Acridoidea of south-west Angola ()


JOYCE B. MASON. (London).


This paper is a contribution to descriptions of the fauna of Acri- doidea of Angola. It relates to a collection of 407 specimens for- warded by Dr. José Passos de Carvalho of the Instituto de Investi- gaçäo Agronómica de Angola. A complete list for the region is given with additional notes in some cases. The specimens were mainly caught in south - west Angola or west Angola in various cultivations. 011e of the main features of the collection was the bright colouration of the hind wings, the inner side of the hind femur and the hind tibiae. Some unusual colouration combinations were noted. The terminology used for the figures of genitalia is similar to that in Dirsh (1956). The terminology used for describing the 9 genitalia was that of Slifer (1939) and Agarwala (1952).



1. Phymateus sp. (nymphs).

Localities : Chianga, 26 - III - 1953, 1 8 (Mandes da Ponte) : Ouibala, 22 - IV - 1969, 1 9 (P. Carvalho).

9. Taphronota calliparea (Schaum, 1853).

Poecilocerus calliparea Schaum, 1853. Ber. Verh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, n.° 2, pág. 778 (Kevan, 1962: 230). 92 JOYCE B. MASON

2 e j')1 "94-4 •16 23 1,4•Ian9e

19 • • 21 12

12 24 11wSilva Porto e w-113 5 • 1 Lie Nova Lisboa 71 3 18 14

xSa da Bandeira • 17 6 16 22 15

Map I.—Map of Angola, showing localities where the material was collected 1) Alto Capaca ; 2) Bragança ; 3) Caála ; 4) Cacuso ; 5) Caimbambo ; 6) Caiundo ; 7) Calondo ; 8) Cangombe ; 9) Canhoca ; 10) Cassequel ; 11) Ceilunga ; 12) Cela ; 13) Chianga ; 14) Cruz ; 15) Cunene ; 16) Gangassol ; 17) Humpata ; 18) Lufefena ; 19) Muquitixe ; 20) Nova Lisboa ; 21) Quibala ; 22) Roçadas ; 23) Salazar ; 24) Soque.


Poecilocerus porosus Stäl, 1855: 352 (I. Bolivar, 1884: 475). Taphronota subverrucosa Saussure, 1899: 645, 646 (Kevan, 1962: 230). Taphronota dimidiata I. Bolivar, 1904: 395, 397 (Sjöstedt, 1929: 12). Taphronota amaranthina I. Bolivar, 1904: 395, 400 (Kevan, 1962: 230). Taphronota calliparea var. poultoni I. Bolivar, 1904: 394, 397 (Kevan, 1955: 78). Pyrgophyma sabaudum Giglio - Tos, 1907: 3 (Kevan, 1963: 108). Taphronota vicina Sjöstedt, 1929: 13 (Kevan, 1955: 78). Taphronota calliparea var. imniaculata Sjöstedt, 1929: 13 (Kevan, 1955: 78). Taphronota cincta (Burmeister, 1838: 623) (Kevan, 1962: 230).

Localities : Muquitixe, 13 - II - 1971, 2 8 8 (J. Manuel) : Chian- ga, 28 - IV - 1968, 1 y (P. Carvalho). This species damages Mucuna stans Welw. ex Bak. —a decorative legume—. The subspecies, forms, and distribution of Taphronota calliparea are rather uncertain. For these reasons I have treated the present material at specific level only. The basic synononymy is given also at specific level. The full synonymy of the subspecies and forms are given by Kevan (1974) in his revision of the genus Taphronota.


3. Laufferia chloronota (I. Bolivar, 1889).

Ochrophlebia chloronota I. Bolivar, 1889. J. Sci. Lisb., t. I (2), pág. 111 (I. Bolivar, 1904: 445, 446).

Localities : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 4 81/4 , 2 9 9 .

4. Scabropyrgus scabrosus (I. Bolivar, 1889).

Ochrophlebia scabrosa I. Bolivar, 1889. J. Sci. Acad., Lisb., t. I (2), pág. 112. Tanita scabrosa (I. Bolivar, 1889: 112) (I. Bolivar, 1904: 446). Scabropyrgus scabrosus (I. Bolivar, 1889: 112) (Kevan, 1962: 127).

Localities : C. E. Cela, 11 - X - 1968, 1 , 1 9 ; C. E. Ceilun- ga, 18 - VI - 1970, 1 9 (j. Correia) ; Ceilunga, 9 - IX - 1971, 1 9 (L. Amorim).


5. Pyrgomorpha granulata Stäl, 1875.

Pyrgontorpha granulata Stal, 1875. Bih. K. Svenska Vet. - Akad. Handl., t. III (14), pág. 26. Pyrgontorpha angolensis I. Bolívar, 1889: 108 (Dirsh, 1966: 84). Pyrgoniorpha sandeni Krauss, 1901: 287 (Uvarov, 1929: 67). Pyrgoinorpha cylindrica I. Bolívar, 1904: 452, 453 (Dirsh, 1966: 84).

Localities : Muquitixe, 5 - V - 1971, 1 , 1 9 (Correia) ; Chian- ga, 12- III - 1971, 1 (Barradas ; Alto Capaca, 11 - XII - 1969, 3 y y (José Maia): Chianga, 27 - IV - 1964, 1 9 (L. Amorim), 12 - V - 1970, 1 8 (Patricio e Elias), 8 - V - 1970), 1 (Patricio e Elias), 24- XI - 1969, 1 y (José Maia), 31 - VII - 1969, 1 9 (P. Car- valho), 6- VIII - 1968, 2 (Gastäo) ; Humpata, 25 - IX - 1970, 1 9 ( J. Manuel). This species attacks Gossypium sp , Lycopersicum esculentum and Solanum guitdense.

Eilenbergia gen. nov.

. Medium size, slender. Integument rugose and granulose. Antenna shorter than head and pronotum together, narrow ensiform. Head elongate narrow, acutely conical. Fastigium of vertex transversely slightly convex, narrowing to rounded apex ; fastigial areolae distinct with short lateral carinulae ; median carinula sharp, well developed ; frons strongly obligue and incurved ; frontal ridge narrow with deep sulcus aboye ocellus and with sharp lateral carinulae which expand aboye antennae, shallow sulcus below ocellus with obtuse lateral carinulae. Pronoturn with flattened dorsum ; median carina sharp linear ; lateral carinae in prozona sharp, in metazona indistinct ; two sulci interrupting median carina ; metazona much shorter than prozona ; posterior margin obtuse angular. Lower margin of lateral lobe obligue; posterior comer pointed. Prosternal process widely subconical, obtuse. Mesosternal interspace as wide as its length ; distant from metasternal interspace, which is transverse. Tegmina and wings fully developed, extending well beyond end of abdomen. Hind femur narrow, slender ; external apical spine of hind tibia absent. Arolium large. Supra - anal plate elongate angular. Cercus straight, narrowing to apex. Subgenital plate short subconical with obtuse apex.


Subgenital plate trilobate. Ovipositor of moderate length, external with robust curved valves ; lower valve with small, angular lateral projection ; outer edge of upper valve slightly serrated. Type species Eilenbergia sagitta nov. sp. This genus is related to Pyrgomorpha and Tanita, though more It closely related to Pyrgomorpha, being more slender than Tanita. differs from both genera in the shape of the pronotum ; the dorsum in the is more flattened, the lateral carinae are sharply developed anterior half of the prozona, are parallel then slightly diverging towards the metazona where they are more or less obliterated. In poorly Pyrgomorpha they are irregular and obtuse ; in Tanita they are developed but noticeable in front of the first sulcus of the prozona margin in and in the posterior end of the metazona. The posterior Eilenbergia is obtuse angular but acute, while in Pyrgomorpha and of the Tanita it is widely rounded or rounded. The lower margin anterior part slightly lateral lobe of the pronotum is oblique with the shorter than the posterior part, the posterior comer is pointed, with the point projecting backwards. This genus and species has been named in the honour of in writing this Dr. M. D. Eilenberg whose help and encouragement paper is greatly appreciated.

6. Eilenbergia sagitta nov. sp. (Figs. 1 - 11).

Holotype 8 , Caála, Angola (British Museum [Natural History]).

holotype : Medium size, slender. Integument finely rugose and granulose. Fastigium of vertex slightly longer than its width apex tubercles rounded. Head as long as pronotum. Postocular row of numerous, comparatively small. Dorsum of pronotum finely granu- lose ; lateral carina in prozona sharp, diverging gradually towards prozona ; lower margin metazona, almo st parallel in anterior part of angle with small pointed of lateral lobe obligue: posterior lower angular, subacute. projection ; posterior margin of metazona obtuse tegmen- Tegmina and wings extending well beyond end of abdomen ; with pointed apex ; margin of wing anterior to vena dividens, pointed. Last ab- Lower lobe of hind knee on both sides angular subacute.


nov. gen. and nov. sp., 8 : 1) head and Figs. 1 - 11.—Eilenbergia sagitta lateral view ; 2) end of abdomen, dorsal view ; 3) the same, pronotum, dorsal view ; view ; 4) meso- and metanotum, ventral view ; 5) phallic complex, dorsal view ; 7) endophallus, lateral view ; 8) epiphallus, dorsal 6) the same, lateral dorsal view. 9 : 9) end of abdomen, ventral view ; 10) subgenital plate, view ; 11) spermatheca.

«ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 97 dominal tergite with posterior margin rounded on sides. Cercus straight with lower part slightly expanded, almost reaching end of supra - anal plate, narrowing to subacute apex. Subgenital plate obtusely conical. Phallic complex Apical part of valves of penis short, in profile strongly upcurved, narrowing towards apex, which is slightly ex- panded, apical sheath of penis (AV aedeagal valves, Akbar and Kevan, 1963) is attached to sclerotized membrane which is analogous to arch of cingulum of (Dirsh, 1956), which is equivalent to the pseudoarch of Akbar and Kevan (1963) ; apical sclerotization of ectophallus (valves of cingulum, Dirsh, 1956) not reaching apex of penis, wide, with abruptly strongly sclerotized dentate apex ; basal part of valves of penis moderately short, greatly widening at rounded proximal ends, with apices curving towards each other ; middle part of valves wide ; ectophallus pear - shaped, capsule - like ; central membrane thin and triangular ; proximal ernargination of capsule moderately narrow and deep ; proximal projections of capsule curving inwards, apices subacute ; extending beyond proximal ends of valves of penis. Epiphallus with wide bridge, anterior processes lobe - like, divergent ; lophi finger - like, facing outwards ; dorso - lateral plates large elongate with outer posterior projections, narrowing to acute apices. General colouration dark brown, black with streaks of buff, the dorsal part dark, the ventral part buff ; postocular row of tubercles buff, basal part of lateral lobe of pronotum and thorax buff ; tegmina with longitudinal streaks of black, brown and buff ; wing violet ; apical part and outer margin slightly infumate or colourless ; tergites of abdomen with blackish - violet patches on the dorsal and half of lateral part ; outer side of hind femur buff at base, black at hind knee, dark brown near tarsus, tarsus darl: brown. Measurements (mm) : Length of body 17.7; pronotum 3.6; teg- men 14.8; hind femur 8.6. 9 allotype Larger and more robust. Antenna shorter or as long as head and half pronotum together ; head shorter than length of pronotum. Lateral lobes of subgenital plate slightly rounded, cercus three - quarters of the length of the epiproct. Ovipositor robust, valves about three times as long as deep, serrated on dorsal outer margins ; lower valve with angular external projection.


Spermathecal duct simple coiled, wider at end, main reservoir relatively small ; diverticula absent. Colour similar to holotype. Measurements (mm) : Length of body 24.0; pronotum 5.0; teg- men 20.0; hind femur 12.0. The paratypes are uniform, colouration varying very slightly with shade of brownness. The 9 tegmina are slightly paler buff. The .3‘ holotype, 9 allotype and 2 , 1 9 paratypes are temporarily deposited in the British Museum (Natural History). Holotype locality : Caála, 17 km, 25 - IX - 1971 (Gastäo). Paratypes : (same data).

7. Tanita stulta I. Bolivar, 1912.

Tanita stulta I. Bolivar, 1912. Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., t. XIX, pág. 89. Tanita obesa Uvarov, 1953: 212 (Dirsh, 1970: 53).

Localities : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 , 2 9 9 (Correia), 22 - IX - 1971, 1 (Inocéncio).

8. Tanita loosi I. Bolivar, 1904.

Tanita loosi I. Bolivar, 1904. Bol. Soc. esp. Hist. nat., t. IV, pág. 449. Tanita ferrierei I. Bolivar, 1904: 447, 450 (Kevan, 1962: 141). Tanita loosi loosi I. Bolivar, 1904: 447, 449 (Kevan, 1962: 245). Tanita loosi pulchra Kevan, 1962: 137 (Dirsh, 1966: 88).

Localities : Chianga, 24 - VIII - 1970, 1 , 1 9 (Joel), 15 - IX - 1971, 4 9 9 (Gastäo), 6- VIII - 1968, 2 ,3‘ (Inocéncio) ; Ceilun- ga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 (Correia).

9. Tanita subcylindrica (I. Bolivar, 1882).

Ochrophlebia subcylindrica I. Bolivar, 1882. J. Sci. math. phys. nat., Lisboa, t. VIII, pág. 109. Pyrgomorpha picturata Karsch, 1888: 340 (Kevan, 1962: 145). Pyrgomorpha linea- alba I. Bolivar, 1888: 181 (Dirsh, 1966: 89). Tanita subcylindrica (I. Bolivar, 1882: 183) (Kevan, 1962: 186).

Localities : C. E. Cela, 11 - X - 1968, 1 8‘ (P. Carvalho). «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 99


10. Chrotogonus hemipterus Schaum, 1853.

Chrotogonus hemipterus Schaum, 1853. Ber. Verh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, n.° 2, pág. 780. Chrotogonus micropterus I. Bolívar, 1884: 38, 40 (Kevan, 1957: 57). Chrotogonus fumosus I. Bolívar, 1884: 38, 40 (Kevan, 1959: 60). Chrotogonus meridionalis Saussure, 1892: 262 (livarov, 1953: 203). Chrotogonus hemipterus intermedius Griffini, 1897: 10 (Kevan, 1957: 57). Chrotogonus distan ti Kirby, 1902: 78 (Kevan, 1957: 57). Chrotogonus rendalli Kirby, 1902: 79 (Kevan, 1957: 58). Chrotogonus carinatus Kirby, 1902: 80 (Kevan, 1957: 56). Chrotogonus rotundatus Kirby, 1902: 80 (Kevan, 1957: 58). Chrotogonus bloyeti I. Bolívar, 1904: 94, 106 (Kevan, 1957: 56). Chrotogonus varelai I. Bolívar, 1904: 94, 107 (Kevan, 1957: 58). Chrotogonus niarshalli I. Bolívar, 1904: 94, 107 (Kevan, 1957: 57). Chrotogonus natalensis Saussure (nomen nudum. Kevan, 1957: 57). Chrotogonus fumosus f. brachypterus Karny (nomen nudum. Kevan, 1959: 60).

Localities : Humpata, 7 - V - 1962, 1 9 (P. Carvalho) ; Chianga, 24 - XI - 1969, 1 9 (J. Maia), 30 - I - 1964, 1 (L. Amorim) ; Soque, 20 - V - 1968, 1 (H. Rodrigues) ; Alto Capaca, 11 - XII - 1969, 1 (J. Maia) ; C. E. Cela, 11 - X - 1968, 1 8' (P. Carvalho) ; Calondo, 15 - VII - 1971, 1 , 1 (H. Cardoso) ; Cunene, 3 - VIII- 1971, 2 9 9 (J. Maia); Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 , 2 y 9 (Correia). This species has been found eating Phaseolus vulgaris, Lycoper- sicum esculentum, Gossypium, sp. and Cro talaria sp.


11. Atractomorpha acutipennis (Guérin - Méneville, 1844).

Truxalis (Pyrgomorpha) acutipennis Guérin - Méneville, 1844. Icon. R. Anim., t. VII, pág. 340. Atractomorpha gerstaeckeri I. Bolívar, 1884: 64, 66 (Banerjee and Kevan, 1960: 183). Atractomorpha congoensis Saussure, 1893 (nomen nudum. Kevan, 1960: 40). Atractomorpha hoya Saussure, 1899: 640 (Banerjee and Kevan, 1960: 182).


Pyrgomorpha madagascariensis Blanchard; I. Bolivar, 1905 (nomen nudum. Banerjee and Kevan, 1960: 183). Atractomorpha madacassis Bruner, 1910: 628 (Banerjee and Kevan, 1960: 183). Atractomorpha acutipennis (Guérin - Méneville, 1844: 340 (Kirby, 1910: 332). Atractomorpha brevis Uvarov, 1938: 274, 280 (Banerjee and Kevan, 1960: 184). Atractomorpha externa Bey - Bienko, 1949: 173, 174 (Banerjee and Kevan, 1960: 184). Atractomorpha acutipennis gerstaeckeri I. Bolivar, 1884: 64, 66 (Banerjee and Kevan, 1960) (Dirsh, 1963: 98). Atractomorpha acutipennis (Guérin - Méneville, 1844: 340) (Dirsh, 1963: 97)

Localities : Gangassol, 19 - III - 1971, 1 9 (P. Carvalho) ; Mu- quitixe, 5 - V - 1971, I 9 (Correia) ; Salazar, 22 - V - 1971, 1 (P. Carvalho).



12. Spathosternum pygmaeum Karsch, 1893.

Spathosternum pygmaeum Karsch, 1893. Ben. ent. Z., t. XXXVIII, pág. 110. Spathosternum pygmaeum rammei Roy, 1961 : 110, 114, 120 (Dirsh, 1970: 93).

Localities : Chianga, 29 - V - 1971, 1 (Correia), 7 - V - 1970, 1 9 (Patricio e Elias), 1 - IX - 1971, 2 9 9 (Inocéncio) ; C. E. Gan- gassol, 1 - IX - 1971, 2 <3‘ (L. Amorim).


13. Mesopsera filum (I. Bolivar, 1890).

Mesops filum I. Bolivar, 1890. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 216. Meso psera filuni I. Bolivar, 1890: 216 (I. Bolivar, 1908: 246).

Localities : C. E. Salazar, 19 - VIII - 1971, 2 (Ventura) ; Cacuso, 23 - VII - 1971, 1 9 (P. Carvalho). «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 101

14. Acanthoxia lanceolata (I. Bolivar, 1890).

Gonyacantha lanceolata (I. Bolivar, 1890). J. Sci. Acad. Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 215. Gonyacanthella concolor Sjöstedt, 1923: 15 (Uvarov, 1944: 20). Acanthoxia lanceolata (I. Bolivar, 1890: 215) (Dirsh, 1958: 241).

Locality : C. E. Salazar, 18 - VI - 1970, 1 (J. Correia).

15. Leptaeris kraussi (I. Bolivar, 1890).

Ischnacrida kraussi I. Bolivar, 1890. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 215. Ramphacrida rosea Ramme, 1929: 339 (Dirsh, 1966: 124). Ram phacrida coerulescens Miller, 1932: 38 (Dirsh, 1966: 124).

Localities : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 , 2 y 9 (Inocéncio).

16. Leptaeris monteiroi (I. Bolivar, 1890).

Ischnacrida monteiroi I. Bolivar, 1890. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 214. Ischnacrida testacea Karny, 1907: 299 (Dirsh, 1966: 123). Ischnacrida elegans Chopard, 1921 : 57 (Dirsh, 1966: 123).

Locality : Chianga, 18 - X - 1957, 1 (José), 3 - IX - 1971, 1 (Inocéncio), 13 - VIII - 1971, 1 (Ventura).



17. Apoboleus globuliferus (Karsch, 1896).

Phialosphaera globulif era Karsch, 1896. Stettin. ent. Ztg., t. LVII, pág. 310. Apoboleus globuliferus (Karsch, 1896: 310) (Kevan, 1955: 66).

Localities : Salazar, 8 - III - 1971, 1 (Ventura), 22 - IV - 1971, 1 9 (P. Carvalho) ; C. E. Salazar, 28- II - 1971, 1 (3‘ (U. Passos). 102 JOYCE B. MASON


18. Tristria angolensis I. Bolivar, 1890.

Tristria angolensis I. Bolivar, 1890. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 213. Tristria brachyptera I. Bolivar, 1912: 90 (Ramme, 1929: 338). Tristria dimorpha I. Bolivar, 1912: 90 (Dirsh, 1966: 123). Tristria musanae Sjöstedt, 1931: 23 (Hollis, 1970: 471).

Locality- : Lufefena, 10 - VIII - 1971, 2 3, 2 9 9 (Gastäo).

19. Afroxyrrhepes procera (Burmeister, 1838).

Oxya procera Burmeister, 1838. Hanbuch der Entomologie, t. II (2), pág. 635. Oxyrrhepes iradieri I. Bolivar, 1886: 342, 343 (Uvarov, 1943: 580). Oxyrrhepes flavovittata Sjöstedt, 1912: 19 (Uvarov, 1943: 580). Oxyrrhepes ochracea Sjöstedt, 1912: 21 (Uvarov, 580). Afroxyrrhepes obscuripes Uvarov, 1943: 579, 583 (Dirsh, 1966: 133). Afroxyrrhepes obscuripes dilat ata Uvarov, 1943: 579, 585 (Dirsh, 1966: 133).

Localities : C. E. Gangassol, 12 - IV - 1970, 1 (J. Manuel) ; Ceilunga, 18 - VI - 1970, 1 (J. Correia) ; Chianga, 10 - VIII - 1971, 1 9 (Inocéncio) ; Salazar, 19 - VIII - 1971, 2 8, 2 9 9 (Ventura).


20. Eucoptacra exigua I. Bolivar, 1912.

Eucoptacra exigua I. Bolivar, 1912. Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., t. XIX, pág. 92. Eucoptacra pallida I. Bolivar, 1912: 92 (Uvarov, 1953: 48).

Localities : Chianga, 9 - IX - 1971, 1 9 (Correia), 31 - VIII - 1971, 1 9 (Inocéncio) ; Cacuso, 23 - VII - 1971, 1 9 (P. Carvalho) ; Gan- gassol, 1 - IX - 1971, 1 , 2 9 9 (L. Amorim).


21. Eucoptacra granulata nov. sp.

(Figs. 12 - 23).

Holotype , Caála, Angola (British Museum [Natural History]).

8 holotype : Small size, comparatively slender. Integument coar- sely granose, hairy. Fastigium of vertex slightly sloping forwards ; concave in middle ; marginal carinulae sharp and high, forming hexagonal shape which terminates between compound eves ; occipital carinula present ; frontal ridge widened and high in apical half, low and narrow in basal half: at apex narrowed and roundly merging with fastigium of vertex. Compound eyes comparatively less pro- nounced ; inter - ocular space comparatively broad. Prosternal tubercle broad with obtuse rounded apex. Metazona slightly longer than prozona ; median carina well defined, interrupted by transverse sulci ; posterior margin acute angular. Mesosternal interspace as wide as its length. Tegmina and wings extend far beyond end of abdomen. Rind femur moderately slender reaching to end of abdomen ; margin of lower lobe of hind knee expanded, basal margin of knee incurved near apex. Furcula of last abdominal tergite short. Supra - anal plate longer than wide ; posterior margin almo st trilobate with apical projection rounded ; surface smooth with pair of low chitinous tubercles near centre. Cercus slightly shorter than supra - anal plate, apical part flattened, narrowing to obtusely rounded apex which is slightly decurved. Phallic complex Apical valves of penis short, in profile, narrowing to acute apex ; valves of cingulum short and wide in profile narrowing abruptly at apex, slightly exceeding valves of penis ; both enclosed completely in sheath ; basal valves elongated, with ends expanding outwards ; gonopore process elongate, narrow, widening at apex ; zy- goma of cingulum narrow, apodemes long reaching proximal end of basal valves of penis, expanding in basal half, apices narrowly rounded ; upper part of rami with pin - like projections ; lower part of rami covered with sclerotized parts of the ectophallic membrane. Epiphallus relatively small with less sclerotized region at centre ; centre of bridge slightly expanded ; ancorae of moderate size, incurved, with acute apices ; lophi with large expanded projections ; lobes strongly up- curved, attenuate.




16 15





Figs. 12 - 23.—Eucoptacra granulata nov. sp., 8 : 12) head and pronotum, dorsal view ; 13) end of abdomen, dorsal view ; 14) the same, lateral view ; 15) prosternal tubercle, anterior view ; 16) the same, lateral view ; 17) cercus, lateral view ; 18) phallic complex, dorsal view ; 19) the same, lateral view 20) the same, ectophallic membrane removed ; 21) endophallus, lateral view ; 22) epiphallus, dorsal view ; 23) the same, another angle. «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 105

General colouration uniformally greenish - brown ; wing orange with pale brown tip ; hind femur same uniform colour as whole body ; hind tibia (broken). 9 allotype : As the but larger. Antenna 20 segmented. Meso- sternal interspace one and a half times as broad as its length. Ovi- positor comparatively short and moderately robust, of moderate length. The subgenital plate has a small central point on the posterior margin. General colouration pale green ; tip of wing hyaline ; hind tibia pale grey and buff, with dark brown area on lower side at base. Measurements (mm) :

8 holotype 9 allotype

Length of body ...... 15.8 16.2 Length of pronotum ... 3.8 4.4 Length of tegmen ...... 14.6 15.7 Length of femur ... . 9.8 (broken)

This species is related to the species of the group similis Uvarov, 1953; poecila Uvarov, 1939, and nana Uvarov, 1953, which are linked together by the down - curved cercus. All these species were origi- nally described from Angola except poecila which is from the Congo. This new species is most closely related to nana but differs from it by the large body size, broader interocular space, shape of fastigium of vertex, broader and more obtuse prosternal tubercle, orange wing and more coarsely granose integurnent. Type locality Caála, 17 km, 25 - IX - 1971 (Gastäo). Allotype locality Caála, 18 km, 14 - IX - 1971 (Correia). Only the 8s holotype and 9 allotype are known. They are tem- porarily deposited in the British Museum (Natural History).

22. Epistaurus crucigerus I. Bolivar, 1889.

Epistaurus crucigerus I. Bolivar, 1889. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. 1 (2), pág. 164.

The identity of this species is uncertain, as the type is lost (Dirsh, 1970). Only the original description is known. Localities Salazar, 19 - VIII - 1971, 2 9 9 (Ventura) ; C. E. Gangassol, 1 - IX - 1971, 2 9 9 (L. Amorim).


23. Epistaurus succineus (Krauss, 1877).

Coptacra succinea Krauss, 1877. S. B. Akad. Wiss. Wien, t. LXXVI (1), pág. 34. Epistaurus succineus (Krauss, 1877: 34) (Golding, 1948: 567).

Locality : C. E. Salazar, 19 - VIII - 1971, 2 (Ventura).

24. Exochoderes aurantiacus I. Bolivar, 1881.

Exochoderes aurantiacus I. Bolivar, 1881. J. Sci. math. phys. nat., Lisboa, t. VIII, pág. 114.

Localities : Chianga, 31 - VIII - 1971, 2 3 3 (Inocéncio), 3 - IX - 1971, 1 , 1 9 (Inocéncio).

25. Bocagella lanuginosa I. Bolivar, 1889.

Bocagella lanuginosa I. Bolivar, 1889. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 162.

Localities : Chianga, 3 - IX - 1971, 2 3 , 1 ; Lufefena, 18 - VIII - 1971, 1 (Mateus).


26. Acorypha nigrovariegata (I. Bolivar, 1889).

Calo ptenus nigro -variegatus I. Bolivar, 1889. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 451. Caloptenopsis congoensis Sjöstedt, 1931: 445 (Jago, 1967: 453). Caloptenopsis congoensis var. simplex Sjöstedt, 1931 : 56 (Dirsh, 1966: 170). Caloptenopsis ruginota Uvarov, 1950: 390, 398, 401 (Jago, 1967: 454). Acorypha nigrovariegata nigrovariegata (I. Bolivar, 1889: 171) (Jago, 1967: 45).

Localities : Caála, 14 - IX - 1971, 2 , 2 (Gastäo), 25 - IX - 1971. 2 (Gastäo) C. E. Ceilunga, 22- IX - 1971, 1 (Correia). «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 107

27. Acorypha recta Uvarov, 1950.

Acorypha recta Uvarov, 1950. Eos, Madrid, t. ext., págs. 408, 410.

Loc2tlity : Lufefena, 18 - VIII - 1971, 2 (Mateus).

28. Acorypha corallipes (Sjöstedt, 1931).

Caloptenopsis corallipes Sjöstedt, 1931. Ark. Zool., t. XXII, A (15), pág. 57. Bothrocara bolivari Uvarov, 1950: 386, 404 (Jago, 1967: 458). Acorypha corallipes (Sjöstedt, 1931: 57) (Jago, 1967: 458).

Locality : Ceilunga, 12 - VIII - 1971, 1 (L. Amorim).

29. Acorypha divisa (Uvarov, 1950).

Caloptenopsis divisa Uvarov, 1950. Eos, Madrid, t. ext., págs. 391, 400, 403. Acorypha sinuata Uvarov, 1950: 409, 411 (Jago, 1967: 459).

Locality : C. E. Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 , 2 9 9 (Correia).


30. Phymeurus angolensis Mason, 1966.

Phymeurus angolensis Mason, 1966. Eos, Madrid, t. XLI, pág. 405.

Locality : Gangassol, 1 - IX - 1971, 2 9 y (L. Amorim).

31. Phymeurus chianga Mason, 1966.

Phymeurus chianga Mason, 1966. Eos, Madrid, t. XLI, pág. 411.

Localities : Chianga, 1952. 1 9 (A. J. .Duarte) ; Lufefena, 10 - VIII - 1971, 2 (Gastäo).


32. Phymeurus trieostatus (I. Bolívar, 1889).

Euryphymus tricostatus I. Bolívar, 1889. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 169. Platyphymus tricostatus (I. Bolívar, 1889: 169) (Uvarov, 1922: 147). Phymeurus tricostatus (I. Bolívar, 1889: 169) (Uvarov, 1954: 146). Euryphymus stolidus I. Bolívar, 1889: 169 (Mason, 1966: 433).

Localities : Chianga, 11 - X - 1968, 1 9 (P. Carvalho) ; Caäla, 18 km, 1 8‘ (Gastäo).


33. Eyprepoenemis plorans ibandana Giglio - Tos, 1907.

Euprepocnemis ibandana Giglio - Tos, 1907. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, t. XXII, pág. 1. Euprepocnemis ibandana var. nigromaculata Uvarov, 1921: 114, 119 (Dirsh, 1958: 39). Euprepocnemis ibandana longipennis Uvarov, 1921 : 114, 119 (Dirsh, 1958: 39).

Localities : C. E. Salazar, 14 - XI - 1968, 1 (P. Carvalho) ; Sa- lazar, 15 - XI - 1968, 1 9, 22 - IV - 1971, 1 9 (P. Carvalho), 4 - IX - 1971, 2 (Ventura) ; Gangassol, 4 - IX - 1971, 2 3 (Ven- tura).

34. Heteraeris pulehripes guineensis (Krauss, 1890).

Euprepocnemis guineensis Krauss, 1890. Zool. Jb. (Syst.), t. V, pág. 659. Euprepocnemis guineensis var. maculosa Krauss, 1890: 660 (Sjöstedt, 1929: 39). Thisoicetrus guineensis (Krauss, 1890: 659) (I. Bolívar, 1908: 125). Thisoicetrus pulchripes maculosa (Krauss, 1890: 660) (Uvarov, 1921: 125). Thisoicetrus pulchripes guineensis Krauss, 1890: 660 (Uvarov, 1921: 124- 126).

Localities : C. E. Salazar, 30 - V - 1970, 1 (J. Correia), 17 - III - 1971, 1 9 (Ventura), 22 - IV - 1971, 1 9 (P. Carvalho) ; Ro- çadas e Sä Bandeira, 1 9 , 31 - III - 1971. 1 (Passos de Carvalho e Maia). «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 109

35. Cyathosternum prehensile I. Bolivar, 1881.

Cyathosternum prehensile I. Bolivar, 1881. 1. Sci. math. phys. nat., Lisboa, t. VIII, pág. 115. Cataloipus roseus I. Bolivar, 1914: 37 (Uvarov, 1953: 94). Kapiria paradoxocera Ramme, 1929: 477 (Uvarov, 1953: 94).

Locality : Chianga, 19 - IX - 1970, 1 (Andrade E. C.).

36. Tylotropidius graeilipes Brancsik, 1895.

Tylotropidius gracilipes Brancsik, 1895. Jh. naturzu. Ver. (Mus. Ver.) Trencsin, t. XVII - XVIII, pág. 256. Metaxymecus laxus Karsch, 1896: 324 (Dirsh, 1961: 388). Tylotropidius somalicus Sculthess, 1898: 195 (Uvarov, 1921: 137). Tylotropidius gaugeri Sculthess, 1899: 209 (Uvarov, 1953: 93). Heteracris bettoni Kirby, 1902: 114 (Uvarov, 1921: 137). Tylotropidius gaugeri var. macroptera Karny, 1906: 353 (Uvarov, 1953: 93) Tylotropidius gaugeri var. pallida Karny, 1907: 353 (Uvarov, 1953: 93). Tylotropidius gracilipes var. longipcnnis Sjöstedt, 1931 : 59 (Uvarov, 1953: 93) Tylotropidius grandis Sjöstedt, 1931: 35 (Dirsh, 1966: 210).

Localities : Ceilunga, 18 - VI - 1970, 1 (J. Correia) ; Chianga, 28 - V - 1971, 1 (Inocéncio), 13 - VIII - 1971, 2 , 2 9 (Ino- céncio).

37. Tropidiopsis haasi (I. Bolivar, 1908).

Tylotropidius hactsi I. Bolivar, 1908. Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., t. XVI, pág. 126.

Localities : Salazar, 17 - III - 1971, 1 , 2 9 9 (Ventura), 30 - V - 1970, 1 8‘ (Correia) ; Chianga, 3 - XI - 1955, 1 8s (Maria. F.) ; Salazar, 22 - IV - 1971, 1 9 (P. Carvalho).



38. Gowdey-a picta Uvarov, 1923.

Gowdeya picta Uvarov, 1923. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., t. XI (9), pág. 360. Gowdeya picta rubrispina Uvarov, 1953: 105 (Dirsh, 1966: 320).

Locality Chianga, 26 - VIII - 1971, 1 y (José).

39. Cyrtacanthacris aeruginosa flavescens Walker, 1870.

Cyrtacanthacris flavescens Walker, 1870. Cat. Derm. Salt. B. M., Part III, pág. 561. Acridium walkeri Finot, 1907: 264 (Uvarov, 1924: 100). Cyrtacanthacris aeruginosa flavescens Walker, 1870: 561 (Uvarov, 1924: 100). Cyrtacanthacris aeruginosa unicolor Uvarov, 1924: 99, 101 (Dirsh, 1961: 392).

Localities : Muquitixe, 13 - II - 1971, 1 (J. Manuel) ; Roçadas Sä da Bandiera, 31 - III - 1971, 1 9 (P. Carvalho e Maia).

40. Ornithacris magnifica (I. Bolívar, 1881).

Acridium magnificum I. Bolívar, 1881. J. Sci. math. phys. nat., Lisboa, t. VIII, pág. 113. Ornithacris cyanea magnifica (I. Bolívar, 1881 : 113) (Uvarov, 1924: 9). Ornithacris cyanea imperialis Rehn, 1943: 116 (Dirsh, 1966: 335). Ornithacris magnifica (I. Bolívar, 1881: 113) (Uvarov, 1953: 107).

Locality : M. S. ta Cruz, 9 - XII - 1951, 1 y (A. J. Duarte).


41. Madimbania fumipennis (Ramme, 1929). (Figs. 24 - 28).

Catantops fumipennis Ramme, 1929. Mitt. zool. Mus. Ben., t. XV, pág. 433 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 234).

Localities : Caäla, 25 - IX - 1971, 1 8' (Gastäo), 4 - IX - 1971, «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 111

2 (L. Guiclium) ; 4 - IX - 1971, 1 9 (L. Amorim) ; Chianga, 15 - IX - 1971, 2 , 1 9 (Gastäo). This species has the same morphological characters as described by Dirsh (1966): that is, the prosternal process is cylindrical with a rounded apex. The hind femur is comparatively slender. The

27 28

Figs. 24 - 28.—Madimbania funtipennis Ramme, 8 genitalia : 24) phallic complex, dorsal view ; 25) the same, lateral view ; 26) endophallus, lateral view ; 27) epiphallus, dorsal view ; 28) apex of penis, dorsal view. cercus is slender, straight, and the apex slightly incurved. I dissected the phallic complex and found that it is identical with those found in the British Museum collection. However, the specimens in this collec- tion have a general brownish colouration, the tegmina are finely mottled with darker brown spots. The hind wing has a bluish tinge with a slightly infumate apex. The abdominal tergites are mottled dark purple, but mostly dark red together with buff. There are two unclear fascia on the hind femur. On the outer side the hind femora

112 JOYCE B. MASON are mottled brown, on the inner side they are dark red, the same colour as the upper side of the abdomen. The hind tibia are also dark red. This is generally an unusual colouration für this species, especially with the blue hind wing.

42. Madimbania madimbana (Giglio - Tos, 1907).

Allotriusia madimbana Giglio - Tos, 1907. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp., Torillo, t. XXII, pág. 14. Catantops pamac Ramme, 1929: 432 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 234). Madimbania obsea Uvarov, 1953: 25 (Dirsh, 1966: 240).

Localities : C. E. Salazar, 18 - VIII - 1971, 1 9 (Ventura) ; Cei- lunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 9 (Correia) ; D. de Bragança, 29 - IX - 1971, 3 , 2 (Gastäo). These specimens also show unusual colouration, and are of a more elongated form. However, the general morphology is similar. The hind femur is moderately slender. The cerci are upcurved and in- curved at the apex, until they almost meet each other. The phallic complex is of usual form. The general body colouration is darker brown than usual, but the hind wings are of the usual colour.

43. Madimbania cephalica (I. Bolivar, 1889).

Anthermus cephalicus I. Bolivar, 1889. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 157. Anthermus acutifrons Miller, 1929: 82 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 237). Anthermus uamicus Ramme, 1929: 455 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 237). Anthermus longiceps Ramme, 1929: 457 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 237). Pyrganthermus ccphalicus (I. Bolivar, 1889: 57) (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 237). Madimbania cephalica (I. Bolivar, 1889: 157) (Dirsh, 1966: 241).

Sa- Localities : C. E. Cela, 14 - X - 1968, 1 9 (P. Carvalho) ; C. E. 1971, 1 , lazar, 18- VIII - 1971, 1 9 (Ventura): Ceilunga, 22- IX - 2 9 9 (Correia) ; Caála, 25 - IX - 1971, 1 9 (Gastäo). «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 113

44. Anthermus granosus Stál, 1878.

Anthermus granosus Stäl, 1878. K. Svens. Vet.- Akad. Handl., t. V (IV), pág. 68. Anthermus violaceus I. Bolivar, 1889: 156 (Dirsh, 1966: 243). Catantops comis Karsch, 1893: 95 (Dirsh, 1966: 243). Catantops viridipes Karny, 1915: 141 (Dirsh, 1966: 243). Anthermus ornatus Miller, 1925: 632 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 232). Catantops viridipunctatus Miller, 1929: 89 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 232). Anthermus kirschsteini Ramme, 1930: 671 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 232).

Localities : Chianga, 2 - IX - 1971, 1 (Inocéncio) ; Lufefena, 10- VIII - 1971, 1 (Gastäo) ; Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 , 2 9 9 (Inocéncio) ; Caála, 14 - IX - 1971, 1 (Correia).

45. Anthermus ebneni Ramme, 1929.

Anthermus ebneni Ramme, 1929. Mitt. zool. Mus. Ben., t. XV, pág. 455. Anthermus ebneni elongatus Ramme, 1929 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 232).

Locality : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 2 9 9 (Correia).

46. Cardeniopsis fumosus (I. Bolivar, 1890).

Stenocrobylus fumosus I. Bolivar, 1890. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 160. Cardenius angolensis Ramme, 1929: 404 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 233). Cardenius magnificus Ramme, 1929: 405 (Dirsh, 1955: 93). Cardenius vicinus Ramme, 1929: 406 (Dirsh, 1955: 93).

Locality : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 2 9 9 (Inocéncio), 18 - XI - 1970, 1 9 (J. Correia).

47. Cardeniopsis nigropunetatus (I. Bolivar, 1881).

Caloptenus nigropunctatus I. Bolivar, 1881. J. Sci. math. phys. nat., Lisboa, t. VIII, pág. 114. Catantops pauperatus Karny, 1907: 311, 324 (Dirsh, 1966: 2541. Catantops baumeri Karny, 1910: 66 (Dirsh, 1966: 254). Cardenius nigromaculatus T. Bolivar, 1912 (nom. errattim.).


Cardenius guttatus Uvarov, 1923: 680 (Dirsh, 1955: 101). Cardenius forntosus Miller, 1929: 91 (Dirsh, 1955: 97). Cardenius nigripes Miller, 1929: 92 (Dirsh, 1966: 254). Cardenius oxycephalus Ramme, 1929: 419 (Dirsh, 1955: 105). Cardenius rammei Uvarov, 1953: 37 (Dirsh, 1966: 254).

Localities Chianga, 6 - VIII - 1971, 2 9 9 (Inocéncio) ; Cunene, 3 - VIII - 1971, 2 y (Maia).

48. Catantops melanostictus melanostictus Schaum, 1853.

Catantops melanostictus Schaum, 1853. Ber. Verh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, t. II, pág. 779. Calo ptenus stramineus Walker, 1870: 690, 697 (Kirby, 1910: 480). Catantops momboensis Sjöstedt, 1931: 44, 50 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 233).

Locality : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 9 (Inocéncio).

49. Catantops fasciatus Karny, 1907.

Catantops fasciatus Karny, 1907. S. B. Akad. Wiss. Wien, t. CXVI, págs. 313, 331.

Locality : Caála, 25 - IX - 1971, 1 (Joel), 25 - IX - 1971, 2 , 3 9 9 (Gastäo). These specimens are similar in morphology to the usual form, but the general colouration is darker brown and slightly reddish. The hind femur has an unusual dark red inner side. There is also dark red pigmentation on the upper abdominal tergites. This is thought to be a local colour variation.

50. Catantops distinguendus (Stäl, 1860).

Acridium (Catantops) distinguendum Stäl, 1861. Eugenies Resa, Ins., n.° 79, pág. 331. Catantops coerulescens Sjöstedt, 1931: 44, 49 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 233).

Locality Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 2 9 9 (Inocéncio). «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 115

51. Catantops kissenjianus Rehn, 1914.

Catantops kissenjianus Rehn, 1914. Wiss. Ergbn. dtsch. Zent. Afr. Exped., 1907 - 1908, t. V (1), pág. 142. Catantops glauningi Ramme, 1929: 429 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 233). Catantops dubiosus Sjöstedt, 1931 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 233). Catantops zigzag Sjöstedt, 1931 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 233).

Locality : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 , 1 9 (Inocéncio).

52. Exopropacris modica mellita (Karsch, 1893).

Catantops mellitus Karsch, 1893. Ben. ent. Z., t. XXXVIII, pág. 94, 97. Catantops schoutedeni I. Bolivar, 1908: 120 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 234). Catantops captiosus I. Bolivar, 1908: 122 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 234). Catantops forcipatus Rehn, 1914: 145 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 234). Catantops interveniens Sjöstedt, 1931 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 234). Catantops pulcher Sjöstedt, 1931 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 234). Exopropacris modica mellita (Karsch, 1893: 94, 97) (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 234).

Locality : Ceilunga, 22- IX - 1971, 3 9 9 (Inocéncio).

53. Ortillus coeruleus (Drury, 1773).

Gryllus (Locusta) coeruleus Drury, 1773. Illustr. Nat. Hist., t. II, pág. 79. Acridium finale Walker, 1870: 624, 625 (Uvarov, 1925: 293).

Locality : Salazar, 28- II - 1971, 1 (Passos), 17- III - 1971, 2 9 9 (Ventura), 22 - V - 1971, 1 (Carvalho).

54. Anapropacris elegantula (I. Bolivar, 1908).

Orbillus elegantulus I. Bolivar, 1908. Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., t. XVI, pag. 118.

Locality : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 2 9 9 (Inocéncio).


55. Abisares viridipennis (Burmeister, 1838).

Monachidiuni viridipenne Burmeister, 1838. Handbuch der Entomologie, t. 11 (2), pág. 626. Abisares viridipennis var. azurea Sjöstedt, 1909: 280 (Dirsh, 1966: 229). Acinotacris dromedarius Rehn, 1914: 112 (Uvarov, 1943: 561). Acinotacris hyalaeus Rehn, 1914: 114 (Uvarov, 1943: 559). Abisares viridipennis ruf ispinus Uvarov, 1943: 559, 561 (Dirsh, 1966: 229) Abisares viridipennis viridipennis (Burmeister, 1838: 626) (Uvarov, 1943: 559).

Locality : Salazar, 4 - IX - 1971, 1 , 1 9 (Ventura), 2 - X - 1971, 1 8' (Gastäo).

56. Catantopsilus grammieus (I. Bolivar, 1889).

Anthermus grammicus 1. Bolivar, 1889. J. Sei. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 157.

Locality : D. de Bragança, 29 - IX - 1971, 2 9 9 (Gastäo).

57. Triehocatantops digitatus (I. Bolivar, 1889).

Catantops digita tus I. Bolivar, 1889. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 166. Trichocatantops angolensis Uvarov, 1953: 336 (Dirsh, 1966: 239).

Locality : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971. 2 8 (Correia).


58. Parga taeniata (I. Bolivar, 1889).

Machaeridia taeniata I. Bolivar, 1889. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 94. Parga taeniata (I. Bolivar, 1889: 94) (Kirby, 1910: 98). Parga angusticornis Sjöstedt, 1931 : 8 (Dirsh, 1966: 365). Parga angusticornis f. rammei Sjöstedt, 1931 : 8, 18 (Dirsh, 1966: 365).

Localities : Humpata, 25 - IX - 1970, 2 9' 9 (J. Manuel) Cune- ne, 3 - VIII - 1971, 3 9 y (Maia). «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 117

59. Machaeridia conspersa I. Bolivar, 1889.

Machaeridia cons persa I. Bolivar, 1889. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 95. Wilverthia acuminata I. Bolivar, 1907: 97 (Hollis, 1965: 500). Wilverthia lundgreni Sjöstedt, 1931: 8 (Uvarov, 1953: 157). Wilverthia ugandana Uvarov, 1938: 153 (Hollis, 1965: 500).

Localities : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 7 8 , 6 y 9 (Inocéncio), 12 - VIII - 1971, 2 8' 8 (L. Amorim), 22 - IX - 1971, 1 (Correia) ; C. E. Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 2 8‘ (Correia).



60. Mesopsis laticornis (Krauss, 1877). Mesops laticornis Krauss, 1877. S. B. Akad. Wiss. Wien, t. LXXVI (1), pág. 49. Mesops laticornis var. infuscata Krauss, 1877: 50 (Uvarov, 1943: 78). Mesopsis carinulatus I. Bolivar, 1908: 107 (Dirsh, 1966: 461). Meso psis brevicauda Miller, 1925: 626 (Uvarov, 1943: 77). Meso psis sudanicus Uvarov, 1943: 76 (Dirsh, 1966: 461).

Locality : Cacuso, 30 - IX - 1971, 1 (Gastäo).

61. Quangula minuta Uvarov, 1953. Quangula minuta Uvarov, 1953. Publ. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, n.° 21, pág. 197.

Localities : Chianga, 6 - VIII - 1971, 2 9 9 (Gastäo), 21 - VIII - 1971, 2 9 9 (Inocéncio), 31 - VIII - 1971, 2 (Inocéncio), 1 - IX - 1971, 2 (Inocéncio) ; Cunene, 3 - VIII - 1971, 4 y 9 (Maia).

62. Cophohippus burri Uvarov, 1953. Cophohippus burri Uvarov, 1953. Publ. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, n.° 21, pág. 180.

Locality : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 9 (Correia), 22 - IX - 1971, 1 (Inocéncio).


63. Cophohippus nazarovi Uvarov, 1953.

Cophohippus nazarovi Uvarov, 1953. Publ. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, n.° 21, pág. 181.

Locality : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 y (Inocéncio).

64. Eleutherotheca fungosa (I. Bolívar, 1889).

Pnorisa fungosa I. Bolívar, 1889. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 99. Apnorisa fungosa (I. Bolívar, 1889: 99) (I. Bolívar, 1909: 294). Dnopherula laticosta I. Bolívar, 1912: 81 (Uvarov, 1953: 182). Eleutherotheca fungosa (I. Bolívar, 1889: 99) (Uvarov, 1934: 604).

Localities : C. E. Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 (Correia) ; Ceilun- ga, 22 - IX - 1971, 2 8 , 5 9 9 (Inocéncio) ; Lufefena, 10 - VIII - 1971, 1 (Gastäo) ; Humpata, 29 - IX - 1970, 1 9 (J. Manuel) ; 25 - IX - 1970, 1 9 (J. Manuel) ; Cela, 25 - VII - 1971, 1 , 2 9 9 (P. Carvalho).

65. Pnorisa squalus Stäl, 1861.

Gomphocerus (Pnorisa) squalus Stäl, 1861. Eugenies Resa, Ins., n.° 79, pág. 341. Stenobothrus capensis Walker, 1870: 764 (Uvarov, 1925: 272). Pnorisa squalus ab. capensis (Walker, 1870: 764) (Uvarov, 1925: 272). Pnorisa tricarinata Sthl, 1876: 48 (Uvarov, 1925: 272). Pnorisa squalus var. bitaeniata I. Bolívar, 1889: 99 (Uvarov, 1925: 272). Phloeba mossambicensis Brancsik, 1895: 249 (Uvarov, 1953: 184). Catantops vittata Kirby, 1902: 106 (Uvarov, 1925: 272). Eleutherotheca elegans Kirby, 1907: 361 (Uvarov, 1926: 434). Pnorisa australis Sjöstedt, 1921: 32 (Uvarov, 1925: 272). Pnorisa montium var. elongensis Sjöstedt, 1933: 9 (Uvarov, 1938: 160).

Localities : Chianga, 10 - IX - 1970, 1 9 (J. Manuel), 31 - VIII - 1969, 1 9 (P. Carvalho), 29- V - 1971, 1 (Correia), 24- VII - 1970, 1 3 (Elías Capanda), 18- VIII - 1971, 2 9 9 (Inocéncio) ; Ceilun- ga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 9 (Inocéncio). «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 119

66. Dnopherula obliquifrons (I. Bolivar, 1912).

Berengueria obliquifrons I. Bolivar, 1912. Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., t. XIX, pág. 82. Aulacobothrus brazzaville (Sjöstedt, 1931: 15) (Hollis, 1966: 310). Aulacobothrus obliquifrons (I. Bolivar, 1912: 82) (Uvarov, 1953: 168). Phorenula obliquifrons (I. Bolivar, 1912: 82) (Dirsh, 1958: 29). Dnopherula obliquifrons (I. Bolivar, 1912: 82) (Hollis, 1966: 310).

Locality : Caiundo, 17 - VI - 1971, 2 (Heider Cardoso).

67. Dnopherula cruciata (I. Bolivar, 1912).

Phorenula cruciata I. Bolivar, 1912. Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., t. XIX, pág. 82. Phorenula vittata Uvarov, 1921 : 377 (Hollis, 1966: 313). Phorenula gracilis Uvarov, 1921: 381 (Hollis, 1966: 313). Phorenula aethio pica (I. Bolivar, 1922: 178) (Hollis, 1966: 313). Aulacobothrus calcaratus (Sjöstedt, 1933: 215) (Hollis, 1966: 313). Aulacobothrus aethiopicus (I. Bolivar, 1922: 178) (Uvarov, 1943: 604). Aulacobothrus cruciatus (I. Bolivar, 1912: 82) (Uvarov, 1953: 167). Aulacobothrus vittatus (Uvarov, 1921: 377) (Uvarov, 1953: 167). Aulacobothrus gracilis (Uvarov, 1921: 381) (Uvarov, 1953: 167). Dnopherula cruciata (I. Bolivar, 1912: 82) (Hollis, 1966: 313).

Locality : Caála, 25 - IX - 1971, 1 9 (Gastäo).


68. Chromotuxalis crocea (I. Bolivar, 1889).

Tryxalis crocea I. Bolivar, 1889. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. 1 (2), pág. 91. Chromotruxalis crocea (I. Bolivar, 1889: 91) (Dirsh, 1950: 141).

Localities : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 4 , 5 9 9 (Inocéncio) ; Humpata, 25 - IX - 1970, 2 9 9 (3». Manuel) ; Cela, 25 - VII - 1971, 1 , 2 9 9 (P. Carvalho) Lufefena, 10 - VIII - 1971, 1 2 9 9 (Gastäo). 120 JOYCE B. MASON


69. Aiolopus thalassinus thalassinus (Fabricius, 1781).

Gryllus thalassinus Fabricius, 1781. Species Insectorum, t. I, pág. 367. Acridium grossum Costa, 1836: 25 (Fischer, 1853: 361). Acridium laetum Brullé, 1840 (Finot, 1895: 423). Epacromia angustifemur Ghiliani, 1869: 179 (Kirby, 1910: 191). Ochrophlebia? savignyi Krauss, 1890 (Innes, 1929: 115). Epacromia lurida Brancsik, 1895: 250 (Hollis, 1968: 340). Aiolo pus thalassinus kivuensis Sjöstedt, 1923: 18 (Sjöstedt, 1929: 24). Aiolopus acutus Uvarov, 1953: 111 (Hollis, 1968: 340).

Localities : Chianga, 29 - V - 1971, 3 9 (Correia) ; Ceilunga, 18 - VI - 1970, 2 8 8 (Correia) ; Lufefena, 18 - VIII - 1971, 1 (Inocéncio).

70. Paracinema tricolor (Thunberg, 1815).

Gryllus tricolor Thunberg, 1815. Mém. Acad. Sci. St. -Petersb., t. V, pág. 254. Gryllus sylvestris Thunberg, 1815: 255 (Dirsh, 1966: 412). Gryllus bisignatus Charpentier, 1825: 133 (Dirsh, 1966: 412). Acridium viridulum Costa, 1836: 33 (Key, 1936: 388). Oedipoda virescens Lucas, 1849: 37 (Brunner, 1882: 97). Paracinema superba I. Bolívar, 1908: 223 (Key, 1936: 382). Paracinema terminale I. Bolívar, 1908: 100 (Key, 1936: 382). Paracinema tricolor madecassa Key, 1936: 381, 391, 395, 397 (Dirsh, 1963: 262). Paracinema tricolor montana Key, 1936: 381, 391, 395, 397 (Dirsh, 1966: 412). Paracinema tricolor sudanensis Key, 1936: 381, 389, 394, 397 (Dirsh, 1966: 412).

Localities : Calondo, 15 - IX - 1971, 2 8‘ 8s (H. Cardosa) ; Chian- ga, 31 - VIII - 1971, 1 9 (Inocéncio).

71. Heteropternis thoracica (Walker, 1870).

Epacromia thoracica Walker, 1870. Cat. Derm. Salt. B. M., Part IV. pág. 769. Epacromia partita Walker, 1870: 780 (Uvarov, 1925: 277). Epacromia caliginosa var. (?) Walker, 1870: 771 (Kirby, 1910: 221). «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 121

Heteropternis hyalina Saussure, 1888: 46, 47 (Uvarov, 1925: 277). Heteropternis funodiana Schulthess, 1899: 204 (Dirsh, 1966: 417). Pachytylus minor Saussure, 1899: 631 (Dirsh, 1958: 244). Heteropternis saussurei Kirby, 1902: 240 (Dirsh, 1958: 244). Chortoicetes acutangulus Karny, 1907: 359 (Uvarov, 1926: 436). Heteropernis kilimanjarica Sjöstedt, 1909: 172, 174 (Uvarov, 1925: 277). Locusta minor (Saussure, 1899: 631) (Kirby, 1910: 229). Heteropternis longicornis I. Bolivar, 1912: 84 (Uvarov, 1925: 278). Heteropternis affinissima I. Bolivar, 1912: 85 (Dirsh, 1966: 418). Pternoscirta minor (Saussure, 1899: 631) (Uvarov, 1921: 162). Heteropternis kilimanjarica f. flavida Sjöstedt, 1931: 17 (Dirsh, 1966: 418). Heteropternis antennata I. Bolivar, 1912: 84 (Johnston, 1956, nom. conf.) (Dirsh, 1966: 418).

Locality : Lufefene, 18 - VIII - 1971, 2 9 y (Inocéncio), 10 - VIII - 1971, 2 (Gastäo).

72. Heteropternis guttifera Kirby, 1902.

Heteropternis guttif era Kirby, 1902. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., t. X (7), pág. 240.

Locality : Chianga, 31 - VIII - 1970, 2 9 9 (José).

73. Heteropternis pugnax I. Bolivar, 1912.

Heteropternis pugnaz I. Bolivar, 1912. Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., t. XIX, pág. 85. Heteropternis violaceipennis Ramme, 1929: 277 (Dirsh, 1966: 418).

Locality : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 , 1 9 (Inocéncio).

74. Homoeopternis crassiceps Uvarov, 1953.

Homoeopternis crassiceps Uvarov, 1953. Publ. cuit. Comp. Diam. Angola, n.° 21, pág. 113.

Locality : Chianga, 31 - VII - 1969, 2 9 9 (P. Carvalho).


75. Pycnodictya carvalhoi nov. sp. (Figs. 29 - 38).

Holotype 8 , Caála, Angola (British Museum [Natural History]).

holotype : Robust, medium size. Integument granose, hairy on ventral surface of thorax, margins of hind femur and tibia. Antenna shorter than head and pronotum together, 24 segmented. Frons in profile slightly slanting forwards in basal part. Fastigium of vertex wider than long, occipital carinula absent frontal ridge granose, wide, not sulcate, with lateral margins well defined but not raised, widely expanded between antennae, constricted at ocellus, less expanded below ocellus, obliterated at base ; facial carinae wavy, fading at base. Pro- notum tectiform, low median carina incised at posterior sulcus only ; metazona lower than prozona ; posterior margin obtuse angular. Mesosternal interspace twice as wide as its length, open ; metasternal interspace three times as wide as its length, closed. Tegmina and wings extending far beyond end of abdomen. Hind femur with lower margin moderately widened. Supra - anal plate as long as wide, apex angular with two ridges on lateral margins. Cer- cus narrow conical, as long as supra - anal plate. Subgenital plate with subacute apex. Phallic complex Apical valves of penis as long as valves of cin- gultim, with lobe - like expansion, narrowing at apex valves of cingu- lum expanded at base, narrowing at apex with less sclerotized region dorsally ; basal valves of penis moderately robust: gonopore process elongate narrowing to obtuse apex ; zygoma of cingulum moderately broad ; rami broad with large projection curving aboye valves of cin- gulum ; apodemes slightly longer than half length of basal valves. Epiphallus with narrow bridge, ancorae of moderate length, apices incurved ; lophi bilobate facing inwards. General colouration brown with darker brown patches, tegmina with dark brown stripes and faint stripe crossing width ; wing blue with very wide dark brown fascia, tip of wing hyaline ; hind femur with two brown stripes on upper margin ; inner side of hind femur red, tibia red, tips of spines black. 9 allotype : As the but larger and more rubust. Ovipositor valves are short and robust. The lower valves are relatively narrow «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 123


--Cv Bp-- -- -Ap




Figs. 29 - 38.—Pycnodictya carvalhoi nov. sp., : 29) head and pronotum, lateral view ; 30) head and pronotum, dorsal vievv ; 31) end of abdomen, lateral view ; 32) the same, dorsal view ; 33) phallic complex, dorsal view ; 34) the same, lateral view ; 35) the same, ectophallic membrane removed ; 36) en- dophallus, lateral view ; 37) epiphallus, dorsal view ; 38) the same, another angle.

124 JOYCE B. MASON with outer lateral tooth. Subgenital plate is almost straight on pos- terior margm. Variation : Integument varies from finely to coarsely granose. The frons may be more rounded. The general colouration may be brownish - grey or grey. Measurements (mm) : holotype 9 allotype

Length of body . 24.4 33.3 Length of pronotum 7.0 9.4 Length of tegmen 26.6 33.1 Length of femur 14.5 18.4

This species is closely related to P. herero by the shape of the pronotum and differs mainly by the unusual bine colour of the wings with the very wide black fascia, the red colour of the inner side of the hind femur and tibia. This magnificent species has been named in the honour of Dr. José Passos de Carvalho who provided the collection for identification. The 8‘ holotype and 9 allotype and paratypes are temporarily de- posited in the British Museum (Natural History). Holotype and allotype locality : Caála, 14 - IX - 1971 (Gastäo). Paratypes (Same data) : 2 9 9 , 25 - IX - 1971, 1 (Joel).

76. Gastrimargus africanus (Saussure, 1888).

Oedaleus marmoratus var. africana Saussure, 1888. Mim/. Soc. Phys. Genève, t. XXX (I), pág. 39. Gastrimargus africanus (Saussure, 1888: 39) (Kirby, 1910: 227). Gastrimargus africanus var. madagascariensis Sjöstedt, 1928: 11, 41 (Dirsh, 1963: 273). Gastrimargus africanus var. zebrata Sjöstedt, 1928: 11, 41 (Dirsh, 1966: 426).

Localities : Muquitixe, 5 - V - 1971, 1 , 1 9 (Correia) ; Chian- ga, 29- V - 1971, 1 9 (Correia), 2- IX - 1971, 4 8 8 (Inocéncio). «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 125 77. Gastrimargus mirabilis Uvarov, 1923.

Gatrinzargus mirabilis Uvarov, 1923. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., t. XI (9), pág. 675.

Locality : Cangornbe, 5 -? - 1950, 2 9 9 (A. J. Duarte).

78. Trilophidia conturbata (Walker, 1870).

Epacromia conturbata Walker, 1870. Cat. Derm. Salt. B. M., Part IV, pág. 772. Chrotogonus angustipennis Kirby, 1902: 77 (Hollis, 1965: 253). Acrotylus annulatus Kirby, 1902: 235 (Hollis, 1965: 253). Trilophidia minor Bruner, 1910: 635 (Hollis, 1965: 253). Trilophidia nebulosa I. Bolivar, 1912: 83 (Hollis, 1965: 253).

Locality : Cunene, 3 - VIII - 1971, 2 9 (Maia).

79. Trilophidia burtti Hollis, 1965.

Trilophidia burtti Hollis, 1965. Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond., t. CXVII (8), págs. 250, 260.

Locality : C. E. Cela, 8 - X - 1968, 1 9 (P. Carvalho).

80. Acrotylus angulatus Stäl, 1876.

Acrotylus angulatus Stäl, 1876. Öfvers. Vet.- Akad. Forh., Stockh., pág. 52.

Locality : Cunene, 3 - VIII - 1971, 2 3 (Maia).

81. Acrotylus crassiceps Uvarov, 1953.

Acrotylus crassiceps Uvarov, 1953. Publ. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, n.° 21, pág. 118.

Localities : Chianga, 31 - VIII - 1971, 1 9 (Inocéncio) C. E. Cei- lunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 1 (Correia). 126 JOYCE B. MASON

82. Acrotylus trigrammus I. Bolivar, 1912.

Acrotylus trigrammus I. Bolivar, 1912. Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., t. XIX, pág. 87.

Localities : Ceilunga, 12 - VIII - 1971, 1 (L. Amorim) ; Lufefe- na, 18 - VIII - 1971, 2 9 (Mateus).

83. Acrotylus patruelis (Herrich - Schaeffer, 1838).

Gryllus patruelis Herrich - Schaeffer, 1838. Fauna ins. Germ. Deutsch. pág. 157. OediPoda (Acrotylus) patruelis (Herrich - Schaeffer, 1838: 126) (Fieber, 1853: 126).

Localities : Soque, 6 - III - 1968, 1 (H. Rodrigues) ; Chianga, 31 - VIII - 1971, 2 9 9 (Mateus). This species has been found damaging Gossypium sp.

84. Acrotylus blondeli Saussure, 1884.

Acrotylus blondeli Saussure, 1884. Mém. Soc. Phys. Geld,ve, t. XXVIII (9), págs. 187, 191. Acrotylus variegatus Brancsik, 1893: 188 (Dirsh, 1970: 515). Acrotylus gillettae Kirby, 1902: 237 (Uvarov, 1925: 280). Acrotylus coerulans Karny, 1907: 356 (Uvarov, 1925: 280). Acrotylus hyalinus I. Bolivar, 1908: 104 (Dirsh, 1970: 515). Acrotylus blondeli ab. rosescens Uvarov, 1926: 439 (Dirsh, 1970: 515).

I,ocality : Calondo, 15 - IX - 1971, 2 8‘ (H. Cardoso).


85. Acrida turrita (Linnaeus, 1758).

Gryllus Acrida turritus Linnaeus, 1758. Systema Naturae, 10.a ed., pág. 427. Acrida (Truxalis) turritus Grnelin, 1790: 2.056. Truxalis turritus Rossi, 1790: 263. Truxalis ruf escens Beauvois, 1805: 17 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 231). Truxalis tennis Beauvois, 1805: 17 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 231). «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 127

Truxalis carinulata I. Bolívar, 1889 (Dirsh, 1966: 356). Tryxalis turrita Charpentier, 1841: 305. Acrida maxima Karny, 1907: 373 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 231). Acrida turrita uvarovi I. Bolívar, 1936: 408 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 231). Acrida turrita tunetana Dirsh, 1949: 23, 25 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 231). Acrida turrita sicula Dirsh, 1949 (Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953: 231). Acrida niaroccana Dirsh, 1949: 21, 27 (Dirsh, 1966: 356).

Localities Cassequel, 6 - IV - 1967, 1 y (H. Cardoso) ; C. E. Sa- lazar, 28 - II - 1971, 2 y y (U. Passos) ; Chianga, 25 - IX - 1970, 1 8‘ (J. Correia) ; Muquitixe, 6 - V - 1971, 2 (U. Passos) ; Ca- lundo, 4 - XII - 1953, 1 (A. J. Duarte) ; Cunene, 3 - II - 1971 1 (Maia). This species damages Saccharum officinarum.


86. Sumba granulifera Uvarov, 1953.

Sumba granulif era Uvarov, 1953. Publ. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, n.° 21, pág. 134.

Locality Caála, 14 - IX - 1971, 2 8s (3‘ (Correia).

87. Coryphosima stenoptera (Schaum, 1853).

Chrysochraon stenopterus Schaum, 1853. Ber. Verh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, t. II, pág. 779. Stenopterus productus Walker, 1870: 763 (Dirsh, 1966: 400). Duronia tricarinata I. Bolívar, 1890: 321 (Uvarov, 1953: 150). Coryphosima brevicornis Karsch, 1893: 72 (Dirsh, 1966: 400). Paraconiacris deceptor Karsch, 1900: 275 (Uvarov, 1953: 150). Duronia pooensis I. Bolívar, 1905: 221 (Uvarov, 1953: 150). Phlaeoba pharaonis Karny, 1907: 369 (Dirsh, 1966: 400). Phlaeoba pharaonis var. aterrima Karny, 1907: 370 (Uvarov, 1953: 150). Paracomacris stenoptera pharaonis (Karny, 1907: 369) (Uvarov, 1953: 150). Paracomacris centralis Rehn, 1914: 76 (Dirsh, 1966: 400). Rodunia pharaonis var. virescens Karny, 1915: 130 (Dirsh, 1966: 400). Rodunia pharaonis var. ferruginea Karny, 1915: 129 (Dirsh, 1966: 400). 128 JOYCE B. MASON

Duronia acuticeps I. Bolivar, 1915: 241 (Uvarov, 1953: 149). Rodunia deceptor f. kilimana Sj östedt, 1931: 10 (Uvarov, 1953: 149). Paracomacris centralis planicola Uvarov, 1953: 149, 151 (Dirsh, 1966: 400). Paracomacris acuta Uvarov, 1953: 149, 151 (Dirsh, 1966: 400).

Localities : Muquitixe, 17 - I - 1971, 1 y (J. Manuel) ; Salazar, 4 - IX - 1971, 2 3 3 (Ventura).

88. Coryphosima vicina (Dirsh, 1956).

Paracomacris vicina Dirsh, 1956. South African Lije, t. III, pág. 238 (Dirsh, 1958: 60).

Locality : C. E. Gangassol, 1 - IX - 1971, 2 y y (L. Amorim).

89. Christa compta (Walker, 1870).

Stenobothrus coniptus Walker, 1870. Cat. Denn. Salt. B. M., Part IV, pág. 762. Duronia virgula I. Bolivar, 1890: 310 (I. Bolivar, 1909: 291). Gymnobothrus varians Karsch, 1891: 178 (I. Bolivar, 1909: 291). Duronia pegasus Rehn, 1914: 80 (Uvarov, 1953: 143).

Localities : C. E. Salazar, 30 - V - 1970, 1 9 (Correia), 1 - V - 1971, 1 8 (Ventura) ; Chianga, 24 - VII - 1970, 1 (Chissingui), 28 - V - 1971, 1 9 (Inocéncio) ; Caála (18 km), 14 - IX - 1971, 1 9 (Gastäo).

90. Gymnobothrus linea - alba I. Bolivar, 1889.

Gymnobothrus linea - alba I. Bolivar, 1889. J. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 100. Chortoicetes subparallelus Rehn, 1914: 87 (Dirsh, 1970: 456). Chortoicetes albomarginatus Karny, 1915: 135 (Uvarov, 1953: 121). Pseudochirista houyi Ramme, 1931: 925, 927 (Uvarov, 1953: 121).

Locality : Chianga, 21 - VIII - 1970, 1 (Elias), 1 - IX - 1971, 1 8‘ (Inocéncio), 31 - VIII - 1971, 1 ,3‘ (Inocéncio). «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 129

, 91. Gymnobothrus gracilis (Ramme, 1931).

Ogmothela gracilis Ramme, 1931. Mitt. zool. Mus. Ben., t. XVI (6), págs. 928, 929. Ogmothela rammei Sjöstedt, 1931: 61, 62 (Uvarov, 1953: 123). Gymnobothrus gracilis (Ramme, 1931: 600) (Kevan, 1950: 206). Gymnobothrus angolensis Uvarov, 1953: 124 (Dirsh, 1966: 405).

Locality : Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 2 (Inocéncio).

92. Gymnobothrus anchietae I. Bolívar, 1889.

Gymnobothrus anchietae I. Bolívar, 1889. 1. Sci. Acad., Lisboa, t. I (2), pág. 101.

Localities : Humpata, 25 - IX - 1970, 2 y y (J. Manuel) ; Chian- ga, 2 - VIII - 1971, 1 9 (Inocéncio), 1 - IX - 1971, 1 9 (Inocéncio), 3 - IX - 1971, 1 9 (Inocéncio), 5 - VIII - 1971, 3 9 9 (Joel), 8 - VIII - 1971, 1 9 (José), 9 - IX - 1971, 1 y (Correia), 7 - VIII - 1971, 2 9 9 (Gastäo) ; Salazar, 4 - IX - 1971, 2 9 9 (Ventura), 24 - VII - 1971, 2 ,3‘ (L. Amorim) ; Calondo, 15 - IX - 1971, 1 (H. Car- doso) ; Ceilunga, 22 - IX - 1971, 2 ,3‘ (Inocéncio) ; Canhoca, 6 - IX - 1971, 2 9 9 (Ventura).

93. Gymnobothrus temporalis (Stäl, 1876).

Epacromia temporalis Stäl, 1876. Öfvers. Vet.- Akad. Forh., Stockh., t. XXXIII (3), pág. 49. Chirista flavolineata Karsch, 1893: 77 (Uvarov, 1926: 429). Chirista virgata Karsch, 1893: 77 (Uvarov, 1926: 429). Chirista manca Karsch, 1893: 78 (Uvarov, 1926: 429). Chirista interrupta Karsch, 1896: 264 (Sjöstedt, 1909: 165). Chirista lacustris Rehn, 1914: 89 (Uvarov, 1926: 429). Chirista emini Rehn, 1914: 81 (Dirsh, 1970: 460). Pseudochirista temporalis fasciata Sjöstedt, 1931: 15 (Uvarov, 1953: 122). Gymnobothrus flaviventris Uvarov, 1953: 124, 126 (Dirsh, 1970: 460).

Localities : Chianga, 2 - VIII - 1971, 1 9 (Inocéncio), 6- VIII - 1971, 2 9 9 (Gastäo), 9 - IX - 1971, 2 9 9 (Correia) ; Ceilunga, 22- IX - 1971, 2 9 9 (Correia) : D. de Bragança, 29- IX - 1971, 3 9 9 (Gastäo).


94. Malcolniburria angolensis Uvarov, 1953.

Malcolmburria angolensis Uvarov, 1953. Publ. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, n.° 21, pág. 130.

Locality : Caäla, 14 - IX - 1971, 1 (Correia).


95. Duronia chloronota (Stäl, 1876). Phlaeoba (Duronia) chloronota Stäl, 1876. Öfvers. Vet.- Akad. Forh. Stockh., t. XXXIII (3), pág. 48. Phlaeoba sanguinolenta I. Bolivar, 1889: 96 (Dirsh, 1966: 393). Phlaeoba viridula var. liturata (I. Bolivar, 1889: 98) (Dirsh, 1962: 86). Duronia liturata (I. Bolivar, 1889: 98) (Uvarov, 1953: 143, 144). Phlaeoba tricolor Karny, 1907: 368 (Dirsh, 1962: 86). Rodunia acuminata I. Bolivar, 1912: 78 (Dirsh, 1962: 86). Duronia victoriana Rehn, 1914: 77 (Dirsh, 1962: 86).

Locality : Caimbambo, 17 - VI - 1971, 2 (H. Cardoso).


A collection of Acridoidea, mostly pests of cultivated plants from west and south - west Angola, was studied. One new genus, Eilen- bergia, and three new species, Eilenbergia sagitta, Eucoptacra granu- lata and Pycnodictya carvalhoi, were described. Some species were newly recorded from this region. Notes on unusual colouration are given and compared with the usual colouration found. Records are given for some of the host plants. The taxa in this paper are arranged according to Dirsh (1975). In this collection the family Pyrgomorphidae is represented by four subfamilies Taphronotinae, Pyrgomorphinae, Chrotogoninae and Atrac- tomorphinae. The superfamily name Acridoidea is retained. In the family Hemiacrididae two subfamilies are present, Spathosterninae and Leptacrinae; in Catantopidae nine subfamilies are represented, Apo- boleinae, Tropidopolinae, Coptacrinae, Calliptaminae, Euryphyminae, Eyprepocneminae, Cvrtacanthacrinae, Catantopinae and Pargainae; in Acrididae six subfamili es are represented, Gomphocerinae, Truxalinae, 0 edipodinae, Acridinae, Gymnobothrinae and Phlaeobinae. «ACRIDOIDEA» OF SOUTH - WEST ANGOLA 131


[1] AGARWALA, S. B. D. 1952. A comparative study of the ovipositor in Acrididae. I. Indian J. Ent., t. XIII (1951), págs. 147 - 181, 35 figs.

[2] AKBAR, Syed. S. and KEVAN, D. K. McE. 1963. Two subgenera of Pyrgomorphidae (Orth., Acridoidea) raised to generic status on the basis of their phallic structures. Ent. ;non. Mag., t. XCIX, págs. 90 - 95, 2 figs.

[3] DIRSH, V. M. 1956. The phallic complex in Acridoidea (Orthoptera) in relation to . Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, t. CVIII, págs. 223 - 356, 66 láms.

[4] DIRSH, V. M. 1966. Acridoidea of Angola. Publ. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, n.° 74, 527 págs., 255 figs.

[5] DIRSH, V. M. 1975. Classification of the Acridomorphoid . Classey, Faringdon, Oxon.

[6] JOHNSTON, H. B. 1956. Annotated catalogue of African . Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 833 págs.

[7] JOHNSTON, H. B. 1968. Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers. Supplement. Cam- bridge University Press. 448 págs.

[8] KEVAN, D. K. McE. 1955. A further contribution to our knowledge of the Acrididae (Orthoptera) of Angola. Publ. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, n.° 24, págs. 61 - 82, 5 figs.

[9] KEVAN, D. K. McE. 1957. The study of the genus Chrotogonus Audinet - Serville, 1839 (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). IV. Wing polymorphism, technical designations and preliminary synonymy. Tijdschr. Ent., t. C, págs. 43 - 60.

[10] KEVAN, D. K. McE. 1974. A revision of the genus Taphronota Stäl, 1873 (Orthoptera; Acridoidea; Pyrgomorphidae). Publ. cuit. Comp. Diam. An- gola, n.° 88, págs. 79 - 150.


[11] KIRBY, W. F. 1910. A synonymic catalogue of the Orthoptera. Vol. 3: Orthoptera Saltatoria, Part II: Locustidae vel Acrididae. London, British Museum. 674 págs.

[12] SLIFER, E. H. 1939. The internal genitalia of female Acridinae, Oedipodinae and Pauliniinae (Orthoptcra, Acrididae). J. Morph. Philadelphia, t. LXV, págs. 437 - 470, 7 láms.

[13] UVAROV, B. P. 1939. A new species of Eucoptacra from the Belgian Congo. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Belg., t. XV (30), págs. 1 - 2.

[14] UVAROV, B. P. 1953. Grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acrididae) of Angola and Northern Rhodesia collected by Dr. Malcolm Burr in 1927 - 1928. Publ. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, n.° 21, págs. 9 - 217, 295 figs.