Anna-Sofia Maurin 690805-0401

CV Last updated 2020-08-27

Name: Anna-Sofia Maurin Current position and date of appointment: Professor of Theoretical Philosophy (chair) at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (appointed Sep 2012).

E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Languages: Swedish (native); English (fluent); French (very basic); Spanish (very basic).

Education and degrees awarded: Docent in theoretical philosophy 2010 PhD in theoretical philosophy 2002 Bachelor in theoretical philosophy 1993

Previous employments:

Jan 2009-July 2012 Researcher, externally funded (theoretical philosophy), Lund University (fixed term, full-time). Jan 2005-Dec 2008 Post-Doctoral Researcher (theoretical philosophy), Lund University (fixed term, full-time). Jul 2002–Dec 2004 Lecturer (theoretical philosophy), Lund University (fixed term, part-time). Jan 2003–Sep 2003 Project Assistant (odontology (theory of science)), Malmö University (fixed term, part time). Jan 2002-Dec 2002 Lecturer (philosophy), Växjö University (fixed term, part-time). Feb 2001–Dec 2001 Project Assistant (theoretical philosophy), Lund University (fixed term, part-time). Feb 1996–Feb 2001 PhD position (theoretical philosophy), Lund University

On half-time parental leave 2009-04-17 – 2010-06-13.

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Research awards, research honors and major stipendiary support for research

Honors & Awards 2011 I received the Royal Academy of the Humanistic Sciences’ Rettig Prize (Kungliga vitterhetsakademiens Rettigs pris) with the motivation: “for her internationally recognized research in philosophy with a special focus on issues in metaphysics and ontology”.

2019 I was gifted a festschrift for my 50th birthday (Maurinian Truths, T. Hansson- Wahlberg and R. Stenwall, eds., : Thales). The book contained 18 contributions from 20 philosophers.

Major grants: 2017-2019 PI for the multi-person project Metaphysical Explanation (7.715 000 SEK (approximately 640 000 GBP)), financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. Project website here: 2012-2015 PI for the one-person project Complex Wholes (1.240 000 SEK (approximately 103 000 GBP)), financed by The Swedish Research Council. 2009-2012 PI for the one-person project Ontological Justification – From Appearance to Reality (1. 740 000 SEK (approximately 144 500 GBP), financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.

* For the projects Ontological Justification and Metaphysical Explanation I submitted identical applications for funding to Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and to The Swedish Research Council. In both cases, both applications were successful and I had to choose which funding agency to go with.

Minor grants: Through the years, I have successfully applied for a number of comparatively speaking minor grants, the larger of which have been for financing the organization of workshops and conferences. Among the bigger minor grants I have received are:

2018 Hultengrens fond för filosofi: 55 500 SEK (approximately 4 700 GBP) to organize a meeting with the Nordic Network in Metaphysics. 2017 The Swedish Research Council Conference Grant: 141 800 SEK (approximately 12 000 GBP) to organize a conference on metaphysical explanation. 2017 Hultengrens fond för filosofi: 23 726 SEK (approximately 2000 GBP) to organize a workshop on transformative experience. 2016 The Swedish Research Council Conference Grant: 95 000 SEK (approximately 8 000 GBP) to organize a conference on Metaphysical Explanation. 2016 Anders Karitz fond: 20 000 SEK (approximately 1 700 GBP) to organize a conference on metaphysical explanation. Anna-Sofia Maurin 690805-0401

2016 Wilhelm och Maria Lundgrens Vetenskapsfond: 30 000 SEK (approximately 2 500 GBP) to organize a conference on metaphysical explanation. 2014 Hultengrens fond för filosofi: 120 000 SEK (approximately 10 000 GBP) to organize a conference on social complexes/social ontology. 2006 The Swedish Research Council Conference Grant: 33 000 SEK (approximately 2 800 GBP) to organize a conference in metametaphysics.

Apart from the above grants, I have applied for and received external as well as ‘internal’—either departmental or faculty-level—funding for longer or shorter research visits from academics not from Gothenburg:

Aug-Dec 2018 research stay for prof. Kelly Trogdon (Virginia Tech), funded by internal departmental funding (funding included paying for a replacement for Trogdon (at Virginia Tech) to do his teaching while he visited Gothenburg, plus travel and accommodation for four months). Oct. 2018, 1-week stay as a guest teacher (teaching a national graduate course on the theme ‘God(s) and Fundamentality’) for ass. prof. Ricki Bliss (Lehigh University). Internal departmental funding (funding covered travel, accommodation and a remuneration for the teaching). May 2017, 2-week research stay for prof. Einar Duenger Bohn (Agder University). Internal departmental funding (funding covered travel and accommodation for two weeks). Jan 2014-June 2014 research stay for prof. Arianna Betti ( University). Funded via the Gothenburg University guest professor scheme (the so-called Marks 2 professorship) (funding covered salary, travel and accommodation). Sep 2013-Jan 2014 research stay for prof. Benjamin Schnieder (Hamburg University). Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, as part of their Swedish-German program of research awards for scientific cooperation (funding covered salary, travel and accommodation).

Conference/Workshop Organization: Unless otherwise indicated, I was the sole organizer (where organizing also includes securing funding). Links are to conference/workshop websites.

2020 Metaphysical Explanation III, 8-9/1, Lund. 2019 5th meeting on metaphysical explanation, June 14, Umeå. 2019 Metaphysical explanation in science, 10-11/1, Birmingham (as co- organizer (with Alastair Wilson)). 2018 4th meeting of the Nordic Network in Metaphysics, 27-28/11, Gothenburg. 2018 4th meeting on metaphysical explanation, 27-29/8, Lund. 2018 3rd meeting on metaphysical explanation, 16/6, Gothenburg (as co- organizer (with Naomi Thompson and Darragh Byrne)). 2018 New Perspectives on Transformative Experience, 7/6, Gothenburg. 2018 Metaphysical Explanation II, 13-14/2, Gothenburg. 2017 2nd meeting on metaphysical explanation, 12/9, Gothenburg Anna-Sofia Maurin 690805-0401

2017 ENSO V, 30/8-1/9, Gothenburg (as co-organizer (with the Metaphysics and Collectivity group). 2017 1st meeting on metaphysical explanation, 11/5 2017 Gothenburg. 2016 Metaphysical Explanation I, 20-21/9, Gothenburg. 2015 1st meeting of the Nordic Network in Metaphysics, 20-21/10, Uppsala (as co-organizer (with Matti Eklund)). 2015 Social Complexes II, 8-10/6, Gothenburg (as co-organizer (with the Metaphysics and Collectivity group)). 2009 Methodological Issues in Contemporary Analytic Metaphysics, 22- 23/4, Ghent (as co-organizer (with Tim de Mey)). 2008 Metametaphysics II, 25-26/10, Turkku (as co-organizer (with Markku Keinänen and Jani Hakkarainen)). 2006 Metametaphysics, 27-28/10, Lund.

Talks/comments at workshops/conferences:

2021 Fc. Conference The objectivity and justification of philosophical knowledge: contemporary and historical perspectives, Heidelberg University (organized by Sebastian Stein). Invited speaker. 2021 Fc. Workshop Inductive Metaphysics: Laws and Explanations in Metaphysics and Science, Düsseldorf (organized by Markus Schrenk). Invited speaker. 2021 Fc. Graduate Conference in metaphysics, Durham University (organized by Giacomo Gianni and Andrew Thomas). Invited speaker. 2021 Fc. 5th meeting of the Nordic Network in Metaphysics. Invited speaker. 2021 Fc. Workshop on relations, Oxford University. Organized by Anna Marmodoro (as invited commentator). 2019 Workshop, Metaphysical explanation in science, Birmingham University (coorganizer with Alastair Wilson). Commentator. 2018 Conference, Objects and Properties: Generating Dialogue, Cambridge University (organized by Alex Moran). Invited speaker. 2017 Workshop, Nordic network in Metaphysics, University of Tampere (organized by Jani Hakkarainen and Markku Keinänen). Invited speaker. 2017 Conference, Quo Vadis Metaphysics? Warsaw University (organized by Mirosław Szatkowski). Invited speaker. 2017 Conference, ECAP 9, Munich University (organized by Stephan Hartmann, et al.). The talk was recorded (here). Invited panel speaker. 2017 Student workshop, Främjandet av kvinnor i filosofi (Women in Philosophy) (organized by Föreningen för främjande av kvinnor i filosofi). Invited speaker. 2017 Workshop, The Whole Truth, Glasgow University (organized by Stephan Leuenberger and Bruno Whittle). Invited speaker. 2017 Conference, Ranch Metaphysics, Tucson Arizona (organized by Laurie Paul). Invited speaker. 2016 Workshop, Nordic Network in Metaphysics, University of Agder, Kristiansand (organized by Einar Duenger Bohn). Invited speaker. Anna-Sofia Maurin 690805-0401

2016 Conference, Nordphil (a Nordic MA- and BA philosophy Conference), Uppsala University (organized by Saber Malmgren and Matti Eklund). Invited keynote speaker. 2015 Conference, Properties, Bergamo (organized by Andrea Bottani and Thomas Sattig). Invited speaker. 2015 Workshop, Grounding, Edinburgh University (organized by Nick Treanor). The talk was recorded (here). Invited speaker. 2015 Workshop, Properties, Macerata (organized by Francesco Orilia). Invited speaker. 2015 Conference, APA Central, St Louis. Invited commentator. 2015 Conference, Ranch Metaphysics, Tuscon, Arizona (organized by Laurie Paul). Invited commentator. 2014 Workshop, Truthmaking as Grounding: For and Against, Barcelona (organized by Dan López de Sa). Invited speaker. 2014 Workshop, Metaphysics and Method, Institute of Philosophy (organized by Alessandro Torza). The talk was recorded (here). Invited speaker. 2013 Conference, Filosofidagarna, Stockholm University/KTH. Invited keynote speaker. 2012 Symposium, Metaphysics and Science, Collège de France, Paris (organized by Claudine Tiercelin). The talk was recorded (here). Invited speaker. 2012 Workshop, Relativism, Gent University. Invited speaker. 2008 Conference, The Bradley Regress, 11th Eidos meeting, Genève. Invited speaker. 2008 Workshop, Infinite Regress Arguments, Gent University. Invited speaker. 2008 Symposium, Ivar Segelberg’s philosophy, University of Gothenburg (organized by Helge Malmgren). Invited speaker. 2008 Workshop, Metaphysics and Its Methods, Crakow. Invited speaker. 2008 Workshop, Themes in the Metaphysics of D. M. Armstrong, Nottingham University (organized by Stephen Mumford). Invited speaker. 2008 Conference, ECAP 6: workshop on Metaphysics and its Methods, Crakow. Invited speaker. 2008 Workshop Metametaphysics, Turkku University (organized by Markku Keinänen). Invited speaker. 2007 Conference, Structure and Identity, (organized by Karin Verelst). 2007 Workshop, Metaphysics in Science Group, Lund University (organized by Nils-Eric Sahlin). Invited speaker. 2007 Conference, Filosofidagarna, Umeå University. Invited speaker. 2006 Conference, Methodological Issues in Contemporary Metaphysics, Nottingham University. Invited speaker. 2006 Workshop, PPP, Kronowall, Lund. 2006 Workshop, The Reading Exchange, Lund. Invited speaker. 2006 Workshop, Social Cognition, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris. Invited commentator. 2005 Conference, Filosofidagarna, Uppsala University. 2005 Conference, Perspectives on Identity, Vrije University, Amsterdam. 2005 Conference, ECAP 5, Lisbon. 2004 Workshop, PPP, Kronowall, Lund. 2004 Workshop, Metaphysics in Science Group, Reading. Invited speaker. Anna-Sofia Maurin 690805-0401

2003 Conference, Filosofidagarna, Linköping. 2001 Conference, Filosofidagarna, Stockholm. 1999 Conference, Filosofidagarna, Gothenburg. 1997 Conference, Filosofidagarna, Lund. 1996 Conference, ECAP 2, Leeds.

Invited speaker at other academic institutions, in Sweden and abroad:

2020 Fc. Staff Colloquium, Hebrew University. 2020 Filosofiska föreningen (The Philosophical Society), Lund University (organized by Gloria Mähringer). 2018 Staff Colloquium, theoretical philosophy, Uppsala University (organized by Matti Eklund). 2018 Staff Colloquium, University of Valencia (organized by Pablo Rychter). 2017 Staff Colloquium, Aarhus University (organized by Johanna Seibt). 2017 The Road Less Traveled, seminar series featuring woman philosophers, Lund University (organized by Tobias Hansson Wahlberg). 2015 Staff Colloquium, Stockholm University (organized by Åsa Wikforss). 2015 Staff Colloquium, Institut Jean Nicod (organized by Uriah Kriegel). 2013 The Philosophical Society, Gothenburg University (organized by the department’s PhD-students). 2013 PhD seminar in history, Gothenburg University (organized by Maria Sjöberg). 2013 Staff Colloquium in pedagogy, Gothenburg University. 2012 Colloquium in theory of science, Gothenburg University. 2012 The Philosophical Society, Gothenburg University (organized by the department’s PhD-students). 2011 A series of lectures at the institute of philosophy at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile (invited by José Tomás Alvarado). 2008 Staff Colloquium in theoretical philosophy, Uppsala University (organized by Lars-Göran Johansson). 2008 The Philosophical Society, Uppsala University. 2006 Staff Colloquium, Philosophical Faculty, Vrije university, Amsterdam University (organized by Arianna Betti). 2005 Staff Colloquium in theoretical philosophy, Gothenburg University (organized by Ingmar Persson). 2005 Staff Colloquium in philosophy, Kristianstad University. 2004 Staff Colloquium in theoretical philosophy, Uppsala University. 2004 The Philosophical Society, Uppsala University. 2003 Staff Colloquium in odontology, Malmö University. 2002 Staff Colloquium in philosophy, KTH.

Seminar organizer: Since 2012, I organize the research seminar in theoretical philosophy. The seminar convenes weekly and features a mix of local and invited speakers.

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External/Internal Evaluator/Referee Member of PhD-Thesis Examination Committee (in Sweden):

2020 Lotta Wedman’s PhD thesis in Mathematical Didactics, 11/9, University of Gothenbugh (Dpt of Pedagogy). 2019 Bram Vaassen’s PhD thesis “Causal After All”, 11/9, Umeå University. 2019 Henrik Rydéhn’s PhD thesis “In Virtue Of: Determination, Dependence, and Metaphysically Opaque Grounding”, 7/6, Uppsala University. 2017 Jeroen Smid´s PhD thesis ““Parthood, Identity, and Composition: Studies in Mereology”, 9/6, Lund University. 2017 Asger Kirkeby-Hindrup’s PhD thesis “Empirical Data in the Philosophy of Mind: Free Will, Higher-Order Thought, and Misrepresentation”, 31/5, Lund University. 2015 Robin Stenwall’s PhD thesis “Truth, Grounding and Dependence”, 28/5, Lund University (substitute member of the committee). 2010 Martin Berzell’s PhD thesis “Electronic Healthcare Ontologies - Philosophy, the real world and IT structures”, Linköping University. 2009 Ingemar Lindahl’s PhD thesis “On Causal Attribution”, Stockholm University.

External Examiner/Opponent for PhD-theses (not in Sweden):

2020 First opponent: R. Jordahl’s PhD thesis The Power of Powers: The relationship between possibility and the laws of nature, University of Bergen. 2007 External examiner (with L. A. Paul and D. M. Armstrong) on M. J. Minehan’s PhD thesis: Properties and Morality, Sidney University. 2005 Second opponent: S. Gundersen’s PhD thesis: Bevissthet og materie, Oslo University.

External Examiner: Senior Lecturer

2019 External examiner (with Øystein Linnebo): senior lecturer in theoretical philosophy, Umeå University. Successful applicant: Christian Loew. 2012 External examiner: senior lecturer in theoretical philosophy, Umeå University. Successful Applicant: Andreas Stokke.

External Examiner: Promotions

2016 External examiner for Einar Bøhn’s application for promotion to the position of full professor of philosophy at the University of Agder (Norway). Anna-Sofia Maurin 690805-0401

2015 External examiner for Johanna Seibt’s application to become “professor with special responsibilities”, Aarhus University (Denmark).

External Examiner: Other

2014 External examiner of one application for a PhD position in pedagogy placed at the Faculty of Education, University of Gothenburg.

Internal Examiner: Postdoc- and Doctoral Positions

2018 Internal examiner (with Ana María Mora Marquez and Susanna Radovic): fully funded 4-year PhD-position (19 applicants). Successful applicant: Maximilian Zachrau. 2017 Internal examiner (with Alexander Skiles, Naomi Thompson and Robin Stenwall, and with support from external examiner Ricki Bliss): fully funded 2-year postdoctoral position in the project Metaphysical Explanation (26 applicants). Successful applicant: Andrew Brenner. 2014 Internal examiner (with Susanna Radovic): fully funded 4-year PhD- position (26 applicants). Successful applicant: Ylwa Sjölin Wirling. 2013 Internal examiner: fully funded 2-year postdoctoral position (41 applicants). Successful applicant: Daniel Giberman.

Research Grant Evaluator

2019 External examiner for the Israel Science Foundation. 2013 External examiner for the Polish Research Council. 2012 External examiner for the Danish Research Council. 2007 Member of the group of examiners of all applications in philosophy and jurisprudence for funding from The Swedish Research Council. 2007 External examiner for The Swedish Research Council.


Theoria (since 2001); Dialectica (since 2005); Erkenntnis (since 2007); Australasian Journal of Philosophy (since 2007); Philosophical Quarterly (since 2009); Mind (since 2009); Philosophical Studies (since 2010); Journal of Philosophical Research (since 2010); Acta Analytica (since 2012); Philosophical Imprints (since 2013); Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel (since 2016); Synthese (since 2016); Philosophical Studies – Book Series (since 2017); Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (since 2017); Philosophical Papers (since 2018); Ergo (since 2019); Journal of the American Philosophical Association (since 2019); Inquiry (since 2019); Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (since 2020); Analysis (since 2020).

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I have also evaluated book manuscripts for Oxford University Press and Palgrave/McMillan.

Editorial board memberships/elected membership in scientific societies:

Editorial board/editor: Subject Editor (metaphysics), Thought, 2020 - Member of the editorial advisory board for the book series Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics, published by Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017- Member of the scientific committee for the Italian book-series “Ritratti di filosofia contemporanea”, 2015- Consulting editor: Theoria 2011- Associate editor: Theoria 2001-2008 Elected memberships in scientific societies: Elected member of the board of the Swedish National Committee for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy, appointed by the Royal Academy of Sciences, 2018- . Elected member of the board of Hultengrens fond för filosofi (Uppsala/Stockholm), aimed at funding translations of work in philosophy into Swedish. Elected member of the board of Stiftelsen Bokförlaget Thales. Elected member of the board of Stiftelsen Theoria. Elected member of the board of Svenska Filosofisällskapet. Elected member of Hans Larsson samfundet (now ended). Elected member of Hultengrens fond för filosofi (Lund), aimed at funding research travel and the organization of meetings and workshops for academics (now ended).

Other elected memberships: Elected member of reference group for appointing head and vice-head of department (in Swedish: valberedning), 2015- Elected member of the department council, University of Gothenburg (now ended). Elected member of Björklidengruppen – an association of ‘young exceptionally gifted’ researchers at Lund University (now ended). Elected member of the department board, Lund University (now ended).

Collaborations and networks

Nordic Network in Metaphysics Network first created by myself and Matti Eklund (Uppsala). So far, the network has organized four meetings: in Uppsala, Sep 2015, in Kristiansand (University of Agder), October 2016, in Tampere (University of Tampere), October 2017, and in Gothenburg (University of Gothenburg), November 2018. I co-organized the meeting in Uppsala and organized the meeting in Gothenburg. To learn more about this network, you can visit its website and Facebook-page. Anna-Sofia Maurin 690805-0401

The Metaphysics & Collectivity Group: Research group working in the intersection between metaphysics, mereology, social ontology, philosophy of action and moral philosophy, initiated by myself and a group of researchers then primarily based at Lund University. The group’s research focuses on the nature of collectives and social entities, such as organizations, associations, and informally organized groups. Founded in 2012, the group has organized five workshops and three international conferences (in Lund, October 2013, in Gothenburg, June 2015, and in Lund Aug 30- Sep 1 2017 (the 5th ENSO-conference)).

Past collaborations and networks: Universals Project based in Italy focusing on various aspects—historical as well as contemporary—of the problem of universals. I collaborated in the form of a contribution to one of the project’s volumes (published by CUP, 2015). Editors for this volume are G. Galluzzo and M. J. Loux. Other participators included E. J. Lowe, Robert Garcia, S. C. Gibb, Peter van Inwagen, John Heil, and Fraser McBride. The Metaphysics in Science Group (2002-2007) Research network working on issues in the metaphysics of science with members from several European countries. The group organized a total of six workshops (Lund and Edinburgh, –02; –03; Reading, –04; Ghent, –05, and; Lund, –07). Primarily financed by the British Research Council. This financing stopped in –07, and the project was cancelled only to be “reborn” soon after in the form of a more traditional research project (on the same theme), placed in the UK. Metametaphysics (2005-2009) Informal network of philosophers interested in meta- issues in metaphysics. Members of the network organized four workshops/conferences (Nottingham –06; Lund –06; Turkku –08; Gent –09). I was involved in the organization of the last three workshops (and the main-organizer of the workshop in Lund).

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Courses taught:

1st Cycle Studies: Introduction to theoretical philosophy; Metaphysics; History of Philosophy; Epistemology; Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Mind; Informal Logic; Formal Logic; The Philosophy of David Hume; Contemporary Classics (discussion seminar); Themes from Contemporary Theoretical Philosophy (discussion seminar); Elective reading courses (on Epistemic Injustice, Transformative Experience, Bradley’s Regress, Metametaphysics, Metaphysical Explanation, Tropes, Infinite Regress Arguments) (for third semester students only). I have been also led seminars on how to write a BA-thesis and been responsible for organizing the students’ thesis writing generally (matching of students with supervisors other than myself, administration of defense of BA-theses, etc.). I have also supervised the writing of (shortish) papers as well ca. 10 BA-theses since 2012 (I have not kept good track, but I estimate having supervised 30-40 in total).

2nd Cycle Studies: Elective reading courses (on Epistemic Injustice, Transformative Experience, Bradley’s Regress, Metametaphysics, Metaphysical Explanation, Tropes, Infinite Regress Arguments); Seminar on how to write an MA-thesis; Seminar where students discuss drafts of their MA-thesis. I have also supervised five MA-theses since 2012 (I estimate having supervised 10-15 MA-theses in total). I have also developed, taught (or co-taught), and examined the following courses (the 2nd and 3rd open for students in philosophy nationally, and intended for PhD-students as well as 2nd Cycle students):

2015 Metaphysical Explanation (co-taught with Daniel Giberman in Gothenburg) 2007 Metaphysics and Science: From Laws of Nature to Dispositions (co-taught with J. Persson and R. Stenwall, in Lund) 2006 Metaphysical theories of properties (in Amsterdam, invited by Professor Arianna Betti, then at Vrije University)

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3rd Cycle Studies: Apart from the 2007, 2015 and 2020 courses above, which were open to PhD-students as well as 2nd Cycle students, I have co-taught and developed the following courses intended for PhD-students not in philosophy:

2010 Relativisms (for PhD-students in the humanities), Lund University (with J. Brännmark). 2003 Philosophy of Science for PhD-students (for students in economics/social science), Växjö University (with Johannes Persson).

I have also organized/administered (and, in the case of the Zalta-course, examined) the following national graduate courses in philosophy: (i) Against Facts, led by prof. Arianna Betti (2014), (ii) A Crash Course in Axiomatic Metaphysics, led by prof. E. N. Zalta (2016), and (iii) God(s) and Fundamentality, led by ass. prof. Ricki Bliss (2018).

2018 I (with Susanna Radovic) developed a (mandatory) one-day workshop on Pedagogical and Research Practice for PhD- students for the department’s doctoral students. I taught the workshop Dec -18, and will teach it again Dec -19.

2020 (Oct 5-7), I am responsible for one day of teaching in the Düsseldorf summer school on Inductive Metaphysics: Laws and Explanations in Metaphysics and Science.

University Pedagogy Courses: I have taken three university pedagogy courses: (i) University Pedagogy— introduction; (ii) University Pedagogy—continuation; (iii) Postgraduate Supervision. All courses were taken at Lund University 2004-2005.

Supervision of research work and postgraduate studies:

To date, I have supervised or am supervising the following doctoral students:

Tobias Hansson Wahlberg, now docent in theoretical philosophy at Lund University. Thesis: Objects in Time: Studies of Persistence in B-time ( Finished December 2009.

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Ylwa Sjölin Wirling, now holding a postdoc position in the project "Towards a Methodology of Modal Modeling" at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Also the recipient of a three-year International Postdoc by the Swedish Research Council, to pursue the project "Epistemic Value Pluralism", partly at the University of Manchester (working with Helen Beebee). Thesis: Modal Empiricism Made Difficult: An Essay in the Meta-Epistemology of Modality ( Finished January 2019.

Maximilian Zachrau Thesis: Process Ontology Ongoing (since Sep 2018, expected to finish fall 2022).

Susanna Salmijärvi Thesis: Social Ontology for Abstract Entities Since 2012. Currently on a break.

2012-2013, I temporarily served as the assistant supervisor (mainly in charge of the administrative) for Susanna Andersson (main supervisor Peter Pagin, professor of theoretical philosophy at Stockholm University) and Stellan Petersson (main supervisor Dag Westerståhl, professor emeritus of theoretical philosophy at Stockholm University). I have also acted as informal mentor/supervisor for Jan Willem Wieland (Vrije University, Amsterdam), who visited Lund University for a period while working on his PhD-thesis (finished 2013). This spring, I will do the same for Roque Molina (Charles University, Prague).

Postdoctoral Supervision: I have served as mentor/supervisor for postdoctoral researchers Pawel Rojek (Jagellionian University, Crakow), Daniel Giberman (now at University of Texas at Arlington), and Andrew Brenner (now at Hong Kong university) during their research stays in Gothenburg (Giberman, Brenner) and Lund (Rojek).

Outreach/Popular presentations

2018 Talk on the occasion of world philosophy day: ‘Metaphysics and (other) science’. Audience: students (not just in philosophy) from the University of Gothenburg. 2017 Interviewed (in Swedish) for the podcast ‘On the Life and Thoughts of Philosophers’ (produced by Martin Jönsson and Fredrik Eriksson). URL: anna-sofia-maurin-om-troper-objekt-och-egenska/. Anna-Sofia Maurin 690805-0401

2016 Talk at ‘café-å-lär’ (rough translation: café-and-learn), open to the general public, featuring talks from academics, on ‘Philosophy and (other) science’. 2015 Interviewed (in Swedish) by Swedish Radio P1, for a program called ‘The Life of a Researcher’. URL: 2014 Interviewed (in Swedish) by the University of Gothenburg (for the University website – interview intended for interested students and other stakeholders) about the practical benefits of doing philosophy. URL: nyttiggorande. 2012 Participated in a discussion (in Swedish) on the theme ‘Kant or Quant’ (with neuroscientist Germund Hesslow and theoretical physicist Bengt E Y Svensson) on the show ‘Filosofiska Rummet’ (The Philosophy Room), Swedish Radio, P1. URL: 2010 Participated in a discussion (in Swedish) on the theme ‘The Universe, Death, and the Logical Analysis’ (with philosopher Nils-Eric Sahlin) on the show ‘Filosofiska Rummet’ (The Philosophy Room), Swedish Radio, P1. URL: 2010 Participated in a discussion (in Swedish) on the theme ‘Wisdom’ (with philosopher Jeanette Emt and professional provocateur Ladislaus Horatius), Swedish Radio, P1. URL: 2009 Participated in a discussion (in Swedish) on the theme ‘Fallacies’ (with rhetoric professor Anders Sigrell and blogger Andreas Anundi) on the show ‘Filosofiska Rummet’ (The Philosophy Room), Swedish Radio, P1. URL: 2009 Interviewed (in Swedish) on the theme ‘Metaphysics in the 21th Century’, on the show ‘Filosofiska Rummet’ (The Philosophy Room), Swedish Radio, P1. URL: 2007 Participated in a discussion (in Swedish) on the theme ‘Teenagers and the Concept ‘I’’ (with psychologist Per Johnson and philosophy high school teacher Björn Rosdahl), on the show ‘Filosofiska Rummet’ (The Philosophy Room), Swedish Radio, P1. This show was taped in front of a live audience of teenagers at a local highschool. URL: 2006 Participated in an episode of the radio show ‘Filosofiska Rummet’ (The Philosophy Room), Swedish Radio, P1. The theme was ‘Ask Lund’, and a panel consisting of myself, neuroscientist Germund Hesslow, cognitive scientist Annika Wallin, and philosopher Magnus Jiborn) answered questions in front of a live audience. URL: Anna-Sofia Maurin 690805-0401 2005 Participated in an episode of the radio show ‘Filosofiska Rummet’ (The Philosophy Room), Swedish Radio, P1, on the theme ‘Why Philosophy?’ (with neuroscientist Germund Hesslow, cognitive scientist Annika Wallin, and philosopher Magnus Jiborn). The show was taped in front of a live audience. URL: 2005 Participated in a discussion (in Swedish) on the theme ‘Irony’ (with professor of comparative literature Lars Elleström and comedian Andewa Lokko) on the show ‘Filosofiska Rummet’ (The Philosophy Room), Swedish Radio, P1. URL: 8243.

2004 Participated in a discussion (in Swedish) on the theme ‘Philosophy and Science’ on the show ‘Filosofiska Rummet’ (The Philosophy Room), Swedish Radio, P1 (no URL available). 2003 Created and performed (together with Åsa Söderling) a series of events on the theme ‘Knowledge’ (the events included short theatre performances and seminars/discussion groups), organized by ‘Vetenskapsakademien på Österlen’ (The Österlen Academy of Science). 2002 Speaker at the yearly (summer) ‘morning meetings’ (a series of talks by academics, authors, actors, etc.) in Österlen on the theme ‘Metaphysics’.