Introduction to the Theory of Computation Computability, Complexity, And the Lambda Calculus Some Notes for CIS262 Jean Gallier and Jocelyn Quaintance Department of Computer and Information Science University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA e-mail:
[email protected] c Jean Gallier Please, do not reproduce without permission of the author April 28, 2020 2 Contents Contents 3 1 RAM Programs, Turing Machines 7 1.1 Partial Functions and RAM Programs . 10 1.2 Definition of a Turing Machine . 15 1.3 Computations of Turing Machines . 17 1.4 Equivalence of RAM programs And Turing Machines . 20 1.5 Listable Languages and Computable Languages . 21 1.6 A Simple Function Not Known to be Computable . 22 1.7 The Primitive Recursive Functions . 25 1.8 Primitive Recursive Predicates . 33 1.9 The Partial Computable Functions . 35 2 Universal RAM Programs and the Halting Problem 41 2.1 Pairing Functions . 41 2.2 Equivalence of Alphabets . 48 2.3 Coding of RAM Programs; The Halting Problem . 50 2.4 Universal RAM Programs . 54 2.5 Indexing of RAM Programs . 59 2.6 Kleene's T -Predicate . 60 2.7 A Non-Computable Function; Busy Beavers . 62 3 Elementary Recursive Function Theory 67 3.1 Acceptable Indexings . 67 3.2 Undecidable Problems . 70 3.3 Reducibility and Rice's Theorem . 73 3.4 Listable (Recursively Enumerable) Sets . 76 3.5 Reducibility and Complete Sets . 82 4 The Lambda-Calculus 87 4.1 Syntax of the Lambda-Calculus . 89 4.2 β-Reduction and β-Conversion; the Church{Rosser Theorem . 94 4.3 Some Useful Combinators .