DEYEREUX'S I'llK WATKUFDKD NEWS. 1 RAILWA Y T1MK TA BLES FOR NOYEilllKR HOTELS EST.MIUSIIKU 1*17. SHIPPIN G ' ^ ' ^' ' TO ENQUIREBS 1 CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE ^i^aiYOMD A ViD liiilERlCK KAIITWAY JOB TBE (AUli nnrm K KIOIUXIS Vroprictor.) , WATERFORD STEAMSHIP COMPANY- Up trains ft m Waterford. BRAZEN HEAD HOTEL DIOCESE OF PERNS. ].\l:i;K>l ClIUTI.ATION IN TllK Sul.'Tll OK I R KLAND. 20, LOWER BRIDGE STREET, DDBLIN.B (LI MITE D). TRMSS ON WKCK IIAV8. Sll i IS SO tvllhli -:-! rrcry Fri-lay Krcniny, WE ARE K0T AWAKE OF »AKY HOUSE WHERE THERE thotonghly xenorated, at Xn. 40 Kin g Street JXTEXDED OIWElt OF tSAlLlXG—VKC , 1875. , Mall , .Mail .Hail UNDER new management, NOW PUBLISHED, w,Tr.nroiip U2 U ] central nnd convenient, combining CleanlinOBS ;-'N »-m i if K rtiO\ isci.u. n.isK.l STKAJIEILS. H2I44 IAJ i!IU;i , SHOES Revised and Corrected, with the Approval of ths J io LniEhieK. Clat«|ClniK. Cl»ulCI LARGE A STOCK OF BOOTS AND [ I : K T H ii I ; 1' I M nud Comfort with Cheapness. Most Rev. Dr. FUBIONO, Bishop of Ferns, K' . i.; Vk.\iu.v (is A DYASIT.) 13S.; GIl'SY, LAKA , ZEl'IlYK , nnd JUVERNA. A .M I A « r.u. r.u. r.u. r.u e u B 1 SO MANY VARIETIES TO SELECT FROM—WHERE ALL CLASSES CAN BE SUITED Beds, la. to la. Gd. por night ; Breakfast, Is. to 1 . 6a.; '' L . -i. Y K. AHIY , l?is., is ADYASCK . fTIHE CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN DOCTELNK •j /VjV Vj OTlCK.—TlieW'atcrfordSlcamsIiip 8 30 Dinner from la. Cd. ; Tea, 10d. Jnmeson'a five year ' Vi for W«(erf r.l... dcp. 4 15 I 8 SO 11 « J 45 ... ~ |gr And PRICES so Moderate, an at JL JOE THE,USB 07 JSaJftrK^j. Comiiiiuyn-rt-ive Gooils Shipment Cairlck-n Suir. 5 3d 9 4tl ll! 17 3 *) U 15 old Malt, guaranteed 4d. per gla6s. Table d'Hoto at ' s for " reserve , PASTORS AND CATECHISTS, Sal e oi THE NEWS: jflKlR-f ,^-- on the folloninjj Terms only :—They Clonmel -. 1 5 10 40 12 45 4 4 10 M 4.30, Is. 8d. MI .|I— particular I'M ... ._ 11 35 In order to Instruct Children and Illiterate Person», ,V.n'Kf ;- .' Mr. VV. Kvi.l. T , T-iltlr (,iiin:i-Vsti(vt, •yWS^TT?'. tl>c right to curry iy any, not by Tippcrarj 8 IS Wit 15" HOUSE W.C. nnd Bath-rooms recently added, on each V essel*, will, liberty lo TutvShi ps unit call at other l'ortii JunciicD... urritl 8 as II 4D 2 10 5 SU 11 54 M. SMITH'S, THE GLASGOW By the REV. P. W. •DEVEREU2, 'IKAMul vi/'-MirH C'LANI v in 0 4 5 , Ri-frcslmiciit Rooms, in am. nill not be for injuries or losses arisini! from l)riiur .~ ariltal ... MS 5 40 landing. Night Porter in attendance. Vicar-Qeneral of the Diocese of Ferns tn 1845 j StUllltl-MIVCl. ael«y, ' C ORK . arriral ... 2 II 4 .15 8 15 2 'I 39, BAEKONSTEAND STEEET, WATEEFOED. Within five minutes walk of King's Bridge scciilents of the Seas, Hivers , Fire, the Queen s tne- 31) 1 ... 7 s spi'ciall y entered mill adva- , WEXFORD. The Right Rev. Dr. FIIKLOKG , Bishop of Farns. 1.i ' l.l)iii' ' Uirt m Frei Down Trains from Limerick MONCK STREET 'ii^ ii -ii>:iil (North), Brixtoii. ght paid. Coods not removed to he Stored at the Comlortablc Hotel in tgT Orders to bo sent to THE NEWS OrricE, Kiag rink ami eiptnsc ' rj'HIS is a Central and lU'lll.lN —Ai >\KiM isi .\(i Ar.K.vis: Jli'.-srs. W. ]I. ol the Coiinigncrb. | TRH.1. W WKt K UAV^; SJy a WINES & SPIRITS—The undermentioned tho most moderate street, Waterford, whero tho Corrected and Author- "Slaii A GILBEY'S 1 which everything can be had on r^Mllll A S UN , AI I IH - V street. W" ATKKK OIMI I , . j Ti\!3ii W& ILBKY and betring their Seali ind Lsbdi, c«a AND HKIST01- . U1IU 1.1CK lUllitl lii 12.U1 ii I i ! I 'J 3 Wnos & SPIRITS, bottled by W & A G , terms. ised Edition caL now bo had ; rr of tho Booksellers in lUNCMlVAN—M,-. K I, UA IIH KIWN A X Stationer 1-iuiu Watirlmil . 'Wexford , BrandiC6, B , , lo liriMnl : Vu.m lini-li I Id Wulel fui d io \> ATLKtonn Cltibs. 1 Cubs. 1 Olneb Cliin. - Clui.* Ci»i>s C.Hst. be obtained ftom their Agents at the same price* as at Head EstatlisimenU. Best Dublin and Spirits ; oJso tho Diocese. Ask for Dr FUBLONG 'S Corrected Edi- IiIllKlT D11IKCT. Wonts (aul5-tf) _j Ae., l'osi '] > :i^r:i]i|i Oilite, 'J'lio M »¦»• r M 11'. ¦ ¦ •>!• ILBKY S List or JOO -rarieties two description of each class of ¦\Vinc8 , Porter, Ale, &c. tion, printed only at> i!) Kiog Btreot Waterford. Tursilny, Doc. 7 ... 1; Afftl Thursday, 1)«. i ... R M»ni 'L*- - ' !^i *'- - - Ij;- t 'OL From W & A G ' , KI1.K I .\N V— X.i. J I . I : X .V,ii;iin OMS ~ii" " ' moderate price and the second for IU fine Cars on Hiro at tho shortest notice. , H ltm-strcct. lui- .-ility, „ ii ... 7 Miini.TuiirsiUiv I 'i Muni l.imcrck <•;•' 8 : j ii -n .ii -1 o : io -ii ... In So and SPIRITS are quoted below, one on account of its , ( , „ '. ... 20 li 15 ll 40 ... .A!-TI.KfOMi:];— Mr. J. U(-i.t .iiAN, Jiniii-Mrett. l iRv,hv7, „ -JI ... u Affuh'liuradiiy, „ 10 ... B Moru Junction arnm' 7 lc ^ M 5 I I 55 combined with greater age. " THE WATERFORD NEWS " i « 8 11 I X li ... '2 0 quality DUBLIN. Tuesday, „ ^j ... 7 Jiornl'l'liiiraduy, „ 23 ... 2 Aft'u Cork — ... I 30 S JttACHINE PRINTING |i'hiir»l.ty. „ 30 ... 7 Moru Dublin „ I ... 1 15 5 15 1(1 « | 4 t ... 1 * , PUBLISHING. ' WINES -,; ¦ SPIRITS Commercial and Private Lodging House, NATIONAL LINE to NEW YORK C1.1O or JUVSliXA. DCBLK till . - ... !> ! „ - fc _ ... I 0 0 ... SotUt Daiea Bwk^ DoM 49 Jl ARLB0K0IJGH STREET. BOOK-BIXDING, RULING, riorn Wad 1 lord lo Urislul Fnm Hrinol to \\ alerford , CORK ! .- " , Juucmn.... ' 7 20 9 2(1 14 30 5 35 12 -.3 ... 12 2\! P*rtu[nl A good. Cutle OP IBISE WHI8KBT) accomraodnted fii ! N OUCI'.. — Tl.i, Cvii.|-iii.y talfk ll..- lisl of IUMII- CaMk 1A VOWS/rtm } PART1KS Visiting Dublin on bo , Direct. callinf nt lVinbiukt- Dock . Tipiieraiy —-I 7 35 'll 45 12 4l) 5 45 I'i SI. ... 15 51) hoditd Win* With excellent flavor, well } 1/8 SU Diitilled from fine Malt, and matured in our V 3/8 87J A C C OUNT-BOOK AKD EYE-LET LABEL Bt.l.- ll;|. l.J 41l1> (l(ll> , t, ( iiihi.l ||> I M ll.US per cent, under pC / with or without Board, aud all tho comforts of , V .- U . K'VIPI! .Kriiln.v Dtv. 3 ... 9 Morn.Tiiesilnv, Dec. 7 ... 12 Sion Uloni,,,.| 8 55 i ... '. 411 li V5 I 2 21. ... •> 2U matured.4 y««j»old at timeof bottling) own Booded Stores. 33 MANUFACTORY, .,:c r> ll..- lWi ' li>i pussil.Ii uuiiiiitilic fur >.iliti inn! aiuid- l riday „ in ... aj AK'ii .TutwIay, „ 11 ... 7 M orn Uurrick U *V I ... 2 5 7 35 3 i ... 3 u Cutle DO IRISH WHISKEY) a homo, on Moderate Terms. [o25-tf] 49 & 50 KING STREET ai 97) (oppoaito Provincial Bunk) , aiii-i' HI !¦» , 'I | M . not Mint !u rl) nmir Ims bitn {inlay „ ]7 ... u Murn'Tucsday, „ L'l ...No SailinR Vtatci onl...«rir/.lll ai | ... | « 46 S IS I 3 45 ... 3 45 lit fioeit old Dublin Whiikcy. muured in \ 8/1 |J23" Situatiou central, close to Sackville-strcct. 1-riib Strength proof J " w:.>N non-nil ly llns LVii.)..ihj to iiM.iit let mill Hi .iJ- .v „ iu No Sailiuf-Tueeday, „ 28 ... til Morn . » j««r«old«t tim« of bottlin« .. -•) our own Bonded Store*. , LETTER PRESS PRINTING I- ABH— Kirn Clats SinKle lickcl, 14. Cd; ^eiemi do, lit, ; , tl.i>. >'iday, „ 31 ... 0 .Moral I3 CItiKi.aU n.l ; MH mi. i.., 10s. PLAIN AUD ORNAMENTAL, Tliud Oo,, li». id. Ktiuru- 1-iiki A fruity) CuUe UP SOOTOH WHISKEY} CITY MANSION HOTEL ttiy On early Jloruinij.SailingSj tlie Cabin ol tbeStcaro. ICULI CM 1 BPAMIBH PORT -i:U\ ', l.AKl.KST STKAMKIW AKI.OAT. Cil. J. K. .\ ., SectcUrj". * north-cut I 16/ D!stiUedfrOm'fine MaJt, and m>turedinourV3/3 37/ 30 LOWfcll BR1DG15 STREET, DUBLIN. In a manner that will not, w» feel confident :^ irrt. will be Open tn receive I'asseupe's arriving from Loudon ITu. of food body, from the 1/3 , fail to 1 yon old at time of botthog) own Donded Stores. J3pir cent, under pf. ) >V(/i.i (» Ni:w Y OII K tiy tlii - Nighi.MailTiaiK. •f Spain. give satisfaction, ^y^tLS£'J^.¦ l.n u.ruoi. IKELAND AND The 6nett) Castle SO SOOTOH WH1SKBY) and the Cabin Kaie, los Oil.j Servants ami ChiWrt.i 10s. Od. WATKUFOI '.D AND CENTKAL CuDt l SPANISH PORT of 1/0 raitured in I beg to inform my numerous Friends CHEAPLY , EXPKLUTlOtSLY , AND ELKGANTLY , KAJLWAYtf. Red Wis« produced io the aorth^ut V 81/ The finest old Scotch Whiikey, \ 3/1 37/ Krtmu do., 26s. ; nr with, liberty Dublin KILKENNY JOiNCIION our own Bonded Stores. Stxeofth, proof; Public that, through elision of time, I hnvo^come to return from ami Kilkenny lo Dublin , Spain. 5 y«an old at that of bottling ••) All tlie FORMS used in WORKHOUSES and DlSI'EN- flAHE Muunilii'viil l-'iill-lWercil Jrvii fc-cre"' Unk or \Veilord Tliu ?L.-. UM txuu Proprietor of the abovo old-established Hotel. , , 31» t>\ ., Sttwaril's fee lucluded j Deck l'or. Ne.-uuli , u via Marjbolo'. SA1UES, at Prices in The 2>' ews Printed-List, which may L blKAM -Mlll' . 7« .il. .nr. 1'. ilunu a, Castle UP GIN Distilled from the kest ) I have completely and most comfortably re-furnislied ¦ ^ . t" Keinak'.snlliud the Lndips' Cabin. In.iwuil quick auu iliu-uvl. dail)- cui.n,.u..ic~l.ii. I c- Cu»l« 1A Palt SHESBT fnm Sf irin A\ be b;id ou ^;>p lication. Shi,,, . T..u, Sl.i],l. T;) u. Kxteiirion of time \O for Luncheon I unmalted Com, and highly rectified at our V 3/ 34J it, and have considerably enlarged it, fitting it up (tranti-d cu all roturu tickets ou the follow- wren Mar>luu. U|!l> a"11 oihir bialiLns lo ttale.l. rd , !!itnc« pure Sp»nUl» Shtrry suiublj JJQ 18/ KilYrT. lJriviiii Siiil Kjiiusi', Kflu)> 4WII ( I .I..» .NI », siuj'Euii :SM ; ; and for every subsequent t r(\ rhiluayi.t l-^otiland. Ca»»I« C W SHBBSV/™.*!" * ) ghly rectified at our} 3/10 84J . good type of null/ Sp«im)> Sherty. mode- 1 2/4 28/ uumalted Corn, and hi patronago so KEW W1KTEK ritANn-:, 'n.i.ii.|.>cu. :t.ri > i:ui.\ , An.inw. :iwn wi'ck, 2s. own Distillery. Strength, proof .. ..; and comforts of my visitors to merit tho OVEKCOATS - ykOU HATElitUUlJ. rately dry. 6 yean old at tine of boltlinz j liberally bestowed on my lute father, and respectfully CANADA , Wi-U-lrr X JV \ lU.I.YKTIA , Slu-llCvr S97I \V A T K H V OKI ) A X li L IVKHl'OOl iii ' I.i !. . Tl,i.n.:i.- ::«v i l)i:.\MAItK. Suawr oT-1 . 1)IAIN» OI« \M.». K DAIh. hU ND^Vk solicit an early trial. TUHEK SAILINGS WEEKLY. VP PmU SIABSAXA. /mm Sicilj r) Castle UP BRANDY Posseiiing thel B1LY A M has Hptciall y prepared for the ' i Nui in ].iii:|n.iil lii N MV Ynk »!> iiiidtr: ' li '-i " 3 i -.Jta Cud* aud much of the fine V 2/3 Proprietor. v. . i" I i a ;> I TB. 1 2ft a t i a* flavored Luncheon or Dinner j. \QJ whclcjome quilities 37/ MICHAEL COFKEY, • Ai.luiii. ; nu W u.ui ii >.rj luigt blick ol Ovcr- " IK1M WA1I UFOUli . IMIM LIVt.hl'UIlL : .ITAT1ONB. <.'!»•»' A delieata j/4 Cognac. per cent, under prooO T1IK (}r l-JKN \Y i-iliu >d:.y, Dcc. 2'Jlii Ulo«ula»». Un»».:ciab». U'«» Wine 3 years old at lime ot bollling .. ) flavor of 31 Son of late JI AUHICK COKFEY. toiili. lu all iLe lu»liiul::ible slmpis. ai.d muteriu.'s j tl.ur aiu Friday, Die. :i ... 1 Atf u ThurMlay, Ike. 2 — 1 Horn A .M ;.». I . M . ! |. .M . u u m PROOF BRANDY Tostessing the 'i Wcdiiculiiy, Jau. Oili Mi.ii.liiy, „ r, __^___ _ .|J j _ _ . V C PaU MAS8ALA fnmSicily) Castle I'lcaeo n»to Address—30 LOWEB MUDGE STBEET- wuilv liom a toiulj ol fiibiic--,;iiid con.bine lit h^liiun dur- STAIN'.... \ — 1 Aft'u Tutfdny, „ 7 — 4 Affi ^ Cajtle 1/8 e0) wholesome qualities and much of the fine > 8/ 89/ , , Kri.luy, ll ui , Ii III I b in ! Ii u li rn h m ^ The finest dry and delicate Wine produced I *W DUBL1N. dll-3m aljllly, «ud cilL|):i!eiin>l.iiice ' ESliLAN l'.V Wednesday, Jau. l'Jlli „ Id — s JloniiTlmrsilay, „ !l — 0 Jl om 11 u ... flavor of* Cognac. Strength, proof ../ to laic . Iv uolliei liouic lias imiliiy, „ l:i -12 U'alc:-liiril... tfijiarlfrl 7 lc 1 UM 0 1 • in Sicily. 7 yean old at lime 01 bottling I I. .>t \.i.j: Qiit i -iM.itt li llii- loliuwuv il :»> >> . Jl Tiurdny, „ II—U Murti 1- 13 ... cvtt cutxttrUm in I'lGt'txiu;; KanncuU iio.-sttS'li(; to many r riilay, „ 17 —12 .\ocu Tliuixlny Hi — ]2 Koou Kilu,£i:o» -.- I Its I in -I 10 I — Xn.t (tin. I.i.>rJO\ lo Xiw VoliK us loiltuvs . Mullitavnt ! 7 35 I — -I iO : — 12 -Hi ... Cutlc D COGNAC An excellent) THE WASHINGT ON HOTEL, eirtlitut quahtitb ut KLL U tuu-pi.rntivtl) iiounnal prue^. ' .Mi.nilay, „ 20—1 Alfu TueFilay, „ 21 — ti Moru CastleA OLAKSTJr emFnnu K pure) 'K Tliuit.l-.iy, U(C. Sdili Hull y lialc 7 55 j 1 •« 4 '.0 — 1^ i>-\ ... Wine ; »n excellent beverace 1/ 12/ lirAiidy of fine fluTor, from the Champagne > 3/ 36/ To le clitiiimd oniv »t hit K. jlaWi.-1/m, i.if , Kl uNl V. TlMir.-ilay, „ 1 — 7 MutujWcdui'sday, „ 22 — ti Me-ru sound Medoc } , under pf. ) M , USHER' S QUAY, DUBLIN WVilnewliiy, Jau. 6:h Mmiiluy, Thonvislown - » II I 111 4 5.',, — 1 i.| ... meals. Upwards of a year in aottlc ) disli icti of Cognac. 31 per cent iU aud 3U, IMJih-- 'J l:ttT, J>Ulil-l K and 'JO IU.NM A KK ; „ 27 .. 12 Ni.oir l ut-silay, „ 2S —10 Mom at all ALSH late , , _i-j l!ccutlbblidj: e I I 'Jsli ! 5 S j — 1 2U| ... fine- \ .„. Castle FO COGNAC ThefmestCham-) Under the personal management of J. C. W , UAS'IX 1-J.ACL 1101.1.AN I > W HI IICMI IIV , J HII . 12th lii.lay „ 31 Souu Tlmreilay, „ 30 —11 Moru ¦ 1 4. Castle O 0IiABET/«« France A K , UELfAST. Kilkci.ny arriial S 411 2 21- 5 211 — | ... Medoc W.nt , I/O «« pasne Brandy, w ell matured by great age > 4/9 67/ Proprietor of the College Hotel, Fleut-sneet and .ri'U ii n:' iii -i i. ¦¦- I . IIMH :.s-»»l , I lie Mull- , ¦ fUrored .nd well-matured Hi. ij.n i li . I ralun l-' l)u rf ... ••; blrensih, proof I 1 I . I .J ipii ill I lie >ult!i>ii!> nre, 17*. Od ; Servants (Travelling nilli families) 1 potictsins bottle character .. .. College-streel. m il l, li n. I . I i- -iii.!l > Isifi , UallyrBcKn - '¦> I* : - tu <•' •>"' ! — " '" ••• HYAM'S G'ltAjSVILLE OTLKCOATS, iin.l iTiihlren, It's ; Dick , l(ls.; c'lnldreu, 6s. l-'eiualcs. at- - -t J .I. - IHI il. il-xii . Atiamsl -¦••! u ai ; 3 o | ii o — - '• ... 20». In Jbruwu Buncia 20a. t: :- ' •>! :i. j trnd the l adies'Cabin. '¦• i.l | ...-• .,|;i:- ID. l'J IS, I. M ! 17 C.uinciif, :,ccordu,g to Ablifjlcn ; Hu ; 3 IS, 6 15 — *• ... rjTUIS HOTEL is nios-t Central and Convenient ; „« U. li.ue btavtis „ ,\ Hiiods. received at Clarence Dock Marjboro (im'r/..rlu lu ' :j »5 I o* l'i — •* ' | ... ~K>i- •¦» M.ili-li Olli — •. '.! li:i»mt >»¦'" juiviti-it f in , Liverpool. ' -i JL Trhm Cars pnss to aud Ironi King's Briilgo aud lu lilatk Bia>er, in. iD ii. 1 Ma j toioiifli i)rj. .. t.;i 10 32 ' 4 2 ! i 4li — •> ' : ... sinsssSs^asH - s b ' ^• -.¦i l.Viini. MVl. t TVKN1Y 1-OU1I UUINICA N WATKlirOHI) AND DUKGAUVAN. 'i 1! II i 4 17 ' H 7 — 3 -1..-' I ... "asffis*^ Westlaud-roiv Stulious every IU niinulen ; is only 2*. In Knncy itt-iiTtis iJ2>. " ; l-A.- l'lirnnlincii'ii Ju.ic ' t-K.N';KHS I'KOM WATKIIIOHO. JKOSI I'l:.\(.A I( VA .V. Duhli arrival Il5:j-Ki | l» 0 — 5 «• | ... threo minutes' wulk truni ^mitlificlO and tliu Fuur ; ; . ' : -n (lll >M y, Dec. 1,12 nooniTliurbdny, Dec. ii , 7 morn Courts, and is in the cculre of tbe principal merchants : Maiyloio ' ...(/r;i (/uu ri 'lli :>; II: I — Mlll.i^l-, i'O, Wllllll IhllUllls ¦ ^^RKLINQ OK In bluL lluls „ . WcdncbUny, „ 8, SmoinJTliureduy, „ U,12 noon OSCIIU — ». :i — ...... Charges will bo found moderate, liei'a, .' s. aud Is. -Os> -b MI.I eoi.-l nl li> C«.n>ii .i ii> ".- H :il U4 ] | 2/2 26/ II Castl. 3 0HAMPAONBAcl,« Q X 8/9 40, li, Uruui 1- iluls "' iii.n- i. i Ki. -1; I 'li.M-ii.i. - Milnl i-l Friday, 10 i) moiujSuturday, 1 ftft'n I'arfeotibtuwii .» -I- 4 — ' u 0 — O*1. 1 CHAMPAGNE Apor. Q^u\ ^ Cd ; Breakfast Is. to Is. 4d. ; Chops Ste.^.!., Kidneys, 1* in- Sltw:irCi>.-i> in „ , „ 11 , ; , , li'2 *. in Ui>vi- i>i*->i:ra 32i. M :\ HM - . M I I ! .C.I ! n'. iii.J III fci- . iloudny, ' Purtunna ., |ls 44 ! — !) IO — ..., — (lie choicest vintage. i». „ 13, 11 ni(irn|Tuesdny, „ 14, 3 aft n &c. A larjje slock ol Wines ol m.- m K> S'.n-iiiCK l'.U >- ret .Vonut); 12 i'J — !12II | — ... — n H.-li n Wcdueaiiuy, „ 15, 12 noonj'i'hursday, 10 8 morn ' ¦ tor itutBu WtaM) «« auf* !«• M . "W* " »"•»•* ** ntuu *. Spacious Dining-rooms SL I ;ipM'& lur llio itcupiiun YAAl'S G1;A1>V1LLE >:,.r:,f.- 1'...'M nfi i> km »¦¦» <* '•" yu.lir, , l „ , Ttuiplriiiurc .¦ — — f i' — ... — Ail lottiM («««»» • * OVEliCUATS ' l;J I Friday, 17 1 nli'u 8 room l liuil .-t - ..n | , ill-ii nil ,, , 3 all'n Tuesday, „ 21, TO WATKRrOBD Mi- Xi :i>M-l.l-ll). l:n. ki il In lr.MUeul Ucayns, - .> .i! I.>' ¦«• I'llii- . l' Wcducsday „ 2'2, 4 al'l'n Thursday, „ 23,11 moru GILBEY, 7 Little Georges Street WATERFORD DUBLIN. . l f .M i > _\ > i 1 , ..> , W & A 32». iu lireui Vuritiy 32.« I J :K I Ni>> Ziii!l ln' , rlllll.i , !H- 'l J.i|"l' i >lii Wednesday, . lll.lltli In A --U , ,, 2U, 12 noon Ili ursday, „ 30, 7 moru i 2^ il3 i i M JL and tlio most coml'crinblo Hotel iu tbe City. All L'u>. Iii li.ue Uiluiis 'l l.i- NV.:<.ii:.l .-~ -.i..!. ¦ -!w l'«.u.|iiiny (Liuiiled;, ' mid is the iu=. \VATKKFOi:li AND NEW It O S S. h ui . Ii in \ ji in i ti in h ui (|. II . GUlKKliSS'S DOI'BLE STOUT, as from tlic Breivery, Jnmcs s Gate, „„ In Fumy, '¦1 .mil -J, Wa'ii-.-luil , l.ivciin iil. i bull Cfc (ttj 'flrlurt i modern improvements have beca reci ntly iutroduced , ." i:i M W AIKBTOBU — Daily, Suudaj a eieepted. at 3.15 p.iu .— • 7 Id j 1 i>b 2 2 only Stout bottled by ike Agent fur "W. A. A. GIIJSEY. It is gunraiitccil pure XX , and in -°" lu lialk-.u IkMn uis -°8> < i-sa-nttd. at 8 46 a.m. ¦ ' perfect condition. Per dot . pints, 'is.; per half Barrel, 10 Gallons, 22s. Mtri'llY , HiirioLttrand Strt-et. lil>ll)blV| b > _„ - ' J S) - ! 'J (J _ -1 i\ Twenty Suites of A partments for Fumiliea. Draw- 32s. lu lilhck Kiynaiis 32s. JKliKMlAH W A T K K F O K D AND D V X C A X SOX. N CUU |; II _ (i _ _ i " il-. u-Mm ; hiciiAit U l.v.MiT, j so i — '10 BASS & GO'S BURTON PALE ALE, Bottled in brilliant condition and perfectly ing Kooms from 2s. (id. to us. Sitting Kooms on tho .. .M. .Vl'l.i 1! V , ..'i F RI JI W' ATKKTOS V — JJailj, ^umlayt wtepted, at 3.2U p.m. I'ufiuniiiu ....._.,.,- ; 6 0 : — j — HYAll'S GKAKV1LLE OVERCOATS, . i l.lCIIAi:U 1' IIILA.N , ).n.l> l.-rt 111I , I'm I- ' n.Rturcd by Storing. Per dozen 1'ints, 2s. Oil. ; per h'ildcrhn , 38 Gallons, 31s. ground iioor iree ot charge. M .:l --irn l , .!• F IIOSI Du5CA«>o.s—Daily , irui.d..\t exaplid, nt S.16a.m. ruraoofatowo — i b 4U . I 10 — 2tK. iii Aui'iA d rrnzi b , 2y<. N m l.i.^ 1'A IK. 1.A.NCJ5 ¦ _ l»u ; W K . F I l.ll-IAl.liliur , ; , llerlhs secured and eveiy iiiluimuliuu givm by .-igt-uis ut Ko-creu i — j 7 la — j 1 is — S. ALLSOPP & SON'S BURTON PALE ALE.—Tbe fine qualities of this celebrated $£2" Soup, Fish, Joints, Fowl, and Eutreo in uiutj I ASY liucu I liiiniiiivmi j ur lu Miirj xiro' ...«/rl ...ii;. — , » 38 — I 3 19 'Jl 8 I;. ni.:;ln II ; .11 rKl'iJ M : , , MM llki>TOL—The Geneial Sli-uwpackut Office, 32 1'rnicfM.; ; — i iii. 6d. ; Cotl'eo Room and Rebtauraut from T«o to Seven l: Jui.cill.u ...» j — £r 15 _ lMtcr Ale aro fully dovdoped by long Storage. It is in brilliant condition. Per dozen Pints, ^;r *,. "• . . i.U .1. I'l .v.Mi> I.I. O ., l^inrii-K . I II .NGAUVAN — Main-ntrci-t ; LivtKPOOL— ^ | . Sir. T. Duwney, Uublio iiluTlurt 6 0 | II ti 0 _ jicr Kilderkin, 18 Gallons, 31s. nl2.3m o'clock daily. Bed, including Servants, 2s. 6d., 2s. 32^a. lu >atJiy Malcriuls S2". ] ,„,,.(,„ ,, n illiVlM i! Id -HUH- till II' l'ilMtlllM'!! Ill-Ill llll' 1 Wash- — \ \ 1 0 3u Wiitviluiu ^It-auibbip Couip.iuy, 23 Uiunbwirk.slriui . l'.ila-liuilDii Jvut. 'i, B J Hi. u | 2 40 _ a 13 aud Is. Gd. I .ii.: A--i!li' liltu- ^i-iiviiii: lion.f . inpton Ituiluuigh nnd at the Cuwpan) 'a Otliccs, the &1ALL , Marjl,oro'..a oOi ^"^2*^3 Liverpool for New York Ua!ly:iak 8 25 .|U 4(1 12 Is S 3U —Ion - Ubtqualled Vaiiely • - -^1 Via Stiiitbainploii , and London nml SouthU'c^l(^n li *il*uy t JL Painted, Papered, and re-Decorated, several new ^Ii f GL3Ek .iV ,-'»'-iv l i.ui-il-y; li"in QUKKNS- .Muliinunii. b so .1 o| — ii o _ U JJ a2i. l'trucl Fit guaranteed 32s. TOWN rvuiy lrid:. v , li>i- l'l.YMOU'J H mid SOVTIIAIU'TON , tiud SOUTH of huiiu.uw li s ,11 10 12 45 0 R* — 6 36 Rooms added, and all fitted up, in a superior style of JJ S^WJ^^g^^ . Walciloril ._...nrrira i 9 30 11 oli 1 0 G 30 — ? n with tho most modern improve- Tlio Fpeeial utttnlion ol all clusaes is directed to B DUliLlN , BELFAfaT, nud M, O'BRIEN & CO. cloganco and comfort, ENGLAND, COltK . ments and continues to receivo tho nndivided per- HYAM'S 'Inenly bbilliug Walking Costa, Fourteen Shilling <\> '¦ Slill>> .-•>"> Cm-aJa , , r.i»»i:H-i- H. »;! r;.n> >, .' "•'"' ¦ <¦ ' VSO'OAV. bi-icial FaitR aie ebfarget! lo Firat and Second c'lasi f'asfacn. sonal attention of Mr. and MrB. COFFET, From its Trousers, biz ftjilhup Vests, miti Forty Shilling Suits. - N.» V I .I U IMI .Simula}. Jlavo been declared tho I'arcbascrs of tho following Lots " for CiSD," l:i- l- . ii. > ri"MIK new and powcrlul Screw Sleanici s ycra DookiuK lo travel by Hit! Kxpiees Mail Irtint oiiUi«Qt They am uutqualleii ar tty:e uud ia[ue, and tlio large ..uir.-M.l tliis lint- all enn- \ central position it will be found most convenient for tho Tl i «i-i:-kii..»u (..-: .M..i! .S:. , SAN DA !Suulb-;ru uuil Wtbtem Line. • AT A LARGE DISCOUNT OFF COST PRICE. vaiiely ol inaUiUlb li. iu winch they are mado reoders «'uui u i l:.ii.^i , K. I I as tV X COl'KLAND.TOWAKD , '1 icl.ela ist>ut. (l lur Single Jouroe^ liro afailablo only for the visitor, being in tho immediato vicinity of tho Law n n;. - i.i: '.-> M^-r-. 11* I . I A M . .^ , bj Ibem buiublu lor utnlUmcn iu every uobiliou nnd emp |^.SKEKHYVO1!E, CUMliUAE , WICK- Tr^in njiitb lbe> are ibaueil . Courts, fivo to ten minutes' drive from any City Railway loy- iBfc LOW , HIKI AUKLOW , aro A'.aiktl Tickets lu Wateifad and back will be ibsui-u on THEY WILL , OK SATUKDAY , AMD FOLLOWING DAYS , Terminus, and afew doors from King'sBridgoTramway ment. Kr.-li. l.iv):iii-,, ( ,i I -I.I (il KI.NMOWN .— , HS unless pie- M OLI I JJB . \\ tilLCtdiofi , at'd ^i.tuida^ b , at Maiyi ouugl) Notwithstanding Ucc. aOUi . to bail undir (wi-aiher ptriuitliup, , Ah- Lino. Supplies of first-class quality. Geullea.eo s blsti-r Cuttb ... 25s Od to C5j Od M) VAXnC ... U'LurMiiiy, ••• j I.}* an}- unl.iri-i-ei-ii circuui^tiimeb), willi Ill-i rly la ion- bi)nii, Aiti>i.k)ib, likiij uigmi, b> ui e.4o a.m. iluv.n present high rates, tbe terms will bo found most mode- ... Jau. Olli Tiuit , lor ituitn tlie 4 ,0 p.m. u)< OFFER THEM FOR SALE, Genlli-mtu's Heelgr Caila ... IDs Od io 36s OU i.M.TJC ... TliiiiMliiy , and to II - IM I IT insist.ince lo Yeseels in Dintiese : b> Haiti on da-e i.l , 2s. j on ¦ . o-si h, ibaut. l-'artA-^i-iiit Cl*b|. ^ccoIl') Chitii. St.. rate. Breakfasts from Is. 3d. Table d'Hote GeuUeiiieu 's \Vtilling Cunts ... 1U» Od lo 45s Od 'L'llLIC... Tliiir.-day, ••• Juu. 13ih . lli,., anillbirij 'clock. '.Kl FllOM WATERFOHD TO GLASGOW , Cla«9, u. C5T At such PRICES as mnst Clearance. week days at threo o'clock ; on Snndays at fivo o GentlemeuS Fiuik C'oatb ... tfua Od to Ous Od ••¦ •)»"• 0 1 command a Speedy Kooms. Ladies' >i i-:i!MAMC... ThurMlay, - ' ' Widnebday, 1st Dec. 1 p.m., via Lublin. lit: mo Tic!teU ate issued between anj i«o Stations availnbl-- Gentlemen's Coffco and Smoking Ueulltnitn'o Trousers ... 10a GJ lo 21s Od (ELT1C ... Tliursday , ... J MI . ^7tli W idnibday 1st „ 1 p.m., via Cork. for tliu dale of isbue anil da> fullowiog ; llioee isnutd lor an> Coffco and Private Sitting Rooms. Uentlemeu'b Vtala ... m Od to lUa (3d exceeding ou mile6, will be available for reluru uu ibe 5s. lid., 6s. 9d., 8s. lid ri:(i.M M:W IUKK : 1 p.m., Ma Cork and Utlfubt 450 Pairs of Blankets, slightly soiled 5 Accommodation for 180 persons, and Night Porter in '!) Friday, 3rd ,, IHO ( Children Oveicoats ... 6s Od to 18s (id Doc. l0ik (i yia dar ol itbue aLd Hie lollovrinK oa)b ; Lud for duiaoceb ex- 10a. 6d. and 12s. 6d attendance. f26.Iy. 1ALT1C Saiurdny, ... ijaluidny, lib ,, p.m., lielfa»t. cvednig luo ruilta, tbt) aic av-ilabia lur iciuru on the day of Boys' and Youths' Overcoats ... IOJ Od to 35s Od i l.i- |.»« ii'ili« I- tv i,,w 1 >|.!niilni VI .-M. I> i,di.i-c Wrdimday, bth „ 1 p.m., via Dublin. ibbun and tbe tbrse follo>*iog ua>&—£uDda;fi iiol reckoned. 1&) do Green and Blue Quilts, 4s. 9d., 6s. 6d., and 8s Hoys' Knicker Suits . .. 8« Oil to 30a Od nssnilii-ra iLf Jiie tieel 1 via Cork. Ktlura Tickela IsoQeil ou iaaiuidaj WINES and SPIRITS >1. . :\ r i ^^.l i. l:tnr, ai.d iilloid lo 1' Wedbctday, 8lh ,, p.m., are returnable o& biuurdaj , Bova' Kenaingtou Suits „. 6s Od to 30a Od " i «¦»• " 1 tin Coik ai.d Iielfukl Su ndij, or Mooduy. 70 Pieces Horaespvin Checks, 5d., original prico, 8Jd CI ;- I - ol (ili .'.i! J..-lhii i.. :.tliiiui.b!i- :il ,. Fiiday, 10th ,, p.m., Bojs' Grecian Suits ... 15s (id to 35s Od dnys. W. W ULIAKJ, Kecrelary. - •-, - ,f. l'.».-p, in Suu II.T, bi d;.)' ; W inter , 9J Saturday. lllh ,, 6 p.m., via liellast 30 do do do . 7Jd. „ lOJd NOTICE. Boys' Beater Suits, ... 18s 6d to 354 Od bl luiiip-iiUucntK via Dublin. E,. I V. —I" tdi'iruilti! in 7 wnlor-tip Wulnckdhy. loth ,, 1 p.m., Engraven Illustrations, Detailed Price List, and Flaus ;i tt «ill |.g lil«l, via Coik. V/ATEKtOKD AND TKAM0HE KAIL WAY. 20 do do •l i- ^nthAGlii. - uuufuslly *raciouK. IViduetduy, 16fh „ 1 p.m., do . 8Jd. „ Is. Messrs. W. f r A. GILBEY for Sell.meaBuremeut, will be sent Post Free on application. ol tliiM'lats rid-in ]" U(lf/i»t Week Dan Train. v. - - i - ,.' i,i. .l «.aiiuiil , i.iiil IVM-ufcrs Friday, ih „ 1 p.m., vi a Cork and Parcels of tbe value of Hi and upwards wilt bo lorwordcd imlimiled supply ol t) via Ifelf.-ikt. 100 do Wincey, 2Jd., 3R, 5id., 6id., and 7Jd to atato that they have OPENED PBBMISE8 ll. i ti I- 1 uvilily anil mi.iMiC .il. An Saturday, 181 li „ p.m., 1.2 3i4.4.8 .7 8 , !. BEG Carriage Free, to any lUitwaj Station iu Ireland. ¦ liif ol dialgi'. via Dublin. 1 for tho Sale of their < . .,„ i i.s . > idn-a! cowloil> Wednesday, !i2nd „ 1 p.m., __ j am 3 m I p tu j p m p_m . p 111 p m p m \, in 1800 Yards Black Russell Cord, 3Jd., , 6Jd., 8d., 10d., and Is andCluldrui. ^ U± B. H Y AM , .-:,«. lii-Mi. ;n .-• iii.-icrt.M.niiid tln- Wuium Wcdmnl.ij, 2'Jud „ 1 p.m., via Cork. h IU li m I h m ti in I b in I b m 1 h m 11 ni 1 b m WINES AND SPIRITS > IH Coil; ui. J Dull jit WT01) 0 12 IS *2 0 4 0 5 Irish , 10d., 11-Jd., Is. Id., ond Is. 2Jd fAILOB, CLOTHIER, IIATTER, & OUTFITTER, h:.. 'i:i K.u i; :i* litiiuciil l'.alf Knil..), 24lh ,, 1 p.m., *8 0 M 3u| 7 15 '•> 0 - AX V »l via IJclfust Tm'ri ll IS 'II 3l>| 111 3 u ( 4 3U |»6 7 45 9 3li[ — 29 AND 30, DAME-STREET, DUBLIN, AND 23 r^M. - t il in .1 :uiU.r ,a,. ; ,u:;.-, M-p '- H" i?«Ilirday, L'oth ,, 0 p.m., t{ _ N. w Y..ik , ai.d IUO I. id.u- WidiKbday, 2Uih 1 p.m., Tin Dublin. 7, LITTLE GEORGE'S STEEET, CASTLE PLACE, BELFAST. 08 o' , Ci.ia.iiiy, J!', liii.JivM . „ Sunday Traint. k.B.—Tlio abovo aro tho " lo J*ULb -cul1 & fia Coi k ~ ~ Cheapest Goods over offered to tho Public, aad aro well worth tha attention £i. -:-::i.: , ( i-:« t. |i i , in Qu' i i---" »» i Widnekduy, 29lh „ 1 p.m., . i 3 ~; WATEKFORD, Thursday, 3uih 1 p.m., via Cork and Lk-lfnst * . * 5ro 7 . 8 iT of partioB buy for Charitablo purposes. 6011)s. of Soap for a Shilling:. ¦ ft n > m : P m P^f11 P I p rn |i in p ni am ing W:.!ir- ?li.- is- ---""¦'. "" , . , 1 p.m. ; ll.-til to Grei-uock, 6 p.m. Tmor<| U 15 | ll 45 |lvH6* 2 0 4 11 5 o](i 0 ] 7 45 B SO hall tbe quantity al halt I he cost, by using thu great ; re.->•!• ! WMnlird. Special attention is drawn to tbo Reduction in ,-,.\ l-S HK.\N f .^V,t; .i,i On , Kx.q.t at CbriBlinas and Xe«- Ycar, »beu the.Sailiugs A.UKK1CAN l'OTAJ>H BALL, feuir. •Miillrilni G. N . B AKEH , Secretary ,1 y .\.L 1.1 II V , -i;i , N.-« , Ca!i.i:Uii will be- Prico of some of tho Wines and Spirits. Or Concentrated Lye. This article is iu common use in ]nini!iii'»ii. ),li.\ U ALL . Jin.., TuiMlny, 28ih Di ci, ... AVatcrford and Cork , GLENFIELD GLENFIELD 47, TT^-Y- , Octobor, 1875. America. Full directions with each ball. Ask your Gro- !I1IN llOL.'HlAN , L' Friday, 31»t „ ... Cork and Waterlord , Ga cer for it. AJauuUctured by I bo American Company. hSll->. \V A T1> . i;...n iiiiilion. 'liifdii), 'llh JanuBi) ', lbTtl, ... Wattiloidaud Coik , THE QUEEN'S LAUNDHESS <110 . (OPPOSITE TILE MABKET HOUSE). WATERFORD 4 WEXF0KD RAILWAY 16, 17, 18 & 19, Bndgewater Gardeua, barbican, Luudou. ' . E C. Fnd;iy, 7tli ,, ... Cork aud Wnterlord, 1 UK SOUTH Noit.—The Sltamir on Friday gors via C rk. SAYS THIS STAKCJI IS TILE BKST 11 f or the Blood is the Life."—See Deuteronomy, chap KMiWMi AND M)LTII WAI.I> ANJ ; EOSSLARE HAKB0UE. .1;KAT Wh>l>J!N ItAlLWAi , H-.OU WA'lKliKJW ) TO HELFAhT. WAGGONS xii , verse 23. . r 'l'H ANIi . iiv i:vny HtlDAY Fia COHK , i.t 1 p.n). HUE EVEK USED. WANTED, BALLAST aud TIPPING . Olll) J1A\ KN , . tho under, Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture- r a lll.l T , K\n|.t du11 I i K Miw Yiar Weik , ivlien tlie t-ailuiK will Ic 5 feet 3 inohes guage. Apply to W AIKIU- OKI . A M< L IMLKICK and In i-- iji-ciion wiUi Uio O II TUL'KSDAY 30th December , at 1 p.m. signed, stating price, aud whero to be seen. 171011 CLEANSING and CLEARING tho BLOOD from liiKLASU hlllCB. , A TEBJOKK A.VJ. L =..MHAL GLEN FIELD GLE1MFIELD Contractor. J? ALL IMPUUlTlEb, whether arising from youthful V K'erj t-ATUliDAY , ilir.ct , - M G p.ui. m5.Lf GREAT BARGAINS MARTIN J. FARRELL, ROUTE and REDUCED FARES. UEI.FAST TO WATEHFOHD , Wexfoi d, 8th Deo., 1S75. dlO.3t indiscretion or any other cause, cunnot be too highly recom- SHOETEST Kvi ry THU USD A Y, direct. F 111 Ji N D OF A L L I ujeoded. It cures Old Sores ; cures Ulcerated Sores in tbo j.;J. r,,j- 'J>ui,ii- nnJ iVi-ic >ast i/aiJ C.e6» IN JNeck UlceruUtl Sore Legs ; Blackheads or Pimples J > Also on MONDAYS , tilh and 20th Dccernb. r. ' Kwtnvn in all l'arts of the World . Here' s our llciaedy SOLOMONS' SPECTACLES on Ib* ci.,,,,,,^ /,rA7;i- ir>;iX^}'. »ffSo Finn WATF.H JOHD TO DUliLlN , diu-ct, Vaco ; Scurvy Sorts; Cancerous Ulcera; Blood aud Skin Dis- Kviry WKDN1>DAY , ... at 1 p.m. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS eases ; Glandular Swellings, aud clears the blood from all ^^ v-LtAvn J.';(O.v (PaililiiiKtoii) nt 5.15 p.m., F E Hi T ita: -A. T s ! MR. E. SOLOMONS, OPTICIAS, Impure Matter , from whatever cause arising. 57w "\V O 1:1> Iwcathcr uiul DUBLIN in WATKUFOUD , Via GI BSRVW , is.i'UiUTiKs Of TiiK BLOOD.—Those wonderful i,.il A KKIVE .1 " AJ >.I :> tt , DUJ3LLN, As this mijture is nlea»aul to tbo taste : al.out. c-levi-n in., m Eviry TIICKSDAl'. I'llK arc valurd at (he huinblcbt lieartlis as 19, NASSAU STREET , aud warranted frc* ,-. r, -iii;^Uu..-. .- .- iicrwittiJi^ uull ni iu llm professionally c*t«!)lisued in Dablio) from mercury—nliicli all pills aud mos t medicines llic W ttltrford IUI U FUO.M WATEHFOKD TO COIiK. houn8 of comlcrt and wealth. Tboy woifc a iboroug (Who has Wen 61 years sold for til,.,, for the- 'J ruins on h Public against, tbo use tbe abovo diseases cootaiu —tbu Proprietor solicits sufferers l Ireland Linci-'. Kvny WK1.N 1>1)AY , • ai 1 p.m. (iur Ecutiun through the wtolc eyst-in, without Jisuidiuiig BEGS to caution the I iii. rri' k and CfiiUii improper, and badly-manuucturcd 10 give it a trial to leal its value. ' <'t 1- A v al of FlilDAYS, 3.d, 101b , 17lb , and 21th Ufc, al 1 p.m. the ir.tural IIC I IUII of any or|ian, and eradicate thotr genna of the common, C' -li 'vL- WATKiiioui^ " I'-!",- , /». ON TO-MORROW, FRIDAY. DEC 24 wbich are BO bijlily TU0rJ8AM)J 01 TESTIMOKIALS SSOli. AIL PABTa. ^' ' l.imcn<*, °"ami Uj.Jo a.m. THL'lt>DAY , 30lh l ee., - . al 1 p.m. ol CIUII | I I HUI I H wliiclr cuui-igii tens of thousands lu 1111 c.irl y Glasses and Pebbles generally told , ] 1 •". , Train from Sold in bottles 2s. Oil, eneb, and iu Cases AHKiviNU in -LoNI-ON »'UOJ1 LOHK TO WA'lKliFOUD, diri-ct , graVn detrimental to Visiou , that numbers have seriouily suflereJ , containing 0 Xroiji fr<-i:i iliirj-Lorouuii, unnecessary to dwell Bottles, Hi. each, sufficient to nfftct a peruiautot euro in I'crmiUmgj at I- .IO Ef«y TUESDA Y. Ui.o.vcuin.c, DirinuiitA Coccus AMI COLDS — N;, AND FOLLOWING WEEK, from item, and Iruits that it is uow -,;!al,trai..l ciri-mu,.!-ti uii-t.- , , . o( pectacles (so differcnVfrom loDg-staDding cases, by all Chemials aud l'atent Alediciue , 4.K. WATEKVOKD TO LONDON , uitea-eu an- n.orc tuqueul , and lew moru dmifieruuH thau at length ou tLo excellence liis-S Loanl uftcr which lie neither constructs, Veudora ; or sent to auy address ou receipt of 30 or 132 ,..»•. Stt-auier t^ ^oll!bilUlptoll l tlil-liLi; by London mid Suulh iiNechouti of the tebjniiiiiir y oiguus ; no coinliliuit ^iveti pebble or similar substauce, '^i ^iv a. i "WE WILL OFFER FOE, SALE tbe advantages deritnble stamps, by V n^ Woi.rii lia'.' Am lu A;ne Jilin.> Smiioii , HI Tkruueli li'iio, risu 10 iiiuif. laial u:»l.iilit« Iban ;i " SIUIL I L- Cold." 'j'hu approves, nor dispoies ol ,) anil ou -V.' " » 11 v removed , to cablo ll.e .Steamers to Detective F. J. CLARKE, Cbemist, Iligh-strccl »..». . .• . . 6 L"t - .,... , . . ,- tune. SAIlil(DAY> , lib, Hill anil lfth , nu.l FHIDAY , i'4'h, first tyiniitnms may nhvayb he removed by thebe rtnowui-d from his nccarato method of ndaptintf GlasBei , Liucolu. i^ ,,] nj.^omtcd importance than is Ire. wnoLBsALZ AOinia : Di-ceu.b.r ; uSu o:. WEDNESDAYS, fclh ai,d L'-.'ud Dec, 1'ills . as ibe-v quickly remedy the stnunatiou of bloo.l Sight (a matter of much deeper , 4 SLIGHTLY DAM AGED adiniiably calculated to prc- Barclay & Sons, London , aud all tbe Wholesale l' • ' ai"i -^ooii, J'Js 0< lit i p.m. U1O1I1 ra ' u Ihf Luriii-d lirejtlhiujf , null fiiiiblu Ili o tviiid-jji pij ,500 HATS , queotly supposed), as bucb aro Houses K , iwl li iiv-j1 JJ-i-j 1 M Clu^ fclM.1.1. la%ai..iUU ., . 1 ;{.-j« (id 1.ON1.ON 10 WAIbllFOliD-Kveiy TUESDAY and lun«» servo the ey« uuimpaired to extreme old age. They have 11(K lu(!fi uI1jlslli0o, , , to lnMtorin their lunclions with ease nud ri-gu- Marvellous Remed Od Go(ds ICi :il m.y i.l ll.e llinmi.** Iloutt v ol 11,%- lantv. They «S* AT ONE-THIRD THE ORIGINAL PRICE. been used by the most distinguished persons and Member* THE y for Coughs, Colds, ¦;,.,1 flasMiiid Kore, au» also, by their puriiyiiiK proiierlits, cleanse ibe Hoatseuew, Asthma, Bronchitis Ldiidon mid South Wibii-m K.ulvtay Ci/inj any, and nt bluoil liuiu all iiDi>uriliis of tbe Faculty of the KiDgilom , Consumption, and ,nud tlius fortily the system against y cuclosing a pBir all Chest Affections. ' Nine KI IUJ Sliition up to U.3U p.m. Cuiisuiiiption Asthuni and olher pulinouaiy comp OBSERVE.—Persons can bo suited b , , laints. in a letter, stating the ' Jl r. J. M. WA 'l l-.llFOltD 10 1'LYMOUTH , diircl DullILIIV LO>S 01 APl'tTlIK lltADACUB of Spectacled, or one of the Glasses, PEC TORINE , .. • , .• "„.. , ; ,„ clt ii t.c ol.tained from . , , , AMD print with it aod Sold by all Cuemiau, in Bottles SA'JUlllMYS 411. , llil., nml lblh , and F1MDAY , -Jtih LuWMju i.p SPIUITS.—Tbe»e l'lil. will in a lew distance from the eye they can read small , , at 1. iJd, 2» 9J, 4, fjiand , dayn, M. POWER 80 SONS y mentioning their lla. e»cb. Sent by the Proprietors Die. ; II Uu ou V\ EDNKSDAVS , Bib and 22ud IAC, ellec. a trul y wonderfu l cbaugo iu Debilitated Coiislilulioub tlioie who have not employed spectacles b upou receipt of SUmpi. Communications from Water- From RBT .J. Slo»BnoDsE St. (no miiltcr ibur eiuliU); cause), as they create a hniliby age and describing sight. , Saviour's Vicaraep Not. JUMOU 'JII '10 WATEKFOliD diiect app. lite, corifct remove, ford' and its Vicinity to be directed to M B. SOLOMONS' tingbam « " August, 1874 : De.r SU-lZn *Un$ '£,Z , , indi^estinn , excels of bile, over- ' Pectonne as t I.11i Kiny Hi I DAY at 2 p.m. cuui- K'tldiuif^ ciinlubiuli sick headache 2 & 3; ' iiliOAD STREET, WATERFORD Establishment, No. 19, NASSAU-STUEKT, :ti. n«rono. by mend your a* iuTalnablu Cough Remedy I !::;t^ 1^' ^ i A Bent > Ade. , , , , ond all ilium DAWSON-STKKET hive given it a fair tn«i iu my ^;.;: ^; WATEIIFOKD li. auLTIIAMT'ION, vh, l'lyu.uiil. g loomy loieboxliugs arisiug Iruui a bad stomach ordisOraeud Ball Door), within one Door of , own family, and have also • 'criL ^ , aupphed it to persona suffering frna, Wj;, .•: . aicrt from "SS'aterford SATUKDAYS, 4Ui , 'lihai.d JBth , .n.d FHIlMY, 21ili lIlKCntlUII . DUBLIN. Cog/h iu my parUb: tTKVMi'i; promptly attended to. and iu every instance u lii* .• • .., '" > :•[- - .' : D.c. ; kl«v , on S\ l-.DNJ-.SDAVS, 8lh and "SuU Dc. ., 'l ux M EUICIM: you KtMALF.a, YOUNG mv OLD.— S2ZT Repairs of all kinds .f iJJ TELESCOt'ES, some caws, »lter passiag - , , ... ' • at 4 p.m. Km uvt-ui.unijg ull obstruclisus, aud rc-sloriog suspriitled NEWLY INVENTED -,««, fonl o.. with eitraordinary power and clear- of the Pectoriue hate bi , : to:.: „ ^...r SOU'lllAJinOX '10 WAlhltFOl'.D, via l'lju.omli tecritiuus , Ihoic is no medicine lu be compared tu these Combining portability 1 ^i^K'cicncnil M«^ bav o got » It 1 ' 1 " "¦ < " i i" ,i. » Kvny V\ KliNl->DAY, »i l'i!lk. Univifrbiill y a k>nti-d 11s the ouo ^riicd remed lur ness ol Vision, which snperntde every other kmd for tbe 1 j' - T.-riniMii- . J.;_._ y Sulking, Military, Sea, aud al disuppf iW-' h-, ..:;:»oii These Slu.unl^ hu>e ini lit nl accuuiii.uddtiou for p.iSH-o Female Couiiilamle , Pills citnol fail lucy itrtugtlieu Waistcoat Pociel, Deer WINTER STOCK day and uigbt , and some from i incliei gtrs. llic tyattin , arid always bring about whitl io required. To purposes, both by .„ .,,. A.MK IIK.AN LINK. 's Satellites, Ac. I' -ire. \Qi. 6d Your Pectol c • .r .. t ,, . ' j1(;inn : :^ ve , .MONi;Y. distinctly J upiter • • Me b;. MAI L SihAMi-.IJS l'ASSAGE- fauiiijes eiilcruig into lyoinauhood, or at the turn of life, will show for Cona .¦) -ii wolii U .V1-A1 KS Cabm. NEW PRINTED CRETONNES tried a. UMT1 Keturn. Utt:k they nre intaluable , I,ting a pi-rlt-ct 6»lt-«ujld agHinhl - ^OPE _ Liverpool to Philadelphia WalerforJ to lil»»pp« ir lli lli.kl 17> . 0.1. 2ui 10« bcadachis, pal ^^DAVAND AITRONO- , Pectorine cures tbe worst foimb of Coughs «D4 Colds. CiJLj "W2 •L1 dropsy, piimiuu ol tlie hi.irt, aud all ueivous AT LOW PRICES. . achromatic il^t . f vVl.V WKli. NKsHAT. (Vk ... U» \i, 6> aileci.ions olti-n distressing ut those period*. PRICE £6 COMPLETE-Wi Pectorine cures Hoarteuess. Pectoriue gives immediate iJto*' . .. ' U ,i-ii..|uuii cvi-ry 'liai-. -iiiT. > portable ia tb» best ^yfi' L ( || ! ,, (j Dublin, ... ID'. — 6s CCMI'LAIMH iKCIUi.MAL TO ClIlMlHU .— WllOOpillg object elass, two improved ¦ '*• relief in Bronchitis. Pectorine Medicine for t0 «SJ-NE\Y STOCK ARRIVED , Thu. ««.«t wil Asthma. Pectorine cdres Whooping Cough sw.i.i|.. ...• < •¦¦.«..¦.<¦ l'i} u.uulli mid Southampton 2(J». Sih. li s. coug h, mi-jhtes, »catl.iiiiitt , fevt-rti , and nil diseases ot ll.e m,ul jointed stand. . Fcctorino ^Kn *»'i.Vii« i| most iupr « . will cure a troublesome tickling Congb. Pectorine ia inval- 1 J.olic'f.ii , ... L'o'. 37A tiii lu-. ft ltfrt , uuy Lc iu)ii)ediately cl/pcl>ed, nut} ^cou cured, hy Ihmu BLANKETS, QUILTS, and FLANNELS, clearly show tb. ¦ "f " ^ l'KNNSYLVANIA.. IhcSO — 'I U lljile Mnppiiid Cuii.piinv tba tec t :l a clock, uable in tbe Early SUges ol Consumption. Pectorina re- ,NOH . - Wl' $ff NOTE. InbUie nil imriljing I'ills. No mother should he without them. One CLOTH, and NAPKINS, with distinctness I' 6 IM , SHEETING, TOWELLING, »U Affections ol the Chest, Longs, and Throat. i i I •!¦• D,c IT . INDIA NA I..". Goud.s bbippid by tl.iM.- Liiii-h ol Meauu , ut 3s4 minute in agaimt F. MMOO tl.f Au't-riran Kails lui ¥ OT linieit ol Freig ht , 4e., aj.ply tu — J, C. PIUXKI;- neivous invaliti thesu 1'ills are of vital necessity, as they GLASSES-«Vic« 1'- junction, with cotta, , Cbemist, Rother- .M .. ,. rKi. ....Mi-.i d ri.1r..ii) nine •• , , el 110 «lUnt Pestoriue." , ].,i f | t ,,i>, mil .nixl.a To.v llillarl ; H KNKV J. W A IU N O , l'l uiouth ; II. W. iuipait lone nud vigour to the iuternal organs aud coiise* S# O LDHAM AND S ONS .ize tb»t tb jy slip ic '.• J "T* bam, for oiiog tbe word " , > f Wbolciale Agents—Bi sctix & Sons, London, and ¦ W ILLIAMS, L'jndt'ii ai.d South-Wi-otciu Itailway Couipauy, quiutly tu the neivous pystcm which pervades and conuecla 11 AND 12 , WESTMORELAND-STREET, DUBLIN of powa many ot th* .-. f"* ° " ' 1 s p fc^SS tbe Wholesale Houses r«15.6ml .. ¦>.!..t .- i .. ;...» .-¦ »'• K""!---" ":'" Kxi t,r l'.uiId.ii}> », Aithui'slieet , \\Vbi , .ind ibeir ICeci-iving them. Hence their maivellous curca of hysteria, low tpiiils, iu d 1 liy!"l'>!' London Solicit iDBpootion of above Stock. Li,.- . tv. rM«....-r . .... i.M' -''"V l !-;l ' r , - JluiiMbtuiul^Uut j Clj do Shipping Co., 40, U pper tpdMi s, fits, nervous twitcbuigti, mid other kindred com- "SlSK£te& »%s- |-lllM Oil llll:, &™* i 1 1....I..1 ll I'lltlail1 * l I1 Siiutlmii.ptun ; 27, Kden (Juny. DUB- laiDts. CABH. Ceil-slrrel , ; p ol5.13t ALL AT LOWEST PHICE8 POK nnHE COAL TAR SOAP cleansee(Wright's Soap aliii-LV Quliy, CORK . lloHuxcay/' JL Carbonis Detergent). It purifies, , and sweet- ;. :ac J.IN , and I' t I'ills art the Lett rtmtdy known in the world " " 4c. A superior Lantern .ud U taking away all pimples blotches !::;;r;:r\ut;;, r-9 i;;r ; : CLYDE SUUTlXli CO.MTANY , fur thefoiloviing distaiet ; ?ln .ta wars? "Mel.! eus tbe skin , , , and rough- r : ' Cu>ti.m llouti- >^uu} \Vaterlutd Fevers ot .ill TO BE GIVEN AWAY ! aMM irai »iJM. A ^»Ulogaton application. ness. By its intueptic qualities it wards off ill infectious er , . A ^ue Scrolula , or Kiug's Evil CO-OPERATIVE CEEDIT BANK, 1UPHOVED BAKOilETE, ' '' ' ¦ 1; - il i oi i nl J..vlini! iiijuueil d A New tiedital Work 01 Marriapc, tbe causo and care of ADM1BAL FITZAOY'S diaeaaea, such •» bmall-poz, Scarlatina, Fever, &c., and V ; , ,?¦ ,-, n- • -, , . M.!- »¦•¦" "'"¦ "¦' " Special Fi i II.-« if Hill^ y tieCI)d(i Asthma kinds Sore 1 brunts tbe Wnther, baudsomely monntea lter --- 'ii|l- III bl- hull 111.Ill ll.e Ab't-nlr. premature decline in nun, Ni'rvoul IMiility . iinpoteucy, MANSION HOUSE CHAMBERS foret^'Dg thoroughly porifiei tbe body a su attack, so necessary -Accurately Shi pplll -' t. .|..i|.y, 1{ I 11 IIJU \ cum- ('out tituiie and , price onl ¦¦ ¦¦ Ac, with Kulis fur muoviuKMtiain dUqonlinctUious thai QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C. •„ »l»hno«n» wit> Thermometer y lot. for tbe prevention of the graver secondary complications. I .»... I i-¦ •" • ' P I HIIIU lli-:id.ael.u (jrjTel ..,.., lt..,i , iuiMe I :. II .- • "" . »:„;.; dentroy tl» happineia of WeilJeJ Life, or in Sub- MODEL UAKOS1 UTEH, pric Its mild aod healthful aoiion makes it particularly useful , CAltlMCK.ON.SCIli KM1U1 SAT10K OFFICE lilutibi-s on liidi£eiili(..n •St-cuiidaiy Symplon.s FIRST IBSUB OF CANTAfc-£500,000, SOLOMON^NEW MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. scriptions of XI and upwards. 19. Rd Cor.wt Thermometers, at la. upwards. for children, preventing tod curing the many forms ot akin tliu fjtiii l.ivui ciili.- Tie Duufeuieui EVERY ACOUSTIC lUSTRUUiiNJS foreitreme disetMi to wbich tbey aresubject. U, ils lv. l.i-Ul« «t Itowel Cum p lu nlrt Uhx-rt For Two Slumps luilcrern may nvoiil tbe numerous 18 per cent, por an- JMPROV BD CAUIN .I A ^- , 1.1- 1-J-. GOVERNMEIMT EMIGRATION Interest in lien of Dividend, deafneM. " Jt is th« only true antiseptic »ojp;"—British Medical planiti l.uuib. go Athclii/ns itnpobtora wli '. ninil ilinr buula fur uotlimi;, 1'ulil'sh tebli- , paid monthly. and every decree or ZEALAND UEKNSLAND, A CANADA. 1 tiny ••••!!» MiiuiBflvn, fict'tlGun lrvltns from num I— I D consequence of numerous attempts at Journal. I ) iii .v '."!-" '""'. TO NEW , O. Debihij I'l li-- \V. nosul H II kinds mouials »'• and 5 per cent. UltoreBt CAUTION ."¦nitiu :\ , r. f :> :•« i-' ZL' Current Accounts oponcd, necessary to uote strictly name aud address, " In our hands it bu been most effective in skin diseases" ''" v> '"- ^"'"^ -TTiHEE l'ASSAGKS to NEW ALAND granted l'rrp^>/ Kbi-unmllMu We.iklil^s, I10111 iiungiunr 'ma ' (ocurt:! %si's with iiiblrumeiili Monthly Balances. Jmnraiitinn it is ioi-laditsr ;. .. :.i,V .Bi.i"» "' ' '"' ,, - allowed on tho Minimum ob«er»e-Ooly to be had from Mr. E. SoioMOBs —The Latest. - V,,!., l:. »!tl, , ll• li»ll.u.U l. _£¦ to i li g ibh) Aii])licants. ASSISTED l'AbciACita Feuii«l(i lriei:u- Untetit.ou ut « baitver cause insli>»il 1 oilier uUu.Mitki as cruel an tbey SUPPLIED and to IV.,r, »-:<. ,::. I. - M - .I M ! .;> . » , ^ ' CHEQUE BOOKS (Brofessionally cstabli.hed in Dublin SI years " An unfailing remedy for foul bre.tb and an unpleasant (jrunteil CANADA. I'aiticulurs oi which can bo Inridis l/iine At'., Jtc. are dec ,ri* y* issues Circnl" notes Ontician 1 i to Tho Bank grants Credite, and N1NETEK.V NASSAU-STBEET, DUBLIN, odour from the p enoa."—Medical Times. " .j- a.»K. .-- The I'I IK iin.l Oililni'111 arc Sold nt l'ruki»oi II OLL ' A p ^Wxlfruivrl) (-ngiRCil iu Itittrcntnitnl Iranuocta ovory do- Number &^u/;::f;; 1 ,. .ni ,,i M., i^1 ..' hail en iippi'licutim tu J. Jl. il u nTliv. A gent. OWAV B ' for tho Continent and America, and within one door ot Uawson.atreet ol* Deb. . ;. ICUH uuil nervitun > (Enlruace by Hall-Door), , In Ttblnts. ed and ls. I't x-ta'aii- 'l"1 111 " *•' '¦• f!itubl»|j|i.iiii, v&i Oxltlllt•^lleel , London ; nlt-o t.y t.eatl w meulwl businoss. Book-keepin?ID •II i.u>.i>ar> tit, auJ ; Suniui-idto NLIV York twice ll w eek, lruin Quti-ns- y Bcription of sound financial visit the Provinces ; has » ' Ml:i( )1T Vmdoi ul «ulliii|r V'J^II 5| qi lre nxcipt '•! l»o 1'eiiny Tkat hi does not W. V. WRIGHT CO., Sonthw»rk-street. London. ¦ ¦ »»"" ' * f°"' every u^j.M.lit L-le Mi-d.c.niii llhi-uiihiiut the »rml l . ''» Bubwnbora, and a quartorly Balance Uubli>> * A ,,'ly li' I'l.^ll l.* town , Liverpool, Derry , Duhliu , Glasgow , ond London. lii lil tho handa of tho any oiner house or person oftant, tiailar CAUTION—Tbu ii tbe only Coil Tar Sosp c.viiizid uuiii ', 111 l-cx.K i.i.d lVia ui Is. l;d., >J». yJ., -1- . u\l tit in i' T, oij 5 , !• 1 ii" I'l'lri nmuiiiin;.' g j appointod by them, independ- ccniMxion with tbat is ra- -fc SliipH frinn Liverpool and London tu Au;j. ., ^Vi Sheot issued by Auditors loys NO AGENTS of 1 1 F'ii.-t-cla. Co;, uu 'I lii sli:;.l.ti! lux ul l' UCCi rh. " ^c CL. llt'lllliH-Ul , >Allb * All tUu mi>llt-ri:HDiliy or other name, and that he Emp commended by the Medical profession. We caution the i J. i.ii.iii.Nf.VSM.-l..- ; «nl » I- "'''" V. - ,. lls., 1'^., .uni I' . llu ei .uCulUa — - - jj.^ erer8 ent of tho management. : t i'" Cu., n;. !.a ;iiit( (^ucc-n.-laiiil oncu a mouth. 1-bCl. s |^ w | ( U H y (.Q,, public against ths spurioo»Co»l Tar Soap with wbich JCII ' I-l'it'N , ."rl-J-.M- fourdo2(.-ti ; ouJ ihy sii.a]lt;«i 1'ot ol Onilnieu; oueouuee. , partiOuUra ly r ' tb* or gtaiiou Ollicc—13 NEW LANE CAltlilCK. coifctlvtb Addrtus Mr. LAWKb Alaliul Pp ^NETEKN NASSA U SXUEET, DUBMN, OBLT! uurketiiflooded. '' ' If 17 1» W"Hlcr-»u..ti Lmi , K.1J.—ir'ull priuled diicctiuua aieii nixrd lo each hoi and , ° OAIOBY, Jtogor, nOMrTi3(> 11 liu- UHI OD Jf i \ B. JOllN^VKKEUX . Quay, Uattiford. UN-SU1K. [ja'J-tf »t, and can he had in any iu Tuikisb, Arabic, u lili»l'cr7 vltcitu, L I . Armcuian, I'nnaa' , cr Cliuicsc. A^D . ^ ViM .ii WATKUPORD NEWS GENERAL ADVERTlSERr-DECEMBEfe M 1875 MOON'S CHANGES. BUILDING 1 ti 1WAL1MK&1SQ AXD JOIKTER^^fiis BUTLER'S CATECHISM. | CHRISTMAS BAZAAR, First Qnarter...Mona»y, D«°. <>th ' TOO* MARHINER7 PROGRAMME OF AUCTIONS BiiRKSFOBD STKEhiT, WATBRFOED, TO BE HELD iS^m . WAioght before our notioo FnU Moon Sunday, .-» 12& l«nm n « J an TO THE CATHOLIC CLERGY, BOOKSELLERS, &c I AT THE ASSEMBLY EOOMS, TOWN HALL, 24, 1876. Last Quarter ....Snndfty Wth 5 On Monday mormngr. atW pressing maohioo N B Y JOHN Waierfori , December ;¦¦¦ l7 !^4 p.m. min Moms Wall, D.L., a hifeji, . »,_ w;i !;,.„, ,,7com. PEN DEE MATTHEW HUNT On Sale a{ The News Office New Moon Monday 27th >7'"I"al , On THURSDAY. SOlh day of DECEMBER, 1875i Weather very changeable, being cold, vet, and stormy. and deservedly esteemed citizonl^: . Begs respectfully to intimate to the Public generally With tho Recommendation of tho Bishop Waterford ado b^7 Wa NO. 30, of tba BENEFIT of tbo POOR, relieved by tbe , without ~ ' MIBRDA T the Mall, in the 81st year of hia'P" ™ TUK MALL, WATEKFO11D. that having, within the past few months, made and Lismore, OWER FOB A fair fhara cf Furmen' Wheat oomiog to market EXCHANGE—Y . 13 ana the Bight Bov. Dr. P \ SISTERS OF CHARITY. change In prioti. DUBL£N STOCK gentleman had beon for a prolonged X '°amy TtnXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS AND IM- Pd. 'Cash. Acot. his house by a painful illness, originally'rppare it by Altrnctivo nnil Select SALE of Mie moat SUPERIOR JL!i PEOVEMENTS A Cathechism for the Instruction of Children OATS rathor scarce, and holders are looking for an adraooo — in tho abovo Establishment, BT THE Tho Band of tho Waterford Artillery, by tho kind of 3d per barrel. Three por Cent. Consols jjjj fr , ing been accidentally knockod down by a cu.and bo- mid MODERN FURN 1TURK , ouly about Thfljjfc (rendered necessary by his increasing business), he has New 3 per Cent Stock •• — ~ crossing tho Mall to his residence, and ' Rev. T)r. JAMES BUTLER, Arch- permission of Capt. W IIERLEB CUFPE, will bo in attend- BARLEY—Littlo offering. No oliange. Jgf * - althbV'ni? Yoara iu uso. much grcator facilities than hcrotoforo for tho oxocn- MOST Bank of lreland IW 3W demise of BO popular a gentleman is the cause of bishop of Cashcl and Emly. ance. FOREIGN WHEAT—Dull salo, at rather lower prices. 30 — sincero OHN l'KN'DKB having receired instructions from tion of all orders entrusted to him, which Bhall always ' National Bank 704* pnblio is an cvont which was expected daily ! receive }iis best and careful attention BECOMMENDATIOtf : open at 12 to closo at i o'clock ro-oponing INDIAN CORN-The demand bai been very »mil! for this — ot J llio uxeuvnur of lUu l&lo Coloaoi ROBERTS , will , with dne regard " Iapproro of ol thiw Edition of tho Ri ht Rev. T>t #>rs , , Mnnstor Bank, Limited °{J some time. In early lifo Sir B. Morris took a decided to promptitude, efficiency, and a MODERATE SCALS g 'Clock, and cloeo ut 10. d23 article lor a Ions time basic. Prieo unchanged. — «>» ~ AMES UTLER'S HibemianBank stand in pnblic lifo as a Liberal, a devoted follower of Sell by Unreserved Auctioni of CHAKO.ES. J S Catechism, and recommend it to tbo FLOUR—Slow talo, without change — Faithf nl of thoso Dioceses. ADMISSION—fid; Children hslf-priao. , Prorincial Bank tno great O'ConneU, and to thoso principlcB ho waa ever AT NO. 30, CONTUACTS {or BUILDINO OUSE EPAIKS (limitod) 15 — T11K MALL. WATEHFOKD, and H R on- R.C.B. COLE & PROSSOR. National of LWerpool a steadfast adherent. On lho formation of tho refonnea tared into, and every description of * " JOHN POWEB, City of Dnblin Steam ComDany...100 — — Corporation Sir B. Morris becamo one of ON WEDNESSDAV, DEC. 29m, 1875, " Watorford , Sept. 10th, 1875." THANKS. its members The ENTIRE beat CAHl'KNTll Y nnd JOINERY W0HK -PRICES CURRENT. RAILWAYS. aud for many yoars up to his death sat as Alderman FURNITURE, wbich is in tbo Printed on Good Paper, and in largo clear Typo. SISTERS OF CHARITY beg grate- .£100 paid... 120 — fnr preservation carried out. Plans and Specifications furnished. THE Great Sonthorn & Western the Cutsfom HOQBO Ward . Sir Benjamin waa thrco times , nnd consists chiefly of :— Beresford street, Walorford, July 17, 1875. joly» 0KDKH 8 from any part of tho Dioceso, sent in and fully to acknowledge having received, for tho Eo- "Waterford and Limorick, 37j Majror of Waterford, at first two years in 'I'llK libf of tho JRISH. _ New. Old. ~ succession DKAWING KOOM-Olio Mahogany Ccntro directed to C. REDMOND, Printer and Publisher, Poor of tho City : £2 from the Dowager Lady " Dublin, Wicklow, and Wexford 991 the last time in 1867, an offico which was filled bvT" 'J' lKarer/oril Cremorne, por JamcR Gallway, WHEAT, per barrel of ZSOlbj. «. A. < d. a. d. V. d ul'lo ; Sufa ami occasional Tables ; suite of Spring- News Offico , 4'J King-strcot, promptly at- Esq., J.P., Collifron grandfather, Mr. Gcorgo BIorri3, in I7CC, as Hhown F..-aU\l with WINE STORES, DUNGARVAN, tended to. Tho Lodgo, Dungarvan ; £2 from — Whlto - - - • 2G Oto Sfi 600 o to 00 0 U Furniture, upholstered iu striped Damask, Trade supplied on moderate terms. P. Nowport Barron, Esq. our city arms in the Council Chamber. The honor Thnv Wimlon- ; Also, a number of handsomo and useful Prizos for — H«I - - - • u 0 21 BOO 0 00 0 of Curtains (en suite), with Gilt Cornices WALSH hnvinf; enlarged liU I'rcmises May bo had Retail from ovcry Catholic Bookseller in tho — Shipping do - -20 0 22 000 0 000 knighthood was conferred upon Sir B. Morris by £, 1 Sipiiiri' and l.'urner Whatnots ; Davenport ; one very PETKR Iho Dior.nsn. Lottery from II. Powor and Sons, Broad-Btroot. Mul directs npecia! BARLEY, per barrel ot 2211bs. gBaterforb |leb30 grave, the first Liberal Lord Lieutenant ever assum )iiij...>i)i<)kinj,- L of handsomo attention to tho annexed List of — Grinding . - - 00 0 %\iz i 'licffoiiicr in Walnut, Trft SISTEKS OF MERC V, DUNGARVAN, beg U 6 U 000 0 ing the reins of Irish Government, on hia visiting Wa iormatiuii , nicely carved with Mirror at back, and Choice WINES, &c , which ho can recommend with — Malting - - - 18 0 18 303 0 00 0 , BOOK-KEEPER AND CLERK. to return thoir most siacore thanks on bobnlf of " torford,Sir Benjamin being High Sheri ff of Waterford at *.ll:i>s 1'anoU ; One I'icr Lilacs 52 x U , with modem gilt tho utmost confidence OATS, per barrel of U61bs. " BE JOST. AND FEAR NOT. tho timo ; ho was a D.L. for the , A RESPECTABLE MAN of integrity, tho Poor, to Hiss Nannio AnderBOn, for ^glO, part of tho — Mack - - WO 000 city ; wa.11 city and fraaic ; real limsscls Carpet ami Hug ; Fonder and Port, Fresh Bottled ... 22n., 2U., 30s. , exporionco, - - 00 000 0 ' county magistrate , remarkable ' J\. nnd first'C^nss ability, wishes for an engagement Annual Bequest of her lato rcspoctod aant.Miss Tallon. — Whlto • • 000 OO OOO O iOO for kindneJ'^T.d im StceU ; mil! -l-light Cr.isulier ; I'uir of Worked Scats. ; " Crustod ... 30s , 31a., 36a, — Grey - ¦ ¦ 0 partiality in his decisions ; for many year.--; louildoftii . ' " us nbove. Most respectablo references. Appl REV. T. PRENDERGAST, O.S.F., 13 6 13 6 00 0 00 FRIDAY EVENING, DEO. 24, l»70 T wu Ladi :s Inlaid Muniuiitrio Arm Chairs. " Very Fine Old ... ,'iGa., 423., -tSs. y to VERY FLOUR, por Back , of 2801hs. of tho National Bank, in which institution. FotSft. TUK DlNIMi RuuM—Ii richly-carved ISalloon- D. N., offico of this papor. n26-tf gratefully acknowledges tho receipt of JE10 from — 8npcrfino5 - - - 00 0 0 39 n 41 - Sherry—Golden ... Ml.,' "J ls., 3(K , 3Gs. . »" n tho advice of O'Counell , ho had invested ;.»T<>./} 1 JBJ ku'k Spanish Mahogany Chairs, upholstered in huir ; Hr. Fowor, Germany, and £10 from Anonymous, to- — Inforior» . -00 0 00 000 0 °' o ^ " I'alo .. 21s., 30d., 3G.s. : died ono of its largest .shareholders. Through hi, Arm Chairs ami Lounge ; set of Domingo Mahogany wards tho improvomcnt8 now being carried on in tho OATMEAI,, per Sock -00 0 00 038 0 39 n , 1875 long lifo Sir B. Morris was hi " Very Fino ... fOd., 42s., 4S.S. To Wholesale and Family Grocers, Tea, Wine BRA N, per Cwt. - 60 7000 0 CHRISTMAS ghly esteemed for his 'lVlesoopi- Diniiiir Talilcs with thruo extra leaves,masiiivo Church of St. Francis, Carrickbeg. n courteous demeanour as a gentleman anil a . Claret . .. 15s., 18=)., 2»s., 3Gs. and Spirit Merchants. POLLAR D do - 7 G 8 0 0 0 0 o citizen , pa«j .Malmgauy SivlvluKinl ; one uprising Mahogany Dumb Treasurer of ST. VISCEST HE PAUL SOCI- at hand, and with it of access to all , gentle, and over ready l<> ilo a favo- Waiter and Hug ; Mareala ... .. 20s., Tls. Most reapectablo YouDg Man , of eight years' THE Christmas is ouco again " , Whatnot and l'ress ; ISrusscls Carpet ETY thankfully acknowledges rccoipt of J!3 from FOREIGN. I Fnrr.. His son , Captain 0. Morris , Kilkenny Fusilier. , hci- Krii.lcr .Sti-cl.s ; one :l-li};lit Gasalier ; Damask " Virgin ... :21a. A experience, at tho uboyo business, is now open for humanity. Another " JAMES T. KYAN, Esq., Mayor, in aid of tho funds of WIIEAT, por barrel of 2S01be. t>7 d K . d come joys nnd sorrows ceeds to his father's property. Window Hangings , Altisliu Curtains. Champagno (Gioaler's), 48»., GOs., 72s. for ou engagement. Can giro first-class discharges — Amorican ¦ lVles and tho Society. * , Spring and Winter - 26 B to 27 0 year has nearly passed away ; various changes TUK KU.\J,r.AI,. JSKUKDi liis, live in number, contain massive Ma- Pints ... 30J ., 36a., 48s. for honesty und eobrioty ; undertsands mixing of — Marianoplo - - - - -28 0 0f> 0 — Berdiannki fond faces havo Tho remains of Sir Benjamin Morri.s were taken from hi' lii'.;.i!iv :m,l Imn UctUu-ails, with Spring and Hair Mat- Choice Old Cork Whiskey 17s. por Gallon. Tens and refining of Wino, ak , nii-elv rnrved , ;ni.l ciiriehcd with Mirror at back ; FAMILY GUOCEK , WINE &. SPIKH MEKCHANT THOMAS STREET, WATEHFOKD and wo — — Egyptian ....mi o On 0 from our nature, but brig and then the f.\,r! feol that wo should not allow you to depart — — Dainsecil - - - . (in 0 00 from poration , comprising Alderman St. (Jeorgc Hah Chair- , I >umb Waiter , Oil Cloth, Lamp, Eight-day from ua n by the kindly spirit which comes to us Krei'ina- DIISGAHNAX. dI0-3m without offering to yon tho expression of our FLOUR, American, per barrel of lWllm. - • L'I! 0 f«l 0 J.P., (..;.¦. '„ , .\l al y , *,.. R. MAH0NY $¦ irit fructifies in that brotherly 1'. A.Power, J.F..C. Kedmond, Thomas \V. Ja.,,i|' C 0., ostcom and rogard. — French, per sails, of 2S»lb». - . . nu 0 00 (I above, and which sp J.f., Laurence A. Kyan ' The I'astiries and Kitrhcii arc fully furnished. INDIAN MEAL which contribute s<> , Wm. K. Cominins , u BEG to iuform thuir Friends, the Nobility aud We should withhold from you your just merit, if wo , Aincricin, por sack or iSuliw. ut 0 O.i 0 lnve and Heavenly charity Johnson, .T.I'., ltfchanl Power : an.I Coiiii'illor. < 'IT-lKKHJ--One Set ony Harness ; One Lady's _ f Home Maniifiictmv, in:r ) „„ c - T of I' Gentry, nnd the Public generally, that they in- did not placo on record the fact, that by your uniform „ „„ 6 much to cheer and beautify the Uhnstian worm. Purcell, T. F. Keil D II. l.i-; ¦Saddle, Limdtui made, scarcely soiled. SECOND DELIVERY courfcesj, combined with you e good judg ement \ rack, of tmUv \ -° ° -° y, . Kcogh, , J. II. M> .0r:i;i. tend OPENING their Now W INK and S IM HIT STOKES , you pro- Since we bade adieu to Christmas Past we have N. M. Allen , h. Frwnuin, J. Clnniiwtt , fJ . Walfidl Sal.'nl Twi'lv.'.i' 1 'l...'l.- or at moted, aliko tho interest!) of tho institution with which , ^.i THOMAS-STREET, on FRIDAY, 29th Inst. WATERFORD BDTTKR gone through a year not unmarked by events Ilennessy, \V. Kelly, J . O' Reilly, «ith the general ),ul, you are connected nnd thoso of .tho public ; and it must MARKBT. lie, comprising amongst Ai- . i , will bi 1 SuLU at llio same time and Place WINTER Having procured a largo anil Taried assortment of Number oj Firkins wei hed, at the Public jlfarket homo and foreign , of some importance, politi- thoir larj,".' number Mr. |; . , , GOODS ! bo to you at all times a ploasing recolloction that hav- g JJitifer l'ower Hcnior mcinucr for the oily ; TUK 1NTKUEST in the LEASE of the Ho USK, the finest Brands of Old Irish Whiskey, Wines ftud ing been connected with tho Branch for u'eefc ending Friday (this day), and 'ccs. character, which we trust , Mr. .l . Slatii-rv of the Nntional j>rt cal ly, and of a social J.P., and several others of onrkwliiit. mcn.liaiiu »¦' •. ll-l.l under Lease ISO", for W years, Bruudics on moat advantageous terms, they aro now Bank in Castlecomer on its introduction Saturday, — 60 — l:i0s. ih l. to H'u. Od come. In ' , • , duled l!oth March , , you had no to see bear good fruit in the time to Capt. Brcnan, J.I'., and Captain L'ower a: the nominal Kent of X'M per Annum, from the trus- prepared to executo all ordor.s entrusted to them.' small share in establishing its pormanency, and wo may Monday , — 5 — 130a. n.|. l:»a. 0d , iiailirjii,; Tiiendiiy, — 0 — (HIOJ . rm. i> >¦ - »f tho Holy ijhosi Hospital , to tho late SARAH la WHISKEY , none bat thoso of tbo boat Irish makers hopo, associating it with tho growing prosperity of C»s- All mf Stock of Wednesday — 61 — 1:104. Uil. l V)i . Od , in a national point of view, as the epoch of Next came the hearse , 011 which v.'i-r.M.'arrio'l tho r11 M">ti!i.« . nin] now vested in JiuwAKU KoiiKKTS, Esq. it will bo kopt in stock, and they guarantee to their tlecomcr. During tho fivo years you havo fivod amongst Thursday, — 00 able — 1H0.4. I'd . 1SO.<. Oil when the Irish maiiiH in a suite of Collins , ou tli<: out»;r oiw ln-ir, Tl.v House has lately undergone a most thorough re- i N T K riooDS Customers a pure article, froo from any us you haro mado many frionds,and not one enemy. Friday, — 0 — OOfc. Od. 0>J». Od the Great O'Co.vxiiLi.Centenary, . y^r adulteration ' placed, a wreath 'of flowers, ami tlinn <:amc the fu pair , Papering ami I'ainting, with new Range,and many whatever, aud such as cannot fail to giro fialiufnctiou In going from us wo wish you ovory Bncces* in your No. of n rkiiiB GOrroniKiniliug wrcV last yeur — 87 people stood forward to honor the illustrious 'r or her improvements and has also the advantage of lias Arc now complete, futuro careor, and wo feel certain that the ability, Price per cwt — l«s. Oil. lo 15'^s. the cver- body of pall bearers, succeedol V>y the chief nioiirncr- , and will bo read y for Their B RANDI is imported direct AS EN intel- champion of civil and religious liberty, Capt. Morris., n:.i\ Water, has a good Yard with every accommodation. from J , U - ligences and son of deceased ; llarrv R. Har.-'-ri t , 1; Sale on To-morrow aud following dayH.— XKSSY & Co., Cognac thereby zeal with which you dischargo tho duties of i-omnrnhnrnrl O'f!osXHI.L. and, locally, it Will be Milward , W. A. The Interest in the Lease will bo Sold at 1- "harp. , guaranteeing its purity. your office, mast at no distant period raise you Sargent , IU,., antl Mr. G. HuW- They huvo beco fortunate to a i Corrected this Jay Inr The \\' aterfi>rd Nrv ) the date of our inaugu- followed by Drx. Cavet , Mackn-y ami liriii-n. Furniture immediately after. dlU.iJt My Stock comprises all tUo Load iia.: }. JOH.W TENDER, Auctioneer. mont of ruraold WINE, direct from tho bdst growers, ourable to yourself. Begging your acceptance of tho BiCOK Pins, per cut. — — CU. 01. to CU. rating tho great Water "Works of Waterfonl olties of tho Season iu 0> Colheck-stroet to the Protestant raihwlral - which they oflur on ruasonablo terms, and flatter accompanying Testimonial, as a| nmall token of your Sr>:*K3 do. — — CO.-. C.I. IHU . Oil . which will prove so inestimable a boon to the , where , uf:. F KKT do. the mortuary Mjrvicu l»y the l!cv. Mr. Uni'll -. MILLIN'EUY, HOSIERY JUBBUNS, themselves that for quality and flavor it cannot bo ostem and regard, — — 13s. Oil. i:l.< . ul. present and to future generations. In that re- y, t!i- . We remain your sincero friends, H KAI « do. — — 4ns. Od. IU ft I . main.s were interred in the family vault, un.lcr *.V n yr. - SALES. MANTLES, GLOVES, , surDasBed. SCBATS llo. — — VM, 1*1. fU . 0.1- spect, likewise, it will be remembered by us as a r.lmreli. The most complete arrangements have been made C. H. B. Wandcsfordo, Richard Cooko, J.P., J. T. Liit u (cliandlcra'J — — 41!*. ud. +i.i. Ihl SHAWLS, FEATHERS, UMHUKLLAS , . year of municipal hospitality unsurpassed by any COUNTY 01' WATERKOHD. to carry on a high class Trade, and by caro and nt- Butler R.M., Samuel Bradley, John Kelly, P.P., BUTC HERS' M EAT ^S1 DKESS GOODS It. H. Walker Manager, N. Bank BF.r.v, |ier Ib., M 0.1 to lml : LiSD previous occupant of our civic chair, and we L O C A IJ 1 'J' K .M S ¦J^~ , FLOWERS, BOOTS and tcutiou they hopo to merit r. sharo of public i'nror. , ; Edw. Kourkc, , (jr., 0.» 0.1 tn 0< 0d LAUIKS 1 Jamos Sterling, M.D., Konorift Brcnnan, Patrick Do. steak, JW to U | Veil, [icrlli. 6.| to 7.1. will recollect it as the year in which we called a Important Auction of Prime Dairy COWS, UXDEKCLOTHIXG. SHOES. The most liberal terms nllowod to tbe trade. M UTTO.V , per lb Oil to Is OKK SALES nv A UCTION .—Mr. John \\-m\tJSf t J. Ryland, William J. Cantwell, Michl. Kennedy, . I I' , lier lb. Od to Oil worthy chief magistrate to another year's dis- put a p We!i ISii -d HULL DAIRY UTENSILS HAY , FARM. BAIJY , of every descri ption. Orders from tho country promptly attouduil to. Or- 1'OTATOK.S. the 17th inst., at \\ M aucliou mart, ItaiyrrQtiSLnui'i' , , Patk. M'Encry , John Curran, William Mansfield , Avorago price duties which ho so well . ders received at the Butter Stores , 0.1. to Oil. ... -11.1 to 0s IM per stone. charge of these public two policies of iiisuraneo 011 the lif'V; <,( INi ; IMI'LE.MENTS, Excellent CROYDEN , aud GENTLEMEN'S TIES, COLLARS, SHIRTS as well as Wino Thomas Soymour , John Walker, architect ; Wm. KKKAD. .M r. Jlici - as , fulfilled in the present. For another reason shall r. X. ' " family CAU^-aun: new), both by O'Leary ; UKACES. Stores. $§}" A 1UI.l t EOMCITEU. 02J).lf Somervillc, M. and J Parker, John Kyau , William lrViiiTS, pcr llb—6Jil. to Cjd | lloi-3lloi. l>, per lib 0.1 to Oil U. Roberts, 0110 Iu? 1'jUU, .sold i» .yt^ M. .\il..|i - ' Ac. tlio year 187& havo a hold upon our memories, silver muumtil ami uUiur U&KSKSS , BKll'LL'S Thomas-stroct, Waturford , 21st Oct., 1875. Dobbs, Joseph Dobbs, Edward O'Shea , C.C., WHISKKY. £Uo ; the second, for .L'l,DIM I , puy chased bv Mr. T! DUBLIN, per (r.-illon , ah. Oil . I O LII CORK , gallon Ot) , notably an-.l .SAUDI.l-^ UKAYS CART rf , HORSE CIEAR &o Patrick Plusltin , P. J. Burron, Wm.Smith , P.L G., , 1&<. and that ia as a year of presentations Dcl.-indro, solieiior, I'ui- £1I M, , -Tid v UNION. Brennan ono of the utmost significance being to a at a profit , before leaving tin- ' man , u> Mr. Ti- u,, M'rtbAY . 27/;. DEVXMBER, 1S73, W. KELLY Daniel Foloy, JJichard H. Dreaper, Edward: Folcy, FISH. .tm' N'FSDI .XII, i>r cwt, 20s. to L".'.i. 1'KAI. — UJ O.i. lo 0.< Od popular, resident nobleman and his beloved lady, l'huluu. Tbcro WI.TC al.10 b'jlil J KII thisocensiotj ;t 'I' MILLINERY , MANTLE Martin Kenny, jun. ; AVilliam Murphy, R. K. IlKRitiNiis , per brl c A SKA F 1 K L D HUUSJS . , AND GENERAL TWO HELPERS WANTED . , 3)s. to iils. SOI.K , — 0a 0.1. to 0J Od whose example illumines a page in our dark his- siderablo number of gold arjd Csilver vvatelieH ' Trcocy, Thomas Mahony. SiLau.N, per lb. 0s to 0s Oil . TuimoT oA " ANTHONY , 1-isij., J.I'., Scillield House, being WAREHOUSE , rrUI E Guardians of the abovo Union will , — Cs Oil. Ui Hi 0! tory which can never be obliterated. It is the re- and silver coins, chiua, &c , fi Oir which , on HEI'LY. FOWL AND KOOS. thoro wan l~ J « about to change, lit* residence, and to Lut fcSJ" 75 , QUAY , H'A TKHFUUD. X TUESDAY, tho l!8th In6t., pro<-.eod to FOWL V pair, .1* M to 4s Gd I Koos.per 120, 12i G.I to l:!s 0.1 collection of such events as these which tempers rited competition. On Mou ''lav , .Mr. l'vmhc a\l, DEAIt FRIENDS—I must return you my most sin- GKKSE 12.« I Se:ilield Demesne Farm , and a portioD of the Lands of ELECT TWO PAID HELPERS for tho , UU to 13.1 od couple. | TUKKKVS.S JJ 0 to £!i pur l air for salo, ou tho prutniies ii >i He;m Hospitals, cere thanks for tho very flattering address yon havo KO the sadness imbuing our hearts at tho loss of street , .M. .-- Carri g Castle, has I ivorud 1'. 0'Stl.LIVAX with in- P.S.—Having udded a Costume at a Salary of JJ9 each per Auumu Rations und A SOAP AND CANDLES. llickio & Co's steam a;ral»d Department, I can , part- kindly presented to mo, and much more do I prize tho W HITE, per uwt. 2Us. to 3'Jd, j M O U LD, per dozlb.i 5j 0d to Gd those loved ones who have left us during tho water niimii ' uiriiciniiis in SELL by 1'UiiLlC AUCTION , at SEA- now copy Costumes to order. ments. feelings which prompted you to do so. I have en- U UOWK , do. -0J. 0.1 to Us. | Dn-r. do. 5.-.. U.I . to 53 Gd past year, whoso places are a blank in our houso- tory, bottling store.' , &c , rec ¦•mil y erecle'l h.-re 1 KIL'I.D HOUSE, on MONDAY , tho 27tb DEC, 1875, Applicants nood not attend in perHon. deavoured to discharge my duties towards the Bank and \YOOL AND HIDEri. thu.machinery of which is n II new . This untini H OUOET IIIKS hold, but whose cherished features are indelibly v "7 l'riiiiu U.iiry COW'S (which for size, culour, and By order, WM. HUNT tho public ; but I must eay, however successful my ,1«. 4d to la. 5.1 1 II , 32s. to :!3i. nd per cVc y/.-m- hwnl it su '.vi tJ times provided with Leading Address that I havo COAI S, per ton frost, or in snow—is, temporally, if unaided, a lily of jjood liny Seed. Sizes, rcudy for imme- 8SJ- JVO. 18, HENRIETTA STREET. added to the number of my friends - . 10s. 0d to 20i Ud. 1 UOKK , per lou, 17s. to 18s 0.1 it ia in contemp lation to furiu a lirnitcil (ialiili ty on dnring tho period I 1UDDKU AND UilKKN CHOPS. Dairy Utensils, Churn Hand, Tuba , Cools, Stands, diate use. Turms, ou application. [d t.3m] season of trial and privation , and we do hope to pany for the working of thii 'COIICLTII. have lived amongst you. Allow me to assure you that H AV, per wa, 75= lo »H- Tuiisirn 1 , per tun, ISi to 1.').-