Maurice Webb Race Relations Unit
MAURICE WEBB RACE RELATIONS UNIT A DIRECTORY OF RURAL AND PERI-URBAN COMMUNITY BASED ORGANISATIONS IN NATAL T Mzimela CENTRE FOR SOCIAL AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF NATAL KING GEORGE V AVENUE DURBAN 4001 SOUTH AFRICA * CENTRE FOR SOCIAL AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF NATAL DURBAN A DIRECTORY OF RURAL AND PERI-URBAN COMMUNITY BASED ORGANISATIONS IN NATAL PRODUCED BY T. MZIMELA MAURICE WEBB RACE RELATIONS UNIT CENTRE FOR SOCIAL AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF NATAL DURBAN The Centre for Social and Development Studies was established in 1988 through the merger of the Centre for Applied Social Science and the Development Studies Unit. The purpose of the centre is to focus university research in such a way as to make it relevant to the needs of the surrounding developing communities, to generate general awareness of development problems and to assist in aiding the process of appropriate development planning. ISBN No 1-86840-029-8 RURAL AND PERI-URBAN COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATIONS This Directory consists of rural COMMUNITY BASED ORGANISATIONS (CBOS) and some organisations from peri-urban areas in Natal. It has been produced by the Maurice Webb Race Relations Unit at the Centre for Social and development Studies which is based at the University of Natal. The directory seeks to facilitate communication amongst community based organisations in pursuance of their goals. The province is divided into five zones : (i) ZONE A: UPPER NOTUERN NATAL REGION: This includes the Mahlabathini, Nquthu, Nhlazatshe, Nongoma and Ulundi districts. (ii) ZONE B: UPPER NORTHERN NATAL COASTAL REGION: This includes Ingwavuma, Kwa-Ngwanase, Hlabisa, Mtubatuba, Empangeni, Eshowe, Mandini, Melmoth, Mthunzini, and Stanger districts.
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