_____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2017__________ 433 ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF THE SPIDERS OF TURKEY Hakan Demir* and Osman Seyyar* * Niğde University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Biology, TR–51100 Niğde, TURKEY. E-mails:
[email protected];
[email protected] [Demir, H. & Seyyar, O. 2017. Annotated checklist of the spiders of Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 12 (2): 433-469] ABSTRACT: The list provides an annotated checklist of all the spiders from Turkey. A total of 1117 spider species and two subspecies belonging to 52 families have been reported. The list is dominated by members of the families Gnaphosidae (145 species), Salticidae (143 species) and Linyphiidae (128 species) respectively. KEY WORDS: Araneae, Checklist, Turkey, Fauna To date, Turkish researches have been published three checklist of spiders in the country. The first checklist was compiled by Karol (1967) and contains 302 spider species. The second checklist was prepared by Bayram (2002). He revised Karol’s (1967) checklist and reported 520 species from Turkey. Latest checklist of Turkish spiders was published by Topçu et al. (2005) and contains 613 spider records. A lot of work have been done in the last decade about Turkish spiders. So, the checklist of Turkish spiders need to be updated. We updated all checklist and prepare a new checklist using all published the available literatures. This list contains 1117 species of spider species and subspecies belonging to 52 families from Turkey (Table 1). This checklist is compile from literature dealing with the Turkish spider fauna. The aim of this study is to determine an update list of spider in Turkey.