"Asffis*^-Is Sinsssss^Ash

"Asffis*^-Is Sinsssss^Ash

DEYEREUX'S I'llK WATKUFDKD NEWS. 1 RAILWA Y T1MK TA BLES FOR NOYEilllKR HOTELS EST.MIUSIIKU 1*17. SHIPPIN G ' ^ ' ^' ' TO ENQUIREBS 1 CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE ^i^aiYOMD A ViD liiilERlCK KAIITWAY JOB TBE (AUli nnrm K KIOIUXIS Vroprictor.) , WATERFORD STEAMSHIP COMPANY- Up trains ft m Waterford. BRAZEN HEAD HOTEL DIOCESE OF PERNS. ].\l:i;K>l ClIUTI.ATION IN TllK Sul.'Tll OK I R KLAND. 20, LOWER BRIDGE STREET, DDBLIN.B (LI MITE D). TRMSS ON WKCK IIAV8. Sll i IS SO tvllhli -:-! rrcry Fri-lay Krcniny, WE ARE K0T AWAKE OF »AKY HOUSE WHERE THERE thotonghly xenorated, at Xn. 40 Kin g Street JXTEXDED OIWElt OF tSAlLlXG—VKC , 1875. , Mall , .Mail .Hail UNDER new management, NOW PUBLISHED, w,Tr.nroiip U2 U ] central nnd convenient, combining CleanlinOBS ;-'N »-m i if K rtiO\ isci.u. n.isK.l STKAJIEILS. H2I44 IAJ i!IU;i , SHOES Revised and Corrected, with the Approval of ths J io LniEhieK. Clat«|ClniK. Cl»ulCI<i i.s Cli«. Clai» Cla»> LARGE A STOCK OF BOOTS AND [ I : K T H ii I ; 1' I M nud Comfort with Cheapness. Most Rev. Dr. FUBIONO, Bishop of Ferns, K' . i.; Vk.\iu.v (is A DYASIT.) 13S.; GIl'SY, LAKA , ZEl'IlYK , nnd JUVERNA. A .M I A « r.u. r.u. r.u. r.u e u B 1 SO MANY VARIETIES TO SELECT FROM—WHERE ALL CLASSES CAN BE SUITED Beds, la. to la. Gd. por night ; Breakfast, Is. to 1 . 6a.; '' L . -i. Y K. AHIY , l?is., is ADYASCK . fTIHE CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN DOCTELNK •j /VjV Vj OTlCK.—TlieW'atcrfordSlcamsIiip 8 30 Dinner from la. Cd. ; Tea, 10d. Jnmeson'a five year ' Vi for W«(erf r.l... dcp. 4 15 I 8 SO 11 « J 45 ... ~ |gr And PRICES so Moderate, an at JL JOE THE,USB 07 JSaJftrK^j. Comiiiiuyn-rt-ive Gooils Shipment Cairlck-n Suir. 5 3d 9 4tl ll! 17 3 *) U 15 old Malt, guaranteed 4d. per gla6s. Table d'Hoto at ' s for " reserve , PASTORS AND CATECHISTS, Sal e oi THE NEWS: jflKlR-f ,^-- on the folloninjj Terms only :—They Clonmel -. 1 5 10 40 12 45 4 4 10 M 4.30, Is. 8d. MI .|I— particular I'M ... ._ 11 35 In order to Instruct Children and Illiterate Person», ,V.n'Kf ;- .' Mr. VV. Kvi.l. T , T-iltlr (,iiin:i-Vsti(vt, •yWS^TT?'. tl>c right to curry iy any, not by Tippcrarj 8 IS Wit 15" HOUSE W.C. nnd Bath-rooms recently added, on each V essel*, will, liberty lo TutvShi ps unit call at other l'ortii JunciicD... urritl 8 as II 4D 2 10 5 SU 11 54 M. SMITH'S, THE GLASGOW By the REV. P. W. •DEVEREU2, 'IKAMul vi/'-MirH C'LANI v in 0 4 5 , Ri-frcslmiciit Rooms, in am. nill not be accouut.il.le for injuries or losses arisini! from l)riiur .~ ariltal ... MS 5 40 landing. Night Porter in attendance. Vicar-Qeneral of the Diocese of Ferns tn 1845 j StUllltl-MIVCl. ael«y, ' C ORK . arriral ... 2 II 4 .15 8 15 2 'I 39, BAEKONSTEAND STEEET, WATEEFOED. Within five minutes walk of King's Bridge scciilents of the Seas, Hivers , Fire, the Queen s tne- 31) 1 ... 7 <S <2T To which aro added Acts of Faith mieb , (lefcclivc Dub-in dcp. ... U 0 10 " .~ ja8-ly. , Hope, and Ch&rity l'ASSAf.r. EAST—Tliu 5Iissi-i» LCVK , Hotel , Square. Navigation.or acciileuts from any other cause Cork Ii g 12 311 24! — ... I" G Terminns. and Instructions for Serving Mass. nor for any loss which might have beni euvercd by Insurauce , 8 30 14 1-i a 25 5 45 Wa CAIMtlCK-ON-SLMU—M r.J.M.M\inriiY , NowKA goi.t. Junctkn.. ESTABLISIIIIENTS—KILICBNNY A»D CAEL0W. jl8 Revised and Improved under th* direotion of oor fur Leakage, Hreakage.Conditiou , Quality, or MMenU ol Limcri :k...arriTl 9 111 |lJ 52 3 1 5 i 0 5U ' 30 KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, LONDON — (For A.lvis.) Mr. Wsi. C AUIIOLI ., 11!3, any 1'nrcels orl'neksges, uule>s spi'ciall y entered mill adva- , WEXFORD. The Right Rev. Dr. FIIKLOKG , Bishop of Farns. 1.i ' l.l)iii' ' Uirt m Frei Down Trains from Limerick MONCK STREET 'ii^ ii -ii>:iil (North), Brixtoii. ght paid. Coods not removed to he Stored at the Comlortablc Hotel in tgT Orders to bo sent to THE NEWS OrricE, Kiag rink ami eiptnsc ' rj'HIS is a Central and lU'lll.lN —Ai >\KiM isi .\(i Ar.K.vis: Jli'.-srs. W. ]I. ol the Coiinigncrb. | TRH.1. W WKt K UAV^; SJy a WINES & SPIRITS—The undermentioned tho most moderate street, Waterford, whero tho Corrected and Author- "Slaii A GILBEY'S 1 which everything can be had on r^Mllll A S UN , AI I IH - V street. W" ATKKK OIMI I , . j Ti\!3ii W& ILBKY and betring their Seali ind Lsbdi, c«a AND HKIST01- . U1IU 1.1CK lUllitl lii 12.U1 ii I i ! I 'J 3 Wnos & SPIRITS, bottled by W & A G , terms. ised Edition caL now bo had ; rr of tho Booksellers in lUNCMlVAN—M,-. K I, UA IIH KIWN A X Stationer 1-iuiu Watirlmil . 'Wexford , BrandiC6, B , , lo liriMnl : Vu.m lini-li I Id Wulel fui d io \> ATLKtonn Cltibs. 1 Cubs. 1 Olneb Cliin. - Clui.* Ci»i>s C.Hst. be obtained ftom their Agents at the same price* as at Head EstatlisimenU. Best Dublin and Spirits ; oJso tho Diocese. Ask for Dr FUBLONG 'S Corrected Edi- IiIllKlT D11IKCT. Wonts (aul5-tf) _j Ae., l'osi ai-.tl '] > :i^r:i]i|i Oilite, 'J'lio Siiuu.ro. M »¦»• r M 11'. ¦ ¦ •>!• ILBKY S List or JOO -rarieties two description of each class of ¦\Vinc8 , Porter, Ale, &c. tion, printed only at> i!) Kiog Btreot Waterford. Tursilny, Doc. 7 ... 1; Afftl Thursday, 1)«. i ... R M»ni 'L*- - ' !^i *'- - - Ij;- t 'OL From W & A G ' , KI1.K I .\N V— X.i. J I . I : X .V,ii;iin OMS ~ii" " ' moderate price and the second for IU fine Cars on Hiro at tho shortest notice. , H ltm-strcct. lui- .-ility, „ ii ... 7 Miini.TuiirsiUiv I 'i Muni l.imcrck <•;•' 8 : j ii -n .ii -1 o : io -ii ... In So and SPIRITS are quoted below, one on account of its , ( , „ '. ... 20 li 15 ll 40 ... .A!-TI.KfOMi:];— Mr. J. U(-i.t .iiAN, Jiniii-Mrett. l iRv,hv7, „ -JI ... u Affuh'liuradiiy, „ 10 ... B Moru Junction arnm' 7 lc ^ M 5 I I 55 combined with greater age. " THE WATERFORD NEWS " i « 8 11 I X li ... '2 0 quality DUBLIN. Tuesday, „ ^j ... 7 Jiornl'l'liiiraduy, „ 23 ... 2 Aft'u Cork — ... I 30 S JttACHINE PRINTING |i'hiir»l.ty. „ 30 ... 7 Moru Dublin „ I ... 1 15 5 15 1(1 « | 4 t ... 1 * , PUBLISHING. ' WINES -,; ¦ SPIRITS Commercial and Private Lodging House, NATIONAL LINE to NEW YORK C1.1O or JUVSliXA. DCBLK till . - ... !> ! „ - fc _ ... I 0 0 ... SotUt Daiea Bwk^ DoM 49 Jl ARLB0K0IJGH STREET. BOOK-BIXDING, RULING, riorn Wad 1 lord lo Urislul Fnm Hrinol to \\ alerford , CORK ! .- " , Juucmn.... ' 7 20 9 2(1 14 30 5 35 12 -.3 ... 12 2\! P*rtu[nl A good. Cutle OP IBISE WHI8KBT) accomraodnted fii ! N OUCI'.. — Tl.i, Cvii.|-iii.y talfk ll..- lisl of IUMII- CaMk 1A VOWS/rtm } PART1KS Visiting Dublin on bo , Direct. callinf nt lVinbiukt- Dock . Tipiieraiy —-I 7 35 'll 45 12 4l) 5 45 I'i SI. ... 15 51) hoditd Win* With excellent flavor, well } 1/8 SU Diitilled from fine Malt, and matured in our V 3/8 87J A C C OUNT-BOOK AKD EYE-LET LABEL Bt.l.- ll;|. l.J 41l1> (l(ll> , t, ( iiihi.l ||> I M ll.US per cent, under pC / with or without Board, aud all tho comforts of , V .- U . K'VIPI! .Kriiln.v Dtv. 3 ... 9 Morn.Tiiesilnv, Dec. 7 ... 12 Sion Uloni,,,.| 8 55 i ... '. 411 li V5 I 2 21. ... •> 2U matured.4 y««j»old at timeof bottling) own Booded Stores. 33 MANUFACTORY, .,:c r> ll..- lWi ' li>i pussil.Ii uuiiiiitilic fur >.iliti inn! aiuid- l riday „ in ... aj AK'ii .TutwIay, „ 11 ... 7 M orn Uurrick U *V I ... 2 5 7 35 3 i ... 3 u Cutle DO IRISH WHISKEY) a homo, on Moderate Terms. [o25-tf] 49 & 50 KING STREET ai 97) (oppoaito Provincial Bunk) , aiii-i' HI <iiti i^t i >!¦» , 'I | M . not Mint !u rl) nmir Ims bitn {inlay „ ]7 ... u Murn'Tucsday, „ L'l ...No SailinR Vtatci onl...«rir/.lll ai | ... | « 46 S IS I 3 45 ... 3 45 lit fioeit old Dublin Whiikcy. muured in \ 8/1 |J23" Situatiou central, close to Sackville-strcct. 1-riib Strength proof J " w:.>N non-nil ly llns LVii.)..ihj to iiM.iit let mill Hi .iJ- .v „ iu No Sailiuf-Tueeday, „ 28 ... til Morn . » j««r«old«t tim« of bottlin« .. -•) our own Bonded Store*. , LETTER PRESS PRINTING I- ABH— Kirn Clats SinKle lickcl, 14. Cd; ^eiemi do, lit, ; , tl.i>. >'iday, „ 31 ... 0 .Moral I3 CItiKi.aU n.l ; MH mi. i.., 10s. PLAIN AUD ORNAMENTAL, Tliud Oo,, li». id. Ktiuru- 1-iiki A fruity) CuUe UP SOOTOH WHISKEY} CITY MANSION HOTEL ttiy On early Jloruinij.SailingSj tlie Cabin ol tbeStcaro. ICULI CM 1 BPAMIBH PORT -i:U\ ', l.AKl.KST STKAMKIW AKI.OAT. Cil. J. K. .\ ., SectcUrj". * north-cut I 16/ D!stiUedfrOm'fine MaJt, and m>turedinourV3/3 37/ 30 LOWfcll BR1DG15 STREET, DUBLIN.

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