106 TIME OUT COLUMNIST The name of Tommy Flowers deserves to be as well known as the computing industry giants who profited from his wartime efforts. TheEccentric Engineer by Justin Pollard PEOPLE Competition purpose machine, it was the first electronic computer. THE FORGOTTEN What are these Bletchley The device set to work on Park Wrens thinking as they Tunny intercepts. It also gained ENGINEER OF work on Colossus? The best a new name, thought up by BLETCHLEY PARK caption emailed to the members of the Women’s
[email protected] by Royal Naval who operated the 23 March wins a pair of one-tonne, room-sized behemoth books from Haynes. – Colossus. A 2,400-valve version entered service four days before D-Day, providing crucial decrypts of Tunny messages in the lead-up to the invasion. It’s said system offering five trillion that Eisenhower had a Tunny times more combinations decrypt, courtesy of Colossus, than the 157 trillion offered in his hand as he gave the order by Enigma. The possibility to launch Operation Overlord. of getting bombes to crunch By the end of the war there that many permutations fast were ten Colossus machines at enough for the intelligence to Bletchley. After the surrender of have any value seemed remote. Germany, eight of them were The man charged with solving destroyed and the other two this conundrum was Max secretly moved to the peacetime Newman, whose ‘Hut F’ team was government intelligence centre, assigned the task of cracking the GCHQ, where one remained in ‘Tunny’ intercepts known to operation until 1960.