
In 380 AD, Chrysologus was born in When ascended the in 440 , which is in modern day Bologna , during the AD after the death of Pope Sixtus III that same year, Peter reign of Roman Emperor Thedosius I, who would be the Chrysologus would become a close confidant of the new last Roman Emperor to reign over the entire Empire. Pope. Peter Chrysologus would for his entire lifetime be After the death of Theodosius I in 395 AD, the reign in fiercely loyal to the and a defender of its authority. the West fell to Emperor Honorius. It was against this In 448, came to Peter to gain his backdrop which Peter, who as an adult converted to support in a dispute with the Church where he had been Catholicism and was baptized and educated by Cornelius, deposed of his priestly office and excommunicated. the Bishop of the Diocese of Imola. Peter would Eutyches had previously become well known at the eventually be ordained a of the Church by Bishop in 432 for his opposition to , Cornelius. who had taught that ’s two natures, human and In 423, Emperor Honorius died, and was divine, were bound together by one will, as opposed to the succeeded by Emperor Valentinian III. orthodox view that Christ had two wills, both human and Peter was becoming well known for his short, but divine. While as a priest, Eutyches had been hailed for inspiring , and Emperor Valentinian III would his stance against , he had embraced the become both a fan of Peter and his sermons. When an radically opposite view of , which appointment came up for a new , preached that Christ only had one nature, which was Valentinian III used his influence to support Peter for this divine, and he lacked a human will entirely. It was for position which was eventually granted him. these views, Eutyches had been condemned at the Council In 433 in the city of , the Bishop of their of of 448. Instead of heeding the plea of diocese had died, and they elected a new Bishop to be Eutyches, Peter instead admonished him to accept the ratified by the . However, Pope Sixtus III had ruling of the against him and to be obedient to the received a vision of Pope Saint Peter and the first bishop Pope as the successor to Saint Peter the . Eutyches of Ravenna, Saint Apollinaris. In this vision, both would not heed the advice of Peter Chrysologus, and soon presented to Pope Sixtus the young Peter as the next after Peter’s death, Eutyches would be sent into exile Bishop of Ravenna. As a result, Pope Sixtus III rejected where he would ultimately die. the candidate elected by the people of Ravenna, and At the age of 70, in 450 AD Peter left his instead consecrated Peter as their new bishop. episcopate to visit his home town of Imola in northern Ravenna was considered to be the capital of the Italy. It was during this visit that Saint Peter Chrysologus rest, and upon arriving at his new appointment, Peter was passed away. He was Canonized before the Sacred already being recognized as the Doctor of Homilies. Congregatio for Rites was founded by in Known for his piety and zeal, his first homily as the 1588, which would be divided into the Congregation for Bishop of Ravenna was attended by the Roman Empress Divine Worship and the Congregation for the Causes of Galla , who afterward bestowed upon him the Saints in 1969 by Pope Paul VI. In 1729 he was declared surname Chrysologus, which means “golden-worded.” a by Pope Benedict XIII. His feast Empress Galla Placida would go on to patronize day is July 30th. many of the projects which would be undertaken by Bishop Peter. Much of Peter’s pontificate would be spent attempting to battle abuses in his diocese and the vestiges of which remained in Ravenna, likely exasperated by the slow but continual collapse of the Western during the rule of Emperor Valentinian III. Peter resolutely condemned Aranism and Monophysitism, and preached consistently on the Apostle’s , the mystery of the Incarnation, Saint and the Blessed Mary. Peter would encourage daily reception of the , and regular reception of forgiveness offered through Christ.