In Search of Spaceplanes Beyond Offering the Advantage of Within 12 Hours
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US Strategic Command, the “own- ticularly on propulsion and vehicle er” of military space operations and control concepts. The service last sum- The Air Force has an urgent need for hypersonic, long-range, the global strike mission, has estab- mer asked US industry to turn in pro- transatmospheric vehicles. lished the requirement for a space- posals and concepts this fall. plane. This fall, the Air Force and USAF wants to build the means to NASA artist’s conception the Defense Advanced Research attack any target on the globe within Projects Agency began accepting 12 hours of an order to do so. That industry proposals for a project that requirement stems from an April 2003 in 2025 would produce a spaceplane— Air Staff study titled “Long-Range one that may look much like the Global Precision Engagement.” In defunct National Aerospace Plane it, the Air Force—working with the conceptualized in the 1980s. Joint Staff and Office of the Secre- tary of Defense—put strike capa- To Mach 15 bilities into three categories: prompt The new craft, which is described global strike, prompt theater strike, as a Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (HCV), and persistent area strike. would be capable both of launching USAF believes the products of satellites and deploying weapons. Falcon will fulfill—to a great de- Plans call for it to fly at speeds up to gree—the prompt global strike ele- Mach 15 and carry a mix of weapons ment. The ability to conduct prompt comparable to the load carried by global strike would dissuade or de- one of today’s fighter aircraft. It ter enemies because they would would probably be flown by a crew, know that the US could “hold at risk but it could be flown remotely as or strike high-value targets anytime By John Tirpak, Executive Editor well. and anywhere on the globe,” said “The ability to reach out and touch the study. Such a technology would somebody with great precision ... at also eliminate the need for intra- very long range is ... a very attrac- theater buildup before conducting a tive attribute,” said Brig. Gen. Stephen strike. M. Goldfein, the Air Force’s direc- The study set the following pa- tor of operational capability require- rameters for the prompt global strike ments. “We are looking at what in- capability: dustry can tell us about the art of the Availability on short notice. possible ... with great interest,” Great standoff range with pen- Goldfein said in an August inter- etrating weapons. view. Capacity for 200 strike effects In Search of Spaceplanes Beyond offering the advantage of within 12 hours. extreme speed from point to point, Range of at least 3,400 miles. an orbital or suborbital spaceplane The study authors, despite seeing would also obviate the need to ob- some partial workarounds, urged tain overflight permission from other rapid development of hypersonic countries. vehicles—be they new missiles or USAF wants a system before 2025, aircraft. however. As an interim measure, the “In particular,” the study authors or decades, the Air Force so. The target might be a terrorist ting close enough to an enemy to service is developing a hypersonic wrote, “the development of high su- has wanted spaceplanes— camp, a ballistic missile launch site, conduct operations—a prospect that glide munitions delivery system, personic/hypersonic weapons and craft that can take off from a chemical weapons factory, or a lead- the national leadership no longer will known as the Common Aerospace delivery platforms significantly en- a runway, fly at hypersonic ership target. It also may be deeply accept. Vehicle. It could be fielded within ables global strike from significant Fspeeds through the upper atmosphere, buried. A spaceplane would offer the Moreover, the last few armed con- eight years. The CAV is part of a ranges and reduces the risks associ- reach low Earth orbit, and return in a means to get to a target rapidly, soar flicts have illustrated how the US program dubbed “Falcon” (Force Ap- ated with forward basing.” Addition- conventional fashion. Yet, the prac- high above defenses, and deliver mu- has become highly dependent on plication and Launch from Conti- ally, they said, the reusability of these tical application of the concept kept nitions that would fall at high veloc- space systems for its entire range of nental United States), which also platforms increases their value in a being pushed into the future because ity and plunge far below the Earth’s military operations. The need to ob- includes development of a Small variety of threat scenarios and makes of high development costs, inad- surface. tain cheap, reliable, rapid access to Launch Vehicle to carry the CAV to them more cost effective. equate technology, and the lack of a Fueling the new urgency to pro- space has never been greater. an orbit altitude, from which it would The study concluded that, by 2015, truly pressing mission that would duce an operational spaceplane is “We have an important interest— coast to its “pierce point” location— even stealthy new systems such as demand such an asset. the proliferation of theater ballistic and airmen have always had an im- that is, the point and velocity at which the F/A-22 and F-35 fighters may That is about to change. There now missiles and weapons of mass de- portant interest—in speed,” said Gen. the vehicle enters the atmosphere. lack the range to attack critical tar- is an urgent mission for the capabili- struction, plus the belief that these Gregory S. Martin, head of Air Force Additionally, the SLV would pro- gets deep behind enemy lines in the ties of a spaceplane—or something and other “anti-access” weapons will Materiel Command and former com- vide a quick-reaction launch capa- early hours of a crisis. The ranges of like it. only become more widespread in the mander of US Air Forces in Europe. bility for small satellites. the two fighters in the initial stages USAF needs the ability to swiftly future. In the hands of terrorists or A spaceplane is “an activity that I The Air Force and DARPA are col- of a conflict would “not allow for hit fleeting targets anywhere on Earth states that support them, such weap- think it is important for us to pur- laborating on Falcon and expect sub- penetration beyond approximately shortly after an order is given to do ons could prevent the US from get- sue.” stantial assistance from NASA, par- 400 nautical miles [460 miles] into US Strategic Command, the “own- ticularly on propulsion and vehicle er” of military space operations and control concepts. The service last sum- The Air Force has an urgent need for hypersonic, long-range, the global strike mission, has estab- mer asked US industry to turn in pro- transatmospheric vehicles. lished the requirement for a space- posals and concepts this fall. plane. This fall, the Air Force and USAF wants to build the means to NASA artist’s conception the Defense Advanced Research attack any target on the globe within Projects Agency began accepting 12 hours of an order to do so. That industry proposals for a project that requirement stems from an April 2003 in 2025 would produce a spaceplane— Air Staff study titled “Long-Range one that may look much like the Global Precision Engagement.” In defunct National Aerospace Plane it, the Air Force—working with the conceptualized in the 1980s. Joint Staff and Office of the Secre- tary of Defense—put strike capa- To Mach 15 bilities into three categories: prompt The new craft, which is described global strike, prompt theater strike, as a Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (HCV), and persistent area strike. would be capable both of launching USAF believes the products of satellites and deploying weapons. Falcon will fulfill—to a great de- Plans call for it to fly at speeds up to gree—the prompt global strike ele- Mach 15 and carry a mix of weapons ment. The ability to conduct prompt comparable to the load carried by global strike would dissuade or de- one of today’s fighter aircraft. It ter enemies because they would would probably be flown by a crew, know that the US could “hold at risk but it could be flown remotely as or strike high-value targets anytime By John Tirpak, Executive Editor well. and anywhere on the globe,” said “The ability to reach out and touch the study. Such a technology would somebody with great precision ... at also eliminate the need for intra- very long range is ... a very attrac- theater buildup before conducting a tive attribute,” said Brig. Gen. Stephen strike. M. Goldfein, the Air Force’s direc- The study set the following pa- tor of operational capability require- rameters for the prompt global strike ments. “We are looking at what in- capability: dustry can tell us about the art of the Availability on short notice. possible ... with great interest,” Great standoff range with pen- Goldfein said in an August inter- etrating weapons. view. Capacity for 200 strike effects In Search of Spaceplanes Beyond offering the advantage of within 12 hours. extreme speed from point to point, Range of at least 3,400 miles. an orbital or suborbital spaceplane The study authors, despite seeing would also obviate the need to ob- some partial workarounds, urged tain overflight permission from other rapid development of hypersonic countries. vehicles—be they new missiles or USAF wants a system before 2025, aircraft. however. As an interim measure, the “In particular,” the study authors or decades, the Air Force so. The target might be a terrorist ting close enough to an enemy to service is developing a hypersonic wrote, “the development of high su- has wanted spaceplanes— camp, a ballistic missile launch site, conduct operations—a prospect that glide munitions delivery system, personic/hypersonic weapons and craft that can take off from a chemical weapons factory, or a lead- the national leadership no longer will known as the Common Aerospace delivery platforms significantly en- a runway, fly at hypersonic ership target.