YHS Y-LINE: WEEK OF APRIL 15th A-Week ATTENDANCE There is a significant relationship between student attendance and student achievement. We want students to be successful at York High School and in order to achieve that goal, we need your student to attend school and be on time every day unless they are ill. If your student is ill, please send in a note or email our attendance secretary, Allison Martinez at
[email protected] within 24 hours. Legitimate reasons for absences are illness, death in immediate family, doctor or dental appointment (not possible to be scheduled on non-school time), and or exceptional circumstances as determined by the building principal. Absences occurring on those pre-determined test dates should be avoided and will only be considered excused under extreme extenuating circumstances. For any other reason, the absence is unexcused. If the student accumulates excessive (10 or more) absences, a physician’s note may be required. (YCSD Student Handbook, page 1) SAT PREP CLASSES The next opportunity for students to take the SAT test in York County will be on Saturday, May 4, 2019, at Grafton High School. Therefore, registration for our SAT prep classes at Tabb High School for Math and English will begin on Monday, April 8, 2019, and end on Friday, April 19, 2019. Students can register in the main office at THS. The cost for the class is $40. Checks should be made payable to Tabb High School. If there is insufficient enrollment, the class will be canceled. The SAT Class will be held at THS during the following dates/times: *English SAT Prep (4-6 PM in room 301) – Tuesday, April 23, 2019 and Thursday, April 25, 2019 *Math SAT Prep (4-6 PM in room 112) – Tuesday, April 30, 2019 and Wednesday, May 1, 2019 Students who attend will also receive a free SAT Test Prep Book.