
December 15, 2019 627 McKinley Avenue NW, Canton, Ohio 44703 Basilica of

SixteenthThird Sunday Sunday in Ordinaryof Advent Time

Very Reverend John E. Sheridan, S.T.L. Ruth Bazzoli (ext. 404) Mass Schedule Coordinator, Senior Ministry Saturday Vigil - 4:00 PM (Basilica) [email protected] [email protected] (November 1 - April 30) Sunday - 8:30 AM (St. Peter) Carl Burkhardt (ext. 402) Very Reverend Ronald M. Klingler (November 1 - April 30) Rector Emeritus Sunday - 10:30 AM (Basilica) (November 1 - April 30) Robert Sullivan (ext. 201) Prayer Line (ext. 306) Organist & Director of Music Holy Days Basilica Administrative Assistant 330.454.8044 - Basilica Vigil - 6:00 PM (St. Peter) [email protected] 330.453.8493 - St. Peter Day - 9:00 AM (St. Peter) 330.454.1397 - Fax Day - 12:10 PM (Basilica) Mollie Kulig (330.453.8493 x 204) Director of Religious Education ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [email protected] Daily Mass Office Hours Tuesday at 9:00 AM (Basilica) Brandon Berkey (330.324.3871) Tuesday - Friday Wednesday at 8:00 AM (St. Peter) Cemetery Sexton 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Thursday at 9:00 AM (Basilica) Closed on Monday Friday at 8:30 AM (St. Peter) Robert Lindesmith (ext. 403) Coordinator, Food Pantry www.stjohncanton.com established 1823 - elevated 2012 Please turn mobile phones off, or put them in the vibrate mode. PROCESSIONAL HYMN O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

A Prayer for Collaboration O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, O God, You enlighten us with your charity, That mourns in lonely exile here. and enliven us with your grace; Until the Son of God appear. R/ You guide us by your wisdom and give us hope for the future; R Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel You call us each by . Shall come to you, O Israel. As parishioners of the Basilica of St. John the Baptist and St. Peter Church, You have brought us O come, O come, great Lord of might, together for Holy Mass. Who to your tribes on Sinai's height May our prayers and praises In ancient times once gave the law be pleasing to You. In cloud, and majesty, and awe. R Transform us by Your mercy, and make us one in Your love. O Come, O Key of , come, Help us to use the gifts You have given And open wide our heavenly home; us to proclaim Your , Make safe the way that leads on high, and to serve our neighbors, and close the path to misery. R so that one day we may share together the good things You promise to those who love You. PENITENTIAL RITE John Schiavone We ask this through our Lord , your Son, 1st: Cantor; 2nd: All who lives and reigns with you in the b unity of the Holy Spirit, &b b ™ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ™ One God, forever and ever. Amen. Ky - ri - e e - lei - son. 1st: Cantor; 2nd: All M F M b usic or ass &b b ™ œ nœ œ œ ˙ ˙ ™ Readings Chri - ste e - lei - son. St. Peter - 1007 1st: Cantor; 2nd: All Basilica - 772 b &b b ™ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ™ Ky - ri - e e - lei - son. PRELUDE Partita on Comfort, Comfort, O My People Johann Pachelbel Liturgy Of The Word


*INTROIT Psalm 84 4 œ Chanted by Father Sheridan &4 ˙ œ œ œ ˙ Lord, come and save us.

& ˙ bœ œ œ ˙ Music reprinted under OneLicense A-708453 Lord, come and save us.™ SECOND READING MYSTERY OF FAITH Community Mass Richard Proulx GOSPEL ACCLAMATION j b4 œ œ œ œ œ & 4 œ œ œ œ œ™ œ œ b 3 ˙ œ When we eat this Bread and & 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - j œ œ ™ &b œ™ œ œ ˙™ œ œ ™ œ nœ ˙ œ ˙ œ J &b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ drink this Cup, we pro - claim your Death, O lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia U ˙ &b ™ œ œ œ œ œ w Lord, un - til you come a - gain. GOSPEL READING AMEN Community Mass HOMILY Richard Proulx

PROFESSION OF FAITH Nicene b j (found on the inside cover of your hymnal) b b4 j œ™ & b 4 œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ™ œ œ œ w A - men, a - men, a - men. UNIVERSAL PRAYER Communion Rite Liturgy Of The Eucharist LORD'S PRAYER

PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS SPC 402 SIGN OF PEACE B 370 Comfort, Comfort, O My People Community Mas Richard Proulx

b 2 œ 3 2 HOLY, HOLY, HOLY Community Mass &b b4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 4 œ Œ œ 4 Richard Proulx Lamb of God, you take a-way the of the world. have

bb 2 ‰ ™ œ œ œ & b4 œ œ œ™ ™ œ œ œ œ œ mer - cyœ on us. Lamb of God, you take a-way the

b &b b œ œ œ ˙ œ œ ˙ sins of the world, grant usœ peace.

When receiving Holy Communion, please bow your head be- fore receiving the as a gesture of reverence. Upon returning to your pew, please kneel or be seated until all have received communion.


# j 4 œ œ œ œ ˙ œ & 4 œ J œ ™ Take cour-age anddo not fear; our

# œ j & ™ œ œ œ œ ˙ God will come and saveus.™ MEDITATION Gaudete Thank You Piae Cantiones (10:30 AM) 2020 Calendars This anthem was given in memory of Mary Bolek by family and friends. You may pick-up (after Mass) a 2020 Reli- gious Art Calendar, compliments of parishio- HYMN OF PRAISE ners, P.J. & Sharon Lamiell, of Lamiell Funeral Come, O Long Expected Jesus Home (Basilica) and Trey & Rachel Wackerly, of Wackerly Funeral Home (St. Peter). Besides beautiful artwork, Moon Phases, and Month-

&b c œ œ œ œ œ œ ly vocation prayers, the back page contains Comeœ ,Oœ long ex - pect - ed Je - sus, Is - rael's strength and con - so - la - tion, useful information concerning Lenten Regu- Born your peo - ple to de - liv - er; lations on & Abstinence, Colors of the By your own e - ter - nal Spir - it , etc. Thank you to Wackerly &b œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ Funeral Home and Lamiell Funeral Home. born to set your peo - ple free; You, the hope of all the earth, Born a child and yet a king! Rule in all our hearts a - lone; Christmas Dinner b & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Donations of cookies - lots of cookies and From our fears and sins re - lease us; Dear de - sire of ev - 'ry na - tion, fresh fruit are needed for the Christmas Din- Born to reign in us for - ev - er, By your all suf - fi - cient mer - it ner at the Basilica Parish Hall. Please deliver to the Parish Hall on December 24th between &b 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Volunteers are also œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ Free us from cap - tiv - i - ty. needed. Unfortunately, we cannot accommo- come, and save us by your birth. Now your gra - cious king - dom bring. date families with children under the age of Raise us to your glo - rious throne. fourteen years old. Please contact Mary Ann Gordon for more details.

Intentions of Francis C R oncluding ite December 2019

The Future of the Very Young RECESSIONAL Toccata on Veni Emmanuel Andrew Carter That every country take the measures neces- sary to prioritize the future of the very young, especially those who are suffering. *Introit (from the word Introitus - entrance) is part of the opening of the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist for many Christian denominations. In its most complete version, it consists of an antiphon, psalm verse and Gloria Patri, which are sung at the beginning of the celebration. Have you moved recently?

Please let us know Church 330-453-8493 Prayer Line [email protected]

Prayer intentions are submitted by calling the Basilica of Saint John the Baptist 330-454-8044 x 201 prayer line - 330-454-8044 x 306. [email protected] From Father Sheridan Dear and Sisters in Christ,

This Sunday marks the retirement of our dear Deacon Carl Burkhardt, who celebrates his 25th Anniversary this week, and who has Catechesis on served the Basilica of St. John the Baptist Advent and Christmas during these years with such dedication and If you think you have experienced family dysfunc- fidelity. Deacon Carl has been a true servant tion, you can’t even get close to what we find in to the people he has encountered. For all the in the family of King . Herod these years, he has accompanied every per- was appointed by the Roman Senate to be the son who has come through the RCIA process King of the Jews in about 40 BC. He was both into the ; for all these years, a great builder who accomplished many magnifi- he has visited many homebound parishioners cent feats, including the rebuilding of the Jew- to bring the Eucharist to them, and to bring ish Temple, and also a terrible tyrant who did ev- the love of our parish; for all these years, in erything to preserve power. He had as many as his homilies he has taught us about the love 10 wives, and 10 children (half of whom are also named Herod or variants of it), and even within of Christ; and in all these years, he has shown his family there are instances of intermarriage us by his example how to love Christ and one among relatives. He allowed the power given to another. We owe him a debt of gratitude and him by to go to his head, and put a stop assure him of our continued prayers for him to anyone who seemed to get in the way of his as he steps back from active ministry. Dea- free exercise of authority. This required the mur- con Carl will still be very much a part of the der of many —including at least one of life of our parishes, even as he chooses at his wives, and several of his own children. Herod this time to retire. May God grant him many the Great was the King when Jesus was born. It happy years and reward him richly for all the was to him that the Magi came in search of the good he has done for us. Please join us after newborn King of the Jews—a title given only to the 10:30 Mass for a reception in the St. John Herod. It was because of his rage that the chil- dren of Bethlehem were slaughtered, according to Hall in honor of Deacon Carl. On account of of Matthew, and that the Holy Fam- his retirement, Murry has appointed ily fled to Egypt. Upon his death in 4 BC,his Deacon Seaman to serve at the Ba- sister and his sons became rulers in his place— silica in addition to St. Peter Church. Dea- was divided into four unequal parts. con Mike has been very much a part of both The largest part was taken over by Rome about 10 parishes for many years, growing up at St. years later and ruled by a Roman Governor, one John’s and then as an adult moving to St. of whom was . The second part was Peter’s where he received God’s call to serve ruled by , the son of Herod who had the Church as a deacon. His ministry will married his Herod Phillip’s wife and his now “officially” take place at both parishes. half-niece . It was this marriage against Please pray for him as well during this time of which John the Baptist preached, which led to his death at the request of Herodias and her daugh- transition. ter . The third part was ruled by his son Philip the Tetrach, until it was taken over by the Have a great week! Romans. The final part was that of Herod’s sis- ter, Salome. Another Herod we find in the , Peace ~ , was the grandson of Herod the Fr. Sheridan Great and the son of Aristobulus IV, whom Herod the Great had killed for treason. Herod Agrippa, during his reign, brought about terrible persecu- tion of the early Church. Religious Education

“Let nothing perturb you, nothing frighten Adult Faith Formation you. All things pass. God does not change. Patience achieves everything.” Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults -Saint Teresa of Avila (RCIA): Persons interested in becoming Cath- olic are welcome to participate in our RCIA CCD Program Program. Through communal prayer, study, and discussion, participants will learn about CCD Mass: Our next CCD Mass is this Sun- the teachings and practices of the Catholic day, December 15, 2019 at 8:30 AM at St. Faith. Sessions have already begun, but it is Peter Parish. All CCD youth must arrive in not too late to register. If you are interested the church no later than 8:00 AM and must in joining the Holy Catholic Church, please be signed in by a parent. Parents may then contact the D.R.E. pick the youth up from the school building after CCD ends at 10:25 AM. Please contact Bible Study: Our Bible Study is open to all the DRE if you have any further questions or and will meet again on Thursday, January concerns. 9th, 2020 from 9:30 -10:30 AM in the Gal- lagher Center at the Basilica of St. John the Youth Sacramental Preparation Baptist. In addition to discussing the upcom- ing Gospel, we will begin examining Chapter First Holy Communion Parent Meeting: 1 from The Letter to the Romans. All are wel- There will be a mandatory First Holy Com- come! munion Parent Meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the St. Book Club: Our next Book Club session will Peter Social Hall. For more information, con- be on Thursday, December 19th from 7:00 tact Mrs. Mollie Kulig, our D.R.E., in the Par- -8:00 PM in the rectory at St. Peter Church. ish Office at St. Peter Church. We are reading by Mark Twain and will be discussing Book 2 Chapter 39- Book : Our next Confirmation For- 3 Chapter 10 (pp. 292-363). All are welcome! mation session will be held on Saturday, Feb- Please call Mollie Kulig in the Parish Office at ruary 1, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at St. Peter’s for more information. St. Peter Parish Hall. For more information, contact Mrs. Mollie Kulig, our D.R.E., in the Diary of Saint Maria : We Parish Office at St. Peter Church. will be reading the Diary of Saint Maria Faus- tina Kowalska and gathering once a month Youth Ministry (Grades 9-12) on Tuesday evenings for discussion from January through June 2020. Please contact Upcoming Youth Ministry Events: the D.R.E. if you would like to join us. More details to follow. December 15, 2019 - 9:35 AM - 10:25 AM Session - St. Peter School, Activity Room A Director of Religious Education (D.R.E.) December 16, 2019 - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Contact information: Mrs. Mollie Kulig Help with Giving Tree [email protected] St. Peter Rectory 330-453-8493 x 204

December 22, 2019 - 9:30 AM -11:30 AM Decorating for Christmas - St. Peter Church Cemetery Hours Christmas Memorial Flowers

Sunday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Christmas is a time to remember your loved ones Saturday, 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. and beautify the of St. Peter Church and/or the Basilica. Please complete the form below by Monday, December 16th at 9:00 AM. WINTER INFORMATION A document for each parish will be prepared and distributed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day If there is more than 2 1/2 inches of snow on listing all memorials. Cost is $15.00 per memo- the ground (this will be at the discretion of rial. Please make your check payable to: St. Peter the Cemetery Sexton), St. John Cemetery Church or the Basilica of Saint John the Baptist and put in the collection basket. and St. Peter Cemetery will be closed. It is very difficult to maneuver the roads when St. Peter or Basilica they are clear, much less covered with snow. (please circle one) Of course, we will accommodate burials during this time as needed. We apologize In Memory of:______for any inconvenience this may cause, and ______we appreciate your understanding. ______

Church Decorations ______If you are available and would like to help decorate the church, we would like to do so Given by:______on Sunday, December 22, 2019 at each Mass. Phone Number:______

Amount Enclosed:______

St. Peter parishioners may use this form of the en- velope enclosed in your bimonthly mailing.

Fridays at 12:00 Noon

The submission deadline for all articles, announcements, etc. is Ten Days before Stewardship the weekend you wish your article to ap- pear (i.e. Friday, June 22 for the weekend “You too must be patient. Make your of Sunday, July 1). The bulletin is up- hearts firm, because the coming of the loaded for print on Monday afternoons for Lord is at hand.” the following Sunday. (:8) Holiday weekends - the deadline for holi- Patience is another one of those things many day weekends vary as the bulletin com- of us struggle with. We want things to go ac- pany requires us to upload the bulletin cording to our plan and our schedule. Any earlier than usual. change brings anxiety and fear. Through dai- ly prayer we better align ourselves with God’s Please submit all article in MS Word for- will and His plan, which is far better than mat. If you have any questions, please anything we can come up with on our own. check with either Rectory Office. Senior Ministry The Senior Ministry congratulates Carl Bur- Beatles Karaoke khardt on his 25 years of faithful and faith- filled service as a deacon. You will be missed! Saturday, January 11, 2020 Carl has been very supportive and participa- 5:15 PM in the Basilica Parish Hall tory in most senior events since the start of Not to be missed! our program. Thank you Carl!! Music by the lovely and talented Jacque Thank you to “yarn angel” Bobbie Fearon for Kinsinger her beautiful handmade crocheted scarves! They were donated to families in need at St. Price to be announced, but remember, “I Peter School! Can’t Buy Me Love” You can be a “Day Trip- per” all day on Saturday before we “Come To- Christmas at the House gether” for a “Hard Day’s Night”, only possible Arrowhead Country Club “With A Little Help From My Friends’!! I’ve Monday, December 16, 2019 “Got To Get You Into My Life” if you have nev- er been to a karaoke event before!! “Please, Doors will open at 5:15 PM. Cheese and Please Me” by coming to karaoke, because at crackers will be available until 6:15 PM, fol- the end of January going to “Let it Be”, lowed by dinner and Janet Creighton’s pre- wishing you “All My Loving”, as I retire from sentation. Cash bar is available. I am look- the Senior Ministry. ing forward to a wonderful presentation to finish out our Senior Ministry year! RSVP immediately, or no later than “Yes- terday”! Food for the evening will include a 2020 Events “Strawberry Fields” salad and more! If you don’t attend, you will become members of COFFEE AND CONVIVIALITY “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band!” Second Tuesday of every month from 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Panera Bread on Dressler Road. Heart Saver CPR/AED Adult Class Saturday, January 18, 2020 Twelfth Night Feast 9:00 AM -12:00 Noon Saturday, January 4, 2020 Gallagher Center 5:15 PM - 8:30 PM Available to 12 individuals Basilica Parish Hall RSVP by December 31 Limited to 100 people Cost: $20 (Actual cost is $45 per person: RSVP BY DECEMBER 26 Senior Ministry will cover the remaining cost $15 per person for parishioners only)

This a Senior Ministry sponsored event for Class begins promptly at 9:00 AM, so please all adult parishioners of both parishes. Food arrive by 8:45 AM. Stations by Dishes by Design. It is a BYOB event. WHEN YOU REGISTER AND PAY FOR THE CLASS, YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR LEGAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR SETUP, TEAR- NAME AND AN E-MAIL ADDRESS, SO THE DOWN, AND PLANNING INSTRUCTORS CAN REGISTER YOU IN AD- VANCE FOR THE CLASS. Volunteers also needed to provide dessert items

Church Bulletin Edition December 15, 2019

All classes rehearsing for the Christmas Program on December 17th. Grade 1 enjoys indoor recess with large floor puzzles!

Second grade LOVES practicing to read with magnetic letters and flexible seating!

Preschool matching colored fraction blocks to colored vehicles, dressing up in dramatic play and putting on a puppet show! Mark Your Calendar Schedule Reception for Deacon Carl Burkhardt The Sacrament of Baptism will take place six (Retirement) times a year on the second Sunday (12:30 PM) Sunday, December 15, 2019 of the following months: February (St. Peter), after the 10:30 AM Mass April (Basilica), June (St. Peter), August (Ba- silica), October (St. Peter) and December (Ba- Decorate "the Two Parishes" silica). A Baptism Preparation Class will be Sunday, December 22, 2019 offered. Please contact either Parish Office to Saint Peter - after the 8:30 AM Mass schedule a Baptism. Basilica - after the 10:30 AM Mass

Christmas Eve Masses League of Parish Nurses Tuesday, December 24, 2019 4:00 PM - Saint Peter Church 4:00 PM - Basilica of Saint John the Baptist We are forming a new committee, League of Parish Nurses (LPN). All Registered Christmas Day Nurses (active and retired), EMT's, Doc- Midnight Mass tors, etc. from Saint Peter Church and Wednesday, December 25, 2019 the Basilica are invited to become a part 12:00 AM in the Basilica of this organization. Our goal is to estab- lish a set of guidelines for medical events Mass during the Day that might occur during Mass or parish 10:00 AM - Saint Peter Church functions, to make yourself known to the ushers before Mass in case an incident Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God occurs, to assist with a bulletin column Octave of Christmas and to prepare, up-to-date - significant 6:00 PM Vigil - Tuesday, December 31, 2019 medical kits for each parish. Father Saint Peter Church Sheridan would also like to hold an an- 10:00 AM - Wednesday, January 1, 2020 nual White Mass to honor those in the medical profession. We anticipate one Epiphany of the Lord meeting per year, with updates through- Sunday, January 5, 2020 out via e-mail or a newsletter. If you are 4:00 PM Vigil - Basilica interested, please contact Bobby Sulli- 8:30 AM - Saint Peter Church van at [email protected] or 10:30 AM - Basilica 330-454-8044 x 201.

Baptism of the Lord Sunday, January 12, 2020 4:00 PM Vigil - Basilica 8:30 AM - Saint Peter Church Before Mass 10:30 AM - Basilica Be thoughtful, Be silent, Be reverent, Speak with the Lord Ash Wednesday February 26, 2020 During Mass 9:00 AM - School Mass - Saint Peter Allow the Lord to speak to you 12:10 PM - Basilica 6:00 PM - Saint Peter Church After Mass Speak to one another This Week Liturgical Ministries

Saturday - December 14 3:00 PM (St. John) Confessions 4:00 PM (St. John) + Mary Lou Loudiana (Susanne Bourquin) December 14 & 15 Lector Sunday - December 15 Advent 3 4:00 PM (B) R Pope, A Bing 8:30 AM (St. Peter) + Richard Bing (Jack Liberator) 8:30 AM (SPC) CCD 10:30 AM (St. John) + Members of St. John Guild 10:30 AM (B) A Verbus, F Brienza both living and deceased Lamp (St. John) + Del Alessandrini (Irene Alessandrini) Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Lamp (St. Peter) + Hadley Marie Massengale 4:00 PM (B) Deacon Seaman, D Becherer, K Kellogg (Massengale Family) P Pope

8:30 AM (SPC) Deacon Seaman, B & P Richardson Monday - December 16 NO MASS 10:30 AM (B) Deacon Burkhardt, B Nieschwitz, S Bowling Tuesday - December 17 P Sautters 9:00 AM (St. John) + Lucille Michel (Family & Friends) 7:00 PM (St. John) Choir Rehearsal Servers 4:00 PM (B) B & A Becherer Wednesday - December 18 8:30 AM (SPC) CCD 8:00 AM (St. Peter) + Mary Rocci 10:30 AM (B) E Verbus, F Burkhardt (John & Jennifer Saliola) 9:00 AM (St. John) Food Pantry Cantor: F Scott

Thursday - December 19 8:00 AM (St. John) + Bob Capestrain (Jack Liberator) December 21 & 22 11:00 AM (St. John) Samaritan's Table Lector 4:00 PM (B) E Cecconi, A Vaughn Friday - December 20 8:30 AM (SPC) E DeChellis, Jr. R Pope 8:30 AM (St. Peter) + Lillian Huff (Sharon Douglas) 10:30 AM (B) J Bryan, K Sigler Saturday - December 21 3:00 PM (St. John) Confessions Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 4:00 PM (St. John) + Dr. Douglas Wurzbach (Parents) 4:00 PM (B) J & L Clancy, K Musille, A Bing 8:30 AM (SPC) B & V Calzola, P Pope, M Burkhart Sunday - December 22 Advent 4 10:30 AM (B) C Frenz, J & J Strancar 8:30 AM (St. Peter) + Ernest & Mary Evans (Family Servers 10:30 AM (St. John) + Don F. Monnot (Marjorie Monnot) 4:00 PM (B) J & K Bing Lamp (St. John) + Charles Moyers 8:30 AM (SPC) O Smith, V Pena (Combined Choirs of the Basilica 10:30 AM (B) F & I Burkhardt and Saint Peter Church) Lamp (St. Peter) + Beth Sarbaugh (Mom & Dad) Cantor:

If you have questions about the ministry schedule, please contact Greg or Christine Sbaraglia or Bobby Sullivan.

The best prayer is the one in which there is the most love. Food Pantry We ALWAYS need the following: plastic bags, -Charles de Foucauld soup (crackers), pork and beans, vegetables, fruit, peanut butter (or jelly), tuna, ramen noodles, macaroni and cheese, a meat dish (spaghetti with sauce, ravioli, beefaroni, Collection Totals beef stew, chili etc.), graham crackers. We Basilica also appreciate all cash contributions to the December 1 - $ 6,802.28 Pantry.

St. Peter Church December 1 - $ 9,579.40 Cemetery Hours

Thank you for contributions! Sunday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Saturday, 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. The KAUFFMAN BEN HEGGY Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. Mechanical Contractors CANDY CO. • Residential Repair Service 3119 Whipple Ave NW, Canton • Commercial Industrial Piping 743 Cleveland Ave. Serving Stark County & Canton Since 1914! Canton 330-477-4455 600 Third St., SE Ph: 330-453-9103 Canton, OH 44702 Fax: 330-453-7242 455-7703 www.lauraofpembroke.com Equal Opportunity Employer Visit CantonMercy.org Serena’s Landscaping, Inc. HAIDET’S Complete Lawn & Landscape Service Charles D. Hall III auto glass Mowing • Hedge Trimming • Mulching 456-2509 Aeration • Snow Removal • Fertilizing HALL LAW FIRM Probate • Wills • Trusts RON SERENA Rt. 62 at Maple Ave. N.E. 330-966-2622 General/Civil • Law Practice Autoglass Specialists Considerate Service • Considerate People 330-453-2336 “The Difference is Clear” Consider-It-Done Parishioner LAMIELL FUNERAL HOME 14th & Cleveland Ave. N.W. Thomas J. Addessi, AAMS® St. Senior Living Pre-Arranged & Pre-Paid Funerals Memory Support • Assisted Living 624 Fifth St. N.W. • Canton, OH Vice President - Investments Skilled Nursing • Rehab • Independent Living Paul J. Lamiell, Jr., Director • Parish Member 4833 Munson St NW • Canton, OH 330.875.5562 330.454.9141 330-494-8640 90 Years of Care • Concern • Compassion 456-7375 • www.lamiellfuneralhome.com www.slimansprintery.com

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