Occasional Celebrations Occasional Celebrations of the Anglican Church of Canada ABC Publishing ANGLICAN BOOK CENTRE ABC Publishing, Anglican Book Centre General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON Canada M4Y 3G2
[email protected] www.abcpublishing.com www.pathbooks.com Copyright ©1992 by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada All rights reserved. Individual owners of this book may copy sections of it for use in liturgical events, except for those sections (clearly marked in the body of the text) which may be copied only with the written permission of publishers who hold copyright. Copies must bear the acknowledgement, “Excerpted from Occasional Celebrations, copyright © 1992 by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada and published by ABC Publishing, Anglican Book Centre, 80 Hayden Street, Toronto M4Y 3G2.” Large-scale copying, copying for distribution beyond use in specific liturgical events, and copying for sale are prohibited without written permission. Acknowledgements and copyrights appear on pages 9–11, which constitute a continuation of the copyright page. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Anglican Church of Canada Occasional celebrations ISBN 0-921846-51-7 1. Anglican Church of Canada – Liturgy – Texts. I. Anglican Church of Canada. Doctrine and Worship Committee. II. Title. BX5616.A54 1992 264’.03 C92-093994-5 Typeset by Jay Tee Graphics Ltd. Table of Contents Introduction 7 New Texts 8 Acknowledgements 9 Seasons and Festivals A Advent Festival of