Benedictio Rosariorum Blessing of Rosaries
BENEDICTIO ROSARIORUM BLESSING OF ROSARIES Sacerdos stolam albam deferens, dicit: The priest wears a white stole, and says: = Adiutórium nostrum in nómine Dómini. = Our help is in the name of the Lord. + Qui fecit cælum et terram. + Who made heaven and earth. = Dóminus vobísum. = The Lord be with you. + Et cum spíritu tuo. + And with your spirit. Orémus. Let us pray. Omnípotens et miséricors Deus, qui Almighty and merciful God, on proper exímiam caritátem tuam qua dilexísti account of your very great love for us, you nos, Fílium tuum unigénitum, Dóminum willed that your only-begotten Son, our Lord nostrum Iesum Christum de cælis in terram Jesus Christ, should come down from heaven descéndere, et de beatíssimæ Vírginis Maríæ to earth, and at the angel's message take flesh Dóminæ nostræ útero sacratíssimo, Angelo in the most sacred womb of Our Lady, the nuntiánte, carnem suscípere, crucémque ac most blessed Virgin Mary, submit to death on mortem subíre, et tértia die glorióse a mórtuis the cross, and then rise gloriously from the resúrgere voluísti, ut nos eríperes de potestá- dead on the third day, in order to deliver us tem diáboli: obsecrámus imménsam cleménti- from Satan's tyranny. We humbly beg you, in am tuam ut hæc signa (vel hoc signum ) Rosá- your boundless goodness to bless „ and to rii in honórem et laudem eiúsdem Genetrícis sanctify „ these Rosaries (or this Rosary ), Fílii tui ab Ecclésia tua fidéli dicáta (vel which your faithful Church has consecrated to dicátum ) bene „ dícas et sanctí „ fices, eís- the honor and praise of the Mother of your que (vel eíque ) tantam infúndas virtútem Son.
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