Journal of Buddhist Ethics ISSN 1076-9005 Volume 20, 2013 The Compassionate Gift of Vice: Śāntideva on Gifts, Altruism, and Poverty Amod Lele Boston University Copyright Notice: Digital copies of this work may be made and distributed provided no change is made and no alteration is made to the content. Reproduction in any other format, with the exception of a single copy for private study, requires the written permission of the author. All en- quiries to:
[email protected]. The Compassionate Gift of Vice: Śāntideva on Gifts, Altruism, and Poverty Amod Lele 1 Abstract2 The Mahāyāna Buddhist thinker Śāntideva tells his audi- ence to give out alcohol, weapons and sex for reasons of Buddhist compassion, though he repeatedly warns of the dangers of all these three. The article shows how Śāntide- va resolves this issue: these gifts, and gifts in general, at- tract their recipients to the virtuous giver, in a way that helps the recipients to become more virtuous in the long run. As a consequence, Śāntideva does recommend the al- leviation of poverty, but assigns it a much smaller signifi- cance than is usually supposed. His views run counter to 1 Boston University. Email:
[email protected]. Website/blog: 2 This article draws on my dissertation which is available online at my website. I would like to thank Barbra Clayton, Oliver Freiberger, Paul Harrison and Maria Heim for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this article. I would also like to thank those who contributed to the ideas in this article as I researched my dissertation—too many to list, but especially Janet Gyatso, Parimal Patil, Christopher Queen and Jonathan Schofer.