Armed Forces of Georgian Democratic Republic in 1918–1921

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Armed Forces of Georgian Democratic Republic in 1918–1921 George Anchabadze Armed Forces of Georgian Democratic Republic .. DOI: Armed Forces of Georgian Democratic Republic in 1918–1921 Gruzijas Demokrātiskās Republikas bruņotie spēki 1918.–1921. gadā George Anchabadze, Doctor of History Sciences, Full professor Ilia State University, School of Arts and Sciences Kakutsa Cholokashvili Ave 3/5, Tbilisi 0162, Georgia E-mail: [email protected] The article is dedicated to the armed forces of the Georgian Democratic Republic (1918–1921). It shows the history of their creation and development, the composition and structure of the troops, as well as provides a brief insight into the combat path. It also shows the contradictions that existed between the socialist leadership of the country and a significant part of the officer corps, caused by ideological differences. The result of these contradictions were two forms of the armed organization of Georgia – the regular army and the People’s Guard, which caused discord in the armed forces. This circumstance, among other reasons, contributed to the military defeat of Georgia in the clash with Soviet Russia (1921). Keywords: Transcaucasia in 1918–1921, Georgian Democratic Republic, regular army of Georgia, the People’s Guard, The Soviet-Georgian War of 1921. Raksts veltīts Gruzijas Demokrātiskās Republikas bruņotajiem spēkiem 1918.–1921. gadā, tajā atspoguļota to izveidošanas un attīstības vēsture, kā arī karaspēka sastāvs un struktūra, bez tam īsumā raksturotas kaujas operācijas. Parādītas arī pretrunas, kas pastāvēja starp valsts sociālistisko vadību un lielu daļu virsnieku korpusa un kas izraisīja ideoloģiskas atšķirības. Šo pretrunu rezultāts bija divas Gruzijas bruņoto spēku organizatoriskās formas – regulārā armija un Tautas gvarde –, starp kurām pastāvēja nesaskaņas. Šī situācija arī veicināja Gruzijas sakāvi karā ar padomju Krieviju (1921). Atslēgvārdi: Aizkaukāzs (1918–1921), Gruzijas Demokrātiskā Republika, Gruzijas regulārā armija, tautas gvarde, padomju Krievijas un Gruzijas karš (1921). After the Bolsheviks took over power in Russia in October of 1917, the Transcaucasian political organizations not affiliated to the Bolshevik forces, such as Georgian Social-Democrats – the Mensheviks, Azerbaijani Musavats, Armenian Dashnaks, etc., refused to recognise the new rule and as early as in November organised 100 LATVIJAS UNIVERSITĀTES ŽURNĀLS. VĒSTURE 2018/5 a coalition government named the Tran- 2) politicians frequently interfered with ap- s caucasian Commissariat, with Evgeni pointments – they would lobby offi cers on Gegechkori of the Social-Democrats as its the basis of political inclinations, rather than chairman, based in Tiflis (Tbilisi). professional skill and quality; 3) the recruits This marked the moment when Trans- were mainly picked from those previously caucasia began to break away from Russia, serving at the front, who had been infected although right up to April of 1918 it was by Bolshevik ideas; 4) military morale was officially accepted to view the region weak – there were frequent disturbances, as the integral part of Russia and to regard with the highest authority not always recog- the formation of its domestic government nized; soldiers would attend political rallies as a temporary measure to remain in place or wander around the city, revelling and at- until the legitimate government would re- tending to their own affairs.1 store its rule in the country. It became ever clearer that such tur- moil was making it impossible to gather a force that would be capable of fight- I ing. The veteran army should have to be urgently dismissed and young servicemen Against the backdrop of World War I, drafted. However, that was easier said the main problem the Transcaucasian Com- than done: the military registration and missariat faced was the Caucasian-Russian- recruitment had been toppled, orders and Turkish – front, and the half a million commands were either not carried out or Russian Caucasian army, which, exhausted executed carelessly. The only exception from the lingering war and won over from was the students, i.e. volunteers that were the command by the Bolshevik propaganda, 16 to 20 years of age, who had responded was fast deteriorating and losing its effec- to the patriotic activist propaganda. “If tiveness. Soldiers would abandon the front you had only seen the youth bearing the huge in units, and leaving the heavy artillery be- burden”, writes General Mazniashvili,2 “all hind, set off for the rear to get home as soon the enthusiasm with which they submitted to as possible. The threat of a Turkish inva- military discipline!”3 sion of the Caucasus was getting real. This Alongside the official military orga- is why the security picture demanded an nization, the major political parties of urgent formation of national armed forces Tran s caucasia also started to form their to occupy the sites deserted by the Russian own armed units. Thus, for example, military. The Transcaucasian government Georgian social democrats or Mensheviks decided to create Georgian, Armenian, organized a workers’ Red Guard, which Muslim and Russian corps. The initiative they used to occupy the district gun-depot was carried out by the military commis- in Tiflis on December 12, 1917 (by Julian sariats acting under the respective national Calendar), disarming its pro-Bolshevik councils, who had brought together various guard. The operation prevented an at- political parties and societies. tempted Bolshevik coup d’état in Tiflis at However, the process did not run as the end of the year. When Lenin learned smoothly as contemplated. According to of the Menshevik takeover of the armoury the professional military commanders of that contained a lot of weapons, ammuni- the time, there were several factors that tion and other military equipment, he was hindered creation of the Georgian corps: quite outspoken in his disappointment and 1) weaponry and ammunition were scarce; reproach of Caucasian Bolsheviks.4 George Anchabadze. Armed Forces of Georgian Democratic Republic .. 101 The Red Guard was under the com- By early 1918, the Russian army on mand of the Tiflis Council of Workers’ and the Caucasian front had been replaced Soldiers’ Deputies, with Georgian Menshe- by Georgian and Armenian units. These viks as a majority and Noe Jordania as the forces, which were mainly constituted Council’s chairman. General Kvinitadze,5 by a conglomerate of volunteer brigades, who was generally critical of the partisan spread along the front in smaller groups guards, describes the events of the years covering key sites. According to General 1917 and 1918 in his memoirs, as follows: Odishelidze,7 the commander of the Caucasian front at the time, “the corps were “Do them justice, throughout the domes- composed of regiments of about 200–300 sol- tic life of the Republic, the Guard actually diers each, and you could easily refer to made a big difference. Apart from their im- them as disorderly gangs and by no means as mediate role to look out for the successes of regiments”.8 While the Turkish troops they the revolution, they more than once acted faced did not hold any numerical superior- to maintain order in the country, nipping in ity, they [the Turkish side] had much bet- the bud any action against the order both ter organizational capacity and discipline. amongst the public and sometimes even in Musavats usually avoided a direct engage- some units of the army being formed at the ment with the Turks and explained such time, where the corps, having been inherited behaviour with religious views. They were from the Russian army, was poisoned by much more concerned by the Soviet regime Bolshevism.”6 in Baku (i.e. the Baku commune). Failing to secure Caucasian troops for the settle- ment of the Baku problem, Azerbaijani politicians finally declared they would find II “other forces” to aid them, quite clearly re- ferring to the Turks.9 The process of disintegration of the The ceasefire on the Caucasian scene standing Russian army was also precipitate was broken in February 1918, when the on the Western – Russian-German front. Ottoman command used the violence al- Hence, the Soviet government was forced legedly deployed by Armenian military to agree to separatist negotiations with the forces against the Muslim part of the popu- central powers. On December 2, 1917 (by lation to launch an offensive.10 General Julian calendar), both sides signed a cea- Odishelidze tried to respond using flexible sefire in Brest-Litovsk, opening doors for resistance and even ceded part of the land the peace talks that began on December 9 to shorten the frontline. But what with the of the same year. In compliance with the disorder and disorganization on the front, Brest process, on December 5 the two sides as well as with the instability within the signed a further ceasefire for the Caucasi- Transcaucasian region, the resistance was an front, which then ran along the Black weak and lacking in a centralized effort. In Sea, to Gümüşhane, Erzincan, Mus, Lake February of the same year, the Ottomans Van and further to the Persian border. seized Erzincan, followed by Trabzon However, the Transcaucasian government and Erzurum in March and Batumi and refused to join the Brest-Litovsk talks and Kars in April. Zurab Avalov (Avalishvili), did not recognize the terms of the peace a Georgian diplomat, lawyer and his to- treaty concerning the concessions of land rian, describes the process, as follows: in Transcaucasia. “the Caucasian front started to collapse as a 102 LATVIJAS UNIVERSITĀTES ŽURNĀLS. VĒSTURE 2018/5 dilapidated building”.11 General Kvinitadze extensive popularity in the country, with refrains from delving deep and com- Noe Jordania as the Head of the Cabinet ments briefly: “The reasons were the same from July 1918. as previously destroyed the Russian army, The representatives of German military later moving on to the armies of the countries circle offered the Georgians assistance in where the revolution had taken place.”12 organizing the country’s national armed forces, but were met with discontent from the Socialist government.
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