EX LIBRIS IRVING BEBKEIHAMMEM The American Jewish Year Book 5699 September 26, 1938 to September 13, 1939 Volume 40 Edited by HARRY SCHNEIDERMAN for THE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE A GOLDEN JUBILEE VOLUME PHILADELPHIA THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA 1938 COPYRIGHT, 1938 BY THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the Publisher: except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PRESS OF THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. PREFACE Of the three special articles in the present volume, two arc biograph- ical sketches of men who, each in his particular fields of endeavor, achieved distinction and honor both in the Jewish community and in the larger world. Quite appropriately, the lives of these men are sketched by persons who were, at the same time, close friends and active associates—that of Felix M. Warburg, philanthropist, patron of art and education, and Jewish communal leader, by Doctor Cyrus Adler; that of Henry Pereira Mendes, rabbi, teacher, and civic worker, by the Reverend Doctor David de Sola Pool. The other special article is a history of efforts, going back to 1850, to gather facts and figures about religious organizations in the United States, especially statistics of Jewish congregations as well as the Jewish population of the country. This article is preliminary to another, which it is expected will be published in a subsequent volume, giving the results of a study of this kind which has been under way for about two years, under the direction of Dr. H. S. Linfield, director of the Jewish Statistical Bureau, who served as Special Agent of the United States Bureau of the Census; the study was supervised and largely financed by the American Jewish Committee. The greater number and larger significance of events of interest to Jews, which have been notable for several years past, are again reflected in the con'siderable space devoted in this volume to the Review of the Year. In the preparation of this article, the Editor enjoyed the intel- ligent and conscientious assistance of Mr. Nathan C. Belth, and of several members of the staff of the American Jewish Committee, especially Messrs. Morris Fine and Moses Moskowitz, and Doctor Sascha Charles. The editor desires to express his grateful appreciation to these able co-workers. The recurrent features remain essentially the same as they have been for several years. Owing to limitation of space, it was not possible to Hi iv PREFACE present the directory of national Jewish organizations in two lists— one alphabetical and one classified—as we did in the preceding volume. This, as well as all the other lists and tables, have been brought up to date. Special attention is called to the Index to the entire series of the American Jewish Year Book, now grown to forty volumes. It is hoped that the Index will be found helpful to those who have occasion to refer to the series. The Editor is eager again to acknowledge gratefully the valuable assistance of Miss Rose A. Herzog in the compilation of the directories and lists and the appendices to the Review of the Year, and to Mrs. Rose G. Stein, who prepared the Index and revised the article on Statistics of Jews. I desire also to thank Mr. Maurice Jacobs, the Executive Secretary of the Jewish Publication Society, for the cordial cooperation which, as in previous years, he freely extended to me. HARRY SCHNEIDERMAN New York, August 16, 1938 INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-40 OF THE AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 — 40 OF THE AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK Abrahams, Israel, compiler, Se- AGRICULTURE lected Hebraica and Judaica, Agricultural activities of the 5661, 626; 5662, 160; 5663, 147; Jews in America, by L. G. 5664, 165; 5665, 318 Robinson, 5673, 21 Abrahams, Israel, by Herbert Jews in Agriculture in the Loewe, 5687, 219 United States, by Gabriel Adler, Cyrus, [Editor] Year Books, Davidson, 5696, 99 5660; 5661; 5662; 5663; 5664; 5677; (in collaboration with Ahad Ha-Am (Ginzberg, Asher), Henrietta Szold) 5665; 5666 by Leon Simon, 5689, 87 [Compiler] From Kishineff Alcalay, I., Jews of Serbia, 5679, to Bialystok, a table of pogroms from 1903 to 1906, 5667, 34 Alliance Israelite Universelle, by [Compiler] Voice of America Jacques Bigart, 5661, 45 on Kishineff, additions and cor- rections, 5665, 378 ALSACE-LORRAINE American passport in Russia, Jews of Alsace-Lorraine (1870— 5665, 283 1920), by Sylvain Halff, Benzion Halper (address de- 5681, 53 livered at meeting in memory of Benzion Halper at Dropsie AMBASSADORS, see DIPLO- College, Philadelphia, May 6, MATIC SERVICE 1924), 5685, 459 AMERICA, LATIN, see LATIN Felix M. Warburg, 5699, 23 AMERICA Jacob Henry Schiff, a bio- AMERICAN JEWISH COM- graphical sketch, 5682, 21 MITTEE -Jewish Welfare Board— twenty years old, 5698, 149 Annual Reports 5669, and fol- lowing Louis Marshall, a biograph- ical sketch, 5691, 21 American passport in Russia, ——Max Leopold Margolis, 5694, 5665, 283 139 AMERICAN JEWISH JOINT Oscar S. Straus, a biograph- DISTRIBUTION COM- ical sketch, 5688, 145 MITTEE Solomon Schechter, a bio- Statement showing funds ap- graphical sketch.l 5677, 25 propriated for the relief of Adler, Michael, Story of British Jewish war sufferers, 5681- Jewry in the War, 5680, 98 5686 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK AMERICANIZATION ARTISTS Jewish Americanization agen- List of works by Jewish artists cies, by Charles S. Bern- in the United States, 5667, heimer, 5682, 84 175; 5668, 467 The Yiddish press—an Amer- BALKANS icanizing agency, by M. Balkan wars and the Jews, Soltes, 5685, 165 5674, 188 Angell, Pauline K., Julius Rosen- Levantine Jews in the United wald, 5693, 141 States, by David de Sola Pool, 5674, 207 Anniversaries and other Cele- brations, 5660 to date. 5660 See also ROUMANIA, SERBIA, and following, included in TURKEY Events; beginning with 5683, Barmitzvah Tables, see Anni- entered as Appendix to Survey versary and Barmitzvah of the Year, later called Tables Review of the Year Barnett, George E., Jewish popula- tion of Maryland, 5663, 46 Anniversary and Barmitzvah Tables, 5676, 21; 5677, 21; Beilis affair, by Herman Bern- 5678, 21 stein, 5675, 19 Bequests and gifts, 5661-5668; Anniversary celebrations of 5669-5682 included in Events; congregations in the United beginning with 5683, entered as States, 5662, 186; later included appendix to Survey of the in Events Year, later called Review of Appointments, Honors, and the Year Elections, 5663 to date. Title Berkowitz, Henry J., Ben Selling, changes: Appointments, and 5692, 155 honors, 5663-5668; Appoint- Berkowitz, Henry, J. by William ments, honors and elec- Rosenau, 5685, 448 tions, 5669-5673; Appoint- ments, honors and elec- BERLIN, TREATY OF (1878) tions, and necrology, 5674 Jewish rights at international and following, included in Events; beginning with 5683, congresses, by Max J. Kohler, entered as Appendix to Survey 5678, 106 of the Year, later called Situation of Jews of Roumania Review of the Year since the Treaty of Berlin, by See also DECORATIONS, HON E. Schwarzfeld, 5663, 63 ORS, AND DISTINCTIONS; See also MINORITIES ELECTIONS Bernheim petition to the League Architecture of the Synagogue, of Nations, 5694, 74 by William G. Tachau, 5687, Bernheimer, Charles S., Jewish 155, Americanization agencies, 5682, 84 ARMY AND NAVY Summary of Jewish organi- Jews in the United States army zations in the United States, and navy, by Lewis Landes, 5661, 496 5677, 76 Bernstein, Herman, [Editor], Year See also WARS Book, 5675 INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-40 -Beilis affair, 5675, 19 BIOGRAPHY Bernstein, John £., Migration of Biographical sketches of Jewish Jews' in recent years, 5697, 117 communal workers in the Bialystok, see POGROMS United States, 5666, 32 Biographical sketches of Jews BIBLE prominent in the professions, New English translation of the etc., in the United States, Bible, 5678, 161 5665, 52 Biographical sketches of rabbis BIBLIOGRAPHY and cantors officiating in the Classified list of standard books United States, 5664, 40; in English on Jewish subjects, 5665, 214; 5666, 119 by I. George Dobsevage, 5684, Biographical sketches of Jews 204 who have served in the Con- Hundred best available books gress of the United States in English on Jewish subjects, (through 1900), 5661, 517 5665, 309 Biographical sketches of Jews List of available stories of Jew- in the Fifty-Seventh Con- ish interest in English, 5667, gress, 5663, 172 130 Jews in the Congress of the List of books and articles by United States, 5666, 126 Jews in the United States, Abrahams, Israel, by Herbert 5666, 171; 5667, 148; 5668, Loewe, 5687, 219 443; 5669, 91; 5670, 204; 5671, 301 Ahad Ha-Am, by Leon Simon, 5689, 87 List of notable articles of Jew- Berkowitz, Henry J., by W. ish interest, 5668, 438; 5669, 80; 5670, 194; 5671, 281 Rosenau, 5685, 448 Enelow, Hyman Gerson, by List of works by Jewish artists David Philipson, 5695, 23 in the United States, 5667, 175; 5668, 467 Ezekiel, Moses Jacob, by S. D. Oppenheim, 5678, 227 Nazi-Germany and the Jews, by Joshua Bloch; an annot- Frankel, Lee K., by Solomon ated bibliography, 5697, 135 Lowenstein, 5693, 121 One hundred available books in Friedlaender, Israel, by Jacob English on Palestine, 5666, Kohn, 5682, 65 153 Gottheil, Richard J. H., by One hundred best available Louis I. Newman, 5698, 25 books in English on Jewish Halper, Benzion, by Cyrus subjects 5686, 260 Adler, 5685, 459 Selected Hebraica and Judaica, Hirsch, Emil Gustave, by S. D. by I. Abrahams, 5661, 626; Schwartz, 5686, 230 5662, 160; 5663, 147; 5664, Isaacs, Abram S., by Lewis M.
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