Notice is given of a meeting of the Canterbury Museum Trust Board to be held at 3.30 pm on Monday 12 July 2021 in the Boardroom at Canterbury Museum

AGENDA Agenda number Page number at top right bottom right




PUBLIC EXCLUDED SECTION Resolution to exclude the public

I move that the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of its resolution are as follows:

Agenda General subject of Reason for passing Ground(s) Item each matter to be this resolution in under section considered relation to each matter 48(1) for the passing of this resolution 4 The Museum Project S7(2)(h) To enable the Museum to carry out, 5 Investment without prejudice or committee disadvantage, commercial activities and 6 Executive s7(2)(i) To enable to Committee Museum to carry on, without prejudice or 7 Board and CEO only disadvantage, Section 48(1)(a) negotiations (including – The public 8 Board only commercial and conduct of this industrial negotiations) matter would be s7(2)(f) To enable the likely to result in Museum to maintain the disclosure of effective conduct of information for public affairs through – which good (i) the free and frank reason to expression of opinions withhold exists by or between or to under section 7 members or officers or employees of the Museum, or any persons to whom section 2 (5) of this Act applies, in the course of their duty; or (ii) the protection of such members, officers, employees, and persons from improper pressure or harassment s7(2)(a) Protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of deceased natural persons

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by sections 6 or 7 of the Act or sections 6, 7 or 9 of the Official Information Act 1982, as the case may require, which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public are as shown above with respect to each item.

Recommended that in accordance with section 48(5) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 that the Head of Collections and Research, Head of Operations and Head of Public Engagement remain in the public excluded session, except for agenda item 7 and 8, and the Director except for item 8 because of their knowledge of the issues involved.

Resolution to readmit the public

I move that the In Committee business having been concluded, the public be readmitted, and the resolutions passed in committee be confirmed.

9 GENERAL BUSINESS 9.1 Electronic Board Papers Short korero as discussed

10 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 10.1 The next meeting is scheduled for 9 August 2021

CIRCULATION David Ayers (Waimakariri/ Councils) Michael McEvedy (Friends of Canterbury Museum) Beverley Bolland (Canterbury Pilgrims & Early Settlers Assn) Rob Cruickshank (Canterbury Branch, Royal Society of New Zealand) Cr James Daniels (Christchurch City Council) Cr Anne Galloway (Christchurch City Council) Penny Hoogerwerf ( Council) Grant Lovell (Christchurch City Council) Susan McCormack () Puamiria Parata-Goodall (Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu) Tom Thomson (Christchurch City Council)

Agenda item 3 board members – register of potential conflicts of interest

Name Potential conflict of interest

David Ayers Member of & Districts Early Records Society Rotary Club of Rangiora Charitable Trust - Secretary Heritage NZ - member Canterbury Historical Association - member Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Review Panel - member District Historical Society – member Waimakariri Landmarks Group – member Board of Administration Methodist Church of NZ – member Methodist Connexional Property Committee – member Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Holding Company – Board Selection Panel member Beverley Bolland Canterbury Pilgrims & Early Settlers – President Robert Cruickshank Christchurch City Council – Employee (Tūranga Library) New Zealand Journal of Zoology – Associate Editor Canterbury Branch of Royal Society of New Zealand – Honorary Secretary LIANZA Standing Committee on Freedom of Information - Member James Daniels TBA

Anne Galloway Christchurch City Council – City Councillor Mayors Welfare Fund - Chair Penny Hoogerwerf City Care Limited – Director Christchurch Cathedral Reinstatement Limited – Director Katamama Limited – Director and Shareholder Moss & Moss Limited – Director Tait Radio Limited - Director Grant Lovell Tonkin Taylor Group Limited – Executive Director Bain-Lovell Family Trust Rata Foundation – spouse is Chair Canterbury Lotteries Grants Board – spouse is Chair Susan McCormack Kiwi Rail – Board member, and Deputy Chair Mortlock McCormack Law – Past Partner Institute of Directors – Chartered Member Goddard Family Trust Canterbury Earthquake Insurance Tribunal – Judicial Review University of Canterbury – Chancellor Michael McEvedy Christchurch Catholic Diocesan Foundation - Chair Red Cross Earthquake Fund Commissioner Community Care Lincoln & Districts Patron Lincoln Community Care Trust - Chair Robin Allan Memorial Trust Christchurch City Council Ethics Committee – Convenor St John Trust Selwyn Arts Trust – Chair Selwyn Central St John St John Honours Mason Foundation – Trustee Canterbury DHB Clinical Board Institute of Directors Connamara Family Trust NZ First Capital Canterbury Agricultural & Pastoral Association – Past President Agenda item 3

Canterbury DHB Consumer Council Puamiria Parata-Goodall Christchurch City Council Public Art Advisory Group – Member Lincoln University Council – Board Member Ngāi Tahu Fund Committee – Member Te Pae Korako, Ngāi Tahu Archives and Whakapapa Committee – Member Rarotoka Management - Shareholder Te Pakura Limited – Director – Pou Ahurea, Te Ara Ātea Lincoln University, Ahumairaki – Convenor National Repatriation Network – Member Museums Aotearoa - Member Tom Thomson ONZM Elastomer Products Ltd - Managing Director and Shareholder Compounding Specialists Ltd (Trading as Comspec) – Director and Shareholder NZ Manufacturers and Exporters Association – Board Member Motunau Beach RFF – Rural Fire Officer and Deputy Controller Institute of Directors – Member United Fire Brigade Association NZ – Board Member Anthony Wright Antarctic Heritage Trust – Deputy Chair AHT Expedition Endurance Limited - Director CCC Public Art Advisory Group – Chair Clark Collection Scholarship- Selection panel member Council of Australasian Museum Directors – Member Cranleigh Barton Estate Trust – Advisory Trustee Friends of Canterbury Museum – Committee Government House Gardens Committee – Member Mason Foundation – Trustee New Zealand Botanical Society – President Robin S Allan Memorial Fund – Trustee Institute of Directors – member National Repatriation Network - member

As declared in Member profiles and at subsequent meetings

Updated 27 November 2020