Biochem. J. (1978) 174, 939-949 939 Printed in Great Britain

Subcellular Structure of Bovine Thyroid Gland THE LOCALIZATION OF THE ACTIVITY IN BOVINE THYROID

By MARC J. S. DE WOLF, ALBERT R. LAGROU and HERWIG J. J. HILDERSON RUCA Laboratoryfor Human Biochemistry, University ofAntwerp and GUIDO A. F. VAN DESSEL and WILFRIED S. H. DIERICK UIA Laboratoryfor Pathological Biochemistry, University ofAntwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B2020 Antwerp, Belgium (Received 27 February 1978)

1. After differential pelleting of bovine thyroid tissue the highest relative specific activities for plasma membrane markers are found in the L fraction whereas those for peroxidase activities (p-phenylenediamine, guaiacol and 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrachloride per- oxidases) are found in the M fraction. 2. When M+L fractions were subjected to buoyant- density equilibration in a HS zonal rotor all show different profiles. The guaiacol peroxidase activity always follows the distribution of glucose 6-phosphatase. 3. When a Sb fraction is subjected to Sepharose 2B chromatography three major peaks are obtained. The first, eluted at the void volume, consists of membranous material and contains most of the guaiacol peroxidase activity. Most of the protein (probably thyro- globulin) is eluted with the second peak. Solubilized are recovered in the third peak. 4.p-Phenylenediamine peroxidase activity penetrates into the gel on polyacrylamide- gel electrophoresis, whereas guaiacol peroxidase activity remains at the sample zone. 5. DEAE-Sephadex A-50 chromatography resolves the peroxidase activities into two peaks, displaying different relative amounts of the different enzymic activities in each peak. 6. The peroxidase activities may be due to the presence of different proteins. A localization of guaiacol peroxidase in rough-endoplasmic-reticulum membranes (or in membranes related to them) seems very likely.

It is generally believed that the iodination of (Edwards & Morrison, 1976) or in the follicle lumen thyroglobulin in thyroid is mediated by peroxidase. (Strum & Karnovsky, 1970), depending on the In most cytochemical studies peroxidase activity is perfusion technique used. Hosoya and co-workers measured by using benzidine (Armstrong et al., (Hosoya et al., 1973; Hosoya & Matsukawa, 1975; 1975) or 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrachloride (Strum Hosoya et al., 1971), using biochemical methods, & Karnovsky, 1970) as co-substrate. In radioauto- claim that the iodination of thyroglobulin must take graphic studies peroxidase is detected by incorpor- place in rough-endoplasmic-reticulum membranes. ation of radioactive iodide (Edwards & Morrison, In the present paper we describe the distribution of 1976). In biochemical studies both guaiacol (Hosoya peroxidase activity after differential pelleting and & Morrison, 1967) and p-phenylenediamine (Arm- buoyant-density-gradient centrifugation of a M+L strong et al., 1975) are used as co-substrate. Peroxidase fraction in a HS zonal rotor. Also electrophoresis and activity can also be measured biochemically by column chromatography were applied. iodination of tyrosine (Morrison, 1973) or mono- iodotyrosine (Neary et al., 1973). Depending on the Materials and Methods type of study, conflicting results are obtained for the subcellular localization of this activity. Biological materials and tissue preparations a at the Cytochemical studies suggest localization Biological materials were obtained and tissue near microvilli the follicle lumen (Strum & Karnov- preparation was carried out as described previously or in the colloid the micro- sky, 1970) surrounding (Hilderson et al., 1975). villi (Novikoff et al., 1974). In radioautographic studies the label is found either within the cells Subcellular fractionation Abbreviations used: N fraction, nuclear fraction; M fraction, mitochondrial fraction; L fraction, light mito- Differential pelleting. Subcellular fractionation of chondrial fraction; P fraction, microsomal fraction; S bovine thyroid as described by Dierick & Hilderson fraction, supernatant; M+L fraction, combined M and L (1967) resulted in a quantitative isolation of five fractions. subcellular fractions (N, M, L, P and S). Vol. 174 940 M. J. S. DE WOLF AND OTHERS

Subfractionation of the S fraction. The S fraction at 25°C during 5 min against a blank solution (no was centrifuged overnight (12500Y)g, 16h). In this H202 added). way four subfractions could be separated and Peroxidase activities (EC These were collected through aspiration: Sa, a sediment at the followed by using different methods. p-Phenylene- bottom of the tube; Sb, a viscous red fraction located diamine petoxidase activity was assayed by a slight immediately above the sediment; Sc, a yellow frac- modification of the method of Armstrong et al. tion overlaying the previous one; Sd, the top fraction, (1975). To 0.7ml of 0.15M-potassium phosphate a clear colourless supernatant. buffer, pH7.4, 0.5 ml of enzyme solution and 50,ul of Buoyant-density-gradient centrifugation ofan M+L 3 % (w/v) p-phenylenediamine were added. The fraction in an HS zonal rotor. To obtain the M+L reaction was started by addition of 501 of 1mm- fraction, thyroid tissue was subjected to a two-step H202. The A485 was followed at 20°C against a blank procedure. First lOOg of minced tissue was treated in solution (no H202 added). Guaiacol peroxidase a 1 litre Waring Commercial Blendor homogenizer activity was determined by a modification of the (250ml of 0.25M-sucrose/5rmM-Tris/HCl, pH7.4, at method of Hosoya & Morrison (1967). To 0.7ml of high speed for 30s). The resulting suspension was 0.1M-potassium phosphate buffer, pH7.4, 33mM then homogenized in a Ten-Broeck hand-homo- with respect to guaiacol, 50,l of 0.09M-glucose and genizer (Teflon pestle, five strokes). This homo- 50,ul of glucose oxidase (1-2 units) were added. The genate was centrifuged at 1Og for 10min to remove reaction was started by the addition of 0.5ml of blood cells, connective tissue and cell debris. The enzyme solution. The A470 was followed at 20°C supernatant was centrifuged (73 300g, 15 min), against a blank solution (no glucose added). To yielding an M+L fraction. After two washings in the measure 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrachloride per- same medium further subfractionation was carried oxidase activity, to 0.7ml of 0.15M-potassium out in an HS zonal rotor (MSE 18 high-speed phosphate buffer, pH7.4, 0.5ml of enzyme solution centrifuge). The rotor was loaded at 1500rev./min and 50,ul of 3 % (w/w) 3,3'-diaminobenzidine by means of a variable-speed MSE gradient former tetrachloride were added. The reaction was started with 20-50 % (w/w) sucrose in 5 mM-Tris/HCl buffer, by addition of 50pl of 1 mM-H202. The A475 was pH 7.4 (unless stated otherwise), through the edge of followed at 20°C against a blank solution (no H202 the rotor. When the rotor was completely filled with added). lodination of tyrosine was followed by gradient a 12ml sample was introduced through the measuring the rate of production of monoiodo- feed line to the centre, by using a syringe. The tyrosine at 290nm (Morrison, 1973). The conversion sample layer was then displaced with 50ml of overlay ofmonoiodotyrosine into di-iodotyrosine was follow- solution [5 % (w/w) sucrose] and finally centrifuged ed as described by Neary et al. (1973). To obtain at 9000rev./min. At the end of the centrifugation reasonable recoveries (up to 50%) the peroxidase period (usually 24h), the zonal rotor was unloaded activities, being very labile, had to be measured as at 1500rev./min. Fractions (20ml) were collected soon as possible (on the same day of the experiment). manually by displacement with 55% (w/w) sucrose To stabilize the enzyme preparations KI (0.1 mM) solution. As a routine 36 fractions were collected. As (Neary et al., 1973) was added to all homogenates, the HS zonal rotor is transparent it- is possible to fractions and eluents, resulting in improved recoveries collect, during the run and under visual control, a throughout (up to 120%). For all peroxidases the part of the gradient containing a given peak and to amount of enzyme which gave a change of 0.001 replace it by new gradient. When the denser section A unit/s was defined as 1 munit. ofthe gradient was to be removed the zonal rotor was unloaded at 1500rev./min by displacement with water through the feed line of the rotor. Fractions Marker enzymes were collected through the edge of the rotor. When enough gradient was pumped out (with visual Monoamine oxidase (EC (Mushahwar et control) new gradient was introduced through the al., 1972; Wurtman & Axelrod, 1963) (outer mito- edge of the rotor (light solution first). chondrial membrane), cytochrome oxidase (EC (Cooperstein & Lazarow, 1951) (inner Enzyme assays mitochondrial membrane), acid phosphatase (EC (Kind & King, 1954) (lysosomes), glucose (EC This was determined by 6-phosphatase (EC (Morr6,1974), NADPH- recording the decrease of the A240 (disappearance of cytochrome c reductase (EC (Masters et al., the H202). The reaction mixture was prepared by 1967) (endoplasmic reticulum), 5'-nucleotidase (EC adding 1 ml of 3 % (w/w) H202 to 50ml of 50mM- (Morre, 1974) and alkaline phosphatase potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.25. Into a cuvette (EC (Hilderson et al., 1975) (plasma mem- 3ml of this reaction mixture and 0.2ml of enzyme branes) and catalase (EC (peroxisomes) solution were introduced and the A240 was recorded were used as markers. PI in glucose 6-phosphatase 1978 SUBCELLULAR STRUCTURE OF BOVINE THYROID GLAND 941 assays was measured by the method of Rouser et al. Results (1970). In a lOOOg supernatant the peroxidase activities could be determined with guaiacol (0.00466 unit/mg Chemical analyses of protein or 0.1llumol/min per mg of protein), 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrachloride (0.00030 unit/ Extraction andfractionation of lipids. Lipids from mg of protein), p-phenylenediamine (0.00283 unit/mg the pooled fractions obtained by Sepharose 2B of protein). It was impossible to detect peroxidase column chromatography of an Sb fraction were activity with the monoiodotyrosine and tyrosine extracted as described by Bligh & Dyer (1959). The iodination method. This could be due to interference lipids were further fractionated on a silicic acid of proteins (thyroglobulin ?). column (Hilderson et al., 1974). Cholesterol and lipid-bound P (total phospholipids) were determined as described by Rouser et al. (1970). Lipid-bound Differentialpelleting sialic acid was assayed as described by Lagrou The distributions of different markers and of et al. (1974). Sphingomyelin was measured by peroxidase activities were investigated after isolation phosphorus determination after saponification of of the N, M, L, P, Sa, Sb, Sc and Sd fractions (Fig. 1). the phospholipid fraction with HgCl2 as described by Thyroid mitochondria have a lower sedimentation Abramson et al. (1965). coefficient than rat liver mitochondria (Dierick & Protein. Portions (0.5ml) of the fractions were Hilderson, 1967), necessitating higher centrifugal measured by an adaptation of the method of Lowry forces for sedimentation (37000g, 10min). Under et al. (1951) with bovine serum albumin as a standard these conditions 5'-nucleotidase and alkaline phos- (Hilderson et al., 1975). phatase (plasma-membrane markers) show their RNA. This was determined by both u.v. spectro- highest relative specific activities in the L fraction. metry and phosphorus determination as described All other markers as well as the peroxidase activities earlier (Hilderson et al., 1975). are present at their highest relative specific activity in the M fraction. Therefore a localization of peroxi- Extraction ofperoxidase dase in plasma membranes seems to be unlikely. To obtain a clear-cut conclusion an M+L fraction was Peroxidase activity was extracted from thyroid further subjected to buoyant-density-gradient centri- microsomal fraction with 0.05M-Na2CO3, pH10.5, fugation in a HS zonal rotor. as described by Neary et al. (1973). Centrifugation ofan M+Lfraction in anHS zonalrotor Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis Effect ofcentrifugation time. M+L fractions (100- A sample (50,ul, 50-100ug of protein) was layered 300mg of protein) were centrifuged in an HS zonal on a 5% anionic gel (0.5cmx5.Ocm, cross-linking rotor during 5, 10 or 24h. After 5h of centrifugation 2.5%) buffered with 0.1 M-Na2CO3, pH 10.5, or the mitochondria had reached the zone of density 0.1 M-Tris/glycine, pH 8.3. A 4mA current per gel was 1.16g/cm3, their isopycnic density being 1.18. The applied for 60min at room temperature. Proteins other markers had hardly penetrated into the were stained with 0.5 % Amido Black dissolved in 7 % gradient. After lOh of centrifugation most markers (w/v) acetic acid. Separate gels were stained for were located in the vicinity of their isopycnic zones. peroxidase activity by immersing the gels in guaiacol, Satisfactory resolution was obtained between the p-phenylenediamine or 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetra- subcellular components (Fig. 2). After centrifugation chloride (incubation mixtures for enzyme assays, for 24h two distinct zones could be observed, as was left overnight). Destaining was performed by immer- the case in buoyant-density-gradient centrifugation sion overnight in the same mixtures but in the absence in a B-XIV zonal rotor (Hilderson et al., 1975), but of H202 and co-substrate. good resolution was lost. Cytochrome oxidase and monoamine oxidase coincided and were recovered in DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column chromatography the second zone. Catalase equilibrated at the same density as the mitochondria. p-Phenylenediamine, A sample of the Na2CO3 extract (3 ml, 6mg of guaiacol and 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrachloride protein/ml) was loaded on a DEAE-Sephadex A-50 peroxidase activities displayed a double peak column (2.5 cmx 12cm) and eluted first with 50ml distribution (one peak in each zone). However, their of 0.01 M-Na2CO3, pH 10.5, and then with 200ml of a profiles did not completely coincide. As the mito- linear gradient of 0-0.6M-NaCl in 0.01 M-Na2CO3, chondria migrated faster through the gradient than pH 10.5. KI (0.1 mM) was added to the eluent to the other subcellular components, the denser section stabilize the enzyme preparation (Neary et al., 1973). ofthe gradient was replaced after centrifuging for 5 h. Vol. 174 GA") M. J. S. DE WOLF AND OTHERS


8- AlkaUne phospheatase Lipid-bound sialic acid Catalase Im 6

4 2 I OL-A I_L mm m 10

8 5'-Nucleotidase Monoamine oxidase Cholesterol



.>t 2_

-co 0.

_ (a 10

8 Lipidd-bound phosphorus Glucose 6-phosphatase NADPH-cytochrome c . reductase

4 -

2 OL_ m a 1234 5 6 7 8 1234 5 6 7 8 1234 5 6 7 8 20 r 16 p-Phenylenediamine 3,3'-Diaminobenzidine Guaiacol peroxidase peroxidase tetrachloride peroxidase 12

8 L. 4

o t l 0 50 1OC0 0 50 100 0 50 100 Protein (% of total)

Fig. 1. Distribution patterns after differential pelleting ofa 0.25M-sucrose homogenate 1, Nuclear fraction; 2, mitochondrial fraction; 3, light mitochondrial fraction; 4, microsomal fraction; 5, S. fraction; 6, Sb fraction; 7, Sc fraction; 8, Sd fraction.

The remaining subcellular components were further when heparin (50i.u./ml) was added to both homo- centrifuged for an additional 19h. The results of this genization medium and gradient (Fig. 4). Glucose experiment are shown in Fig. 3. No good resolution 6-phosphatase equilibrated at lower densities (around was obtained between the maxima of catalase, 1.11 g/cm3). This shift in buoyant density towards p-phenylenediamine, guaiacol and 3,3'-diamino- lower values is due to the release of ribosomes from benzidine tetrachloride peioxidase. However, the rough-endoplasmic-reticulum membranes (Hilderson peroxidase activities did not show identical profiles. et al., 1975). The peak of guaiacol peroxidase shifted None of them coincided with the profiles of the along with glucose 6-phosphatase, whereas p-phenyl- plasma-membrane markers. ene-diamine peroxidase was less affected by the Effect ofheparin. Better resolutions were obtained heparin procedure. Catalase (1.169g/cm3) equilibra- 1978 SUBCELLULAR STRUCTURE OF BOVINE THYROID GLAND 943

containing very small membranous fragments. The 10 60 - third band, formed after 5h, consisted chiefly of 40g mitochondria (identified by biochemical methods). 6 20 Q During the centrifugation, profiles of all markers 0 4 o except those for mitochondria shifted to lower values. v:. The peroxidases shifted along with the second peak 2 [ of glucose 6-phosphatase to lower densities (1.13 g/ I-- cm3). In the mitochondrial fractions (1 .18g/cm3) 14 obtained by replacement of the gradient after 5h 12 cytochrome oxidase and monoamine oxidase did not .2S.on coincide, the former having migrated further into the 10 _ gradient. Therefore, the outer membrane of mito- 8 chondria was very probably separated from the inner 0 6 membrane. Treatment with 5mM-pyrophosphate was Ut. la 4._ less drastic. The two mitochondrial markers did coincide and the other markers migrated further into 4) 2 the gradient than in the presence of 50mM-pyrophos- IU phate. The peroxidase activities equilibrated at the 10 _ second half of the distribution profile of glucose 8 6-phosphatase (1.144g/cm3). 2 Effect ofdigitonin with heparin. In a previous paper 6- (Hilderson et al., 1975) it has been reported that the 4- addition of digitonin to the sample results in a shift

2 to higher densities of both plasma and endoplasmic- reticulum membranes. To eliminate possible aggre- gation the experiment was repeated in the presence of 0 10 20 30 40 50i.u. of heparin/ml to both medium and gradient Fraction no. (3.5mg of digitonin/ml sample; 10min). In those Fig. 2. Centrifugation ofan M + Lfraction in an HS zonal conditions the plasma membranes and rough- rotor endoplasmic-reticulum membranes shifted in oppo- Experimental conditions: 9000rev./min for lOh. site directions, the former to higher densities (from (a) -, Protein; *--e, A260; 0-0, A280; 1.13 to 1.14g/cm3), the latter to lower densities (from -----, slope of gradient. (b) ----, 5'-Nucleotidase; 1.19 to 1.125g/cm3). Guaiacol peroxidase shifted *----e, alkaline phosphatase; o, glucose 6-phos- along with glucose 6-phosphatase (to density 1.12g/ phatase; , acid phosphatase; A, cytochrome on the other oxidase. (c) -, Catalase; e, guaiacol peroxidase; cm3). p-Phenylenediamine peroxidase o,p-phenylenediamine peroxidase. hand displayed a smaller shift to lower densities (1.13 g/cm3) and showed a broader distribution than guaiacol peroxidase. ted between the density of the second peak of p- Subfractionation of a Sb fraction on Sepharose 2B. phenylene-diamine peroxidase (1.15 g/cm3) and that Fraction Sb (2ml, 125mg of protein/ml), made up of the cytochrome oxidase-monoamine oxidase peak with equilibration solution to 6ml, was loaded on a (1.172 g/cm3). From the results of these heparin Sepharose 2B column (35cmx2.5cm equilibrated experiments a localization of guaiacol peroxidase with 0.14M-NaCl/lOmM-Tris/HCl buffer, pH 7.4) (1.12g/cm3) in plasma membranes (1.13 g/cm3) or and eluted with the same solution. Then 24 fractions peroxisomes (1.169g/cm3) seems unlikely. of 6.5ml were collected. The distribution profiles of Effect ofpyrophosphate. Sachs (1958) pointed out some markers and peroxidase activities are repre- that pyrophosphate is able to release ribosomes from sented in Fig. 6. From this Figure it is apparent that rough-endoplasmic-reticulum membranes. Thus an most markers are eluted in two peaks. A first peak M+L fraction was treated overnight at 4'C with (a) was eluted with the void volume (determined with 5mM-sodium pyrophosphate or (b) 50mM-sodium Dextran Blue). The second peak emerged at 130ml. pyrophosphate (pH7.4, in 5mM-Tris/HCl buffer) To investigate this phenomenon both peaks were and subjected to buoyant-density-gradient centri- pooled and the lipid content (cholesterol, total fugation (Fig. 5, no pyrophosphate added to the phospholipids, sphingomyelin, lipid-bound sialic gradient). In the presence of 50mM-pyrophosphate a acid) was determined (Table 1). The bulk of the first small band containing membranous material lipids was recovered in the first peak, indicating that (identified by phase-contrast microscopy) was formed this peak probably consisted of membranous after 30min ofcentrifugation at the edge ofthe rotor; material. Therefore a large part of the enzymes after 3 h a second band appeared at that position present in the S fraction is membrane bound (mol. Vol. 174 944 M. J. S. DE WOLF AND OTHERS

10 a)1 8

6 0




o- 12 r- r- -00- la ci i0H S.0 bo 8

6 0 4 c) 2 s-(U &

12 (f) 10 8 A1 6


2 S.-. 0 I I I I I I 0 10 20 30 40 1 5 10 5 0 Fraction no. Fig. 3. Biphasic centrifugation ofan M + L fraction in an HS zonal rotor Experimental conditions: after an initial phase (9000rev./min, for 5h) the denser part of the gradient was replaced (d, e,f) and the centrifugation was continued for an additional 19h at 9000rev./min (a, b, c). (a) and (d): , protein; *, A260; 0, A280; ---, slope of gradient. (b) and (e): , acid phosphatase; ----, 5'-nucleotidase; *, alkaline phosphatase; o, glucose 6-phosphatase; *, cytochrome oxidase. (c) and (f): , catalase; o, p-phenylenediamine peroxidase; e, guaicol peroxidase; *, 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrachloride peroxidase. wt.> 107); 3% of the proteins was recovered in the in the first peak. The 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetra- first peak. The bulk ofthe proteins eluted between the chloride peroxidase and p-phenylenediamine per- major peaks of the markers and was shown by oxidase were present in both peaks in comparable spectrometry to consist mainly of thyroglobulin amounts. Catalase was predominantly recovered (maximum at 280nm, minimum at 256nm, shoulder from the second peak (enzyme solubilized from the near 290nm). It was also shown that the second peak peroxisomes during the fractionation). of glucose 6-phosphatase activity was entirely due to Gel electrophoresis of the peroxidases. The per- the presence of acid phenylphosphatase (Hilderson oxidase activity was extracted from a P fraction with et al., 1976). The enzyme activity at the void volume Na2CO3 as described in the Materials and Methods was due to the presence of a true glucose 6-phospha- section. 3,3'-Diaminobenzidine tetrachloride, p- tase (only 1.3 % interference of phenylphosphatase). phenylenediamine and guaiacol peroxidase activity The profiles of the peroxidase activities did not were detectable in the Na2CO3 extract. However, coincide. Guaiacol peroxidase was chiefly recovered there was less 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrachloride 1978 SUBCELLULAR STRUCTURE OF BOVINE THYROID GLAND 945

10 DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column chromatography. 60 3- 8 Na2CO3 extract (3ml; 6mg of protein/ml) was 40 * loaded on a DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column (2.5 cm x 6 20 'O 12cm) and eluted as described in the Materials and 4 0 0 C) Methods section (Fig. 8). The recuperation for all 2 C.', peroxidase activities varied from 70 to 102%. All peroxidase activities displayed coinciding double- peak distributions. Part of all peroxidase activities -o 1 6 did not adsorb on the column. The rest did elute with 14- peak values at 0.3M-NaCl. The percentage distri- '- 12 bution for the individual peroxidase activities, however, was different in both peak fractions. In the 10 first one the following series of decreasing peroxidase -0 8 activities was found: 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetra- vS.) 6 chloride, iodination of tyrosine, iodination of mono- 0 (o 4- iodotyrosine, p-phenylenediamine, guaiacol. In the S. second peak fraction the decreasing series was the reverse: guaiacol, p-phenylenediamine, iodination of monoiodotyrosine, iodination of tyrosine, 3,3'- 12_ diaminobenzidine tetrachloride. This phenomenon 10 can hardly be ascribed to the presence of one single enzyme protein. Catalase also displayed a double- peak distribution. However, the second peak fraction was eluted at 0.15M-NaCl. This indicates that this enzyme does not have any peroxidase activity in those conditions.

0 10 20 30 40 Discussion Fraction no. Generally one accepts that a peroxidase activity plays an essential role in the iodination process of Fig. 4. Centrifugation of a heparin-treated M + L fraction thyroglobulin. Indeed, the physiological concen- in na HS zonal rotor trations of iodine and iodide alone cannot account Experimental conditions: heparin (50i.u./ml) was added to both medium and gradient. A 12ml sample for the rapid iodination of thyroglobulin in the was injected and centrifuged during 23 h at 9000 rev./ thyroid cells. Moreover, catalase inhibits the iodina- Addition min. (a) , Protein; *---o, A260; o, A280; ---, tion through removal of endogenous H202. slope of gradient. (b) ---, 5'-Nucleotidase; *---9, of exogenous H202 abolishes this effect (Tong, 1971). alkaline phosphatase; 0, glucose 6-phosphatase; A, Furthermore, many peroxidases are capable of cytochrome oxidase; U, monoamine oxidase; iodinating proteins (Pohl, 1976): horseradish per- acid phosphatase. (c) , Catalase; o,p-phenylene- oxidase especially was studied intensively as a model diamine peroxidase; *, guaiacol peroxidase. for iodination of thyroglobulin (Morrison, 1973). In the thyroid tissue the peroxidase activity is measured by different methods. In biochemical assays guaiacol peroxidase is preferentially used as the peroxidase activity in this fraction; 50pl of the reaction catalysed seems to be a good model for the Na2CO3 extract was subjected to polyacrylamide-gel coupling reaction (Morrison, 1973). Aromatic electrophoresis. After electrophoresis at pH 10.5 the phenols and amines have been frequently used for gel stained with Amido Black showed a major band peroxidase determination in cytochemical studies. and two minor components. The enzyme activity in However, one must be cautious when interpreting the p-phenylenediamine-stained gel exactly corres- the results of such experiments as haemoproteins, ponded with the major protein band. Guaiacol non-haem-iron proteins, copper-proteins etc. could staining was only observed at the sample zone: this also be able to convert these compounds (Morrison, was also the case when was 1973). Finally, one must keep in mind that it is not subjected to an analogous procedure. No staining certain that the different co-substrates used in the could be observed with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetra- different experiments are oxidized by the same chloride. Similar results were obtained at pH8.3; enzyme. In this respect it is important to note that however, p-phenylenediamine peroxidase activity patients with Batten-Spielmeyer-Vogt disease are migrated further into the gel (Fig. 7). deficient for p-phenylenediamine peroxidase in both Vol. 174 946 M. J. S. DE WOLF AND OTHERS

12 -

10 _

8 4 I-,

6 0 C) 4_ C,,



12 " *4 *' 10.- 0

X~be 6. I..4) C)0

14 (f) 124

0>,2-10 ou 8


I I I I I I I 0 10 20 30 440 15 10 5 0 Fraction no.

Fig. 5. Biphasic centrifugation ofa pyrophosphate-treated M+ Lfraction in an HS zonal rotor Experimental conditions: An M+L fraction was treated overnight at 40C with 50mM-sodium pyrophosphate (pH7.4

in 5mM-Tris/HCl buffer). A 12ml sample was injected and centrifuged as described in Fig. 3. (a) and (d): , protein; *----@, A260; 0, A280; -.-, slope of gradient. (b) and (e): 5'-nucleotidase; 0, glucose 6-phosphatase; acid phosphatase; A, cytochrome oxidase; a, monoamine oxidase. (c) and (f): *-----, guaiacol peroxidase; o, p-phenylenediamine peroxidase; *, 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrachloride peroxidase.

leucocytes and thyroid tissue, although their thyroid neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis show deficiency for function appears to be normal. Leucocytes of these p-phenylenediamine peroxidase in leucocytes, but patients, however, show normal guaiacol peroxidase not for guaiacol peroxidase (Patel et al., 1974). concentrations. Furthermore, in cytochemical studies Therefore one can conclude that different per- peroxidase activity was reported to be deficient in the oxidases are likely to exist, even in thyroid tissue. It thyroid tissue, but not in leucocytes of some patients also appears possible that guaiacol peroxidase could with thyroid hypofunction (Armstrong et al., 1975; be the enzyme involved in the iodination of thyro- Clausen & Jensen, 1975). English setters with globulin. 1978 SUBCELLULAR STRUCTRUE OF BOVINE THYROID GLAND 947

20 5

10 5 0

10 0

0 (b) I 1'. t

0 10 20 30 (a) (b) Ic) (d) Fraction no. Fig. 7. Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of an Na2CO3 Fig. 6. Chromatography ofan Sb fraction on Sepharose 2B extract ofa Pfraction For the experimental conditions see the text. (a) See the Materials and Methods section for details. -,Catalase; o, p-phenylenediamine peroxidase; (a) Proteins stained with Amido Black; (b) p-phenyl------, guaiacol peroxidase; U, 3,3'-diamino- enediamine peroxidase activity; (c) guaiacol per- benzidine tetrachloride peroxidase. (b) -, Acid oxidase activity; (d) horseradish guaiacol peroxidase. phosphatase; o, glucose 6-phosphatase; A, cyto- Arrows indicate the positions of proteins and chrome creductase; ----, S'-nucleotidase; *----e, peroxidase activities. protein.

guaiacol peroxidase or in the p-phenylenediamine Table 1. Sepharose 2B chromatography of an Sb fraction peroxidase activity zones. In the electrophoresis experiments 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrachloride per- Distribution of lipids (Y.) oxidase activity was not detectable. When reviewing the literature relating to the Peak A and Compound (void volume) Peak B subcellular localization of peroxidase activities iodination process conflicting results and inter- Cholesterol 85 15 pretations become apparent. Strum & Karnovsky Total phospholipids 70 30 Alkaline stable phospholipids 70 30 (1970), using a cytochemical method with 3,3'- diaminobenzidine as co-substrate, find Lipid-bound sialic acid 70 21 tetrachloride peroxidase activity in perinuclear cisternae, endo- plasmic reticulum cisternae, inner lamellae of the Golgi apparatus, vesicles at the apical side of the The results reported in thee present paper are not in thyroid cell and microvilli near the follicle lumen. On contradiction with this poiint of view. (1) During the basis of these results they tend to localize the gel electrophoresis p-phen3ylenediamine peroxidase iodination process at the microvilli although they activitymigratesintothegel, whileguaiacolperoxidase cannot preclude iodination in apical vesicles. activity remains in the samr)le zone. (2) The DEAE- However, Hosoya et al. (1973) using similar experi- Sephadex A-50 elution profiles of both activities are ments localize iodination in the endoplasmic retic- different. (3) Different Sephkarose 2B elution profiles ulum. Novikoff et al. (1974) claim that iodination is (Sb fraction) are also obtained for guaiacol per- taking place in the colloid surrounding the micro- oxidase and p-phenylenediEamine peroxidase activi- villi. Conflicting results are also obtained when ties. (4) Buoyant-density--gradient centrifugation applying radioautography.Indeed, Strum & Karnov- results in different distributiion profiles, especially in sky (1970) find labelling in the follicle lumen after the presence of heparin. (5i) 3,3'-Diaminobenzidine 10s of incorporation. Croft & Pitt-Rivers (1970) on tetrachloride activity is Ilocalized either in the the other hand found the label inside the cells Vol. 174 948 M. J. S. DE WOLF AND OTHERS

60 unlikely. (2) Guaiacol peroxidase activity is almost (a) , completely membrane bound, as it is eluted with the void volume when performing chromatography on 40 / 1-1 t Sepharose 2B and is never observed at the far left end of the gradient during buoyant-density-gradient laEi 20 20 centrifugation. (3) The distribution profile of 3,3'- U diaminobenzidine tetrachloride peroxidase activity o 0 is different from those of the other peroxidase C)- O activities (Fig. 3). Its elution profile on Sepharose 2B (U (b) (Fig. 6) differs from the guaiacol profile. 3,3'-Di- , 60 0 aminobenzidine tetrachloride peroxidase activity U cannot be demonstrated when performing gel > 40 electrophoresis (Fig. 7) while p-phenylenediamine peroxidase and guaiacol peroxidase activities can be I; S.-~~~~~~~~~~~~\ easily demonstrated in those conditions. (4) Guaiacol 20 peroxidase and p-phenylenediamine peroxidase activities are probably attributable to separate proteins (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7). (5) Guaiacol per- oxidase activity is localized in rough-endoplasmic- 0 10 20 30 40 reticulum membranes. This is substantiated by the Fraction no. distribution profiles in the zonal rotor, that always Fig. 8. Chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-50 of an follow the distribution of glucose 6-phosphatase in Na2CO3 extract of a Pfraction the gradients. This is particularly clear-cut when For experimental conditions see the Materials and comparing the buoyant densities in the absence and Methods section. (a) -, Catalase; *------, iodination of monoiodotyrosine; *, iodination of in the presence of heparin, digitonin or pyrophos- tyrosine; -.-, slope of NaCl gradient. (b) *-----, phate (Figs. 3, 4 and 5). The guaiacol peroxidase Guaiacol peroxidase; o, p-phenylenediamine per- peaks never coincide with the maxima for plasma- oxidase; *, 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrachloride membrane markers. As guaiacol peroxidase always peroxidase. coincides with a part of the second peak of glucose 6-phosphatase one can say that this enzyme activity belongs to a specialized region of the rough endo- provided that the incorporation time does not exceed plasmic reticulum or to membranes very closely rela- 55s. When fixation is delayed for 2min the label is ted to them, e.g, apical vesicles (Strum & Karnovsky, predominantly found over the peripheral region of 1970) or A granules (Novikoff et al., 1974). the follicle lumen. Therefore, iodide seems to be The question then arises where exactly the iodin- captured initially within the cells. However, it was ation process itself occurs. From our experiments not clear whether or not the binding protein is rough-endoplasmic-reticulum membrane localiza- thyroglobulin. In agreement with these results tion of the peroxidase activity involved is very likely. Edwards & Morrison (1976) demonstrated that after However, it is therefore not absolutely certain that prefixation of the tissue the label is localized within the iodination does occur where the bulk of the the cells and not in the follicle lumen. The bulk of the guaiacol peroxidase is localized. Indeed, one could label was found at the level of the endoplasmic argue that the peroxidase, synthesized at the level of reticulum. Using biochemical methods Hosoya et al. the rough-endoplasmic-reticulum membranes apd (1971) suggest the localization of guaiacol peroxidase stored there, is ultimately functioning in small to be in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. From their amounts (not as yet detectable) elsewhere in the experiments it is clear that the peroxidase cannot be thyroid cell where H202 is provided. One could also localized in the plasma membranes, in the follicle argue that the distribution profiles recorded in our lumen, the Golgi apparatus or the mitochondria. A experiments are simply the distribution profiles of clear-cut localization, however, could not be pro- the so-called Novikoff A-granules, that do not vided. Summarizing, one can say that iodination behave differently from rough-endoplasmic-retic- seems to be a very rapid process and that the con- ulum membranes. Finally, if, as suggested by flicting results found in the literature could be due to Novikoff, iodination occurs in the colloid fluid, we the speed of this phenomenon. want to stress that the peroxidase must remain From our experiments the following conclusions membrane bound. can be drawn. (1) The peroxidase activities are The authors are indebted to Mrs. G. Moors-Naessens sedimentable. They concentrate predominantly in the (marker and marker enzyme assays) and Mr. R. Goossens M fraction. From the distribution patterns it can be (centrifugation in zonal rotors) for valuable technical concluded that a localization in plasma membranes is assistance. 1978 SUBCELLULAR STRUCTURE OF BOVINE THYROID GLAND 949

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