IIAM R. TABT INE ART ANTIUE MAPS PRINTS 129 West San Francisco Street • P. O. Box 2757, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504 505-982-1559 •
[email protected] • www.williamtalbot.com SPRING 2020 John Speed (c.1551-1629). “A New and Accurat Map Of The World…,” (George Humble, London: 1627). First edition. Published in Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World (1627). Copperplate engraving with hand color, 15 1/2 x 20 15/32″ at neat line. Sheet: 16 1/2 x 21 1/2.″ English text on verso: “The generall Description of the World”. Strong impression with bright color; a few minor repairs at top margin and at bottom centerfold; slight toning at edges; a few chipped edges u.l. and l.r. Very good condition. $16,000. John Speed’s First Edition World Map THE EARLIEST OBTAINABLE WORLD MAP PUBLISHED IN ENGLAND This wondrous map by John Speed showing the world as it appeared in the late stages of the Age of Discovery is the earliest obtainable world map published in England. This present being the first edition published in 1627, and subsequently re-issued in three other states until 1676. Largely based upon William Grent’s extremely rare world map published in London in 1625, Speed’s double hemispheric “Map of the World” drew upon much of Grent’s legends and some of the ornamentation, including the astronomical drawings of eclipses and diagrams of heavenly spheres. The two celestial hemispheres and the four allegorical figures of the elements (fire, earth, air and water) were taken from Hondius’ 1617 world map.