnight show as originallv plan­ Lehigh Val Rd ...... 21 The .innual roll call and business here this morning. Attending phv- doz. handling your own securities, during your lifetime, by ■ 25!?*®**— Thus' encyclical ned. Inatead it \^ill probably be itiv- ■sicians attributed death to a heart U g g and Myers B ...... ” l0 1 '' With Our Iiuierapring Mattresses Fruit Cocktail i ffotter lu which the Reich waa charg- "Kclmg of Stafford Springs Con- en on a Sunday afternoon. ill ment. •0 with breaking the church-state I «regiitional church will be held to- Lorillard ...... 24 ^ Pneed $19.95 - $29.50 - $34.50 - $39.95 letting this Company handle them for you as Trustee, icordat of 1933. He waa born in Dexter, Maine church vestry Friday. mo, ,VW evening at the churcu on NEW LLVDON SI It’IDE Before coming to thl* town to Mont Ward ...... Apricots 10c Fbim7 Seedless Press and radio strictly obeyed the dent. Raymond B. Bennett vu ■ H.i>3„.„ get Square. Supper wUl take charge of the school* be eerved Nash-Kelv ...... ■f. Agent or Custodian. 'hpaganda ministry's orders not PresWent, S. J. Mullen; s«:r..,ar;.' , at 6 o'clock, ilrs. G ilb ert “ “ '■'ib 23— (A P ) —_ fot a number of years as schMi Nat B i s c ...... ;; ...... GRAPEFRUIT! touch tha subject of the letter, Herbert Ro.se. treasurer. Lawrence ''ni.hin iH » h.iirnnuj. assisted by ' health and superintendent a t Guilford Nat Cash R eg ...... ’ ' 3 .,, Asparagus 19c d from Catholic pulpits Sunday. Ml.-, '.’am c.M Daughlin. Mrs. Stella ! dlfftculUes Herbert P. Nel Nat Dairy ...... W word Of mouth, however, know! monVh^f”’' ' I He melved hla A. B. degree at BH eB month for supper and hear sp.-akci, .S. Hn, k Ru'imniRulmrd Valenr,,'.'.'.’Valent,,... I ™fomitted .suicidesuicide at hi* ^w doln college in 1908 and tua M Nat Distill ...... ,9 ,. Through these services your securities may be depos­ of the Pope's unusual action I The meeting Ta-st la-st nlVhtnight was pr-ecd- ■Mrs. ili.oree•urge l.un heiow. .M, ,. kid-' HU" morn N Y Central ...... Spinach $ 2 27c ^ lor veled with amazing rapidity ; ed bv ---- A. degree at Yale in 1929 after tak stipp,.r w-rved bv the .s.a-ial m.'i,,,.. ':,..„ruer and Mi.ss Nesoitt. fog by Inhaling the tumes ot illum- mg Slimmer course* at Harvard ana ited with us under one of the various forms of agree­ A government apokeeman, raean- of the Ladies' a-sao^;, miitlng ga.r Radio Patrolman New York University. North Am ...... ,2 ‘ 2's 2 2 9 c ‘ told inquiring foreign cor- Kl M*" Scotia, .sccoinpanied George Laboue reported. Patrol­ ...... String Beans idents that the Pope's letter of HarUord iKlk- Beside* hla wife, be la survived by New Biracli ments ranging from those involving simple manage­ ed about China. The Rev H cni v K. A rt, n .Nlrret. spent Siindav at the man Leboue, who investigated , said wree sods, L^ooArd, a Moior At Param P i c t ...... r r e ^ to Y o u r Old Salto! WeU n ’ J"mors: [ in HaVuord, ElVB FBBSONS KnXBD Rey Tob B ...... P ineapple 2 ftont of a gaa range, opened lour IN NEW YOBS FUB Safeway Store* ...... 40*: — BUT THE UNSALEABLE HOUSE investment and reinvestment of funds as Trustee. Of the JeU, and was dead when the Schenley D l* ...... 49 J studio couches $29.95 up ICEBERG r& n“7r,^“u‘c"':r: | ufVr"td‘'r;*‘kTey ^llceman entered the house after Baldwin Harbor. N. Y., March 23 Sears Roebuck ...... ' Pum pkin 2i Ming called by another occupant ot —(AP)—Five porsoos died early to^ •9hell Ltolon .. 3- IS NOW A VALUABLE PROPERTY LETTUCE! 10c head - - p - 1^ “ ;. | the house who became alarmed upon The cost of these services is very moderate and varies adjure priests to ! , fii.cllng a strong odor of gas emanat- day in the blazing interior of a two- Socony V a c __ ...... iiv . for prccMcel perpo ci wiri n lc I* Hve U -'die kene W C o f f e e vacuum packed to the concordat and not use I ing from Nelson’s apartment. story frame houae, which wa* swept South Pac ...... Mw tep picter* kM a vsKm af ZEAO. attacking the govern- atartlng from an CELERY HEARTS! in each individual case according to the amount of work " "'''rehip nervicc resumed studies at old faahloned coal stove converted St B r a n d s ...... Tke kesM Is Mm lever pleWre Ic vertk eie«v tk*e«c«dt af det- ^ Bop* appears to i BX-K1NG’'< n e w HUME len fer eay ad Mw perpiiei leeetieiwd. - fo Its course. to bum karoaene. St Gas and El...... <2 Spring and Mattress With Every Lima B eans 10c bunch involved. ooBtinuttd: The volunteer lira department St Oil <>l , ,...... Tke repeirs wklek f*«e 4ke keew l» Mie lower plriere Ih velee music, by the choir " V* Brsdway, employed at the 23^ , ■''•‘rtria. .March St Oil N J ...... I p Bedroom Suite . . . end ef eoetM Miey ere Mie ••me keeee . . . eeet akeet PjVoWto to represent mat- v ~ eight-room, bnck from nearby Baldwin raaponded a Saner K raut Silver Floss lys IQ c Utough the CathoUc church tlo^ii? ^ recep- Hberloid plant in Indian Orchard, few minutes after a neighbor dis­ Tex C o r p ...... !!!.’.'!!!!!.'" 5714 2$% ef Hi feel vakie. WALNUTS! 15c lb. 'Mg' 4rere undergoing perse- ■pent the week-end with hla par- Jit™ Appesbach, covered the house in flamcn, but was ^mken Roller Bear .... 6744 If you feel that you would care to learn more regard­ Jrin «venlng the choir enta, Mr. and Mrs. Spencar Brad- Pfoturesque Salzkammergut Bed Outfit With Bed Spring and le •Impleri «ene> fkh meeee—THAT THi 2S% SffNT tRO- J S f i? •“ other coun. Salsburg was being able to rescue only eo* of th* flv* TTnlnnTrane America j ...... lir lO’fc / DUCttTHTHE------7f%------WHICH IS NOW------VALUE.- J ello pkg. 5 c aotably Spain and Soviet Rus- U g h r ^ t i . . "Morning •A'ay at their home In West Stat- victims, Barbara Motsa, 4. Union Carbide Mattress, Regrular $29^ ing the advantages of this type of iservice, our oflScers of 24. and an. ford. “P for the Duke in me the man- Man- ANDOVER situated on a 90 by 100-foot aand- radio direction finder towers ' T-TOERALS ment fo r Elevator W3I Cap. N a t Bk. and TV. ^ ^ 9*** Another of the popular “Country The funeral ot Clarence Dunn, 58 The following schedule will be ob­ The usual Tuesday evening card Conn. River B k . .... 450 — WiD, Probated in Vemou bar, 3,000 miles from toe mainland erected. A t the island’s filj Cmukr it m Detail; Gives His Opmion Over Air h. S Store” nights will be held at the Overnight News o f 42 Sntpslc street, who died on Several members of toe Parent- served at the Manchester post office —Is ready for toe latest trall-blazlng point three feet abora aea Thomas H. Kerr. wlUUke place tonight at the Htfd. Conn. Trust ... 77 «2 State theater tonight. A whole Preaching Mission Committee Friday night, waa .leld on Monday 247 Park avenue, Arlington, Mass., Highland Park Community club­ Provide Greater Safety. Teachers Association aKended the on Friday, March 26, Good Friday; flying boat. metal fuel tanks wrlU bs sunk. Xjirgely attended funeral services Htfd. Nat. Bk. A Tr. 35 39 stegeful of groceries will be given Makes kkfrangements for afternoon from the White Funeral City carrier delivery, one morn­ _ brought to RockviUe imme- house with prises, social time and Phoenix 8L Bk. A TV. 295 _ Makes Several Bequesta Of Connecticut annual meeting of the Tolland Three palm trees, planted In 1922 The crest ot the coral mound i Would Aroid Bond Issue. were held this afternoon at 2 o’clock away as prizes to those whose num­ Exchange on April 11. Home, foUowed by eervlces at toe County Council Wednesday evening ing delivery. No afternoon delivery. San Diego, Calif.. March 23.— I dlately afterwards to face charges refreshments. *(riy Aiaocialad. Preu) by an unknown "discoverer” , al­ looks a flvs-mile lagoon, tlM for Thomas H. Kerr of North Fair- Insuruoe Stocks bers are drawn. R o^vU le Baptist church of which at the Odd Fellows hall In Rockville. Parcel Post delivery, regular f AP I—John Hessin Clarke, the Su- racing and reckless driving, The new, push-button control of ready have caused an overcrowding Ideal operating site for bi( field street, at the Thomas G. Dou- Aetna Casualty ..... 103 These "Country Store” nights are the deceased waa a member. Supper was served at 6:30 and the preme Court Justice who reUred at . “ “ ■•‘>«raUon of the penalty Star of the East, R. B. P.. No. 13 107 Rockville, March 23— Arrange­ service. problem— that’s how smsll the going Clippers In this vast gan Funeral Home on Holl street. the elevator In the Manchester Me­ Aetna F ir e ...... 49 51 o f ^ ^ F g e T. Slnnotl creating a lot of fuc for patrons of CromweII-«-Ernest Doane of Litch­ Rev. Edward L. Nteld, pastor ot orchestra from Longview sch(X>i Rural carrier delivery, regular A ^ u to m t M th « datea o f Man- Is preparing for ita entertainment ments have been completed for an tha church officiated. Burial was In island Is. ocean area. Rev. Dr. Earl E. Story of the South morial hospital wlU be cut In early Aetna Life ...... 30V 32 St- Bcrnard’i the theater and In addition many field was elected president of the played during toe supper hour. Fol­ service: "tha^tort flacal year, Iqr movlot: the and dance In Orange ban Saturday there nearly 16 y ea n until exchange of ministers Iq toe Grove HIU cemetery. The bearere The lagoon, protected from I Methodist church officiated. There j“ dlc^a“ " " Automobile ...... 3214 34 people are getting a lot of fine gro­ Connecticut Guernsey Breeders’ As­ churches of the county on Sunday. lowing this the buaineaa meeting Stamp. Registry, Parcel Post snd A mere speck In toe ocean. It is high breakers on tw o sldos, tMglmUaK tl>e parlod from A o f- Judiciary program is OonsUtutlonal. $XJ. of a $25 fine and cosU of $1L 0« evenly, April 24. The drawing for tom wow morning. Workmen from I CoM^General...... sg were Carl Anderspn, Irving Dunn. 1,067 miles from Honolulu where toe were many beautiful floral tributes 40 2. baa been filed in ceries absolutely free. Marager sociation at the annual dinner. April 11 at toe morning service in was held with election of officers General Delivery windows, open • smooth enough to permit a «wt 16 baclrto July l, and without 'PlMnly within the powers grant- reckless driving, was remitted, toe trip to Europe or ita equivalent company o f Hart- Hartford Ffre ! ! ...... 70 ^ c k vlU e Probate Court. It pro- Clayton Ryder, Francis. Dailey, Pan American Clipper was tuned from relatives, friends and organiza-1 72 Jack Sanson Introduced the "Coun­ Stafford Springs. — William S. each church. The plans were made and reports. Dr. Holtz from Hart­ 7iu0 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. { to cruise with safety. ed to the Congress and therefore Charges were brought In both the of $225 In cash, will be held then. foreman Victor Hartford Steam Boilir yldes bequests to church Institution George Sebwarx and Reginald Kent. up today tor this next atop on a ■ tha Booaaaity o f floating another tlons of which Mr. Kerr was a mem­ 63H 66 <4 try Store” Idea here 10 years ago Brown, twice president o f the N a­ by the Preaching Mission committee ford, was the speaker of toe eve­ Money Order window, open 8:30 The company’s supply ber. I C learly Constitutional.” was I Manchester and RockvUle courts The committee desires ticket re­ C icm ^ of thU town, have nearly National Fire totaling more than $6,000 Maundy Thareday Service ning. He la a member of toe board 6.82U-mllc flight from Cialtfomla to bond iaaue, waa tentatively approved turns not later than March 27 It 63% 65H and It Is proving to be fully as popu­ tional Marine Engineers’ Beneficial as a continuation of the meetings A m. to 3:00 p. m. North Wind, serving as a tea , The bearers were Clarence Ewen, Clarke s opinion, rendered In a coun- kXter Wallace bad been chased over completed Installation of electrical I Phoenix Fire 02 Rev. sinnott left $i.ooo to the Association and a resident of The annual Maundy Thursday of medical examiners for the de­ Auckland, N. Z. by tha Seleetmen laat night will meet at the Washington Social % 94^4 lar this year. ai.d purposes of the Preaching Mis­ Lobby, open 6:00 a. m. to 9;00 p, ary station for this airport ia • Joseph McCann and Thomas Conn, trywlde radio broadcast. ' Vernon and Manchester toads by a wiring necessary for the change Rosela Insurance ^ancellor of the Roman Chtbollc Thompsonvlllc, died In the Johnson Communion service will be held at partment of aeronautics for the The giant ship arrived In Hono­ club Sunday at 2 o'clock. Anyone 11% 13 >4 The motion picture program in- sion which \.as held in Rockville tha Union Congregational church on m. cbored on the lee aide o f ths i board will meet again tomor- representing Washington I»y a l ■Now 79, the only living former Motor Vehicle Department from the old-type water pressure Travelers ...... 480 Diocese for msMee. to be divided Memorial hospital after an emer­ and Stafford Springs toe early part State of Connecticut. The program lulu last ’Thursday from Alameda, wishing tickets after March 27 500 cludea that dramatic thunderbolt, Thursday evening, March 25 at All regular malls will be receiv­ east reef. From its two 1 r**y ® P* to the Municipal Orange Lodge. No. 117; and Henry member of the nation's highest trl- *"*P*ctor who reported that Wal- lift to the Uteit, electrically con­ among the priesU of toe diocese ot gency operation. ol January. was arranged by School SuperiD' Calif., but engine trouble held up Its ^ boUiSng to conalder the plan In de- should apply to William Henderson, Public Ctlllty Stocks ” A Doctor’s Diary” In which beauti­ seven thirty o’clock. A chums choir ed and dispatched according to ed antenna towers, radio dir Trotter, Richard Boyce and Thomas bunal, he spoke here last night, con- »pecd was between 70 and 85 trolled type' lift. among missionary societies; $1,000 New Haven.—The New Haven There are twelve churches who visor I. B. Dunfleld. take-off. Conn. Lt. and Pow. .. g i ful Helen Burgeas continues her will sing the anthem, ’-’O, Saviour ol regular schedules. beams were expected to keep '■ drawn tip in the meantime W. Tedford, from the Star of the fining himself to that naked legal cbMrman; Ernest Vennard, James The change does not Involve to the bishop to be used by him for Board of Education, prompted by have entered Into the plan all in toe Mrs. Donald Tuttle and Mr. and (Japtain Edwin J. Musick, in com­ Conn. P o w ...... 49 climb to screen stardom. The ac the World”. Mrs. Donald Watrous The schedules were announced to­ Clipper on Ita course. by Attorney Rasrmond B. Bowers East, No. 13, Royal Black Precd^ quesUon”- AtoCollum, Francis McGeown, placement of a new cage In toe such needs In toe diocese as he may the New London. Tex., school ex­ northern section of the county with Mrs. Ellsworth Covell attended the mand, expected toe trip to take Htfd. Elec. L t ...... 60 will render the solo, "Calvary. ” On the return trip the Pan . ? and William E. Buckley of the Char- tory. Burial was In the E4st ceme­ TOomas Leemon. Thomas Conn elevator well, the old cage being deem best; $1,500 to St. Francis’s rompanying feature will be "Wild plosion tragedy, Voted today to in­ Rev. Valentine S. Alison and Rev. meeting of officers, home economics day by Postmaster Thomas J. ” Would a condlUonal Increase of Hartford Gas ...... 37 The communion service will be eight hours. The Clipper probably lean ship’s crew planned to ; tar Itevtaloa Oommittee and Select- tery. David Wckson, Jolyj Herron, Joseph hooked up with the electric con­ hospital ”ln appreciation of the Brian Kent” starring Relph Bel­ spect all schools in the city to elimi­ Rowland J. Martin In charge of the committees and collectors ot dues Quish. the number of Judges of the Su­ So. New Bhig. Tel. Co. 166 followed with an address by Rev. Ur. will remain overnight before taking extensive ground snd lagooB , man Richard Martin, proposer of Binks, Joseph or Albert Weir. trols with the addition of toe latest many kindnesses shown to me lamy. nate possible hazards to life and arrangements. for Flast Central Pomona Grange at ; the plan. preme Court by A ct of Congress, as George 8. Brookes on "The Broken off for Pago Pago, American Samoa, Findings will be Incorporatad^ Emilio Mazzoli PRESIDENT SEES safety devices and electric control Manufacturing Stocks that Institution;” $1,000 to Thursday, Friday and Saturday limb. The' following are the preaching Vernon Wednesday evening. DOUBLE MURDER 1,546 miles southwest of Kingman Thursday afternoon the new fiscal recommended by the President be Acme W ire ...... 491^ Bread” . plans for permanent base ' " The funeral of Emilio Mazzoli of Frederick T. Stone of 105 Spruce switches. Mary s Seminary In BalUmon, brings Ruby Keeler and Lee Dflton New Haven.—Guiseppe Brandano, assignments for April 11: Elllington Miss Beatrice Hamilton, daughter Reef. ' y * * f plan will be discuss^ during a ConsUtutlonal or not’ ” Am. Hardware To Plan Oas Station for passengers when renilar Birch street, held this tnornlng In street will be 90 years old Thuraday. $1,000 to St. Thomas’s Semlnsrip__ to the State screen In “ Ready, W ill­ 47, of Haverhill, Mass., wa.s axpect- Congregational, Rev. Dr. George S I of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton Ackerman. M iss. JRarrh 23.— Kingman Reef is one o f the smsll- publio hearing held in the SUte Studiously avoiding criticism of John F. Dailey, Jr., is day service between the U SL James’s church was largely at­ family will have open house at new"eli^L“ * *>y I hT oT h, com'. 67U ing and Able” a rapid fire dancing cd In F'ederal District Court today Brookes, RockviUe; North Coventry P'*y*"R with *Francls Holden In toe (A P )—Identity of the victims was est of the many atolls which dot the ^ pitol by the CiUea and Boroughs the Supreme Oourt’s recent decl- NO BOOST IN TAX ii/»^!r f “ levator Bllfings and Spencer . 5 ^ Bloomfield: $500 to St. Bernard’s so­ plftis to open a gas station on the States snd the Antipodes ia i tended. Rev. W. P. Reldy celebrated toe home o f his granddaughter, Mre. ciety of Rockville; $250 to St. Rose’s and Binging specialty. to answer several charges of vio­ (Congregational, Rev. Edward L. n.ixed pair match o f the American sought today by police trying to Pacific, said AUlo J. Copeland, chief ' oommittee of the Generai Assem­ ^ P^POsai* of the Presi- lifting drum in a penthouse on the Bristol Brass .. «n ii Schulz property at the Intersection bridge League Master Point Tour­ the mass and was In charge of the Franris Keefe of 23 Cambridge church of Newtown; $100 to SL lating the liquor tax law. He was NIeld. Rockville; RockviUe Baptist. solve the slaying of two white men engineer at too Kingman airport At bly. dent, O arke drew upon hlatory ter street, from 3 to 6 p. m.. when Mr. roof of the hospital. The motor pro- Collins Co ...... is% * o f Union street and Windsor avenue. nament at tVr Hotel Garde, led both committal service In St. James's hiB material. Stephen's church. Stepney; $100 to due in court yesterday but counsel Rev. Ernest J. Spinney, Somerville; found shot to death and partially : present a small shelter and flagpole Final nsturaUsatioa papan ^ i t m u j 1 Earlier Approted Stone will receive. Four genera­ vldes power sufficient to lift the Colt’s Pat. FlreaVmi'.' 60>i A public bearing will be held at sections In play with 61.8 per cent cemetery. A delegation from the toe Sacred Heart church In Souto- explained his absence as due to Ill­ RockvUle Congregational, Rev. Hor­ cremated on a burning heap of j occupy much of toe available room. granted 90 days after appllo ' covering Refuses to Comment on Chief tions from New York and ConnecU- cage at the maximum vpeed of 100 Eagle L o c k ...... TOLLAND ace B. Sloat, South Willlngton the Council room on Saturday. duplicate bridge. The champlona Previously m>proved by the Select- Italian club, of which he waa « bury. He left his religious books to ness which forced his client to stay railroad ties and coal. Six Pan American colonlsta head- has baen fllsiL member, attended. the period from 1789 to 1889. "the feet per second. 'The elevator cage I Fafnir Bearings RockvUle Methodist, Rev. Roscoe F. March 27 at two thirty o'clock at totaled 13314 match points. Playing a e n was a plan to bond for the expected. Two great grand­ St. Thomas's Seminary and person­ at a Boston hospital. which time all persons Interested nu m ^r of Judges of the Supreme children, children o f Albert * Yost capacity Is 2,000 pounds. Gray Tel Pay Station Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson of Metzer, Ellington; Somers Congre­ a game marked with several tops ooat o f government during the Mrs. Margaret Sullivan, soloist, Justice Hughes’ Letter al articles to his Immediate rela­ East Hampton.—Richard Elkin, sang at the offertory, "Dc Pro- Court was first determined by Act Automatic Ctontrol I Hart and Cooley Hartford and David A. Brown of gational, Rev. J. Arthur Edwards may be beard the wlnnera msilntalnea a high aver­ pertbd between the beginning o f the Jr . and Mrs. Frances McPherson tives. IS, a High school freshman, was Oomnieu Oooncll to Meet fundis." A t the elevation she sang of Congress: twice the number 1 as Yost, live In Manchester. Mr. In addition to toe new powering Landers. Frary A Clk. Vernon were Sunday guests of Tol­ sought today by state police, after RockvUle; Someravllle Congrega­ age on moat of the boards to win the praaent fiscal year and January i, Attorney John F. Brady o f Hart­ when a new year would begin. G Yesu Ml,” and at the close of the been reduced, and five Umes it has of the elevator, awltches have been Mann A Bow. a a s s A land relatives. his 111 mother reported him miss­ tional, Ilev. Reginald D. Avery, The regular meeting of the Com­ title by 2.3 per cent fion. the couple On the Supreme Court. “ “ y Wved ford Is executor of toe estate. mon Council will be held this eve­ Opposition to the bond issue plan mass, ’’Abide With Me.” Organist wen increased, always by A ct of M th hl3 daughter, Mrs. M lnctU installed to close toe elevator cage I Brit. Mch., com, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Miller and ing. Staffordville; StaffordvUle Federat- who led the competition In Section ning In the Council rooms at seven B. was voiced by the Selectmen last Charles Packard played Handel’s C-ongress, and never before has the McPherson, was formerly In the door automatically. The door opens I Pf6 fam ily have bad as a recent guest. Hartford.— Attorney General Ed­ eo. Rev. William F. Tyler, Vernon U Irty o’clock with Mayor Claude Carl Albert Burger who bad been nigh t lh a use o f a bond Issue to "Largo" as the body was home from power o f Congress under the Con- grocery business In HarUord and manually. The guard gates on toe North and Judd .. 40 Hr. Weeks of Norwich, Conn. ward J. Daly had today the qom- Stafford Springs Methodist, Rev. V. Warm Springs, Ga., March 23.— living with bis wife this winter at make possible a change in the fis­ the church. sutuuon to thus legislate been quee- was laUr with Case, Lockwood i cage open and close auton^atlcally. Peck, Stow A Wilcox. 19 Mrs. Frank T. Newcomb had as pleted draft of a flood control pact Alison, Tolland; Tolland Federated Mills presiding. MISS MARY HUTCHISON It la expected that a report will be the place in Andover owned by bis cal dataa would mean, it waa ex- The bearers were John Garaventa, Uoned certainly not In the courts (A P I—President Roosevelt said to­ Br^nard. He has lived for nearly The change waa made by the Russell M fg. Co. . 37 Sunday guests, Mrs. Donald Grant among four New England states Rev. R. J. Martin, Stafford Springs; presented on the bearing held in son from Hartford, died Friday platnadi that a portion of the oper- Nicola TrezzI, Eniico . Gagglanesl. It is confidently believed that day he hoped there would be no new trustees o f the hospital because toe Scovill Mfg. Co...... 60 of Wapping. Mrs. Sadie Millard of for toe regulation of freshet stages Vernon (Congregational, Rev. Sum- 20 years In ManchesUr. A grand­ Hartford, last Wednesday before toe night at the Manchester Memorial Angelo Gatti, Charles RaccagnI and fevi^If any other Important powers taxes at this se.sslon of Congress. son, I^nald S. McPherson, is super­ hydraulic lifting machinery. Install­ Stanley W orks ...... 35 HONORED TWICE IN DAY Ellington. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose In toe Connecticut river. It needed nei W. Johnson, Somers: Willlngton John Bogginl. Funeral arrange­ Torrington ...... 94 Osborne and daughter Dlantha of Federated, Rev. Leon H. Austin, Committee on Cities and Boroughs hospital where he had been taken nils OHl V! UKi N VSll N O " The Chief Executive made the only ratification by three states be­ of Congress have been-so early and intendent in the State Forestry de- ed during the construction o f the at which time the bill was heard re­ earlier in toe day. He bad been stek ments wera in diarge of Walter eo often exercised with the enUre statement at the second press con­ partment and lives at 350 Center hospital In 1919, was showing signs Union Mfg. Ck>...... n New London. fore being presented to Gov. Wilbur North CoSentry. Leclere. Mennibers Social lating to charging the City Charter with a cold but a few days and . paynNnts on the bands were due, approval of our country, our Presi­ ference o f his vacation here. .street of wear, and to provide greater U S Envelope, com .. 85 Mre. Phyllis Marlmaco and Mr. L. Cross. Guest at Affairs of Hospital There will be a members social at to do away with the "off year” elec­ pneumonia developed which caused ' ptas Interest dents, and our courts, as this of de- He did not expcuid the tax ob- safety. do., pfd...... 133 Marlmaroo of Hartford were guests Auxiliary and Sunset Circle the Elks Home on Wednesday after­ tion. There is still another bill to be his death. He was 77 years old and ll|sr i\ 1)01,1 \HS M OlU MrvatloD. It was made In response Veeder Root ...... isg Frltey last of Mrs. Frank T. New­ AdppUon o f new fiscal year ar­ termlnlng the number of Judges of A state-'wlde luncheon meeting of .Workmen engaged In the work of waa born In Stuttgart, (Jermany. He VVhiUock (Toll Pipe .. 15 of Noble Grands. comb. noon f6r the RockviUe Emblem Club. heard of Interest to toe city and rangements win permit the town to the Supreme Court.” to a request for comment on the re­ Republican women will be held Fri­ changing the control of the elevator that it is to In cre^ toe salaries ol came to tola country about 60 years . make Its annual appropriations with MISSING ACTOR’S BODY cent statement of Marriner S. J. B. Williams Co. . .. 38 Hr. sad Mrs. Harold Graham and BOLTON The president, Mrs. Mae D. Chap­ h *l'*5* " ' resigned from the day. April 2. In Hotel Bond, Hart­ have been considerably hampered man will be the hostess for the af­ several city officials snd also permit ago, bad lived In Calllcoon, N. Y.. ' frdi knowledge o f the else of the Eccles, chairman of the Federal Re­ Miss Mary Hutchison of 221 Pine daughter Diana were Sunday guests high bench after six years to devote ford, in charge of Miss Katherine during toe last month because the Miscellaneous ternoon. the city to pay members of the City and New York city before coming ' grand hat and to lay its tax rate serve Board, that the budget should street, who with her slater, Miss ef Hartford relatives. The Center church Sunday school his attention to the movement for Byrne, vice chairman ot toe SUte el.-^vator has been In almost constant Arrow Aircraft ...... Meeting Tonight Oiuncil $100 a year. It waa expect­ to Andover. He founded a stamp a t tha aanw Uma. WASHED UP BY THE SEA be balanced even If It were neces- 3«4 Christine Hutchison, will leave Man­ John Bowers who has been In De- met at the usual hour and thirty world peace, said “ the wise men t-entral committee. The use. Burdines, Inc. ...]!! 41 44 The Ladles Auxiliary of the A.O. ed that this bill would also be beard Shop on Nassau street. New York, It would also elimlnata almost chester In April, to live In New Land. Florida for over two months were In attendance. 'The morning who framed our Constitution may ^ y ^ t o lncrea.se Income and profHs | speaker irtirb^^Noah" S w a ^ ^ t'"'’* ' Necessary construction prepara­ Chapman Valve 48 .50 H. wUl hold their regular meeting at last week, but It was not assigned which Is now conduct^ by his an o f the average annual cost of ------^ . The Haven, was guest of bonor> at two has returned as far as Hartford worship sendee was at 11 a. m Rev. London. March 23.— (A P ) __ Dr have had more confidence In the meeting ia open to all Republican tory to Installing the motor and lift­ Conn. Invest. Mgt. 514 social functions yesterday. eight o'clock this evening at U^elr for a hearing. brothers, Arthur, Herman and Gus­ approafinately 112,000 for interest Asked If he would comment on 6 H and Is a guest of relatives In that A. S. Kline preached on "The Vo»P«r today definitely Iden­ wisdom and patriotism of the Con­ women. Reservations for the lunch- ing apparatus was by Knofla Bros, Elec Steam Sterilizing 2 In the afternoon Miss Hutchison rooms In the Prescott block. W ill B eautl^ Oroands tave A. Burger. Mr. Burger “was on temporary notes and would per­ tified the nude body of a man the letter of cnilet Jii.stlce Hughes V dty. Palms.” gresses and the Presidents which eon at 12 o'clock may be made Foundation Co...... 6 'i entertained Group 4 of the Memorial Communion will be observed at Elks Notes The members of Vernon Grange also well known for hlr. collection of i ...... mit tha adoptkm o f quarterly pay- washed up from the English chan­ saying the adminl.stiation's propo.sed Hendey Mfg. Co. ... 1% A business meeting was held aft­ were to come after them, and leas through Mrs. Emma L. Ncttletnn 19 21 Ho.spltal auxiliary, of which she has the Tolland Federated church Thurs­ Another sitting In the pinochle have decided to enter the contest American prints. He leaves bis mant o f property taxes, instead of Supreme Court revl.slon would im­ King Seeley Corp er the service. It was voted to ac­ wife, Mary J. Rlgney Burger; a son, nel near Beach head as that of confidence in courts than some seem before March 31. 13 15 been leader many years. Originally day evening, March 25. at 8 o’clock. tournament between the RockvUle aixmsored by the (Connecticut State . havliv to p ^ the tax in two in- pair the efficiency of the highest Palmer Bro.s...... cept the letters of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Grange on "Beautifying Your Cl arles of West Hartford and two h T*.!!. *ctor son who to have today, . , 3'<. formed from the Sunset Sewing cir­ Rev. Valentine S. Alison will be Lxxlge of Elks and Maple Grove will 'ataDmanta but two and a half had ^ mysteriously missing since tribunal, he refused to make an'v . ania Indu.s...... * 'i A. S. Kline from West Rutland, V t, Grange Hall Grounds.” The board granddaughters, Alice Jane and ” T^c single question as I am con- Robert Doellnei, well known local 38 40 cle of Rebekah lodge toe group has sne of the speakers In the three hour take place on Wednesday evening at i'menths apart statement. Taylor-Colq. (New) . into toe fellowship of this church. eight o’clock at the Elks Home on of trustees will act as a committee Elizabeth Ruth Burger. The fun­ Uhder the present system taxes cham­ mderlng It Is: A conditional Increase violinist, wdll be hearc In recital N. Y. Stocks 33 36 met once a month to sew or fold rommunity service at the St. John’s pagne party at sea March 6. The President said he had bean Tokhelm Plimp ... Samuel Alvord was appointed a Prospect street. In charge of the project. eral servlceB were held Sunday af­ in the number of Judges of the Su­ Wednesday evening at 8:15 at Cen­ 15'i 17>i surgical dressings for the hospital Episcopal church, Rockville, Good i fo r fiscal years commencing Aug­ keeping In touch with the sit-down Utah-idaho Sug. Com’. . o. delegate to go with toe pastor to The regular meeting of the Rock Notes ternoon i In the James T. Pratt Co. ust 16 are not paid until near the .... reported a ten­ preme Court, by A ct of Congress. ter church house. L. Burdette Haw­ 2% 6% almost since the InsUtutlon was Friday, March 26th at three p. m. tative IdcntlflcaUon by other rela- strike situation indirectly, that he Adam E x p ...... 20 New York Bank and Ins. Stocks completed. Stafford Congregational church ville Lodge of Elks will be held on There will be no V.F.W. card chapel, 71 Farmington avenue, with and af the year, in the following K would plainly had talked with ley win accompany. Mr. Docllner Is Next Sunday. March 28th, Easter tlvcs of the prominent playwright Washiifitton on de- Air Rcduc ...... 73Vj Bank of New York . . 513 521 Yesterday afternoon the usual April 7 to attend a recognition serv­ Thursday evening at the Elks Home party this week rhursday on ac­ Rev. William B. Tuthlll officiating M ay and July. be within the powers granted to the vclopments. an Instructor at the Hartford Jehool Day will be celebrated in all depart­ M d English stage star. Vosper Alaska Jim ...... 141," Bankers Trust ______75 77 work for the hospital waa performed ice of their recently appointed pas­ with Exalted Ruler John Karges count of Holy Week but the next and burial In Calllcoon, N. Y. Thx Pajmsenia Earlier Congress and therefore clearly Con­ of Music. ments of the Tolland Federated dl^piMared from the cabin of Miss The President said he had been Allegheny ...... 41^ Chase ...... 57 and the hostess served refreshments. tor. presiding. The annual election of public card party will take place on There will be a well-chlld confer- Wnlle not costing any property stitutional.” church. New members will be re­ Muriel Oxford, British beauty working on plans for his Gulf of Allied Chem ...... 236 * Chemical ...... 73,1 7J, .Mrs. William Knofakle, leader for officers will take place at this time. Thursday evening, April 1. ei ce at toe Town Hall Tuesday af owner anything additional, the pro- ceived Into toe church. S'peclal Progressive games were played at ^een, where a farewell party was Mexico fishing trip and that he ex­ Am Can ...... 107 Guaranty Tni.st ___ ! 394 ° 374 the remainder of the season. In be­ Edited Paper The next meeting of Burpee Reltei ternoon at two o’clock. Miss Lewis, pooad plan, it waa expUlned to the music will be rendered by the the Community night program. A toe nurse wlU be back after her being given aboard the liner Paris pected to leave the last week In Am Home Prod ...... 4714 Continental ...... 19 '21 half of members, gave Hisa Hutchi­ Miss Marilyn R. Westone of Ver­ Corps will be held on Wednesday Balaetmen, will require property April and sU y on board the TJ. R. g. BOY SERIOUSLY HURT choir. 'The church school has ar­ solo wa.s sung by Mrs. Alice Lee. non, a Junior at the Connecticut evening, Apr** ^ which tlftie a leave of absence, and all pre-school as it nrared Plymouth after a trans- Am Rad St 8 ...... 25 Sr®"...... 68'4 701, son a pocketbook containing a sum ranged with a pantomime of the Rev. Mr. A. S. Kline gave some •wnoiB to pay their tax earlier than Potomas about two weeks without of money. &liss Hutchison express­ State College at Storrs was the members supper will be served at children are welcome. prevloualy. cr"""'"!? trom New York. STAFFORD SPRINGS Am Smelt ...... 95 First National ...... 2440 2490 hymn. "The Old Rugged Cross", by readings on St. Patrick. Nearly $4 landing at any gulf coast port. Irving ...... 27,^ 291 ed her sui-prisc and pleasure snd edltor-tn-chlef for the Co-ed edition six o’clock. Mrs. Alice Kington will There was s meeting of the Board d e f e n d in g h is MOTHER Am Tel and T e l ...... 179 the girls of the school. In the after­ was realized from the sale qf home The situation, the Selectmen were While toe President would not Manhattan ...... 35 ‘ ' assured them she would greatly miss of the "Campus” the college student be chairman In charge and she will of Education at the school house Phingcd to his Am Tob B ...... g2 noon at 8:80 o’clock, Robert Chap­ made candy. Thursday night. dd. la the same as If a person who death when he stepped thnuigh a C»'n6lto. prtnApal elatorate on toe tax question, offi­ Manufact. Trust g i go the social afternoons with friends. weekly last week. This la an annual be assisted by a committee ot mem­ „ nd bean paying rent at the end of Am W at W k s ...... ,..!” !!!! 23ti man of Hartford will give a recital The Ladies Society of the Center bers with the Initial K. There will be a meeting o f the of toe C ounty Home school at Ver­ cials close to him said the budget Is Thrown Out of Window bv Anaconda ...... 62'4 National City Bank . ,53 55 In the evening Miss Hutchison feature when the paper Is written lith e month was told to pay be had upon the newly acquired Hammond church n1II meet at toe home of and edited by the women students of Tha G. A. R. rooms committee Ladles Benevolent Society at toe non Center, has been elected secre­ by the end of the 1937-38 flacal year Armour. Ill ...... \2 % New York ...... 145 . " ‘g was honored by Sunset Circle of Actual photoflirapli of Nash Lafayette-'MiH)” 2-Door SedaQ with {trank.' ^ t o pay it at the beginning o f the w^^o"'u„'’d % r L r r r h e - ^ s tary of the Tolland County Parent- Madman Who Then Commits organ. All interested In music sre Mrs. David Toomey Thursday after­ the $400,000,000 Atchison ...... g] Past Noble Grands, which she was welcome. V amnth. Ih e amount o f the month- trc ‘hl'nel.“"" Teacher a.saoclatlon. Hiss Candlto or $300,(^.000 deficit many had Suicide. noon at 2 o’clock. Aviation ...... ! ! ! 7’ 4 K K " ’ j ] . instaimental In organizing in Henry Hayden, a student at Trin ' ^ payment would not be increased Is the daiiKhter of Mr. and Mrs forecast last November. August, 1934. Twenty-two out of F’Irst and second degrees will be • Tharo’a no rooien to put up with MIm Oxford, attired In a fur coat Baldwin ...... ] | ’ g Innurance Ity college spent the week end at but aome Inconvenience might be John Candlto of East street Newark, N. J.. March 23.— (AP) the 26 past Noble Grands o f Sunset conferred at toe Grange meeting Id coned brown felt hat, was in ‘ he housing and farm Balt and O h io ...... 3714 American (Newark) .1 3 15 his home and accompanied the Tol "Hnoll cor" llmltatloni. . . Whon you con *F0t AS u m i AS $1 ot $1 A MONTH OTIA ' felt h f the necessity o f paying the Kendrick Grobel. pastor of tenant bills may throw the budget --Physicians strove today to save Rebekah lodge, gathered at toe- Friday night. ' second month's rent so soon after aT'Fa^tlvl“ ‘' " ' ‘'‘ ''°»P r r ’s death Bendix ...... ] 25-v American Reserve . .. 3i 33 land young people to Elllngtton. YOU CAN o n OUT or TW "AU 1MO" OASS— at Kaatbournu. Members of the the htalTord Springs Congregational •’y * 200,000,000 or the life of a 10-year’K)ld boy thrown home ,of Mrs. W. H. Dowd of Maple The Juvenile Grange will meet tot thia troot Mg cor for co Httlo moro ' the previous month’s rent had been Beth Steel ...... 94 " American Surety .... S9 gi The Weekly Fteading club met A chcck-iip rMtirily meCe to toe r«pt««»etoM¥e i Mm ■ ■•rH' ‘‘“ "duct a course on »fim ed this was In- out of a fourth-story window, police Borden ...... ' | [ 27 Baltimore American.. 3 ' m itrcet. Games were arranged by Saturday afternoon at the usual Ask shout tko eonmm'emi terms end hm retes esmlehts tkrouik paM Peter “w m " ‘‘‘a trIend, sl^lflcant considering an an­ said when he tried to defend his Miss Flvaline Pentland. Refresh­ Monday afternoon at the home of hour. Miss Elsie Deere Is Matron. Here Is Good News Folks tks Sssk C. /■ T, Budset Plsn Automate Cruising Geer •kewi Mwl Hm ibi cyltodw Nerb laPay«ne-*40(r Peter WllIcB. also attended. , The Life of Christ” at *he third Can Pac ...... !!.!!! 14 li Exceas ...... g, ” , Mrs. Samuel Simpson. But, the Selectmen were advised, nual government expenditure of ™ther from the mad attack of a ments of gingerbread with whipped Choir practice at the Center on ell Sosk models et tlitkt extre cost 4-D‘;March by the assessors and during | Ma.sonlc hall. Mrs. Isadore Sharp of Cons Oil ...... [[[' jg ^ ers will have charge and Invite all ily. went beaerk as he entered toe ^'■•’{-Accident ...... 1914 all.: and fourth F'riday evenings a l.alf Remember! Our Stock Is Complete In Every Respect! SAVE! COMPARE!______April by the Board of Relief. Stafford Hollow will be installed as Gont Can ...... go 1/ SICK RATS STOLEN women of the community. k iw a n is s h o w d a t e I^etecUves Seaboard Surety . 32 1I hour each month. / During May appropriations for the worthy matron with Roland Slmp- Corn Prod ...... ”.!!!! g7»4 Lowell. Mass., March 23.— (A P )__ Members of Tolland Grange met David Abbott and Arthur Jolllmore Security Ins. ... ’ 39 .1 Mr. and Mrs. L. C. DImock and . year beginning July 1 would be Del Lack and W e s t ...... ” ’ ' 22 Superintendent Christine 8 . Hacleod In rehearsal at toe community house pTtro^ Wort^- ^ald. He detfianded* $100 of Mrs Douglas A ir c r a ft ...... ’ 62s; Springfield FIreAMa, 125 Monday evening for the forming of daughter, Patricia, have returned SOFTASILK! SNOSHEENl OR SWANS DOWN ■ made • and the tax rate would be Sophie Calllger ”so I can go back r»is H of the Lowell General hospital today SOUTH roVENTRY IS POSTPONED TODAY Du Pont a degree team. from a vacation in Florida. fixed at the same time. Mias Mercia Park and M in Leigh to G ^ e , ” and when she refused, 156 44 appealed for the return o f 15 infect- T h e . tax then would be due In Eastman Kodak " ! i [ ...... 161 H;S F. andG. ®M14 2?H The jroung people of the Tolland Miss Dorothy and Miss Ruth Plnn^, studeuLS ai St. Margarets he allegedly knocked her down. 'Aestchester ...... 35 37 ’ ^ white rats and guinea pigs stolen largest pkg. 2 5 « .equal, quarterly installments Octo- school In Waterbury, are hdtoe for Midnight Show Idea Is Aban- Elec and M u s ...... 54. from a pen on the hospital grounds Federated church motored to Elling­ Shedd of WillimaBtlc Normal school CAKE FLOUR Active Service for Your Securities George picked up a coal shovel to Elec Auto Lite ...... ton Congregational church Sunday spent the week-en|l at their home. 'b er 1, January 1, April l and July Easter vacations at their homes on doned by Club. May Be Sun­ use as a weapon, whereupon Dakis last night. Warning that the ani­ East street. Gen EHec ...... mals had been exposed to tubercular day .'\fternoon. m® ‘fy - H>e police said, and . 1.^®*^™""® *Fe taxed on any nroflte roent hill, Mrs, Clara T. Wood also Town Clerk Gen Foods ... infection. Miss Macleod said there A BEAUTIFUL FRUIT BOWL FREE WITH EACH PACKAGE as Harold L. Andrews hurled him through the closed win­ Gen Motors . . forMoir**'** 4 The female dog and $25 for kennel Seymour, March 23 __ (A P ) — ORANGES! ^•neral German public still was ftiinounccd in the nt*a’r future. It Johns Manvllle .. 138H Yellow Corn 2'$ 2 c a n s You can free yourself from the burdensome details of Gr/en F r^*‘.,*®F" H'lrenuk. Dn„„,d hiense. with 10 cents addlUonal for has also been decided not to present Kidgley C. C’ark, 54, superintendent Kennecott .... -GB l3 3 - Ignorant today—so far as any press ot the lOTal schools, died at bis home 61’4 totonn Allecn Porter each dog under the kennel license. Lehigh Val Rd . ! Two PiMowa Filled W Genuine Goose Feathem or radio announcements were con- a midnight show as originallv plan­ here this morning. Attending phy­ 21*4 handling your own securities, during your lifetime, by Fann^ Flaherty and ' The annual roll call and business Llgg and Myers B With Our Innerspring Mattresse.s c a n s le doz. ®e™ed—of Pope Plus' encyclical raiin> Spplowitr j ned. Instead it will probably be giv­ sicians attributed death to A heart 10114 Fruit Cocktail I's 2 letter In which the Reich was charg- Officers of the new. Men’s .s„n,,e.- ^ nieetiiig of Stafford Springs Con­ en on a Sunday afternoon. ai inont. Loew’s ...... 7514 Priced $19.95 - $29.50 - $34.50 - $39.95 letting this Company handle them for you as Trustee, ,.Od with breaking the church-state orpanlzed In Congregali , ,al gregational church will be held to­ He was born in Dexter, Maine Lorillard ...... ooncordat of lf*33. morrow everting at the chiircu on Mont Ward ...... Apricots 1 0 c Church vestry Friday. li,!;, I NEW UNDON SI ICIDE ^ f o r e coming to this town to Fkncy geedleae Agent or Custodian. Press and radio strictly obeyed the dent. Raymond B. Bennott vii • H ay-market Square. Supper will be take charge of toe acbools be served Nash-Kelv , Wopaganda ministry’s orders not Nat Blsc M "l''n?tcre,‘U-'I sei\) _ for a number of years as sch9oi Asparaguc i’y 1 9 e GRAPEFRUIT! I to touch the subject of the letter. Herbert Hose: treasurer. Ijiwrem'e I Ami,toil i.s eh.urman. assisted by Despondent because of in health and superintendent at Guilford. Nat Cash Reg ...... m ' from Catholic pulpits Sunday, Mrs r a n le Mi Liiughlin, Mrs. Stella financial difficulties. Herbert P. Nel­ He received his A . B. degree at Nat Dairy ...... 04 a r m . Through these services your securities may be depos­ gr,^v^word of mouth, however, know]- month for aupp,.r ,uid hear speakers ., Hii, k 'r,-. Richard Valentine. son, 55. committed suicide at his Bowdoln college In 1908 and bis M Nat Diatill ...... Spinach 2fs 2 cans 27c ^ f o r 2 j { c ■ • y e ®f II>e Pope's unusual action .Mrs C.'orgc l.un below, .Mrs. Em- home, 16 Division street thus niorn- A. degree at Yale in 1929 after tak­ N Y Central ...... D-'** T a b le ..traveled with amazing rapidity. Pd "'Kht was proe 1- H r iw vr Guiles— S69..')0 Up by supper served bv the nielo.e ilr.nnier and Miss Nesbitt. by inhaling the fume.s of Illum­ ing summer courses at Harvard and N Y NH and H . . . gi ited with us under one of the various forms of agree­ , .A government spokesman, mean- .•« K'inl inating ga.s, Itadio Patrolman /V) very iktest “ f the U d ies’ a....aNstx’ia...... -Mrs. John Scotia, accompanied New York University. North Am ...... 27,: styles In Living Room Suites. ‘ String Beans $ 2 cans 29c inquiring foreign cor- George Laboue reported. Patrol­ 2 tlon Mr Ritter of Hartford talk­ by .Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Rcotta of Besides his wife, he Is survived by H“ 'k a r d ...... I.";;;;; io«i New Bunch ments ranging from those involving simple manage­ yfospopdents that the Pope’s letter man Leboue, who investigated , said rrade In Your OM Suite! We’ll Give Yon .VU It’s Worth! ed about China. The Rev. Hemy K Vorton street, spint Sunday at the torec sons, l^onard, a senior at *2 “ •j°°esUy regretted. He said the Robinson wa.a in charge ' " Nilson left several notes to members Wesleyan University, Middletown, Penn ...... i.';;."’" agl^ Pears 2 f s 1 9 e CARROTS! ment duties as Custodian or Agent, under which you re­ pPOlpIL as well as the foreign press. h-mie of .Mr and Mrs. J.-" Wilbur of his fam ily in which he stated that Th^e honor roll for the fourth monds in Hai tlord. David and Bruce, of this town. .V.JS hard^ toe place for airins bUls were mounting at a discourag- Phil Pete ...... Windham High .'Irr Albert J. Delmonlco oi High The funeral will be held Thurs­ tain such control as you wish, to those under which we of a partner to toe treaty jchool Includes the following pupils Ibg rate and that he was suffering day afternoon at the local Congrega­ Pub Serv N J ...... ‘ Peachec 2^'s form of discussion chosen street accompanied by Mrs. William Coventry: Jernette from various ailments and had de­ tional church. R a d i o ...... n v i m i . the Holy See." said tola spokes- J. Deihgan and Miss Julia Me­ cided be would be better off dead. assume full responsibility in all matters including the Allen. Virgil Rem R a n d ...... 25u Bridge or Table Lamp With . . ,tll**'*‘*y IntUcates an Intention . He seated himself in a chair in n 'T ! PERSONS KILLED Rey Tob B ...... Pineapple 2^'s r aettung the manner amicably but S^lev’■ F Junior; in Ha^ttord’ ’ " ’*'’*'"'' investment and reinvestment of funds as Trustee. S ^ e y Cahoon, Nathan White • *“ fen**, opened four IN NEW YORK F1KB Safeway Stores ...... ’ ' 40^ ^ U T THE UNSALEABLE HOUSE - the contrary constitutes inter- -Mr and Mrs. John Lipinskl. week waa dead when the Schenley D l s ...... 4o 2 s t u d i o c o u c h e s $29.95 up ICEBERG In Germany’s domestic al- 2 f s .T S rr.” ” end guests of .Mr. and Mrs. SUnley ^licem an entered the house after Baldwin Harbor. N. Y „ March 23 Sears Roebuck .. '" ‘ «o ^ Pumpkin M iny called by another occupant ot IS NOW A VALUABLE PROPERTY Orlowski of Center street, have re- — (A P )— Five persona died early to^ Shell U n io n ...... i ” ‘ 31 LETTUCE! 10c head RMeh government bad hoped the house who became alarmed upon The cost of these services is very moderate and varies Lynn Ma.'^s., spimt toe week-end at uirned home in t’otter Hill R i day In the blazing Interior of a two- Socony V a c ...... -isi/ ***“ Pope would adjure priesU to m.ding a strong odor of gas emanat­ $07 prKticsl ^ - to Rts Is die kem« Is Co££ee vacuum packed lb. toe home of his parents, Mr and Dudley Siswick, son of ’ Mr. and story frame house, which was swept South Pac ...... Mm top pktors kw s vshw sf ZEHO, t up to the concordat and not use Mrs Frank E. Hull. Mrs. George Siswick of Grant ing from Nelson’s apartment. CELERY HEARTS! in each individual case according to the amount of work for attacking the govern- by fire, apparenUy sUrUng from an South Rwy ...... !!!![ ’ 3914 avenue, has resumed studies at St Brands ...... 15 Ths Iwsw Is tiw lower pictorw b wwlk sissy iksstssji ■( dsL iBstead the Pope appears to a t ^ l" r - '^ [‘ " " '“ '’ t'tP sendee EX-KING’S NEW HOME old fashioned coal stove converted Isn fsr ssy of (bs peipwss msetiessd. Lima Beans 2's 2 for 29 c •go the (Jergy in its course, pyidat ^ “ ^tegational church Good psrems "H er visiting his to burn kerosene. St Gas and E l...... 12 Spring: and Mattress With Every lOe bunch involved. continued: Friday, at < :30 p. m., with sneclal St Oil Cal ...... Jgw Ifis rspaira wUck ftv* Iks kosss Is Mis towsr pictors Ml vskw music by toe choir Austria, March The volunteer fire department Bedroom Suite Ific Pope to represent mat- ’ employed at *toe from nearby Baldwin responded a St ou N J ...... ; ...... snd si eosras Misy srs Mis ssms kssw . . . sod sbssi Sauer Kraut Silver Floss 2|'s 10c Sunday there win be recep- Fiberlold plant In Indian Orchard, T ^ iitn ~ eight-room, brick Tex C o r p ...... 2$% sf Ht 6ssl vskis. _ • • though the CathoUc church fermhouse, the Appesbach, few minutes after a n^bbor dis­ WALNUTS! 15c Ib. If you feel that you would care to learn more regard­ l A g wersundergolng perse- “ >e morning ■pent the week-end with his par­ j* Hie picturesque Salzkammergut covered the house in flames, but waa Timken Roller B ear ...... 67u Twin Bed Outfit With Bed Spring: and Is ilmplstl tonus Mih SMsss—THAT THi 2$% $$ENT PRO- true In other coun- ^ ^ c e . In the evening the choir ents. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Btad- able to rescue only one o f the five Trans A m e ric a ...... " ‘ ig ;? DUCttTHTHE...... n %...... WHICH ...... IS NOW...... VALUE. Jello pkg. g e , aotahijr Spain and Soviet Rus- * Weant. "Morning wa.v at their home in West Stat- victims, Barbara Morse, 4. Union Carbide ...... 102« Mattress, Reg:ular $29.50 ing the advantages of thiis type of service, our officers lord. Tks (tisst swmbsr It ilill Mis tsnis bs) s itsipls, mosMily. MIXED NUTS! 5 " f 2<- and ap- ? ? {^ 8or “ '® She had been burned an badly she to dermany. OathoUcs are propnatc muBir. < James DcFosse and Rita DeFosse Unit Aircraft ...... 307, psymsst Issq-tons, NATIONAL HOUSIN6 'ACT MOOERNIZ- would welcome the opportunity of consulting witii you. UniMs toe Duke changes his lived only a few moments. .$22.50 ING LOAN ks> crssisd THREE doflsrt is vslss tor sssk sss Scotch Ham lb. 29c 15c lb. paraectttlaM hjr the Godless ^ Norwich were week end guests mind, be will arrive here on Monday The other dead wars Jessie, IL Unit Gas Im p ...... ja J •psnt. M to tha victory of the Nazi Swn^ln/ Hertford after of their brother-in-law and sister, for a month’s stay. Mouaay Helen. 9, Ross. 13 and Mrs. Rosa , .**• “Dint tha church feels •y^d ln g two weeks at the home PIND OUT A U AlOUT THESE LOW-COST. NON-MORT­ BoUed Ham ib. 39 c of Mrs. Bessie Tripp. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Emello Pacciera of In in Isolati^ secUon. toe Appea van Orden Mor•^ 45. TANGERINES! |fMa and uatrammslsd may bs Grant avenue. D^ch, ft XJT'cal t\®picftl fftrmhniiKAfarmhouse, k but«i» with The father, WWam Morae, 30 GAGE. NO-DOWN-PAYMENT LOANS TODAY — Csms h "o tha (a ct it darea to attack hnih!; Richardson o f Ripley Mrs. Margaret Kashady of Main U 8 S t e e l...... ws’U toR yse sR sbest Mmsl ^ h a a been a paUent at toe Wind- like a and two other chUdren, WllUam, J r, Everybody's Salad Dressing 2$C 2 dozen 19c ftow boaa axiatenea it owes ■teeet, is a paUent at the Johnaon m ^ r n hotel, has iu own tennu Vick <3hem ....;...... 431? Ben$on Funiiture and Radio Memorial hosplt^ 16, and LUUan, 30, Jumped from Western Union 73, ■ Th e M anchester Tru st Company M e ^ r ia l hospital, where she re- a T t o e ^ f J '°'**‘®e- K etands second story bedroom windows. All ‘T h e Home of Good Bedding” I centiy underwent an operation: dock for motoihoata. were report^ in a serious condltioa 703-711 Main Street . ’ Johnson Block Manchester Lumber & Fud Co. Sliced Bacon lb. 29c LEMONS! 5 for 10c '*"n b er Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. at a Hempstead hospitaL Elec Bond ai^ Share (Curb). 23^ 255 Center Street Tel. 5144 V T itehlfctei.: IIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAT. MARCH 28,1981 KFERENCE RESENTED, '^e Families Are Restored to Homes DECRIES APATHY IN STATE I TELLS SELECTMEN! As Greatest Flood in Histoiy Recedes Ma Ha Sa To Hold Ftrst Bascball Meeting TO REORGANIZATION PLAN ■ ■ ...... ' ' ' ' . . . . -...... ■ - ...... — ' —■ ■ ' . . .. - — A I C ilw tor Wants Woman I M efh«relfm «ny in LEGION CARNIYAl i Louitvill* rafuQM MCCARTHY STANDS Clerk Instead of Present I CMitar whoM horn* Manchester Governor Cross Tells News* Tilden To Oppose Perry PLANS OOIUNEDI WM flooded ro9if. BLUEFIELDS-PA CLASH TOPS ACH KELLEY ISSUES imwHliRodCiw PAT ON YANKS HE Aminat Threatens to for holp. Date Book paper RepresentatiYes He On Carden Tennis Court Take ffis Case to Town Next Week. R K LEAGUE SLATE TONIGHT CALL FOR CANDIDATES Animal Eyent to Be Held at March 23—Annual Easter Break­ Is Astonished at AttHnde HAD LAST SEASON New York, March 28.— (A P )-^ g ra m , Bruce Barnes will meet Vln- - f fast at Y. M. C. A. Bill Ttlden and Fred Perry, who nle Richards, and Richards will pair M eetinf. Also Sunrise Service of Protest­ of People; Sees Saving of meet each other for love of money with Tilden In a doubles______flnal6 Dooglierty Lot Week ofj ant young people at Sunset Hill, at the Garden tennis "lawn” tomor­ against Ptriy and Ellsworth Vines Red and White Hat T n 5:30 «. m. I LEADERS TO MEET PA*s Play League Finale Pignrei Chib Is Good Enough row nlgbt, wer* making new oapt- With much sentiment favoring June 21. March 29 — Shriners’ Ball at Two and a Half Millions tel today out of an old argument. Tlldsn, reporter* rushed to Vines for HoUoTeh from Last Year j A t tho roqueot a t T u CoUector State Armory. Tilden, who atwaye hse IneUted his prediction. Nolaoii, J r, the aelactmeii March 30—"The Youngest,” a 8- IN FEATURE GAME With Thompsonville Here to Keep Pennant With Perry wae just the beet of a medio­ "Perry's a cinch!" announced Blglit oetad to dIaptDM June 1 to the State. cre crop of ameteura, arrived In Plans for the annual summer car­ act comedy at Wblton Memorial Vines. "He has too much speed and As Nodens for team, b - tiM oirfleM of Edward J. Mac- auditorium given by Community town end Immediately began won­ drive now for Bill, but at that TU- nival. sponsored by DUworth-Comell East This Year; Expect it, Mred la*t October aa an aa^ Players and sponsored by the T. M. AT EAST SIDE REC The local Pollah-Amerke return t o ^ a o e deadlock with the Meriden 8t. dering eloud why everybody thinks den will show hlai some ahote." Post, American Legion, will be on a A group of 25 Connecticut news­ ------.. .. I btone which will be a great honor Perry Is a world beater. chidmg Strong Pftdini| it in the eollector'a office, StoU Polish League warfare for the Vines said Perry surprised him on greater scale than heretofore. Many March 31—Annual K. of C. East­ papermen. Including most of the re­ for the local teem when one coneid- Gomez to Come Back, "Fred must have something,” he their present tour. "Frankly, 1 ^eoitof at laat nlght'a meetlnjr of the various sub-committees are -last time this season against the Mt. er ball at Rainbow In Bolton. porters covering this session of the ere It U their first year In organls said Innocently, "but no matter how didn't expect Perry wae oa good aa SteK; To P hj 14 Gamoi. •d further Uftat on reoom- Pfopomtion for Also American Legion "stag" ban­ Adelberte ot TbompsonviU*. They ed league basketball and when one often 1 watuh him, I can't under­ ho Is,” Vines said. "George Lott this big L«gion event. I General Aesembly, luncheon guests ^tJoaa written to the board bjr quet at Orange ball. Amerks Slight Favorites to will wind up a most auccassful cam­ considers the stiff opposition -they' stand It" told me all 1 had to do to beat Per­ earUer tUa mcath, Mr. Nelson will again be held I April —Anderson-Sbea Post, V. of Governor Cross In the Hartford paign tomorrow night at the Bast have eome up against all year. St. Petersburg, Fla., March •».— Then Mr. Tilden, adorned in a at the Dougherty Lota on Center 1 ry was to serve to his backhand aud 9d the aelectmen that he waa F. W., and Auxlli{||y banquet at V. club yesterday, listened to explana­ 8!de R «c against this team, which In the preliminary the PA girls (A P )—Jos McCarthy Is standing blue corduroy shirt and swinging his then rush the net. WeU, I've been First can for baseball was soond* tax oolleetor by the voters of street, the week commencing June Halt Unbeaten Rivals; ed at HanchMter High today wh«4: f W. Hone. tions of the plan for reorganization- they defeated In Thompsonville laat hope to add another victory to their pat with his New York Yankees. long 44-year-otd legs all over the doing that for two months now, and .tB, that ha waa responsible to 21. This location is lamlly adapted Sunday after a bard tueele by the total of 6 wlna against IS 8tate Cjoach Thomas F. Kelley announeed^ April 3—Army and Navy club's of the state government and were The powerhouse club that tore room, proceeded to predict he would he's bad me ducking ball th* shoU aad not to the selectmen and tbls nature, with annual Ladies’ Night. score o t 83-19. League loesea by defeating the 8t. that a meeting Ot oU eaadidates fair plenty of room for the carnival Weldon’s Play Grill, East the American League apart smashed more than likely lick the aocka off 1 never thought he could get." ho rosented what he termed In Next Month. ashed to stimulate Interest In tha The PA'S are confident they will Adelberte of ThompaobviUe. This Ur. Perry when they m et the Red and White's 1987 dtemofid n ooa by the selectmen with pro^r, yet still leaving ample space Vines admitted too, that be has April 9—Rainbow Girls’ Minstrel proposal. I defeat this team again and ahoulo team defeated the local PAAC out 182 borne runs, scored 995 runs Advised of this, Perry said be had edition would be held next MoodajT conduct of his office. parking of hundreds of auto- they win the locale will end their lasslee 19-9. The first game starts a financial interest In Perry's eue- afternoon In hie room at the Friialk show, Hollister street acbooL Complete astonishment In the Sides Face West Sides. and cake walked home with the pen­ respect for his elders, and particu­ cess against Tilden. "We've still Mamed at His Bequest mobilm. It is also far enough awa? Polish League season in a second | at 8 p. m. iln btiUding. At that time Kelletf' '' from the street proper, so that chil­ April 10—Midnight show at State apathy of the people to tho recom- nant by 19 H games In 1936 Is good lar respect for Mr. Tilden. got about 25 matches to play," the mendaUons for reorgonlzaUon wae will lay down rulea and regulatloai^'.' ■Oialnnaa David Chambers and dren are not liable to stray on to the Klwanls club for benefit enough In the shrewed McCarthy "I will be doing my best," ' con­ Californian explained^''and______If Tilden aelectmen Insisted that Mr road. of Kiddles’ Camp. expressed by Governor Cross and and discuss plans aid prospecto M r ' RBO SLATE TDNIORT booka fided the Englishman. "All i hope Is beats him, we won't draw anybody.' the coming campaign. Bicbt was appointed by them Alro Legion dance at Rainbow Colonel Thomas Hewea, chairman of 7:1{P—Weldon’* Drug vs. Oak that when I'm 44 I’ll b* playing as .75* gweral meeting of the I Inn. Bolton. the commission which studied the After their American tour. Perry Plans 14 Gama RIato, October at Mr. Nelson's request entire committee was heliId in Grill. Except for a battle between Alvin well as BUI Is." and Vines will go to England for a the problem during the last two years. Tom ReDsy Theas.*. WWVSAtoSto kobedule for14M the .leoano isW noi pointed out that If Nelson waa State Armory on Monda' April 16—DeMoIay Mother and 8:15—Blueflelds ve. Pollah-Ameri- EPUTIES HUNT CHAMP Powell, Myril Hoag and Ernie Koy, This will be the first singlsa aerlea of matchee. Vines also will WooM Be Saving ocmpleUd as yet but wtU probaM#- oomplete control that be should March 23,' at seven o'cloc] Son banquet at Masonic Temple. eane. I a big rookie up from the Newark match between the pair, and Madi­ play In the world professional cham­ Reorganlz(.tioti will result In a farm, virtually every position on the consist ui ftiiirteen gamte in all, tim,-! ee with MacKnIfbt'a service ^ * ^ ??* * un committee,.;umnuHee, | April 17—Tall Cedare spring for­ 9:15—East Sides vs. Weft Sides. son Square Garden authoritlss are pionship, over there, bul Perry will It comtnr to the board. headed by Victor W. Broake, gener­ mal dance at Country club. minimum savings In the cost of stole world's championship team appears each with Bristol, Uericea, W sal’ hoping to make a great social even not. OXFORD CREWS AIM Hartford and Mlddlev-wn to It was also called to the ettention al chairman. Includes Edward Quish, April 18— First anniversary ban- government, the newspapermen TO SERVE COURT ORDER to be clinched by the boys who shat- tiM were informed, of two and a halt Tbere’a going to be a rip-enortlng out of It "I've had enough of tournament (tontral (tonneotleut inlerachoU— Mr. NMsob that the eddltlonal secretary: Robert Hathaway, Uoas^ quet of Guiseppe Garibaldi society game of basketball at the East Side ,tered records as they went to town In other matches on the same pro- at Sub-Alpine club. million dollars. last season. McCarthy Is In the tennis," the Englishman said. league and two each with RoekvUto?' ^rlatiao of 14.000 made Iqr a Torrance, publicity. Promising to provide, more detolle Ree tonight when the Bluefloldt and WlUlmantle and the local TroAk^ I town meeting earlier this and the foUowliu' sub-ooinndtteea; April 19—Combined concert of market for good pitchers, but T0HALTSE1BACKS PttfC^Ing,-—^ o John . ~ Mooney, Beethoven Glee club and G a e f club of the economies which could be Polieh-Americans blast away at Garden Opens Legal Battle chances are that his old staff, best School. Bast Hartford High, a^ ■Mh, aa explained to the meetlnj, *^roted by tne plan, on the suggea- aach other in a Ree Senler League league school, will not be ropri eia te^ NMifleally provided fOr retaining ^rm an. Francis E. Bray, aiffort at High school hall. In the league on an earned nm basis Loleson; entertainment, Otto F. April 32—Muster of Ward Che­ Uon of the newsmen, Colonel Hewea fracas that’e sure to play a most Local Sport In '36, will do all the firing. I ed In baseball this spring, A e—"'' V. MaoKnlght until the end of the predicted that at least one-tenth of Important part In the fine, standing — year. August IS. mnnlkaen, chairman. Robert J. ney Camp and Auxil'ory at State to Prevent Braddock- faulty exists that eaveral oddlt the annual payroll of between 10 and of tha circuit, even though three Too Good to Be True. Hopes to End String of Boat games may be booked with w o f the aclectmqn doubted If Dewey, Reuben M cC ^n; rafiesh- Armory. M. H. S. Trackmen Ready l i million dollars would be saved weeks of competition still remain •When a team wins the pennant halanoe of Mr. MacKnlght's sal- ments, C L. Wlgren, chairman, John . 2*—*0th anniversary cele­ Chatter teams to th* sUto It sulUbla ^ Natale Oarrone; parade by the recommended merit plan and during which anything U liable to Lonis Bont Before Latter In a walk and then the World Ser­ esa be arranged. , In view o f the action of tho bration of South Manchester Fire that at least one-tenth of the eight- ■ ies, 1 can’t see much reed of any Losses by Beating Cam­ Donae, chairman. [A Mflilon Person. Who Suffered Dnlold Hardship In Klee of W aten fat Department at Masonic Temple. happen. May Poetpooo Opaaeg. masting, could be used to pay Ohio and Mlaeiseippi Valley. Helped Back to Normal by Bed Croee. miUldn-dollar annual cost of goods Sports Items culled from here and wholesale house cleaning, can you?" brant clerk In the office, aa de- i*w ls Milligan, Leslie Stevenson' Also Scandia Lodge seml-fonnal Blueflelds Bide High MaachMter to slated to lauaoh grounds and parking, U on Bradley', and materials bought by the state, Defends Crown Against there and everywhere.,. .Joe Mc- asked McCarthy. “Bui if any of For State’s Indoor Meet campaign on Saturday, April by Oolleetor Nelson. spring dance at Rahibow Inn. Bol­ could be saveo by a stondarized ays- The Blueflelds are rldln.; bigb on bridge On the Thames. Earl bright, Everett ton. the creat of a alx-game winning auskey ran 17 races during the in­ these rookies show me something only three weolu from r A«tlaa an Mr. Ndson's request lUWNMOWER REPAIR When the raging flood waters In tem of purchases. better than we’ve got, why we’U be K^edy; .advertising, Lawrence the Ohio and Mississippi Volleys "*X«*^*^ ^^*vsS’ Just as as any neces- Also Star of the East, R. B. P. streak and can Just about settle the Schmeling This June. door track ssaeon at distances from dav. against Ueildea to th* u addiUonal woman clerk be Muea needed for self-sustaining fam- i Governor Cross, In outlining the glad to see them out there." OM«. subsided, after a record-breaking ratertainment and dance at Orange ieaue for the second round by turn­ one to three m iles....h e won six a t y but Coach KeUey to ' * id for the office was post- Ernest Morse. Uy life were given. The Poet’s Column need for a change In the state’s form Btorts, pieced eecond four Umee, Personally, I believe the Yankees London. March 3$.— (A P )—All have this data pootponed t SHOP IS REOCATED rise In January and February, the o t government, said that after being ing back the PolUb-Amerlcans ARROWS, OXFORDS Coach Pete Hl^gren Names pending receipt of a ruling Stevenson, The American public gave $23 - third twice, fourth twice, fifth twice look too good to be true on paper. London that can get away from It* aa he doesn't flguia oa bavtw own Counsel William & Hyde Red Cross estimated that the homes HILLTOP VISION April 36-37—Minstrel by Brother­ governor more than six years that again. By ao doing they’ll only have Miami, Fla., March 23.— (A P )— coaimiftB, ThoisAJi Conran. F J 000,000 to the Red Cross relief fund. hood o t Concordia Lutheran church. and alxth on ce....an d his double They should win the flag again but Job will the banka at the teun ready for oottoa by “ to the selectmen’s JurisdleUon W ^ n c e A. Karlsen and Edgar of a million and a quarter persona The glimmering darkness o i a clear he waa still uncertain as to what to win one more game to naake cer­ Superior footwork seemed today to « Thomas,’ had been affected. More than 750,- In contributions ranging from 10 Aprn SO—DeMoIay imnuSl spring triumph In the Metropolitan AAU the trouble Is last year’s clippings Squad to Compete at Wes­ Thames from Putney to Mortloke the gam* to poetpoaed, ~ the panonael of the coUcctor’s Edgerton who operate a local lawn- cents to fifty thousand dollars. Boonleas night waa being done by moat of the many tain of a deadlock for first place don’t count TAKE YMCA GAMES 000 of these victims came imder Um dance at Masonic Temple. regular and special commtaaions. have given heavyweight champion meet laat Saturday proved that he's WlU open lU eeeeoB ag A _. _ ‘ -HU. chairman, in w er repair shop have changed This money was spent for main- Unfolds the beaten path which dim­ and two mere to clinch the crown Searching for an Achilles heel on again tomorrow and sratoh Oxford’s care of the Red Cross because they ly winds Itself Coming Events. The governor said he wondered and earn the right to meet the Jim Braddock the opening round In far from washed up___ oa Saturday, May 1 a ^ wUI av-. Deder Beieetmea Rudolph Johnson. WUltam Cotter- their iMatkm of busloeas. Formerly * vast rescue fieet of the ball club, the spotlight falls on leyan Saturday; Locals crew take another stab at beating thrao gameo pep week through I t b e booths, Donald Hemingway, chalr- located on North Main street they needed rescue, shelter, food, cloth­ In slanting steepness-up the graaay May 12—Coronation supper and how such a de-centraUzed govern­ PA’S for the town title, the Amerks his legal bout with Madison 8quare appropriation for the 2,700 boats; for maintaining 750,000 ment could be carried on. 33-year old Tony Lazzerl who oper­ Cambridge. first week la June. tave now secured s part of KrlsUan ing and medical attention. Many hill. dance at Tinker hall by Daughters having won the first round honors Wonder note; We wonder why It offioe was voted by the town HoUlster, WUliam refugees In camps, their homes or of Scotia. • Under the merit plan proposed, Garden to determine If he wlU de­ ates at second base. Former Quint Trims High­ Meoai Staff Rtreog: M rlsen’a blacksmith shop In Buck- thousands continued for six weeks » I reaca the top, and turn with ten straight victories. Is that athletes In high school, or Never Below 4th Place; Not In the hut 18 year* and only ~ *to be expended under the or more In Red Cross refugee cen­ with frierds and relatives; for 253 May 31-June 6— Tall Cedars the Governor claimed, all govern­ fend his title first against Max Tony surprised everyone by last­ once otne* 1914 have th* light Rluee Co«^ Kelley to hjghq^t -Jon of the selectmen". It was tw , Oiarles Tucker, Arthur Butler. land and have set up their equip­ hospitals; for food and clothing, and about to And The PA’S are stepping along nice­ Schmeling or Joe Loula more specifically, basketball play­ ing the entire 1936 season but ters, before their homes were fit to Joyland” at Dougherty’s lot. mental poaitions, except commis­ ly In second place since their first ers in high school turn nut to be been succesaful but they never lira over th* Rod aad out during the meeting. Ex- ^ ^ ^ **.*?“ * ’ **•* Wagner; freaks ment there. ^ live in again. for rehabilitation of these stricken I am luspended like a cloud between The Garden obtained a circuit whether be can go through another land Park 34-29; Latter Prospects Are Bright and rental space. W. Henry Weir, two firmaments. J ^ e 14-19 —Veterans’ Carnival sioners, deputy commissioners aad and only loss to the Blueflelds and store ae soon as they take up wiin of trying. They Rgu^* they are on tha diamond this that the salary of the collector, Starting business two years ago famlllM. The Rod Cross estimated private secretaries, will be filled by ocurt order yesterday requiring la probably the only queatlon that bonks heavily on a pit—— chairman, Russell Pitkin, Edward Work of restoring families to at Main and Maple streets. are right In the spot to go Into a a eeml-pro team after playing so-so u.o laimees. witaoui bound to beat Cambridge again » a year with a INK) allowance on a part time basis these men now that 76 per cent of the fund would June —Legion Carnival at civil service examination and not for Braddock to show why he should confronts the Yankees. Without that conatote e l four burton,' clerical hire. Is fixed by the town Hess, John Reinarts, Ca»l Prieas. Uie r homes was the second great In silent majesty - wheel the slow- 21 tie for top honors by beating tne ball In sch o o l....a dozen and more Tony working second, supnlvtnx ad Noses Oot Ramblers. Bometlme by th* law o f averages. spend s large part of the spring and ^ k of the Red Cross. For those p toward repairing and refurnish­ Dougherty lot political considerations. not be restrained from boxing the Mancheeter High’s track and field by tho brttitont Notdo 1—. ■** the selectmen were of the summer repairing and sharpening ing homes and giving other neces­ marching stars Blueflelds tonight, thus leaving tne instances can be cited locally___ vice and steadying the infield, the The speetators—a half million or families who had no savings or August 30-Sept 6 —Knights of Eliminate the Ineompetont Negro In Chicago June 22 without forces, looking forwkrd to another ao of them—are equally unducour- whom it to hoped win carry tha L ; that money for operation of lawn mowers. Specialising In this sary aid to families so that they Around the steadfast pole which final outcome up to the last three wo can think of a lot of reasons but world's champs undoubtedly would credit or other resources, the Red Columbus Carnival. It will, be said, do the ^sinesaDueines If first meeting Max (or the Garden tn successful season under the guiding oged by Oxford’s oonalateat failure den c t mound duty to too m on Office can only be expended sort of work and featuring prompt could resume a normal life once guides the wanderer. games that face each team. U the none of them seem to je ll....m a y ­ have------trouble.------—.e,..,Right now, Tony The Arrows and Oxfords were vlc- Cross assumed responsibility, wbUe more. honestly administrated and will New York. April 8 waa set for a hand of Coach Charles "Pete" Wl­ to mako a raea a t It They have portont tuestoo. Joohte TraheT f m approval pf the board. OPENJORUM service and a free delivery system Sirius, Rigel, Aldebaran, Mira and P A ’a are successful in theli bid to hearing. be our readers can help us o u t.. . . looka like he's good for another two tor* In the Y.M.CJk. Senior League IMr. MaeKni;^t came to Man-1 aeveral government agencies pre­ mean the gradual elimination nr rnre* t/r.r. . f Ia. . . aa.i gren, storting his istb year ee Red Just aa much fun, ao matter who another trtod aad tooted stoh v Uiey have estabUdied a good repu­ pared to lend money and help to ■nie assistance given by the Red Altalr— of Incompetent employees. halt the pace-setters, It's extremely Braddock couldn't be found by a or three years at '.east and McCIar •a who to tUteto to bo oaDod about a year ago as one of Ihy certainly hopes so. last night, the Arrows trimming and Whit* mentor In this sport, tune wliu. BEPRESENTATTVE'S VOTE tation with people In Manchester Cross Is a gift to the flood sufferers Tho names sound like a great sono­ PROVIDENCE STRIKE likely that a preliminary playoff to j The recent report that Jack |lM untants of the H. N. Alex- others. Government, state and lo- Discussing recommendations for deputy sheriff who went out to set. Highland Park, 84-29, and th* Ox­ up for the outdoor campaign by Tha betttog today was five to o m frequenUy. aimer Duffy ( and surrounding locaiitlM. from the contributors to the fund- rous chant— revising the State Board ot Finance decide the second round winner wUi the order. The champion left the White, the New Haven Express, The IMtchlng Staff. pitch winningliming baU lost year ^ company, employed to audit Editor, The Herald; homes^"*^*** *“ cleaning up loans are never mode by tho Red be necessary before the title eerlsa, fords turning back the Ramblers, competing In the seventb annuel In­ that CSambrtdge would make It 14 to Past experience has Uught them And bright Arcturus, he who reach­ and CJontrol, Governor Cross stated race track shortly be­ plans to retire from bowling is de­ Lefty Gomez, Ruffing, Monte door meet of the Ctonneotleut Inter- a row despite the tact that the Ox­ went well with th* O rloin du I books of former Tax Collector tost the latter part of April and the Cross. The help given is on the ed through forty years COMES TO AN BID that “It has had too great power unless the other teams in the circuit 24-21, In a bard fought battle. Mge H. Howe. ni^^u*** .‘J* “ "rteey of the Eye­ In thou.sands of Instances, the fore tbs deputy arrived. n i^ by Frank Barber, manager ot Pearson and Johnny Murphy, a right scholastic Athletic Conference at ford crew averages about eevan the sununer and aeema to have „ i n g Herald the NaOonal Pen- flrot part of May has found their basis of the family’s needs and all With pointing Anger of light, to from the beginning." break the deadlock by scoring an the Seagram Crowns of wmch In the first game Highland Park |Alter the shortage In the office Red Cross repaired, rebuilt and re- The deputy, told the champion — w wusvu assMsvscahander whowsiw ivruggalooks betterUQLVCr O'every day the Wesleyan University field house pounds per man heavier. Cambridge proved to the point w hen ha may l Club No. shop crowded with mowers to be fumlHhed houses. Where workmen “ fcount* o t the Red Cross are au­ turn the key Hitting the lack of uniformity in upset In future tilts. Ilie East Sides, WhiU is a member.. ..and be tutea shape up as the etartin^ pitchers started off with a rush aad before a Ukely starter. O y Btonqharff 1 reported'early laat July, he was dited by the War Department and a (UoDtlnoe^fnHD (*egt One) WSJ not in his hotel room on Miami this Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. besides being a little bettor coached, 2561. of Manchester, Coim., at their sharpened. With the grass season lost their tools, these were supplied That unlocked all the marvels of the the purchase of supplies, the gover­ West Sides and Oak Grill are out Beach, had no better success In further that,w.,, White will ... not . meet with Pat Malone, Bump Hacuey and U-e Arrows could rally they were on a new comer and an unknown e “ d In the office as supervisor, regular meeting voted to seek your report filed with the U. 8. Congress. Ten Meets Scheduled has an experienced racing coxswain but four weeks away, Karlsen and Chicago Fair. Aasoelatlon of Iron. Steel and Tin nor reported that in only * few of the running but that doesn't visits to Miami night spots. Nick Tronsky In a special match Johnny Broca set as spot pitcher*. tho short end of a 12-4 score with Ity but be also storrsd for to* i Mr. Howe resigned as of Au- favor to publish an "open letter" to cases are goods bought in open In Thomas Huqto^ who learned how Edgerton are now making a special Power and . space and mystery— Workers, a newly-formed C. I. O. make them any less eager to pin a The weary deputy planned to re­ Kemp'wicker aiie age cltlsenry or ning and as good as new. the Y. M. C. A. alleys against Mid­ to give Powell a run. Koy probab­ the sharpshooting ot "Sltm” Sum- Red and White athlete* bav* UtU* oandldatos for first but 0 ___ Wls State who are recipients ee un­ game. The Wolves defeated the sletant Scoutmaoter McCarthy: and Roaring out at the darkness c< Company. The Wyandotte firm Colonel Hewea confessed be was mon at forwards, Muldoon at center of $lli0,0 o f Bedford, la located, is abou* to receive the sentiment of your Scouts and Scouters: and the Junior Aaslstant teaching Silent colossal power In the heavens nouncement by the (Jeneral Blactric have a huge crowd of rooters on don Judd, former crosscountry etor I miles northwest of London. Ray Waddell again gave his assist- question before the people today. 3S. We are fully prepared to take 'TamulU come through. Gomes will the Oxfords. and distance runner, did not return 184 New York, outpointed FraiUc- Poeslble------Outfield. Outfiek' consUtuency through a reasonable Here we are again ready for the the new Tenderfoot Srouts. Ernest —roar of might on earth! Company that Its Pittsfield person­ hand to lend vocal suppor’ to their _ 6W Engaged In Search M ce In Semaphore Signalling. "Should the status quo be continued necessary steps ai$alnst anything Moiiarty Brothers’ Firestones may be the only lefty on the club and Arrows (34) to school last fell. He was third In le Wallace, 135, Cleveland (8). Th* outfield seems likely to I notice In the Evening Herald for Easier Week write-up. Many troops Scoutmaster Irwin told us about Morse, chairman of the Troop Com­ From my high vision I slowly tread nel exceeded 7,000 for the first Hm. efforts and It seems certain the that looks like an attempt to inter­ Chicago—Harold Brown, 145, men searched the mittee was preqent and spoke a few or shouldn’t It.” be Interested to know that the Mad will have to carry the . southpaw B. F. T. the kilometer run last year. up with Fraher in right when — , public meeting of which we feel are planning on doing good turns awards for building cars of original the descending path, since the depression, a gain of 2,800 game wlU be nip and tuck all the fere with our bout" burden. 8. YankowakI, rf ...4 0 8 Chicago, outpointed Gaston L* M buin district through the night words to the IxSys. Rbmember boys He asked that the reorganization Hatters of Hartford claim a victory IMstoJioe Cbanoee Beet isn’t on the mound, Squatiito aaiCS that you should have done when to hospitals and public institutions d-elgn or coaches of Napleonlc de­ Musing, and lost In wonder and awe more than a year ago. The 1929 plan be Judged as a complete entity way. The hoetillUsa are scheduled In New York neither Joe Gould, Rubaoha, i f ...... 6 3 |2 Cadre, 146, ParU, France (8). p ng hurricane lamps to penetrate If you want any of your pate to maximum was. 8,500. over them ... .It will be remembered The only way to break down the Manchester will compete In nine Cobb. Thunjsr saw sarvto* such vital matters comes up for as their E;aster Good Turn. Liocal sign. Anyone who is skillful with bis os I think on these things. and not on its details, which he ad­ for 8 15. Braddock'q manager, m r Ool. John clubbing Yankees U for them to do Snow, e ...... 0 0 0 Cincumatl — Normsnt Quarles, year and looked promlsiag aad rm ote sections of snow-covered work with you at the American Le­ Meanwhile, four hundred employ­ that Ckiach Hugh Greer took hii events Saturday and expects to pick Jtodlsnds. your decision, especially when It di­ troops have not signified their In­ hands should enter this contest as The mind of man—child of the mind mitted might not have been worked Weldon’s la Banning Reed Kilpatrick, Garden president, It themselves. U Lazzerl stands up (kiwles, r g i ...... 1 0 2 135, North Carolina, outpointed earn a regular berth and Schtold tentions as yet, but we feel sure gion Carnival this summer they of God! es of two shoe factories at Malden The supportiiig cast to the fea­ team off the floor with the score up moat. If not aU, of Its point* In ^ttie Duke of Bedford spent moet rectly concerns the destitute and there are very fine prises. The tress- out yet to the best possible ad­ would comment on the injunction again and the pitching Is fairly de­ Valllant, r g ...... 1 0 2 Freddie Miller, 136 3-4, Cincinnati Is another player who will tib a l4 needy aged of your community; that each one will do something to must Join now as April 1st Is the KATHARINE DE F. HARDY. and Everett remained on strike for vantage. ture attraction le also of keen in­ tied when the referee allowed the MIkolelt, Ig ...... 5 0 lu the track evento. Louie Anniello, w o n l^ t directing searchers $ave a report concerning the proceedings cent, the Impending race may b* a Russell Richards and Shields are en­ ( 10). ing candidate for a starting bei—, , such voluntary endeavor would have honor this memorable season. Some standing of the boys In dues. The deadline. The troop was glad to 15 per cent wage increases; a C. 1 Adoption of the plan by the Gen­ terest, the opener bringing to­ Mad Hatters to get away with Pittsburgh—Al Gainer, 171 3-4, 1 his home. Friends said bis tactics that wsra Uttls short of dull repetition of last year's run­ tered In the 50-yard dash, the first These tads are holdovers trwm lastv coupled your Intense Interest with troop meetings have been called off troop has decided to earn eome welcome a new recruit, Walter Ted- THE WAY FROM HEAVEN O. organizer threatened a strike In era! Assembly, (Jolonel H^wes stat­ gether Weldon's Drug and the Dak away. 16 84 New Haven. Conn., outpointed Bug year and their experieno* will 1 f » the safety of hla wife, who because of the regular meeting ford. Following the Instruction 34 Greater Boston cleaning and uye- murder.. .. Highland Park (29) two named being veterans who may » her firrt solo flight when she the Honorable Board of Selectmen money by collecting papers and TO HELL. ed, would be the most constructive Grill. Weldon’s are etlli to be MIgnault, 174, Brockton, Moss., ably give them an edge to the boto ' night coming on a Holy Day. These period several games 'were played. Ing estobliohmente unless demands step forward of which 1 can think.” B. figure In th* scoring; Ken Walker, ------•6, were ihlUgated by the who are struggUng with every rags. Scribe—John Mrosek. There la a way from Heaven to HeU, reckoned with aa e contender tor CALLAHAN IS AWARDED ( 10). tie for place* on th* team but i—. known device to relieve and assist troops will resume their sessions Although a few of’ them were eort From highest height, to deepest for higher wages and improved Former State Senator Kenneth F. second round honors, especially 11 8. Anderson', r t .... 0 Tom Deardon and Robert Doggart, Washington—Johnny Lucas, 145, knowledge of the country. Troop IV—8 t Mary’s NlchoU. If ...... 8 three aces In crosscountry last fall, KeUey Isn’t going to hand out the aged who can qualify for thU ntxl week as usual. of tough, they were Immensely en­ depth. working conditions were met; and Cramer, member of the reorganiza­ they win tonight and the PA'a top­ Camden, N. J., outpointed Werther assignments until the players h, » Duchess took off at 3:30 p. m State assistaace. The weekly meeting of Troop joyed by the acouta. There will be From light and life the C. 1. O. announced plans to or­ tion commission, recalled that no VERDICT OVER FULLER GIRL GAGERS SEEK Gunther, e ...... 8 are due to storf in the 600-yard run DlDD a. m., E. 8. T.|, and she was Your attention Is again called to Four was opened promptly at seven ple the Blueflelds. In such a case Raci.'ig Notes | Arcclll, 146Vq, Boston (10). proven their right to tbs respect The policy of a public meeting to the Boy Scout Round-Up to be held no meeting next week aa it la Good To darkness and to death, ganize 10,(X)0 rubber workers to material change In the form ot they’ll only be a game out ot first Adame, r g ...... i In which Deardon was second and Louisville— Sammy Angott. 129, to return two hours later o clock. After the assembly there Lewis, rg ...... 0 positions. Which means that — obtain advice and suggestlona on at the Hartford State Armory on Friday. However, a Leaders meet­ And by this way an archangel fell. seek 16 per cent wage Increases and CJoimectlcut’B government has been place and for that, reason the Drug Bob Smith, who recently resigned Walker fourth last year; Fran Wa.shington, Pa , outpointed Dave **• ®hort trip Around.” were abort patrol meetings held. A. Anderson, Ig .. I places are open to the best caadt- your voting privileges concerning April 34th. Each Troop Leader ing will be held during the week to Filled with pride, arrogance and union recognition. Organizers said made during the last 119 years. cagera are determined to beat the Boston, March 23.— (A P )—Ahdy as trainer for tbs'!. Broqkmeade NATIONAL LAURELS Leary, state cross-country campion Barry, 137, Cbioogo (10). tltlAd AvUtrt* took up flyiM During this time the business of the who h_s been undefeated in his spe­ dates avallabls for the Job. vital matters may seem rather should see that his project is pro- check up on the progreaa made on hate. the drive would be directed at the Explains Details Grill, which hasn't been goingioiiiii BO— Callahan of Lawrence held a 4 to 3 stable, has purchased the two-year Scranton, Pa —Tony Rock, 148 OuMoer Praotloe Soso, ahe was 63 anj has flown patrol waa discussed. Directly after Upon himself he closed Heaven’s Hood Rubber Company, Watertown He explained in detail the commis­ 18 29 cialty for two years and Is also a thousands of miles. She has strange to you and of an unusual ffrosslng In a aatiafactory manner the Round-Up. Boys in tha troop '•fell as was expecte~> In the last edge over stocky Sammy F’uUer of old Gayest from hU former em­ Score at half, 14-13, Highland 3-4, Mayfield, Pa., outpointed Mick­ Outdoor practice will get und«r« procedure, but we, as well as many and be ready to give a favorable re­ these meeUngs, a knot race was who are interested in building model $:ate. the Cambridge Rubber Qrmpany sion’s plan for cutting expenditures half of the league schedule. Boston looaytoday alterafter methe veteran insnIrish ployer and will race It under his own crack mUer, (Charlie Robbins and ey Serrain, 145 3-4, Scranton, (10). » child, the Marquess of Tavistock nm. The Stag Patrol won this race Wichita. Kaa., March 28.__(AP)__ Park. Referee, Kennedy*, Della Fera. way as soon as weather eondlt others, think that It Is In perfect port on his achievements at the ■hips are requested to give their And furthermore, ead to relate. and the Davidson Rubber Comnanv tu match receipts and to do away The nightcap finds the perennial welterweight wofi an unpopular split colors. either David Heatley or Richard La- Marty Cardone, 160, Binghamton, permit, probably tb* week a— , , ■' to the Dukedom of Bedford. by a wide margin. Test Passing or Sixteen teams—from Florida to Barron will take part lu th* I llo- order; It should pertain to all public meetpg of the Scoutmaster’s As­ names to the Scoutmaster aa a very Other angels with him did rebel. Cambridge. ^ with the enormous deficiency bius rivals,valB. the East'East Sides and West decision last nnight lg b t over------hi* bitter N. Y., outpointed Jack Hunley, 161, next Fielding weaknesses to Um i Advancement period followed. Scout And took the downward way to Hell which each legislature Is asked to Italian rival in the sixth bout of California—started the second round Oxfords (24) meter run with Leary given a fin* measures that may appear In the sociation on March 31st. fluent Ixatnictor in this type of Sides clashing In what should also The beginnings of the exodus to­ P. B. F. T. Old Forge, Pa., (6). infield waa Manchester’s mala trou> General Assembly, or which may be Tho committee working on the Lorch Instructed some of tho scoutt work has been secured. And don’t How sad. how tragic was their fate. Of the total planes constructed pass to make up deficits of various their seven-year rivalry. ward northern tracks has created a of the women's national A. A. U. chance of winning the event. Denver— Frank Edgren, 177H, > BOB TBOCBLED DATS of lesser rank In tracking. Tho now departments. te an exciting contest even tnougb 3 Use, rf ...... 0 0 0 bis last year In falling to ratato tlW ' BXORED IN CHINA referred to any committee of which coming encampment at Camp forget boys, we've got a giant on during 1936, 858 were buUt for Lusty booing greeted the decision, shortage of good riding talent at basketball tournament today. The Other Entries Denver, outpointed Hank Bath, 176, recruits were taken over aa u.usl HU *••»1 ^ ., team.WJ4MJ The dangerous the 1988 Marquette university fo I at an times. M accepting or rejecting the Judi­ foot. A stunt eras planned for next The open gate of Heavmi. round Callahan dropp«l Fuller for 2 Anderson, r t ...... 3 0 4 member of the eight-lap relay team 127, Pittsburgh, outpointed Charley sults cannot be obtained. So let’s be a no-count with bard lefts aad righto A yearling judging contest, open to Dea Moines A. L B. team ' meet baU team are aportlng new " •vent o f war, this reaer ciary Oommittee’s report—unless It nady to sing and cheer the way a w ^ s campfire by the leaders. At ANNIE RUSSELL ATKINSON TONIOBT 0 Rolgto. i f ...... 2 0 4 along with Leary. Walker and Dear- Bunui, 186, Johnstown, (6). Earl and bucktoA gifts of tbs Mr CURB QUOTATIONS Manchester Public Market NatiaBal Leanm W)to IDSthe neaq.bead. Therne two oiuggeaolugged toe the —" public, during " S — Its meeting ti* » whichiuch something of an unknown quantity Iwlfr would become the bss been acted on already^—that you « meeting waa closed by AnPfl 7. flhws’vnewtoM** In Vh* .TMAka/bnariilA Oi...*. 1 Hemingway, c ...... 4 0 8 don with Schwartz and Elliott as e- Frederick, 188. Lanciister, outpoint­ Boestoro eiub, a group of Boy Scout la expected to. Remem­ tn the Jacksonville, Fla.,' Sham­ 0 , _ t1 i*B*a*y» who found wm vote to reject, even If you re­ ber your motto—*3e Pr^iared.’’ ®®®“*/*®kns«j with the Scout Oath l e g a l FIGHT OVER BOY Stanley ^p*S B U -ta a la n d league ***** roimde. In J. Donahue, e ...... 0 0 0 eerves. Walsh, Shields, Richards ed Baby Face Carter, 133, Pitts- and tnfOBA m .' Golden footnotto1 are •ad Pnyer. ite m S s (£ J t flvT) wWch Callahan gained a slight ad- Kentucky are grooming their young rocks,. who also drew a first-round 3 Joe Donahue, rg . . . 0 0 e le d your vote la the committee And now for our Junior l^ni ie> ■ff ASBooiAiv^ raa title bye. 0 and Longacre are entered for the burgh, (8). bossed on th* QuektoA ! Howd beep we war A i;ARGE VARIETY OF SEA POOD M o^ritli ‘ cln^dimiL at Detroit Vantage, boT ln the fifth FuUer t_oroughbreds for the event. The re- 2 Burke, If ...... 1 3 5 •dversely. We expect that you pondenta: A n n ou n ^ en ts: If anyone wishes Am a t e Pow and u B ...... l^ndon, March 28—(A P) — The 700-yard reiay with Anniello and ; Ibr •bout two waeka. (firsti « ? rame) Miook “up P CallahanCallalmn wtuiwith Aa aanihard will be decided when the The Nashville, Tenn., Carters, un­ sufficiently pubUe aplriUd to Join ’ftoop 4 they had iwtUr do Am G e n ...... IIH of . IS-year-old Prince BY TRUCK WEDNESDAY MORNING irst game), ______^______tinroao alow. aa ______White tn reserve. The team for the Troop n r Onntfs R toer. helr to the prlhdpalUy ot horses start racing ae two year olds seeded, delivered the only upset In 8 9 8 21 ■nough to acquisMta with our advios •o fioon, because the troop will Ark Nat G a s ...... > * * 10% Bton'ey ^ p preUminarie. (best 1*’’ *** thereafter took C. C. I. L. relay event, which Man­ Instead of the propoaed hike fo r M onM , was awarded in Oiancery three). conunnno. and the contestant whose No. 1 the flret round yesterday when they Score at half, g-7 Ramblers. Ref- ■od euggestlons. BO nu>re than forty acouta. Aesd Gas end 13 A ...... 1 e a of three). chester won last year, wUI be cboe- TODAY nnd BVEBY DAY WbtB Yon W wt A Gm 4 Saturday, we hai. e regular troop 3% Dlvlaion of High Court today to hla SpMial On Meaty'Cat-np Fowl A t ...... 69c ea. selection wlna the greatest amount defeated th* seeded Topeka 8*w*lt*. J. LEW.nn HARDT. Troop VI—So. Metbsdlst Am Sup P o w ...... > * e 3 Boston at Montreal Marofloe en from this latter array. meeting. To make up for the hike eternal grandfather, the Prince ot ae a Juvenile wtU reoelve a spaeiai 19 to IS. Today they meet bak- Drink — Try 1 ^ meeting of Troop Six waa Blue Ridge ...... > * a SH (first game). Manchester wUI again compete tn Mareh SB—

.... 4k. M ANCaiekltR ISVKNINO HkRAlli. ’, KAscH lavr ttrJBHIAt, MAKUH: f l ■WB" ft(H)T8ANI>HRK BltlilllES Annt Penny la Positive B y A i A i m i V tVjB fiOMX Otn OV VM w a n - TO 6 C T ttO '.B U T SENSE and NONSENSE V J W K S b , ------WVTU TH W «\MCS. LMt 4z A»X> I V E 7 *TO Q m > > Among toe great men to whom wa The more you read of toe hunted 1607 l x OV HAWS. ON(X should occasicfiallj^ give a kindly life a criminal leads, the more O M VM9S., * H o c r c . thought la the Inventor of toe fly thankful you are If you were bom w 6 U fT , OVTHX 4ROOMO swatter. Into a wholesome law-abiding family NOUM« with high moral Ideala, and can face LOST AND ruUND Springlil the world without shame or regret. ANNOKNCIiMKNTS HELP WANTED— The ds3rs are getung longer, toe Only a fool deliberately chooaes n HOUSEHOLD GOODS SI LEGAL NOTICES nights much.'shorter, life of crime. yoow tv-H M O K , p ia about 10 OONT BUT ANT rafrlfarator un- F E lA L E S6 . «aoka old. Mia. MareoBa Sokol, FOR BA LB—USED furnltura at | IPKARD SEEKS TfflRD sgalnst the Have 1 that tired feeling T Well, tU you bavb aeen tba NEW A iK LMCOIt PMUOT DetPott Ttger^ Manager FranlUe Wapilag Ontar. ToiO|dioao 86SS. AN INSTITUTION IN Haitford reaaonable prlcea. Open evening! irOTlOB OP APPUOATIOir aorter. A proud father walked into n OONDinUNED OCKlUBKA'lXiK. FWscI of the Cardinala said today. 'The balm to the air ts Spring’s Oonatant cold. Pure atr ttaai ra- can place two women between agea and all■ y Saturday. 83 Oak S t . ^hle to to Klve aotlee that L New­ REDS AND nOHANS ■tore recently to a state aasessing a l o s t —PASS BOOK NO. Stt41— t£ eighteen and twpnty'flva aa ton F. Taaaart of M Woodland NORIBSOVra DUDEMl H ie Mg rightoandar haa bera gentle reminder. ■ales tax and aald to the salesgirl: Motloo la hoiobsr glTtn that Paao motraa food odora. Humldlfiad air FOR SALE—9 .>IBCB mahoranv atreet, Maneheater. Conn,, have Oled w o r ^ ateadUy ainca be aigned hia Do I waiit to go flahtogT Well, Father—One dozen of your vary tbat preventa loaa from azceaaive malda. Experience unneceaaary bat ______. _ I an »i.i»iiw«nonapplledtlon oaieadated zitl orof Marea.Hareb, Book No. S8M1 iaauad bf H m Sot- contract Friday night kinder. ; ^ best diapers. diylna out of fooda. Cryatai eiaar, deairable. Good aalary and living very reaaonable. I with the Liquor Control Com- IN OASH TONIGHT laga BmUi o< Mandieatar baa been ooodltioea. six day week. Apply Pradln’a Phone 3498 or 4338. ' mieeloa tor a Packace------Store---- Beer----- ^ **««•> »• -I As I shave in the bathroom and slap Sales Lady (^andtog him the loot or daatroyod. aad writton ap- taate free, tce'cubea la 6 minutaa. Permit for the eale ^ f aleqboUo Saraaota, Fin.— Hia ClnoiiiiiaU on the lather, package)—That will ta one doUnr. aga, education and where liquor on the premtaqi^af' IK Spruce I Picard, who pB^Moo baa boon mado to aald Mg family aiae for only gfvjtu. lu aiwmya ftound the Plnehurat .*9Mnt out obllaation. L. T. WOOD CO Meet el Sprieifield n Open We use safety pins at our bouse. PHONE 44M. V _ _ , o< tba amount m dapoalt rapreatnt- •v; sshK*!?™ <^y» p»s 5y.ri£}-».‘'A,a''c-s.. .^“si pSi. - J*" The most lonesome place to the u d bnichp aacriflee price, inquire I ^ c^ducud by Nswton Tacaart of In m of the fhmoua old North ead*l - world la a big city. Nobody knows ' od bgr aaid book, o> for tba laacanoo WANTED— SaCPFRiENCED walt- A lot of folks are going to ta dis­ PMUPESHIONAl. Bntartainara — 68 Benton atwat or talaphona 4383. | ” ub7 m iJrait “ a” **" j * » “ .tournamMt , New Orieans-Pltcher* Mel Har- inc Game of Phjofft for anybody. Tba men move aa it the appointed when they And there . oi a dn^lcata book tbarefor. Rayuaa -Orebeatraa. No aSatr too reaa. Telephone Mancheator 08U. perralttew ToonerviUe Folki By Fontaine Fox NEWTON F. TAOOART Hd also to __ stretch______his re-1 ” **'• Johnny Allen______and___ Earl Whlta- vorld were coining to an end toe aren’t going to ta enough end seats long or too amaij. Jack W. Uordoo next day. They live to apartments to heaven to go around. WANTED '— GIRL for general Dated tl of Mareh. IftT. M ^ ^ t a r iourney vi^ rie a to| WH nm axiiectad to m ulelr ^ Hockey Tide. ortlx he lp string aver '»■ Zi Entartainmant Bureau, dgg «*«■.. houaework and care of children WEARING APPAREL— H-I-II.17. tMM ton row, for wRh Johnny Ra-1 notion of the apring trntoing and do hot know their next door Pop W .T O S atreet. Hoorn *10, Hartford, reio. call 8067. ______^ R S 57 ▼Oita ha Wnn Rfltogb«< —.mn. I MM^Mn mawmlrn.* nw^*^ ...... neighbor on thi same floor. We have The man vbo baa won a gama of OUR BOARDING HOITSE phone 3>OM2. Liaoon rautiT J** I®** **** Hlimu, and with *wnon agatoat the New Orieana NOTICE o r APPUCATION *•“ St- Auguatlne ^ c a n a Thuraday. Harder’s arm U been In hotels to large cities and solitaire hasn’t won very much. M anchester WANTED_ - GIRL for general] „ Thje to to rive notice that L New T6rk, March 38.— (A P )— have suddenly found ourselt without trimmed with dyed squirrel. Charlee Raeeaxnt, of Tl Cottage p SSS condition, his aeveland In- MCW/ THAT STTWUa HEnC, A H —VEated Kth of March. KIT. gw to Manager Sim m . AP* 2 ? ^ . ^ ^^Uadelphi* A passerby, seeing his predicjiment, ball games and races on Memorial LEATAM THAT A6AIW I AM OF YOUR RAiCIMO THREE R E (5S A M D Oedfers AsMi^Uon crown here laat J tog to go after exhlblUon game I ^**® t®PP* PtoyiS Passerby—Say, old chap, you 5 Daya ..I I ew ii eta *®. Itoy Hangrum, who have I regular season. The Cuba win ntw I two-out-of-three games t f t y t h e COMIKkS REdATTAS/ ,T H ' O R 6 A T BCnTTLES w , motor in excellent condiUon, SITUATIONS WANTED— FOR RENT—FIVE ROOU apatt- can’t open the door with that; it’s a 8KEUBTON UNWANTED. ment, steam heat. 36 Birch eUeetl Ued for Sist place here only to lose I pose tha White Son FHdalT***,.a}h winner taking on the victor -wBuTO-R-RuP'P / DROUSHT/. FOR Irfjualar laaor{|aea area almoat now. Phone 6000. the play off._aad the alway. dan- the weatera d S n cigar. ; * *.£.*S-1^ * » « * M tba aaa Uaae rafa , f e m a l e 38 Apply Supt. Apt. No. 4. to Ls^^’AJT ^ Pickled One (looking at the object V i b a l l a s t /. New York—Ths person, or par­ s ~ ‘ »a loa« tarai avarr Sports Roundup^ ' aaoa raaaaat. w a n t e d - HOUSEWORK daya, AVAILABLE A1 to his hand, then stammering) — sons, who left a skeleton, to good once, threa room I Hully gee, I musts smoked my condition, on Mansion road to toe FLORISTS—NURSERIES 1 by young woman, or will assist apartmenL Call HIdlanda. 8333, or| By EDDIE BKIETZ ttam ^ foraer national amateur o . _ _ , _I 1, Although Spriiigfleld S i •••» *•» tba aa- irito care of invalid, experienced. latchkey! Bronx, may gat It by contacting P ^ 4131. M— . I cham pi^ ueorgetlM ^ e uuiuap,Dunlap, jr„| Jr„| »**•—zirea — Tired byoy a 80oo-|M-1 ona d aad novld«a«eth Providence third li lU. ■aA aharmag at the rata aaiaadbat I F^W ERS ANL PLANTS for Eaa- WriU Box W. Herald. tA P iL S f* ; ?’'*"** Strafacl, Dick Chapimui and ^de from Orlando, the Red P h tla d e lp h to ^ ^ n ^ ^ n lice Sergeant Thomsa F. MnxwalL Sa "faada aaa be nude tar. Drive up td our gre^ouaea An exchange tells of this confession "Finders, keepers, doesn't go with and aalact your Sowera from the 8BCRETARIAL POSITION wanted of an old man; ”1 had become 60 me to this case," hs said. HUa Stb^tey? afUr tba FARMS AND LAND sssr~ p's^X!°,S!K“2rc largeat aaaortment in the Maf^ by eulturod Anerican woman, fix- years old before I realized that 1 opinion waa tbat toe akelatoa be­ dal? •” b*ba"8 dlaplar Uaaa aat Burke The Floriat, Rockville 714-A perience covers all lines of office! FO R S A L E 71 should have leas fun and havs tried longed to a medical aasociation. TRADONC CAMP NOTES p r . i r ’’ * to Uva within my income.” This, U ibetLw^ItllVT— f®* t»a»®aalbla work. Write Herald Box 8. SEE JONES ON fa*‘ms, for several J T *aaorraet laaarilea . the facte could become known, •r aay adaartlaaaiaaiedaartleaaiaBt ardarad tori uses, camp sites buildingtuiiaing lots.lota. I 830,666rndiMfiB forcifTAnn hla —— aoSrorwlth*tooluc I ■ Lakeland. lakeland, Fla.. Fla., March March m 28.— a (A p P i )I I Bt ®t. Petersburg. Poteraburg, FlA._The Fla.—’The iw Boaton n n I I Over the Sprinnfleld epitomizes the life story of many BEDS TOO SMALL. 01a eae naw. PAINTING- I^LTR Y ANUSUm.lEN Central loti HO.OO up. Jones Stove “ ®“ *' pitching trouble was only • « hour’s drlU today, the Reda th roetim * m 5 w^ toTu who arrive at toe non-productive TM IM vtrtaai amtoaiea at laeor- | PAPERING 21 Shop, Hanchester Green. . «> ... paper. In this teiuler’s optoton if toe C5 oremed, freab egg. 30c up. deliver-1 m n u and batL. all modern im- lib log onn the tod’s right arm tosuredInsured for I hopedhoned for betterheit.r worit from other..i... O. A. A. a UCAQUE farmera of tha country would Juat found, BO the doctors sent for the SNmdeUeettoHSto ' I 8692, provements, oU burner, lot 80x100. (Marphy*a AUeya) five-game route, epentog at B yi«. Od. Carlaon 4k Son. Poultry Farm. *10,000 or ao. | lefthanders today against Wath- _____ cuse tomorrow Bight Bit down for a year or two and not one he uses at home. CampbiUl Tel. 4217. ^ ' Good location. Phone 601?. or 6816. ington. raise any crop and surplua queatlon weighs 407 pounds. / M^prtltobad m y day moat ba re. Penn grabbed the league lead aa 4«* Piovl- 5 3 d a. katardaya HELP WANTED- FeUer keeps up with hla studies would be solved, toe price question FOR SALE — W ILLIAHS Strain while training with the fn>u.». Orlando, Fla.— Observers who Pltt waa lottog th re e p ^ ta to Oo- * * “ *• TT«ii»- would be solved, and the rest of the TRIPLE TROUBLE. c : 3 . \ lAJTS FOR S A L E 73 fH m *P *a M to A .. A * * * lumUa. Mike HabeiJn hit W rt third. If nsceo- F E M A L E SS baby chicks, and started chicks, aary, at country would And out which after v : OLEPHONB TOUR alao DuckltogA B. L AUen, 87 “ “ watched WariUngto^lS^t ^ o r i K t e V t o m SSS 'ngfleld Saturday. The FOR S A L E - BUILDING loU on ^ S®*!.“ ‘'®“ » ‘> academic pacee to 1, said today It looks aa if toe ^ S !" second all, Is ths most Important industry Indianapolis—Trouble came In W A N T A D S TOUNG LADIES to. apecial work. Doane street Telephone 7bl6. Brown (9) of tba wastam series" to this country. Ths country could m AMCESTDRS LAMPED Good dally aarninga, i^eclal offeia SDong etreet. Inquire 38 Wood­ esch afternoon, to Hay he'll go playing days of Joe Cronin are end-1 Musdiko iwiU be d kt PitUburgh tba threes for nlne-j4ar old Juanita back to Iowa to . . . . 97 84 86 866 get along without any autumoblles Hurt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. to ladiea with it^lty. Permanent land street Phone 6349. . . . receive his rlgh Fischer . . . . 82 I wme n.,. ... ■ II I -ptOCR-AMP-FYe lumbus did not die S( OU( HY SM ITH S™ 2» S5io“a^J! WANTED—GIRL OR woman to Birch street, and live poultry lor tion aa the old French market... Winter Haven, Fla__ Suehey ., I tire from the active ministry after operation for appendicitis. AU hap­ A Change of Attitude By JOHN C. TERRY M Ity OF GILBERT HEUBLEIN „ ---- Winter to prison, nor was be to destitute pened In successive days. .arm I •ddiat with houMwork. Go home my market at 24 Oak atreet, also Haven merchant., have declared a Tureck .. 87 vears of service when ha ooa- circumstancec, on the contrary was nlghU. Call 6329. live rabbits. A Uremmo A Bon, 179 There waa Zwick ... cludM toe Bastar Sunday nerviee nt l^ l'M AFIMIO 1 WAb P M T ry '^ I THOUfrKT JOHNn V’ b eLONOSO Tni.nA. fi. . .w* ‘ I** half-holiday when the PhltUes play quite wealthy. BLUSMRY LA6T NIHTT, 6C0RCHV- Oakland street. Telephqpe 3441 rounds toat the Oe-zeland front of- Mickey Cochrane's Detroit Dgera Kulplnaky S t Mary's Episcopal church hare. ON THE TEAR. IN THS SMNKINO BUSINEM, fUT E X o r I WANTED —HOUSEKEEPER com­ Hartford, March 23.— (A P ) _ Mr, Downes baMme n vlenr nt BUT THAT AFFAIR K140CKVO I RffALIZ* NOW I'VE BEEN A panion to care for an elderly lady Trtoty pariah. New Haven, la 1900 Once a city man out of work bad cauAiimi The funeral of Gilbert F. Hueblein. er out Of Feller.. .that is, work him sore arms among the Phillies’ rltch- 381 391 889 U61 "hired out” to a farmer. A t four Chicago—The police at the Chica­ 90M6 8KN9C INTO MV 0U> WrVBBORN OLD FDOL- CATIONS t o Bolton. State price. Reference ______HOIISEHULD GOODS 51 reUred veteran HarUord buslnesa ] ma held pastorntas to Bristol, go avenue atatlon pointed to a heap HEAD - I WANT TO APOlDOn / YOU’Rt aro^d t o f *A *” Manager Wilson t / iimu Broad Brook, Windsor Locks nnd o’clock In the morning the newly • •• required. Addrees Robert O. Brown, « t t (1) employed hired man was called to of torn paper aa evidence that Em­ ADR WHAT ITC DONS - _ FINAlLV ■ts . ... •••••••••••••• M07 Beigen atreet. Brooklyn, N. X. oi?ic^“ e i r o n u t^ n e .«wion. Suffield before coming here 18 yean Relebenbach .. 77 84 80 341 I ■fifO. breakfast. A few minutes later tha met McHugh, 27, had been ”ca a MSINfrTHi nrollent condlUon; square tobie, 789 Prospect avenue, with burial In' Weiss ___ ---- 76 tear.” **•••••••••*^••61 88 104 368 He ffla-u to Uve la Hnsnrdvllle af­ old farmer was astonished to see the »ale. Cedar Hincemetery *” 11}o;^toe“ K e ^ ‘Te S^d" vaJS^-hto"‘^ e T p ‘h-.a !J“to'.Vro" Werner ...... 111 91 98 300 man walking off down the road; McHugh, they said, sauntered Into *£ert52!*"a e e e e e e I WANTED—WOHAN for general ter hla retirement Call 36 Griswold street. | Mr. Heubleta. hMt to notables ere FeUer a sure fire tat to win 20 battto^ < » d e r t o r S r U o 1 . «m ? s P. Hatareni ... 78 74 93 344 Farmer (yelling after him) — the station ■and began tearing things housework, cooking and care of! —' - - - up when the men on duty didn’t child. Call afte. 8:30 p. m. 63 or more gamro and wUl use him as with major and m l ^ R ^ e rtvMa $138,000 BLAZE Say! Come back'and eat breakfast 842 334 874 1080 before you go to work. think much of his demand for “pro­ Church street tection.” * NiimbU *ve to use a Ughter DISC? AFTER HIM 90 •firing ...... I GROTON BIAN’S PREDICnON. T iX TD AMD BROADCAST, CVER South J. w a s l e y eran groundakeeper at the Polo LEAPXM T H E A IR MUCH- >;iw. lUt poo4a aa« Barvlea » 756 Mala S t State Bldg. Grounds, has a eoUscUm of more ^ wxatRd— SrptIcd TeL 6648 - 7146 Groton, March 23— (A P ) —Take SOMKTHIKJO It from Irving H. Poppe, whose pre­ than 700 toy dogs.. .one of the“ h6t I *^te- ^ *4eeetleesl apotefinnta nearn*Mw thefH* GtontniAMF tiitotog'camp6Misai«a|^ CXQip I way pitch the Giants' m 4 CIrbmr . 4321 diction of a "mild and rainy” win­ ABOUT Ustrvetloft* ...... at Gulfport Is called ”» U Terry’s I ♦ season against Defnx •••••••aaaa North ter waa amply aubatantlated—we’re T H O S e S going to have a “rainy and foegv' Heigh Ho CTub” .Bob FelleFsl Dodgers_according to ■•leal—DrrnmA tie coueto, Harold Maflders, la pltcUng I ® '* Terry. Terry thinks MyrnKRIOUS ■aatad-iastraetioa.' PHONE 3926 summer to these parta. 5432 “ I ^ k for sticky, muggy days,” for the U. of Iowa Which plays w ^ P form than any FOCTTPRIMTS, . ^ rtaaaelal Louisiana State at Baton Rouge ^ f i t t e r , «loek»-'MortxRxaa ...... OAR WASHING OB toe bome-spun weather prophet said BUT SO LUBRICATION ___ tfl^y. "It will be warm and rainy day.. .General Manager Slapnlcka AMBULANCE $ 1.00 with lots of fog." of the Indiana will scout toe game. St. Petersburg, Fla.—George Jeff- F A R , (D ou gan ) OxTi Oxlled Ftor xod Dettweds coat and Jim Peterson, Dodger faip w.;s5jr?jm*;[!rrr!. ” .. The forecasts Poppe makes seml- HAVEW T a r a ^ ly are based on the dlrecUon BRUTAL BURGLARS hurlers, are exchanging trade Y. D. SERVICE STATION ■*®r6te. Jeffcoat is teaching Peter- A CLUK. ... '! ...... „ ” 5 i 3 0 Of the wind at the exact moment of spring and autumn equinoxes Stonebam, Mass., March 23._I “®® a few things about curves to (Hollo ran) (AP)-.PoJlce hampered by lack of S®r"®38 for some advice on card taattoas Waated-Fiiiua when the sun crosses the equator. ^UUJ PEOB M ra ^ taatloas Wanted—Mala • " l ! A t 7:46 p. m. Saturday, the mo­ clues today sought two brutal burg- Tro«n the maglctan-pltcber. 4 v EN TM6 HUm ftlRLS FAIL TO n x J s E . ■aploymeai Agenele. . } ! lars who invaded a private reaideace I , ------THB CROWD 6 0 K WILR 3C50 ment of spring’s official arrival, the GEEj I HAVE....LOrS OF TIM ES PZ.UMBINO wind waa blowing from the south- last night, felled an aged man with I T^hhart, Tex.—Two teams of »a gtoek—v.hlelei ‘ .';; JIJ j; I" J J (Q u ish ) ■xst. a gun butt, beat a girl nurse-maid ~® ®rowns, the Hornsbys and the I GET TO UKE A CERTAIM P ^ l U O O R R r i lallry and Supplies ...... I: nnd fled with *60. I Bottomleys, met today to im ex- Ageacy tot *** prevaUlng wind SOHG AMO THEM THEV PLAY Vhated- Pete— Poultry—Stoek 44 Standard ^ w tlo n for the next six months, The men pushed their way Into *>lbition game. Angelo GuiUanl re- 4340 the home of cniarles H. Poole, a flor- ®«” Uy recovered from an attac'k of nr SO MUCH I g e t s i c k tlelae ForCala—Mlaeellaaeew Bale ...... Sanitary Poppe M d, and It's a sure sign of ■ala aad Aoeaeaortaa ...... « Koehler - Crane run and 105. Ut, flooring ^.Poole's 75-year-oId | fiu> was back In uniform but was OF r r f fatoer-to-law, Isaac Bradl^, and not slated to play. HOSPITAL nnd Brigga’ Poppe began predicting the Beniity Wnrn weather to the spring of 1934 and dragging the nursemaid. Mias Helen Perry, upstairs by the hair. There S‘«d rtff'lrfrr"**'* nXTURBS and MATElUALb not to have been mistaken to Leesburg, Fla— The Cards tan­ 5t31 they locked her to an ' upper room, gled with another "relative” today, SJh;id'oS5;°r!'' 1? tben^lfled Poole's cash box to his toe Rochester club of the Interna- STANDARD bedroom. W ATER DEPT. The flrst electric cooking was uonal League. Ira Smith was Mana­ ^ e by Benjamin Franklin, and Despite loud screams of the three ger Frank Frisch’s choice to start • i n f e r s ^ « PHrMBlNGCO. Poole chlldrea diiiiaf the fraeax, dair2.“*tbrsW ” * — ti 901 Main S t Phoaa 8SM toe flrrt pracUcal electric lamp toe hurling. I patented by Thomas Edison the youngest and fourth child, the :: : : : : : : g 3077 baby, Charles, Jr., slept peacefully 80 years ago. Daytona Beach. Fla.—Dissy Dean (After 5 P. M.) to his crib. wul 5et hie flrst workout of the j •ae‘ 3 d ! e * S j ^ •*“ Chuck-ihe brric* on my . 4jr*?.WlLllAM^ 7848 'M YRA NORTh, SPE(TAL NURSE Interesting Information m o t m e r s o e t OHAV. M ANrHESTiro By THOMPSON A N D COLL A L i z E Y O O P FIghtin* Talk By HAMLIN HO— t HAVENT.BOT fM DVjN(3 MEET tIMWORKINalD HOW COME \vE H - AN’ UMAT!5 J AW. JUS'W HfM VAC WCQS CHARGIN') A N 'w e > 5dOW AINT that ITH AS WH/CT WE 6IT FOR SAY.WHASSA diG IDEA?? A M O W K VOU DINOSAURIRV t W S a b o u t f IN ON A SWCU BUNCH OF ^ — ■ - K . COULDN'T DEVELOP A MAnKRIAL A HECK ON A ( DEPENDIN'OM TH AT VOU CANT 'TALK UKE THAT HUNTERS CAME 7 VOU LOSIN' NICE, PAT CRirTEBS, O L>^ AN' IOOZ.V A i KXLOW ‘IM MOTE/ POOZy VSPAVIMED OL BAS MV OINNV »/ ® O E » HE REAjIlV 90R MAkKIMQ PHOMO' THOUGHT >1X1 EACH WITH ONLVlVEQ AXES.'’ PINNY STEPPED OM A ( LANDED ON A ^ BECAUSE LOST, AN' US wrrm OF b o n e s / HB SRAPH RECORDS A D AB B irP SO FT SPOT AU'SPILUDS w il O PLOOlCUS \ DiNWV NO DINOSAUR r-n NCVEB W AS THACT WILL AtflD - US INTO TM 'SW AM P/ \ AM 'SO T CARRIED ) W EN T m e a t /.* j ( any o o o d * MAmCAUY PlY ID OFF./ ,------< LAME.*, FIECE8 AGFIKR T H * MKOOROMAE BIIM^ PLAYKO*nKM TIMKO*

)W6VXl«MmK)«.IIIA T.M.M0.H.1.KT.6W.- , ♦‘■ 'W

'*r -A. ; , 'V-.l