Ostaev, G., Tihonova, A., Rylova, N., Tihonova., M., Malikova, A., Karimova, N., Sokolova, I. /Vol. 8 Núm. 23: 830- 841/ 830 Noviembre - diciembre 2019

Artículo de investigación Lean production management: Accounting and cost control in processing enterprises of the consumer cooperation system


Recibido: 19 de agosto del 2019 Aceptado: 25 de septiembre del 2019

Written by: Gamlet Y. Ostaev22 Anna V. Tihonova23 Natalia I. Rylova24 Maria S. Tihonova25 Alfira M. Malikova26 Natalia A. Karimova27 Irina N. Sokolova28

Abstract Аннотация

Lean production and management in the system Бережливое производство и управление в of consumer cooperation remains one of the most системе потребительской кооперации, difficult problems both in general in all areas of остается одной из самых сложных проблем, production and in processing. A modern как в целом по всем направлениям solution to this problem, increasing the efficiency производства, так и по переработке молока. of production, improving its quality and reducing Современное решение данной проблемы, cost is the basis of principles and tools that are повышение эффективности производства reflected in the lean manufacturing system. Lean продукции, улучшение ее качества и management is possible on the basis of optimal снижения себестоимости лежит в основе cost accounting and management of dairy принципов и инструментов, которые нашли production, by reducing losses on waiting, отражение в системе бережливого overproduction, transportation, unnecessary производства. Бережливое управление processing steps, unnecessary movements, становится возможным на основе production with broken technology, defective оптимального учета затрат и управления packaging, unnecessary stocks - by regulating производством молочной продукции, путем business processes and mobilizing internal снижения потерь на ожидание, reserves in the activities of processing enterprises перепроизводство, транспортировки, лишних of the consumer cooperation system. The subject стадий обработки, ненужных перемещений, of the study is managerial activity in the lean выпуска с нарушенной технологией, production and processing of milk in enterprises дефектной упаковки, лишних запасов - путем

22 Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Accounting, Finance and Audit, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, Izhevsk 23 Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Economics and Managements Russian University of Cooperation, Izhevsk Branch, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Business Technologies in the Socio-Cultural Sphere Udmurt State University, Izhevsk 24 Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Economics and Managements Russian University of Cooperation, Izhevsk Branch, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Business Technologies in the Socio-Cultural Sphere Udmurt State University, Izhevsk. 25 Master student of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, Petersburg. 26 Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Economics and Managements Russian University of Cooperation, Izhevsk Branch, Izhevsk 27 Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of State and Natural Sciences Russian University of Cooperation, Izhevsk Branch, Izhevsk 28 Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Economics and Organization Management, Izhevsk State Technical University, Izhevsk

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Vol. 8 Núm. 23 /Noviembre - diciembre 2019 831

of the consumer cooperation system. The aim of регулирования хозяйственных процессов и the study is the introduction of advanced and мобилизации внутренних резервов в necessary methods of accounting and деятельности перерабатывающих management of milk production in the enterprises предприятий системы потребительской of the consumer cooperation system. In кооперации. Предметом исследования accordance with this goal, the main task was является управленческая деятельность при determined: to develop recommendations for бережливом производстве и переработке improving the accounting and management молока в предприятиях системы methods to reduce all kinds of costs and increase потребкооперации. Целью исследования the productivity of dairy production. Performance является внедрение прогрессивных и management is an important financial and необходимых методов учета и управления economic indicator of production in the system of деятельностью по производству молока в consumer cooperation. This paper analyzes предприятиях системе потребительской various aspects of lean manufacturing, кооперации. В соответствии с указанной accounting, control and management, taking into целью была определена основная задача: account the technological features and business выработать рекомендации по processes of the consumer cooperation system. It совершенствованию учетно-управленческой is concluded that for the efficiency of the методики на уменьшение всевозможных accounting process in the lean management издержек и увеличение производительности system of a milk processing enterprise, it is производства молочной продукции. necessary to build a system of accounting and Эффективность управления деятельности control support, which will allow for detailed является важным финансово-экономическим accounting of production costs for all objects of показателем производства продукции в accounting and control. системе потребительской кооперации. В настоящей работе проанализированы Keywords Lean management, milk processing, различные аспекты бережливого accounting. производства, учета, контроля и управления с учетом технологических особенностей и бизнес процессов системы потребительской кооперации. Сделан вывод о том, что для эффективности учетного процесса в системе бережливого управления молокоперерабатывающим предприятием, необходимо построение системы учетно- контрольного обеспечения, которая позволит вести детальный учет затрат на производство по всем объектам учета и контроля.

Ключевые слова: бережливое управление, переработка молока, учет.


The emergence of market relations to a new level Changing the entire production system in the of development, recovery after a serious test complex, according to the proposed principles of caused by the economic crisis for all forms of lean production management, will reduce not ownership and types of management suggest the only costs but also internal losses, while use of new progressive economic methods for additionally we get free labor and other resources managing the production of dairy products in the (Ostaev and others, 2018a; Ostaev and others, system of consumer cooperation (Ostaev and 2018b). others, 2018a). The problems of managerial accounting, lean Lean production management is the introduction manufacturing, management, analysis and of approaches and methods aimed at reducing all business performance are highlighted in the kinds of costs and increasing production works of domestic scientists and economists productivity (Ostaev and others, 2019). (Alborov, Kontsevaya, 2019; Alborov R.A., Kontsevoy G.R., 2017; Alborov and others,

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2017; Alekseeva, Sokolov, 2019; Materials and Methods Akhmetzyanov, Markovina, 2013; Gogolev, Rylov, 2018; Gogolev, 2018; Kondratiev, 2018, Efforts of lean production management are based Kondratiev and others, 2017; Lvov, 2003; in the form of business processes that do not Mukhina, Markovina, 2014); however, separate increase the cost of products from the point of accounting and management approaches and view of the consumer and, accordingly, do not methods need to be developed and supplemented. increase the added value for the enterprise of the consumer cooperation system (Ostaev and others, 2019). The concept of introducing lean production in the consumer cooperation system is presented in Figure 1.

Creation of working teams and a steering committee for the organization of lean production

Modernization / reorganization of the production system

Elimination of specific problems

Loss reduction

Entering a new level of efficiency and competitiveness

Figure 1. The concept of introducing lean production at the enterprises of the consumer cooperation system

Savings on basic materials, auxiliary materials, The production and processing of dairy products energy, and other costs are taken into account in lean production in the consumer cooperation when calculating the savings from cost reduction system are several interrelated technological as a result of the introduction of the basic tools of operations. For example, the objects of cost lean manufacturing and improving the operation accounting based on the study of the of the applied equipment and technology technological process of production, which (Selezneva, Selezneva, 2017). include several enlarged technological stages of the production of finished dairy products (Figure The introduction of the concept of lean 2). production provides an additional effect both for the enterprise of the consumer cooperation system and for the state budget (Kislitsky, 2018).

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Vol. 8 Núm. 23 /Noviembre - diciembre 2019 833

1 - Reception of raw 2 - Cleaning and 3 – Separation materials - milk cooling

5 - Homogenization 4 - Normalization

6 - 7 - Packing

Figure 2. Objects of cost accounting for the technological stages of milk production

The objects of accounting and cost control for the semi-finished products and finished dairy technological stages of dairy production are products with lean production management highlighted taking into account the groups of (Figure 3).

Raw milk

Cleaning Whole milk Separation

Adding Normalized milk Skimmed milk Cream sourdough fruit toppings

Homogenize Milk Skim Butter d milk serum cheese; milk Dairy products: Cheese , Varenets, products; Butter , , Skimmed fermented baked Dry milk milk, yogurt Pasteurized powder milk Drinking Cream,

Figure 3. Accounting objects for technological operations of milk processing production and finished product groups with lean production management (developed by the authors)

Results and discussion dairy products of the consumer cooperation system, the classification and nomenclature of The economically sound definition of objects of metering objects will depend on the accounting and cost control is an important specialization of dairy production, raw materials, aspect in the development of a lean management processing technology, product name, packaging system, control and planning in the dairy industry and other factors (Selezneva and others, 2016). of the consumer cooperation system. At enterprises engaged in the production of finished

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At dairy enterprises, the organization of main Kefir, yogurt, fermented , yoghurts production has features that are explained by the produce and pack finished products on the site of specifics of raw materials, technological . The cost of semi- processes of production, the means of labor used, finished products from the hardware workshop is and also the level of mechanization and added to the costs of fermentation, the addition automation of production processes of flavorings and fillers (berries, cranberries, (Shlyapnikova and others, 2012). raspberries, currants collected in orchards and forests), as well as the filling of dairy products. The accounting system used at milk processing enterprises based on the “Methodological Finished products are obtained at the cottage recommendations for the accounting of cheese site: cottage cheese, and curd mass production costs and calculating the cost of and whey. The costs of fermenting the skim and production (work, services) in milk processing making cottage cheese are added to the cost of organizations” does not allow us to navigate in the semi-finished product from the hardware the conditions of development of lean workshop. From the costs received, the cost of management for production purposes. In full, it the returnable waste (serum) is subtracted in the does not solve all issues in making managerial accepted estimate. decisions, forecasting, control, analysis and accounting of products. The technological process for the production of dairy products consists of several stages of Milk processing at the enterprises goes through a processing raw materials and semi-finished certain technological sequence that affects the products obtained in the processing process, so cost accounting procedure (Khaimanov and enterprises usually use the alternate method. The others, 2018). stages of the technological process, as a result of which semi-finished products or finished In the hardware workshop, natural milk and products are produced, are a redistribution. The cream are brought to standard fat content, essence of the alternate method is that the object pasteurized and transferred to the bottling site. of cost accounting is redistribution, within which The result is a semi-finished product of our own accounting is carried out according to calculation production, which is sent to the workshop for items and types of manufactured products. further processing. At this stage, the cost of the costing unit is not calculated, and all costs in the In fact, the prevailing costs are distributed context of articles are transferred to another between the types of products in proportion to the workshop. cost standards calculated on the actual output.

At the bottling site, milk or cream is poured into Dairy production and milk processing are bags and bottles. The result is products that are complex accounting objects (Figure 4). ready for sale. The costs of semi-finished products received from the hardware workshop in terms of costs are added to the cost of bottling.

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Vol. 8 Núm. 23 /Noviembre - diciembre 2019 835

The complexity of determining cost accounting objects in processing enterprises

Division of the production process into several technological stages

The final products and semi-finished products are heterogeneous in quality, purpose, production costs, calculation periods

Cost-based profit and loss accounting in the conditions of lean management is determined by the complex structure of responsibility centers

Economic activity in the conditions of lean management requires continuous improvement and modernization of equipment and technologies Process accounting of costs and profits in a lean management environment is determined by the complex structure of responsibility centers

Raw milk and semi-finished products have different organoleptic structures - appearance, texture, taste, smell, color, fat content, dry matter content, acidity

Figure 4. The reasons for the difficulty of determining the objects of cost accounting in the milk processing industry

To calculate the unit cost in the dairy industry, a milk production and processing process, we calculation method developed by the Research identified signs by which the stages of the Institute of the Dairy Industry in 1996 is used. technological process should be determined for the purpose of lean management of dairy After a detailed analysis of the technology and production (Figure 5). organization of production at each stage of the

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Signs for highlighting the stages of milk processing for the purpose of lean production management in the consumer cooperation system

Organizational independence of stages

Use of a product or a semi-finished product of other stages of the production process as a raw material

The similarity in the means of production, technology, organization of production

The similarity of accounting objects with objects of costing

Figure 5. Signs of determining the technological stages for cost accounting in lean manufacturing and management (developed by the authors)

Milk processing enterprises of the consumer business process management should have the cooperation system with lean production and following production structure (Figure 6).

Consumer cooperative system milk processing enterprise

Acceptance of raw Whole milk workshop materials, separation,

preparation of mixtures for

all workshops, production of whole milk products Butter workshop Butter and Spread Making

Small Cheese Shop Making soft rennet cheeses

Dutch cheese shop Hard Cheese Making

Cream Cheese Shop Cream Cheese Making

Cost Center Cost Responsibility Centers Business Business Process Responsibility Centers Skimmed milk powder Production of skimmed milk workshop powder, whole milk powder, whey powder

Figure 6. Objects of accounting and cost control based on the allocation of production and organizational units of the enterprise for lean management and production (developed by the authors)

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With lean production and business process processes (lines of activity) of the milk management, a thorough economic assessment processing enterprise. of each production site (redistribution), various stages leads to the maximum detail of accounting Particular attention to dairy enterprises in the and calculation of costs in the production of dairy conditions of lean management needs to be paid products, which will allow more efficient control to quality costs, for which we recommend over direct and overhead costs. In addition, it is controlling them in separate articles, which are advisable to keep track of costs for business grouped in table 1. In conditions of competition in the dairy market, it is quality indicators that determine consumer demand.

Table 1. Grouping of costs for quality assurance in the production of dairy products

No Raw milk processing costs. Dairy production costs. On the control to ensure the quality and safety of ⎯ feedstock; to conduct veterinary and sanitary ⎯ to ensure the quality and ⎯ examination of the feedstock; safety of feedstock; to transfer to the production of raw ⎯ to conduct veterinary and ⎯ materials; sanitary examination of the feedstock; to ensure the safety and quality of raw ⎯ on storage of raw materials; ⎯ materials - milk; on the maintenance of the ⎯ 1 to ensure the safety and quality of ⎯ sanitary-technical condition of the finished dairy products and semi-finished premises and equipment; products; to protect the production and ⎯ storage and marketing of finished ⎯ the environment; products; to the laboratory and testing; ⎯ to protect industrial, including personal ⎯ - to check the completeness of ⎯ hygiene and the environment; the accompanying documentation. to the laboratory and testing; ⎯ - to check the completeness of the ⎯ accompanying documentation. 2 Correction and alteration of defects identified during the manufacturing process for wages, for technological needs, for packaging, storage, transportation, etc.

* developed by the authors

In addition, when calculating the cost of dairy We propose to group costs according to products, the cost of raw materials excludes the individual characteristics, both by places of cost of returnable waste or secondary dairy raw occurrence of costs, and without attribution by materials, which the consumer cooperation places of occurrence (Figure 7). system enterprise can use to produce products.

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Grouping costs by cost center Grouping of expenses in the enterprise without assignment to places of origin

1. The cost of raw 1. Supply costs materials 2. Material costs 2. Shipping costs 3. The cost of labor 3. The cost of labor

4. Payroll deductions 5. The costs of work and services 6. The content of fixed assets 4. Production process price 7. Other types of expenses

Cost Cost Work in progress costs 8. Work in progress costs

9. Organization of production 5. Administrative expenses and management 6. Sales costs 10. Selling expenses

Figure 7. Directions of planning, accounting and cost management of lean management of dairy production (developed by the authors)

The proposed scheme allows for management 2) Allows the company to take into accounting and cost management in a lean account the costs of calculation items. production management system: From the point of view of the functional structure 1) On the elements of costs and stages of of cost management, it can be noted that the main the reproduction process, while elements of cost management are planning, attention is paid to the allocation of analysis, organization of accounting and control, production costs to the places where the taking into account the principles of lean costs arise (repartitions); production management.

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Table 2. Cost management scheme in a lean production management system

No Lean Production Management Cost Management in a Lean Management System Practical Goals Objectives Methods implementation 1. Cost planning for 1. Achieving the 1. Classification of 1. Cost control by centers of target results of the costs. responsibility centers, responsibility, by financial and 2. The division of by type of cost, by type of product, economic activities costs into fixed and type of product. 1 orders, processes. of the enterprise in a variable. 2. Budgeting by 2. Management lean management 3. Management responsibility centers. accounting of costs. system, through cost accounting in a lean 3. Making managerial 3. Cost analysis. optimization by environment. decisions in the 4. Calculation and responsibility 4. Operational cost conditions of lean analysis of centers, types of analysis. management - prices, deviations of actual costs, types of 5. Budgeting. volume of costs from normative products, orders. 6. Factor analysis. production. (planned). Responsible persons for the practical implementation, goals, objectives, methods 1. General Director. 2. The financial director. 2 3. Chief accountant. 4. Head of the planning and economic department 5. Responsibility center managers.

The effectiveness of the lean cost management reporting on operating costs, allowing system largely depends on the organization of to identify deviations, their causes and cost control, their analysis, which, in turn, is promptly take corrective measures to determined by the following factors: eliminate them; − The presence of specialists who are able − The form and methods of cost to competently analyze and manage the accounting at the enterprise of the process of cost formation. consumer cooperation system; − The degree of automation of the The control system, which ensures the accounting and analytical process; completeness and correctness of future actions − The state of planning and rationing the aimed at reducing costs and increasing level of operating costs; production efficiency, is of great importance in − The availability of appropriate types of the lean management system. daily, weekly and monthly internal

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Figure 8. The relationship of functions in the lean management system of the enterprise consumer cooperation system in the implementation of control Control as a system of functional impact and a management tool should be carried out in milk processing enterprises of consumer cooperatives, taking into account all factors, for the purpose of efficiency of lean production.

Conclusions References

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