EX LIBRIS IRVING BEBKEIHAMMEM The American Jewish Year Book 5699

September 26, 1938 to September 13, 1939

Volume 40





All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the Publisher: except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper.


Of the three special articles in the present volume, two arc biograph- ical sketches of men who, each in his particular fields of endeavor, achieved distinction and honor both in the Jewish community and in the larger world. Quite appropriately, the lives of these men are sketched by persons who were, at the same time, close friends and active associates—that of Felix M. Warburg, philanthropist, patron of art and education, and Jewish communal leader, by Doctor Cyrus Adler; that of , , teacher, and civic worker, by the Reverend Doctor David de Sola Pool. The other special article is a history of efforts, going back to 1850, to gather facts and figures about religious organizations in the United States, especially statistics of Jewish congregations as well as the Jewish population of the country. This article is preliminary to another, which it is expected will be published in a subsequent volume, giving the results of a study of this kind which has been under way for about two years, under the direction of Dr. H. S. Linfield, director of the Jewish Statistical Bureau, who served as Special Agent of the United States Bureau of the Census; the study was supervised and largely financed by the American Jewish Committee. The greater number and larger significance of events of interest to Jews, which have been notable for several years past, are again reflected in the con'siderable space devoted in this volume to the Review of the Year. In the preparation of this article, the Editor enjoyed the intel- ligent and conscientious assistance of Mr. Nathan C. Belth, and of several members of the staff of the American Jewish Committee, especially Messrs. Morris Fine and Moses Moskowitz, and Doctor Sascha Charles. The editor desires to express his grateful appreciation to these able co-workers. The recurrent features remain essentially the same as they have been for several years. Owing to limitation of space, it was not possible to Hi iv PREFACE present the directory of national Jewish organizations in two lists— one alphabetical and one classified—as we did in the preceding volume. This, as well as all the other lists and tables, have been brought up to date. Special attention is called to the Index to the entire series of the American Jewish Year Book, now grown to forty volumes. It is hoped that the Index will be found helpful to those who have occasion to refer to the series. The Editor is eager again to acknowledge gratefully the valuable assistance of Miss Rose A. Herzog in the compilation of the directories and lists and the appendices to the Review of the Year, and to Mrs. Rose G. Stein, who prepared the Index and revised the article on Statistics of Jews. I desire also to thank Mr. Maurice Jacobs, the Executive Secretary of the Jewish Publication Society, for the cordial cooperation which, as in previous years, he freely extended to me.


Abrahams, Israel, compiler, Se- AGRICULTURE lected Hebraica and Judaica, Agricultural activities of the 5661, 626; 5662, 160; 5663, 147; Jews in America, by L. G. 5664, 165; 5665, 318 Robinson, 5673, 21 Abrahams, Israel, by Herbert Jews in Agriculture in the Loewe, 5687, 219 United States, by Gabriel Adler, Cyrus, [Editor] Year Books, Davidson, 5696, 99 5660; 5661; 5662; 5663; 5664; 5677; (in collaboration with Ahad Ha-Am (Ginzberg, Asher), Henrietta Szold) 5665; 5666 by Leon Simon, 5689, 87 [Compiler] From Kishineff Alcalay, I., Jews of Serbia, 5679, to Bialystok, a table of pogroms from 1903 to 1906, 5667, 34 Alliance Israelite Universelle, by [Compiler] Voice of America Jacques Bigart, 5661, 45 on Kishineff, additions and cor- rections, 5665, 378 ALSACE-LORRAINE American passport in Russia, Jews of Alsace-Lorraine (1870— 5665, 283 1920), by Sylvain Halff, Benzion Halper (address de- 5681, 53 livered at meeting in memory of Benzion Halper at Dropsie AMBASSADORS, see DIPLO- College, Philadelphia, May 6, MATIC SERVICE 1924), 5685, 459 AMERICA, LATIN, see LATIN Felix M. Warburg, 5699, 23 AMERICA Jacob Henry Schiff, a bio- AMERICAN JEWISH COM- graphical sketch, 5682, 21 MITTEE -Jewish Welfare Board— twenty years old, 5698, 149 Annual Reports 5669, and fol- lowing Louis Marshall, a biograph- ical sketch, 5691, 21 American passport in Russia, ——Max Leopold Margolis, 5694, 5665, 283 139 AMERICAN JEWISH JOINT Oscar S. Straus, a biograph- DISTRIBUTION COM- ical sketch, 5688, 145 MITTEE Solomon Schechter, a bio- Statement showing funds ap- graphical sketch.l 5677, 25 propriated for the relief of Adler, Michael, Story of British Jewish war sufferers, 5681- Jewry in the War, 5680, 98 5686 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

AMERICANIZATION ARTISTS Jewish Americanization agen- List of works by Jewish artists cies, by Charles S. Bern- in the United States, 5667, heimer, 5682, 84 175; 5668, 467 The Yiddish press—an Amer- BALKANS icanizing agency, by M. Balkan wars and the Jews, Soltes, 5685, 165 5674, 188 Angell, Pauline K., Julius Rosen- Levantine Jews in the United wald, 5693, 141 States, by David de Sola Pool, 5674, 207 Anniversaries and other Cele- brations, 5660 to date. 5660 See also ROUMANIA, SERBIA, and following, included in TURKEY Events; beginning with 5683, Barmitzvah Tables, see Anni- entered as Appendix to Survey versary and Barmitzvah of the Year, later called Tables Review of the Year Barnett, George E., Jewish popula- tion of Maryland, 5663, 46 Anniversary and Barmitzvah Tables, 5676, 21; 5677, 21; Beilis affair, by Herman Bern- 5678, 21 stein, 5675, 19 Bequests and gifts, 5661-5668; Anniversary celebrations of 5669-5682 included in Events; congregations in the United beginning with 5683, entered as States, 5662, 186; later included appendix to Survey of the in Events Year, later called Review of Appointments, Honors, and the Year Elections, 5663 to date. Title Berkowitz, Henry J., Ben Selling, changes: Appointments, and 5692, 155 honors, 5663-5668; Appoint- Berkowitz, Henry, J. by William ments, honors and elec- Rosenau, 5685, 448 tions, 5669-5673; Appoint- ments, honors and elec- , TREATY OF (1878) tions, and necrology, 5674 Jewish rights at international and following, included in Events; beginning with 5683, congresses, by Max J. Kohler, entered as Appendix to Survey 5678, 106 of the Year, later called Situation of Jews of Roumania Review of the Year since the Treaty of Berlin, by See also DECORATIONS, HON E. Schwarzfeld, 5663, 63 ORS, AND DISTINCTIONS; See also MINORITIES ELECTIONS Bernheim petition to the League Architecture of the Synagogue, of Nations, 5694, 74 by William G. Tachau, 5687, Bernheimer, Charles S., Jewish 155, Americanization agencies, 5682, 84 ARMY AND NAVY Summary of Jewish organi- Jews in the United States army zations in the United States, and navy, by Lewis Landes, 5661, 496 5677, 76 Bernstein, Herman, [Editor], Year See also WARS Book, 5675 INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-40

-Beilis affair, 5675, 19 BIOGRAPHY Bernstein, John £., Migration of Biographical sketches of Jewish Jews' in recent years, 5697, 117 communal workers in the Bialystok, see POGROMS United States, 5666, 32 Biographical sketches of Jews BIBLE prominent in the professions, New English translation of the etc., in the United States, Bible, 5678, 161 5665, 52 Biographical sketches of BIBLIOGRAPHY and cantors officiating in the Classified list of standard books United States, 5664, 40; in English on Jewish subjects, 5665, 214; 5666, 119 by I. George Dobsevage, 5684, Biographical sketches of Jews 204 who have served in the Con- Hundred best available books gress of the United States in English on Jewish subjects, (through 1900), 5661, 517 5665, 309 Biographical sketches of Jews List of available stories of Jew- in the Fifty-Seventh Con- ish interest in English, 5667, gress, 5663, 172 130 Jews in the Congress of the List of books and articles by United States, 5666, 126 Jews in the United States, Abrahams, Israel, by Herbert 5666, 171; 5667, 148; 5668, Loewe, 5687, 219 443; 5669, 91; 5670, 204; 5671, 301 Ahad Ha-Am, by Leon Simon, 5689, 87 List of notable articles of Jew- Berkowitz, Henry J., by W. ish interest, 5668, 438; 5669, 80; 5670, 194; 5671, 281 Rosenau, 5685, 448 Enelow, Hyman Gerson, by List of works by Jewish artists David Philipson, 5695, 23 in the United States, 5667, 175; 5668, 467 Ezekiel, Moses Jacob, by S. D. Oppenheim, 5678, 227 Nazi- and the Jews, by Joshua Bloch; an annot- Frankel, Lee K., by Solomon ated bibliography, 5697, 135 Lowenstein, 5693, 121 One hundred available books in Friedlaender, Israel, by Jacob English on Palestine, 5666, Kohn, 5682, 65 153 Gottheil, Richard J. H., by One hundred best available Louis I. Newman, 5698, 25 books in English on Jewish Halper, Benzion, by Cyrus subjects 5686, 260 Adler, 5685, 459 Selected Hebraica and Judaica, Hirsch, Emil Gustave, by S. D. by I. Abrahams, 5661, 626; Schwartz, 5686, 230 5662, 160; 5663, 147; 5664, Isaacs, Abram S., by Lewis M. 165; 5665,318 Isaacs, 5682, 80 Bigart, Jacques, Alliance Israelite Isaacs, Myer S., by Abram S. Universelle, 5661, 45 Isaacs, 5667, 19 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

Jacobs, Joseph, by Mayer Sulz- Straus, Nathan, by David de berger, 5677, 68 Sola Pool, 5692, 135 Kahn, Julius, by Harry Schneid- Straus, Oscar S., by Cyrus erman, 5686, 238 Adler, 5688, 145 Kohler, Kaufmann, by H. G. Sulzberger, Cyrus L., by Morris Enelow, 5687, 235 D. Waldman, 5694, 145 Kohler, Max J., by Irving Sulzberger, Mayer, address of Lehman, 5696, 21 Louis Marshall, 5685, 373 Kohut, George Alexander, by Alexander Marx, 5695, 55 Warburg, Felix M[oritz], by Krauskopf, Joseph, by Rabbi Cyrus Adler, 5699, 23 Abraham J. Feldman, 5685, Weyl, Julius S., by David J. 420 Gaiter, 5697, 21 Lederer, Ephraim, by J. H. Wolf, Edwin, by Simon Miller, Greenstone, 5687, 273 5696, 55 Levy, Uriah P., by Simon Wolf, Wolf, Simon, by Max J. Kohler, 5663, 42 5685, 404 Zangwill, Israel, by Harry Maimonides, by Solomon Zeit- Schneiderman, 5688, 121 lin, 5696, 61 Block, Joshua, Nazi-Germany and Malter, Henry, by A. Marx, the Jews; an annotated bibliog- 5687, 261 raphy, 5697, 135 Margolis, Max Leopold, by CALENDARS Cyrus Adler, 5694, 139 Calendars [for current years], Marshall, Louis, by Cyrus 5661 to date Adler, 5691, 21 Jewish Calendar for one hund- Mendes, Henry Pereira, by red years, (1824-1924-5585 ; David de Sola Pool, 5699, 5684), 5678, 24; 5679, 20; 41 5680, 20; 5681, 20 Meyer, Martin Abraham, by Table showing dates on which Jewish holidays and festivals Louis I. Newman, 5686, 246. occur, 5676, 20; 5678, 20; Moise, Penina, by Lee C. under the title of Abridged Harby, 5666, 17 Calendars, 5682 to date Ochs, Adolph S., by Louis Rich, 5696, 27 CANADA Rosendale, Simon Wolfe, by G. Jews of Canada, by Martin Herbert Cone, 5698, 25 Wolff, 5686, 154 Rosenwald, Julius, by Pauline See also IMMIGRATION — Can- K. Angell, 5693, 141 ada Schechter, Solomon, by Cyrus CANTORS Adler, 5677, 25 Schiff, Jacob Henry, by Cyrus Biographical sketches of rabbis and cantors, 5664, 40; 5665, Adler, 5682, 21 214; 5666,119 Seixas, Gershom Mendes, by N. Taylor Phillips, 5665, 40 Selling, Ben, by H. J. Berkowitz, 5692, 155 INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-40

CENSUS, see STATISTICS Jewish Welfare Board, by CHARITIES, see FEDERA- Chester Jacob Teller, 5679, TIONS 88 Chipkin, Israel, Twenty-five years Jewish Welfare Board—twenty of Jewish education in the years old, by Cyrus Adler, United States, 5697, 27 5698, 149 Jewish women's organization in CHRONOLOGY, see Events the United States, by Re- bekah Kohut, 5692, 165 COLLEGES Synagogue and Jewish com- American colleges in which He- munal activities, by Horace brew is taught, 5678, 406 Stern, 5694, 157 List of rabbis and instructors COMMUNAL WORKERS in Jewish colleges, 5678, 367 Biographical sketches of Jew- Professional tendencies among ish communal workers in the Jewish 'students in colleges, United States, 5666, 32 universities and professional Cone, G. Herbert, Simon Wolfe schools (including statistical Rosendale, a biographical tables), 5681, 383 sketch, 5698, 25 Table showing enrollment of Jewish students in American CONGREGATIONS colleges and universities in Anniversary celebrations of con- 1915-16, 5678, 407 gregations, 5662, 186 .See also SEMINARIES Census of Religious Bodies, 1917 [schedules and corre- COMMU;NAL ORGANIZA- spondence], by the Bureau of TION Jewish Social Research, 5678, Communal organization of the 421 Jews in the United States, Jewish Congregations in the 1927, by H. S. Linfield, 5690, Unted States, 1927, a pre- 99 liminary statement, by H. S. Federation for the Support of Linfield, 5689, 199 Jewish Philanthropic Soci- See also SYNAGOGUES; DIREC- eties of , by TORY OF JEWISH LOCAL I. E. Goldwasser, 5679, 113 ORGANIZATIONS, 5680, 330 Federation in the changing CONGRESS OF THE UNITED American scene, by B. M. STATES Selekman, 5695, 65 Biographical sketches of Jews in Federation movement in Amer- the Fifty-Seventh Congress, ican Jewish philanthropy, by 5663, 172 Joseph Jacobs, 5676, 159 Biographical sketches of Jews Jewish community organization who have served in the Con- in the United States, by gress (through 1900), 5661, Maurice J. Karpf, 5698, 47 517 Jewish social research in United Jews in Congress of the United States, by Hyman Kaplan, States [biographical sketches] 5681, 31 5666, 126 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

List of Jewish members of the Directory of local organiza- Congress of the United States, tions, by state and city, 5660, past and present, 5665; 5667- 105; 5661, 185; 5668, 123; 5672; 5675 to date Additions to the directory of Jewish local organizations, CRIME, see PRISONS 5669, 43; Summary of direc- tory of local organizations, 5669, 65. Title changes: DANZIG, FREE CITY OF Directory of Jewish local Jews of the Free City of Danzig organizations in the United —Census of 1923 and 1924, States, 5670-5678; 5680- 5691, 249 5682; Jewish local organiza- Davidson, Gabriel, Jew in Agri- tions, 5683-5688 culture in the United States, See also Statistical summary by 5696, 99 states, 5662, 126 Davidson, Israel, Kol Nidre, 5684, Directory of Jewish Organiza- 180 tions—national Decorations, honors and dis- Jewish national organizations tinctions awarded to Jews in the United States (alpha- (United States and abroad), betical), 5660-5697; 5699; 5663, 187; 5664, 208 (alphabetical and classified), See also Appointments, hon- 5698 ors, etc Dobsevage, I. George, Classified list of standard books in English on DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Jewish subjects, 5684, 204 Jews in the diplomatic service Jews of prominence in the of the United States, 5694, 233 United States, 5683, 109 List of available stories of Jewish ambassadors and min- Jewish interest in English, 5667, isters of the United States to 130 foreign countries, 5692-5693; 5695 to date EDUCATION Directory of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, prepared Jewish education in the United by Council of Jewish Federa- States, by Julius H. Green- tions and Welfare Funds, 5697, stone, 5675, 90 513; 5698, 69S; 1938 Directory Twenty-five years of Jewish of Jewish Federations, Welfare education in the United Fundsand Community Councils, States, by Israel S. Chipkin, 5699,481. For preceding years, 5697, 27 see List of Federated Jewish Charities EIRE Directory of Jewish Organiza- Jews of the Irish Free State— tions—local Census of 1926, 5691, 263 Directory of Jewish local organ- Elections to national, state zations in the United States, and municipal offices, 5666, with statistical tabulations 192; 5667, 185; 5668, 477; 5669 on synagogues, religious and following entered under schools and other organi- Appointments, honors, and zations, 5680, 330 elections INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-40

Electors, Jewish Presidential, Feldman, Abraham J., Rabbi 5670, 145 Joseph Krauskopf, a biograph- Enelow, Hyman Gerson, Kaufmann ical sketch, 5685, 420 Kohler, 5687, 235 FESTIVALS Enelow, Hyman Gerson, by David Table showing dates on which Philipson, 5695, 23 Jewish holidays and festivals Europe, Jews of, by J. Jacobs, occur, 5676, 20; 5678, 20 5660, 20 See also under name of festival Events, [List of leading events Finkel, Samuel B., American Jews reviewing the year appear in] volumes 5660-5682; 5695; under and the Hebrew University, various titles: List of Events; 5698, 193 List of leading Events; List FRANCE of Leading Events and Nec- Alliance Israelite Universelle, rology; Record of Events; For years 5683-5694; 5696 and fol- by J. Bigart, 5661, 45 lowing, see Survey of the Year, in France, by Louis later called Review of the Germain Levy, 5661, 40 Year Participation of the Jews of Ezekiel, Moses Jacob, by Samson France in the Great War, by D. Oppenheim, 5678, 227 Captain Sylvain Halff, 5680, 31 Fagen, Melvin M., Review of the See also ALSACE-LORRAINE Year 5695; II. Other countries, Frankel, Lee K., by Solomon 5696, 168 • Lowenstein, 5693, 121 Faitlovitch, Jacques, The Falashas, Freidus, A. S., List of Jewish per- 5681, 80 iodicals, 5660, 121 Friedenberg, Albert M., Jews of FALASHAS America, 1654-1787, with spec- The Falashas, by Jacques Fait- ial reference to the Revolution, lovitch, 5681, 80 5687, 193 Sunday laws of the United FEDERATIONS States and leading judicial deci- Federation in the changing sions having special reference American scene, by B. M. to the Jews, 5669, 152 Selekman, 5695, 65 The Year, 5670, 55 Federation for the Support of Friedenwald, Herbert [Editor], Jewish Philanthropic Soci- Year Book, 5669; 5670; 5671; eties of New York City, by 5672; 5673; (in collaboration I. E. Goldwasser, 5679, 113 with H. G. Friedman) 5674 Federation movement in Amer- In defense of the immigrant, ican Jewish philanthropy, by 5671, 19 Joseph Jacobs, 5676, 159 The passport question, 5672, See also List of federated Jew- 19; 5673, 196 ish charities; Directory of -The passport question in Jewish Federations and Congress, 5670, 21 Welfare Funds; SOCIAL RE- Friedlaender, Israel, by Jacob SEARCH Kohn, 5682, 65 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

Friedman, H. G. [Editor, in col- Halper, Benzion, by Cyrus Adler, laboration with Herbert Fried- 5685, 459 enwald], Year Book, 5674 Harby, Lee C, Penina Moise, Caller, David /., Julius S. Weyl, a biographical appreciation, 5697, woman and writer, 5666, 17 21 Harrow, Benjamin, Jews who have received the Nobel Prize, 5684, GERMANY 195 Jews of Germany—Census of HEBREW 1925, 5691, 252 American colleges in which He- See also Bernheim petition brew is taught, 5678, 406 Gerson, Felix N., Simon Adler Stern, 5665, 409 HEBREW UNIVERSITY, Ginzberg, Asher, see Ahad Ha-Am JERUSALEM Coldwasser, I. Edwin, Federation for the Support of Jewish Phil- American Jews and the Hebrew anthropic Societies of New York University, by Samuel B. City, 5679, 113 Finkel, 5698, 193 Gottheil, Richard J. H., a bio- The Hebrew University in Jeru- graphical sketch, by Louis I. salem, by Joseph Klausner, Newman, 5698, 25 5698, 179 Government of the United Heller, Maximilian, The Year, States and Affairs of Interest 5664, 17 to the Jews, 5667, 90; 5669, Hermalin, D. M., .Roumanian 74; 5670, 141; 5671, 221; 5672, Jews in America, 5662, 88 205; 5673, 211; beginning with Hirsch, Emil Gustave, by S. D. 5674, included in Events Schwartz, 5686, 230 GOVERNORS HISTORY Jewish governors, 5692, 267; 5693, 238; Jews as governors Proposed American Jewish his- of State, 5694, to dale torical exhibition, 5662, 104. Sketch of the history of the Jews GREAT BRITAIN in the United States, 5663, 63. Story of British Jewry in the Syllabus of Jewish history, War, by Michael Adler, 5680, 5666, 163 98 See also WARS; under name of Greenstone, Julius II., Ephraim country Lederer, 5687, 273 Jewish education in the HOLIDAYS, see FESTIVALS United States, 5675, 90 Homes of charitable institu- The Year, 5667, 237 tions dedicated, 5661-5673. Half, Sylvain, Jews of Alsace- Title changes: Homes of soci- Lorraine (1870-1920), 5681, 53. eties dedicated; Synagogues Participation of the Jews of and homes France in the Great War, 5680, See also Events in subsequent 31 INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-40

HOMES FOR AGED Migration of Jews in recent Jewish homes for aged, 1929 years, by John L. Bernstein, (list), 5691, 206 5697, 117 See also AMERICANIZATION HOMES FOR CHILDREN In defense of the immigrant, by Jewish homes for children in Herbert Friedenwald, 5671, 19 the United States (list), 5691, Index to articles in first twenty 204 volumes of American Jewish HOSPITALS Year Book, 5679, 353 List of Jewish hospitals in the Index to articles in first twenty- United States, 5691, 202 five volumes of the American Hundred best available books in Jewish Year Book, 5684, 354 English on Jewish subjects, Index to volumes 1-35 of the 5665, 309 American Jewish Year Book, 5695, 561 HUNGARY IRISH FREE STATE, see EIRE Jews of Hungary—Census of Isaacs, Abram S., The Jews of the 1920, 5688, 265 United States, 5660, 14 Occupations of the Jews of Myer S. Isaacs, a memoir, Hungary—Census of 1920, 5667, 19 5691, 258 Hyamson, Moses, Jewish method Isaacs, Abram S., by Lewis M. of slaying animals, from the Isaacs, 5682, 80 point of view of humanity, • Isaacs, Lewis M., Abram S. Isaacs, 5684, 163 5682, 80 IMMIGRATION Isaacs, Myer S., a memoir, by Argentine {In Statistics of Abram S. Isaacs, 5667, 19 Jews), 5683 to date Jacobs, Joseph, [Editor], Year Brazil {In Statistics of Jews), Book, 5676 5691 to date Federation movement in Canada {In Statistics of American Jewish philanthropy, Jews), 5674; 5676 to date 5676in Englis, 159h on Jewish subjects, Cuba {In Statistics of Jews), 5663-Hundre, 309d best available books 5692 to date Jewish population of the Palestine {In Statistics of United States; Memoir of the Jews), 5683 to date Bureau of Jewish Statistics of Union of South Africa {In the American Jewish Commit- tee, 5675, 339 Statistics of Jews), 5694 to The Jews of Europe, 5660, 20. date Jacobs, Joseph, by Mayer Sulz- United States {In Statistics berger, 5677, 68 of Jews), 5660 to date Jastrow, Marcus, [tribute to] 5665, Uruguay {In Statistics of 401 Jew in Agriculture in the United Jews), 5692 to date States, by Gabriel Davidson, In defense of the immigrant, 5696, 99 by Herbert Friedenwald, 5671, 19 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

Jewish ambassadors and min- Jews of America, 1654-1787, by isters of the United States to Albert M. Friedenberg, 5687, foreign countries, 5692, 263; 193 5693, 233 Jews of Canada, by Martin Wolff, Jewish community of New York 5686, 154 City, 5670, 44 Jews who have served in Congress Jewish community organization in of the U. S., biographical the United States, by Maurice sketches of, 5661, 517 J. Karpf, 5698, 47 Jews of Europe, by Joseph Jacobs, Jewish congregations in the United 5660, 20 States, 1927, by H. S. Linfield, 5689, 199 Jews of Latin America, by Harry Jewish inmates of the state prisons O. Sandberg, 5678, 35 JEWS IN PROFESSIONS in the United States, 1920-1929, Biographical sketches of Jews 5692, 203 prominent in the professions, Supplement: Jewish prisoners etc., in the United States, in foreign countries, 5692, 209 5665, 52 Jewish Judges of United States Jews in the United States army and State Courts, 5692, 264; and navy, 5677, 68 5693, 234 Jews of prominence in the United Jewish method of slaying animals, States, compiled by I. George. by Moses Hyamson, 5684, 163 Dobsevage, [alphabetically ar- Jewish population in the United ranged], 5683, 109 States, 1927, by H. S. Linfield, Jews of Roumania, by E. Schwarz- 5689, 101 feld, 5662, 25, 63 JEWISH PUBLICATION Jews of Serbia, by I. Alcalay, SOCIETY 5679, 75 Reports, 5661, and following Jews of the United States, by Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Abram S. Isaacs, 5660, 14 founding, 5674, 19 Jews who have received the Nobel Jewish representative bodies [in Prize, 5684, 195 countries abroad, alphabetically arranged by country] 5661, 507. JOINT DISTRIBUTION COM- Jewish war relief work, by Harry MITTEE, see AMERICAN JEW- Schneiderman, 5678, 194 ISH JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE JEWISH WELFARE BOARD Judaism in France, by Louis Jewish Welfare Board, by Ches- Germain Levy, 5661, 40 ter Jacob Teller, 5679, 88 Jewish Welfare Board—twenty JUDGES years old, by Cyrus Adler, Jewish judges of United States 5698, 149 and State courts, 5692, 264; Jewish women's organization in 5693, 234 the United States, by Rebekah Kahn, Julius, by Harry Schneider- Kohut, 5692, 165 man, 5686, 238 INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-40

Kaplan, Hyinan, Jewish social LEAGUE OF NATIONS research in the United States, 5681, 31 Bernheim petition to the League of Nations, 5694, 74 Karpf, Maurice J., Jewish com- munity organization in the Minority and refugee questions United States, 5698, 47 before the League of Nations, 5695, 89 KISHINEFF Leavitt, Julian, American Jews in From Kishineff to Bialystok, a the World War, 5680, 141 table of pogroms from 1903 Collection of Jewish war to 1906 [compiled by Cyrus statistics, 5679, 103, Adler], 5667, 34 Lederer, Ephraim,' by Julius H. Voice of America on Kishineff, Greenstone, 5687, 273 additions and corrections, [compiled by Cyrus Adler] LEGISLATION 5665;378 Sunday laws of the United Klausner, Joseph, Hebrew Univer- States and leading judicial sity in Jerusalem, 5698, 179 decisions having special refer- Kohler, Kaufmann, by H. G. ence to the Jews, 5669, 152 Enelow, 5687, 235 Lehman, Irving, Max J. Kohler, Kohler, MaxJ., Simon Wolf, 5685 5696, 21 404. Levantine Jews in the United Jewish rights at international States, by David de Sola Pool, congresses, 5678, 106 5674, 207 Kohler, Max J., by Irving Leh- Levin, Louis H., The Year, 5668, man, 5696, 21 518; 5669, 190 Kohn, Jacob, Israel Friedlaender, Levy, Louis Germain, Judaism in a biographical sketch, 5682, 65 France from June 1, 1899 to Kohut, George Alexander, by June 1, 1900, 5661, 40 Alexander Marx, 5695, 55 Levy, Martha Washington, The Kohut, Rebekah, Jewish • women's Year, 5663, 14 organization in the United Levy, Uriah P., biographical sketch, by Simon Wolff, 5663, States, 5692, 165 42 Kol Nidre, by Israel Davidson, Linfield, H. S., Communal organ- 5684, 180 ization of the Jews in the United Krauskopf, Joseph, by Rabbi States, 1927, 5690, 99 Feldman, 5685, 420 Jewish congregations in the Landes, Lewis, Jews in the United United States, 1927, a prelimi- States army and navy, 5677, 76. nary statement, 5689, 199 LATIN AMERICA Jewish inmates of the state The Jews of Latin America, by prisons of the United States, Harry Sandberg, 5678, 35 1920-1929, 5692, 203. Supple- ment: Jewish prisoners in for- LATVIA eign countries, 5692, 209 Jews of Latvia—Census of 1925, Jewish population in the 5691, 266 United States, 1927, 5689, 101 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

Statistics of Jews, 5683- List of organizations, institutions; 5693 religious, educational, cultural, Statistics of Jews and Jew- social-philanthropic, economic- ish organizations in the United philanthropic, health, etc., see States; a historical review of also Communal organization of the censuses, 1850-1937, 5699, Jews in the United States, 1927, 61 by H. S. Linfield, 5690, 99; under name of institution or Survey of the Year, 5683- organization 5688 List of periodicals, see Periodicals List of Ambassadors, see DIPLO- MATIC SERVICE List of Rabbis and instructors in Jewish colleges in the United List of available stories of Jewish States [alphabetically by name], interest in English, 5667, 130 5678, 367 List of books and articles by Jews List of works by Jewish artists in in the United States, 5666, 171; the United States, 5667, 175; 5667, 148; 5668, 443; 5669, 91; 5668, 467 5670, 204; 5671, 301 List of Events, see EVENTS LITHUANIA List of Federated Jewish Char- ities (alphabetically by city), Jews of Lithuania—Census of 5678-5688. Title Changes: List 1923, 5691, 276 of Federations for Philan- Local organizations in the United thropic Work, 5691-5693; List States; see Directory of Jewish of Federations and of Wel- Organizations—local fare Funds for Philanthropic Work, 5694-5696; Directory Loewe, Herbert, Israel Abrahams, of Jewish Federations and 5687, 219 Welfare Funds, 5697 to date , Hannah R., Portraits of List of Governors, see GOVERNORS early American Jews, 5684, 147 List of Jewish hospitals in the Lowenstein, Solomon, Lee K. United States, 5691, 202 Frankel, 5693, 121 List of Jewish Members of Con- LUXEMBURG gress, see CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES Jews of Luxemburg—Census of 1927, 5692, 323 List of Jews in the diplomatic service of the United States, see Maimonides, by Solomon Zeitlin, DIPLOMATIC SERVICE 5696, 61 List of Jews who have won the Malter, Henry, by Alexander Nobel Prize, see NOBEL PRIZE. Marx, 5687, 261 List of Ministers, see DIPLOMATIC SERVICE Margolis, Max Leopold, The Year, List of notable artices of Jewish 5666, 229 interest, 5667, 143; List of Margolis, Max Leopold, a sketch articles of Jewish interest, 5668, by Cyrus Adler, 5694, 139 438; 5669, 80; 5670, 194; 5671, Marshall, Louis, Mayer Sulz- 281 berger, address, 5685, 373' List of organizations, see Direc- Marshall, Louis, a biographical tory of Jewish Organizations sketch, by Cyrus Adler, 5691, 21 INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-40

Marx, Alexander, George Alex- Nazi Germany and the Jews; an ander Kohut, 5695, 55 annotated bibliography, by Henry Malter, 5687, 261 Joshua Bloch, 5697, 135 Necrology, [List of prominent MARYLAND Jews who died during a given year are printed in] 5660 to date; Jewish population of Maryland, beginning with 5683, entered as by George E. Barnett, 5663, Appendix to Survey of the 46 Year, later, Review of the Mendes, Henry Pereira, a bio- Year graphical sketch, by David de Neumann, Joshua H., Jewish bat- Sola Pool, 5699, 41 talions and the Palestine cam- Meyer, Martin Abraham, by paign, 5680, 120 Louis I. Newman, 5686, 246 Migration of Jews in recent years, NEW YORK CITY by John L. Bernstein, 5697, 117 Federation for the support of Miller, Simon, Edwin Wolf, 5696, Jewish philanthropic societies of New York City, by I. 55 Edwin Goldwasser, 5679, 113. MINISTERS, see DIPLOMATIC Jewish Community of New SERVICE York City, 5670, 44 NEW ZEALAND MINORITIES Jews of New Zealand—Census Bernheim petition to the League of 1926, 5692, 325 of Nations, 5694, 74,. Newman, Louis I., Martin Abra- Jewish rights at international ham Meyer, 5686, 246 congresses, by Max J. Kohler, Richard J. H. Gottheil; ^ 5678, 106 biographical sketch, 5698, 29 Minority and refugee questions before the League of Nations, NOBEL PRIZE 5695, 89 Jews who have received the Peace conference and rights of Nobel Prize, 5684, 195; 5693, minorities, [includes texts of 239; Jews who have won the treaties] 5680, 156; 5681, 103 Nobel Prize, 5692, 268 Minority and refugee questions Ochs, Adolph S., by Louis Rich, before the League of Nations, 5696, 27 5695, 89 One hundred available books in Moise, Penina, woman and writer, English on Palestine, 5666, 153 by Lee C. Harby, 5666, 17 One hundred best available books National Organizations in the in English on Jewish subjects, United States, see Directory of 5686, 260 Jewish Organizations—na- Oppenheim, Samson D., [Editor], tional Year Book, 5678; 5679 Jewish population of the NAVY United States, 5679, 31 Jews in the United States army -Moses Jacob Ezekiel, 5678, and navy, 5677, 68 227 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

ORGANIZATIONS Palestine Royal Commission Communal organization of the Text of official summary of its Jews in the United States, by report (Appendix to Review H. S. Linfield, 5690, 99 of the Year), 5698, 503 Jewish community organiza- PASSPORTS tion in the United States, by American passport in Russia, Maurice J. Karpf, 5698, 47 by Cyrus Adler, 5665, 283 Jewish representative bodies (in The passport question, by countries abroad, alphabeti- Herbert Friedenwald, 5672, cally by country), 5661, 507. 19; 5673, 196 Jewish women's organizations in The passport question in Con- the United States, by Re- gress, by Herbert Frieden- bekah Kohut, 5692, 165 wald, 5670, 21 Statistical summary by states, PEACE CONFERENCE 5662, 126 Peace Conference and rights of Summary of Jewish organiza- minorities, 5680, 156; 5681, tions in the United States, 101 by C. S. Bernheimer, 5661, Periodicals. List of Jewish per- 496 iodicals appearing in the United States, 5660 to date See also Directory of Jewish Organizations; under name PHILANTHROPY, see also of organization BEQUESTS AND GIFTS; FED- ERATIONS; HOMES FOR PALESTINE AGED; HOMES FOR CHIL- DREN; HOSPITALS American Jews and the Hebrew Philipson, David, Hyman Gerson University, by Samuel B. Enelow, 5695, 23 Finkel, 5698, 193 Phillips, N. Taylor, Reverend Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Gershom Mendez Seixas, 5665, by Joseph Klausner, 5698, 179. 40 Jewish battalions and the Pal- POGROMS estine campaign, by Joshua H. Neumann, 5680, 120 From Kishineff to Bialystok; a table of pogroms from 1903 Jewish population of Palestine to 1906, [compiled by Cyrus —Census of 1931, 5694, 272. Adler], 5667, 34 One hundred available books Voice of America on Kishineff, on Palestine, 5666, 153 [compiled by Cyrus Adler], Palestine — Census of 1922, 5665, 378 5685, 584 Pool, David de Sola, Henry Pereira Palestine Royal Commission Mendes, a biographical sketch, Report, text of official sum- 5699, 41 mary, 5698, 503 Levantine Jews in the United Recent Jewish progress in Pal- States, 5674, 207 estine, by Henrietta Szold, Nathan Straus, 5692, 135 5676, 27 Popper, William, One hundred available books in English on See also IMMIGRATION Palestine, 5666, 153 INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-40

POPULATION, see STATIS- RITUAL MURDER TICS Beilis affair, 5675, 19 Portraits of early American Jews, Robinson, Leonard G., Agricultural by Hannah R. London, 5684, activities of the Jews in Amer- 147 ica, 5673, 21 Rosenau, William, Henry Berko- PRAYERS witz, 5685, 448 Kol Nidre, by Israel Davidson, Rosendale, Simon Wolfe, by G. 5684, 180 Herbert Cone, 5698, 25 Presidential electors, Jewish, 5670, Rosenwald, Julius, by Pauline K. 145 Angell, 5693, 141

PRISONS ROUMANIA Jewish inmates of the State Roumanian Jews in America, prisons in the United States, by D. M. Hermalin, 5662, 88. 1920-1929, by H. S. Linfield, The Jews of Roumania, from 5692, 203. Supplement: Jew- the earliest times to the pres- ish prisoners in foreign coun- ent day, by E. Schwarzfeld, tries, 5692, 209 5662, 25 Professional tendencies among The situation of the Jews in Jewish students in colleges, Roumania since the Treaty universities, and professional of Berlin (1878), by E. schools, Memoir of the Bureau Schwarzfeld, 5662, 63 of Jewish Social Research, 5681, 383 RUSSIA, see UNION OF SO- Rabbinical Seminaries (abroad, CIALIST SOVIET REPUB- by countries), 5661, 514 LICS Sandier g, Harry 0., Jews of Latin RABBIS America, 5678, 35 Schechter, Solomon, a biograph- Biographical sketches of rabbis ical sketch, by Cyrus Adler, and cantors, 5664, 40; 5665, 5677, 25 214; 5666, 119 Schiff, Jacob Henry, a biograph- List of rabbis and instructors in ical sketch, by Cyrus Adler, Jewish colleges, 5678, 367 5682, 21 Representative bodies, Jewish, Schneiderman, Harry, [Editor], 5661, 567 Year Book, 5680 to date Review of the Year, by Harry Israel Zangwill, a biograph- Schneiderman, 5689-5694; 5696 ical sketch, 5688, 121 (jointly with Melvin M. Fagen); Jewish war relief work, 5678, 5697 to date; preceded by Sur- vey of the Year 194 Rich, Louis, Adolph S. Ochs, 5696, Julius Kahn, 5686, 238 27 Review of the Year, 5689- 5694; 5696 (jointly with Melvin RIGHTS, JEWISH, see MIN- M. Fagen); 5697 to date ORITIES, PEACE CONFER- Schwartz, S. V., Emil Gustave ENCE Hirsch, 5686, 230 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

Schwarzfeld, E., Jews of Rou- State and Municipal offices, see mania, from the earliest times Elections to the present day, 5662, 25 Statistical summary by state [Jew- The situation of the Jews in ish organizations in the United Roumania since the Treaty of States), 5662, 126 Berlin (1878), 5662, 63 STATISTICS, Scixas, Gershom Mendez, by N. IMMIGRATION Taylor Phillips, 5665, 40 Argentine (In Statistics of Selekman, B. M., Federation in Jews), 5683 to dale the changing American scene, Brazil (In Statistics of Jews), 5695, 65 5691 to dale Selling, Ben, by H. J. Berkowitz, Canada (In Statistics of 5692, 155 Jews), 5674; 5676 to date SEMINARIES Cuba (In Statistics of Jews), Rabbinical seminaries [abroad 5692 to date by countries], 5661, 514 Palestine (In Statistics of SERBIA Jews), 5683 to date Jews of Serbia, by I. Alcalay, Union of South Africa (In 5679, 75 Statistics of Jews), 5694 SHEHITAH to date Jewish method of slaying ani- United States (In Statistics mals, by Moses Hyamson, of Jews), 5660 to date 5684, 163 Uruguay (In Statistics of Simon, Leon, Ahad Ha-Am, 5689, Jews), 5692 to dale 87 POPULATION Sketch of the history of the Jews Statistics of Jews (formerly in the United States, 5663, 63. called Jewish Statistics), • 5660 to date SOCIAL RESEARCH British Empire (In Statistics Jewish social research in United of Jews), 5683, 304; 5684, States, by Hyman Kaplan, 332; 5685, 568; 5686, 375; 5681, 31 5687, 389 Danzig, Free City of—Census See also Communal Organi- of 1923 and 1924, (Supple- zation; Statistics ment A to Statistics of Soldiers and sailors, Jewish, who Jews), 5691, 249 served in the Spanish-American France and possessions (In War, List of, 5661, 525 Statistics of Jews), 5683, Soltes, Mordecai, The Yiddish 305; 5684, 333; 5685, 569; press—an Americanizing agen- 5686, 376; 5687, 390 cy, 5685, 165 Germany—Census of 1925 (Supplement B to Statistics SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR of Jews), 5691, 252 Hungary—Census of 1920 Preliminary List of Jewish (appendix to Statistics of soldiers and sailors, 5661, 525. Jews), 5688, 265 INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-40

Occupation of the Jews of Prisons Hungary (Appendix C to Sta- tistics of Jews), 5691, 258 Jewish inmates of the state prisons of the United States, Irish Free State—Census of 1920-1929, by H. S. Linfield, 1926 (Supplement D to Sta- 5692, 203. Supplement: Jew- tistics of Jews), 5691, 263. ish prisoners in foreign coun- Latvia—Census of 1925 (Sup- tries, 5692, 209 plement E to Statistics of See also COLLEGES; CONGRE- Jews), 5691, 266 GATIONS; Wars Lithuania—Census of 1923 Stern, Horace, The Synagogue and (Supplement F to Statistics Jewish communal activities, of Jews), 5691, 276 5694, 157 Luxemburg—Census of 1927 Stern, Simon Adler, [tribute to], (Supplement B to Statistics by Felix N. Gerson, 5665, 409. of Jews), 5692, 323 Straus, Nathan, by David de Sola New Zealand—Census of 1926 Pool, 5692, 135 (In Supplement B to Statis- tics of Jews), 5692, 325 Straus, Oscar S., a biographical sketch, by Cyrus Adler, 5688, Palestine—Census of 1931 (Supplement to Statistics 145 of Jews), 5694, 272 Suhberger, Cyrus L., The Year, Census of 1922, 5685, 584 5665, 19 Sulzbcrger, Cyrus L., by Morris Russia (U. S. S. R.) (In Sta- D. Waldman, 5694, 145 tistics of Jews), 5683, 306; 5684, 333; 5685, 569; 5686, Sidzberger, Mayer, Joseph Jacobs, 377 5677, 68 Sulzberger, Mayer, address of Census of 1926 (Supplement Louis Marshall, 5685, 373 A to Statistics of Jews), 5692, 305 Summary of Jewish organizations in the United States, by Charles Turkey—Census of 1927 (In Supplement B to Statistics S. Bernheimer, 5661, 496 of Jews), 5692, 329 Sunday laws of the United States, Union of South Africa— by Albert M. Friedenberg, 5669, Census of 1921 (Supplement 152 C to Statistics of Jews), Sunrise and Sunset in six 5686, 390 northern latitudes, 5667 lo date Census of 1926 (In Supple- Survey of the year, by H. S. ment B to Statistics of Jews), 5692, 333 Linfield, 5683-5688; followed by United States, see UNITED Review of the Year. For pre- STATES—Statistics ceding years, see Events Venezuela—Census of 1926 Syllabus of Jewish history, 5666, (In Supplement B to Statis- 163 tics of Jews), 5692, 338 SYNAGOGUES The World (In Statistics of Architecture of the Synagogue, Jews), 5660 to date by William G. Tachau, . 155. AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

The Synagogues and Jewish UNITED STATES communal activities, by History Horace Stern, 5694, 157 See also Congregations. American Jews in the World War, by Julian Leavitt, 5680, Synagogues and Homes of 141 Societies dedicated, 5661- 5673; for entries in subse- Jews of America, 1654-1787, by quent volumes, see Events Albert M. Friedenberg, 5687, 193 Szold, Henrietta, [Editor], Year Book, 5667; 5668; (in collabora- Jews of the United States, by tion with Cyrus Adler) 5665; Abram S. Isaacs, 5660, 14 5666 Sketch of the history of the Jews Recent Jewish progress in in the United States, 5663, 63 Palestine, 5676, 27 See also The Year; Events, fol- The Year, 5661, 14 lowed by Survey of the Tachau, William G., Architecture Year, later called Review of of the synagogue, 5687, 155 the Year Teller, Chester Jacob, The Jewish Welfare Board, 5679, 88 Statistics Treaty of Berlin (1878), see ROU- Communal organization of the MANIA Jews in the United States, 1927, by H. S. Linfield, 5690, TURKEY 99 Jewish Congregations in the Jews of Turkey—Census of United States, by H. S. 1927, 5692, 329 Linfield, 5689, 199 Twenty-five years of Jewish edu- Jewish population in the United cation in the United States, States (In Statistics of by Israel Chipkin, 5697, 27 Jews), 5660 to date Jewish population of Mary- UNION OF SOCIALIST land, by George E. Barnett, SOVIET REPUBLICS 5663, 46 American passport in Russia, Jewish population in the United by Cyrus Adler, 5665, 283 States—Census 1917, 5678, Jews of Russia (U. S. S. R.)— 421 Census of 1926, 5692, 305 Jewish population in the United The passport question, by States, 1927, by H. S. Linfield, Herbert Friedenwald, 5672, 5689, 101 19; 5673, 196 Jewish population of the United The passport question in Con- States, Memoir of the Bureau gress, by Herbert Frieden- of Jewish Statistics, by Joseph wald, 5670, 21 Jacob, 5675, 339 See also POGROMS Jewish population of the United States, by S. D. Oppenheim, UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA 5679, 31 Jews of the Union of South Statistical summary by states Africa—Census of 1926, 5692, (of data gathered in April- 333 May 1900 regarding Jewish INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-40

communal activity), 5662, See also ARMY AND NAVY; 126 PEACE CONFERENCE Statistics of Jews and Jewish Weyl, Julius S,, a biographical organizations in the United appreciation, by David J. States; a historical review of the censuses, 1850-1937, Gaiter, 5697, 21 5699, 61 Wolf, Edwin, by Simon Miller, 5696, 55 VENEZUELA Wolf, Simon, Biographical sketch of Commodore Uriah P. Levy, Jews of Venezuela—Census of 5663, 42 1926, 5692, 338 Wolf, Simon, by Max J. Kohler, Waldman, Morris D., Cyrus L. 5685, 404 Sulzberger, 5694, 145 Wolff, Martin, Jews of Canada, Warburg, Felix Mforitz], by Cyrus 5686, 154 Adler, 5699, 23 WOMEN WARS Jewish women's organization in the United States, by Re- American Jews in the World bekah Kohut, 5692, 165 War, by Julian Leavitt, 5680, 141 YIDDISH Balkan Wars and the Jews, Yiddish press, an American- 5674, 188 izing agency, by Mordecai Collection of Jewish war sta- Soltes, 5685,' 165 tistics, by Julian Leavitt, Year, the, [articles reviewing the V'5679, 103 situation of the Jews of the Jewish battalions and the Pal- world, written by various auth- estine campaign, by Joshua ors, appear in] 5661-5670 H. Neumann, 5680, 120 Yiddish press—an Americanizing Jewish war relief work, [by agency, by M. Soltes, 5685, 165 Harry Schneiderman], 5678, 194 YOM KIPPUR Participation of the Jews of • Kol Nidre, by Israel Davidson France in the Great War, by 5684, 180 Captain Sylvain Halff, 5680, Zangwill, Israel, a biographical 31 sketch, by Harry Schneider- Preliminary list of Jewish man, 5688, 121 soldiers and sailors who serv- Zeitlin, Solomon, Maimonides, ed in the Spanish-American 5696, 61 War, 5661, 525 Story of British Jewry in the ZIONISTS War, by Rev. Michael Adler Fifth international congress of 5680, 98 Zionists, 5663, 78 CALENDARS ABRIDGED CALENDARS FOR 5698-5700

103 ana ats>n Jewish Festivals, etc. n'mn—5698 B'mn— )699 E>"n— 5700 Month and Date 1937-1938 1938—1939 1939-1940

Tishrl 1 New Year Sept. 6 M Sept. 26 M Sept. 14 Tb 3 Fast of Gedaliah Sept. 8 W Sept. 28 W *Sept. 16 Sa 10 Day of Atonement Sept. 15 W Oct. 5 W Sept. 23 Sa 15 Tabernacles Sept. 20 M Oct. 10 M Sept. 28 Th 22 Eighth Day of the Feast Sept. 27 M Oct. 17 M Oct. 5 Th 23 Rejoicing of the Law Sept. 28 T Oct. 18 T Oct. 6 F Heshvan 1 New Moon •Oct. 6 W *Oct. 26 W *Oct. 14 Sa Kislcv 1 New Moon •Nov. 5 F Nov. 24 Th *Nov. 13 M 25 Haoukkah Nov 29 M Dec. 18 S Dec. 7 Th

Tebet 1 New Moon •Dec. 5 S Dec. 23 F *Dec. 13 W 1939 10 Fast of Tebet Dec. 14 T Jan. I S Dec. 2? F 1938 1940 Shebat 1 New Moon Jan. 3 M Jan. 21 Sa Jan. 11 Th Adar 1 New Moon •Feb. 2 W *Feb. 20 M *Feb. 10 Sa Adar ShenI 1 New Moon "Mar. 4 F *Mar. 11 M 13 Fast of Esther Mar. 16 VV **Mar. 4 Sa **Mar. 23 Sa 14 Puriro Mar. 17 Th Mar. 5 S Mar. 24 S

Nisan 1 New Moon Apr. 2 Sa Mar. 21 T Apr. 9 T 15 Passover Apr. 16 Sa Apr. 4 T Apr. 23 T

lyar 1 New Moon 'May 2 M *Apr. 20 Th *May 9 Th 18 Thirty-third Day of 'Omer May 19 Th May 7 S May 26 S

Si van 1 New Moon May 31 T May 19 F June 7 F 6 Feast of Weeks June 5 S May 24 W June 12 W

Tammuz 1 New Moon •June 30 Th "June 18 S *July 7 S 17 Fast of Tammus fJuly IB Sa July 4 T July 23 T

Ab 1 New Moon July 29 F July 17 M Aug. 5 M 9 Fast of Ab fAus. 6 Sa July 25 T Aug. 13 T

Elul 1 New MOOD "Aug. 28 S *Aug. 10 W *Sept. 4 W

"Second day of New Moon. tFasfc observed on following Sunday. *• Fast olwerved on previous Thursday. ABRIDGED CALENDARS FOR 5701-5703

an ant Jewish Festivals, etc. 701 a'tfn-5702 3"!!)n—5703 Mooth and Date 1940-1941 1941-1942 1942-1943

Tishrt 1 New Year Oct. 3 Th Sept. 22 M Sept. 12 Sa 3 Fast of Gcdah'ah tOet. 5 Sa Sept. 24 W Sept. 14 M 10 Day of Atonement Oct. 12 Sa Oct. 1 W Sept. 21 M 15 Tabernacles Oct. 17 Th Oct. 6 M Sept. 26 'Sa 22 Eighth Day of the Feast Oct. 24 Tb Oct. 13 M Oct. 3 Sa 23 Rejoicing of the Law Oct. 25 F Oct. 14 T Oct. 4 S Heshvan 1 New Moon *Nov. 2 Sa *Oct. 22 W *Oct. 12 M Eislev 1 New MOOD Dec. 1 S *Nov. 21 F Nov. 10 T 25 Hanukkab Dec. 25 W Dec. 15 M Dec. 4 F

Tebet 1 New Moon *Dec. 31 T *Dec. 21 S Dec. 9 W 1941 10 Fast of Tebet Jan. 9 Tb Dec. 30 T Dec. 18 T 1942 1943 Shebat 1 New Moon Jan. 29 W Jan. 19 M Jan. 7 Th Adar 1 New Moon *Feb. 28 F *Feb. 18 W *Feb. 8 Sa Adar Sheni 1 New Moon *Mar. 8 M 13 Fast of Esther Mar. 12 W Mar. 2 M **Mar. 20 Sa 14 Purim Mar. 13 Th Mar. 3 T Mar. 21 S

Nisan 1 New Moon Mar. 29 Sa Mar. 19 Th Apr. 6 T 15 Passover Apr. 12 Sa Apr. 2 Th Apr. 20 T

lyar 1 New Moon *Apr. 28 M *Apr. 18 Sa *May 6 Th 18 Thirty-third Day of 'Omer May 15 Th May 5 T May 23 S

SivaD 1 New Moon May 27 T May 17 S June 4 F 6 Feast of Weeks June 1 S May 22 F June 9 W

Tammuz 1 New Moon •June 26 Th "June 16 T *July 4 S 17 Fast of Tammua tJuly 12 Sa July 2 Th July 20 T

Ab 1 New Moon July 25 F July 15 W Aug. 2 M 9 Fast of Ab tAug. 2 Sa July 23 Th Aug. 10 T

Elul 1 New MOOD •Aug. 24 S *Aug. 14 F *Sept. 1 W

*Second day of New Moon. fFaat ofcaerped on following Sunday. "Fast observed on previous Thursday 5699 is called 699 (D'^in) according to the short system It is a defective common year of 12 months, 50 Sabbaths, 353 days, beginning on Monday, the second day of the week, and having the first day of Passover on Tuesday, the third day of the week; therefore, its sign is 3m, i. e. a for the second, n for defective (mon) and 3 for the third. It is the eighteenth year of the 300th lunar cycle of 19 years, and the fifteenth year of the 204th solar cycle of 28 years, since Creation. 1938, Sept. 26-Oct. 25] TISHRI 30 DAYS p-|tt»n 5699

Day Civil PENTATEUCHAL PROPHETICAL of the Jewish SABBATHS, FESTI- PORTIONS Month Week Month VALS, FASTS PORTIONS nvEns rrnoBn Sept. TiBhri /Gen. 21 26 M 1 New Year rTOH If Km 'N INum. 29: l-o i Sam. 1: 1-2: 10 IGen. 22 j er. 31: 2-20 27 T 2 New Year fWH BNTI '3 (Num. 29: 1-6 28 W 3 rrbna mx Ex. 32: 11-14; 34: 1- Is. 55:6-56:8 10 1Seph. none 29 Th 4 Fast of Gedallah 30 F 5 Hos. 14: 2-10, Joel 2: 15-17, 27; Out. Seph. Hos. 14: 2-10, 1 S 6 raw natu .-^'l Deut. 31 Micah 7: 18-20 2 S 7 3 M 8 4 T 9 (Lev. 16 Is. 57: 14-58: 14 5 W 10 TIDD 01' JNum. 29: 7-11 Afttrnoon: Jonah Day of Atonement [Afternoon: Lev. 18 Seph. add Micah 7: 6 Th 11 18-20 7 F 12 8 S 13 vim Deut. 32 i I Sam. 22 9 14 (Lev. 22: 26-23: 44 Zcch. 14 10 s 15 tabernacles 1TDDT '« Num. 29: 12-16 Lev. 22: 26-23: 44 I Kings 8: 2-21 11 M 16 Tabernacles JTDD1 '3 Num. 29: 12-16 Num. 29: 17-25 12 T 17 Stph. 29:17-23 Num. 29: 20-28 13 W 18 Stph. 29: 20-25 Num. 29: 23-31 14 Th 19 Stph. 29: 23-28 Ex. 33: 12-34: 26 15 F 20 Num. 29: 26-31 Ezek. 38: 18-39: 16 S Num. 29: 26-34 16 S 21 Stph. 29: 29-34 Deut. 14: 22-16: 17 I Kings 8: S4-66 17 M 22 Num. 29: 35-30: 1 Eighth Day of the Feast Dcut. 33: 1-34: 12 18 T 23 mm nrratp Gen. 1: 1-2: 3 /Josh. 1 Num. 29: 35-30: 1 \Seph. 1: 1-9 19 W 24 Rejoicing of the Law 20 Th 25 21 F 26 [Is. 42: 5-43: 10 \Stph. 42t 5-11; 61:10; 22 S 27 t'nn 'aoi .rrwra (3en. 1: 1-6:8 ( 62:5 23 28 24 s 29 25 M 30 New Moon Pin WTI 'K Num. 28: 1-15 T *The Book of Ecclesiastes is read. s 193!!, Oct. 26—Nov. 23] HESHVAN 29 DAYS []WU 5699

Day PENTATEUCHAL PROPHETICAL Civil of the Jewish SABBATHS, FESTI- PORTIONS PORTIONS Month VALS, FASTS Monti Week nvtms rrnoBn Oct. H«hT 26 1 New Moon EHf! KWIT 'I Num. 28: 1-15 27 Twh 2

28 F 3 / Is. 54: 1-55:5 29 S 4 TO Gen. 6:9-11:32 \ Seph. 54: 1-10 30 S 5 31 M 6 NOT. 1 T 7 2 W 8 3 Th 9 4 F 10 5 S 11 Gen. 12: 1-17:27 Is. 40:27-41: 16 6 S 12 7 M 13 8 T 14 9 W 15 10 Th 16 11 F 17 /II Kings 4: 1-37 12 S 18 Gen. 18: 1-22: 24 [Seph. 4: 1-23 13 S 19 14 M 20 15 T 21 16 W 22 17 Th 23 18 F 24 M 19 S 25 [ 'nn '30] rrw n Gen. 23: 1-25: 18 I Kings 1: 1-31 20 26 21 Ms 27 22 T 28 23 W 29 ]»p -ITB3 DV 1938, No\'. 24—Dec. 22] KISLEV 29 DAYS ti^DD 5699 Day PENTATEUCHAL PROPHETICAL Civil of the Jewish SABBATHS, FESTI- PORTIONS PORTIONS Month week Month VALS, FASTS rrntjsn "NovT KSiev 24 Th 1 New Moon tTIH 0N~l Num. 28: 1-15 25 F 2 26 S 3 Gen. 25: 19-28: 9 Mai. 1: 1-2:7 27 4 28 Ms 5 29 T 6 30 W 7 Dec. 1 Th 8 Hos. 12: 13-14: 10 or 2 F 9 11: 7-12: 12, or 11: 7-14: 10 3 S 10 Gen 28: 10-32: 3 Siph 11: 7-12: 12 4 S 11 5 M 12 6 T 13 7 W 14 8 Th 15 Hoa. 12:13-14: 10 or 9 F 16 11: 7-12: 12 or Obad. 1:1-21 10 S 17 Gen. 32: 4-36: 43 {Siph. Obad. 1: 1-21 11 18 12 Ms 19 13 T 20 14 W 21 15 Th 22 16 F 23 17 S 24 i'nn'3D)3»'i Gen. 37:1-40: 23 Amos 2: 6-3: 8 /Hanukkah, POUTI (Num 7: 1-17 18 25 (Feast of Dedication \Sepk. 6: 22-7: 17 (Num. 7: 18-29 19 Ms 26 \Seph. 7: 18-23 (Num. 7: 24-35 20 T 27 \Siph. 7: 24-29 '.Num. 7:30-41 21 W 28 ISeph. 7: 30-35 Num. 7: 36-47 22 Th 29 jSeph. 7:36-41 193!!, Dec.23—Jan. 20, 1939] TEBET 29 DAYS [D3C3 5699 PENTATEUCH \L PROPHETICAL Civil of tin Jewiih SABBATHS, FESTI- PORTION S PORTIONS Month Week Month VALS, FASTS

DM Tebet Num. 28: 1-15; 7: F 1 New Moon B>"7n WH~\ 42-53 23 /Gen. 41:1-44: 17 24 S 2 ypo \ Num. 7: 48-53 Zech. 2: 14-4: 7 Eighth Day of 25 3 Hanukkab Num. 7: 54-8:4 26 Ms 4 27 T 5 28 W 6 29 Th 7 30 F 8 31 S 9 EOT Gen. 44: 18-47: 27 Eiek. 37: 15-28 Jan. 1939 / naoa m»y net Ex. 32: 11-14; 34: 1- /Is. 55:6-56:8 1 S 10 1 Fast of Tebet 10 [Seph. none 2 M 11 3 T 12 4 W 13 5 Th 14 6 F 15 7 S 16 'ITl Gen. 47: 28-50: 26 I Kings 2: 1-12 8 S 17 9 M 18 10 T 19 11 W 20 12 Th 21 13 F 22 (Is. 27: 6-28: 13; 29: < 22, 23 14 S 23 Cnn 'ani nia» Ex. 1: 1-6: 1 [Scph. Jer. 1: 1-2:3 15 S 24 16 M 25 17 T 26 18 W 27 19 Th 28 laipioi ]op -IIED ov 20 F 29 1939, Jan 21—Feb. 19] SHEBAT 30 DAYS [EOt£> 5699 PENTATEUCHAL PROPHETICAL Oril of the Jewish SABBATHS, FESTI- PORTIONS PORTIONS Month Month VAL, FASTS Week trnra nnosn Jan. Shebat win wtr\ .trim /Ex. 6: 2-9: 35 Is. 66 21 s 1 New Moon \Num. 28: 9-15 22 2 23 Ms 3 24 T 4 25 W 5 26 Th 6 27 F 7 28 S 8 to Ex. 10: 1-13: 16 Jer. 46: 13-28 29 S 9 30 M 10 31 T 11 Feb. 1 W 12 2 Th 13 < ,7rrw raw ,n^ita 3 F 14 (Judges 4: 4-5: 31 4 S 15 I New Year for Trees Ex. 13: 17-17: 16 \Seph. 5: 1-31 5 S 16 6 M 17 7 T 18 8 W 19 9 Th 20 10 F 21 /Is. 6: 1-7: 6; 9: 5, 6 11 S 22 rur Ex. 18: 1-20: 23 \Seph 6: 1-13 12 23 13 Ms 24 14 T 25 15 W 26 16 Th 27 mpiD }Op TIB3 DV 17 F 28 I t'nn '3DI,,D'BBPO Ex. 21: 1-24; IS; 30: /II Kings 12: 1-17 18 S 29 i D'7ptt> 'B 11-16 \Seph. 11: 17-12: 17 19 S 30 „ enri vtn-i 'K Num. 28: 1-15 New Moon 1939, Feb. 20—Mar. 20] ADAR 29 DAYS m« 5699

Day PENTATEUCHAL PROPHETICAL Civil of the Jewish SABBATHS, FESTI- PORTIONS PORTIONS Month Month VALS, FASTS Week mr\B rmBon Feb. Adar 20 M 1 New Moon VT\n 'TI '3 Num. 28: 1-15 21 T 2 22 W 3 23 Th 4 24 F 5 25 S 6 nann Ex 25: 1-27: 19 I Kings 5: 26-6: 13 26 7 27 s 8 28 M 9 Mar. T 1 W 10 f Is. 55: 6-56: 8 -inDK mx Ex. 32: 11-14; 34: \ Seph. none 2 Th 11 Fast of Esther 1-10 12 3 F /Ex. 27: 20-30: 10 /I Sam. 15: 2-34 4 S 13 Tor 'B ,mxn \Deut. 25: 17-19 \Sepk. 15: 1-34 D'TIB Ex. 17: 8-16 5 14 Purira, Feast of Esther* DH1S ]VW 6 s 15 Shushan Purlin 7 M 16 8 •T 17 9 W 18 10 Th 19 F [Ex. 30: 11-34: 35 /Ezek. 36: 16-38 11 20 ms 'B ,«»n '3 (Num. 19 \Sepk. 36: 16-36 12 S 21 13 s 22 14 M 23 15 T 24 16 W 25 17 Th 26 F cnn'aoi 'Tips ,^np'i\ Ex. 35: 1-40: 38; 12: fEzek. 45: 16-46: 18 ; 18 27 tsnnn 'B' 1-20 \Seph. 45: 18-46: 15 ' 19 S 28 20 M 29

*The Book of Esther is read. 10 1939, Mar. 21—Apr. 19] NISAN 30 DAYS []D'3 5699

PENTATEUCHAL PROPHETICAL Civil of the Jewish SABBATHS, FESTI- PORTIONS PORTIONS Month Week Month VALS, FASTS nvtms m-iBBn Mar. Niean 21 T 1 New Moon Win PiO Num. 28: 1-15 22 W 2 23 Th 3 24 F 4 25 S 5 Lev. 1: 1-5: 26 Is. 43: 21-44: 23 26 6 27 s 7 28 M 8 29 T 9 30 W 10 31 Th 11 /Mai. 3: 4-24 or Apr. F ill Kings 7: 3-20 S 12 ^rnn rav ,ix Lev. 6: 1-8: 36 [Seph. Mai. 3: 4-24 2 13 3 s 14 Ex. 12: 21-51 [Josh. 3: 5-7; 5: 2-6, 4 M Passover nDBT '» Num. 28: 16-25 15 Lev. 22: 26-23:44 1 Sefh. 5: 2-6: 2 5 T Passover flDBT '2 Num. 28: 16-25 II Kings 23: 1 {or 4)-9: 16 Ex. 13:1-16 21-25 6 W Num. 28: 19-25 17 Ex. 22: 24-23: 19 7 Th Num. 28: 19-25 18 nyinn Tin Ex. 33: 12-34: 26 (Ezefc 36: 37-37: 14 8 F 19 Num. 28: 19-25 \Stph. 37: 1-14 S Num. 9: 1-14 9 20 Num. 28: 19-25 Ex. 13:17-15: 26 II Sam. 22 10 s 21 Passover HDBT '1 Num. 28: 19-25 Deut. 15: 19-16: 17 Is. 10: 32-12: 6 11 M 22 Passover PID3T 'PI Num. 28: 19-25 12 T 23 13 W 24 14 Th 25 an nDK F ill Sam. 6: 1-7: 17 15 26 Lev. 9: 1-11: 47 \Seph. 6: 1-19 S 16 S 27 i 'nn 'am srou> 17 M 28 18 T 29 19 W 30 New Moon VI n ' TI '« Num. 28: 1-15

*The Song of Songs is read. 11 1939> Apr 20—May 18] IYAR 29 DAYS H"N 5699

PENTATEUCHAL PROPHETICAL Civil of the ewish SABBATHS, FESTI- PORTIONS PORTIONS Month Month VALS, FASTS Week rnvma nnusn Apr. Iyar 20 Th 1 New Moon tmn "VI '3 Num. 28: 1-15 21 F 2 22 S 3 yi2£D ,5r~un Lev. 12: 1-15: 33 II Kings 7: 3-20 23 S 4 24 M 5 25 T 6 26 W 7 27 Th 8 28 F 9 Amos 9: 7-15; or Ezek. 29 S 10 Lev. lfi: 1-20:27 Ezek. 20:2(orl)-20' 30 11 May i— 1 s M 12 2 T 13 3 W 14 *3tf nos 4 Th 15 5 F 16 6 S 17 Lev. 21: 1-24: 23 Ezek. 44: 15-31 I3M Day TDyj fy 7 S 18 \ of 'Omer 8 M 19 9 T 20 10 W 21 11 Th 22 12 F 23 13 S 24 i'nn 'soi ,'npna ,"ira Lev. 25: 1-27: 34 Jer. 16: 19-17:14 14 S 25 15 M 26 16 T 27 17 W 28 18 Th 29 lap "I1D3 DV 1939, May 19—June 17] SIVAN[ 30 DAYS qVD 5699 Day PENTATEUCHAL PROPHETICAL Civil ofth. J»wt»h SABBATHS, FESTI- PORTIONS PORTIONS Month Week Month VALS, FASTS nv»io nnosn May SivM 19 F 1 New Moon tntl B>N1 Num. 28:1-15 20 S 2 •man Num.1: 1-4: 20 Hos. 2: 1-22 21 3 22 Ms 4 no m l 5 (Ex. 19: 1-20: 23 Ezek. 1: 1-28; 3: 1] INum. 28: 26-31 zs 6 /Deut. 14: 22-16: 17 /Hab. 3:1-19 245 Twh 7 F.a.tofWee^15'13'"'3 \Num. 28: 2<5-31 \Sefh. 2: 20-3: 19 26 F 8 an nDK 27 S 9 Num. 4:21-7:89 Judges 13: 2-25 28 10 29 Ms 11 30 T 12 31 W 13 June 1 Th 14 2 F 15 3 S 16 -\rbyra Num. 8: 1-12: 16 Zech. 2:14-4: 7 4 17 5 Ms 18 6 T 19 7 W 20 8 Th 21 9 F 22 10 S 23 i 'nn 'ao] ,-p rbi) Num. 13: 1-15: 41 Josh. 2 11 24 12 Ms 25 13 T 26 14 W 27 15 Th 28 [DlplDJ ,]®p 11BD DV 16 F 29 17 S 30 ; win wtni'« ,mp I Num. 16: 1-18: 32 Is. 66 [New Moon \Niim. 28: 9-15 •The Book of Ruth is read. 1939, June 18—July 16] TAMMUZ 29 DAYS [TlDn 5699

PENTATEUCHAL PROPHETICAL Civil of the Jewish SABBATHS, FESTI- PORTIONS PORTIONS Month Week Month VALS, FASTS rWlD nntjsn June Tarn. 18 S 1 New Moon EHn 'Tl '3 Num. 28: 1-15 19 M 2 20 T 3 21 W 4 22 Th 5 23 F 6 24 S 7 npn Num 19:1-22:1 Judges 11: 1-33 25 S 8 26 M 9 27 T 10 28 W 11 29 Th 12 30 F 13 July S 14 Num.22: 2-25: 9 Micah 5: 6-6: 8 2 8 15 3 M 16 Ex. 32: 11-14; 34: 1- (Is. 55:6-56:8 4 T 17 /ram -i»j) njn» mx 10 \Seph. none K 18 IFast ofTammuz Wvv 6 Th 19 7 F 20 8 S 21 ore's Num. 25: 10-30: 1 Jcr. 1:1-2:3 9 22 10 Ms 23 11 T 24 12 W 25 13 Th 26 14 F 27 fjer. 2: 4-28; 8: 4 15 S 28 [Tin 'am WOD ,niBa Num. 30: 2-36: 13 \Seph. 2: 4-28; 4: 1,2 16 s 29 ]Op 11BJ DV

14 193<>, July 17—Aug. 15] AB 3d DAYS pN 5699

Day PENTATEUCHAL PROPHETICAL Civil of the Jewish SABBATHS, FESTI- PORTIONS PORTIONS Month Week Month VALS, FASTS m-tns nntasn July Ab 17 M 1 New Moon BHn (PN1 Num. 28: 1-15 18 T 2 19 W 3 20 Th 4 21 F 5 22 S 6 p?n rat) ,&~a~i Deut. 1:1-3: 22 Is. 1: 1-27 23 7 s Morning: 24 M 8 (Deut. 4: 25-40 Jer. 8: 13-9: 23 3to nytpn DI?£ {Afternoon: Afternoon: 25 TA. 9 Fast of Ab* I Ex. 32: 11-14; 34: Is. 55:6-56:8 1-10 Sefh. Has. 14: 2-10; 26 10 Micah 7: 18-20 27 Twh 11 28 F 12 29 S 13 ion: mv ,pnn«i Deut. 3: 23-7: 11 Is. 40: 1-26 30 S 14 31 M 15 Aug. 1 T 16 2 W 17 3 Th 18 4 F 19 5 S 20 apy Deut. 7: 12-11: 25 Is. 49: 14-51: 3 6 21 7 Ms 22 8 T 23 9 W 24 10 Th 25 11 F 26 12 S 27 I'nn '3D] ,ns~i Deut. 11: 26-16: 17 Is. 54: 11-55:5 13 s 28 14 M 29 pp TID3 DV 15 T 30 inn twn 'N Num. 28: 1-15 New Moon

*The Book of Lamentations is read. 15 193?>, Aug'. 16-Sept. 13], ELUL 29 DAYS [^N 5699

PENTATEUCHAL PROPHETICAL Oivil of the Jewish SABBATHS, FESTI- PORTIONS PORTIONS Month Month VALS, FASTS Week rmna Aus. Elul unn ittm 'a Num. 28: 1-1S 16 w 1 New Moon* 17 Th 2 18 F 3 19 S 4 Deut. 16: 18-21:9 Is. 51:12-52: 12 20 S 5 21 M 6 22 T 7 23 W 8 24 Th 9 25 F 10 26 S 11 torn o Deut. 21: 10-25: 19 Is. 54: 1-10 27 S 12 28 M 13 29 T 14 30 W 15 31 Th 16 Sapt. l— l F 17 2 S 18 Deut. 26: 1-29: 8 18.60 3 19 4 Ms 20 5 T 21 6 W 22 7 Th 23 8 F 24 9 S 25 I^'l ,O'3S3 Deut. 29:9-31:30 Is. 61: 10-63: 9 10 S 26 mn'^o^ D'a'3»o 11 M 27 12 T 28 13 W 29 m any


Lat. 10° North Lat. 44" North Lat. 42° North (For Southern New York, (For Maine, Nova Scotia, (For Massachusetts, New Connecticut, Rhode Island, Northern New York, Michi- Hampshire. Vermont, Cen- Pennsylvaniaj New Jersey, gan Wisconsin, Minnesota, tral New York, Southern Northern Ohio, Indiana, Il- North and South Dakota, Michigan. Wisconsin, North- linois. Southern Iowa, Ne- Montana, Washington, ern Iowa. Wyoming, South- braska, Northern Colorado, Northern Oregon, Northern ern Idaho, Southern Oregon) Day of Idaho' Utah, Nevada, California) Month New 1 ork City Portland, Me. Bostoi , Mass. Chimgo, III.

o 1 is = 3 1 g| I If |B o! i CO Jl 1 1 13 1 Jan. 1 5.52 7.37 4.31 6.16 5.48 7.30 4.38 6.20 5.16 7.25 4.43 6.22 10 6.51 7.36 4.40 6.25 5.48 7.29 4.46 6.28 5.46 7.25 4.51 6.29 20 5.47 7.30 4.53 6.35 5.48 7.24 4.58 6.36 5.45 7.19 5.03 6.38 Feb. 1 5.39 7.19 5.09 6.49 5.38 7.14 5.11 6.50 5.37 7.10 5.18 6.51 10 5.29 7.07 5.22 7.01 5.29 7.04 5.26 6.59 5.29 7.01 5.29 7.00 20 5.15 6.52 5.36 7.12 5.17 6.50 5.38 7.12 6.17 6.48 5.40 7.12 Mch. 1 5.01 6.37 5.18 7.24 5.02 6.35 5.50 7.23 5.03 6.35 5.51 7.22 10 4.43 6.21 6.00 7.37 4.48 6.21 6.01 7.34 4.49 6.21 6.01 7.32 20 4.26 6.03 6.12 7.49 4.30 6.03 6.12 7.46 4.33 6.01 6.11 7.44 Apl. 1 4.00 5.40 6.27 8.07 4.08 5.43 6.26 8.01 4.12 5.15 6.24 7.56 10 3.41 5.24 6.39 8.21 3.49 5.27 6.35 8.13 3.54 5.28 6.33 8.08 20 3.19 5.07 6.51 8.39 3.29 5.11 6.45 8.28 3.36 5.13 6.43 8.21 May 1 2.52 4.49 7.05 9.01 3.07 1.54 6.59 8.47 3.16 1.59 6.55 8.32 10 2.36 4.37 7.15 9.14 2.53 4.14 7.08 9.02 3.02 4.50 7.04 8.45 20 2.16 4.26 7.26 9.37 2.35 4.36 7.18 9.18 2.46 4.39 7.14 9.00 June 1 1.55 4.17 7.38 10.00 2.17 4.25 7.29 9.37 2.32 4.31 7.24 9.23 10 1.47 4.14 7.44 10.12 2.11 4.22 7.35 9.47 2.27 4.28 7.29 9.32 20 1.44 1.14 7.49 10.18 2.08 4.23 7.39 9.53 2.25 4.29 7.34 9.39 July 1 1.55 1.18 7.49 10.10 2.12 1.26 7.40 9.54 2.28 4.31 7.35 9.37 10 2.12 1.24 7.46 9.58 2.23 4.32 7.38 9.14 2.38 4.37 7.33 9.31 20 2.27 4.32 7.39 9.14 2.37 4.40 7.32 9.35 2.50 4.44 7.27 9.21 Aug. 1 2.46 4.46 7.26 9.25 2.55 4.52 7.20 9.17 3.06 4.56 7.16 9.06 10 3.06 4.57 7.14 9.03 3.12 5.01 7.09 8.59 3.19 5.05 7.06 8.50 20 3.23 5.07 6.58 8.41 3.27 5.11 6.55 8.39 3.34 5.15 6.53 8.33 Sept. 1 3.10 5.22 6.37 8.20 3.44 5.21 6.36 8.16 3.50 5.27 6.33 8.10 10 3.55 6.33 6.20 7.59 3.55 5.31 6.21 7.59 4.00 5.36 6.19 7.54 20 4.07 5.45 6.01 7.39 4.07 5.44 6.04 7.38 4.12 5.45 6.02 7.36 Oct. 1 4.22 5.58 5.41 7.16 4.23 5.56 5.43 7.17 4.25 5.56 5.43 7.19 10 4.35 6.09 6.25 6.59 1.33 6.06 5.29 7.00 4.35 6.05 5.31 6.58 20 4.45 6.22 5.07 6.43 1.41 6.18 5.13 6.45 4.45 6.15 5.16 6.43 Nov. 1 5.00 6.38 1.49 6.28 1.58 6.33 4.55 6.30 4.57 6.29 4.59 6.31 10 5.10 6.51 1.38 6.18 5.07 6.44 4.41 6.21 5.09 6.10 4.49 6.21 20 5.20 7.04 1.28 6.12 5.18 6.57 4.35 6.14 5.17 6.53 4.39 6.15 Dec. 1 6.32 7.17 1.21 6.07 5.29 7.10 4.29 6.09 5.27 7.05 1.34 6.11 10 5.39 7.27 .20 6.08 5.37 7.19 4.28 6.08 5.35 7.14 4.33 6.11 20 5.45 7.34 .23 6.09 5.43 7.26 4.30 6.11 5.41 7.20 4.36 5.14 •Adapted by permission, from Tha Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. XI 18 TIME OF SUNRISE AND SUNSET IN SIX NORTHERN LATITUDES*

Lat. 380-36° North (For District of Columbia. Dela ware, Maryland, Vir- Lat. 34°-32° North ginia West Virginia, South- (For South Carolina, North- Lat. 30°-28° North ern Ohio, Southern Indiana em Georgia, Alabama, Mis- (For Florida, Southern Geor- Southern Illinois, Northern sissippi, Louisiana, Texas, gia, Alabama, Missdssippi, Miss >un, Kansas, Centra: Southern New Mexico, Ari- Louisiana. T xas) Colorado Central Utah, zona, California) Pensacola, Fla Day of Central Nebraska, Central Savannah, Ga. New Orleans, Li Month California) Charleston. S. C Washington, D. C. Norfolk, Va. Daw n Daw n Sunse t Begin s Sunse t Begin s Sunse t Sunris e I! Sunris e gl I 1 Twiligh t | End s Jan. 1 5.43 7.19 4.49 6.25 5.35 7.03 5.05 6.33 5.30 6.57 5.11 6.38 10 5.45 7.19 4.57 6.31 5.37 7.03 5.13 6.39 5.33 6.58 5.18 6.42 20 5.43 7.14 5.08 6.39 5.37 7.01 5.20 6.47 5.32 6.56 5.25 6.51 Feb. 1 5.36 7.06 5.22 6.52 5.31 6.56 5.32 6.57 5.29 6.51 5.37 6.56 10 5.27 6.57 5.31 7.02 5.25 6.48 5.41 7.04 5.22 6.43 5.45 7.05 20 5.16 6.46 5.42 7.11 5.16 6.38 5.50 7.11 5.15 6.36 5.52 7.12 Mch. 1 5.04 6.33 5.52 7.21 5.07 6.28 6.57 7.19 5.07 6.26 5.59 7.19 10 4.50 6.20 6.01 7.31 4.55 6.19 6.04 7.26 4.56 6.16 6.05 7.25 20 4.35 6.05 6.11 7.41 4.41 6.05 6.11 7.35 4.43 6.05 6.12 7.33 Apl. 1 4.15 5.46 6.22 7.53 4.25 5.49 6.20 7.43 4.29 5.50 6.19 7.39 10 3.58 5.31 6.30 8.05 4.13 5.37 6.26 7.50 4.18 5.39 6.24 7.45 20 3.40 5.17 6.40 8.16 3.57 5.25 6.33 8.00 4.04 5.29 6.30 7.54 May 1 3.22 5.02 6.52 8.32 3.43 5.13 6.41 8.11 3.51 5.17 6.37 8.02 10 3.08 4.53 7.00 8.45 3.32 5.05 6.48 8.20 3.41 5.11 6.44 8.13 20 2.54 4.44 7.09 9.00 3.22 4.59 6.54 8.31 3.33 5.05 6.50 8.22 June 1 2.41 4.36 7.18 9.13 3.13 4.53 7.01 8.41 3.24 5.00 6.55 8.31 10 2.36 4.34 7.23 9.21 3.11 4.52 7.05 8.47 3.22 4.59 6.59 8.37 20 2.35 4.34 7.28 9.26 3.10 4.52 7.10 8.52 3.22 4.59 7.04 8.40 July 1 2.39 4.37 7.19 9.27 3.13 4.55 7.11 8.53 3.25 5.01 7.05 8.41 10 2.47 4.43 7.27 9.22 3.19 5.00 7.10 8.51 3.30 5.05 7.03 8.38 20 2.58 4.51 7.21 9.12 3.27 5.05 7.07 8.45 3.38 5.11 7.00 8.33 Aug. 1 3.14 5.00 7.12 8.58 3.39 5.13 6.58 8.33 3.48 5.19 6.53 8.24 10 3.26 5.08 7.02 8.44 3.47 5.19 6.49 8.22 3.56 5.24 6.45 8.13 20 3.40 5.18 6.49 8.28 3.57 5.26 6.39 8.08 4.04 5.29 6.36 8.00 Sept. 1 3.54 5.29 6.31 8.06 4.08 5.35 6.25 7.52 4.14 5.37 6.23 7.46 10 4.01 5.37 6.18 7.51 4.15 5.40 6.14 7.39 4.19 5.42 6.12 7.35 20 4.16 5.45 6.02 7.32 4.23 5.47 6.01 7.23 4.27 5.47 6.01 7.22 Oct. 1 4.27 5.56 5.43 7.13 4.32 5.54 5.45 7.08 4.34 5.53 5.46 7.06 10 4.36 6.04 5.31 6.58 4.37 6.00 5.35 6.57 4.39 5.59 5.36 6.56 20 4.46 6.14 5.16 6.45 4.45 6.07 5.23 6.45 4.44 6.06 5.25 6.46 NOT. 1 4.57 6.29 5.01 6.31 4.54 6.16 5.11 6.34 4.53 6.14 5.14 6.35 10 5.05 6.40 4.52 6.23 6.01 6.25 5.03 6.27 6.00 6.21 5.08 6.30 20 5.14 6.53 4.44 6.18 5.09 6.35 4.57 6.23 5.06 6.29 5.01 6.26 Dec. 1 5.25 6.59 4.40 6.13 5.17 6.44 4.55 6.21 5.13 6.38 5.00 6.25 10 5.33 7.08 4.38 6.14 5.23 6.51 4.55 6.24 5.21 6.46 5.01 6.27 20 5.38 7.14 4.40 6.17 5.29 6.67 4.58 6.28 5.26 6.52 5.04 6.29

'Adapted, by permission, from The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. XI 19