the jewish cDoecemnbenr 20e15 -c Jantuiaory 20n 16 Issue Number 55 Bulletin of the Upper Valley Jewish Community • 5 Occom Ridge • Hanover, NH 03755

(think ). knowledge and their ability. This is a hard road, and there are Knowledge of the minutest aspects The Rabbi times when I neither fully comprehend had to be preserved because to the all the arguments, nor appreciate all Sages, the words were sacred because and the Daf the issues at hand. Still, I struggle on in they represented the will of God, a will By Rabbi Edward S. Boraz tribute to my Rabbi. The thought of so to which they dedicated their lives to One of Judaism’s great contribu - many of these pages never seeing the discover, preserve and practice. They tions to Western Civilization is its em - light of day is simply too much for me had to teach the people how to cope phasis on life-long learning. The Torah to bear. Like an acquired taste, I actu - with all foreseen circumstances. and our tradition ally enjoy the time I devote to study, For example, imagine a Nazarite teach that a good even if some of the discussions involve who had to be ritually pure (kasher) for Jew must study such things as the prohibition of drink - 30 days. What if during those 30 days, Torah every day, ing wine or hard liquor, what happens he was forced to engage in the mitzvah as much as she or if the Nazir becomes ritually defiled, of burial upon finding a corpse along he is able. But, and the types of sacrifices the Nazir his way, therefore having to prepare the there never seems must bring at the end of the 30-day pe - corpse for burial [and thus becoming to be enough riod during which he vowed to accept tamei (impure)] simply because no one time to do so. these restrictions, and others, the most else knew how to perform the task he I often have famous of which is to refrain from cut - accomplished. Would the Nazarite thus stared at the Vilna ting one’s hair (remember Samson have violated his/her oath to be a Nazir Shas folios that remain on the shelf of now?). (an oath taken pursuant to Torah in the my rabbinic library.** The majority of I imagine this discipline doesn’t name of God!) for the sake of perform - the 20 volumes have never been sound all that hard to the average ing the other crucial mitzvah related to opened. The set was a gift from my reader, but I am already 5 pages behind burial? Rabbi Ben Zion Wacholder, z’l, the where I should be had I studied one If this seems complicated, it’s be - Solomon Freehoff Chair of at page each day. At some point, I know cause it is. Many such discussions are Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. I that I will read or study something that never resolved in the Talmud. More - had just recovered from a minor surgi - will have a closer relationship to over, I find that I am unable to explore cal procedure when I made a decision: modernity, though that most likely will the daf in depth; I barely scratch the To honor Rabbi Wacholder’s memory, I not be until after I finish not only this surface of each page. was going to begin daf yomi (lit. “the tractate of Nazir, but also , which I am left with the sense that, unlike daily daf”). involves “the spouse” who is suspected in science where new discoveries are A daf is a page (both front and of being unfaithful. Eventually, I will deemed advancements, when it comes back) of Talmud. This study program is study laws relating to establishing to knowledge of Judaism and Torah, like a Jewish intellectual Appalachian courts of justice, rules of evidence, civil the teachers who preceded me were far trail. The idea is to study one daf every law, criminal law, and on and on. superior in knowledge, holiness, and day for seven years, so that by the end, I wonder what possessed our Sages total commitment in order to pursue if you never miss a day (including to write such a comprehensive treatise the knowledge that the Torah sets , , Yom Kippur, on Jewish law, even when the topic no forth, but still must be learned, re - etc.), you will have read the entire Tal - longer had any bearing in their world, learned and expounded upon until the mud in seven years. such as laws pertaining to sacrifices, end of time. Such is the art of Jewish So on August 11, 2015, I began. laws relating to the Temple, and laws learning. The world-wide program had already about other topics which in their world finished a number of volumes, but that (Babylonia and other places) long had **[Editor’s note from Wikipedia: The didn’t really matter. So what if I started been destroyed (at least 300 years ear - Vilna Edition of the Talmud, printed in in the middle? I’d just go on until I fin - lier)? Perhaps it was the assumption Vilna (now Vilnius), Lithuania, is by far the ished. I began at the end of a tractate that because God had given the Torah most common printed edition of the Tal - called Nidarim which deals with vows; to the Children of Israel, come what mud still in use today as the basic text for we are now completing Nazir, which may, every last detail was to be studied Torah study in yeshivas and by all scholars deals with the laws of the Nazarite and practiced to the best of their of Judaism.] ~ 1 ~ UVJC VOLUNTEER BOARD OF TRUSTEES President’s Message OFFICERS Deborah Kaplan November 1, 2015 [email protected] to October 31, 2016

PRESIDENT This afternoon, I attended the 4th Annual Micah Awards Ceremony, Deb Kaplan [email protected] an event sponsored by the United Valley Interfaith Project (UVIP). The (H) 802-649-8808 Micah Award refers to the call by the prophet Micah to consider what it means to live up to God’s expectations for us, and give us guidance on PAST-PRESIDENT Richard Abel how to live up to those expectations: And what does the Lord require of [email protected] you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (H) 603-448-5831 The Upper Valley Jewish Community (UVJC) is proud to recognize VICE-PRESIDENT Harold (Hal) and Karen Manning and their son Ben as our 2015 Micah Rusty Sachs heroes. Working through the Village2Village project, the Mannings have [email protected] provided impoverished Ugandan children, many of whom lost parents (H) 802-649-2956 to AIDS or the Ugandan civil war, with education, medical care, and, es - VICE-PRESIDENT pecially, compassionate friendship and hope for the future. Laura Rosenthal [email protected] Karen Manning taught the entire UVJC Hebrew School the meaning (H) 603-277-9828 of Tikkun Olam – the repairing of the world – by creating personal links VICE-PRESIDENT between Hebrew School students and Ugandan children. All of us were Rachel Kleinbaum touched to see an entire classroom of beaming Ugandan children proudly [email protected] wearing new t-shirts, each individually decorated by a UVJC Hebrew (H) 603-277-9358 School student. Karen also organized a purchase of desks for the children TREASURER in V2V using contributions from Hebrew school children and their fam - Bill Brown ilies. [email protected] 603-643-6639 Hal Manning, a physician, has volunteered in a hospital in Kampala, Uganda. In 2012, Ben, then a high school student, independently organ - SECRETARY ized a fundraising campaign for Village2Village, travelling to Uganda Robyn Jacobs [email protected] with suitcases full of donated goods, to spend a month doing construction (H) 603-643-0189 work, helping children with their schoolwork, and teaching them soccer • skills. ROTH CENTER OFFICES The Mannings’ deep and evident personal ties with the Ugandan vil - lage and presentations that they have organized have influenced many RABBI families here in the Upper Valley to sponsor the education of Ugandan Edward Boraz [email protected] children. The Mannings’ love and dedication have profoundly affected 603-646-0410 the lives of many Ugandan children and has also enriched the lives of RABBI’S ASSISTANT those in the Upper Valley who have been inspired by their example. Claudia Palmer The United Valley Interfaith Project is a coalition of 16 faith commu - [email protected] nities working to bring people together with common values to build 603-646-0410 grassroots power and create long-lasting systemic change. Their current UVJC OFFICE campaigns include Aging with Dignity, and Economic Justice. ADMINISTRATOR For the past two years the UVIP has asked local seniors, “What does Carole Clarke [email protected] it mean to age with dignity?” UVIP interviewed more than 400 seniors 603-646-0460 in an anecdotal fashion. As news of their efforts spread throughout the Community, UVIP was contacted by public officials, agencies, and hospi - DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Maggie Duford tals eager to learn of their findings. As a result, the UVIP is continuing to [email protected] gather data from seniors, but now more formally: they are partnering (W) 603-646-3887 continued page 3: PRESIDENT ~ 2 ~ Cold Days, Warm Hearts OTHER UVJC TRUSTEES By Education Director Maggie Duford & COMMITTEE CHAIRS The landscape has changed since last I shared Susan Berg with you all that is happening in our school. Where [email protected] the magnificence of fall once blazed, there lies ahead (H) 603-863-7327 of us another long New England winter to complain Felixa Eskey about! Despite the inevitability of winter, we remain [email protected] and weather it: the children arrive on Sunday mornings, bundled as if (H) 603-643-5350 for a walk on the moon. Gloria Finkelstein As we gather for our traditional assembly, a tradition begun long be - [email protected] (H) 603-643-4311 fore I joined the school, one by one the children’s hearts turn toward the front of the synagogue. They listen to ideas that make them think and Jeff Lubell [email protected] explore their own Jewish minds. They learn the songs of our people and (H) 802-649-7230 they take turns holding the Israeli flag wide for all to see, as HaTikva is Lynn Schwartz sung, the words of our people filling the walls of the Roth Center. Why [email protected] not plan to join us one cold morning, just to witness hope? 603-643-2957 I have spoken before of our hope: acknowledging our mutual wish Robert Shumsky that the children you have lovingly placed in our care will carry forward [email protected] the heritage of the Torah, the central hope of our people. (H) 603-643-4701 body ) grows, so Steven Woloshin) ףוג Together we have learned that as not only their grows their (soul ). The children are learning to articulate how this [email protected] H) 802-649-1293) המשנ Torah ) with a sincere heart) הרות happens, learning the narratives of the .prayer ), and with the giving of self) הליפת of I watch your children climb up that ladder of knowledge and aware - JOINT PLANNING & ness from the youngest of grades to those achieving so much leading to BUILDING COMMITTEE their bar and bat mitzvah, to the High School of Jewish Studies. The Deb Kaplan, Rusty Sachs credit for learning belongs to them alone, and to the collective hands of our dedicated teachers and volunteers who make the school the family KIDDUSH COORDINATOR that it is. Yoni Neirman Cold days, yet warm hearts. We are blessed. LIBRARY Fred Lerner PRESIDENT, from page 2 RAUCH CHAIR with ReThink Health. UVIP also continues their work on building stronger Jeff Lubell senior self-advocacy. The UVIP’s second campaign focuses on economic justice. Their fight EDUCATION COMMITTEE against predatory lending practices at the state level has broadened, as Board Liaison: UVIP is part of a national campaign to curb malicious lending practices Felixa Eskey through the Consumer Financial Protection Board. Recognizing that bad lending practices are not the only obstacle prohibiting people from finan - SOCIAL ACTION CHAIR cial stability, they are mobilizing around issues of increased minimum Carolyn Gordon wage and earned sick time. I am proud of the board’s decision to join the UVIP just about three SOUP GROUP years ago. Our participation in their important work in a community Shari Boraz context is an important part of the UVJC’s growth and development as a community. If you are interested in participating in our Social Action WEBMASTER Committee and/or the UVIP, please contact our Social Action Chair, Car - Maggie Duford olyn Gordon, at [email protected].

~ 3 ~ Volunteer to Sponsor a Shabbat Morning Kiddush

Responsibility to prepare our weekly Shabbat kiddush is rotated among UVJC volunteers who attend services. Preparing kiddush for the congregation is a great way to celebrate a birthday, graduation, wedding anniversary, or to commemorate a loved one’s yahrzeit . It’s also an opportunity to get together with old friends and make new ones. For those unfamiliar with the tradition of Shabbat morning kiddush , it is the time following the service when we gather over wine, grape juice, and other goodies. But most of all, we come together to enjoy Shabbat with good fellowship. Wine, grape juice, paper goods and cups are supplied by the UVJC. The weekly kiddush volunteer supplies the challah. One may add to the fare if one wishes. For example, herring, gefilte fish, cheese, cookies, coffee cake, sweet rolls, pretzels, or fruit make nice additions to the kiddush table. If you have questions, or would like to sponsor a kiddush , please contact Yoni Neirman who may be reached evenings at 802-649-3234, or by email at [email protected]. DECEMBER 2015 NOVEMBER 5 KIDDUSH 2 Deb Kaplan SCHEDULE Maggie Duford 9 12 December 2 01 5– Yoni and Stephen Neirman Diane Roston 19 January 2 01 6/ 577 6 16 Sharon and Bob Racusin Kathy and Jeff Parsonnet 26 23 Sheryl Lerner All School and Tot Shabbat Services 30 Bonnie Kimmelman

There are many opportunities for donors to designate a gift to the UVJC.

Please give generously throughout the year. Endowment: Please make your check payable to either “UVJC” or Contributions of cash or securities, payable to the “Upper Valley Jewish Community,” UVJC Endowment Fund. Interest will be used to noting the name of the fund on the memo line. support the activities of the community. Donations may be directed to the UVJC General Fund or specifically to one of the following funds: Library Fund: For purchase of books and/or other library materials. Adult Education Fund: To support guest speakers and other Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: special adult programs For charitable purposes as determined by the Rabbi.

Beautification Fund: School Programming Fund: To be used toward furnishings, decorations, To support special programs and ornamentation to enhance the over and above the curriculum. Roth Center for Jewish Life. Teen Programming: Cemetery Fund: To provide support for young adults in To help with landscaping and maintenance our community to participate in Jewish programs. of the UVJC cemetery.

~ 4 ~ Yahrzeit Memorial Plaques

Bonnie Kimmelman in loving memory of her father, Bernard Kimmelman Remembrance

The act of remembrance is a profound experience in Jewish tradition. Remembrance brings to present con - sciousness the influence, love, and nurturing the departed brought to us, our children, and our children's children. A yahrzeit board provides a spiritual means of paying respect and offering tribute to the memories of our de - parted loved ones. The yahrzeit board in the Alperin Sanctuary at the Roth Center for Jewish Life at Dartmouth College provides each member of our congregational family the opportunity to engage in the profound mitzvah of remembrance by acquiring a yahrzeit plaque. On the anniversary of the yahrzeit (the date of death), a light is illuminated adjacent to the deceased’s name. If you are interested in acquiring a yahrzeit plaque, contact Carole Clarke at 603-646-0460 or at [email protected].

Volunteer Profile: Barbara Brown By Liza Draper • [email protected] • 603-477-4753

Those who know Barbara Brown know that she awards over the years for her volunteer work. She is a prefers to stay out of the limelight. Nevertheless, we retired registered nurse, having worked at local hospi - cannot let her contributions to the history committee tals and then for eighteen years at Planned Parenthood go unrecognized. Barbara’s determination to docu - of the Upper Valley. In addition to the hours Barbara ment Jewish life in the Upper Valley over the past has devoted to the history project, she also has been a eighty years provided the impetus for the Oral History member of the UVJC “Soup Group”, supplying home - Project now underway. made chicken soup to ill community members, re - Barbara conducted some of the project’s first inter - mains active on the Cemetery Committee, and serves views to ensure that key community members’ mem - as a volunteer at Alice Peck Day’s Gift Shop. Her expe - ories would not be lost to future generations. We have rience and energy seem boundless. We are all thankful relied on her knowledge of local businesses to guide that Barbara is committed to being part of the history our research. She has generously shared personal rec - project team. ollections of many aspects of community life, including If you have an interest in oral history and some raising two daughters and celebrating the Jewish hol - time to volunteer, we would love to hear from you. idays in a string of different venues before the estab - Please email [email protected], or phone 603 lishment of the Roth Center. Barbara also has given us 477-4753. Special thanks to all those who already have unique insights into the early days of the religious returned their interview transcripts; however, many re - school (which she co-founded) and the cemetery main outstanding. We would appreciate having every - (which her husband Channing lobbied hard to create). one’s back as soon as possible so that the next stage of It’s easy to see why Barbara has received multiple the project may begin.

~ 5 ~ A Beautiful Alternative

to Flowers

BIMAH BASKETS AND CENTERPIECES for B’nai Mitzvah and other special occasions Colorful and elegantly-arranged baskets of food provide the festive beauty of flowers and infuse your occasion with the spirit of tikkun olam. After - wards, the contents are donated to food pantries. Perfect for B’nai mitzvah, Kiddushes and other occasions. The Social Action Committee is delighted to prepare the baskets. You pay only for the contents. For further info, contact [email protected]

Becoming a More Caring Community Most of us don't find it easy to It is rare that there is only one ask for help, and many of us are for - way to do things. UVJC members tunate enough to have our own per - are, of course, invited to self-refer. sonal supports. But sometimes, we Close friends may help support this all can use a bit more (or less) extra caring process by having a casual help. chat with the individual needing The Social Action Committee of help, and offering to contact us on the UVJC has developed a volun - the friend’s behalf. teer database that helps us match So together let's put the those who could use some help “U” and the “Unity” with those who would like to pro - back in “COMMUNITY”! vide it. Thanks to everyone who • Delivering a meal completed the recent survey we • Doing some grocery shopping If you, or someone you know, sent out, we compiled a list of over would like to have a helping hand, • Sharing a meal with someone 50 people who are interested in of - or if you would like to be added to fering a bit of their time in one of • Helping with light house repairs the list of volunteers, please contact the following ways. • Visiting someone who is sick us at [email protected].

Mohel for Brit Milah UVJC Robert E Braitman, M.D., FAAP Certified by the Rabbinical Assembly FACEBOOK

UVJC Member and Eastman Resident PAGE! Keep up with what is happening at the UVJC today, next week and into the future, TEL I 508.208.1816 EMAIL I [email protected] on Facebook. WEB I Please request to join the UVJC page today at

~ 6 ~ December 2015 19 Kislev 5776 - 19 Tevet 5776 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 19 KISLEV 2 20 KISLEV 3 21 KISLEV 4 22 KISLEV 5 23 KISLEV 12:00 p.m. Torah Study 7:00 p.m. Executive 12:00 p.m. Guide for the Vayeshev with Rabbi Boraz Committee Meeting Perplexed 3:52 10:00 a.m. Shabbat 1:30 p.m.. Torah Study 7:00 p.m. Reform Service with B'nai 4:00 p.m. Hebrew Shabbat Service Mitzvah Graduates School - Grades 3-7 Kiddush: Deb Kaplan

6 24 KISLEV 7 25 KISLEV 8 26 KISLEV 9 27 KISLEV 10 28 KISLEV 11 29 KISLEV 12 30 KISLEV NO HEBREW SCHOOL Chanukah - Day 1 Chanukah - Day 2 Chanukah - Day 3 Chanukah - Day 4 Chanukah - Day 5 Chanukah - Day 6 5:00 p.m. First Night - 12:00 p.m. Torah Study 12:00 p.m. Guide for the Rosh Chodesh Tevet - Chanukah Party with Rabbi Boraz Perplexed 3:52 Day 1 1:30 p.m.. Torah Study 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Miketz 4:00 p.m. Hebrew Service 10:00 a.m. Shabbat School - Grades 3-7 Service - Guest Speaker Kiddush: Yoni and Stephen Neirman

13 1 TEVET 14 2 TEVET 15 3 TEVET 16 4 TEVET 17 5 TEVET 18 6 TEVET 19 7 TEVET Chanukah - Day 7 Chanukah - Day 8 12:00 p.m. Torah Study 12:00 p.m. Guide for the Vayigash Rosh Chodesh Tevet - with Rabbi Boraz Perplexed 3:54 10:00 a.m. Shabbat Day 2 1:30 p.m.. Torah Study 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Service 10:00: Hebrew School - 4:00 p.m. Hebrew Service Kiddush: Dianne and All Grades School - Grades 3-7 Gary Levine

20 8 TEVET 21 9 TEVET 22 10 TEVET 23 11 TEVET 24 12 TEVET 25 13 TEVET 26 14 TEVET 10:00: Hebrew School - Fast of the Tenth of UVJC Office Closed - Veyechi All Grades Tevet Winter Break 3:57 10:00 a.m. Shabbat 12:00 p.m. Torah Study 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Service with Rabbi Boraz Service Kiddush: Sheryl Lerner 1:30 p.m.. Torah Study UVJC Office Closed - Winter Break

27 15 TEVET 28 16 TEVET 29 17 TEVET 30 18 TEVET 31 19 TEVET UVJC Office Closed - UVJC Office Closed - UVJC Office Closed - UVJC Office Closed - Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break

~ 7 ~ January 2016 20 Tevet 5776 - 21 Shevat 5776 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 20 TEVET 2 21 TEVET Shemot 4:02 10:00 a.m. Shabbat 7:00 p.m. Reform Service Shabbat Service Kiddush: Maggie Duford

3 22 TEVET 4 23 TEVET 5 24 TEVET 6 25 TEVET 7 26 TEVET 8 27 TEVET 9 28 TEVET 10:00: Hebrew School - 12:00 p.m. Torah Study 7:00 p.m. UVJC Film 12:00 p.m. Guide for the Va'er a All Grades with Rabbi Boraz Festival - Carpenter 13 Perplexed 4:09 10:00 a.m. Shabbat 1:30 p.m.. Torah Study "Conspiracy" 6:00 p.m. Hillel Shabbat Service 4:00 p.m. Hebrew 7:00 p.m. Full Borad of Service - Dinner to Kiddush: Diane Roston School - Grades 3-7 Trustees Meeting follow - All are welcome 5:00 p.m. Havdalah

10 29 TEVET 11 1 SHEVAT 12 2 SHEVAT 13 3 SHEVAT 14 4 SHEVAT 15 5 SHEVAT 16 6 SHEVAT 10:00: Hebrew School - Rosh Chodesh Shevat 12:00 p.m. Torah Study 7:00 p.m. UVJC Film 12:00 p.m. Guide for the Bo All Grades with Rabbi Boraz Festival - Carpenter 13 Perplexed 4:17 10:00 a.m. Shabbat 2:00 p.m. UVJC Social 1:30 p.m.. Torah Study "Ida" 6:00 p.m. Hillel Shabbat Service Event - Ladies Clothing 4:00 p.m. Hebrew Service - Dinner to Kiddush: Kathy and Jeff Swap School - Grades 3-7 follow - All are welcome Parsonnet

17 7 SHEVAT 18 8 SHEVAT 19 9 SHEVAT 20 10 SHEVAT 21 11 SHEVAT 22 12 SHEVAT 23 13 SHEVAT 10:00: Hebrew School - 12:00 p.m. Torah Study 7:00 p.m. UVJC Film 12:00 p.m. Guide for the Beshallach All Grades with Rabbi Boraz Festival - Carpenter 13 Perplexed 4:25 10:00 a.m. All School 1:30 p.m.. Torah Study Hava Nagila, The 6:00 p.m. Hillel Shabbat and Tot Shabbat Service 4:00 p.m. Hebrew Movie" Service - Dinner to Kiddush: Provdied by School - Grades 3-7 follow - All are welcome the parents

24 14 SHEVAT 25 15 SHEVAT 26 16 SHEVAT 27 17 SHEVAT 28 18 SHEVAT 29 19 SHEVAT 30 20 SHEVAT 11:00 a.m. Tu B'Shevat Tu B'Shvat 12:00 p.m. Torah Study 7:00 p.m. UVJC Film 12:00 p.m. Guide for the Yitro Special Celebration for with Rabbi Boraz Festival - Carpenter 13 Perplexed 4:34 10:00 a.m. Shabbat students and their family 1:30 p.m.. Torah Study "This is Where I Leave 6:00 p.m. Hillel Shabbat Service 4:00 p.m. Hebrew You" Service - Dinner to Kiddush: Bonnie School - Grades 3-7 follow - All are welcome Kimmelman

31 21 SHEVAT 10:00: Hebrew School - All Grades 12:30 p.m. UVJC Social Event: Skate, Sled at Occom Pond

~ 8 ~ Literature Lovers

We are an enthusiastic reading group who love to discuss books proposed by group members. We welcome new participants. Literature Lovers usually meets at 7:00 PM the last Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted. For location or information, contact Susan Cohen at 603-643-3611, or [email protected].

SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 ON THE MOVE: A LIFE by recently deceased Oliver Sacks Oliver Sacks, perhaps best known as the author of The Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat , shares with the reader in ON THE MOVE: A LIFE an engaging memoir of his wide rang - ing and accomplished life, written after his diagnosis with ter - minal prostate cancer.

The UVJC gratefully acknowledges the following people for gifts to our High Holiday Appeal

Richard Abel and Roberta Berner Richard Herman and Leslie and Diane Riman Susan and James Berg Paula Rayman Daniel and Ellen Rockmore Michael and Ellen Bettmann Lynne Himelstein Arthur and Maureen Rosen Jill Blumberg, Lou Bregou David and Deborah Hoffer Barry and Arline Rotman and children Michael Holdowsky Nina Sand-Loud and Keith Loud Arnold and Annette Brown Susan and Mark Israel Robert Schertzer and Laura Rosenthal Barbara Brown Robyn and Thomas Jacobs Alan Schnur Cameron Buxton Ken and Karen Kaliski Lynn and Gary Schwartz Debbe and Carey Callaghan Deborah and Aaron Kaplan Mark and Nancie Severs Jeff and Samarrah Clayman Michael and Maryann Kaplinsky Eileen Shaevel Alvin and Shirley Cohen Sue and Dennis Kaufman Lori and Corey Siegel Susan N. Cohen Robert and Barbara Kersch Donald and Barbara Silver Judy Danna Buddy Kirschner Annie and Jeff Silverstein Jonina Duker Sheryl and Fred Lerner Harold and Dale Stahler Emily and Bruce Duncan Daniel Levin Sarit and Adam Stern Maggie Duford Roslyn Levin Joseph and Dorothy Tofel Edward English Roger Masters Steven Tofel Joyce and Robert Evans Anthony and Ellen Merlis Jim and Mimi Weinstein Janet Goldberger Peter and Donna Monoson Milton and Rhonda Weinstein Robert Goldfarb Joshuah Neirman Jonathan and Julia Weiss Richard and Diane Goodman Scott Neslin Dean Wilcox Rebecca Griggs Brent and Jan S. O’Donnell Jeanne Zucker Richard Price

~ 9 ~ Yahrzeit Contributions UVJC Endowment Fund Jeremy Katz Jeffrey Cohen and Renee Vebell in memory of Jeff's father, Abe Cohen Harriet and Rick Fingeroth in memory of Rick's mother, Grace Fingeroth Cemetery Fund Aila Conarck in memory of her husband, Sy Conarck and her mother, Ann Yanover Barbara Brown and family in memory of Barbara's mother Richard and Bayle Drubel in memory of Bayle's father, Leon Weiner Sarah Halpern Sharon and Jerome Smith in memory of Sharon's father, Isadore Greenberg Gary and Dianne Levine in memory of Gary's grandfather, Abraham Rosenberg Torah Restoration Group Gary Apfel Myrna Frommer in memory of her father, Abe Katz Yoni and Stephen Neirman Rosina Carpentier in memory of her sister, Irene Krivit in appreciation for being chosen Bob and Sharon Racusin in memory of Bob's mother Shirley Racusin for an aliyah Michael Humphrey in memory of his father, William Humphrey Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Gene and Deborah Semel UVJC General Fund Beth Wolf Jeff and Lisa Silbert Jeremy and Stephanie Katz in honor of their daughter, Sarah becoming a bat mitzvah History Project Tom and July Oxman Barbara Brown Thomas Parrino in memory of Gene H. Stollerman, MD Adult Education Fund Susan and Mark Israel in honor of Sarah Katz on her bat mitzvah Mark and Nancie Severs Susan and Mark Israel in honor of Jackson Stotland on his bar mitzvah in memory of Lillian Abel, Susan and Mark Israel in honor of Sarah Linsey on her bat mitzvah Mother of Richard Abel and Rabbi Edward and Shari Boraz mother-in-law of Roberta Berner Sherry and Richard Goldstein in honor of Sarah Katz's bat mitzvah Robert and Cheryl Thompson in memory of Lillian Abel, Rosemary and Gary Brown in memory of Lillian Abel, Mother of Richard Abel and Mother of Richard Abel and mother-in-law of Roberta Berner mother-in-law of Roberta Berner Aila Conarck in memory of Lillian Abel, Mother of Richard Abel and mother-in-law of Roberta Berner School Ginny and Ellis Rolett in memory of Lillian Abel, Programming Fund Mother of Richard Abel and mother-in-law of Roberta Berner David and Deborah Hoffer Deb and Aaron Kaplan in memory of Lillian Abel, in honor and appreciation Mother of Richard Abel and mother-in-law of Roberta Berner of Maggie Duford Carolyn Gordon in memory of Lillian Abel, Torah Mother of Richard Abel and mother-in-law of Roberta Berner Restoration Fund Barbara Brown in memory of Lillian Abel, Gary Apfel Mother of Richard Abel and mother-in-law of Roberta Berner Yoni and Stephen Neirman Robert Schertzer and Laura Rosenthal in in memory of Lillian Abel, in appreciation for being chosen Mother of Richard Abel and mother-in-law of Roberta Berner for an aliyah DO YOU KNOW . . . where everything Jewish is going on in the Upper Valley( . . . where you can find the entire TANACH read to you in Hebrew( . . . where there are links to popular local destinations and local weather( . . . where there is a database of everything Jewish for your region, including learning links and candle-lighting times( Visit the UVJC website OFTEN, for ALL the news'

~ 10 ~ for 2016 Upper Valley Jewish Community Social Events

SUNDAY, APRIL 9 An Afternoon at Northern Stage: The Mountaintop Tickets will be available for the matinee performance SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 followed by a cast Q&A and 2:00 p.m. – Roth Center a UVJC snack/discussion of the play Ladies’ Clothing Swap TUESDAY, APRIL 19 Clean out your closet and plan for a fun afternoon of swapping not shopping! 7:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY EVENINGS “Tablescapes” – the Art of the Beautiful Table JANUARY – FEBRUARY: SUNDAY, MAY 1 UVJC Film Festival – showings at 013 Carpenter Watch for the movie listings and (tentative date) schedule in the UVJC Weekly Update UVJC Annual Dinner and Fundraiser or at UVJC's web site SUNDAY, MAY 22 SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Picnic and Game Day at Huntley Meadow Skate, Ski, Sled at Occom Pond MARCH 21–APRIL 10 SUNDAY, JUNE 5 NH Federation Jewish Film Festival showings UVJC Annual Meeting and Barbeque at 013 Carpenter Watch for the movie listings and Also, in the planning stages: schedule in the UVJC Weekly Update UVJC Literary Night or at UVJC's web site Murder Mystery Evening

The Upper Valley UVJC-Hillel Please Welcome Jewish Community Film Series 2016 Cemetery UVJC’s All films screen at 7:00 p.m. in Carpenter 13 Newest Members The Upper Valley Jewish Commu - nity owns and maintains its own ~ January 6 ~ David Leib & Audra Charron cemetery for your comfort and serv - and family ice in times of need. Conspiracy We encourage you to think today ~ January 13 ~ Rachel and Cliff Darrow about your future needs. and family Plot locations may be selected, and Ida information you want family mem - ~ January 20 ~ Aaron and Aileen Panitz bers to have may be recorded infor - and son, Alexander mally, at a time when there is not a Hava Nagila, The Movie present need. Inquiries about the cemetery or in - ~ January 27 ~ Please Welcome Back dividual plot acquisition may be di - This is Where Ellen Fisher rected to Carole Clarke at I Leave You 603/646-0460. ~ 11 ~ Upper Valley PRSRT STD US POSTAGE Jewish Community PAID Roth Center for Jewish Life WHT RIV JCT, VT PERMIT NO. 45 5 Occom Ridge Hanover, NH 03755

RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED December 2015 / January 2016 Issue No. 55

THE JEWISH CONNECTION is published bi-monthly by the Upper Valley Jewish Community. Subscription is free to members of the the Upper Valley Jewish Community. Postmasters: Send change of addresses to Upper Valley Jewish Community 5 Occom Ridge • Hanover, NH 03755