.:^J\,:. U V l UONDAT. lCAIUaia,.XM( ffandm tnr CtSttina V m O AVBRA4W DAILV CnOCiXTION A l W ................... ................................♦ . ^ f - v fsr Ihs sraalb sf FShrasry, its i SliirCHDRCHCBOIR RAND TARES CHARIZ ford. „ U m Boot Caterere cf New m O T T O W H PRAISES VEIiRAN^’ Y.M.C.A.No7 ^ Haven wUl cater. SELL MANY HCKEIS N. B. Riehaids. Rony N. Roth 5 . 8 7 6 ^ Msmber sf Ihs AafM 2flA ativlTFB ™ ]r Iw U P u in n IS aprclill IN TORD HDSICAL Maseh S> and George R. Waddell ore co-chair­ GIFTS FOR EASTER TM b« Na. Itai- OFOTADEISRVICES Barsaa sf Ctasalstlsas O r t e t€ Bad U m wm hold HELP IN DISASTERS 4:00—Grade School vs. Alumni men o f the benefit bon. Arthur A . MRS. B LU O TTS j tUa •vmtiiK la Basketball gams. FOR SHRINERS BALL Knolla to choinnoa of the ticket RUG AND mFT SHOP M AN(m STER — A (TTY OF VILLAGE (HARM Prognmi !■ in Keeping With f Ban «t • 0’elBdi ahaip. S:1S—Busineaa Men’s VoDay ball Appropriate Mnrical Proenua committee and Albert Dewey heads tbs uriMn oonunlttes. 997 Bfain Street Holr Wedi; Solm bjr Min lass. Yesterday at Ail Three Sal- VOL. LVL, NO. 147 oa Fage M.) MANCHBStBR, C0NN„ TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) rltttbe| Winard and Robert Gordon. 0:SO—Milk Dedlers’ aasodattoa Rsssrvatloos for boxos should be D. A. V. Banquet Speaker upper meeting. vatitei A m y Meetings. mode with Albert icnnoe, td. 4886. ationi AO Proceeds fro n Dance O i I oatranitjr. flytaeuw, N. A t the South Ucthodlat church 7 :000—" 0 -------- T ” Senior BaskatbaU LsSf gue: Msmbers of the Salvotioa Army hoBM over Um t u t Bight the third muaicBl eervice Says H e y Are Always On 7;00—Highland Park vs. Ar^ bond took chorgs o f all the meat- Next Monday Night to Aii “This W ay Oh^ — By Request Of The Police togs at the Manchester atadel, OJNIC SCHEDULE FOES OF COURT ITALY DENIES Mato street, Sunday. Bandmaster tu u iS SJJ ta*!!!?^J!! High under the direction of Clifton 8:00—South Methodist vs. ’Tnl- Uthwhudw eC 7 I the Scene First and Ready. Harold A. ’Turktogton arranged a Manchester Pnblie HcBith ArlyneM oriaity i oottviUa. Crippled ChiMren. College rfawee wm be re-| C Braiaetd, organlat and direc­ moot appropriate musical program NnrsiBg Aasodatioa MURPHY TO ARRANG 9:00— Oxfords vs. Ramblsn. t MsBdajr. April S, tor. and tbe sp eu to g during tbe day was 74 Haynes S t TeL 3428 CANNOT* AGREE LANDING MORE In keeping with the aeaaon, It 8:00— " Y " Bowling Lsogue: Gib­ Carnty "The veteran is flrst on the scene by members o f the band. In the (AB eitoiea at Hayasa S t mt— f jB etui ae en Ucketa (o r the A . 0.1 being Palm Sunday and the oe|^' son’s vs. ’Tslcottvllle; Bon Am i vs. Beservationa and distribution of o f any catastrophe or extreme dis­ Reid's; Shearer’s vs. Keller's. morning service Bandsmen William ______ otberwtae ooted.) i ehould he made aa aoon aa nlog o f Holy week, the numbcra Leggett and David Addy were to tickets for the Shrine Easter Mon­ Teacher of O N A i m M E N T order, ready and wUUng to do his Tuesday, Blareh 38 day ball at the State armory, Mon­ MEN J SPAIN choaen were aucb aa went to pre­ to P. ICcVeigti. Oiureh | charge. The message wras brought pare thoee present for the aacrcd share to alleviate human suffering," 13:15—Business Committee lunch­ day evening, March 39 have been Tueadoy, 9:00 a. m.— Dental clinic PIANO VOICT CONFERENCE BETWE eon meeting. by Mr. Leggett, bis subject being for the pre-achool chUd. duties usually attached to this time. Past Department Commander Bam "The Power of tbe Spirit" rapid and arrangements are weU to It is interesting in passing to .lote 4:00— B o ^ ’ gjrmnasiiim period. hand, according to the various oom- Tueodey. 10:00 a. m. TonsU HARMONY I eom iJtteea te eooBeetloa with I ’The afternoon servlee was to tbe Senators Admit There k ftrkaiii hformed That Group that the prelude aa played on the McGill, Disabled American Veter­ 6:30— Girls’ basketball practice, mlttea chairmen handling the bene­ Otolc. I Beater dance of Campbeil I form of a musical prognun arranged studio State Theater BMg K. o f C. to be held a t the organ, "Andantlno quasi allegieto'' ans of the World W ar of Connecti­ coach, Maurice Burke. fit ball plams. Wedneodey, 2:00 p. m.— W eil Baby ' I by Bandmaster’ ’Turktogton and ainlc at YM.CA. Boitoa, Wednesday eve- tl>c Symphony by Widor, cut, asserted at the annual dinner 7:30— Women's gymnasium pe­ Receipts from* the baU will be For Appointment Call 3072 Small Chance of A g re e Sent on March 5 Was ' the .well known French compoaer riod, under tbe direction o f Miss made up entirely o f compositions by Thursday, 9:00 a. m.— Pre-Notol CHRYSLER AND LEWIS I Maireh Si, are requeeted to I of David McCann Chapter, la tbe given, wrlth funds secured by vari­ was chosen by Mr. Bralnerd with­ Phyllis Burdick. Army composers. Some o f the Otolc. tBolght at the K. of C home Stats Armory Saturday night numbera included on the program ous Shrine Temples to this section, lain etreet out hia knowing at the Ume of " I am sure that the veteran would 8:00— South Methodist Church to the Springfield. Maas., Shrtos ment On Sobstitnte Meas Composed Only of Volun­ arranging hia program, that Just Bowling League. wore: March, "Soldiers of Carist," / be the first to take off his coat and selection, "My Keeper", March "The Hospital for Crippled ChUdren. Dur­ To Meet Tomorrow m At* [air. and Ifaa: Robert U. Reid le-1 this week past this g iM t master dig into that terrible shambles of 8:30— Andover Boys' Gymnasitun ing the week of March 29, 159 passed away at the age of 9S years, Golden W e s t" ’The male quartet sure Bnt Contimie Parleys teer Doctors aiid Norses. II Duce Lashes Out Saturday from a buslneael twisted steel girders and brick, once period. Shrine units throughout tbe cotmtry pieaaure trip to Florida. and that Archibald Sessions, former 0:30— ^Tolland County vs. Hart­ rendered beautifully "The Light of t o n g h t tempt to A fo rt F i the beautiful New London, ‘Texas, tbe Cross." Bandsman James wUl sponsor social events and other ^ ; + organist at the South chui^ was ford County Basketball game. forma of entertainment designed to school. During the flood of 1988 the Muiurie led a brief testimony meet­ Woshtogton, March 28.— (A P) — London, March 38.— (A P )—Italy Jennie Roagoakl entertained I * pupU o f Widor. veterans of Hulford county volun­ bolster the funds o f the dosen 8:16 A t European Critics of her little daughter’s play pretty response after the ing. ^Democratic opponents of the Roose- Trouble in Detrmt -1 ''*’7 teered for any kind of work tbe of- Shrine hospitals for crippled chil­ Informed Great Britain today to re­ at a birthday party y es te iS y I InvocaUon waa Stainer’s "Cross of The evening service waa conduct­ ficlala could give—and they stayed dren to the United Stotes. The enlt Judloiaiy hUl aald today tbore ply to urgent queries oonoarntog the r BtUe daughter, Amelia, who Jesus", this being foUowed by the CHURCH ATTENDANTS ed by Bandsmen William Hall and i i i bn until the end," Commander Mc­ sum o f 8500.000 is expected to be aUght chance of agreement Ha oooutod raporta obraad that ha seven years old. The children Word of God In- Russell Clough. ’The message was reported landing of Italian troope to Rome, March 28.— (A P )—Premlerf Gormofr Dedm * Gill declared. brought by Mr. Hall, his s u b ^ t be­ raleed this means to be divided SETBACK among them on a oubetitute oon- Benito Mussolini faced a cheering had returned from Libya a day ~ the iM i«i good thlnga to n * ™ ^ " * *’1' Gdunod. ’The cantata dlESTS AT DINfiER among all units. Spain that the oontlngent which dis­ and played games. Alarge, *7 Maunder, "Penitence, Pardon and ’The guests representing all local ing “God’s Watchful Care.” "The Btltutlonnl amendment, unleM the throng of blackshirts from a bal­ ahead o f schedule yesterday because The Capitol orchestra of Hart­ V. F. W. HOME embarked at (Jadla March 5 of the Spanish situatian. Win Back C p vt ----- decorated birthdav o ie I *" “• InterpretatloB by ex-service units as well as several Ptdma” was beautifully rendered as propoeed enlargement of tbe Su­ cony o f Pissza Venezia today, tha rannoay oake|y^ ^ to in all a cornet solo by Bandsman Robert ford will play for dancing and deco- made up only of volunteer doctors 18th anniversary of Fascism, and Tbe Premier pictured “our mag­ ■even pink candles, was tbe I D, A. V. posts in the county, were preme Court le abandoned. Acolytes of St. Bridget’s Lyons with piano accompaniment by ratlopa at the armory are to charge Manchester Green Senator O’Mahoney (D., W ya), and nursea. ahouted a defenre of Italy’s Empire nificent Fascist Italy*' os subject to o f attraction. ’Those present the essentials necessary to portray welcomed by Commander James Workers Phi for : I Church Guests of Pastors Bandmaster Turkington.
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