3 Si

THE PACIFIC nnRR('lAL ADVERTISER, to Aorr.3TiicB and hhml Errrr TbanilaT Mtraiai, al SI - ObUaartcs, taoeral tavltatkms aad nottosasurscr.irra.ss saa ulratlns A Payable is Advance. intended only to benefit an Individual's tsslnm, wiUbesharged rs fr as advertisements. tn irrivn cmnt ri- -i will he 7 per annum AdvsTtisesssnts displayed in larger type fhsa Swaal, ars sot. (vnrinl ' r th- - Anrricin ptair and Ih-- expense x I rward ect to heavier rharys. h ih nffim at nnlilMmikin. An raneraftir Amfrinn; C78abscrtptioa for the Commercial Advertissr aad Adver-Iseien-ts n pnrta. H have Atnnmo pnaucv .lamps no utemjj ar payable isvaaiasLT rs imna. pcvnt any American P"tse win llTte.l nnj TTHo trsnsient advwrtlaaMnU will be lassrlsa. CSLSSS raa r n',T:n.T. wiopri-- r it. can navetneirc. rstp. tn r"irir-- XT Correspoodence bnsa all parts of tbe Facifle wQI always Ihe Islnnd pwC4e of $1 04 at ihe Honolulu post office. I be vary acceptable. - ' ' tn Uie above charge of J.. k ir VHirl TKRTfKMKXT4 WILL BS rfflSOKD. I COMMERCIAL PRINTING OITICC. Kit advertiiwnts fflrt inTtion) per line 10 els. (Kk-- mw-tii-nl ...., - bts-- PLAIN AND FANCY ; , irds.'mt eirewtine-- lin-- ) --r an ntun $5 00. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Kwh addi-ma- l line) 60cta. XT Payable alwava ft advance, jrj BOOKS, BILLS OF KXCRAMC, ., (not .werti'nr 10 lines spare) first insertion fI 00. CATALOOTBS, BILtJ OF LABIKO, . Each subenu'-n- t insertion M ct. BILL HBAD8, - CONSULAR FXS r Apt Km kim will be ehanrd at the following rales CIRCULARS, BLANK D fvivuNe at the end nf each on iter: . AUCTION BILLS, HANDBILLS.,4 nr fir twenty lir- -) W quarter - 1 5 00 PAMPHLETS, " ' SHOP BILLS rth of a per quarter $1200 vrarriNo, bcsinbss, and adcba--s cabds a per quarter - $20 00 printedrron a "Taokae Card Press," la the hlfbsst styH sf Us f"f per quarter - - $37 60 art.

TJBLISIIKD WEEKLY BY t six Dollars per annum. San Jranrisra SlitrfrtiradJ. imercial Advertiser. UESKI M. Will's. EY HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, JULY 2J, 185S. VOL. Ill, New 4. WHOLE Ns. 108. BATHER fc CHURCH, Danker. AVsisilla WrHa. - business (latis. business Cariis. Rouses anir anis. cforcip (Caris. cobntb clat and battert rrxxxTs, mi may be sharp as the pointed steel. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AT SIGHT long; may the auS-re- r lay. DRAW to suit, sa fellows 1 .' P. EVE41ETT, HAWAIIAN FLOUR COMPANY, TO LET, 3flr. JOII.-- AsLEX.ITIATIIaEWS, ! OS VSTSBLB AT in rrfef, ere the smart shall heal. - , 100-- tf ; A. P. EVERETT, Treasurer and Agent. ..vT3IFORTAIT New York, . American Bsehangc Bank the lerer pas sway ; COMMISSION MERCIIANT, MA THREE-ROOME- D COTTAGE, SIT- - COJklMISSION MERCIIANT, ICH AND SOCIETY ISLANDS Boston, Shoe and Leather Dealers Back 1 Corner of Queen and Nuuauu ;)! oated on Richard street, near Merchant street. For par SANDW Drexel A Co i time he may rise in streets, lijuolulu, II. I. doing business In any part of the Pacific Philadelphia, j 7003 Rle, eaaL ticulars, Inquire on the premises, of 6 Q.aerM's Plstcc. Sydney. . JsbBStna. Bros. C AGENT FOR TUE 104-6- Baltimore. m the reatb-s- nf pain, Reference to W. L. Gbekx, Honolulu, S. m Ocean, will always find Well-Selecl- eal rwh REFERENCES. . ABRM. BOLSTER. I. a Large aad Cincinnati, ...- . - A. Wheslsr, Bssj J. lipht New York Board mf Underwriters.' Also For sale, one Carriage Horse. ' 0 irala with a spirit and free, -- " Stock of St. Louis, - - Haskell it Co., Eschange Bank Messrs. Pan rso h Tapras, Boston. The undersigned takes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters, 107-- tf A. BOLSTER. bright r!:v1 worhl K. -- Pittsburg, - - - B. D. Jones, Cashier riurh the afraJn. - 1. Bkk.hah tt Co . that he has been duly appointed as Agent for the EASTIt A & CO., French, British and American ltrrLKB, & ' LouUville, - . - A. D. Uant A Co " Kmth IllLL, New York Board of L'cderwriters. TO COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, W. Connor A Co ih ! there are wounds of far keener smart, 1, 1S57. 63-- tf 13-l-y LET. DRY Charleston, H. Honolulu, July ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT. FANCY U00DS and st tn thoe of the lance ami sword. THE STORE NOW OCCUPIED BY Japan. NewOrltans, . . Bsntast, thaw Co the undersigned, on the Wharf. Immediate possession Ilakodadi, SMALL WARES, at ALSO of of Fresh Provisions ; also, Ship's OS-Lon- k the Inmost depth the centle heart, :bakd coaor. r. s. wiloox. racn. l. AGENT FOR THE JpjLC, given. Apply to Kinds furnished ZXCHAN0B don,' uru. and Ship Chandlery, BO.voLCLC pricks. j.ierced by a wounding worl. ! 107-- tf 'a JOHN THOMAS WATERHOCSE. ALL at Hughes fc Wallace's, R. COADY& CO., Liverpool Underwriter's Association. Whalemen's Drafts taken, Ac. 71-- ly suferer seeks not the shaded room. 1 The undersigned begs leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners, NOS. AND IOT SACRAMENTO Shipping aDd Cutninission Merchants, Honolulu, S. I. " ; , 105 STREET, - world estranjted. ami Ship roasters, that he has received the appointment ol ." TO LET. .; seem from the j . REFERENCES, V Saa Francisco, CaL, Sett avd Issras TatAsras, under open policies, la the follow- e the world with glance ploora, AGENT at these Islands for the LIVERPOOL UNDER STIIE CELLAR UNDER THE HONO. WM. II. KKIilsY, walks thro a f OaiMXKLL, & Co., - New York. 'i'X ' ing named offices in New York i Atlantic Mataal Insoraae Co.; f Messrs. Mixtcbh WRITER'S ASSOCIATION. lulu House one of the most convenient in town oana. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Consisting in part of ' Pa- I ami 1-- GENERAL Sun Mutual Insurance Co.; Union sfotaal Insoraace Co.; h a spirit sal chanred. i W IV .Trt & Co., - - " July tf ROBERT C. JANION. f ble of storing about 400 tons. Inquire of ' ' tl'l White goods, embroideries, , ribbons ; cific Mutual Insurance Co. PrmciAas CsannCATES or Dsroa--rr s Fabuo & Co., - San Francisco. 106-- tf ' ift are the pa-re- of an outward wound, Wmu, H. M. WHITNEY. TAHITI, and transact a general Banking Bast. I Auir & Co., - Valparaiso. Will supply ships with provisions, Ac, snd advance money on Millinery goods, hosiery, gloves, hdkfs amb otskb sxcxAJiaB, ty'd by asaidooos care, Co- -, ' 43-l-y Bess. r. BJiinKs, a . a. T. Isais fc - Melbourne. sACENT FOR LLOYD'S favorable terms for bills on the L'uited States. Suspenders, cravats, shirts, collars, fancy cutlery ; - FOR SALE OR TO 102-o- m B. W. CHUBC a itVnt lifts to the murmurerl sound ' Baiusg Bkothuu & Co., - - London. The undersigned begs to notify to Merchants, Ship owners and LET, perfumer-- , v- Scissors, combe, brushes, toilet articles; ? tiv l.jreil one's f.vent prayer ; Exchange Europe. Shipmasters, that he has received the appointment ot - SEVERAL ELIGIBLE BUILDINGS ; for sale on the United States and houseW-- s, on diuV-ren- t parts of Mauna Kea Yankee notions, haberdashery, etc., etc. - Jyl-- AGENT at these Islands for LLOYD'S LONDON. fjVtand situited W.DUTLER, of eyes. July f T-r- round-bac- ' Jhe wrt the rai- anxious volute, 1,156. 1-- JliaJLureet, Honolulu. very moderate. informa- k July tf ROBERT C. JANION. For CUSTOM HOUSE COMMISSION AGENT Imitation shell combs ; ? I he thanks the that aends tion, etc., apply to flOS--tf W. MARSH. i le. poer J. MAN00NUI, NEW ZEALAND. Black feathers, beads, etc., etc. 5 4 need the soithiDZ sympathiea, DANIELC. WATERMAN, HAMRITRGH-IIREHE- - I N XJT Shippirur supplied o- the most reasonable terms. Lat friends. i COMMISSION MERCHANT, . his tender ami watchful Coilee Tor ! 35 eS.,long4l73-a8,E- 41-l-y outfitting of vessels from this port, to the plantation Sale Lj An inspection of our stock is solicited. .1' le who is stahhM by a wounding word. Sarintends the FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 1U , hipment of oil ami bone, and negotiates whalemen's bbbnnsAieu v. O. MKRRILL. IC7" to ear his hurt rereals, UNDERSIGNED, Agents of the above c afcacBs. J. Our importations are direct from Brit--a '.raits, &c are to TITCOMB COFFEE PLANTATION, ; shame REFERENCES. THE prepared insure risks against fire in and and Europe. he beirs it by deterr'd. about Honolulu. AT IIANALEI, KAUAI, IWcRUER & IVIERRIL.L., in j te'line; pain he feels ; Messrs. Mobga, Hathawat, & Co., San Francisco. MERCHANTS, DESIGNER AND ENGRAVES ON WOOD. the For particulars apply at the office. AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION OCT firm 1 Maco.idiat & Co., - Is offered for sale. The Laml of the Plantation onmpri!-- s up- One of the always in the market. Jf-- seems Wight, , MELCHERS CO. . ' fiir ropect it to D. R Grkcs Ac Co., - New Bedford. d orb's warehouse, Bono 1S57. 68-- tf wards of 1050 Acres, and has Uou it 50,000 Coffee RESPECTFULLT INFORMS 1 44 aiu, Oct. 11, executed with promptness I' the T'.lce of hope to quell. Jamis B. Cosnoos, Esq Tree. The land is well adapted to the cu'tivatlon of sugar Nos. 47 and 49 California street, ETAll orders TC.BOTD that he designs and engraves erery It n mes on bis spirit by day and night f AY. O. E. Pora. Esq., cane. 1'he estate Is unencumbered, and will be sold by Fee and dispatch. . tion of Advertising Cuts, Views of Buildings, Quids, Wsns. Inquire SAN FRANCISCO. ' 't"ie a cckins maddenintr knell. Fire Insurance Notice. Simple Title. For full particulars and terms of sale, of Patent Articles, Portraits, Laliels, MssonicOod Fellow and 1 11. W. FIELD, 103-- tf . B. W. FIELD. SSFER TO : - OCT PRODUCTS OF THE ISLANDS Temperance Seals. Notary Public and County Seals, (brass or ASSURANCE Capt. D. C. Waterman, wood.) Bill Hesd Vignettes, Newspaper Heads, Sertoos or Comic Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich Islands. TJME NORTHERN CO. Capt. James Makee, Honolulu; omission Merchant, It Co., 14-6- m RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Book Illustrations, etc. Stamps of every kind engraved on cop- ' UNDERSIGNED bees to notify to those Honolulu Messrs. Oilman Lahaina. I VAf lETr. By iiermlBBion, reiers to DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. corner of Sansome, l he THE have insured in this office wooden oulldings or per, brass or wood. ISA Clat stbsbT, ' . .4 --- THE u ' contents within precincts Honolulu, con.se-sequen- ce DAIRY FARM AT KAWAIHAE-t- Sa Fbascisco. 1 C4Twmi;BT, I'resiilent of Manufacturers' Insurance their the of that in I S. 0R1FFITTS M0RC45. c. a. HATHA war. a. r. stoss. ' i a truth will g?t uppermost at last. C. lii'-'- KA. Hawaii, ven mil s from the pat of Kawa hae, Hughes & B All orders from Islands, seat through B. II. 1 Ciniany, Boston. of the continued erecti in of large and h s ooden Wallace N. the 600 acres 01 enclosed i' ulre be promptly 102--ly now-a-day- n, - Boston. buildings close together in narrow streets, no more on tim- Jvrith F. H TIIA 1 V & HITN EY, Esq., Honolulu, will ssecattd. why men so much is. tessrs. II. A. Pifc, risks of JAME A LaW. ;i H - I0;twiV. I Ca, IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION f ran tfp llics tt Co - " ber constructions in the town m ill be taken, and those already sr iln'.i. MERCHANTS, " Are bent on pleisare, ana can only be Thavkk, 103-t-f Or I.. B LINCOLN, on the premises. , San Cal ' tv I Kiwamo Mott Kobixsos, - New Betlfonl. taken will not he renewed on the expiration of their terms. Commission snd Forwarding Merchants, Francisco, 105 and 107 Sacramento ttreet, San Franetteo, Cmt, ! 1 by circumstances. W. a: Sons, - Nantucket. ROBERT C. JANION, . References, T. 8. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. A A. R-- Nye, DONAHUE'S J Johs Uakkktt . Orinnell Mlnturn A - I PsRK.irs Smith, - New London. 02-t- f Ageut for the Northern Assurance Co. FOR SALE OR TO LET, A Swift A Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. itction is never thrown sway. nd perhaps 1 Per- UNION IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, - Houolulu . . Co., New York, John W. Forbes Esq., Boston, Messrs. . N. B. Sole Agents n - B. F. - "SHADT PREMISES, for re-io- BOWER" tie we finl few of them. v mTHE kins A Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon- - COMPA- In Nuuann Valley, lately "ccupi d by Mr. A. K. Clnrk, 3f , HE NORTHERN ASSURANCE - olulu. July 1, 1856-t- f. & Clark & Co's celebrated Spool ; CORNER FIRST AND MISSION STRUTS, ' ntppe-- in the waist is like a rose nipped in ny, (established J,S3d.) For Fire and Life Assurance at adjoining the residence of Mr. M. Bockwith. Fir terms J. J. " t T home and abroad. apply to P. J. GrLICK, ' It 13 the shortest livel, and ftlU off the C. A. i II. P. POOR. - Marshall & Co's (Leeds) Thread ; 8st Frstaciacs, CaL Capital 1,259,760. Sterling. 103-- 4t Or O. II. GCLICK. ROPE WALK AND OAKUI IDRT"R3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, The undersigned been appointed A for Sandwich FIRST ESTABLISHED IN THE STATB. 1. has rent the Societe Hygineque Perfumery. le ponied of n eminent naturalist that he once HONOLCLU, OAHC, SANDWICH ISLANDS. Islands. ROBERT CHESHIRE JANION. TO LET. FACTORY. ai miles before he could catch 7-- tf. at Honolulu. STEAM ENGINES, ihutterflv nine REFER TO LARGE AND COMMODIOUS St. MANUFACTURE Boilers. Quarts Stampers, ch-v- Orobgk V. T Philalelphia. situated in the Valley of Nuuanu, about two OF EVERtf HUGHES WALLACE, for bu'ferflies still continues, and Pbabodv, & CIORDAGE as- Amalgamators, etc--, etc., , vnl. E. IIOFFSCH LAEGER STAPENIIORST, STHE lately occupied by Hon. David L. to order. Constat jand, a large file expand all their lives in their pursuit, KLisnA ! i New Blf town, the 105 AND IOT SACRAMENTO STREET, Meat. Rkad, I'HiDVKt , Boxton. Amenta far the Gregg. The above property is heauthilly situated on rising sortment of MASILA AyV hvPE, (all sizes), Bale t 66-- ly BAN FRANCISCO, Have now Reducedlargest and best assortmentEriooiof gear aad machinery a, in hi exIlent history of plants notices Kahkt tc Co - New York. BOARDS ground, surrounded by fruit and shade trees, and In every way A CALIFOKXIA. tbe Waldo. PARIS AND BORDEAUX OF UNDER Rope, Tow Line, Oakum, Ac, for sale by TCBBS CO., State, a list of which will be forwarded to any e hemp 1 tconic-tll- : By this cord-- Asf siirriiT, Clark Co., - San Francisco. furnished with conveniences for a family. patterns in tbe rX of thus " I WRITERS.. 80-l-y Front Street. San Francisco. DONAHUE. & U.XDK!4BKRiER, San ALSO 139. one desiring it, free of cost. PITER are le-1- , bells are and rozues ' KaD.KS Francico. zui runz are. w O In rear nf the above, a very pleasant COTTAGE, with Taro f e." AVIS aF"7UBLIC. Land in a high state of cultivation, and several acres of pastur- Sc CO., ASIICROFTS PATENT STEAM GUACES. t out-bui- ld A. S. ny-tn- age every For pnrticul:ir ap- EDWARU per who nerer interfered with her bus-- i) C. SPALDING, Lea SoussiirnfiS, eti nommss Aj?ents pour les inrs and convenience. A full assortment of these superior Steam Guafes received 'Hmn J. ply to .(101-- tf JOHN 11. BROWN. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN u Sonora," for sale the Union Iron Works. lOO-i- im 1 Honolulu, Oahu, S. tie snd at s JTiirs, arrite-- in town the other day. . She is Comtuioo MrrcliaiiL. anI Importer, I. Assureurs maritimes Paris et de Bordeaux, Con-mim-- nU-- Exchange oo 8. Europe. - Capi-tain- L ' ' Bills of tle I. anl previetinent le public en general- et les es Liquors, pro-t-ee Wines and t fmtn ahrl pmcnitly attended to. Island francais, qui visirent TO LET. LAWRENCE & HOUSEWORTH, 1-- de navires marchancU CORMER OF fTASHIIfGTOX, ,, r jfivin an account of Toulouae, in France, of all kind taken in exchange for goods. Jy tf WELL-FINISHE-D 106 FROXT STREET, iI les ports de ce myaume, en que dans TWO NEW. NEAT. SAN 0 i It is a Inrze town, containing 60,0X) inhab-- particulier, Cottages, with outbuiklines complete, near the Methdist Saa Francisco, Cal. CLAV STREET. tous les cas d'avuries, qui auraient lieu dans ces Episcopal Church. Apply to OPTICIANS. and Retail Dealers tn and Importers of 1 It entirely of brick." W. A. ALDRICII, W. JONES. FORMERLY OF Mathematical Philosophical Instruments, fur fta 100-- tf T. WATERHOrSE. CITRUS is engaged with the above firm, and respect- Optical, and bars Imp-- r lt-a- in Grneral Merchanlise ; Commission parages, ils devront, fiire constater et Terifier J. Spectacles Bye Glasses on the Siilit try of onr youth is prrxlijrious, and orders from old friends, and will be happy to attend sak the largest assortment of and 0t arlr t fit the Sale of Surar. M 4ss rs anl Coffee, ami other les fiits devant eux pour Ujtaliser leurs recla fully solicits Pacific Coast. Also, Opera Glasses, Telescopes, Drawing Instru- the fic? thit there are Con TO to the purchase of all descriptions of merchandise, at the usual Magnetic t"frfm IhhI Prliice. Aurnt f r the Unrs Plavtatkis. rnations contre lea d'ts assureurs. LET, 6H-- it ments, Spectacle Cases. TnernvMneters, Hydrometers, Tor Ppkluce soliciteil. Onlers rates of commission. Magic Lanterns, 1 (iin lrel ippl cations a guigle lieutenancy iments of all kin.lt of IiUnd 61-- tf ED. UiFFSCHLAEUER STAPENIIORST. COTTAGE AND PREMISES machines, Galvanic Batteries, etc now v:tc-nt- . MTchanlise attemlol to. 86Hf THE A, recently occupied by White. The building Messrs. psy particular attention to the Spectacle 1 t'nr, Ir. UAH. Is 22 by 30 feet, wish verandahs in front and and pantry, TURNER, SELVES & CO., branch of the business, having years of erpertenos, and a perfect a Sox. " Lewis, what did you do with fitting proper Ho gcst.' xtLriitM. ' ocaT aKissas. HONOLULU MEDICAL II ALL. servants' house, cook house, hath h'iue, and other outhuildintn. WIIOLfSALE DEALERS IX knowledge of the art cf adjusting and the classes J irw aVid an anxious papa. "I Corner of Merchant and Kaahumanu streets. On the premises are several vrrv snp"iir crape vines In full to the eye, and assisting aad restoring the sight. rwrs? T. i R HOI Honolulu, wttnng a pair of Spectacles, by tending , p 1 r hem orf." " Forwh it ?" " A slung-sho- t, .MELCIIERS & CO., DOCTOR McKIBBIN, Surgeon, &c, benrimr. Apply to J. WAT SE. WINES "AND LIQUORS, Persons at a distance s u, 100-- or stating ags and Comnvinn Men-liant- and Ship Chandlers,-H-wiolul- Oahu, tf Or to II. DICKINSON. Lahalna. Mrr-cha-nt a glass from the old pair in a letter, their las tOames. and the Pirate's Own Rok." Is resularly supplieil with Medicines, Perfumery, tc, of the' No. 93 Front street, between Clay and distance from eves they can read small print, may procure 66-- the A. Stone store corner of Kaahmnann ami Merchant sts. MedK-ine- s I ly s best quality. Family an Prescriptions care- San . they were man having devoted himself to the special ou faviratile terms for Whafc-r- nills on the ROOMS TO LET. streets. Frauciscs. from us a p ir to suit them, at the same price as tf jr ni Hy alvanced 102-6- m lSad-t- fully prepareil. Medicine Chests examined and refitted on here In person to select them. . f. fcment cf a cominy of pretty jrirls for a Vi. and Eurnpe. July 1, f reawmable terms. OVER DR. JUDD'S OFFICE. TWO , lem-tnde-- rooms, present occupied AMERICAN MILLS BAKER'S EXTRA enin-- payment in kisses, when Attendance at the office from 8 A. if.- till fir. on week convenient and the llouoe at 100-t- f 1 P. DD. FLOUR, i them intantlv repliel, Certainly, sir, j S. N. EIEIISON, days, and from 8 to 11 a. it. on Sunday. At other times byE.Kupka. Terms moderate. 0. JL San Francisco, No. 107 Clay street, San Francisco, STENCIL PLATES. his 69-- tf AMERICAN MILLS, fyour hill." Waiala Oahu. Dealer in General Merchanlie, Country Pro at residence, I niou street. EXTRA SUPERFUVE FFER FOR SAIE A FULL AXD COM- - dis such as Coru, Beaus. Bananas, Butter, E!gs, kc. FOR SALE OR TO LET, FLO UK, SAN FRANCISCO, plete assortment of desirable BOXES, BAGS, Ate , CUT If your 63--tf o MARKING heart," said a considerate father to . CWR FLORENS STAPENIIORST, THE FORETOP "REMISES ON KING E. T. PEASE & CO. E. T. PEASE tc CO. ,, AND MEDICINES. aT to Order, at the lowest rates, by BUBKB A CO., 1 49 r for you are poinj among some fiscinating Agent tor the Bremen board f ITmJerwriters. All avecafre claims slreet. Terms liberal. Apply to DRUGS Jacksos stbket, Saa FaAJtctsco. Also Names eat In Cop- arainst the said I'nderwritcrs, occurring in or aliout tliis 100--tf C. W. VINCENT, Fort street, Honolulu. R. A CO. respectfully solicit orders from the country, sad per, frr marking clothes, boolrs, etc., with Indaltbto ink. II. F. SNOW, E. & CO., will guarantee satisfaction every to those who favor tf T. PEASE in particular al- r On Kingdom, will have to be certified before hira. July N. B. Orders left with the poUisber of this paper, will much nther steal theirs," said promis- Impnruand Dealt-- in Merchandise, Honolulu, ho, 0O-6- m ' i the Oenerl CORNER OF FRONT AND CLAY STREETS, them with their custom. ways be promptly executed. 10"i--tf 1 COTTAGE TO LET. 7 or man II. San Francisco, ?al. 'nfl-wi- f ! & RENT LOW. I'm nfliial !" screamed a younj lady KRIJLI. MOLL, Apply to & Agents of Lubeck Underwriters, OF THE ABOVE A1IERICAIY EXCIIAIVCcE. Cznpliay's t ful lunz and fingers to match, as she exer-- ill. HACKFELD U. the Hamburg and Honolulu, 100-5- t W. R. SEAL. MANUFACTURERS their Bakers' Extra, for Dr. Ii. J. at the piano. OrneralT.mmistiou Agents, and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu, Oahu, U. I. July 1, lSao-t- f Bakers' use, and tlieir Extra Supbrfiss. for Family Use, equal (formerly Wilson's exchange,) GRAND MEDICAL AND SURGICAL Uah.S.1. July 1, l5-t- f to any Flour manufactured in the State. N. B. We invite the tald think you were." growled an old baohe-Jp- ni FOR SALE OR TO LET. UTAI & A1IEE, DWELLING-HOUS- IS UP TO THE GRADE, INSTITUTE, from the squ ill you raise." THE E AND.PRE- - Rakers, CJrocers and Dealers SstctrstBMesKs) cry. ROTIERT V,. JANION, Agents for the Papakoa and Pueo Sugar Plantations, at Hilo misses occupied by the suliscribcr. on the corner of Sandwich elsewhere, to give our American Sansome opposite atv, klsw MeeitsTi it ( is such a maze of dirty, narrow Dealers fee Of the Islands, and st., American Theatre - streets that Importers and Wholesale and Retail in China Merchant and Alakea streets. Title, simple. in Opposite 8team8b.jp Companj'a Office. 1 a . . . . Merchant Commission Agent, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Jy I t ' Mills Flour a fair trial, we guaranteeing perfect satisfaction Pacific Mail i l i Goods, SAN FRANCISCO. i.anis are oone-- to carry m ips aDout with have on hand, and offer for sale, at their establish ET Possession given immediately. all cases, at the lowest manufacturing prices. 87-- SAN CAL. I ments on King street, Honolulu, ami at Liihaina, 3aui, tf G. M. ROBERTSON. V FRANCISCO, i ,1 the Chinese glides & CO. MR. DAILY SARGENT, of the eastern ! E. T. PEASE i part of Sugar, MoLisscs, Syrup, Tea, Coffee, and a large and aO AS g, Established in 18&4, for the permanent core of private and ft Inow notbins of the western part- - IIOM SPENCER, XT Extra Self-risix- Haxall, Oalleoo, and other brands Proprietor of the American Exchange, (late Wil varied assortment of general merchandise FOR OR TO LET. Exchange.) to inform the Travel- - chronic diseases, and tbe suppression of quackery. Ship Chanillel Dealer in General Merchandise, and Commission 59-l- y SALE of Flour, constantly on hand and for sale by son's bees leave s Honolulu, August 12, loo". L. M. D., if friend, your horse is a little contrary, is Merchaiiillooolulu, Oahu, S. I., ke-p- constant! on hand T. PEASE A CO. ing community, that he has undertaken the personal charge of Attending and Resident Physician, i. Cfapkat, lata TWO NEAT COTTAGES on Merchant street, 6ft ly E. Revolutionary War, Chief Physician to the i an exumW assortment of every description re- th-- that house, lie has made extensive alterations and improve- in the Hungarian K convenient for small families, and handy to business Military . iir-ee- j throughout, making 30th Regiment of Honveds, Chief Surgeon to the !" quired hy thfleships and others. II. WOOD, part of the town. For sale cheap, or to rent low. Title ments, and has renovated the house it the fumli.-- J. i Hospital of Pesth, Uangsry, and late lecturer on diseases of Shipping with all kimls of groceries, pr. .xis, ' -- HENRY SMITH, BARRY & PATTEN, first iiotel on the Pacific coast. There has been sdded to the 1 makes him stop, then 4c, Manufacturer, Importer ami Dealer in Boots and Shoes of every ee :m pie. .Apply to 7 women children. CommunicsUooa strictly confidential. t ?" very 98-- House very fine and I at the shot notMre. at the lowest market prices. j tf Blacksmith. a description. Shoe Findings, Pump, Sole, Ripping, Harness, WUOLF.SALB AND DEALERS IN or otherwise, free. Address L. Czap Jie s fraid somebwly'Il say whoa, and Money bills at Uie lowest rates. j IMPORTERS, RETAIL Consultations by letter J f he XT ailknced for whalers' and Patent Leathers. Calf. Goat, Hog, ami Buck Skins ROOM AND 70-3- - ' SITTING DINING HALL, M. San Francisco, California. ai I jar it." - Gloves, Foils, and Masks, Black j cat, Trunks, Valises, Sarri'.g FOR SALE OR LEASE. WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, c, Newly furnished. In point of comfort and all the conveniences Ji George, you must divide the cake honorable inz. Brushes, Aic. &c. Brick Stme store, ronier of ; keeping rendered tf ! THE PREMISES BELONGING TO C. T. 66-- ly which modern hotel have rasentlaL the ny V bn-the- Charles. D. N. FLITNER," Fort and Merchant sts., Honolulu, II. I. July Averberg, Esq., corner of Kiag and Maunakea streets. 1 1G Montgomery at., San Fr mciaco. new in Makee's new fire Immediate possession can lie given if required. For EXCHANGE, . SPAIiDIIVG '1 is honorable,' mother?" Continues his I1 business at the store ! AMERICAN J. CIIAS. C.IJILLOir, 95-t-fj fcTAt'E-Mtuiw- 7A proof l.i ling, at the stand recently occupied hy Dr. F. terms upply to fuJIIE.nh will Compare favorably with any of tbe Atlantic Hotels The FOR SALE LOW, TO CLOSE that you must give him the largest lloffinam 4 Queen and" streets Late Surgeon United States Nary, Consular Physician to sick BR ApS IIAW fc CO., OFFERS following MaULC HAN DISS, vis: jeans cirwr Kaahumau ' best talent has been employed in the various departments, snd tbe Chronometers nttol ly otservatits of the sun and stars American seamen. Office next door to J. C. Simlding TO LET. Wholesale and grocers. the proprietor will set the best tabls the market affords. Pal-c- es Csses Spirits Turpentine, In tins; 5 I. mother, I'd rather that Charley should with a itnsit instrument accurately adjustel to the Kaahumanu street; Residence at Dr. Wood's Mansion, retail to 8crr the times. Cases English boiled oil atU-utio- n A COTTAGE CONTAINING THREE --t meriilt:in II uiolulu. Particular given to fine II el sreet. Respectfully offers his professional ser rooms, wide verandah in front, a large yard and onti LARGEST AS WELL AS THE BEST The American Exchange Coach is always1 in readiness to con- Kegs of pure No. 1 extra white lead) id-na- , reiliriuir. Svxtant quadrant glasses silvered vices to resilient families, to shipping, to strangers watch and the and r houses, situated on northwest side of the lane run- THE stock on the Pacific Coast. Family, Ship and vey passengers to and tftun the House to the Landings, or to any Zinc paint, ground in oil t I hope you will die firsr." Why so, I. Surgical English, j, the " and adjusti Charts ami nautical instruments constantly generally. Medical and advice in French ning from King to Queen streets, oppwite the Palace gate. Cabin Stores, put up with dispatch. part of the city, for $1 Baggage free. Mis P. B. Smith has Cases of tins of black palati beas of do. 1 44-- tf from I I?" "'Ciuse can stand trouble better , 011 haa.l an fir sale, Spanish, and Italian. Oilice hours 11 A. Ji. to 2 r. iS-- Orders to promptly, when accompanied with cash. charge of the Coach. 64--ly whisky p. Rent low. Apply to tl J GEO. CLARK, Hotel st. attended Barrels of t I jcTn." x., and from 4 to 5 M. . XT Corner of Sansome and California Mtreets. San Fran- Cases of assorted crackers. In Una; ' V. W. SEVEBASCC. At other hours enquire at his residence. Jy 1-- tf 66-l-y. fly is a chap who would be a lady if he KtrBARp. B. FOR SALE. cisco. California. Barrels of eider vinegar ( i RICHARDS At CO., ?; TEH ATI A nOUSE, Barrels of butter, in kegst it, as he can't, does all be can to show the C.L. - THE HOUSE AND LOT SITUATED ON AND SANSOME . . Cases of Dixon's tobaess) Ship Importers and Commission Merchants, Oahu, DR. FORD'S akSt occupied by undersigned. ! Goods ! CORNER OF.CALIFORNIA STS., rope t he is not a man. Ct.ndlen Office opposite Waikiki Plains, at present the Fancy Coeds Fancy Coils whale Une, hemp Man us Sandwich Q iixls. 7 tf and Drug Store, Kaahumanu Street, Makee's Terms liberal. Apply at this Olfice, or to Isngtbsiist k objection block. Ship's Medicine chests refitted, and prescriptions San Oars, assorted orv rne to people who ".mean otf-- tf JOHN LORD. Francisco, Cal. Steering oars, length. I carefully prepared. is that is they never can spare time to carry IIITSO.N 'Jk HART, A. F.'BROWiV, Csses preserved meats in Inainst 37 Hot, cold, vapor, shower and medicated Baths, at all hours TO LET, STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, tins; meaning. - Successors .to Mi Henrv Robinson. Wholesale Wine and Spirit 7-- 9GJ BATTERY Cases preserved oysters in tins; CssssprM iatinsi Merchants, onolulu. H. I., under the Auction Room of A. THE DESIRABLE PREMISES ON Barrels Carolina rice Barrels vinegar aked a Teteran which rifle carried Intel Williams & Jones. For OF EVERY DESCRIPTION f the P. Everett, uctiuneer, nearly opposite the Custom House. Kinir street. v orcniii d bv IMPORTER Pistols, Percussion Caps, Pocket and Table V.crces hams; Cases alcohol la tiD( E. HOFFMANN, a distance The old chap answered, 32-- .particulars applv at the office of C. C. HARRIS, vTwW " The tf Cutlery, Plated Ware. Brushes, Combs, Fans, Soaps, and a gen- Csses of Women's Shoes, native litt-.- " Physician and Surgeon, office in the new drug store, adjoining l- -tf to GEO. WILLIAMS. entire Or, on the premises, of Reiers to 11. M. Whit-ne- t, ' the store of 11. Hackfeld & Co., Queen-stree- t. Jy tf eral assortment FANCY GOODS. Anchors and chains 1. i lorsTACHE. A lady writer in Graham's . VO BOLT. i Tff. C HBUCK Honolulu, Sandwich Islands.'. 104-3- m Rigging and pomp leather; " e Vcn TO LET! Kegs white beans ; cheese in tteei for May has the following in regard to the HOLT&IIEUCK, W. AUSTIN, R, One Half of the Lower Floor, and 1-- ONE CELLA Cooking stoves and casaboosest General Commissiio Honolulu, Oahu, S. Jy tf J. C. Mercliants. I. ATTORN ET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. ; the Upper Loft in the Stons Warehouse on the premises SAUL. WOODRUFF, Cases wood cans seat chattel 4-- AND sal 65-fl- of V. Greuier, on Nuuanu Street. ANDLER. STOREKEEPER Tins 'i eTer know a woman who knew anything Office in Honolulu House, over the Post Office. m com- WELL-KNOW- N cf puttyj " ' SIIIPCH AGENT Goods bought and sold on AND POPULAR - 'who would give two pence" kiss RREWER, ALSO THIS offers superior inducements to the Traveling Csses cf hair, paint and shoe brashes " for a from CtlARLES mission. Ship and Family Stores put up at the shortest notice. Whitewash I Smei-i- y Commissicm MeAhant, Jas. Makee and Two Stores, with Moras above, on Nuuanu Street, opposite Public, and to those wishing a quiet home. It is situated in brushes; lip? talks about egg without, Boston. C. S. Refer to B. PITMAN, Corner of Qcebs'ji Road and Pottisgeb street, Hongkong. Bbls asd pone neons pare Jsaisloa rmMj W tuoo-t- with Shelves, Counters, tie. Also, a convenient proximity to business center,' is conducted U. V. noue EstirSv. uiy 1, i Merchant Street, fitted A. C. the and champagne; )ense! that dots. not begin to express it, Ship Chandler and dealer in General Merchandise, Waiakea Bay, Cellar same. Apply to XT Retrs to Thomas Spkscer, J. Cabtwbioht. J. on the European Plan, giving its patrons the choice of obtaining Baskets of under Spaloimo. Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. 164-- ly Cask cf Jeffries' Edinburgh Ale fat eteeje Jejfjs; if man or woman either is hungry, they mu, haw An. 8d--tf A. P. EVERETT. their meals at the restaurant connected with the bouse, or else- tn the condiment, bnt I declare, if I was on AI.PX. J. CARTWRKJIIT, Keeps constantly on hand an extensive assortment of every where, as their convenience may suggest. Casks of Daff Gordon Sherry 1 . Merjiant Agent, Honolulu, description of goods required by whale ships and others. The Proprietor, whr. eagaged house sines Octaves of J. at F. HsrteU's braadyi . y I of oeculatory starvation, I would die decent-tak-e Commission and General Shipping TO LET. has been in this California 1, i8o-i- Shipping furnished with fresh beef, Vegetables, and all kinds of DOCTOR'S SHOP. 1852, solicits a continuance of the patronage of his many friends, Half bbls cf herrlngsi Oauu, II. July l - no sort of sijrn, rather than the I. Groceries, and Provisions Ate at the shortest notice, at the TWO STORES RECENTLF Cases of gherkins and mixed pickles, la half gatt. Jars; take THE King and Merchant sts. JUDD. AT THE CORNER OF FORT which, as here toli ire, he will endeavor to merit by strict atten- its accompanying f very lowest market prices. erected in Fort street, between P. reminds the public that he continues tion to wants comfort. G. W. FRINK, Cases of codfish, In tins; cases of fresh lobster, ta tias; lut moustache. BBVirt KBCLL. EDCARD MOLL. wishing to lease can have them fitted to suit by G.and Merchant Streets, their and English pie ptcklssi Best facilities for storage of from 3 to 5000 barrels, being near Parties of DuKAasa of all kinds, hav- 66-o- m Proprietor. Cases of jams, fruits and IFiC. Pope. One after- - & terms, please apply to to devote himself to the treatment buffalo tobacco; champagne cider. Ldt aid the KR1JLL MOLL, the lauding, and free from thatched buildings. early application. For ing for sale great variety of DrCos and Mbdicisbs of the best Cases of chip boxes 54-- B. F. SNOW. a tPope was informed that a foreijrn lady had Importers and Conmission Merchants, Kaahumanu street Ma- - Wanted, Whalers bills on the U. 8. or Euniie, for which money tf quality. He sells also and made her way into the prne-- aee's block. July 1, isoo-- u will be advanced on reasonable terms. ' f N. B. This port offers the safest and most commodious anchor- Poiaoaa. FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED: the palace. His Holiness, with his us-ia- l TO LET. Arsenic, strichnine, eratrine, corrosive sublimate. SAM'L. CASTLB. COOKB. age of any port in the Hawaiian group. Here you can give NEW BEDFORD WHALE C. WATGCnATs Lordered the adventurous lady be S. A3. 8. v THE FOLLOWING OFFICES AND Oxalic acid, St. Ignasius beans, nux vomica, opium, coILs D. to at once seamen their liberty without danger of lining them by de in-th- e corner of Queen 1Q() CASTLE & COOKE, ROOMS, brick building, and Prussic acid, alcohol. Newport " ' FOR SALE, AND TO ARRirC-S- M L She was an American lady who had sertion. No ardent spirits allowed to be sold jy 2-- tf iJ.l generally known as the Makee A 40 colls whale line bbls prime pork, ten Importers anil Wholesale ami Retail dealers in General Mer- Kaahumanu streets, Perfumery. Whalemen's Oars, in HAS ka Authon building, : cologne, water, sets? SM bMs mess beef, a strr.nz desire to eon vert the Pope from chandise, at the old Kami, corner of the King and School viz. Musk, extract musk, lavender Whalemen's slop clothing, : I The second floor, present occupied by, Dan. C. Waterman, Windsor, honey and other soaps. , vis 100 bbls Haxall fiottr. conceived to be the error of his ways. Af--f streets, near the Urfe Stone Church. Also at the Sum OILMAN & CO., at Monkey and reefing Jackets oppo- Esq. Miacella neons. 16,000 lbs navy, medium and pilot bread, ht aaa.hM and bss conversation, with true Yankee sagacity, formerly occupied b C. U. Nidiols'in, in King street, Ship Chandlers ami Dealers in General Merchandise, & suitable for Stried shirts; " The third floor over Messrs. Al.lrich Bishop, Sago, pearl barley, oat meal, gum shellac, Water crackers and Jenny Lind cakest bwMer, in casks j t w ts no eo; she rose, before site the Seaman, ClupeL Agents Air Dr. Jaynes' Medi- L A II A 1 N A , Gray do doj Boston cotton No 4, a, but. she went 1356--tf MAUI, II. I. . storage. Writing and tparking ink, Sands sarsaparillaf - Fisetr red meats, deck. t, t, 6; cines. July 1, Striped flannel drawers , whale-beat- s, I the Ppe if she mizht look at his feet, Ships supplied with recruits. Go.nl facilities for storage. Cash The rear offlV on the first floor (lately occupied by D. N. Soda water, and other articles too numerous to mention. Smooth-botto- m ears, bee silliest : Red flannel do . do I furnished for bills of exchange. 53-l-y Flitner, Esq.) Easily found when wanted. f. Slop clothing, taunt Mankae. lis cassock he displayed both. After care-'ninn- g XT , Hickory hlrU; ' A. r. EVERETT, The olfice on the second floor, (lately occupied by J. Makee, cordage, ExceWor peteati them she said, At all i Russia caps and tarpaulin-hats- : 100 coils assorted Manila events, it 4r Esq.) X&0 coils do do cordage. New Bsdfued annanir'yt t you've got a cloven ROLLES CO., building, capable of storage for 1,600 CABINET-MAKIN- G, Woolen stockings, socks and nittsnS horf, but have the toes W-l- y Homlulu, Oahu, n. I. The cellar of the above Best yellow double 1M eoOs New Bedford towline. auotiowee: Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants and Dealers In barrels. Apply to June butter, in packages) Cardinal Pacca was present at the General Merchandise, Lahaina, Maul. Whalers furnished UNDERSIGNED HAVING Prime pork White oak plank and boards from 1 to men ; 66-- tf , CHAS. BREWER, 2d. pre- COLRURN, with recruits st the shortest notice, In exchange for goods THEthe services of an experienced Cpholsterer, is now Manila cordage TeUow pine heading, Cumberland coal in casks I J. F. Hay Mat- 6-- 4 wide or bills. 34-- tf pared to make to order Spring Beds, Hair, Pulu and Pried apples; China matting white, rrass aays that he stays out late baSMS, if at night, XT INTX3DE3: FOR SALE OR TO LET. tresses, Spring Lounges, Ac. Old Sofas, Lounges, Ottomans snd . Carolina ricei ; Tobacco Oroooko leaf, SOtb 4Bt fdojrs. Buf Vs to avoid O TX O formerly . scolding or curtain lecture from 63-l-y Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, Oahu. TILE DWELLING PREMISES Chairs repaired awl on reasonable terms. Furniture Best English boiled linseed oU m falo chips and Terstea fwnmsg sobejoco, Mas' e feneromly waits JOHN THOMAS WATERIIOUSE, heli.ni?uig to Robert G. Davis, situated between Dr. of all kinds made to order. . Best do white lead; Ua cheroots, No; Maaila cigars. Me. 2." out to the " wee sma v" ' " r.t the twal," when GEORGE CLARK, Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise, Wood's and Charles Bishop's residences. Koa. black walnut, pine and lead CoffinOconstantly on band Best do black paint; , Family eooking stoves, Caffbrnia and Island eaUt the anger of his better FOX, Cabinet-make- r, - ' Dealer in Dry and Fancy Hotel street between Nuuann Houolulu. and Lahaina, Maui. 44-t- f Terniay. Apply U, and made to order. CHAS W. Best do green (taint; Jeffries' strong ale. In iOgs; octaves Dsbdsi ItUartoS eegnss les into fetrs !, BATES. 76-- fr his personal safety. He Honolulu, S. 11 tf ASIIER B. tf Stewart's Old Stand, Hotel sL, near corner of Fort. Spirits Turpentine. wine, in . and Maunakea streets. I. braarfy ( saaterr.e casks; "on business," with a promise to be home S.V 84-t-f. A. J. CARTWRIGHT. ' --fj, o ; Hollsads gin. Fort aad Madeira 'r-P- IIOFFMEYER. ' occupied by Vincent 'ees "t Mrs. The Building lately wines, cherry cordials and Uqaors, eases. , nine. P. uneisy; ten. ag--; . HOWE, Commission Merchant, dealer In Ship TO LET. opposite Merchant in half-pa-t. CEORnE Chandlery, and General Ere Orenier, on Nuuanu Street, directly IflcSnATfE & HA L.STEAD, ten, n. sitively re- Merchandise, TO AND PULU DEALERS. 6-- tf enraeed. and -' Lamher Merchant, yanl omer of Queen and Nuuanu street on Lahaina, Maui, II. I. Ships furnished with Street. The lower part is fitted with counter, shelves, AND CONTRACTORS, riras Oil WkalB Oil. herself an tf al Jressfor Peppergrass. especial the Punchard premises. July recruits. Whalers Bills wanted ou the L". S. and Enmj. Ac. : upper part fine sleeping rooms, and fine cellar under same. CARPENTERS RECEIVE D Per Kamehameha fille-- l Storage. 1856-t- such as are used in Australia, and a. with cutting reproaches; eleven, July 1, f ALSO BEG LEAVE TO JUST Packs, ' I One-ha- Stone Warehouse adapted for packing wool, pain,' say BOOKBINDING TO lf of the Loft in large RESPECTFULLY snd the publio generally, that they j article that requires seisinesa. by an indefinite fear C. II. LEWERS, ' LET pressing. on Marine Street and one-ha-lf of the Cellar under same. have taken the well known stand opposite the Lumber Yard of ...... IN A STTLES n,e'Sio must half-pa- tf J. WORTH, ONE VARIETY Or hae happened;" st Lumber a:id building materials. Fort Sc' Honolulu. Jy (31-t- O A. P. EVERETT. Esq- they are prepared to ASLO . . substantially, oa Law Books, Dealer in General Merchandise, Apply to C. II. Lewrrs, - on Fort street, where neatly and and fair Issi. apprehenion; tears Hilo, Hawaii. Ships supplied - of building Newspapers, Ac bound to Pcttsbnos, Scrap tike the place of - execut- all orders in the various branches entrusted FENCING. I , order. with recruits at the shortest notice, ou reasonable terms A WIRE 1 to twelve o'clock, W. N. LADD, SOLD OR LET. LARGE AND to their care, and by strict attention to their business they h ips For particulars office , Herbarinms, Drawing Books, and Naa Bossa, atade unendurable Bills of exchange wanted. July 1, 1856-t- f. TO BE liberally be- apply at the of Navigsssan Log 1- -f in Nuuanu Valley, about a mile to merit s share of the patronage heretofore so 66-- order, offlcer of ship can hare their aad f'ltnces; knew the worst; one o'clock, Importer ami dealer in Hardware, Fmt st. Honolulu. Jy commodious residence tf ROBERT C. JAHTOIf. is and a half from town. Terms moderate. Apply to stowed. Books, and Charts, bound and rrpaissd,s the Missile Oflke, up, has the "conniption," 1-- reboand and is HONOLULU SOAP Honolulu. July 1. tf W. L, GREEN. N B Jobbing done on the most reasonable terms. Plans, Kawsiahao. Old Books at short now. rig off the hnn He when Peppergrass - E. O. HALL. WORKS, to order. ' CHAINS, CORDAGE, Orders may also be left ai Book arrires- Specifications, etc., drawn . II. M. WltlTNBTS - Importer and Dealer In Hardware, Dry Goods, Paints, Oils, and 4-- 4NCDORS, sVATaftfaX info his arms, overjoyed to see him, sr Honolulu, April la, 1868. li to 4 inch. Store, Hooolutu. BCBSELL' as general Merchandise, corner of Fort ami King streets. VALUARLE PREMISES. SO " E ji tarred Rope, 24 to 7 do., ' JalTLlSA.tV I Irself some accident mast hare happen- W. J. RAWLINS & CO., SALE OR LEASE for a term of years, Anchors, weighing from 1700 to 2000 Ihs -a - .AS. FOR undersigned. nORSE-SnOElIV- Cr ! CHARLES W. VINCENT, THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, '''' the Store Premise now occupied by the Chain Cables, II inch, 70 Dvthoms each, V. " ARE are prepared, with their present improvements, to tliiL 65-- tf B. SNOW. " . " ' CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. The undersigned would ln-- .'V , stao FOB SALS. ctxE the High Lattttdes. The aa-- 1 supply merchants and families with hard and soft snap ; also, wv Owing to the competition which nsa been " A seal Com r his friemls and the public that he has taken and toot oil. commenced la Honolulu, I give notice of best pattern Ships' Cabooses patent of 1U6, SnEATCINO n ITT L English wjrk, descriptive visit neats LAND FOR SALE OR LEASE. I rra "15 Cabin Stoves, for eoal or wood. YELLOW Brseaaa woeaea gosA 1, do KM of a to the fluol up the premises on Frt street, opposite C. Brewer And always ready to buy or m svn Vl'l-tr- situated hi Pa that will shoe horses in a thorough and Bit i na, IT trade for tallow, slush, and FARM. f I (l-- 0 SFALDIWO So, ladlee' Ltods. Key sees end Calf BaoTHns. relates following 's Store, as a CARPENTER would Tiic forty-sev- en For sale low by J. msauhd Jeaay as the experiences and SHOP, and solicit that all kinds of kitchen grease. 63-l-y Into Valley, enclosed and containing acres. AaUaA,f workmanlike manner, at a stsae, gro- rh patrunajce beret itVire so librraUy bestowed. All do Braoae Sontags, Fairbanks' PlaUbrss SeaVs of eflj of a Chanticleer that suffered from orders la low. 01 X the the varvwiB Terms inquire ww x cers' do. Counter do, Epaom Sales, Long Mated Phials, Ftas mania:" branches of Bull ling. Plans, Specincattoos and vn. cjiixtt, Dentist. XI. Xs o o TTBUSSIA CORDAGE. 8PUNYAUN. Contracta, attended to with pmmptness ami dispatch THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS. oduood WILLIAMi DUNCAN, Martin. Sewing Staff. Flag Books ' lines. and 1 iWrved for some Honolulu, April 28, 1857. ' 03-- 11 , svw.mtp.. days past, as we proceeded t'HARLES W. VINCENT. UNDERSIGNED Is now prepared to repair or tf Opposite the Station House, King street.. Doable single Mocks, White Chrocos Ooelaaa. B THE all kinds of and bead. Ursea, me oecarae N. DOORS. WINDOW SASH, machinery, mill gearing, wind . uisinvt snorter, that the rock and all other articles per HOUSE TO LETV-Ap- ply to Chrome TeUow, Prussian Blue, iaiuing Co house buUdiug, 83--tf lass gearing, ship forging sad smith work. ROOMS AND MtATCZt CTJCK hippel at Storaaway bai become quite constanUy on hand aud lor sale. S. JOHNSON, Carpenter, NEW COPARTNERSHIP. English botted linseed Ott, OoU Leaf. EAVT AND LIGHT Cart boxes, tbrgs backs, anvds Ac. on hand and made to . . vaaeae, sssonen sm. 52--tf Merchant street, near the Royal Hotel. Vorsakhy ",e su'ject 01 order. OAT AND V. G. WOOLSET HAVE 02-t- tarsM,! that meteorological GEORGE C.SIDERS, f H. HACXFZLT ft CO ... n called the dawn daw T T Iron and and best quality of smith's coal for sale. day entered into enpartoership, for the purpose of of w Hannbcturer and dealer In Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper ware, fronting on Nuuanu street carryingJM.on Sailmaktng business, ia all Its various branches. 'her he slept more fiv mlnnL Also one excellent small sised sugar mill with copper traL. OFF1CBTO LET, the eer than Kaahumanu street, opposite J. C. Spalding's Honolulu, H. complete, adapted to either horse or water power. Apply to In the sail loft occupied by J. U. Oat, on Kaahumanu street, CLANS EXCllAITGS! t without w Summer Bakers, Tin Copper . EECSIVED! iking up . and Pumps, Bathing Tuba, 2-- A. P EVERETT. The undersigned respect folly to th in a state of nervous tf D. M. WESTON. atf Honolulu, H. I. represent JUST cock-cro- Font and Shower Tin and Zinc Roofing, gen- Q. Torfc, oar-ri- ed atzz t 11 snouia be w. Bathi, and a public at lanre that W. Wnolsey. late of New baa ants wniLmg r:: At last, when eral assortment of Tie ware. Ship reputa- AfTir.cn in sets, for ssie. flWp-rtJ-". - a ca jrvr ahd 1 work executed with The front Office over the Post. on the above busin sa in that r.cy. and J. M. Oat's Lis, l-- .,. rm sv , eI a to tret her. his eonatitntlnn ; TO LET. enawe . x. - FFICE se ...- - . w.it uv .neatueas and dispatch. .. . ' July 1, tf - , RE4.ALIA. (34-t- f) Is well known to this community. They tf e waix office. Enquire of U. Jt. WHITNIT, tion ss a sailmaker. shock. He crowed once . o devote personal to bssuMss, s, or twice FULL ASSORTMENT OF I OF O. F. will st all times their attention their TTrTAr-r7AC.- iy. then MASONIC REGALIA, constantly v wants customers, .zzz wk r-- rcixowwi went melancholy mad; finally, FISCHER, A and uaad, such as and by their strict attention to the of tbdr nuo la: Locnirr " ctac II. L. frsr e aoU r ws, Ac t 1, Vao calenture he . . Royal Arch, M. M.'s, P. G.'s, .' ht pe to merit a share of public frtnmace- - enMM f cackled lowly (prooabl, Cabinet Maker and French Polisher, Hotel Street, opposite the NOTICE TO COASTERS. C do, fur t t--' aad Costltai . ao-- I Encampment, Ac , Ac WOOLT OAT. j,.jt9 t,b leaping Government Hnoae. Ac 1 v " - " .. - nic-sc- overboard be drowned 41 tf : fcJ-4- ff . W a him. Military goods of all kinds can be furnished to order. A BELL BUOT HAS BEEN PLACED IN Honolulu tw0 . ISM. ' . i.si ru n :. I nysteYious 2-- I cj-- v .. xjlzz-Z- CO. manner in which every day a 6 tf Apply to C. A. H. F. POOR. XaY. 16 fathoms water, from which the Spar Buoy st the en-- ; u. 9 r )her of his harem tued to disappear, GODFREY RHODES, trance of the channel beats N-- by N.' TrTAVTBILMfcVnALEa'SniLItakea at maj ; Vbolesale Dealer in Wines sad Spirits, AW sad farter 1 BAD PIPCAssorted siiss .f sale by H. J.'Tu. JOtDSWORTH, V4 the lowest rates by " 7' . - 0PB0aIfcBUl. 4 fLd1-- t W. A. AUUCH. I Boaolnht, Marsb 10, ISM. (BlQ Csrast tfastar. u

. -

. . . .

, D : '. o.

. -- , - ' wf .,. .. v ... ; 1 - 2. .at"; .... . f

: ecouh- - corn-fie- ld s , v ooEzr-ssxiciAX.- . VESSELS IN POBTr-JL'-Lr St. down the lawliss acta of a class of political it fashion, on the poorest ground I had, ". Geography orift. lite S. Bulletin,' speak W JLATEi- - TH2 "!T linasitle4e i 9 v .'30U El ksi crime jdrela who appear to have controlled affairs in and I satisfied myself of its efficacy. t ing of a neatly carved whale's tooth, with the like- W prevail ther. fri, their brethrS? Am bk MellbvPolleys...... ' r i Langleyt Va. .., IltsrftT C. TAftoa. . ARRIVAL OF HIE "FA!OT MAJ0E.V rancisco, they Lava ria i in arms, ? ' tTCDXESDAT ErEtllSG, JULY 21, 1S58. Haw. brift Emma, up for San Francisco. that city. It is evidently a very similar outbreak nesses in India, ink of 'the ; Heroes , of. '76, .says : anj Am clipper ship Flyirie Kaffk), Bates. . . Scmmkbjhll, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1857. badocaa'of the past week baa been quite lively, arising to years ban ' These were executed by Nathaniel T. Finny, mate Tu Am hark Fanny Major, Paty. that which occurred two since in I plantel and tilled Alike several rows of with, - The California packet barc Fanny Major, Capt. cm Um replenUb-ia- g Mojre.t ; corni tnm a iwKDnt part of tlie retailers toward Am schr L. P. Foster, ' - of the whaling ship Bartholomew Goenold. .Thiii ;' Francisco.'- It is to be rearetted that a state of different fertilizers:, Four ouncea on Paty, arrived off the on Sunday P, JL; in ,iTlli!,).latioair0k8outdurinr: the nlrtV.1 Ert-rettf- a M fire plants John pot UMlr stock, coupled with the large auction tale at Haw brig Advance, Hue. u society Bhould require such a demon yielded 54 pounds ears and husk, and ipounds vessel was cruising; in the Ochotsk sea, when the , met The Vigilance ComuiittoT;4. vow atere oa Thia amle waa ooe. and the exists that 126t' thirteen days from San F"nncisco.,. vv4 - , . Thandar. a cash - 'jimbers. t. 20-bar- t.L- maiiai t stalks and ears, four ounces of Peruvian 'on- five whale reI sperm fellow was killed the awiol of goads sold and prices realized rather exceeded the In Ezprcte-t- l stration of popular authority, but when it does a in TTo our usual summary of ibreiga irJtelll-- Jki from Ferriu Porte. :( plants, 45 pounds ears and husks, 114 t ,uare, nnd the Armories. On tK espaetattoDS considering state of trade and pounds summer of 1857, by Mr. Finney; the. King's Mill : of partial interested, the tho constituted authorities barn-yar- at gence. (i, h- - v ' y h, the Exeeative exit, and regularly stalks and ears. " One shovelful d manure ,f f '? f. - ,i Committee called fir n f aad the scarcitj of notary. . Ui-a- group We Am ship Iiaggvtt, 350 bins, will be due from an Fran arc too weak or too "sympathetic with crime to on five plants, 44 pounds, and 1064, pounds in all. of islands." hardly could expect the Prices of labor and seamen's wages in San Tran rder pwpte, to join Utem. As The bark Mqjor from San Francisco on Sun-- Cisco r two, to aargo of thedavkiU Fmm arriTsd in a ly await a oil school-bo-y ' Golden Eapie. Harding, was to sail from Ban No manure, 37 pounds ears and husks, and 92J merest to commit such a .blunder as to ciscd to be fiist approaching the esttem aieU th locked to day, bringing the mails mod a small freight, eooaisting mostly Am dipper s.ip opimso- it.' there remains no alternative but lor the lJV??l fee-- port 20th y, U I - tiJ - Franciseo this about the Jul loaail. ' : poandsinalL Jous S. Mills. locate the King's Mill group in the Ochotsk sea, or witch forty-nin- e, f. flee, atingka aad mmber. ' a Am ship John Marshall, IVndlftou, with cargo of guano, fruin rflivw to assert their will. : The disturbances m rates ruled in owing to tho a Samples af goods to arrirs per Porlrna from England were v 30th. ; Ltbaxoic, New London Co., Fel. 10, 1858. to represent our whalemen as catching sperm whales tl00""' Jarvis lsuuwl. due Jul Xew away with the ' for Frazier River.' It is reported that the Major rhe excitement greatly increased, I'ien-e'- s sailed from Orleans will probably pass llnri,. le- rceejTed by the Fanny Major, and the rash for the first selection Am. hark Tounr Urevk, Taylor, of Line, I am well convinced from a careful, thorough and in such high latitudes. But our San Francisco arning, he Common Council 1. we)l-olserv- paid six dollars per diem while loading jr Honoluft was quite exciting. The is understood be Pomou ll'"t:olull ilinvt, June election which was about to be held rd f chief attraction to the V Veiilml test, that, if the American guano can and Am. aliip Mountain ar, ll.nrlinr, from Boston, in brethren of the quill are generally quite adrift when and that "longshoremen" were demanding sevei aborts P. M., In company with the Mw! Tery desirable styles of prints, manufactured In Manchester from Iterce's Uiie 'if rackets. My 20, f r Honolulu direct The latest news from China will bo found un be procured at a reasonable price, (say $45, or 50 repaired to the headquarters of th Vi.rn'L . i designs prepared here with great care and special adaptation to ship would leave New lledford in June, for this IT vnll uo a cheap ana they try to say anything about whales or whalemen. The Flying Eagle paid fifty dollars.a man by thi Am Gltliatr der the head of foreign news. is very meagre, ton,) it valuable fertilizer, and raittee to read the riot They . the wants of jhia market. These prints are most always sold port. 'It will reproduce, ou exhausted lands, a crop greater b act also prer-- I I SlcOowan, snil.-- from Liverpool, May run to this port Six hundred dollars was paid by sample bore some months before the of the vessel. Br. ark l'nrfna, but our Hong Kong papers up., to the 13th of than'can bo returned by any known manure. Reform. In reference to the retrenchment alluded r " luclr arriral 13. for Ilonotulu. with merchandise loKC Janren. the run to the United States from San Francisco. they could collect; but our descr"lIIj F mm Messrs- - ex- - ' reports am pies of foods per C doc bare also been received by ship tons, been purchased by May, contain nothing further. "We may soon .. i L. Smith. to by our correspondent last week, we learn, that " ' " 4 4 1 1 Tbrdipiier rjrvn. had v j .Asher werely an - 16 t'.ie place the John Oil-- ; Pacitie Side. " armed rabble." , UackfcUfcCo. ' ' Messrs. liunneweil llrewer. to take of Mot-x- T no blame can to Harbor Master pect some demonstration by the allied forces at Plihsaxt Place, Newark, Feb. 10, 1858. attach the in the , VEa.-T- he reports in tne meantime, the Vigilance The Emma mad Fanny Major are both up for San Francisco, pin In the Sandwich Islands line of packets sailed from Boston Fkoji Frazier Ei from the min CommUt dim Msy "JO, ennsiirned to C Brewer Peking, for thev will not now retreat without ac I tried thirty-fiv- e, pounds of American guano in affair, as the fees he received were allowed by the are all confirmed. Gold is found on the river bar torn up the Bt reef navinf. and had aad bat bale' freight is offering. The Emma will be the first to Gray, sailed from New Bedford for use.lti.ej.jr. Harriet Jessie, comparison with the same quantity of Peruvian, on Department with which he is connected. blame is also on the banks, and as far back as tfie mine: and cotton bales for barricades. All ...! . Honolulu direct, Msy 10. complishing their object. , If In the same soil, and tillage in several ways, and always is suspended. It was fully expected I ' la a retail way there is ro trade whatever In town, and the Dantsh bark Candace was to sail from Hamburg April, with attachable anywhere, it belongs to the officer" who have prospected. Everything all excitemen- t- thatafierctt merchandise to II. ll.u-kf-- k Co due here in Anirut.' found the American equal, if not better, as a fertili- Miners coming Irom tne diggings ' nave plenty wouiu re iought dunntr the nh?htl out upper part town presents dog-da- y T these of the an aspect of dullness. The f.illowine venset are einectiil at this port in October, to Caetsly. zer. Ou a small piece of poor In.n.1, with sweet corn, allowed him fees out of all proportion to the service tions were not realized. ' ex;flE BCQABV Jn-it- Death rMr. dust, get their supplies and start back for the minef There have been no larre parcels come to h m l, aixl bwt.1 oil : Fr iu Sun Fri.nrtscn Ships Saron, OnMen effect was So ''TRUrMPH , the wonderful, producing a greater yield rendered. far as the communication refers to the have come down report OF TTir Pnifiimrr onr quotations remain unchanged since last report. The stock En-ilt- f.otdrn Ciryand Rutjn. From Sydnfy Ship .Wary 'All those who the miners J The entire community of Honolulu was shocked than I ever Rot on the . same quautity in a highly of yesterday morning, is quite trifling. tSoaall kegs of superior light yellow fur family Robintnn aiI fTaihiwiton Allslon. , Marshal, it is in error, as we learn that he has only be making from $25 to $200 per day to the mai preparations foraM-r- manured punien. the tinned. The threes of the Commit fee : B- and pained by the announcement which followed received the fees allowed by law to his office, in This Beems incredible; butm:ft are facte. The V acjobatller - If the Company have ongtheir islands a men,: command of m quantity statements I learn from reliable ajid I have r Mtjor F. K. Duncan, late of the r- - DBT GOODS There were sales at auction on Thar.l.iT of iti:r-isla- the arrival of the Fanny Major on Sunday last. sufficient to make it an object to import which no change has been made. - States Army, trade. the same, object in stating anything but facts. . . and were well organized i-'a--i narrow bleached sheetings and madaputams at 4i , no and ti Richard Coadv. Esn.. of the firm of R. Coadyw question need be raised as to its As to the .. jr that w quality, which, citv naners. w . . ( -- . I There is a great strife among which the Iteltii and n yard ; wide do! 7 4-- J ; Mum j ir a in ik t emulators wi tv at i 4 browo sheetirrs at Tl IS - in my opinion, is unsurpassed by any other fertilizer. The Kekacxuohi. We are pleased to note that in favor of the Committee, l chirk-i- i. V m Ol pea uu be the Nan rancisco of the.JKorth. But from wh and Picayune nnd if drills, 81 91 ; S Sereral tunlrd pkrs. mm1Ii cuisw cane. 4 piL. 2 c.p 10 bbls liii! cttjr, uiei ui uwiu tr- Mr. t a H9. 1 ; Stkrliso Armstrong. J." II. .Cole has at length succeeded in getting i tcent are oppose! to bales 24 ketrs sugsr, 4 4j goat dis-'as- e I can learn, Bellingham Bay will be the bigCiTT, The others remain uec of prints have been sold to arriee per Portena at 16 2 IS cents fungus. hide, skins, tn- - lSth ult. His is SUpnOSed to it i f. p.t, MJ I 741 hiMhrta wlieut. l.li IHXames. this favorite once more afloat, having ., j Finally, at 2 o'clock. P. I Brooklyn, Feb. 10, 1858. coaster brought all Americans prefer to be on their own EoiL M.. the (mn,,;,, .! peryard. . r-- r Moikeiki. July i loobmh wheat. He had been very ill Frm KHnri i have been cholera morbus.' I made u.e a small is free to umphed withont the epilling blood. TLb taU' SHIKTS Sales at auction of 200 dos. white shins, fancy kevs sucar, ju moutaaca. ju goal akins, aeca l of quantity of American guano her safely into port last Tuesday morning. We learn Everything land at this port, at this tita of JI nine, si law-abidi- ng from seasickness during the first part of the on a single marrow fat squash seed, planted in com- nvw i.uirr vi ck1, 1 seeing that all citizens were Croota, at S 50 $7 87-- paen(rers. that her bottom is perfectly sound, and her rame is uui luug iu ituiam luc prt.pie utrc M-- mon him, resigned 0 Fmm K sa. Hi wsh per Maria. July Ti cords Brew.od. --....., ,n,l w. n. fMin that, when nandy loam, and raised from it five squashes, unable to say. All liquor dealers are required to tcJ the municipal authority !n. t.A uA tJOAP 100 boxes at auction at br-a- i iwiitw al considered as good as new. She will receive a new 5. lot of pni. banana, fnilt and smpr. weighing iu all 70 pounds. Joseph out a of f?ouu a year, xn advance. of the Committee. Our latest report mv ti.... Jubbing sales r 19 f.?et 50U I. "' Potter. license payable TIAS Tbs stock is small, with to the traJe. For Lsa.wxa Maria. July 7100 lumber; Jha tacked with tUo former complaint. During his deck, a new foremast, and new copper, when she will 3 city was quiet, and that the Comniittee atp, 10 bbli fl-- ur. 2 caae s.uldtes, SO lbls stlt, 11 bbls salmon, Cambridge, Nov. 15, 1858. . The correspondent of the San Francisco Bulle hlimJa Wt quote black, lair qualities, at 45 66 50c. faculties, and special police 1,WW 4" pkir rodie. 3 do specie. last illness he retained his mental From a small be as staunch as ever. Mr. Cole deserves much : were a of over men to keep the x ' SOPB 3'o demand at present. Sal at auction of Manila, j quantity of American guano I made says There some 120 men camped at F '' V x r Moikeiki. July 19 314 ft lumber, 1 mil JI is to be observed, in ' r Kiinn gave tho most explicit orders in relation to every tests of its fertilizing properties iu comparison Hope, up. same si; It that thecase of Sew Or various sixes, at 10) A j sine, 2 ban ir , 1 bb stilt, 2 doors, 1 pk(r sash. 3 pr ox bowa, 0 with credit for his perseverence under difficulties, and to bound llie afternoon about lSc oa in me case or oan rancisco, the ( ' EXCH-L5G- t 2 plows, 14 pkgs 4 7 other manures. It was better, than Peruvian down, a difficulty occurred two and a miles t llgilance E On the East Is in demand, and little or nooe bay forks, 6 rakss, uidse, cs do, pasenrs particular. . or Mr. Foster is no less due a meed of praise as the car half ' bone-du- st, mittee and its supporters are on producing a large stalk, and more ears on low Hope, between a party white men composed of men c offering. To it would seem that Mr. the job. tort of shades politics. They finite judgment, ; penter of of the stalk. Ou some I had five ears matured. were in two canoes, and the Indians in which are eminently a tW . " - r Coady was one of the last men that this commu- Jno. Berrbox. Indian chief of the Harrison river tribe was shot party. ; sjy mjsciscq markets. IMPORTS. The Pcltt Tree. We were not a little amused on nity could afford to lose. Young, energetic, and There are also reports from Messrnmuel II. a revolver. Tlie Indians in return shot one of Earpean. VaOM QaxetU July 3d, we quote beiDg lithograped and colored By steamship -- the Mercantile of t o shown a splendidly party, who fell overboard; whose fo the America, we have datM p-- r I Freeland of but body was k mm Sa Fanny Major pissesJietl the Brandywine, Md., ThombrfnVildes and 5 Friday ETeoinjr, July 2. 3 casks winedo enterprising in the extreme, he all Liverpool to the 23d May. Faascuco. e Vita. II. Bigelow of Brooklyn, Alei. Bunspiugh plate of the " pula tree," which was received from an hour or two afterwards on the beach, stripped The same general featurea which characterized buim-- s d ur- of action which are of cool sagacity and promptness Ghent, N. Y., and Thatcher already mutilated by crows. It appears that Parliament Proceeoixg Derby TRirHya.,"' . first batt of June hare, in the main, heen present during - Thomas of Dartmouth, San Francisco by the Major t got up by Mr. Schrieber, ine the mia:ria;--baa noes ch- sai.iirry, 2io.ojo siunt.-i.-- i j cijnri. & The principal point to rc. I .huractoristtc of the exwrienccHi1 inereliant.tliough M all of whom boats stopped at the bar where a number of Ind animated debate had taken place for the past fortnight. first and nutic i, 10,000 feet redwobd hfar.s, 15.000 feet Ihlinc, 20 boxes up can-- as., rate the American guano as equal who advertises as the acrent for the sale of pulu in several country nas oournt emparauveiy onuun;, owing to 1fa were mining, and one in House Commons, r that the dhas 50 Imps Hatoes, 10 MU Carolina rice, IS Imles lmy. Vo I tight Years UgO that he COUlinenCed if not better thau the Peruvian. in getting out of the pi the of on a motion cenfurit-'- the continuance of the Fraaor Kiver exodus; and it is stated, in- it W;3 but California. Tho fact is, as we have before stated on ourK'j , ir.ii?s 01 o , jou o II 'aahington, 1858. stepped the gunwale or a canoe, splitting it. government for tho publication of a dispatch t'" have dUcontinued iitp iitans, uairs, oniia Keirs June 1, le . deed, that many traders in the interior towns business here, The whaling interests of these Govertior-Geuer- th-i- r boxes pickles, 0 ker tiiiilH, IS rolls oil cloth. 5 half hlils dried pulu does not grow on a tree, but on a shrub of the Indian to whom belonged demanded ai business, and are sending the remnants f stocks down , it paymentvr of India concerning a eCTffi telling apples, 19 boxes candle-.- bag caucry wed. 10 hairs onions. 3. Moiula ' UU enthusiastic Slipport-- and took shovel here tor sale. It is certain that the loss of population is 1 had in him fern tribe, and th representation looks more like a it, a out ef the white's canoe, ask clamation issued by him. At last, on the un- Calif'rnia cheesea, pke bacon, 5 do hams 2 boxes 1 . - - i f severely open, every industrial pursuit in the country, and "Of NOTES OF THIS WEEK. " ing more desirable than the money, Thereupo 21st June, the vote of censure was soon, effects likely to reatult can budie CMwiie 5ouu feet rmiW'Nxi iManK S2t'.fiuwer, 2 demi- - er ; in. fact it may be said without tear coffoe tree than a fern. taken iif7 less arrested the disastrous 127 one was I.; be estimated. For points to the northward. chiefly dto,M wa,ir' w Pac struct with a paidie. lie returned the after numerous and repeated calls upon Mr. hardly tut n - . md' ,tr,l.Vtim that ho- did more. to build ut. the Vebt Pkodcctivk. East Maui always been -- in W . has -- with the shovel across face lor Vancouver's Island, large purchases have heen made of those , A Seamon. The E. G. Beckwith the of the, n whost;k well, the mover, by the lilieral memliers to witlf From Sss Fastciscn per Flying Eagk-- July 19 About 1200 j Fcxeral Iter. kinds of gtods ueccssai J to supply the wants of a mininr popu- Honolulu fleet of whalers than any other, one famous for the quality of its sugar and syrup Its him, who instantly shot him through the body, Us his resolution, that gentleman with the concur, comprehended un- guuuy bags, to R Cuady Co. f will preach a funeral on the occasion of the lation a new country, and for the articles ; 6ermon soon in i comparative in-- fine climate rich soil most admirably as he fell, the whites pushed off. The In of Lords Palnierston and John Kussel, and :;; . der that head we have to note a firm aud tolerably active mar- man, and in its prcecnt state of and appear 1IS death of Richard Coady, bsq., before the Honolulu fired into them aud shot a man,, as I have i ve authority of the House generally con-ent- i ket since cur last report. he will be greatly ui.ssed. But it is not i adapted to the cultivation of cane.' Those who vis--, PAME.VGERS. fancy Tw.aes, next, stated who wIiLjr-th- grades in Fort Street on Sunday at but was not the one that had strut he resolution and amendments were finally is Sucab The importations of raw of all the fTtnieht ited last winter cane fields Brewer at the Church, one quarter millions of pounds. liusiues man and as rominont in an j the of the planta Indian had minit-tc- past amounted to about two and merely a? a j 11 o'clock. That Company and the Masonic Lodges or anything to do with it. The In ns virtually giving the r a Considerable receipts of Eastern refined have also taken place, rOKKIGX. businejw we have tion, under the charge of L. L. Torbert, Esq., expect-- , i down the river, as soon as they received the nev of While this debate his ted, legihlative important branch of our tliat to i all and the general effect resulting from the additions made to tb Frra Ftsxiiu's Islami per Advance, July 16 Mrs Milne of this citv will attend, and, we are author-- nl j ed to, see somerchoioe specimens this affair, stopped all canoes from ascending any importance bad been set a-id-e. Wka it stocks has been to unsettle the market for every description and ami 2 children. R R Mactaiiane, II Knirli-l- i, T Wheeler, A Car-- mourn his lofs. As a citizen and especially as u of suar. In this f ) ized to sny, public generally are invited. The , render it a matter of great difficulty at the cke to make relia- - 10, C Wilson, U W ils.HU the Harrison river, bnt harmed none, I wen ? on w to finished. Parliament adjourned, the Lords " -- ?.? leaves j they have not been disappointed, for the handsomest ble quotatsorw China has been oiTered at auction from day From ?as Fravosco r r Fannv Major, Julv IS C L Price, lather he was respected and Moved, lie ! morning service at the Bethel will be omitted, but Fort Va'e in the morning, and found a great co;Jo-- May, and the Commons to the 2Sth, in orlnrti j I , ' day through the fortnight, but the prices bid fnr stiaiht low of Mm S R Price. Mis C S I'rii--- L lric--. Sirs John Pntv, Km-- sugar fliown in this market this . season came from tion. Indians were a widow and three interesting children, to whom i service will be hel as usual. Ihe coming down the riv in ticipate in the Whitsuntide holidays. rood Mi'ty hare been unjatifartrry. and on each occasion T 11 MclK.vrel!, K MclMwell. T M Cara-iiav- e. tlie evening P:itr, Jordan, J j Wo aeliip'-pc--- have' Altogether ) this estate. have just heard a statement of yield great n umber;; but through n's In the India matter, Ministry have ., but bole more than sample lots been fold. J II i'aty. he was tenderly attached, and in their bereave-- . the Day Yah?-l-th- ey 230,000 lbs China has been placed in Va by puHic sale, c From 3as Kraickco per Flyine Ka?lo, July 13 IU-- r Mr which will show the productiveness of the cane when An exvensi ve takes place Company's agent at Fort :re complete triumph, as the .opposition consented 10 B5 I com- - Arcriox. sale at Everett's all grades and partly damared. at from $S to y Walswortii, Mrs Walswortli. and 11 Chinese. ment they have tho d.vpevt sympathy of the pacified partly, and when came re rd ; I down men compromise. Ut-i- , moat one-thi- to-d:- y, the 100 tbs. Last sales of good No. 1 at 10! H 10ic small j under the thorough cultivation. From new sales rooms of goods received ex Mclita. fr I again at work on the bara. The telegraphic fleet aisemble-- l at J but a round parcel could not be placed at better than i 'SOlr. munUy. of an acre cultivated .by above 20G7 had all I the gentleman, The invoices comprise many varieties of most desira- -' Of other deacriptions of raw we note sales of &00 half b ls onli- - From Koma per Maria. July 15 A O Thurston. 45 on deck. decease of tlio senior Discovery op Dar Diggings. From Mr. The .re mouth, and would sail on an experimental trij ny From Lshaixa per Maria, July 15 Messrs Lake, lloff-meye- r, In conseiisimee of the pounds of and 10S gitljor.s anticip-tt- e nary to choice Sandwich Islands, taken the trade at a range sugar of molasses wero ble article?, and we a lively comjietition. . days. ' "J bur-ines- Bond, who has lately arrived from Fort Hop we of sales New Orleans as iihWd Merriil..eeiham. s th" firm last at 1114c -. partner, wo lear tho of of manufactured, being four and sold The contract, for twenty-fiv- e t-i- ii lli14c of Oracle, which vessel brinjrs 879 i From Lauaisa per Kamoi, July 11 U'- ? C Damon, wife at the rate of uearly , On Ratnnlay next, atthe same place, will be a learn that rich diggings hav been ''found 'about ire year?, het1i at 12Jc until the arriral the - : Or-Ha- 4 Beck-itl- wif.- 1 Mi-s- s A fc -- lm! , bods; die Charger has aln some parcels. We quote New as and rliilor. n. M and child, Mi?s Parker, l. Coaly t C li brought it ciosa us, a hnlf tons per acre! Although this yield, we be-- sniall lot of very choice flowers, just received ex miles Le'.ow Fort Yale, rubers of miners ho Government and the Telegraph Company, ! 11. itli. II wite :nii! 5 chiMreii, .Mr 10 on -- .f- at liSlijc at the close, but that quutatijn U purely nomi- - I'eaw. lTk. L. tlr.ur-vivin- g ' had been prevented h water fmm wo ng signed and sea!o:I by the proper government - F.w Lahaina p--r M:iria, July 19 M- - snrj Lcdliani, Merrill, speedily as potit.dc by 31r. F. Hauler, lieve, is unprt'cedeutcd,. yet we "can vouch'for the Funny Major, and a few plants of M Montgomery's lr ' on the bars for some v. were The English funds had shown niorebuoyan-rViflni- f Singularly enousrh, considering that we are on the ere T King and family. J Carter. .n ileck. " t; flocking die Flocb juirtner here. truth of the stuteni"nt. j beautiful Mexican Clindier." See advertisement. ' : closed 'fo bir of oar tiarrest, the market for breadstuff's and grain has exhib- - ' From II:lo p r L V F ster. July IS IS Pitman, Mnj Mill. r. x place. f steadily at the quotations. Kawaiuiie J s ited buoyancy during the past fortnight, and a positive From pT .Vary, July 2i It. C. I:'rraliin. Ou Monday last the funeral olfjifh-- of the j Mr. Bond and party were the first to discover ese Strong gales of wind had prevailed, anl rwJi' (reat . t Pair- - 13 j For per Kf m.-i- July 20 C Brewer 21 and lady, That Gctvo Since our.-las- i!sue, we .Robbery. Some time on Monday last, supposed to hoe'-- - adranee has taken place In rrices. ranze from $122? Lahaia were jierfrliied withcvery demonstra- - i diggings, and when be left, were aver ing west coast of Ireland a great many Selling; th.J Gallego. bbls domestic from ; Rev K AnnstrvHij ami oih' rs. th"iners 10 far HasaH and Sou 300 floor, scrul lecnl have learned in relation to the island visited by the have been during the funeral which took place on from an ounce totenty-fiv- e He capsized, and some fifty lives, it is feared, wertrimiii new Sacramento i p.-t- hi hirjro. ! doLrs aday. br ght wheat, hare come down from during the past ti on of X from tR! eoniuviiiity at All Mr. Ten fur three days, and small lots hare been Jobbed at 13. 4 h'tl.tant, that it contains a deposite of good guano that day, a safe in the store of Mr. Samuel Savidge down some 6250 in dust, somecf which we hav en. Broeck's horse Babylon ran ont ICT' ! dis- ' . i j il tig- i't aud on the shipping were - Epsomeyents, last. . OiTS Sales at V BIRTHS. estimated 3 to An analysis It is quite coarse, several of the pieces weigh; ; as but came in wtheM U2fs I at o,00 tun. has been on King Street was robbed of some three hundred Sales of 140.000 lbs domestic at for pilot, an I Imlf-mi- G. The official report says there is not 1 let, S BstiD 99e i 'laved at t, and tha fctores gemmlly . much as that at 7'STre for nay; and 11 lie forassord cakes aud crackers. ! On ThurstUy, Jjir 15, at Waikiki, the iJe of J . t". STiith.of ma le of the simpler brought, and it has U en found dollars in gold. Suspicion points to a native who place for laying telegraphic cable tbt !!:' B tarcvly a These nre the ouly dry diggings that haveye een a thin Coal Ha adranced. v ro closed at tho I.ov.r f r.')ii. At 3 o'cloek, to cunt lin about 73 per lx)iie We Tli a TVm. l,at tTin l"l.. T!,.War. .frOtD t! Corns We quote best quality at 1H 7?li joblnng at 12 jc. In this city. July 19th, tl.e ife cf Wi'Ji.'jn Kininr, Eiq.. ct a cent of phosphate. was employed in the stoe, and he has been arrested. dL?covered below Fort Yale, all the mining hi rto ifiniui 1 MrT Lmant Sales of redwood brds at fit btV3,$H. , daughter. M., tii. Kiiles (which lanty do nt.t 'earn the exuct Tuition t.f the island, butsup- - We do not however hear of any positive trace of the having been confined to. tho river bars. is permanent, aud there is no power cf frTej--. Molassks Sales of 60 bbis New York at 4 Sc. Of Saudich j - Mr. R. .nd's were working on on either side. 7 we Mi ()udy ooiniaanded for the hist Ibur years.) pro ; pose it to be what is laid down as a "shoal" on most money, though the police are on the lookout. party Hunter's Jar, islands note salescf bbls at toe which mouth a The great Derby race, at Epsom, was won kE5T On sales. i AV'harf, w"Lere "i isatthe of small stream, on the rher THE PACIFIC cedil to the Mmket tlie bark charts in latitude north, and abeut longitude 170 T..t Joseuh Hawlev's Beadsman.. Lord. Derbv's r . Bsrr Duty IS p cent. Xo quotations given. Pcnoot. Agreeably to a notice in oar last portions of which are the newly found digging , f-- r Funny "iav with remains on board. west. If the exrwdition was a government one we Select iwenry-tnrn- e hor-.- Pom Sales at fir and $Zb3$tt clar. Maior tle. Af thi.-- lite coming in second, I r tAStS Ms baj.--s Seattle. Gold has been uiscovercd near ; iace, i Prur Imports fmra December 27 to June 4. 1407 and Coinmerciiil Advertiser. f ..; . I !' 1 Ri! l lnl- - fnlliiW- paper, a numler of persons interested in establishing tli irr,4 ifnvl tlio iflln .ivi.e nrkise no olitiilo sf in tho WiW of mil - icu-la- The total value of the stakes was about S'i.G'1 I bales. 79 bales, ex Fanny Major, sold on private terms. The .n. t:n on Puget Sound. We have not yet got the p rs school, met at Capt. Snow's counting The clipper sbip Red Jacket readied Livwt N market value tor a small lot is about tb. by ing the ex itnpls of ol ler nations and "annexing" the a primary the discovery, : au- lie vile, w'un it was nceived the memliers of' of but are assured on relia' RiTtv-opv- OOfl.-- en from AMtwrnrro. with 41. Bics Sales of China at (3 90 fS; Carolina. 5ic j room, on Saturday noon. The result of the meeting dT j . thority that it has been made. TJIUHSDA Y, JULY 44 JLiiHilulu Royal Art h CJiaptcr' of which Mr. j island to our king loin. Gazette. . e . 1,1 ivwi - ..... was appointment of a committee of three to take was i the Fixe Golu. The writers from Frazier Rive says XT Sine onr report of the San Francisco Market ma le Tue foreign news by the mail of June oth I ruemb-.- prom- - The Duchess of Orleans recently died in Enjn p. t.'oadv was a itnd which he was a ' The Flyino 1'a.ot.k. This fine clipper arrived on measures to procure a teacher and commence the the Sacramento Union, all declare gold found o the up, wa have been favored with the following extracts from a let-- brought by tho Fanny a Injor, avus roci ived on Franrr. "l . i in one in esniMifhing here. Theto'Sn Monday, in remarkably good time of nine days ' bars to be very hne, and diEicult to save. I here ter, dated July 8, received by the clipper Flying Eayle the school. The rear room in the basement of the Fort The thirty-thre- e persons, arrested f ra -t in. - ludotig-ia-th- trial of t e your on 3.1 Sunday evening, iiie in. topics in j th. u Oil tti'.- bandsouiu li(ttrre e twenty-tw- fine gold only is Ijiind, it is rarely that extraoinary Tb Fanny Mtjor aailed for pjrt the iiift. The wis nnd o hours from San Francisco. Tho Street Church will be fitted up, provided a teacher recent batons, al j -- Lit? rl lnsun ectionary outbreak at I r" Lmrat is still here, but will get ott in a day or tsro. The Golden it are, the continued m arching oi American t Catholic Ciiureh,and tlie strikes are m:idi. The w rotii1 found proeeion we - . Eagle mar not leave before next month. . passage, though an excellent one, has, believe can .be had. , about an equal richness, the proceeds , a lll Rriti.--h e aud cf Jay's f, The wbaleship Pkaenix, of New Bedfd, arrivcil here a few vt.ds by tho nay, t!ie Vigi!:tnt-- proee.ik-- d tho d"ei'used in Yan- c t the latv of been several times before once by the , Pettt Thieving appears to lie on the increase, work depends very much upon the quantity f dirt Tlie Tunes Paris corresnonJent nvs m'ut e days since from Kodiak, having been obliged to leave there in s movement in Xew Jrloatif, and tho j.rogr.-j-- was-hed- French sriuadron in the Pacific fs to fie reinf.f v conaeqoenc of her crew refusing to doduty ; she had taken but of tho fll.viiig order: I'irnt came tho Honolulu kee, once by the clipper ship KinsJIsher, and perhaps especially iu . the vul'.ey. . We heard a respectable Extraordinary etrikes or very large iturns P.-kin- the squadron ve.-el- for a day's work ? gold and that the command of hMjJ msbale. the alli.ii forces in China ' rt followed by by other She is of the burthen of IK") tons, are rarely met where only f dx-line- Rid d dutv, theoffieiatinrr resident say recently he had in a short for sunrs Is very dull and prices have , 's oiiii quite that given to Com. Sarzett. :i Ournarket - is deposited". This known general weigh inm t- el-r- rule rather Small ng No. 1 cannot be placed at over 9ic ; best In regard first topic, tho indignation . gy hoarso. and is comman lod by Capt John W. Rates. She is l Govrro-- Ws China th' iiutiK'di.it'dy pr.'cMling the The space of time lost fifty dollars worth in small articles. heavily agaiust the statements made by som of the The Prince Napoleon hR aceepte-- the tf quality f Sandwich Island cannot be quoted at over 12c. A - iivi" -. shown in American pre- against the acts chartered by the firm of R. Coady & Co., arid will powers to a Iniinister it aafctof Eastern crashed was made yesterday at 14m- th? of duty of pall bearers was sustained by six Royal There would appear to be no police or as good 'as enthusiastic writers on the Frazier of o and of Alceria, with full I to-d- - ! Home Government. At auction 2,267 nuts No. 2 China rice Ad at 14 17. the British war ve?el., is universal, and thfre is : Ar, h Masons aud ten Riflemen. In the lo;vl with guano for Xew York. Some six hundred none in the environs of our citv. V two hundred dollars a day having been madf tith a cnt of the 1,000 Rio coffee sold this at auction at 3C0 rear of; l bars morninr Hie; i rocker. the gold is fine, we From China. By the ship Frisoie bajri 50 no the Rritish tons are now here in store, and it is expected that , If doubt whethouch a bam Sandwich Island were offered yesterday in Java question that, unlss government : tho hearse came tfso Chapter and the Lodges of: rrived here 4th 46 days ont from hV.-- FAJ withdrawn. ! vVatkrhoitse's New Store Last week Mr. J. T. sum could be taken out in ono day, un?ea half on July, mats only sold at balance , the balance of her cargo will be' made up by the John Mvj lc, We disaAow and wholly, its interference i. t progres do and 44 No. dozen men work with it. we have papers from that port to 13th Provisions continue In good demand. quote clear pork at rUeanie" Honolulu. V,-- r ! - wete at It takes rirethan ! - .roAr .n.l iU th f..rnior noarlv .inn Waterhou- moved into his new etore at the corner of France, A: SB too 1 prime do. at ?A ; roes brer at $ .M with American merchant voxels, tho oj- j if ,; one man to work n rocker to advautage.iad is representatives of Great Britain, M uniteil Aft.T t!ics-- was a lar cone urse (ire-pro- it Superfine domestic Hour U selling at $13, extra at (14. Galle-- ' aain ; Janion's of block, and with his large stock of and Russia bad reached, on ou May, tilt nv. n froii Jarvis probable that a number of men work Je same go unpacked 14. voice of the latter poople. would nut-tai- the gov- - Ii.ml. i at "t and liaxall at $13 C generally. e-1 f 0f the citizens Un arriving at the new goous ana gentienmniy saiesmau, now oners rocker, tnd the day's work of rocker in- the Peiho river, 140 miles from IVkin. l,0:" we receipt of $00,000 ' the By the Lotus, from Manila direct, note ni-as- in lie reported - yo. cheroots, nearly all of which have been sold at 1 eminent any that might lute of the dHvasd, Rev. S. C. Damon Roans. Great improvement has taken place iu the to purchasers, whether from stead of- the wagea per man. This would ve large sives to the Chinese Court, Eavsthe Fritndtf 2 dears and inducements the L. , of 11th May, had not met that reception $14 tie S3, doty paid. t . As rd had 1hu ironed t the American i offt-re- ntT.'ot- - iu diTereut of this inland, under the care ar- pay for the rocker; while the men iuakealy ordi- We have news from the North, bat nothine more reliable ts rrad a jxirtiun of Scripture and an roads parts country or the city. In its' location and internal the fcw.i later nary vraws, "- j- j representatives of such great powers war to any hazards all ; - K-i- we rsepecdn the mines than by previous advices. ntt at att.'inpis ing jr:iy r, when the proe- having lieen , of the present supervisor, and frequently hear his rangement it is not surpassed by any store in town. time nations of the world wero entitle-- toe'-Th- Ws bear of a sale of 100 bbls prime pork at $29, to arrive frui-rs- , Thf a SrnE of the Story. Wepve below, at "Arching by Uriti.h it is j.mbaljle ! ! services spoken of with credit. To perfect them all, minister Yukh fell back on the establish; ' your port. joinitl by the afflicted widow and family, moved s:,-3- wHhin 00 days from "-- . j . oi une o, tne letter Last sales af Pilot bread were made at Ojc, Nary do at tic." bcf.iro this un is a work of time. Our attention has Rfport ox EnrtMTiox. We commence this week wrai j loutnug of the Empire. He could not confeawithWi that actual c.llisiun may have j on to the cemetery. Here, after tbfi burial core- - j however, Dy a m Tsurs wry truly." the Board Educa- - receiveu gentleman tins city. ' ite writer ia he deputed two mandarins of rnuk to hS' vess-d- s road bug to the grove the publication of the report of of but taken place between the of tho two nations. j been caPrd to the turnpike lei a auJa6hrewd business maft. We give it j monies of the Ma..mic Fraternity had Ken gone leading " eye." The Eart of Elgin, English ' IF ending May 31. on which accidents not 'un frequently oc- tion, which will be found ou our fourth page. without ..oimnei;-- . Our duty to the pulic requires XEW BEDFORD OIL MARKET etk In the San Francisco Timet we find some j at Waikiki, ;' them ' remarks through with by the W. M. and Brethren, the ' sador, refused to see theni, and sent i that both sides ofriie question should te Vreseuted in M.-- h is been suggested -- tmrhant-ed-. S:il 00 de-msit- cur, owing to its narrovnes3. It master with an iutimation that nnle Brum The tsarket mnaiuj of at on the view which the law of nations takes of j was in its final resting plaeo. tuanKS are uue to ipi. o. ui me : " their . body The UT ,,l,r our columns. The letter is as follows Zbr r rati'. " extent of ojrru.u in thi martet. that the ditch on the light hand of that road in going day, She 1st May, an interview with an Envf ai-- s this subject of searching vesecls. : W. Sullivan of San Wmaia In whale we notice tnm artivity. arut toe nave funeral ceremonies were concluded bv three vol- - Fanny Mij'or, nnd to J. Fran ViCTORiA, Juno I, 1358. . siieeial powers equal rank were w G3S a out of town, should lie filled iu, so as to widen the essinir aud rtachwl MOO bhl in parerls aa MUxrs : 1545 rM at 4Sc: Tbe Rir.iiT or SrRcn Law op files memoranda, &c. Dk vb. I arrived 'jst n A ivier thk lies from the Honolulu Kiiles. cisco for of pipers, Frikxo: here safely Friday, he would direct the cant u re of two forti ma Me; buO da at 63c; 1000 lo at &4c. xnl 1900 at 55c y. at Nation-s- . Now that tbla vexcl question ig likely carriage-wa- Hut whatever mode is adopted to im steamer Had most t Is aalted by prime f.ii. n e ntKier-tan- d . per Panama. a uupltsant trip, ' at the entrance of the river, and proceed j tit latter price buiiei vr f 1 ! become the subject of negotiation, ! ai a part of the atiore vas purrhaeJ on arroant. once nmre to if not At a Special Meeting of the IIovoli Lf Hi n.cs prove it, it is evHeLtly now unsafe for vehicles. ?The ship Lncii may bring the next mail, ns yon may imagine," when you think of ie number , lurtner extremities, ns ine.i means at .:. -- es. The the of governiHeut r WmL"ro"nt traoirti'n fr wwk of hostilities lietween our anj that of 20 is more likely to come by the of passengers crowded together on a inall boat. , would euable him. ,. Concessions to the-- Loerai 100c; SjOQ o .Io at 10.Te,a-v- l 15o0 1o So. 19, L that of June but it ttCO tt Nor.bwrn at Britain, it may well, erhapsi, to present held on Monday, July at their Armory, the is a ahon.TX) & U held Lrmly 13) to Orf it le Wiialk Ship Pjicexix or Naxtucket. This vessel 30th This town rather pretty place of houses were not anticipated. So by this time the "TJ Bea at We !!anriifne Ochotak at libe. r clipper Golden Ets;lt; due about the inst. with principle.! governin-- : j and some 2000 inhabitants. The here Skipping Lut. our reaJers the this ques- following resolutions were received and adopted San Francisco July 6, from the Kodiack countrjaliout probably tiken. S. F. Bulletin. Law of Nation's. According to arrived at is very lieautiful, filled with farms, and area&abun-dane- e ' uito) tion un!er the this Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, in His De-ferrr- t Je the ships of one power have no to overhaul ground, having taken but one whale, oO bbls. - The (CfirresponJence of the Commercial Advertiser. Ti of stock of all kinds. Egjrs, buttir, etc., are jFrin Item. ribt all-wi- j su - Terrible Fvcttemext Milk. C": . LATEST DATES, received nl tbU noire. pe:us dealings with his creatures, to remove by '. - aboct thoe of "another on the hiah ilurin a time of cause of the vessel putting into that port was that the i about the same priee as with you. Theonly thing hy tV j : While am glad to such been thrown into great eonstcmation peace. A nation has no jnrialiction on ocean, death from this world of cares and trials our Mb. Editor I learn that wanted is house. We all sleep in open . ' the officers aud crew were mutinous and refused duty tents i the pn'-.W- VratM-Uc- o -- I ------May 20 that its population, issysteiiiatically T. Baa Pfiri ! jrol l ' except it be over ita own sulijccts, being at the time delicious fruits as strawberries and peaches are air. As regards mines, that is humbug. milk-vende- r- . -- amm9, N. O. - Jane 15 ! nncurkone - - - Mar 13 much esteemed and worthy Commander, Kieharif under Capt. Handy, who had been place! in charge ala ra. To Frauk Leslie's fllustrJlri - & I MeiU-uro- e, Vic-- , - 11 in its own vessel. Over thee its authority extends Ha- Vou can get Indians to work for fifty per day, 1 New Tovk - June - Mar. j grown in considerable abundance on Maui and eits the eredit of the discovery is due. That 1 Coady therefore, of the vessel at Lahaina wheu Capt. Hinkley left for f4"" Ionian - -- . - May 22 Tahiti - - - - - April li so far that the ships of a nation are in some recpects and plenty of white men for fifteen dollar per month. a rrie-- ; Retolvtd, That the announcement of the sadden and unex- We commisserate the case of any waii, and that some i f them even find their way into two successive issues, has produced 'J considered, as a portion of its territory, those on board home last spring. You may thank your stars that you dij n.t come to executed but revolting pictures, descrifiti'f Cf pected death of our Commander, in prime of life I would merely hint that the a-- being protected and jroverned by the laws of the dearted the whaling master who takes a refractory crew to San the Honolulu market, this country. ; I shall return by the text steamer. r ..1:1 :il. Tl. :fri;r il ll and vigor of manhood, hat filled our hearts with aatoiiUhtuent proci-r- f oi procur.njr st in iinia-- "r firia o Ship' Mail. country to which the vessels belong. Every vessel, especially in these times. . Our absence of such fruits from Kauai, does not show at You may expect to see me in alvjut in davs. If were and sorrow. Francisco, and more stables, niled with Uiseasol cows, rq"M p. Foe 8a Fnkicmcoprr Rmma. eays Kent, has a right, in time of peace, tu consult all that they are not raised upon that fertile island. any of vour friend think of corains; jere, tell them nan.es the people who earned their li"y In c on Retolvtd, That in the decease of Captain Coadjr, his wifp and sometimes abused port of Honolulu is far preferable, the of tot Font Towjisaao, W. T. per L. P. "itcr, Saturia its own safety and convenience, aud to pursue its own and numerous they had better stay where they are. raployraent of were aim ate For your information, that of,your by this shameful liusiness given; " coursa aud business without disturbance, bo long as children have a fond and hu.shan I and father ; on all accounts, aud our police have never yet failed any kind not to be had nere, and an nonsense ;' .t will state that were a steamer plying be-- is it 8 bers of the houses in which their cu?toiw " violates no right while the community a useful citizen ; society an esteemed and re- restore order on ship-boar- d. readers, I to here, as Hudsor Compa 1 it of others; the right of when called upon, to think of trading the Jbty wri ll mil Kslml iri Btartlln arniV. . z. spected member, and this corps a beloved generom officer. ports of Hanalei and Honolulu, at the f pout or hoz7oz.uz.tj. u. search, being founded on necessity, is strictly and ex- and tween the ny, el dm the exclusive right to trade win the miners. this, we bad illustration of how the we deeply sympathize with widow j curj, clusively a war right, and does not exist in time of Renolced, That the and A Lithograph. Mr. Wa. St. M. Bingham, who present time, the gardens-o- f Waioli and Hanalei and have sufficient force to drive off a ly American culatcl with the disease how tin y were -- family of deceased in peace. Tliis authority, tban which there is none the this their sad bereavement. t company would try trading. the gold ARRIVALS formerly resided in Honolulu, has recently engraved mi"-h- furnish quite an abundance of such fruits as that I brieve. they mens milked, even when in a dyin fa higher, is sustained by all the leading writers on in- Rrsolvtd, Thnt the Lieutenant Commanding be instructed to mines a crand humbuff. I never was In a country llow the milk was sul'sequeutly watered, 15 Haw. trig Advance, Milne. 1 1 days fin Fannimr'a Isl. Geneological Tree, illustrating the peaches, pineapples, bananas, and strawberries, to Jaly law, and hence the doctrine invite the Rev. E. O. Beckwith to deliver a funeral address next in Xew York a where money is so scarce, and as regard.'gold dust," N-- York Kamoi, from Laliaina and Kaholui. ternational laid down was then sold to the citizens of M 16 Sch ChadTirk. morninp, at the Fort Street Church, corps Adam. The engraving say nothing of garden vegetables. see a lft Sch MoiiceiktL from Kahalui. may be considered as established, and of binding Sabbath and that this descent of our Saviour from that is all nonsense you never pirticle. lyn as " Pure Orange County Milk." i c, uniform. . sovereign who It Am. bark Fanny Major, Paty, 14 dnya fm S Francisco. force on all the civilized nations of the world. attend in full is executed with great taste, and wheu framed will While we live under the reign of a Thank God, I have money enough tngct back. Ieslie, of course, starte-- the bu!.hv ' j 1S " Am. merchaDt hip kywg tagle, Vi day from Thttt the Secretary be to transcrilie these . '?). . W. " There would seem to be an exception to this rule Retolvtd. instructed tiie general welfare of the Hawaiian nation Yours, etc, . was greatly very neat ornament. Its size is about three has r He a tisermnt, aud he v"u Saa Francisjo. case of as no nation would feci Resolutions ia tli" Minutes of ami furnish a copy make a W""'. 19 Am. ch L P Fuster. Moore. llilo. in the pirates, called Jiis heart, and while the personal interests Stain.. binly had his paper in their handt the )r,mjj ' " frn feet. The design is said to have been taken so much at Atlantic trora upon to resent the act were a piratical ove- to his bereaved family, and to the Commercial Advertiter and by four Tt otiiiM Ul reknii . 19 Sch Kekaoluobi. 'ariUrUi. craft reign native community Up to June 5, thirty vessels had bei fired into or 22. ch elly, fm Kfhala, iih puio. rhaul. 1 and searched while sailing under their flag. Polynesian niwspajiers, and respectfully reouest the publica- from the old Spanish geaeological tree, but has been of so many of the f and the f" fire-roo- d. ' (entations the manner in which - J 2X Scfc Excel, fm Kaoai, with horses and inter-islan- d steamers, searched. 0 v Now the pretext under which the British cruisers tion of the same. J. II. BROWN, enlarged and otherwise improved. A few copies are involved iu the question of poisoneil were nor 2X Sch ilnrj, txa Kawaihae, aith beef antl cattle. much Americas Naval Forces this Gtxr or Mexico. neither untrue esaR?'.! have lately brought to and fearchcd American vessels Lieut. Command iug. as per advertise- may we not hope that the year 18iS will not be in Mayor, who cannot be too highly praisrJ K C. Jo-tB- have been received and are for sale, view the fact between P. Ja., In of that a colosfm the ' -- in the Gulf and on the Coast of Cuba, was that they efficient efforts axe s j-- ' DEPARTCRKS. Secretary. column. allowed to pass away, before put and American forces fn fie Mexico Is ergy in looking after the city iiiteiwi suspected these vessels were engaged in the slave Assistant ment in another British Gulf of matter hand. Two Tr" i! forth to being about that most desirable object. a possible event, it is important o know what is the the in morninf trade, and that they merely wished to ascertain rtosr- - some Iweiitv or thirty uiilk carw f" IP Jaly li cl Mannokatral, Beekley, fcr HIlo, For the Goi.i Regions. We understand quite a ' Hanalei strength of each in these waters The American ves- whether such were the cae or not. This trade, -- a av-- i lft Seb. "ally, for liihx Mere about (1 Ha no. sels of war now in the Gulf, or on their way there, Va j i t? r ! Sch Maria. Molten a. for Lahaina. , r though declared to be piracy by most Christian number of passengers leave in the L. P. Foster, : any Mr. Editor By a recent Polynesian I notice 1 ' milk, but for not displaying nim Sch Moikeiki, for Katgitui. are : .. Vi powers, is not considered to lie such by the Law of al)out Saturday, for the new gold country on tho more ooeucc, r Chad for Lahaina. In tho New York Dai.'y Tribune of S. Kaapuiki received the appointment o : loe ierioui ii 20 Scb Kamoi, wick, June 5, we that Mr. has vrs-iKt- j. vrstfLs. crMS. .Nations, and hence is not subject to the, rules appli- crs.' wi re K is estimated in the Saa Francisco ?Uon-f-W- prove, but the arrested milkmen t find u Fraiier River. It for the District of Ewa and YYaianae. Steamer Colorado, - - - . 40 J .vannah, 21 thia law. is letter from the Washington correspondent Enumerator I name ' ' cable to that crime under It piracy ouly WabaHh, - - - 40 SIm-4f-W- Jamestown, 22 not exhibiting a number and the - persons will be there by the Stormier d-- j papers, that over 20,(00 Mr. is quite capable Sl.jon-f-W- J MEMORANDA. by virtue of a special compact, and not by the uni- of that paper, furnishing further facts from an Now I do not say but Kaapuiki Steamer Fulton, 5 ar Plymouth, - 5 Arrests ooutiuue to be made every ... Sloo-vf-- ' versally recognized principles of the maritime code, end of July. Whether they will all make fortunes office, is he otherwise a proper per- Steamer Water Witch, - 2 Preble, - - jo meantime, the Mavr.r. w ith the ." ' i official source, which go to establish the value of of filling said but - - - 4 f. ' We aota the arriral home of the foHowin whaler (ince and consequently cannot lie suppressed by a resort to remains to be seen. Those who are going should Steanier Arctic, Hnj IMlplim, is making a thorough investijr,r-- . Tr the Island American son to be employed by government? It was but a Steamer KUpatcli, poffieers, report: May 21, ihip Sootii. Boeton, Randolph, hence visitation and search. At one time this now Jarvis guano. When the - - swill-mu- suHieiem v.. r but trade, provide themselves with a map of that region. The some of the of those Total, - - 162 k business, and when j ' 150 bW rp on the passage ; hip Lydia, bo repugnantto our sense of justice and humanity, samples procured by Capt. Davi3 and IJho-Uh-o short time ago that inhabitants will h V -- Bee 17 had taken the best we have seen yet was received byhe Fanny he had Vesskls Gclf. been obtained, the whole iniquity ea-gag- that were complaining that collected. 83 Instructions to Amkrican in tub conipe!!-- l IVaot-ar- ITilo Dee 23,35 ip'oa the pasaage ; 22d, Klop Magnolia, was rejfirdeJ as a legitimate traffic, and freely ed districts and the guilty parties tie reached Washington, tho U. S. Commissioner sale. for road tax, during the past year, instructions given to tfie commanders of our light, hence 3. At !fe-- London, May 17, bk Venice, Oard in by all the nations of Christendom. Major, and is advertised in our columns for each from them The triaL noise has been Cox. Iec of the Ouiee Road Supervisor. The in- to be very decided. They have their The that fjT.,, immediately took steps to 1 of Deputy vessels are understood iter, bene Pee 13. At Wertport, May 21, bk Janet, Went, " While the United States joined most of the other fatent " in his capacity affair will make a few desist from the Pn is, the extra dollar was private perqui- been ordered at all hazards to stop these aggressions, in Bcsoe Jior 13, with 1 bbU ap on the pasaage; 31, at New Christian nations of Europe in pronouncing the test ite value as a fertilizer. His annual report Restoration Dat. It will be seen by an adver- ference that ing the poison; but the men engaged unbeknown of course to the Chief Road Super- and to t ntcrpose American guns between our mer- Badfird.9hi! Onward, Kortoo, hence Oct 29 ; J. ;,bipTam-- African slave trade piracy, we believe itjs iiot . con-tend- ed laid liefore Congress contains some of the results tisement that extensive preparations are making for sites, have; for the most part, banded tbeoisel. the of conduct that helps a per and the British marauders. If, therefore, Ii i'?V, Wlnaiow, bene Oct 1 , 3d, bk Gratitude, Cornell, that she ever conceded the right of search as visor. Is such kind chantmen to defy the law; and Mayor Tiemann erlaaa. i.m of tho experiments made through his agency. the anniversary of the Restoration of the Hawaiian office here? naval ofBeers have received, on their part, IT. At New Uxulon, Jane 1, ahip" Charles Car- - a means toward furthering its suppression. England It son to government the British oeived letters threatening him with persw'-e- Vv.It Xo. Jxi week. The memory of the brave &c, 1. positive instructions to overhaul American vessels in roQ. Cook, hence Dec 20-- , and France mntually conceded this right, in which will noticed that these tesU and their publica- Flag, next Saturday lours, anvoif as one of these choice epistles sJ among chiefs searching for sUves. and, if they continue the prac- - XT Ship Flying Eagle, Cap. Juo. TV. Bates, left Saa Frao-- they were afterwards joined hy Austria, Russia and tion is made by un officer of the government, and old Admiral Thomas is still green the not desLt from persecuting " the respecu- Octrages The Uxiversal Ameri tice, a collision between the British and American 4 . diK.harred pilot 4 Subsequently France, by. special we may expect a great The British .1 July f j got aad et weigh 1PM; PM, Prussia. a treaty nut by any one interested in the success the and people of Hawaii nei, and New seems to be not only a possi- mllknru. of The events at Orleans have forces in the Gulf .'- on ; 2 M, oiy 19 making the with England, withdrew this concession, and iu ita can Feeling. naval "- We sorry to of tb wreck, came to off Honclala at P J paQce delicacies. . We hear tear ad Company. The official so consumption of uu.and other moment the war-fev- er that has seized ble, but a very probable event. stead agreed to keep a naval force on African results, far as pub- eclipsed for a , ears clipper snip .. in 9 daya aod 22 boon. the been subscribed par- Jhor cf the American that some four hundred dollars have upou the uation. I gave you, in my last, some The British West India squadron numbers twelve - Teas from ru: m--f i-- faeoee 23, arrived at Vic-- coast for the purpose of preventing ships engiging in lished, are very flattering to the success the 1027 with The iroa Alice, Jane of r.'nwiM- the- -, - off the evening recent aggression upon our commerce vessels, mounting on The reeael aod cargo bad been aoid, tho slave trade under her flag. In 1S42 we also towards fireworks to be set on of the ticulars of the steamers, five ships and other sail ork. - The vessel left Fuhchau taria, T. 1 la 33 day. guano and tho prospects of those who are engaged Mexico, " V stipulate.) with England to keep a force of not less' by the British cruisers in the Gulf of and in 857 guns. . - - ': 9.30 r. while t. wkhh a few day aOar her arriral. 81st. t the 4th, about vv, in it, and are equally disparaging to the reputa- ac- communication I shall continue and complete - j.h-i-- rl betwixt Emr Paaonx Sas F.asctsco. 111 than eighty guns on that cast for the "ame purpose, Tiraowx from ms IIohse. An aged native was this Latest. ITa.itnirn," June 4. The war excite- up f i.UC W M tt. . . i tooar or WaaLk at up to the present date In my time I heard ?i of the pamage, for the in lien of which she did not insist. upou the right of tion of Com. Mervine and Capt. Davis. We un- first bridge their history ment may be said to have reached its acme yesterday onsaaoiB new y iffbt S W wind Md cafes the first lal cidentally thrown from his horse near the such a universal popular excitement. ' dam stm have never seen American merchant ' ! put about, she nortb-we- -a winds. in tne KoJiack aea visitation in that quarter a right, by the way, we derstand experiments when a report reached us that an tl..VI s shin coald be 7 had atxoog further, that the made with on Street yesterday morning. He was badly dart Jn - Xuuanu is whirlwind, and Whigs, Democrats and dci:- - ( B) 1 whale this season- Aay had never conceded, and a claim the had never, It like a vessel had been fired into and overhauled off the coast r lectains, and UMtantJy " gaj 2J, bark BaKte, Brotwoo, (S the Peruvian and. Mexican guanos alongside of stunned and somewhat bruised by the fall. Marshal are carried along in it almost without tear water in N whale; ship George and except in these two instances, given up.". Republicans of Florida, and that an' American citizen had been o hours she bad x feet mSUh, ahtn JUlnboWvIIaJary, B.1 think-inr- . There is no dissentient voice to the gen that. their -- the Jarvis Island, showed a marked difference in Parke, who happened to be passingat the time, kindly proper to add that this report requires oScers. and crew got into tt. ,IIM It ship Fabioa, amiih, 5 B, had struck However end as lietwocn Eng- killed. Jt is Cart" 9co, Bvan tho matter may eral clamor, with .the exception of some few journals The government has received no off- for Hongkong, but fell in wito a! towVUiMs'-iha- d sailed for the Arctic Ocean; ship favor of the latter on some kinds of products. alighted from his carriage, and rendered all necessary confirmation. and i i j 4 whales 1 land the remarkable notoriously in the British interest- - The voice of the un- fishermen, until whalu aailed for the Arctic Ocean; and America, unanimity and icial account of it, and the telegraph is vague and wbic ".ey took to be Xrle, Jerue n, 1 assistance very dilfireut from the sympathy shown weU-ax- i" . To Emtor or The N. Y. Tribune. is for war provided that England does not, ' na Ed-Tt- rd. the people apgres-sio- ;re them. Being -- aside, the late unon Jte-- f Vtb, hark Sera, od, Greeoport, clean; ship Kobert concert of action on the subject by all sections of - few days satisfactory. But setting this open' i i Sir;. Prof. Henry of the Smithsonian Institution, by a gentleman to a wounded Chinaman a now forever, abandon the odious right to search. "men-of-w- ar which Aogasta, Faber, Eag Harbor, and upon our commerce by British da1 . Jong"side a junk, from t,n?J t sTeod, JI B cleans bark . the Union must be a severe rebuke to that Jrty has reported to Government the result of his analysis - sentiment of the country is that the crew end j - ago. unanimous on the o, The cases are suSeient to justify l lato the boat, and -- Tata-naro- , numbering over thirty thr - ! ahlp Kobtason, 1 airavcn, f -- cu. of eecesFionists which has recently been eo loud of the samples obtained at the American guano The Pele. There being no facilities for hauling American flag protects tlie American vessel "mg- the prevailing excitement. It is this revival of the i'.eem, the boat was capsuod, and rM - On -- mea, n Orr as Parra islands by Commander Davis SL ana tuey wiu nor eh nine Waaunw at and boastful. Congress, mem- of the Mary's, difficulty was experienced irprs or no nizzei aamit mat se-r- us. No American will I; but tho mate and ' an In the Southern vessels up to repair, some rigU of that anrs drot - Hay Aaa. wh bark Apphte Mr!a, too. told. which had been referred to him for examination. the ouestion can be argued. They, will not aUow the sentiment both in and everything, righted the !al- 1 Ita wb bark lire?-boun- 3M, ail told. bers were far more moderate in their tone than, in getting the Pfle out of the water ; but on Tuesda submit to tir and the universal stri lof " ' The report shows that the guano is good. dispute to be revamped and become the subject of now and morning. i 30 Do ' wtt bark Merlin, since leaving Talcah'no. old ' out f Congress is thlt Great Britain mttf, out ' arrived here thia i and yester- -- Ce-arl- - those from the North possibly reflecting in also enabled to last she was got into the proper position, correspondence. a word the are ' 1-- E Wh hark do do do. that I am furnish you the substance of a lonir diplomatic In right of search and the bo . seen making off, and PP,? . - I 1. u . forever, relinquish both the the w , (Called. In fcr medical aid a seaman.) reports made to the Agricultural Bureau by different was removed, and the new one. as we are couccmcu, omuuo lies on lir the'event of a rupture with England their cotton day the old propeller question as tar iuw. i to back her insulting gor llacao. Tdie wreck Stella, laOo, right of visit, or be prepared 21 Da wa bark allild. gentlemen, who, at the request of the Commissioner will be adjusted. Enehind tp disitvow and make reparation lor tne .1 S mouth. One of the most poi 7 the Fratas. , We hear that there Da . wh ah! "00. all toW. trade would ftWr. And truly, on both sides, tv. Mn-- 21 Ilera, -- - or ., of Patents, tested this guano last year. . to-da- he; s theGulf . sava io 31 Ho wh ahip Nantucket, 630, all toM. readers will notice in y's paper a. actsof shenta to a steanrrr to and all over tue world, the consequences of such , ST Our re- - Chinet reported. 3 : vox Deu of the or the j M Da Wh ship (tulip Delanoye, 2o0 since last To Crr"5io-rr- or Pattests. 'embracing lTiere it is r ox popult, prevails on this point among a!l x a to be e,sick about it, - oo whale stoce bast reported. tus '- great variety of new, advertisements, 2 Do wh bark lafayaue, a fratricidal war would bo of all thins tho most -: outrages h; been greatly exaggerated -- Sia: la 1 xtr wiii your request, I have EA-ra- frigate , Cetninoiars Long, 1 almost every articles from pins and or not, must been ' Ta C 9 strata Merr , description of whether they been' exaggerations it -r -- we hear; havtatlast -- n -- hv r- zn. t- -v Cor-t- are ejt--r to be deplored. tried AtLzrl . ao. Four "pounds sown, at - g r Thatcher, r tis i ' , VicnjiJrcB 03 this mri Dttatur, .. I C be remembered that the " rizht of search" has been . A CoWtm iiaimediate emrrey of to-da-y- 1") penny whistles to thousand ton clippers. psa Tlie former & on V 5 c f 1 z . 1 rere,'produced 123 pounds a the j. i. i jr From, all that we ean from lata j :r s 1..-- , rie;t;aii n,1 i; -- motifciui, ,oj.iie-.- .fr ttpoa-"- t it gather our. - - ia for ORLBAK9. far the 7 T . that...... it the , "il t,-- ajjdertaac4 return soon.-- ' The latter 1 nuuu ' .... af two liirhthonse a t t mnJ' A M nm.nw c t corn, , li' lid Fairfax had; crvii.V iJ Vigila-- itjon t-- jx. daos-- revoliifioa ami o f.r. -- of a lOmr' - . . 2m, probably totichiog at Palta, and theooe to Vi-- m rerira ? m r,evr uii Poetb,t VTe i. ..ve received quite a readfttl poera" principle we are contending more for aay 1 pail, is that April lfiw;.v .(. - n ;i wtila, ri'.'i f" r 8 no giiira ws tba I Li . x fUgi&r, ii 1 i iai::r The people of smi i Tii- t Fandeiia are to remain her turtha ill. ' . our raerohants have safTt: ""'4 I An Stni Orleans." tlat c:j -- Lo Z. E.V which will appear next Vek. J-- are that O asasaa Panama Star, June uJ, only j wera t I jiwt planted frOia"G. r n .'V- -


. Wnl in lat. 53 1' S. and long. 73 ., was Canada has adopted ft Decimal Currency. The r rV.r-i.y-.ii.- 3 v. ... 7 litriiscmthts. ,' j open by Captain Cntbins, of the Charraboo, new coins have been prepared at the English mint. SoUirtisnrtcnts. i.r. fin mlnJ ports that the island abounds with guano and and the first consignment daily expected to is arrive. - .hanta. There is good anchorage, and plenty The silver coinage consists of five, ten, and twenty - T h e FRUICIIT FOR NEW BEDFORD. ; . DY A. P. EVE RETT. : : ) 'ii for any pieces. Undersigned, ."' : r ships of draught, and aBy quantity cent Cents have also been struck. As yet, JvIT'S T A R R I V E D ninsnsiBsss h A no FOR SALE, AT LOWEST ' A water. large schooner was there at the quarters have been coiued, but the convenience FOR TXIf. SEASON ! OFFERS large THE THE iCLnrER SHIP.'. FAIil. a assortment of Goods, recently lamed the , of Fairhaven, who had attending their use will soon add them to receiv Large &!f of CrUrb CztC3 tt the list ed from Sasi Fraraeiac and Liveri!. . Among them i be island 18 months This change Golden Eagle, 1-- 5 about previous, having will be an accommodation, not only in New-Be- t Wt to look after McDonald's island, but in Canada, but also in frontier States, between 1120 tons Register, Captain TC HARDING, win saU for our DRY GOODS. ford with dispatch. Captain Having is an tutprteocd .'.i out for that island found one, from whose inhabitants and in- - this the Canadians a large and MAKE KXOWXTO THE Brown , '' whaling captain, and Shippers of 09 may rely npoo the bast of jdurinjr the 18 months had been there, creasing business intercourse exists. WOULDTraders and Planters of the Hawaiian Islands, VfTUte cottons, JTJTLT AT iO they shirting. care being bestowed on such as may be shlppad. Th ship to TXXIIXUE9AT. ftt 0C20 A2. to Sew York 2,500 oil This received, by the American clipper bark 4 . White cotton , madapolams. nt barrels of The Guano Trade. The whole amount of guano " . At Hew8alBonrffltetoU.lMri 4, Fancy drill, printed cords, two-blu- e prints. provided with a force pomp and boss to wet ail. Hah Goods, expraary tor tWa awsrta is in the nsnal track of vessels outward bound. 3VC 0?-tf- X. aieurl exported from the Chinchas in the month of Febru- ' 33 3j X V9 - Furniture pr- 1- , brown drilling,' regatta, ahirta. Tills ship will be followed by the Ships ANGLO SAXON are two other islands, one which Captain ex- (-- ary, was 21,315 tons register of which 12,703 went That left BOSTON FOR nONOLCLC, February 23d, and Fancy shirts, wh.-- shirts, linen fittings, hickory shirts. MART ROBINSON and G7UADIATOR. r,.-- - of 4 IMnta,awrt atytaa; ild of the James Baines, two years ago having to England; 5912 to pected to arrive here about Jane 25th, White, colored and fancy striped cotton undershirts, lasting. Bs btoe Bergs Khirtsi ' the United States; and 2701 to For freight or passage apply to . , ' String about SO miles west, and the other 70 1 ranee. Merino undershirts, children's socks, white and red flannel, Mae PanUj A ! White blankets, large assmt of linen drills, French merino, Honolulu, Jury 22, 1858. 108-- 4 D. C. WATKRMAM a CO. a . Large Assortment of Merchandise VBhlrtot ; t N. II magnetic from the island. Sydney - -- , 3 Duck and trow seringa, superfine , medium do do. - Iteey Bhirta. .. f , 11. - Adapted to the Trade of these Islands. . Embroidered embroidered Orleans poncho Cobojrs Jarrh alpacas, , cloth, I , , Case of blac Embr'd doth ponchos, monkey jackets, Russell cord coats, FOR NEW YORK DIRECT )t(o vbcrtiscmntts. SALES TO ARRIVE WILL BE MADE. ' black Liistrss; and other trowsers, women's shoes, assorted, , TBS CLIPPER SHIP' - aasorted Luatr. Men's shoes, ladles shoes, crape shawls, . f Jlchj 3t5&trtiscMfnt.s. TBI ASOBTMBNT CONSISTS IX PAST OF THB FOLLOTTSO NAMED lfveoch Mertaoa, aaaarted eeiorsi Linen camb. hdkfs, neckties, ; ! THE BEST ASSORTED aRTtcLKd : silk - Fancy Bilk Veils. Tnmb0 iVEW GOODS IVEW GOODS ! nat (assrtd), Flying Eagle, LJZM cord. 1004 Tons, Captain JOHN W. BATES, - ladutkm Shell Onbs, UX Duck trowsers. Black Bilk, Bilk Meet OFFERS FOR SALE, FOR SALE TO ARRIVE Wry Goods. Will for New For freight or passage ' rXDERSlGNEO Superfine blue sheeting, - bleached Ladies riding hats, blue flannel Jackets, linen drill pants, kc have dispatch Tcrk Colored Woolen Bhlrf, lievsw CkHi Atlantic cottons, " lf "TO STOCK IN TOWN.! 51. and B. browu cottons, Black Alpacca, apply to 10-t- f) K. C0ADT k CO. Invoice of Superior CLOTHIXQ, Tnctt and Tsni AKRIVE'V Plaid lawns, All pink prints, GROCERIES. . Hosiery CARGO OF THE BRITISH BARK EXPECTED IX AUGUST. TO BE SOLD REASONABLE, Kxtra oil carpets. Fine Coho blankets, English pfe fruits, ptcaies, sauces, black pepper, white pepper, lien's. Woman's and fhfldreaa Eatm Black cotton umbrellas, ke. Ginger, cinnamon, mace, cloves, oatmeal, table salt, sardines. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. ae.. ae. BARRELS CAROLINA RICE; ' dried herbs, London malt vinegar, English brown soap, A. P. J . AT THE Capers, XTKurr. bale cloves; - ' THE GOOD, FAST SAILING BRIO lO r; s sRrocerieis. &c, "POHTEUA." 5 bairt pepp-- kc, kc ICIl FROM LIVERPOOL Sardines, In half boxes, SII.EI 1 kejr nutmegs: Fire-pro- of lay coQitingbf 10 boxes corn starch; " - New Store on the Wharf, Sard ines, in qr boxes, 1st sort hops, HARDWARE. Emma, - for above named pert. ' -- ' Pineapple Superior Will have immediate dispatch the 60 kegs split peas; , cheese, butter, Sheet lead, assorted English files. 8ATURDAT, JUI.T C4, At IO OHCImTk A.M Trr HooU. English cod Hah. No 1 r. ware, freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to -- . .,'.; ikerel. Assorted hollow sheathing nails, For . ma-lia- 10 half bbls currants; AND ANTHON'S BIXKK. Room, will Im just cx "Fanny prints, hale a complete assortment blankets: - OPPOSITE HAKES At New Bales sold, reodved " Cods' tongues, dried apples, English dairy cheese. Garden chairs, bronze hat stands, cook's ladles, 107-- Ac CO. d 100 half boxes raisins; tf C.i A. WILLIAMS from Ban Francisco, ctolce seMCtiaa - ... piail, fiur-- bistres, Orleans. PniwM carpet; Best qual. Loaf Sugar, best crashed sugar, best granulated sugar, saw sets, assorted corkscrews, Majer," a f in, J is) quarter boxes ruUins; Handsaws, rj-t- black nlm rugs, blue twilled flannel: Kenned Dried carvers, Roses, Carnation Pinks, . a 100 boxes Winchester's 8. W. soap; lard, Currants, Table knives, forks, and steels, p. coann nmwim, suk umorua. lawns. Vermicelli, White Climbing Bases, Tel tow Bean, : , han.Ilier.-h- . 10 boxes saleratus, (1 lb papers;) Maccaroni, Chest locks, barrel bolts, try pans, anvils. FOR FORT TOWNSEND, W. T. N. handkerchief.4, resratta Baltlmor Pinks, Hersnoaia, .. rd shirts; iOU quarter boxes Dried corn meal, . Grouud rice. wheelbarrows, tin plates, Belle of ' white snprriur white jean shirts; sardines; Iron . Geraniums, HeUotropea. Voehlaa, t' hirt. hirt. shirt, 20 cases - ft. fair'' ami tobacco 8's, 100 lbs each; Hoop iron, assorted iron, screw wool press, jgSTHE STAUNCH ANDWELL KN0WTI 8CH00NER netting, frit hatA. an of clothing, tine hosiery; 1'ionV FRESH BEAT CAROLINA RICE. English Honey . " s i Orana-- cavendish 100 each; Garden rollers, iron field gates, hand gates, Vcronicaa, sucklea, . kr-a-d. silk men' 5 cases tolacco lbs niTEiiiiiiisF, thmvi.asanrtel and women's slioes; -- " t. PembrokeOlt, "Sweet marjorum, Moobe, Master, Yellow Jasmins, Iilae Trees, m. Burnished bits, sail needles, 6 j.u-k-- t eases Emmet's"?t sweet Oraii.-- cavendUh tolacco 'JOlbs ea; piu-- Foster, and fancy drills; electro-plate- P. oat Umsers, Summer savory, Sage. d Doable Tnowerini almonds n 2W half boxes doable rctined loaf . Pump tacks, ware, forks, spoons. I. suptr; Will sail for above named port on " L'JUmlJ, linen handkerchief; '" tlie . 1 u. 50 half bbls do do cni-l- n .l sujrar; WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL MERCHANT, Jama-- k table covers towelinr. white TOBACCO, ASSORTED BRANDS. Anchor Chains. also It drills: & with copper and Saturday, July 24th. mailapolam. prey dnmoties, hue and good white . No. 4 whalemen's caulx', extra fixtures; Sir. BaaBtl- - ft, It.-- . t FINE-CU- T For freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to A few Plant of MoBtfOaneir'a 1 10 No. 3 faTorite pattern r illiams" .toves, complete, .ASJI'ST RECEIVED. PER "MEL.1TA." TOBACCO. LIQUORS with pipe and fi xtures the best Kittem ever imported into aixl AMERICAS GOODS, choice aa-- 105-t- d . HACKFELD CO. fal Mexican CUatxr," Sundries. EXGLISH Cayenne pepper, Black pepper, II. k k SO tofrs Honolulu I family nse. Over 400 stores hare been sold sortment.II Also, per late arrivals, a large quantity of Bottled ale (a first rate article), brandy, gin, draught ale, claret. Bo universally nre. , Pimento Castile soap, admired. Ca-- k hoctlr--d f Old Tom, hock, crabapple cider, sherry wine, champagne, etc. ale and porter, by the aubscrilx-r- and in no case has any complaint been Saddles), Cider vinegar. - Olive llli.ln draught ale. made. Cheap oil. Cheap r idles, Water crackers, Butter crackers, SHIP CflANDLERY AND SUNDRIES. 9 Crates eart!rnware, 10 No. 4 ctoves of the same pattern. li Jumbles, Ginger snaps, Slerebazdiss, Uertt ( fanry b dozen 2 lb tins oysters lTt, put up expressly for Honolulu, . Whip. Fire bricks, blue and white; saddles, bridles, belts, dairy salt; i K- - II 1 TUESDAY, JULY ST. at IO O'CLOCK A.M.' An invoice of Will's English watches, taken from the slit within ten days of sailing of "tfyren." Saddlery Fixings, iiiclu.lini; whole ITiiles, Knameled Leather, and Oils, &c. Liverpool pickling salt, St. Cites packing salt, piies; Ships of Good Capacity ( 2Qd'-- z 1 . Paints, - Sales Boom, will be sold a large lis feiiciwr wire, tb tins oysters; - IMirmture tor carnagi-s- Mystic lead, - Premium sine. Black, yellow and green paint, hemp rope, Manila rope; CAN At New tsfNew TMaall 'JU 1 OBTAIN Osjasla, ex late airrivals, snob aa a iron doc lb tins trreen corn; Silk Umbrellas, Linen llaudkercliiefs,' Copal varnish, ' Bright varnish, Hemp , osnaliurg. strong wide bagging, wool bags; 2 copyinff pr ws. JO dot 1 tb tii.s frth ci.uii; White Orange Blacksmith's coal, carriage and other varnishes. Dry Ooods, Ulouitng, -. 20 cases blue t'ottons. chalk. mineral, - A - "el- I ler.p 40 dot 'J lb tins do do; - Return Cargoes, or AdTantageous Boots, Shoes, Hata, Caps, H irn Bales heavy Blanket, Black paint, . Chrome yellow, - d nxjri.l I ' Orooerlea, Piwrved FratU, A.rt-- and rr,ture iron; SO dox tb tins Meters; Hollow Ware, Verdigris, . Chrome green, EARTHENWARE. I X HO preservetl meats; XX Dried FroiU, ateu, otc t I 20 br.eo tin plates, doz 2 lb tins 35 Calf Kip Rrotrnns, Roots, Putty, . " Glue, sets, sets, tea sets, bowls, O XI TEPIIB, lead. 4S smoked herring; cast's llrosans. Yellow nappies, table chamber asstd; J. And many other articles too numerous to arollon starts tins A good variety of Ktiirli-- h Shirts, lllue Shirts, Boiled linseed oil. . Spirits turpentine, soup plates, 6 inch plates, flat dishes, mugs; TO LOAD WITH' En'isb wide ! taints and oil. 10 doa cau (1 tb) jam; Dinner plates, r.iplrry, of various styles. And a large variety of Painters' Brushes and Tools. 10 dox enns do trwl.-rrie- preserved; Hats Metal ,overed jugs and pitchers, etc., etc. 'ii new . 9J-tf - Prints, patterns, , KOBEKT C. JANI0N. CrITAIVO VIS ISI- AIVD I I e - AT JAR espertd via San Francisco: 4 doa irei?r ol aclK's, lb cans); SteainlKuit Irons, Collins' Axes, Cordage Pleasant Valley Izr Ssle J.--- !- . ire!i;ze ;"J itfnl flannel ihirt, S doz apple- ulp, do; Silk Handkerchiefs, colored MANILA CORDAGK, all sixes; AND PROCEED DIRECT 20 ili a Venlale olives; and black. IS. cl"tbs. Pilot Cunts, fine 1'auts, Manila cutting falls; F. SIYOW BOOK, 50 b 1 U cans asoi-te.- l BE SOL.D, IPAPPUBD FOB Corah handkerchiefs. sllej; White Linen Punts, Pants, - Manila h'kwscrs; FTFERS FOR SALE, in lota to suit purchasers, at NEW YORK OR ANT OTHER PORT WIL.TL. Valley, now d- - 1 lb cans soup ikiuIIic; pleasant Cottage, situated In Banana 2 and Cheap Pants, Satiuet Pants, Hickory Shirts, RUSSIA C0KDAGE,-a- 8ises; the lowest prices, the following merchandise : TO the United States, that may be agreed on. Moorings Q. -- o occupied by Capt. J. Collins, opposite the residenet of Dr. : lO di ib cans chicken; Ilifcdery, I'lidershirts, Spunyarn, Marline, On llnnif 10 ibis 2 lb cans lurk' y ; lrawers and Dry Goods. to be provided, and the Guano brought within reach of ships' P.Judd. and St salt, Cotton I'nihrellas, IlouIineWormline. Grey mvino Cnrah Handkerchiefs, . cottage was two years beat material, I.ir"rji I hri 20 d rir 2 !b cans bp.ths; shirts. tackles by the Agent on the Island. This built since, of the Kinrli-- pickl-s- , Fulls, grey h zr j4e fruit. a WilsVidrr vinevar; Itlack HARDWARE AND NAVAL STORES. table covers, White and merino draw'rs O' and finished inside and oat In the beat maaner, aod Pontalae K'i:li-l- l Silk For further particulars, freight or charter, apply to the under- lrwn H. each of wine, soda, oyster Silk , Kil.lx.ns. black Hdkfs, Brown eitton drawers, Check linen shirts. The Parlor 14x24 fcetj v 80 tins butter, and streets, Hono- , t; f'ates and frp hri.i,, crack rs. Cambric Hand kerchiefs, PAPER AND STATIONERY. White " Calico " signed, at his Office, corner of Fort and Merchant Two Bed Booms, 14x16 feet Arwhr ai.! rhnius. su:ir Thn-hoo- p Pails. Red flannel " White L B shirts. Room 12xl feet. 50 li dtiiim paiitit A coinpli te assortmeut of Counting and Office Stationery. lulu, g.p. ' One Bed a I trim' 11 Cottons, brown Prill", Mile Drills, Brown Blue flannel juid. rooms, stable .i4.liH rr. tr., cic. 12 J", rid Caiuiel yhirts; drill, shirts, Agent of AMERICAN GUAX0 COMPANY. AI.' Dining room, pantry, kitchen, servaaU r.iri-- d rtm-- nt T'rr and Sundries. Willow Wagons and Hasket Ware, old iLever Watches, VTomeu'S whit cotton hose, Brown cotton. the good water. vrr Oxl 10 doz l.lii-- - do do; Fiue andcarriage house, and an abundant supply of ?.n invoice f N tW t; I? is hirtlv f m Pan Victoria Lawns, Sewing Cotton, Cutlery, v Fine flold Lepine 'iVatches, Embroidered uuder-sleeve- s, Black and brown felt hats. Honolulu, March 1, 1858. 88-- tf ""''''' The lot contains one acre, and title fee simple. V efitil 3 doz do do; - rt. l- -f Guayaquil White blankets, apon application RiiBKRT C. JAMOX. 2d dux each linen drill fpcks and paiits; And very Vnrirly'of Oilier Goods. Silver hats, The premises can be examine! at any time, I.ur;r Fine Watches, Silk Colored India ,-- particulars apply to him or JS d uj-i- pviit. half 107-- tf JOHN THOMAS WATKKHOI SK. velvet. to Captain Collins, and for he; Watch Crystals and Keys. Navy with oil silk covers, linen handkerchiefs. ISLAZ7D 101-- gVBBBTT. !. riiM'.l tin; c.Jis, White SANDWICH tf A. P. r:i-- I xl.ridi.-- e 4 "Mte Roots I Shoes, 'I 6 Vooilen Wart. a lit PACKETS. : 4-- NEW GOODS! Congress u lules Western 4 bpmij !; Jlingham boxes, Willow wagons, Goat buskins. Calf boots, ONLY REGULAR LINK FROM THE U. S. SEWING MACHINES. IX 0!!EM-"Rn- OF THE 6 bnks nff'U iie'ny ST RECEIVED FROM BOSTON. BY Y.x. Ladies' bootees. Eu'md leather Congress bpots. etra pails, Shaker brooms, . TO 5 c:l-'-- li'tuck.t blue ilrnUi I1the V ELt'l'A, consisting In part of - Bound FIRST CLASS SHIPS WHOSE WHO WISH " .Market baskets, baskets, (i rorrriis. ' un- OK VTIOX OF TIIC S. I. FLAC! 3 iil--- Ivpperel liro .li.s .Ii.ft xiuc. Sheet lead. Fancy work baskets Laundry baskets, Lemon syrup, Assorted pickles, half gals, Till be despatched quarterly from Commercial Wharf, purchase, can, by calling on the 5 cases Memin.iC tr blue print'; Hay rake". Hay forks, Oval covered niarki t baskets,' Field cans, r- ' Tomato catsup, Gherkins, half gals. Boston, in the months of .March. May Jane, dersigned, convince themselves that f , 1 Ills JKSTV KAIKIIA- - 2 balii Tln.nidyke tieK; Heavy log chains. Scythes and snathes, Hound covenil market liaskets, Hair sift.-rs- No. 1 soap, blacking, cloves. Fine cut tobacco, in tin foiL srplrmbrr aatf Werember. r" f,i !:: kin-ll- 1 - G rover & Baker'a FaBtily tfacaiaes ciren a 2 bales Imperial r.iynl blue naunels; Wool Cuflee -- For further particulars special advertisements in daily , . c;ml. mien spades, llr:iss rimmed pails. mills, ass'd sizes ae9 '' l. f. ;f) I t Superior t i .. run a Slrenle 32 pieven jieavy fb i.. 11 all wool; Planter--- ' hi. s, tSardeii Rlack Tea. papers of the above months. are to be preferred to every other, for six good reasons. Water and butter crackers, Soda, oyster and sugar crackers, ' t (h:i.e. ..11 that d.iy. Mr. Fniiik 2 cases extri fine .iiiu Siish cord. I. It. curryh,combs, IIA3IS, PRIME PORK, For freight or passage to, or drafts on Honolulu, apply to 100-- tf O. P. JCDD, Agent In the Haw. Islands. i , k r.Kaleovire-- a l''Tr. t. le run f'ny untruineil h.nes, o bitU (MUihi I in. ( Picture cor.lK Engle jiliws, 1 I LOT BREAD, BURTON ALE, Xaval Store.. HENRY A. PIERCE, ''.'w'mj H ler 6 an.l 7 th'd; ires will run f r a 4 cms do ib. 4 Shoe thread. Safety fuse, Chain cables, Ru-si- cordage, assorted sizes, Sandwich Island Packet Office, lir-e- . aaddAJii-ompIete)- ; CEDAR SHINGLES, BRICKS,. NEW COOPERAGE. i-- Merchants 100 riding Wire rat traps, M ire cloth. Manila whale line, .Manila cordage, assorted sizes, 67 Commercial Wharf, Boston, If .r. I Kee-- r 10 (Li ch.4rc.-- 1l iron.--: Finisljing iriils, Plumbs levels, UAGS,V Sail needles, Cut nails, lanterns. or to B. W FIELD, r. Mai.U-- and SALT WATER SOAP, GUNNY ?t:ilrs. 2o d:z henry handled axes ' 1" 11. Whitcwa.--) Iti"1ich, Sash tool brushes, Paint oil, turpentine, ' Composition nails. Honolulu, 8. 1. cms nir-- r- - SHEET LEAD, as.s.rtnd, J Jiih with the l'ure d by Mr. Spencer. ii bbls Wilmiutoii pilch; llraces and hits, !. S. razors, Pure and extra white lead, Copier boat nails. AGENTS. Xjtjwxb sronvOsV, 1 tore winninc ra. shall le allowdl to enter fir an-- I 60 nests Hingham Im).c; S. auger bits, Kuw pins, ANT. FARINA COLOGNE. B. W. Field, - - ' - - Honolulu. COOPERH, i .n de-)- C Sundries. New-York- . h tiie etcej.-- f Steeple horses. is also l- lie-it- - ' Chae It fto covered buckets; (limlet Steel yards. - Sutton - - PORT STREET, HONOLULU. " 101-- ! Verdigris, kS. hare a I'INNEIl 1". the okim. with music, etc.. to 10 d jointed pails; ('hopping trays, Carvers and forks, Saddlery, Ac, Arc. tf Boiler iron, Cook k Snow, -- ' - - New Bedford. it! expenses well Table spoons, " e i4 hwh. as as to make np the Purses 1 j (8 in m at; 1' pails; Horse liullet moulds, Grocers' scahs. 64 tt SUBSCRIBERS would inform their friends, ras, lcd-.teail- -, ft tuns will lie opened at Cai.t.Thns. 2l bazs shot; Heavv hinges, C. S. handled axes, Iron 1 French bedstead. THE and the public, generally, that they will be (r'r it.r-.th- e Merchant' rl- ami Conimerci.d Hotels, XUW GOODS! S.ilnr side I Ollice clucks. Mew Shop aa Port li:mi lliail times, to greet them their j stout br'.gau."; MallJts, Ktc, etc., etc. un. t'-e-j-i- happy, at all at p- - rs(ie.-tfa!I- Cherry rs are also ivfjiiest.il to attend a meetine 10T-- Leather trunks, lioanls, & Co '8 two below the Drug Store of Dr. Jodd, and directly ! 400 Id, 17 and 18 feet oars; it For sale by W. X. LADI. JUST RECEIVED BY THE "MELITA." Street, doors kul at Macfarlane's Lycenm. on SATrRDAY EVENING 50 , Nos 1 to 10; Crowbars, .lute mats, '':: ' & opposite the Store of Mr. B. W. Field. AO orders with which )lts W , U.ll r, PACKAGE LETTER I S oVtsrk. to appoint the Commi't-- e an.1 Stewanls. 300 kejrs nails. 44 Pocket Knives, ripping pajn-r- they may be favored, will be thankfully received and promptly t- - " ' I After the nieetinc. BAUjUOXa will sent New Coods, ex Bark Mclifa." E. Hall offers Sale : Rasps, L:intp chimn ys. - SI , attended to. . p the Commercial Hotel. loS-- it Wines mtd Spirits. 0. for Cork Screws, lmiomcrs. k-- gs I ATTENTION TO OUAOIXQ. XX 5) Monotigiiheia whisky; I ti 20th of each Month, CT PARTICULAR PAID XS. 1 See. DRV GOODS, Sic, Curry combs, Pad Locks. ' 50 kegs N. K. rum; CODFISH: KITS XO. MACKEREL; . B. moderate. Kits cmI tongues, HARDWARE. tfces; Ruches, fine Tibialis ; Qllrah onice chairs, Xoa 1 and J solar lamp c'limnevs TO ALL PARTS OF THE N. Terms X fT UECEIVEI) AXD ! oO ki ics American brandy; B 'Lailies', JAMBS U LXWIS. i FOR SALE v t ases lard, in tins, 10 tbs each. Axe hatchets, shingling do; infants', children's, Coach wrenches. Sheath knives. Son - 10 cases Itoker's bitters; Stairs lb America. QS--tf MORTON. S. shovels, spades, hoes; ; lK).vs' misses' cam seat chairs Sheaths and belts. GEORGE W. Corn meal, in C . f and assorted alnut " 50 cases champagne filler; tins. . . . . 1.. ... X MELITA," FROM BOSTON. 1.1.rvriH.-- ., i"i n.., :r, hats; llingham buckets, grindstones. Red, wliite and blue . Cnnndna and Eai.pe, Ground rice, in tins, lllituui. AMEKICAS-lCCBOPS- iS W 50 diz pints Albany ale; hay-fork- s; - CoNMn-TI- THE Carolina rice, in bbls. Th ree--ti ned Brown and white table damask- - dmis HW YORK WITH MEN'S fiRAIXED SKA BOOTS, 50 dox do do porter. Sperm nud l'olar Oil.&e. &e. COMPASV VO KUBOPE. SAILS! SAILS! Host on Tea kettles, sauce pans;. jAssorted table napkins; . 1 iw f alf lH.ts; Men Kip do; smoked hams, - Urown'si I roils. Cra-die- sugar. Baled kettles, iron pots; Assorted fruit napkins; Whaliiifinnml 8 A TLB BY THE UNDERSIGNED." Ii Calf Concrs ."iVnve," Ilorae, 1 . RTffL.TL.ION following BAILS, suitable far a vessel at SM to 0 Men's Calf I!.; Bnots. Per ".Mountain expecled in Loaf sugar, Nests tin trunks and pnils; White flannel, ; India Rubber hf inch and inch. DI ST. COIN AND FOR pt. lesuhiT clnve top Coneres with ivory Linen toweling, liackabuck; C5HOL.D aod insured on Open Policies, held from the best IK) Water crackers, Pins, plated forks, Brass Hose Pipes, Lend Pipe. tons, viz: ' cloth tipMoDg.tNXts, Fr. kid September. w London. " handled knives to match; . Svat lace, bhiek fringe; 93-- tf Insurance Companies York and 1 new Topsalh , 4 Oxford ties, do, 800 gallons best Ix.iled oil; Butter do. fee, &e. Semi-monthl- y, lo jnrco drawing 'Black Packages, Parcels and Letters forwarded Via . 1 new Foresail ; wide J Do saddles complete; Soda do, Sewing birds, uencils; ; .... 1'odf strap shies, cirk 75 Tcnisee riding ribbons, elastic do; Panama and Nicarapua, in charge of Special Messengers. 1 new T. M. Studding SaQi wide strap do, Slisjs coat l.iee bor.ts, 20"0 fiss navy bread; Oyster--- ' do. India rubber hair pins; Satin SALE , THE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR A Express is made up by us for Panama, Callao, Lima, 1 , Fishhooks, buttons; dirown ami black ribbons; Sjiecial main Bovali vroai La. 50 half bins Milk biscuit-- tafrta sinners, t io r. lace do. cnished S'lTitr; Perforateil board, buggy lamps; Velvet riblions, black crupe; Valparaiso, and all thcpriucipal ports of the west coast of South 1 Spanker, 1 Jib, ) f:nry carjK--t slippers, . do 25 half boxes loaf Oinger snaps, English lo ukin d; Assorted planes, dog collars; Serpentine braid, tapes; AT REDUCED PRICES! America, which is promptly forwarded by the Steamers 1 Fore Topmast Staysail, y cr.rk ughth Am. ricau brandy. Jumhles, ri-oi- lit do anirle ties, i casks Putty knives, peg cutters, mils, Italian silk; leaving Panama on the 14th and 29th of each month. 1 Spanker, ralfh.ji4s. Child's do ilo do, Kried apples. 1THOLESALE A NO RETAIL, THEIR to a legitimate 107-- S.VTir-GE'S- . Assorted Embroidered collars; V Collections made, and all orders pertaining 1 Top Uauantaau, 's ealf Do Fr. kid do do. tf At S. tea trays; T stock of merchandise on hand, in order to make room for j Per ' Yoansr C'reek," eipected in August. Whips and whip lashes; '.Men's fine half hose; new poods The assortment now offered consist Forwardingtt anil r. press uuameas, uusuucu w wuu ui.pau.ii. ALSO mlf hmeatis. bo opera do do, CHEAP, Cuttlng-i- n chain t 150 10, 17 and 18 feet osrs; jacket lamps; Men's riding gloves; 1 set Iron trapped Blocks, with prodanU, calf iv. lace bouts, Feather dusters, in part of " brvans. roat 2 coils ea. Manila 2, 3 NOTICE! Whitewash, paint Black , wire ribbon; OflBcrtk complete. 9S-- tf B. P. SNOW. pat. ef. silk Cofi i morocco lo, roje, li. 1, 1, 21,21,2':, in. flour, dust, Fine ready made clothing. s, Io SO bales cluck, Xos 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, V. Hickory - - - (.lain do (!, kil do. c4t.Hi o, 9, I XDERSIGXED IS PREPARED TO and shoe brushes; shirts, ; Extra fine white linen shirts, undershirts. A. P. EVERETT, - Honoltjltj. , lo W kegs aswirted uaiU; TMIE to tho Honolulu puh'lc the following, ou the most Sail twine, box graters; and 2 bushel bags; tr. kid iipf-r- It Boots, shoes, slippers asid children's shoes, DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP. l'nis.-ia-u blue rersouable terms : Ruled foolscap and bill paper; Heavy , brown drills; 124 Montgomery San Francisco. n and line sh.ie nails, sLoe tltread. pees. ete. 40 lbs paint; Fine black satin, assorted ci.lors , street. 10 tts chrome yellow do; Augur bits, chopping knives; Brown cottons, wicking; Sup. white Jaconette, black alpacca. 93-- tf COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE kf J. ii WOOD. 60 ehp.nie CORAL STOVE! log and trace chains; Blue cottons, piping cord; THE under the name and style of EDWARDS Jt WAL. !ts vreeil do; White and tipured ball dresses. by The 10 lbs vi mullein; In any quantity, for luilding and other purp3es, at so much Dogchains,cuw and sheep beihi; Blue and whtie thread; Sup. ladies' and pents' kid ploves, TON, Is this day dissolved, having expired limitation. rtiugh, or not to & CO.'S firm wilt be liquidated by A. 8. EDWARDS, , JUST RECEIVED! 10 lbs Frenc h blue; each. In the squared, for foundation buildings, Sash rollers, iron, brass anil Tidy cotton, woolen carpeting Ridinp ploves, silk umbrellas. WLIil, FAItCO affairs of the late ' 60 charcoal irons; at so much per ox cart load. Steps anil Door or Window Sills copjier wire, mallets; Bout webbing, silk umbrellas, Black and colored cravats, suspenders, who will continue the Waelrsale Uejaar Bmaisxsaa. LOT OF VF.ItT SIPERIOR No. 4 Kcger and Cups, with smooth surface, cut out in any size to suit. Bench anil screws; j Etc., etc., etc. lOB under the name and style of A. 8. PfI,L.1 VCF : 5 stoves Williams;" hand Table covers, etc., etc., etc. at Free! atrect. ARTICLES trr ami Children, via 5 bales hops; Brad awls, adlocks; EXPRESS, EDWARDS If CO. A. 8, EDWARDS, 3 JLime. Fire Wood, A large assortment of cut plass ware, uniirouleml c!.ilrtii waists. s c H. 0. WALTON. IM 2 cas-- l.ojis. 1 Jb papers; Ballast Tor Veswel. Dour and chest locks, assorted; rnnri'ttiE'S Wax matches, do in wood, a do dresses. bbls Gimp Tierces Carolina rice; BY REGULAR PACKETS BETWEEN HONOLULU 1 Thrid-lae- e an l Insertions, 100 extra i rinie pork; Ilidett Sbeepnliin, Horna, &. tacks, rivets; Mustard in lib botlles, sup. claret. THE s a!l go assorted screws; Nutmegs, curry powder; to fall I Childr-n"- silk hai 200 bbls flour; 107-t-f I. DOWSKTT. Pocket knives, Parlor chairs, hat umbrella stands, AND SAN FRANCISCO. The nnderslgned respectfully call yoor attenHoa their nls. pilot bn-ad- ; J. .Assorted candy ; lately An rf children's socks. 11,000 tbs Slate pencils, steelyards; House and bordering. conveyance Merchandise, Coin, Let- and varied stock of and Llajaara, which has f a.Ytment navy bread; . " measures, ywr ami mint cracKers; rler " For the speedy and safe of Wlaa East- Children's rater.t leafier hoots and shoes. 2,000 Its ! Board rules, rifles; Fine cutlery, bits, spurs, silver spring do, been replenished by recent arrivals from Bnrope and the loO tins crackers; SHOES Swede's iron, round iron; sutrar, a 1. Kresing paper, copying paper, ters ami valuable parcels, to all parts of the ern States, and which will be afforded at lowest marstt prices. sup. iriuca !ii Teii. " wii 20 haif bbls aew (i.ishen butter; RECEIVED, PER M EL.ITA," . Crowbars, pickaxes, hammers; Francisco, April 30, 1868. ' ' Warranted tr-'-d Uxlies' Gilt frame mirrors, - San ipalitj- white kid (rloves, JUST iuvoico of Shoes, follows : BOOTS AM) UNITED STATES. CANADA AND EUROPE- "Wliite 25 haif bbls ne apples; as Shears and scissors; SHOES. An assortment of fancy articles, etc., etc,, etc. 100-- tf A. 8. EDWARDS k CO. eorl silk, Patent le:u her, glove tnv, CongTess Gaiters, Ladies' Cunrress gaiters, crwul white flannel. lltf small cheeses, in tins; 100 kegs nails, saws; silk Honolulu.' June ac, 1858. 105-- 3t vox HOLT & HEI CK. The Agents at Honolulu Bell Bills of Exchange in sums to snit . , l'jd whole Knameled Congress Gaiters, Riveting hammers; kid; Sn;.lnt.Ui-k- rr-n- red. etc., chenille, lo.es raisins; on Wells, Farpo & Co., San Francisco or New York. Also TO THE PUBLIC. 1 200 d. do; teiat Ilni?ins, Eajrle plows. No. 2; Po buskins and slippers; filk 2 11. f'T haif tc Fargo Jfc Co.'s franked U. S. Government envelopes, criis u.els cushions, V. Kuameled Krogans. 20; Do calf dov thick sole; RECEIVED EX II ARR IET JESSIE Wells. BEG TO fcdk do (',o pictures. 100b.xesS. soap; Kasrle piow, No. fCST ioston an assortment of fancy glassware, kc, consist- which pass free over the California and coast routes, and over UNDERSIGNED INFORM f.r 11 s 107-- tf For sale hy C. A. 1J. F. POOR. I Hi iivlia Diiblie that thev will nnen a MA.KMXT on the of July Etc., etc.. etc. ante currants; Horse plows, side hill plows. in part of from to New York: TnE la 25 No. 1 mackerel; coat Imotees; ing the Atlantic route San Francisco proximo, at the Country Residence of Mr. P. Mamm, Nananu v..x HOLT k. HEI CK. kits Harrows, hnvrakes, cralles; Io Solar lamjis shades and chimneys, lamp wicks. Commissions promptly to. It 8 ca.es (20 If,) bags table salt; Ox bows and yokes; .Men's calfwtxford ties; and collections attended street, where at alt times will be found a choice setoctionof raxsa , NEW GOODS! Wine bottles, punch bowls. wedpewsxl pitchers, R. COADY CO.. Agent - lft IHvmi's h tobacco; leaders hull rinjrs; poat k G hoc eribs, at- as low rates as can be pmared at any store In caes hlf V'-A- Cattle and lo sliiers; l'arion pitchers, spoon holders, vases. eve- . 50 champagne MELIT X INVOICE OF lanti-nis- , Po kip Ixvits, thick sole; town. Also, naBF, poaa, MOTTO", sariiosa, etc., In mot, TOWN BEEF MARKET. boxes cider; LIGHT a.lapte.1 to Town Guarded lamps; Terracotta tete a tote sets, silvered salts, SO Iki s pints ViO PER CL'nilXG, Trailer I calf do do do; Sc rything usually found in a well appointed country store. rter di; Wliite linen duck Coats, Solar, lamps and extra clohes; Hose curtain iins, castors, Iniquet stands, A. F. A. M. TIIK I'XDF.RSir.XED ,"" 10 llourlKiii ahisky: liunj-in- i IK ealf do thin sole; 104--tf BOYD B MANINI. f.rrartl a 'tn-'Tshi- 1l'l.l White Marseilles do. Solarchiinneys. l.iins; Plated cake baskets and castors. fti lo n kegs prime Brtirlion whisky; l'lated cantors and extra bottles; Misses and child's ass'd boots, LE PROGRES DE L'OCEANIE the pnnMe ri carrying on th f White linen drill Pants, Sets emliossed plated tea ware, envelof c cases, kc, kc, kc LODGE, No. 124, under the jurisdiction of the Su- PHYSICIAN, 3 .. 20 kess do do do; Tubs, pails, buckets, trunks; shoes and buskins. by DR. PUN1IUE, CHINESE intentl' .-s lilack alpacca For sale preme the Urand Central Lodge of BalrWriaz Kasiaraa. ; suierii and extra whisky; Fncks, S. and W. S. rorkini chairs; Council of France, their market supplied with the best Vr.rw. Mrr-- -- Fashionably made. C 62-- tf A. P. EVERETT. Scotch holds its THOSE RESIDENTS r fVK. ' 10 octaves Kivierre" . S. lookinp plasses; ARTICLES. working in the ancient Rite, regular TO NOTIFY and ererythinc pertaiuinz brandy; 107-- low chairs, MISCEI. BEGS who have in their employ Chinamen addicted ri,.r, to the Batchcrinc 10 do - Pinet Castilion Co." ; tf For sale by C. A. Jt II. F. POOR. Single pure sun- meetings ou the Wednesday nearest the full moon of each Tr.anifal f.ir pat tw'Tf, we solicit a eontinoatioa of ii bnuidy and double 7.ic imtnt) leud, and NVElTsT Lodge Room, in King street. to the practice of Opium Smoking, that he can kvwak them of 5 !'J-- too month, at the old Tii;h-rt- o hestoweal no each us. ciutrter eiks lmT tJonlou" pale sherry; bedsteads. tf dries numerous to mention this pernicions habit, after a fortnight's treatment- - , r Ptr"eaee of and re. 25 ales gunny ha?1; ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. OF Xy Visiting brethren respectfully invited to attend. y the nt4ie t. call L,L. EDITIONS THIS 60-- Apply office, Mauna Kea street, opposite Hotel . init; and eounine the qnalitv of the 4 THE POPI LAR August 18. tf H. SEA. Secretary. XT at his 4 doz grey flannel shirts; AXT TO AX MADE text for sale, viz: School, Iliph School, Vni 101-- ly ..irers r sale dail- - at the ToWX .M AKK KT, Ill'RSI ORDER. Bi valuable took street. Kir. d'-- ; His Honor S. Austin, Circuit Judgi-- & XI2VII1E..E, "pposil: T. Waterhisase's mnnnnhi store. 'J doz Wiirli t do I. I. third Judicial Pis. THOMPSON' versita, Countingll'.'use, ocUivo and quarto editions. J. Im Probate on herehy LAMREKT F. BKATTT, 4 in do do; trict, at a Court held at llilo the 6th inst., I Si)tf For sale hy II. M. WHITNEY. NOTICE. being about to leave this CO I 1 i I give may concern Tuesilay, BLACKSMITHS, UNDERSIGNED Late City Market. n pants; mice to all whom it that on (the vrpl! UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN AP-- few months, has appointed Thomas W. of : E for '.'.'2 dog tnn-ks- Ulst day of Augu.U.lS5S, at hour of o'clock, A. shall THE a GEOrUiK RISLLV, deiiini the In M.,I OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM HOUSE, BOOKS! A limited Guardians of the person and property ot WILLIAM Brerett, Esq., as his Agent, by special Power of Atfarasy and -4 wll ' y public Cue highest on prem- IIL.WK 13 bales Auioskeag brown; auction to bid.b r therefor, the C. LUNALIL0, son of Charles Kanaina. of Honolulu, hereby persons are hereby forbidden to trust any other one In my , Puti-'o- . er "A large assort all L 5 do ise, a ten acre M of land situate on Ililo, Hawaii, ROOKS, Memorandum Books, 4c. Fimile--s can haTe msrki-tir- 1m bales' drills' do; give notice to all persons indebted to him to make immediate woman child. their s.ivt mie free of tlH-ni- A name, either man, 10 Otis with the improvements it leing a jvart and par- jj. THE HOVE HAVING PURCHASED LOG just received, and for sale by having r - by mhos; their rnlers to the Town Market. 104--tf lles denim.; by M. payment ; and all iersons claims against the same, are P. H. HEADWAY. Ik.U- - 4- Wai-me- a, the r iniscs formerly M..Mattnew, 71-- tf 7 Cordis drill -4 bromn; . cel of the Kal leloTiring to Ilerry Itrowii, Int.; of . n. M. WniTNEY. same to W. Ho- " ' 77-l- 1) now 10 Ship, Carriape Cart hereby requested to present the J. Al'STIN, Lahaina, Dec 8, 185T. - y 1 Lancaster deeeasetl. Further particulars at the time are prepared execute and case stripes inttate. of V Work, on notice and most reasonable nolulu. J. W. AUSTIN, NOTICE. 1 ncli'T do; sale. LOl IS A. PAVIK, the shortest R. ARMSTRONG, cae to business to merit a share GAR. , poi-o- n. " " 107-- 7t terms, and hope by strirt attention MOLASSES, 5 half bl.'s bide '. llilo, July 7th, 1S5S. Administrator. 22, 1S5S. 87-- tf . C. KANAINA. notice. 105--tf s Feb. OXSKOl so lilierally bestowed. t F.XCE OF TIIK PF.ATH OF For sale t arrive, on liiieral terms, by ' of the tiublio patronape heretofore a s r. HARD (HIM, rn the Hie bu.inesa of rr SYRUP, BEGS TO INFORM HIS of R. CO Jnnr.li. lOVlf .1. C. 5PALMXU. RE.MOV'AL. SSAYIDGE protection, bo will not deliver any , i ?Y it C. wili be brought siieed- - ' F BOX NOTICE. :.l.-.s- r .11 13 to or Native servants, unless they either bring I the narieof t'ie firm will henei fir?li lie nsed CITY A ItK T. EAST MAUI, goods Chinese carry in tWDERSIf'XED HAVE REMOVED UNDERSIGNED. GUARDIANS OF the money, written order, or a passage book. May 38. 100 tt r oit rxiher tnnlmts coim.U cine nnflnisheit THE Autlion's lire-pro- building, up over person property of WILLIAM C. LUNALILO, a - k stitirs, MAXU'KlX, and S aod winding- up tiie f Brm.-- WILLIAM SALESMAN. For sale by CHAS. BREWER i$p. TIIE trafrwetiors the V tne store or v . any person trust- i . TV a. Aiancii. 18-- tf Apent. son of C. Kanaina, of Honolulu, hereby forbid FUKI'KUIC U HANKS, w . a t-- a l lOti--tf C. A. IK F. POOR. as from we shall pay no NOTICE k rMMIE I NDERSIGNED HAVING ROUGHT ing the said W. C Lunalilo, this date hava appointed Mr. P. s. WIWM. -- GIVEN, that I Jfs. . v 7 m tsk Xs. Z. - W. a. . I . Realty, in the alnive es- debts contracted by him, J. W. AUSTIN, HEREBY (By hU Attorney. KitrntRK- - I Iftxuj.) i it M. out the interest .f .Maxwell SKINS, ISK. A. HEYDON at my Agent, with Power of Attorney, f ! tablishment, situated on King street, opjHisite J. T. Water-house-'s GOAT Hides, R. ARMSTRONG, ' Sor Wo rtr.ers of the flrm of II. COAKV St BRICKS BRICKS! 87-- during my absence from the Islands. ' C. Feb. 1853. tf C. KANAINA. - 10-J- New Store, 1iojms that the liiieral putronspe heretofore Tallow, WO- , iv.bt,JxiiT to. anl 2i Honolulu, March 10, 18SS. -tf D.M.WESTON. liii. 7iOR SAI.E BRICKS, will be . iiERMAX bestow.il may lie continued, as no pains or trouble Slush, " JB. to arriv in Septeinlwr, p..r iMrk Hartiurg." Apply to spared by the manager, Mr. Wm. Maxwell, iu suiting the taste Old copper and composition, and 107-- tf IIOFFSCIILAKUKIt Js STAPKXIIOKST. NOTICE. TC ' CT. . tU. of all customers. Wool, NOTICE. IE TOR I 1 M'-1K.TI- Attention paid b) selrtiou of stuck, to render the quality of Wanted by the subscrilier, for which the highest cash price UNDERSIGNED BEING ABOUT TO Undersigned, daring his absennt to the United States, F.1R 0 UltfJK ! ! TV HE nd mi-w-- kingdom, offers for sale the premises now occu- Mw dwcl'.injr fMHVanil pn s SALT SALT meat the best obtainable. will lie allowed by leave the THE be represented hy Mr. JOHN P. POPE, under Power . . , I M W:!am Hr.H.-- sim.iie In Tb - 45-- tf - CnAS. BREWER, 2n. pied by himself, known as the 91-t- fJ D. WATERMAN. ritar.ia street, con- -I is.Mi.jjr ii i ..- S.VLE IIESSIAX' Orders punctually attended to, and delivered in any part of "Commercial Hatel." of Attorney. . 0. thr--e me - REF1XEI AXD including the Stables adjoining. . Also, all the fixtures of the and laire nn stair. FOR k Salt to arrive in Senteinlier. tier bark tlit eitv within two miles, free of churpe. . a nk-n- t ! Hotel, embracing everything requsite for the successful con- niMmml and e..nv Cook Inmseniand s. rranl' llarbnrg." Applvto Honolulu, July 1, ISos. 105 J. I. POWSETT. NEV GROCERIES SHIRTS ! SHIRTS! t a. i. with snr-- d Bit ducting of tlie hotel business, consisting of one superior Billiard d. a wll and tlier aoomnuitlini.t on 107-tf ED. IDFFdCIILA EG Ell Ac STA I'ENIIORST. d is YANKEE. FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Table, In first rate order, bar fixtures, etc. ai alfsetlirr a rrry desirable ainl healthy . RECEIVED PER FANNY MAJOR fnn-fly- . Codfish; f':i:e. a SMALL INVOICE, oF THE IIOVE Suerior ' JUST from the Manufacturer in New York, a small Invoice ' " A P.ilt.-rs- jn.t rceiv. d I r F .nn Miij',' and REMOVAL. II. It. Harvey, llamblin & Baker's Oysters; also p Applv to Carpenter. v of Davies Jones celebrated patented shoulder and throe Pahan. Printer's for sah-h- )lt-- ll I.. KM HAI'.KS A! & PAINTER, Tne Lease on the corner of Nuoanu and k laa -o Cl. HOUSE, SIHP.'SIGN ORNAMENTAL New Ca ifornia Cheese; ef the laf aunoar. frlo vr. II. .M.- li:r. hi. 3ml(W CMIKRS'CXEI) II S REMOVED Beretania streets, known as the H Circus Lot," and the Lease of ply collar shirts . They are selected so that we aan nt T1IIE Al'CTlOy HCSiyESS to the New Sum? on Qui en NEAR FORT, HONOLULU. Fresh Jenny Lind cakes, in tins. any size, and afford to seU them 20 per oent lass than former A'.VO STREET, & the "Nuuanu Baths." , street, UJ anion's Hl'ick." A. P. EVERETT, 9i--tf At wholesale, by C. A. H. F. POOR. ' Drioes. It wants but a trial to convince any one of their superi TO LEASE, 14, 1S5S. 107-- ALL. KINDS OF WORK IN HIS LINE also Honolulu, July tf Auctioneer. to 1 in every respect over any others In the saarket at present. FIK-OPROO- . will be executed with aud in a style second One Soda Machine, with bottling apparatus complete. ority JTIII: P STORK AT disiiatch, A CORD! y PRF - none. 103 tf EIGHT DOLLARS II. MACFARLANK. re,t octiifeil Messrs. Krull K Moll. .THE rXDKRSIG XED 100-t- . cor. King A Port Et. C'iiL-mtl- ISA(, GENEALOGICAL TREE. y Honolulu, April 22, 185S. 95-- tf f Tailors, civi n on l.l 1.1 n.mtlh. Ai.i.lr In ;1N t his "y UNDERSIGNED ARE CONSTANT-J- it f-ti-X of SAPILl.llV at bi i 1- V - CHAf. BREW KR 2.1. St.ek stand, orner ST RECEIVED f. A LOG - JOHNSON, in receipt of pood K0A FIREWOOD. For sale at the " Ki l 1 i . THE EXE S. WHITE CEDAR BOAEDS. . of iit ar HoVi l Strkkts, io which he r I , ral Tree of our Savior drawn and litltoeraDhed bv Wm. ; above price. 197-- tf J C. A. H. F. POOR. ' 9f : would "of CARPENTER, t . CARD foTHE PUBLIC. invite the attention the tieoi.le of Honolulu and tl St-- Maur llingham. For saie by HOUSE &c, MYAKKEE." AND FOR SALB BY THE HATS J Hawaiian Islands generally. He has just received er " Fanny 107--tf H. M. WHITNEY. A'.VO STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE R ETHEL, GROCERIES. THAT THERE ARK EX a small lot of Port Orford Cedar iJoardu, ; Msj.: UNDERSTANDING community of my having en- . a rPKRK .Assortment i Cases tomato ketchup, comprising. : i Fanny : store. 1 set silver mounted Ihiuhle Harness, to W.F.SPKCTFIILLV INTIMATES THAT FANNY MAJOR to over-leas- e a house in town, now occu- Wj'.r. Tiz fitted use singly; iu line, DER deavored cettain this 1 inert Hoard, mostly wjaej Sets silver monnt-- d Single EX " MELITA." , MM be is prepared to execute any work the above and U. Cases cream tartar, cases saleratus. fab- ,t famy BUtooiers, Liirht Harness; tf pied by another party, I proclaim it to be false and a base - (irl' patronage. 10-2-- - inch do . . do doi Boys' Straw Hats, Sets japanned Light Single Harness. SUPERIOR hopes to merit a share of pnbiic Cases ginger, cases quinces in tins, kc, kc rication ; in proof of whieh 1 would respectfully refer, by per- i planed an one side. V " trinitnel HICKORY STRIPES 69 C. A. k U. F. POOR-- ilnch do do Io Leghorn Hats, ALSO BALESheavy Hickory Shirts. tf mission, to Messrs. JonAi Montgomery and T. C. Heuck, who are a i ii j . Im.. hMivli... mmA. il.iHilnil a. 107-- tf rinwauof w .vct. ri ti. C.irls d Flats, A lot of best plain anil heavy stamped Trta C. A. k II. F. POOR. HONOLULt' the only parties ante to negotiate lor tne anove premises. perior to Eastern pine for Joiner's work and Snatltng, and wUI IntinU fancy Hats. and Snddles), warranteil No. 1; HairRaiftrCinches, AMBROTYTE & DAGU ERREAN GALLERY PONAPE GRAMMAR. EDWARD BURGESS. be sold at a leas price, in lots to suit, by Moehelln PATENT 4k AtwttfJesale,bT C. A. k tt. F. POOR. Gut and Bone Kuggy Whips; making, together with his former PENCIL SIIARPEXEIIS, 104-- tf C. A H. P. POOB. FEW COPIES OF TIIE PAMPHLET At request of Mr. E. Runresa, mi hereby declare, that the stick, the most complete assortment of Goods iu bis line ever "rfTTfc tt on the Grammar of the Ponape Dialect," the AS IXDISPEXSABLE AS AGUERREOTYPES, AMRROT YPES. A entitled Notes course pursued by him in reference to above has been NEW GOODS! offered in Honolulu. Contenting himself with small profits, for CONSIDERED sale by MA and PHUTUOKAPUS. TIL W. FROEBE, recently published, for sale Price 60 cents. the matter SHORTLY EXPECTED, 10G-2-in strictly just and h m .ruble. MONTGOMERY, tlie sake of quick returns, he offers excellent Imrgains for cash. M. 106-t- Successor of II. Stangenwald, 103-- ir H. M. WniTNEY. J'HN II. WHITNEY. f . 101-O- m . A lOS-l- m O May 31, 1858. TIL C. HEUCK. a 8 A ILK BY SPAIUDINO-To- 'Lv;,,--of ' f A.'SAa MAJOR si July 20, H5S. R. II. KODINSON. ND FOR J. C Y f- gIIRT5, vijs: , lv arrive per-- " Melita," from Boston, V. 8.1 - White muslin clrts, linen bosoms; RASPBERRY SYRUP. NOTICE. OYSTERS. " do DKSIKAIJLi: AKTICI.KSt t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. k ,l" tancy rronti: DOX'S RIP-P- ,' Grey flannel RASPBERRY SV er "Yan WILL NOT BEST BRANDS OF CHESAPEAKK ?oiftjkM--- " r t vershirts; , SELDOM TO 1IE FOUND WHEN WANTED. GOR1 for sale by UNDERSIGNED : j, UNDERSIGNED HATING BEEN 60 cases Champagne Cider: D" m'TiT lieposits in the Custom House anlt, under existing THE constantly on hand, vil II blij. Baker k Co's Administrator, with the wiU annexed, of the es- I ndershirts; 104-- tf L. THE TIIE 100 kegs, 10 gallons each, whisky. f White do C. r.ICIIARDS CO. regulations, after this day. All articles on deposit at this date and LeBbus's. LeBrun's are warranted superior to any in the tate of Stephen Reynolds, late of Honolulu, deceased, hereby do. At 81-t- wholesale by CARD BOARD, OF is to remove them. market. For sale by fl C. A. k U. F. POOR. gives to persons having r C. A. can remain until it convenient notice all demands against said estate, U. r. POOR. DRAVIX COZZENS' PALE S11EIIRY. W. OOODALE, to present the same ; and all persons indebted to the saske, are JUST RECEIVED? Portfolio letter, foolscap and larger sizes; lOflf-t- Honolulu, July 1, 185S. f J Col. Oen'l of Customs GREY MERINO UNDERSHIRTS. hereby requested to make immediate payment. SMALL. QUANTITY FINE7 TOBACCO. Cash Boxes, with keys; PALE SHERRY The finest wine ever JAMES W. AUSTIN, OF PCaS COZZF.XS' sale UNDERSHIRTS AND A BRANDY, warranted superior to any m the markat. i Bristol Boards, small extra large sizes; by MERINO 83-- and Honolulu, January 22, 1858. tf Administrator. A' & II. F. POOR HATF. nvrvivepn yuilU. Toothpicks: 104-- tf C. L. RICHARDS CO. GRAHAM FLOUR. GREY for sals low by Also Cases genuine Hostettert bttteri. For by I- -r Fanny Afajor, h C. A. POOR. ft-- tf . C. aPALODTO. the flkwiiiS brands 1 . Faber's superior Polygrade Drawing Pencil 6 In , "N ABOUT-- oO POUNDS ... 81 tf k p. F. ' s PACKAGES OF : t asea llarvey Tohacco, 94-- NOTICE. each box equal to the best Loudon pencils; ALHAMBRA RESTAURANT AND COFFEE . each, for sale by tfJ J. F. COLBURN. Cases ,1ow Uose d. Manifold Letter Writers; ENAMELED SHOES AND GAITERS. NAVIGATION.: at reasonahle terms. - PERSONS HAVING 1DEMANDS fue io&-- tf Children's Indestructible Toy Books; SALOON, ALL me, will plu.se present tbem fur settlement Imme- TTTSE OF INST RUM JAJVAVL OD- -; FIRE WOOD. stTi ASES ENAMELED SHOES - every r.TJT. India Rubber Pen Holders a new article; Do. Oatters ; received for diately 1 and those in le'te I are requested to call and settle, or UJ serrations, and blanch aaBaamrw for aa JXUAXIT STREET. ABOVE THE COR. A for good Fire Wood, on the landing, V do. just and . GKOCERIES. 10 gross Medalion" Pens. Hotel CORD will attorney for collection. . plUbed Navigator, taught In meat s "The and Franklyn" ner of street, Honolulu. Sandwich Islands. Apply to ale by pi-- tf C. A. k H. F. POOR. their accounts be left with au the thaw 108-2- m near the Custom House. fT For sale by II. M. WHITNEY. ' "CT Lunch at all hours Ileal 25 cents. The suijscTiber hereby gives notice that he wUI pay no manner, by . DABUi I X.3. ' RECEIVED, PER FAX2TT MAJOR. , l:-t-f C. A. & H. POOR. XT kiperiur lot of Pouchon Tea, WiMf R. V. SPEIDEN, Proprietor. f. debts contracted without his written order. ' -- : Cases T'jmato Catsop, - NEW SUFFOLK MILLS FLOUR, H. MACFARLANK. For Sale to Arrive ! ! Also American Soap and sundries: 1 DE COLOGN E, iu cham. bottles, do WANTED, QUARTER-BB- L TINS For sale by Honolulu, April 20, 1S58, tf FOR SALE OR HIRE IjIAU ' For sale hy . C. A. 11. F. TOOK. OF GOODS. EXPRESSLY S7- S- bottles, Lubin's extract, Florida Water, Lavender 5 AND . OF VOLUME 33. HUNT'S IN B. W. FIELD TABTLTCS,! SAMPLES mios. 94-- TfTERY SUPERIOa CILUARD market, to arrive ier CASDACE, from Water, Pomatum, etc., etc MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE Inquire at this office tr NOTICE. , V with State or Wooden Tfode, wad tnZLAJt'S Ck.U-L- Ilamharg, due here in September, have just been recaiwd per For sale by BRATED COMBINATION CT83I0NS, aB aanpaas. BOOKS. BY EXPRESS ! tAX.y SALMON! SALMON! -Also. r MAJOR, via Pauntsa, and wiU be offered for sale by II. HACKFELD. riopr-BooK- S, WITH AND WITHOUT UNDERSIGNED Intends leaving this kingdom On hand, extra Cloth, Balls, Cnea, Wax, PaaAe-- t t P FOLLOWIX6 the undersigned to arrive. copies; Fa"oer's pencils, black and red crayons, steel pens, RECEIVED FROM SAN FRAN. THE an 1 will he glad to receive all hula against him PCBLICA- - -- 0-" LITE 94-- s, just . etc-et- JUST for sale by tf landed from FannT Maior." will he onmri . n. HACKFELD k CO. 50 CASES TURNER'S GINGER WINE, India rubber. French tissue paper, c. and B. W. FIELD. also be requests that those who are indented to him either per- rnme. Agent of 60--tf For sale by H. M. WniTNEY.. sonally, or as the thei Hudson's Bay Company, will - THE GIRLS DEL10 TTER YANKEE Tor sale by immediately at; his office, becaase In TWENTY BASKETS MORE OF THAT 104-- - settle their debts default of ki'i Life of Aaron Bnrr. .t . JU: tf C. L. RICHARDH k CO. Pine Plank for ship carpenter's use OLD JAMAICA RUM! payment such bill will be sued for. toys For, JOIST, hard new rrzu-- i AK -- Assorted tor sale Tltwyetav 1 v6a- - its of Washington. : CHAMPAGNE! 12 x 0 inch. A ND CHAMPAGNE brands at (Signed) . ROBERT CLOrSTOW. ' Tnicsrs been raeeivvd. ' .- h f Store of 194- -tf B. W. FIELD. . ' wa .- . . Chiefs, Ulostrated, $4; v -j IIEIDSIECK CO."-T- he best JUST RECEIVED, o For sale by Honolala, May. 1S58. y - M4t Duare aan nuas. aaa rarjr uim hm j . o ine ever drank n M-- 104-l-m sale bv 1,1. U. V nnT wmo D'1 Po"xJ , these Islands. For sale by CHEESE . tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d For ... Li ' tf i 0-- J the Sitrners nfl. rul .1 tf - 0. L. RICHARDS A CO. CALIFORXIA ;. BRANDY. CLAUPSUS lark ham. in the Land of cite Czar 60-- f Jujube Paste. For sale bv - E w j3.7X3 cr0a mZZ. ..."..' . WEBSTER'S SPELLING BOOKS SAZERAC AND MART ELL V! ro i Country Life, 3 mta. $3 tl COCOANLTT OIL. 60--tf T. MOSSMAX BOS. TTQTB hi-u- k sale IS a -T of Stirrin TjIOR SALE BY OLD in bond or duty paid lor by nCREBT GIVEN THAT Adventorets $2 FIRST-RAT- E ee-- 104-- . CO. Vystic Wmblem of Ure Ancient and HooorabM Ordnr of (.a-tf- I OO. Y Life of Dr. Kane, ' " ARTICLE FOR SALE W tf u. tf C. L. RICHARDS Jr kea,"- ) 0. L k.- - B a $3 30; in quantiUes to suit, at ' FLOORING. . "KC. ." ha, been received per bark Yankee, BQJ the ander- - eif A en - Mirate, 109-- signed v-- ti pointed Z?Zn- Trii"" Spendthrift; . tf C. MCLEAN'S STBE, Nuuauu 1-- 4. T- -8 has du'y G. P. K C. Ur the parpoM TTnnx . . G0. it.'.. PINE 1 AXD SPRUCE WILSKY.' I . Trmr 4 Pb.l.r.i.- - "'"tVTJ7LLOV GUTTER. BOURBON O. M. G. ?al: coa en'i l id. Tongued and grooved Flooring, per " Elisa Ella. offonnu cf Lie In IIonola. . KeaiZsot aod f -- 1 '- tfc-- Toy t. -- - s iwiute Jtooka. 89-- 4k tbesnselvas or vku - C. 11. LEWEK3. A CHTILSON FAIRBANK'S OLD COUR- - r frport as ksfcrs r . 11. m. tf RUNNING FT. OF 4i'i WORK or .", rami. , 5M A Whisky A few dosen of this snnerior whisky fori 44W.of 4, . warrsrr. PS gff ed Flee Gutter tbr sale, ex " Iliwi k Klla." boa YWMtlKlntite4vtat B.i' . . . -- 4k v : .t r ak n (104-t- f) C. L. RICHARDS CO. err r, SMITH, r'-- ' tj.'r - - - THE XEW GOLD REGION OX FRA ! SO--tf C. II- - lJiWKKS. sale by II., 1. J. s t, notice; OPier Hirer, Jus, neeired aod lor sale, prico $1 60. - JUST RECEIVED FROM EUROPE --ti-tf : : il. T. D. O. is C. VM at ta, i I. : " U. WUITNET. For sale by C V PERSOX II. LUBIXtS EXTRA CTS ESS. JAMAICA GINGER. BOURBON AND IT T W" - L IVlln Tnntr'.'MWnn.wvMa. A V - ' :toua ' n-- , Ulill tj GEXUIXE B. HOFFMANN. -- .4 it SSr,vJ Jel"r,,ne I about the IS FRAXCISCO PILOT BREAD fa COXCESTbItED '1 ESSENCE TLD COUP orrAi.-J1 1 AC - ; . v - DROW1TS . - r W . r , clia;;. j. ji?.. . ..For sale by --"BWT0N ALE, la Hogsheads, for salt by i r AUJ of Jamaica Qktjer, per Yankee," for ns by SiJJ ky,lnlO-ei- Its ty 4 i-- tr 104- . A. J. CARTTmifJHT E Honomhi July l,lS-t- f ROBERT 0. J ANION. -f C. L. RICUARW CO. U.L : J foes ly 4 f

- in the city of New York in November last, I visited a be In accordance with the feelings of the parents. . THE PACiriO number of the public schools. They are magnificent But, in some localities, the number of children of all w. establishments, supported by the city at an annual denominations is not more than sufficient to form ons TO VERMix; useless-expenditur- field STREETS, ILL MERCHANT "DEITn Commercial Advertiser, cost nearly one million of dollars; bnt what sur-- school, and it would be a of money 1VEW GOODS! OFFERS FOR SALE, AT HIS STORE, Oil FORT AND of will me greatly was the lack of good , attendance, to support two or three schools where one answer; TiECEIVED PER "ANTILLA," FBOM Frised instructed from time JLj .Bremen, ana for sale by tne undersigned V - ' 238 free schools of the city, the whole number and the Inspectors have been WELL SELECTED STOCK OF , REPORT report, was to time to combine the very small schools together, Bale rancy prints Bates emb. cambric handUfs. A VERY EXTENSIVE AND taught in 1855, as shown by the annual do mourning do do table linen Of thm BmnI r Kstaeatlsse. the Hawaliaa was only 47,-85- 8, where could be done with economy, without any 137,874, while the average attendance it do of Madapolaooa do linen tape, do thread . Isagtwlatlaro, 1858. ! schools" " one-thi- rd whole number regard to religious sects; and in . mixed of superior shirting beat qual. rd f 4 v or less than of the do do Water's been about the same for the last where are collected the children of different sects, do printed Jaconets pool cotton 7V4A JVbiVs Repretentativet the Hawaiian The proportion has " ' anf of same report hostile to each other, to allow no religious do Victoria lawn do sup. white flannel . ten or twelve years in that city. The perhaps do Jaconets moll muslin do Islands, in Legislative Council Jtsstmbltd : was eoold offend the conscious- a thibet ASSORTMENT OF states population of the city in looo exercises or teaching that do Swiss muslin robes do ptd. woolen table-cov- er CONSISTING OF A LARGE The report I now have the honor to submit will in that the might be and 629,810, and the number of children of school age ness of anv class of parents whose children do book muslin -- do tafctas. oiled silk Hat, Roach,&c. clude the basinew and transactions of the Department - Exterminator. twenty-one- was wnue omy present. is natural and proper thas- the teacher, do bishop's lawn do wh. silk cam.hdkfs with CHINA GOODS, of Pablie InstmctV a for two years; that is, from (from four to ) ,t"u, It do linen, moleskin fancy borders FURNITURE, Put up in 9)e., 85e , A.V., and tl Kx-- time, and 47,-- a religions man, should wish to open or close his DRY GOODS, For tbx of KATS, MICK. Hki,i Jan. 1- - 1856. to Jan. 1. 1858. and so roach of the 137,874 attended school oy periol of if do linen drill do ladies' veils, asstd qual. leiriicton utm V reading a portion of the Holy WARE, documents in the of- 858 was the average attendance. e do better than school with nraver and do do handkerchiefs do black quitts WARE, WOODEN ANTS. Ae. current year as the returns and pres- GOODS, GLASS S- j- Sand- is not proper while there are do cambric do do and blue blanket MANILA Bmloned hf tin waiavMis twe of mmj fice me to lay before this, so far as attendance is concerned, at the Scriptures, but it " ' tit Prm will enable too. taught in our free whose disapprove of bis mode of do lawn do do sofa carpets CORDAGE, l "Nm engemus lo the tinman fn,i.M Education wich TUn.l. Th whole number ent children parents , EARTHEN WARE, " Ram do';not die In Imt. boles, boi rvimn on l nod Daring this period the Board of has White and black silk gloves, for ladies and gentlemen HARD WARE, remedy 8.4C0, while the average of four worship . . "Ai rn,Mla and speedy " 'Twd Sail lT naed its best endeavors to conduct the business of the schools last year was fMlk and mohair nilts, embroidered sleeves and collars, thoMiotnria tn New Vnrk. and awrvliriv ' Ho,'? It ia nroner therefore that clergymen and religious Bracelets, Ship . Hoarding Houses, Public Department with and efficiency; and it is quarters was 7,721. coifurea, kid gloves, cs assorted silk - AMmlwu. luauuuaa , regularity denominations, whose special calling Cases CHANDLERY, STATIONERY, As., eaunot do iUhjui U." Vat sftnple me to say, the duties and school Horses. 1 haveaescrioeuine geoc ven teachers of all asstd trimming cords and buttons WRAPPING PAPER. SHIP justice for that reports. Many of it is rn attend to the spiritual wants of the people. Woolen and cotton fringes, block mantilla responsibilities imposed upon my two colleagues in dition of our school houses in former Cases NAVAL STORES. " high purpose or should distinctly understand that the free schools are assorted stockings, do socks PROVISIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, trifling im them are still entirely unfit for the Children's stockings, wool under-shi-rt COSTAR'S" this work hare not been of a nature. All all the people, and to fit socks and silk and portant business has been submitted for their consid training youth. But I think it may be safely saia mai supported by the people, for Ladies riding hats (itreat variety), Amazonia hats GROCERIES, CARRIAGES, CARTS. Bed Bug Jixterminator. estab- rights and perform 75e-- eration, and a record kept of the action of the Board during no period, since our school system was all the people to understand their Children's woolen cord and tassels Pat up Iu c. Sec., , and II lionias. and at- Artificial flowers, great variety mid-nlrh- lished, has been more improvement in the school their duties as subjects of good government, Aa tolalllble destrorer of these t thereon. Their serrices hare been rendered without there English silk umbrellas, for ladies and gentlemen faouM-kraor- r km.. islands, during the two tain success in life; and that they cannot, in accord- AN ASSORTMENT OF 'hewer known to fail." "ho ahould Z compensation, while they hare been sufficiently bur- houses, throughout the than Very superior portmonnaies and ladies' necessaries without it." 'Is not o noilous lo the booisa but or me im- so conducted as to afford a Ladies' ta the bug species. w own respec t-- years under review. On the island Uahu, ance with our laws, be fancy note paper and envelope dened with the cares and labors of their ac- be the flu departments. provement has been most marked, and this is on separate class of schools for every sect, nor Ladies' immitation combs, tlo asstd cons LIQTJORS, It foreign lumber m medium through wh ch the peculiar sentiments of any Black cloth pants, do buckskin pants, fancy do do ' preparing this report, for the sake of conveni count of the abundance of cheap Large assortment of different qualities cotton pant WIIES, COST A "R'S' la market; also of the fact that the sect can be taught, (See instruction or the Uoara or Large ence, 1 shall follow essentially the same arrangement and assortment of half woolen pants &c. Sec. 84--tf school-ta- collected and paid into July 1855.) Assorted black vests, white pique do See., Electric Powder. as in my former reports, and speak x has been promptly 8d, cravats, satin Put up ia 25e.. nnd Sue. lirt., the hands of the school treasurers. This has been the Those who do not like the ft ee schools conducted on Black Alpacca coats, pilot cloth, monkey jacket and pant To DsstroT MOTHS. BED HViiH, 1' HOriTnr. 1st. Of the Common Free Schools. - Scarlet and blue serge shirts, white cotton do AFiTH, FLKfl, PLANT 1NKKCT. VKkMIM (T been a great ad broad- platform at liberty to form private Lambs-wo- - 2d. Of the Select Schools. case on all the islands, and it has this are ol under shirts and drawers FUWUi and AMXAIA e. "A nvaluat.le ocJ-- vantage to schools, and particularly the scnooi schools to suit themselves, and in case they provide Bleached and unbleached cotton under-shirt- s and drawers 1j. fc CO. lion U9 ramiers. Lflirwwg o am O'DCT. ' "lm 3d. Of General Items: the Hawaii, mar the C. RICHARDS popular ijr everywhere." Hat for education their children in their own way, Linen bosom shirts, far.cy cotton do. of different qualities - FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! joying in immense riages, births, deaths, accounts, &c. houses. the of Hickory FOR SALE) A COMPLETE Dnrino- - 1856. I performed about law Allows them to be freed from the school tax shirts, common felt hats, auer1or fell do OFFER of Tnri! the vear the Palm leaf hats, Leghorn rlo, silk suspenders BY THE " ELIZA & ELLA." 1st, cosmos schools. inv proper off- " thk free my uual amount of traveling among the schools, by special application for the same to the Silk garters, cotton suspenders, children's toyUnd dolls Ship Chandlrrr, The islands are divided into twenty-fiv- e school dis to tli a best of mv ahilitv. to see that all the icer. English saddles hog-ski- n do, saddle girths, saddle cloths Naval Stwrra. t corresponding with for taxation understood and a system more ....liberal Silver'd biw, stirrups and spars, riding whips Gretcrriea. tricts, the districts subordinate officers of the department It is difficult to conceive of Lasting purposes: Hawaii into eight; Maui into six, including al to excite a deeper interest and better calculated to move on without awakening gaiters, patent leather shoes, French calf boots AN INVOIl'K r PrflTiia. performed their duty; Wrapping paper, tetter paper, foolscap do, bill do RECEIVED the celebrated manufacturers Hardware. Molokai and Lanai; Oaha into five; Kauai into six, in the minds of both parents and children in educa- sectarian jealousies, or coming into collision with the Paint brushes, shoe brushes, scrubbing do, tooth do Crockery, Jke. I re--g- & Co.. of Boston.- , including Niihaa. Having been absent religious ot any denomination. But, I ret Shaving brushes, hair do, lamp do, pocket book. Hovst Kpits mackerel, boxes codfish, boxes tobacco, . tion and general improvement. teachers " Over each of these districts a School Inspector or year, I only visited the schools on to say, in some of the districts difficulties Water liotiles (stone), room paper and borders Batteries of Mines, Boxes raiwins, boxes sonp, boxes candles, half of last that koa-hanri- the last Painted boxes, glass lts knives Boxes Brititol , appointed by the Inspectors and a por heads, butcher Batteries of Candles, brick, rermieelli, macarroni, . Superintendent and Treasurer are Oahu, Maui, Molokai and Lanai during that year. hare arisen between the School Table knives and forks, pen and pocket knives Bbls Id cider vinepar, cases assorted syrups, Tbs above are now arknowlrdpH Um f! Soard ef Education, and hold office during its plea- - And having been requested by the commissioners ap- tion of the Catholic population and their priests on Scissors and Jack knives, small chains, hooks and eye Small Batteries, Cases preen corn, sausage meat, mince pie meat. Only Infallible Eemedies! were. The former is paid a salary out of the school prepare new civil code, to assist J udge RMt;irinn rronni1s The correspondence herewith en Rasps and files, assorted, bung screws Large Batteries, Cases Lobster, raspberry jam. quinces. pointed to the par fund In ww money of his district, varying from $25 to 50 a of the same, and being closed will matter in detail to the Legis- Iron and brass screws, locks, spunges, tvory co nbs Mines on Strips, Cases strawberry jam, cranberry jam. Trm, Cah Tori. Robertson in the translation explain the Plated candle-stick- s, with tulip shades, baffle combs Cases' apple marmalade, peaches, currant jelly, No Goods sold on rornmt'm. schools his 1 Shells on Strips, B"lletl with lull prue year, according to the number of under engaged in tedious and difficult work, lature. Pearl cast-ste- el saws, English Cases honey, French capers, "Coa'sr's ." much that ... bullous, hand best raisers strained apple sauce, Ulars, lorniaoea on nppneauou. care and the extent of the district. He is charged have been able to visit the schools but little since my By referring to the correspondence or Mr. wyllie Ladies' pen and pocket knives, asstd ; pencil cases Bengolas,. ' Cses cheese, tomatoes, tomato ketchup, school in his district, Alp schools," ancT Inkstands.match boxes, plated baske's, kc. Wheels, Col'd Centers, Cases pepper sauce, assorted sauces, with the care of all property hs return fr in the United States. ith Dillon, under the head of " to schools, re- Minis- Wax tapers, Britannia metal, tea and coffee pots Hand Lights, Reps split peas, white beans. To DrnFgiets and Pealerg the oversight of all the public free and School Books. Over 90 volumes in the Hawai also to the subsequent correspondence of that Casks hollow ware Kegs eastern butter, cranberries, wharetbe X-rlli- not to Department, by filling blanks been Pen-in- , and several reports Tnbellion, In places yr.Wt ports quarterly the ian language, some of them very small, have ter with M. in 1851, the For sale by Bafni buckwheat. Genessee Cour, lajtroxraf. Cotar., mke the Sprn I , 2-- :f & 1 furnished him for the purpose. He is also to see that published since the year 1822, when printing was of this Department, the Legislature will see what has II. HACKFELD CO. Roman Candles, Tins Uaxall flour. 1 On orders for a fHnvk toten (for a Oral trial) d government, Rockets, nd Boxes smoked salmon, berring, table salt. I of Gram fwirra trill Aov. registry is kept of all the births and deaths that first introduced on the islands, and most, if not all, been the line of policy of the King's in nt fo 10 worth aad orar, l- - Boxes saleratus, soda, cream tartar. 2 tin all order. ditmmt a occur in his district, which he does through the teach- have been used more or less in the tree regard to religion and education in past years; that PROVISIONS Names of Prominent Persons. trm vr rrmt mm Omm of these FRKSH Boxes ground pepp r, allspice, cloves. for "Costar'B"rr.Private CireaUr, to D'ugpm er under him, for which he pays 3 cents each, and schools. Of what subjects they treat has been ex- it has maintained them, to belong solely to the in- Boxes cascia, (ringer, mustard. B78end includes the number in his quarterly report. He is plained in ray former reports, and it is unnecessary ternal affairs or the kingdom; that the free schools At SAM. Goat Hides, Half bbls dried apples, crushed sugar, brown sugar, SAVIDGIl'S, Wool, Skins, Baskets olive oil drums figs, Carolina rice, also usually agent for granting licenses to marry, h- prepared for schools ! government for state, and not KING the to repeat them - The books are supported by the STREET, NEAR THE BETHEL CHURCH. Cases water, ends, butter and sugar crackers. To thp People. for each of which be is entitled to charge 25 cents. -- a nere icn. Tallow, Composition, are such as are common in other countries, out for sectarian purposes, and that religion is Cases ginger snaps, Jenny Llnd Cakes, In yonr plure s snnp'T school degenerates " W If no PrtmtlHnr Ptnlrr ket The parents interested in each have a right number of them are out of print, and the Board or as free as the winds of heaven, unless it HAMS, SMOKED BAMS) Cases brandy peaches, brandy cherries, of the Etermiiiitor a Samp la Ko of th Kcit iianWi. two trustees, WESTPHALIA Hams. Fresh Lard, Old Copper. Cases assorted pie fruits, assorted meats, ; Ae.. Ertf mwlnr w ll be a tit to von hjr mall. pr-- , to meet and choose by ballot, annually, Education is devoting a portion of the interest accru into licentiousness. a Sample Boi of the French syrup, Cases oysters, pickles, sardines, prunes-Ches- ts on receipt of H, or iirrtitr Poa management To he contlnue.1. fresh Butter, fruits, in HIGHEST RATES being rantv, who voice in local of that most AT si- flOC. 1 a have a the ing on school fund to reprinting the impor- JCRCIIASEP THE - for Kfl Hug Fxmiiwt) linnl the Suited Butter, French Prunes, f) C. SPALDISG. tea, kegs pickles, t school ; appointment and dismissal of the residence in the by (61-t- J. be tvtt thrmirh the mall: hm liirrta ia the tant of them. During my short Smoked Herrings, French Olives, Cases yeast powders, pineapple, whortleberries. the tltttrie Ftncdrr will be lound ao effeetual subauiax. teacher, the location, erection, care and repair of the United States I had an edition of 500 of the Hawaiian Yarmouth Bloaters, French Mustard, Cans boiled linseed oil-- Kegs English white lead, school bouse; so that the parents have a good protec- on very reasonable 0 ftniulfmnt. 'English Dairy Cheese, French Capers, BULLOCK HIDES. Spirits turpentine, American white lead stereotyped in Boston, " FptmouM and OV Alzebra California Cream Cheese, Sardines, small tins, will be ' Toprntert the Pnh!!e aealnrt Bhi improper dictation on French yellow, Red lead, mil-H-- m Nr l. ' een tion against oppression or the whole edition SZM, ana ine piaietj Brown Sugar, HIE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ; Ptrxiritm, nL la terms. The ost Sardines, large tins, allowed by the subscriber for clean Prussian blue, Boxes litharge, bearing a ' mmile of the Proprtvtor's nig Datura"-crii,- 0V part of the Inspector, if they choose to avail them- belong to Department, to be used Light Brown Sugar, Ansorled Herbs, Chrome green, valued at S150, the , Beeswax, 1 is m a.iv & Crushed Loaf Suj-Jr- SALTED iuum, too I co., Assorted Ppices, BrhUlt'itFort-stree- selves of but in many of the districts they are also got, t. Bbls bright it; when another edition may be needed. Loaf Sugar, delivered at his premises in Tarnish,, varnish. Ocll Iurham Mustard, 46--tf CIIA3. BREWER, 2i. Bbls pitch, Bbls coal tar, indifferent to meet and elect trustees. bile an edition of 1000 globe maps, on a large LAIJAIXA, MAUI. Carolina is there, Rice, Salad Oil, Rosin, Bales oakum, av The doty of the School Treasurer in each district lithocrnphed : 350 them colored and mount- China Rice, Lump Oil, f scale, of RR XOW RECEI VIXG, PER LATE AR Tar, Casks cut nails, OVd simply to receive the school tax when collected, keep ed; 200 merely printed and colore.!; and 450 merely A1 KlVALK. a lance Ftock of Pearl Sago, Curry Powder, WOOL, Casks composition nails, Wrought nails, safely, and disburse it to the orders of the Inspec- com Pearl Barley, Cayenne Pepr, Coils Manila rope, ass'd sizes, Coils' marline, OV4 it loose sheets the whole at a oi Wboto-al- e printed on PROVISIONS, Split Peas, Worcestershire Fold and Retail a' "COSTABU i commission Sauce, Tarred rope, seizing , , id tor, for which service he is entitled to a 60. When complete.! they can be afforded to iiiiues Scotch Oatmeal, Chutney, Prlnrlpal Ltrpwt. Rlo. broU-y- con- CHANDLERY, OOAT SKIIVS, Spunyarn, Hand lines, nnd 381 noyix and Dm of five per cent. Beyond this he has no official can purchase those SHIP Tapioca, Fine Oolong V New lark, ly reectlle OV. at about SI 25; those who choose STORES, Tea, Whale line, Log lines, tl.rotuiiioiii the I" nlied states, the Cosatiu, Mexico, n trol whatever over the public schools. whiMi e and mount them tnemsenes, NAVAL Arrowroot, Fine Souchong, TALLOW, Hemp twine. Deep sea lines, ladies aud buuttt America. Vhj The two statistical tables found at the end of this wunt of such a GROCERIES, Neapolitan Vermicelli, Fine Oreen Tea, AS BEFORE. AT THE Signal halyards, , Cotum canvas, - ". for perhaps half this amount. The Neapolitan Maccaroni, Chocolate, MARKET PRICE, by Cotton Oars, SnM also, by report are made np from the quarterly returns of the prices. BnrCHT twine, kc. ... m.n V.M Wn lonir felt in our native schools, and, if Which they offer fnr sale at lowet fuperfiue Flour. Fresh Roasted Coffee, Hawaiian beef. pork. . V. FORT). M. ou School Inspectors and Treasurers of the twenty-fiv- e Fresh Corn Green Prie T mistake not, this will be of great advantage to them. New PiM Krrad, New Navy Prfad, Meal, Coffee, Pilot bread, Bbls navy G. P. Jl ID. M. D. districts for the last two years, ending Dec. 31, 1857, paid for out of the in- Eastern Flour, California Flour, White Beans, Assorted Crackers, Octaves fine brand v, in bond; 100-eeW-6m Haawlala S..or Both of these works have tm-fl- s I WOOL, exhibits following viz.: Corn meal, AmTican Boef, rivd Apples, Assorted Scotch Biscuit Kegs old Sxzerac brandy, in bond; and the results, from the schoollnfund, but they have not Pork As .rted .Meats Soups, English Soap, terest arisine Rice, American mini and HIDES, Kegs Otanl, Dupuy k Co. brandy, in bond; vatnn smvasrsin v Ia ISM, the whole number of free schools was . 333 vet arrived from Boston Thete are omer scnooi Hawaiian lWf. Fr h Oysters, Silt Water Soap, Bbls Monongahela uriUCii Li Fre-- old whisky, in bond; jini scholar In tame, - - print, and which are grea ly Of different brands, warranted. h Lobsters, Codfish, GOAT SKINS, Bbls old Magnolia whisky, in bond; ER SHIP FORTCXA, AXD FOR Utd 6.094 books which are out of l'r-- ' following Merchandise, vis . 1 No. 2 hnwn susar. Clums. Anchovies, Kegs old Magnolia whisky, in bond; the read, 3,730 needed, and the Board of E ucition will have them No. hrown suirar, Bbls Uaxall flour. Congress tirkt, bni - writers, ... : moliU.se-- , TilncV tea, recn tea, Frnh Salmon, faleratus, TALLOW. Kegs old Bourbon whisky, in bond; Bes No. 44 - in arithmetic, - 4.873 reprinted as fast as the funds at its disposal will al Knv-lis- h Fruits, Yeast Powders, Prime pork, rown oUoni, anil ... ' Preserved peaches, Trvserved quinces, A.rtel Cases Geneva gin. in bond; -- 44 - - geography, 4.229 Assorted English Jams, Fine Table Salt, Pilot bread, Cases blue drills, jve low. The Legislature appropriated American butter, PreVed pie fruits, B'JTCHERS, Cases Schnapps, 44 - 1at , ATJD Engli-d- i Casks navy Boston denimt, vnral music, -...- - X.930 low it coffee coffee, Assorted Jellies. Bath Brick, GRAZIERS Fine Port wine, for family nse; bread. printing such books, but on account of the siate Kna and Ililo I The utidersiRi.ed oners tne nitnesican expressly Cases assorted crackers, 44 oysters, age Bomber of days per school. - - 143 m-a- ts, Assorted Kuglirh Sauces, Currants, Art! taorht clams, deliverable at Honolulu Fine Sherry, Fine Santerne, OU I in each - of the treasury none of it has been drawn. AM Assorted English Pickles, Raisins, ATTENTION the above articles, Bbls and kegs old Bourbon " green com, scholar school. v LoMters, Fine Claret, Fine Hock; 44 in our na- or any of the jjorts of the Islands. : whisky, green peas, coat of each scholar for the year, - S2 97 One of the greatest obstacles to success Cares crackers, oysters, peas, etc., etc. English fSreen Peas, Citron Peel, Cases ale and porter, Bitters, m - . . - per day, 02 books cm, . French Oreen Peas, Uohiiain's Barley, Cases refined lard. " clams, books; not that Baskets champatme, Demijohns Ac Ac. 41 4-- tive free schools is the want of LIBERAL Ac, , each school per day, 64 10 Green Cora, Robinson's Groats, Ilf boxes lianf suitar, lobsters, not elementary school BEANS! CASH Honolulu, Oct. 15, 1857. 3 tf 44 per year, 77 79 1- -3 are not to be had, for the common BEANS! Wine Vinegar, Carbonate of Soda, Ilf bbls crushed sugar, assorted menu, White 44 pay of teachers per - 7 28 books be about cost prices everywhere; Itland-irmw- n beans, Isnre flat "Lima," beans, Malt Vinegar Crfain Tartar, ADVANCES, Bbls butter, in kegs. smoked herritiin, " month, can hid it Freh 44 od and poverty of the parents. SraaU-whlt- e " home" Ion speckled "California" beans. Cider Vinejrar, Corn t?tareh, Without interest, will be made to those who desire, and con Boxes English dairy cheese, ratplierry m. ox Fbcb Schools bnt from the indifference , TOBACCO, CIGARS AND SNUFFS! 44 MntvM-f- 8 Krrxxrt asb Exrravrrcai Arcorrr or th Fresh leach-s- in tins. CavendUh Tobacco, will made for any lenptn of lime. in tins. preserved P - requires them to supply their children with tracts le 44 ' is 1854. The law BOOT 3 AND SHOES. Fresh Quinces, in tins, ic, c. 4c. K. P. ADAMS. STEWARD respectfully informs his friends, and tha Boxes English dairy cheese, preserved f.watrhm some s, up stairs. not tinned, peachet, Whole ameant of receipts on account of the $2 the necessary school hooks, ani in " hoots, lined hro-an- 45 Office corner of Queen and Kaahumanu sta., . public generally, that he has now on hand an extensive N. 31 Heary leather boots, do hrocans, fine Frrah Konalrd Cellrr, packrd in tin, J bbls ilrii-- apples, apple pulp, school tax. was - - - - - $29.17 i necessary mtny of the parents I3rrl. S--tf assortment of the above articles, of the choicest brands. Ilf been o enforce it; but fine broirans, buckskins, slippers, c. Ship's) Vmr. air 44 Balance in hands of Bcbool Treasurer, Jan. 1,1856, 15,70 30 to .Half boots, far He will always have on sale as complete a stock a is procurable Bags table salt. Venlak "iivet, extremely poor, and in fact unable purch ise hf-l- are - RITSO & HART, in the market lie oners the following articles, all of the first Cases b lumps tobacco. Bbls cider vinegar, 27 children too are orphans PAINTS, OIL, &c. DK1LKK3 IS Coils Manila whale Cases e Total, - . 146,386 62 books. A good many of the HONOLULU ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, quality, on reasonable terms : ; . line. butter cracktm, and means. They are careless moreover in Pnre white lead. No. 1 do. Mack paint, preen do. Cases scarlet flannel shirts, 44 wine cracker. Y JL, have no . AND SPIRITS, ASOFRSOS'S goLACB, 44 Expenditure of same on Free Schools, . $25.27 27 out. Prussian blue, chrome yellow, ver.lij.-ri- Unwed oil, t'NDER DISPENSATION OF THE WINES ' blue flannel shirts, oysUT cracken, using books, and very soon wear them under A. Buffalo Chips, 44 44 Hon Balsnre In hands of Treasurers, Dee. 81,1366, 19,663 35 way BriRht Tarnish, black do, copal do, spirits tun'ntine, THE OLD WINE STORE, denim frocks and over- tvida crack en, Were the school revenue sufficient for it, the tool f.KXEKAL GRAM) CHAPTER OF CartwriKht'. otfer for sale : Citros, alls. sugar Coal tar, lump black, paint lrusliei, fcish brushes, , JloBXIKG GlORT, cracktn, ' reme-r- would be for the government to ITNITKl STATES OF AMERICA, Brandy in kfps and barrels-- Charcoal irons, hooks and thimbles. Total, . $4685 82 to this evil v. Stockholm tar. J. Patrick k Co.'s Diamond P., schools with the necessary bo. ks Wlil hold the Regular Meetings on the third Thursday of Bruiulv, Marttll's; Sister hooks, cotton sail twine, log linei, ...... furnish all the free DUCK. Brandy, Cui'etl Vineyard Proprietors; IIosev Pew, Long handled tar brushes. Amut paid for teachers' wages. In 1S66, . $17,218 51 is done now in all tne every mouth, at the Hall of the OoLngs LRAr, school booses, 3.942 29 and stationery. This P"o Assorted numbers cotton duck, heavy Karen's duck. Brandy, Sazerac; Topsail sheet shackles, hemp cod lines, M United States. Those ' Rum in Iceir; Lrciors LrxrRV, lines, imtna - salaries of inspectors, entnmisstona schools in the great cities of the lAgM Raveu's duck. " - Liwn fish brass dish candlesticks. .... fur- - "Lc Projres de rOcranie" Rum in cases; S Lraf, bags collectors 46 New and BoMon were ALSO per Jamaica Heavy gate hinges, shot. of and treasurers, furniture, Ac, 4.166 which I visited in York order, ttenutne ol.l rJcotch whisky, In 1 dos cases) Richmond 8'8. By clothing,' pftiU, shirts, socks, crsvats, - Riding saddles, seamen's stout brogans, punnc wun - An sssortment of fins Honolulu, Sept. 8. (63-t- f) IT. P. kegs, Taste or Scwooia roa 1867. nihed at the expense, noi oo.jr Kfi. MononirxhiU whisky, iu Iwrrels and Varisa's Caxtstsr, Keirs iron sheathing irm Fan under shirts, handkerchiefs. In one dos cases, Spaxish nails. free schools 312 stationery, but school apparatus; ana me Fine old Mononjtaliela whisky, Mixkd, Rolls sheet lead, kegs boat nails. lem." Whole namher cf in 1S57. ' AaoMATir, 44 ne S ATI Hollands pin in cases; Coils woaro bees' wax. " of scholars, 8.460 ment on the old plan of parents procuring iiicsc WHALING CRAFT. FRANCISCO L Rip, line, The Average number uttenrting whole time, - - 7,721 great. who Scheidam pin in raises; Her Coils house ine and marlne, .... cessary articles is said to he very Those Lances, harpoons, srtfc Irons, one-flue- d irons, No. ' Wolfe's Soheidam schnapps; JVaxila Cioars, 2, rwiiir ixns, American ensigns, whalers' cutting-fall- s. Mm, readers, - 4,472 equmry sup- whaling guns, CLOTHING EMPORIUM! 44 "of - - - - - 3,309 have means-an- d those who have not are B.xnb lances, ic. 4i CO. have ju opened, at their new Ilostetter hitters; Chsroots, Coils ratline, nests Hingham buckets, !' of writers, fir -- 4,179 plied, and is no need of the poor man's child or ALSO GRIXHAI.'M Fort and M rchaat streets, the most com- looker's bitters; Havax.ia Cioar5, faxct souta Kecs cut nails. Wilder' iron safes. in arithmetic, there potatoes, bftters; FaXCV g.tCFFH, d. J " geography, - - - - 3.53.1 orphan staying away from school from inability A constant supply of new Irish potatoes, new sweet plete assortment of new and tous;htnn's Hols pitch, bbls tar. the pumSkius, always on Land iu shippiug season, aud sup- Clarets of ilifferct brands; Faxct Pipes, Ac, Ac. 10, 12, 17. 22 feet oars. "Sqi "in vocal music, 2,141 stationery. Such an arrange- onions. FASHIOXAKL.E GOODS ALSO lo. 1, 44 to purchase books and plied short notice. Huckheimer; Cans Dupout's powder. Boxes saleratns. I "inof days taught, ... 164 Tree schools; at imported these The assortment comprises g at tslands. 44 of scholars per school. - - 26 ment is just what is wanted in our native Together with a full assortmept of merchan Ever to Sauterne; A (enteral amsrlmenl ef Grocrries Kegs cannon powder. Casks currants. ... XT eeneral and styles of different brands; Hotel treet, near tlie French Hotel. 63-- tf 'J2xc most recent quarts, 44 cost of each school per year, 139 39 would cost the nation less than the pres- usually found iu a hip Chandlery establishment. all the ChamiMiitne, pit U and XT Hunt's handled axes, Cases blue cottons, and it really die . 44 Vermt 44 8-- 0-- pale and brown; W - cost day, 63 10 Lahaina'Sept. 24. tf CnOTIIIXG. HATS, SHOES, Jtc. Sherrirs, No. 3 Roger illtum stoves, blue prints, ent plan. 44 44 cost of each scholar per year, 3 63 1- -2 Together with every description of Fine old iMrt; ! ! No. 4 Roger William stoves, pink prints, itenin some districts mere otht-- r of ale; Lumber 44 orange 16-1- Schools. In of the ltyass' and brands prints. coat day, 2 00 Normal Iiuiiler No. 4 cambooses, Loui or Fl'RXISIHXG GOODS. OLD YARD Just 44 IT. IU Kl ih pay of teachers per month, . 7 00 have been normal schools for the better training 3A5T. ItKOWA GEXTLEMEX'S Porter; . THE LUMBER White shirts. C during KOi:!?T Our friends and the public are hivitcd to call and examine. Li)ueurs. AT ex Fortuua, the best assortment of Eastern Lum- Fancy regatta shirts. Tierces hamt, Mr. . osr teachers for their work, at different periods, AI.IXG r.UX. PATKM BOMB LANCES 37 ber ever imported, consisting of BjiHi'l asn ExrsxnrrcM Arrocsr or thk Face Schools most Wll A. 8. GKINBAL'M, Ship Store. Inty free White drilling pants. Tierces rice, t had past years; and effect has been ben AND GIN HARP'JOXS C2-- 15,000 feet assorted white oak plank, for Ship Carpenters1 rs 1867. the two the tf M. S. GRINBACM. White Marseilles vesta, Casks figs, ,fc great improve- YEARS LABOR AND and Wheelwrights' use. we... of receipts on account of $2 school eficial on the schools. It would Wa JtiVBRAh White drill frocks, Boxes corn starch,' ,. Total amount the dis- AFTKR Uxn whales, on the whaliiiK frr.rtind, with - RECEIVED 20,000 feet white pine sheathing hoards. inch thick. Hickory Kegs sp'lt peas, ' tax, was ------$34,175 M ment could they b reeularly sns'ained in all the vantages ot BLAKE,- JUST shirts. his apisnratus, combined with the ad beinR a practical RICHARD , 15.000 feet yellow pine li to IJ inch plank, for heading and Bale blue flannel. Cases Stilton cheese, tea I Balance in hands of treasurers, Jan. 1, 1857, 19,663 35 Board Education has such an ar- been enabled to obtain an instru- (illit-is- ' FOR - tricts, and the of whaleman, the Patentee has )KR SHIP . JtlII . st'is. For sale by .;hter. all conn-tri- es Bomb Lance, which for utility and effective- It JL J.I-- Sl'AUuau white pine boards, parallel PPALDUi' rangement in contemplation. Teachers in ment iu form of a TIN AND'eoPPF. SMITH, SALB1 20,000 feet Pennsylvania widths, 64-- tf J. C. $53.733 91 vm one K performing their ness cannot he excelled. .LAIIAIXA, MAUI, Mrrrinnde. 5, 2A OARS ; planed on side. . ue are too apt to be satisfied with ps IB, 17, 21, 22, 2 feet The attenti.m of Ajrents and Officers of whale-shi- is called 10, 12, 13, IS. 6,000 feet Pennsylvania white pine shelving, planed on both Bxpended of aasM oo free schools In 1857. $27,578 2S daily ronnd of duties. This is emphatically true of A ALLKIXDS Boxes champagne cuter, to the following testimonials. PREP UET TO EXECUTE tn 21b tins , Sides. FOR SALE Cane in bands of treasurers, Dec 31. 1857, 26465 63 they are in many cases content ISof work in his I ne, promptly, cheaply and neatly. Boxes'lireserveil meats, assoned, assorted dimension plank, to 2 Inch. our native teachers; 8as Faavrisco, January 10, 1S56. clams, in lib tins ; 43.000 feet H need every year to have to Sh work executed at tlie shortest mice, ami sausiac Boxes preserved 100.000 best Aroostuk shaved cedar shingles. Dy Bay Compair thn with present attainments, and Capt. R. Brows Sir. I take this opportunity inform rr 92-6- m oysters, in lib tins ; Ihc Ajent Hudson's $53,733 19 - we boupht you, tion guaranteedi' Boxes preserved 25,000 best laths. a reviving and a fresh drilling, on the branches which you that we used thos- Bomb Lances of and Boxes preserved mince meitt, iii 2tb tins , WIRE, assorted stieJi 4e found them to be of gieat'ne.'.eflt in capturing whales amongst And a variety of building materinls. IRON Sr v tables above referred to f-- r the ainounta received and they teach, however simple; to be instructed as to HENRY ALI.KN, BM. Carolina rice ; C. II. LEWERS, Lumber Merchant. TIXMAVS linseed oil, turpentine, white kd P H' xpetyied on each Istead and district, and purposes. the ice. Bbls. Vinegar ; Black paint, green paint. Stock holm tar. pitch, A fir what best methods of governing and conducting their whal we n'-- d Bomb Lance on was killed 67 . Fort street. iiet the The first t t the T BUILDER, Tiorces Ilains : Groceries, perfumery, stationery The amount paU for teacben' wa?es in 1357, $17,663 43 impressed deeply following manrcr The boat went alongside of the whale CAHPE1JTER A ssis schools, and to have their minds in the opposite .oe store of Samsing & Co. ltlils. old Wourbon wMsky ; . Sheathing copper, assorted iises ; composhlni school boosrs, - 3,5iS rxwt-Bteer- er to Fort street, ... el importance of their calling, to the welfare of and the fired a Bomb into him ai.d then fastened Cases spirits of turpentine ; JUST RECEIVED, Anchors and chains, I He markrl frttoiC.! aalaries of inspectors, eomrols. with the : was explode, In done with dispatch and at the IE-C- ases at lawrtl is committed to bim with a irift Iron the Bomb beard to andtthe A TIs WORK his line Cases alcohol, in tins ; SHIP HARRIET AND JESS Iron, assorted sixes hair brushes, blue cloth Capti j narc auxos ar.d ac Instruction of which above-mention- ed collectors treasurers, fuinitare, 6392 24 nation, the tb of the whale did not blow after the Bomb exploded. The lowest possible rates. Kegs pure ground lead ; PER fresh oysters, cans, Assorted clothing, spunyarn, ratline 2-- an ere their charge For this object normal schools, and in whale was in the Ice, and it is our opinion that we should Jobbing done at short notice. ; Fresh codfish, lb cans, . . o Feeb Sciioolb. They con- Cases blue sheetings Assorted conlage, tarred arxl Manila r Bxxakxs the whale many that we did get, if it and sec. 2-- th some parts of the world teachers institutes have been not have got that and other XT C:i-- paints, viz : Prussian blue, chrome yellow. Fresh lobsters, cans, Btitton cheese, hsuns. Byass' ale. sherry, pnrt,h?aWll?a tinue to diminish in number, and also in the l not been for 'your Bomb Lances, and we fully recommend preen, Vermillion red. French blue, Half-g- al gherkins, Geneva sauce, preservesl meats and vegeuWes to Ci established. fitting whale ships. Chrome umber of scholars attending them. The num- them to the attention of those out REOALIA NOTICE. Roll pump and rigi?nl5 leather. Champagne cider, Abermthy's biscuits, Lemann's biscuits. .t In the city of New York all teachers of public Respectfully yours. v y of. free schools in 1&7, was less by 22 than in PC R POSE OF CLOSING OCT Honolulu, Aug 25, 1S57. Boker's bitters, A OF ber schools are required to attend the normal schools at Thomas Wall, Master hark George. THE we will offer it tn the public at a con Wormwood biiters, LARGE ASSORTMENT luft,nu 1 16o6. and the number of scholars less by 21 1. For FOR stock of Reznlia. Including fittings trimmings of all descriptions (wes" certain periods; this is common to many other cities March IT, 1856. siderahle reduction from f.rocr low prices. Parties requiring GILP1X FROM BOSTOX Baskets champagne, extra quality, and are several reasons. The inspec- Hosolmx, JOHN For sale by thia decrease there teachers are even Mi dear I used your Bomb Regalia, will find it to their advantage to supply themselves 1jER arrive : v " and harness. , as well as in the country, and the Cirr. Robkrt Brows Sir t do g, C. SPALDINO. have been instructed repeatedly, by circular, to the past season, which now. The stock consists of Bales bnwn cottw, do denims, J. tors doing. Lances in taking a whale, north, made linen-boso- m 69-- tf GLASSWiRl allowed a compensation for so sashes a superior assortment. Hales blue drill and blue cotton, cs shirts. Honol ilu. August 12, 1857. EARTHENWARE AND combine the very small schools together, wherever 260 Mil, of oil. We never could have taken him without said M. M't aprons and goat tlo, stockings sod b Our greatest difficulty here is to find persons qual- enough O. O F. Plain fancy scarlet aprons ami collars. White and blue cotton thread, kip brogans, Canvass of all No., huckabacks, with a view to economy, which has oc- Lanees, as our boats could not get near to use the com I. and &C- -, practicable, something silk-velv- et regalia, silver and Calf broirans, women's shoes, asstd blank books, Oreen, blue and white blankets t ified to teach and conduct such schools; bnt moo hand lance. P. G's and EncampmentRich out nails, white lead PI ANOS I PIANOS! PIANOS I , casioned some decrease in the number of schools; and Respectfully, gold bullion. Patent charcoal irons, palm leaf haw, Itnng t'lotn. various qualities uJ has been done, and more can be done in this way. Yours of turiwntine, clcsttai blue, CELEBRATED MANUFAC Brown cotton,. blue prints, mourningnniwprints, stsit'' inn gradual decrease of the population naturally oc- Q. L. Cox, Master whale-shi- p Magnolia. - Boiled linseed oil, spirits F THE the The pupils in seminary at Lahainaluna who ex- yellow, Prussian blue. TURES OF Crinoline, real cloth ; thread of all kinds, the C. A. H. F. POOR Chron-- e green and chrome o c1 JOlina diminution in the number of both schools ftff bm casions a to be teachers, need to have a more specific HoxoLrLC, March 15, 1856. '"jffty- Shoe blacking, dried appl. s, ch se, hams, water crackers, Sc f Liuen drill, cambric lianderchiefs, silk dt, "'j pect CHICKERING CO., - scholars. The larger scholars leave school at an Dear : I Luke this sugar, soda and butter crackers, Victoria lawn, jaconet, black Orleans, do Alpsoa- (. ad training for this work, and the Board of Education Catt. Robert Brows Sir oportuiiity & I.oaf and crushed ' age than they did formerly ; partly on ac- to inform you that I used your Bombs on the voyagein the ship H. HACKFELD CO., Boxes raisins, do toliacco, etc., etc., etc. RAVEN, BACON & CO. and Black prliHsetta, do ia.Uiig, silk umbrella. earlier has this in view. II. HACKFELD. lilack lace mitts, their labor being in greater demand, and Herald, and found them effective in taking whales, and would Ex "Jenny Ford" and others, 62 tf For sale by &z CLARK. Alpscca umbrelUs, ribbons, count of The teachers of our free schools are all natives, and recommend them to all whalemen, and especially around the ice. FFER FOR SALE NUNNS White silk, Iwrege scarfs, brrwd doth t f ac- scantling, 3x4, 10.000 scantling, 36, s - frlao on account of the boys being taxed. On this 60.000 11 BOTTLES. superior toned of new styh-- ; tassels t , perhaps do as well as could he expected, considering I also used the harpoon and got most of the whales by your o so no.) xnntliiiir. 3x3. 7.000 scantlinir, 4x4, GLASSES AND The undersigned can furnish instruments Hilk mantles, and ,j is worthy of consideration whether the tax Guns PRUNES.in aod i boxes, the above through Mrsmra. Badger Ai Liadra- s- Woolen plaid for chil.lr t towe'S, count it habits and limited advantages. As a class and apparatus. 4.000 scantlinir, 4x, 7,000 scantling 5x5, demijohns Vinegar, makers, M v their early Yours Respectfully, Stearine Cai.illes, Salad Oil, ber-jrr- , Soxa Aorxts for the I'aciBc coast. White vesting t green . . je aud amber ks' boys between theagesof sixteen and twenty ought 1,000 scantling, 14,000 scantling, 2xn, F they will not suffer in comparison wi h any other in Assorted Pickles, Mustard, Pie Fruits, can be seen our office. Orders solicited. Blue flannel, print;! k. plain j Kp J abolished. After they arrive at the age of Isaac Allc.n, Mastership Herald. 28,000 scantling. 2x4,5, 12,000 scantling, 2x8, Props, Plans and atrles at sot to be general ex- Caicrs, Peppermint Lozenges, Rocks and 66-- C. A. k H F. POOR. Gold Uce, to inch t combs, Ac, e., ke. m the nationfor intelligence, industry and Other testimonials can be seen by calling on the undersigned, 1,000 plank, 3x8 2,000 plank, 3x9, tf ; i H Ul no law requiring them to attend .Maccaroui, Singapore black Pepper, a is Picnic Biscuits. K-r- fourteen, there cellence of character; still they are very deficient in A rents, who have the duns, Bomb Lances and Harpoons for plank, 3x10, CANDLES, 1m lasl ehooL The tendency too has been to leave the free 20,000 Sa,;o, in bottles, Swiss Cheese, Trlrl;c qualifications for their high calling, not so much how- sale. - Pickets, Shinnies, Sausages. Window' Blinds. 14-- W Westphalia Hams, Door!, Sali, children receive only elementary tf COADY & CO., Honolulu. indows, 8x10. sjehoola, where the ever in regard to knowledge, as of government and R. Windows, 7x9, For sale by instruction in the native language, and enter the se- ALSO g.j.tf II. HACKFELD k CO. TO ARRIVE PER " ELIZA & ELLA," EERS. WJINES AN SPIRtT-f8c- h skill in training the young minds under them. Nor 71-- can English, have T the Ownera. and Persons interested la tf Mania Spnra, nil alwa. partly orthe following articles, wiu oe iouuu - - i lect schools, where they learn and V ai-o- DOORS, assorted sizes, with moulugi and J do higher schools at Lahainaluna, Ililo and li n Post Oftier :- folio advantages ; and this has been a tendency the faTh' . raised panel. V, fyj,. nnnk'S, .. . the - - - superior send forth yearly, by any means, an adequate Wlialeshins in the Pacific Ocean. HOUSE PAPER. sJ J f m Champagne,nrof diCerent brands t The p per-aeve- red variou the right direction, where they have steadily White licad. ROLLS HOISE PAPER, SO Saab I bara. assorten sizes. ' Hocks, of superior quality ia supply of good teachers, who have had the superior CONSTANTLY styles, V ah', assorted sixes. ailing education. Rail-Roa- SUBSCRIBER IS patterns and So Bauternes, of superior quality; in pursuit of a higher and consequently Orncs or Panama d Comfast, ) the best qualities 300 pair indw rned school trea- advantages of those institutions; tbr T1HE from the manufacturers direct, Rolls bordering, cords and tassels. 23 4m Bl in tit, with and without swivels, ass'd sixel Fine Sherries; fine Port; The large balances in the hands of the who New York. July 20, 1857. i Inn and brackets, picture cords. puj from necessity had only shades ch many are employed hare Rail-Ito- ad of fresh Window Selected expressly for this "market, and for sale low by Bitters, various brands; close of the year, arises from the fact The Panama Company takes this method curtain pius, Ac, kc. surers at the a common school education. It is a fact, almost uni- of Informing those interested in the Whaling busi- Pre," Feather dusters, 87tr uutnuii u. non r. Cherry Cordial; J"4 is collected towards the close For sale by - an I qualities; that the school tax of the teacher, ness, of the advantages offered by the Railroad "Extra," 1 EVERETT. Clarets, of variooa brands t! versal throughout the islands that, at it nntl a. P. or in pints snn i.- -j orei wear, and deposited with the treasurers for the across the Isthmus of Panama, for the shipment of N. is an 6Uf . Au trie ravorlte nraiKis aie. . ibe to the tchool. . White lead, ground In the best boiled English oil, and EASTERN LUMBER. a i Wliiilr In lutt TS schools, until the tax of the following it Oil from the Pacific to the United States, and for sending out-fi- ll present ' nu support of the thorised to contract at lower prices than the market Si. -- ll..li. " also owing to the design of the Reliqiov i thb Fbeb Schools. I have spoken so and supplies from the Cnited States to Panama. C. GRAIIA7I, lTJER ELIZA ELLA," A SELECTED llll: ' wear ia paid in; and rates. v consisting of N Rum, Ac. -- fully on this topic in former reports, that it will be The Railroad has been in regular and successful operation for . ..., II. J assortment of Eastern Lumber, v Jwssynthej E 'T'l asbool officers in some of the districts, to fanaband the more years, capacity for the of W- - AND- G AUGER. Tellow Pine Flooring, Wmked. " unnecessary to saymuch upon it here. The laws than two and its traositortadon Houd ulu. June 9, 1857. rrWiPKRa ft view to erect better school houses. every description of merchandise, including Oil, Provisions, 4c., . vT. ' yiuvinir recentlv burchaaed the Spruce do do do. a CIIAIXS. !! ,1 fuads, with tmr7v2anrs7ili Ceiling, superior for nonse and vriinim inn sectarian divisions ins the schools nor I i of Half Inch Matched a article recgnie no The of several Captains of ... a hv C. BuUer. corner has been fully tested. attention 15 rT vrv, m II. FROM Owing to a. great improvement in the manner of &c. 1 .11. I WD miUjrilT j ANCHORS, they give Board of Educationviny right to con- whaieships has recently been turned to the tubject of shipping SUPERIOR CHAMPAGNE, now prepared to execute with Cabin lining. ' VEW EN3LIH ) genersJly.- - and also to the fact do the Queen and Fort streets, is diP'cti Boards. IjI to 22)0 rxHinds; . ''tc'r collecting the taxes oil from Panama to New York during the present season, -- i v... fuvon-- with the above named place White Pine worked Partition trol the religious instruction of the people; nor has it their CHAMPAGNE, "BRUCII, ii .u... h at ami general New English Stud and ghaekle Chain Cables, I school tax of 1856 was puid in Kail-Ro- ad Company made arrangements CJIA PERIORu . .vol hock, claret of Wide Coffin Boards. Hhincrles. Laths, a assort ft portion of the and the Panama has v k .herrv. different ,01.1 opposite the . 84-- that assumed any such control. The duty ot nurturing or at hie Sund. BU ILDING MATERIALS.selectedbytheundersigned. tr For sale by has been an increase of revenue from the to afford every facility which may be required for the accom- brands. French liqueurs, (assorted.) Swiss absynthc, Hamburgh Agents aua are - ment of P. 1857, there informing soul upon A Ship aiasiers '"V- .' J. II. 1.KWJCKO. CJ 1857,' over that of 1856, of 54,558 25. a religious faith, and of the its plishment of this important object. Pier, 450 feet long, has bitters, fruit syrups, (assorted,) cnerry cormai, rp.tr, examine his large and desirable assortment of Casks. Barrels, 80tf small sises, school tax in tr--v ' ANILA CORDAGE, toUr relations to the Creator, and all His creatures has been built in the bay of Panama, to end of wb' ""reighl erar. real Hollands, oars ana pare """e-e-- - in connection with what has been cargoes v lying ""j, MOLL.j Tubs,c. ... . -i- - h-- ,o--t. Oakum, . D1." fact taken receive from htrhters or 186--tfl 4 This been wisely left by our laws to the lessons of the sanc- Cars are run to .iu Wnr ulu bv KRLLL ft H. B. X Barrels casus ou omm " Koljf EX "GOLDEN STATE." M Ppunyaan, stated, in regard to a decrease in the number alongskle, and deliver the same alongside of vessel spio-w-!l abort and the" domestic circle." The direct object reasonable terms. ENTIRE CARGO Or bUMHKK MarUn and Ratlin. Here schools, will account for their having been in tuary, of Vessels of from 200 to 300 tons can lie at the trier with by the above schooner from Humboldt, con sale of free iwsufficiently indicated, by the qual- safety, grounding in mud. at low water. FOR SALE! THE arrived For br raT1,)tdeni of the free schools the : 61-- tf days, about a month of tchool fast-saili- BARK sisting in part as follows seaioa twenty one or CARGO OF THE CHILIAN . required by law, in their teachers, that they The vessels to and from Aspinwall are brigs, he fWE m s Til Til. : ifications Rail-Ro- Alexandro Uarrigos," cpnsisnnn nrvitv 1857, in 1856; and the average ad Company is pre JL " uoaras,, tJ i time, longer in than good moral charac- longing to the Company, and the GENERAL BLACKSMITH, 65 n Northwest LrJ sixty-on- e exhibit satisfactory evidence of ar ana sew 350 teas Strain Caala, SIIIPSMITH AND yi HAWAIIAN BEEF. rf expended on each scholar, cents pared to receive oil Panama deliver it in lont, 'at 1 WT 5 lInch Redwood do; amount in A 1856. schools, move-ve- r, ter an? qualifications to instruct, particularly the under ihrwnuh BilU'of leading at the rate of seven to' "Sa'!Pe,reL. RETURN HI llAAns SI Scantlinjf, assorted sizes. SBore ia 1857, than in 'The gal- Apply H.ANTH0. lirOlXn- -- kUnlH ahon. ODHW 37 1 I i , V.wlr. aII.B.ir arithmetic geo- cents per gallon, if received at the Pier, and eight cents per w former paironanc n... ' 88-- sale by GEO. O. HOWE. lnin .ml - - I.I.nf Q of reading, writing, and to C. SPACLPINO. icwo... . i-- . Slnnina--te- tf For r M.ipiiui name under my observation, have rudiments 86-- Or J. ".. v limanni"- f. r ny which have said of religion. That is wise- lon if received in the harbor from ship's tackles, chancing for tf site the uustoro iious.'. aim mc - j to keep two years In any climate, for sal .tgf Veil graphy. Nothing is of without allowing for wantage. For public generally, that he has taken the stand adjoining improved in proportion. 7 the capacity the casks, ami the occup ed ly left out; not because the government regards it as whalebone, one and one-ha-lf cents per pound. This charge WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES. : Em jibs, shipwrights, formerly by PER "FANNY MAJOR." XAXZ some of the districts, the free schools are kept Messrs. Brass all kinds of fa children to New York, In case nit where he is prepared to execute 1.-- Ut vaca-tfe- o, a matter of no consequence, whether the of covert every exVense from Panama IJ ur.1.171 Si. - Captain Brown, AT it. J the year round, excepting the usual or Commercial Agent cur lit ELLA."80.-over 100 on the reasonable terms, in a workman- 4"i ASES PATENT LE HE ulovk DTPPI DlflFf RTf!E! la imi the nation are taught the doctrines and duties of the oil is sent through the Superintendent W 000 A 1 Aroostook Shlngk, warranted to wvor work in his hue m.t Congress Oaiten t lor five Rail-Roa- week, and four or hours a d Company, Insurance excepted. 3o-- 1 with disiHtch. , five days ia the from for this is the highest of the Panama The square feet to the 1000. tf C II. LEWEKS. like manner, and Cases patent leather drab top tngress gaiiersi AND JAPAN Vjc-- I : they are in sessden only part of the Christianity or not: far it, freights may be made payable on the Isthmus or in New York ' MANILA I"rEV. x Jo others education; from Cases Oxford ties; , 4. ' been aa above stated. and most essentia! part of all but the at Die option of the shipper. SOLAR LAMPS. Cases women's enameled boots-- r il ! average has y, AND 1 ymr The semi-momm- arm HANGING TEAS! more schools are manifest impossibility of supporting a separate class The vessels of the Company sail reguiariy For TEAS! '. Cases women's fancy buskins; Where the population is sparce, the averags passages to and from Aspinwall are about twenty to CHIMNEYS AND "WICKS TEAS For sale by foxed fancy boots. ANILA CORDAGE, tr of schools for each sect; or of adopting any mode of B. W. FIELD. XTRA FINE B. FIELD. Cases children's . I - awoeasary, ia order to embrace ail the children, and twenty-fiv- e days. The time occupied In crossing the Ishmua is SHADES, (94--tfl 94-- tf W. received and for sale by C. A. IL F. POOR CORDAGE- worship, or of religious instruction, that would be across will E 89tf Just USS MANILA law, that all the children four hours. Oil, during its transit the Isthmus, be (04-t- f) taia is the intention of the In cars, owners hy conse-omea- satisfactory to alL The experience of all States which covered with canvas, or conveyed covered and AN ASSORTMENT I school education; and they are tly CALIFORNIA CHEESE. . kftv common have to educate all people proves this. may be assured that every care will be taken to prevent leakage. WELL MADE BOOTS AND SHOES STORAGE. tit. a r;ifSMITH'S TOOLS, i where the population is more undertaken cargoes already been conveyed to New York with . SALE smaller than by Several have OF Children, for sale at fUST RECEIVED AND FOR BF FOR 400 TO oOO TONS heavy or ...... a alaffi- divided among so many A system of common schools supported the State out the slightest loss. 8Jbr y0!( t HETJCK'S. undersigned BtTT.CRIBKR has for Bl0r tefts. The funds being holt STORAGE the premises of the plantations such as Anni r are sooner exhausted, and they must be based on some common ground, where all Oil or other goods consigned for transportation to the Super- THE able for asftll schools, they Rail-Roa- d Company, or to V SHOES. Vices, at r loced prioes. , can meet, and confine itself to that line of instruction, intendent of the Panama illiant BOOTS AND SAFES! Ac, SMITH. daring so Urge a portion SAFES! or SS-I- T. HESRT 2s not continue ia session language excellent report of Hon. Bflan. Commercial Agent of the Company at Panama, will CALFSKIN SEWED BOOTS OF THOtSAaw w js.h.9-F- V7'-- useful to the earn? degree, which, in the of the be received and forwarded with the greatest despatch. by FIRE AND THIEF PROOF salettyby year; nor are they SUPERIORfor sale fPERIOR "- - BALM a. at the E. P. Bond, Chairman of the Committee on Educa- Agent 8ftand nECCK safes, made by Messrs. wento .. fi T'liii at during the year. Frederic L. Hanks has been appointed at Mono imt, n. tMiiin W mJt trm. Tavasm saw BEKF. can be kept np rr s 95-- A. P. E ERETT. ff as where they tf treeta- - be-twv- to every requisite by Corner of Fort and Hotel sm tion, to the House of Representatives in the year Inlu. Sandwich Islands, and is prepared furnish have e law requires all children, fftf rfflHC wifl ArrcnAJicL--Th- 1854, shall fit the people to understand the consti- information to shippers. RED WOOD. children's; rawaUan Beef, packed tn tunc. years, to attend " - V. Secretary single, double, and A best of four and fourteen v JOS. JOY, MAar-na- . A RON BEDSTEADS, Makee, 1 the ae and to their TC tfW D ,.17i- - ji : .ffin- Furniture.- Brasaware BOOKS ranted, nntl T superviikra of James & tution and laws of the land, bear share L. ' A nu J - M. ougarjr .uuw, iw. - HAWAIIAN PHRASE tie "'-- p -e as appear from the returns Frederic Uasks, SCPERIOK Wll u( . CHAa. arr- asbool; and so far at- 64-I3- by 34Vtf ' in the administration of government, as well as to R. R. Co., Honolulu 8. 1. , m BOARDS, far sale by of Tools. Uoor Scraper, kc tc.jfoj BY DOZEN. r Biauua. are very few children Arent Panama JL C. H. LXWERS. . Chesu ww)R SALE THE t C asbool inspectors, there 87-- X -- per dosen 0 cents per -.- k cf great tain success in life." The action of both Houses of tf J T u ft Copies. $ - MESS BErsr, do attend, school more or less; LS.aw. piUi. it n'o not the Legislature on this subject, in 1854, was clear BED-Ma- SUGAR-CURE- .m Kraaut. regular in their attendance. It is SPRING de IEN TIERCES BOSTON D 15C i - ' very TO CAPTAINS TENT w. k. awirity an Board has endeavored to carry ius-- - and decisive, and the 1. 11 AO. Vf. SUA, fsuurc. ' ilAJaS, , . or trustees, lunakla, pf each ' ' " ' Hotel street. oniiTA nion. n-t- the trustee WHATJESII1PS AND OTHER YES. 70-- r taedaty of P tf T 1 MICE,' truants, and if menus ry. present it out OP PELS. Wood of superior quality can be had at Koloa at , CHAS. BREWER, to. O. CIIIM For sale by - school, to look after chil- per sheep, at $3 per head lowest mar-J- y ft for punishment, order to In a large majority of our free schools are the $6 per cord; fresh beef at 4 cents ft I NCHORS CHAINS, for sale at the N A. P. BTERirr. CONFECTIOlBT-'S- them before the justices is and goats at W head. Also st the port of Han lei, wood and lVl-t- f ROBERT 0.JANI0M tf dren of one denomination of Christians only. They ket rate . AXD ONE CABOOSE, and aU39Sanee, This, nowever, rarwy beef can be had at the same rate. The Harbor of Haiialei is oa A BOOKING STOVES. - fjoraer cf rort have been so .ever since schools were first established safi and good sa H Fortaieoy OILS. ; Honolulu, where the temptations, aad the North West side of the island, and has w eompleta, j tin WV1L &c ia such schools, so long Wood and beef may iTnnanipniC PRESS. rtt.a ;ry so great as to Tire avery on the islands; and in as the choruge in from 6 to 10 fathoms of water. OIL, WHALE OIU CAMTOBf ITO. 2 CHEROOTS are also be had NawUiwill s-- rate asaboTa. Also fruits, L , XTXRXTT. OsCoroTBran, Miorts, Bpm Candles, aad FnMk have not neglected the branches required by at at e--tf ; tjn2rt--U 4ft & school off., ia order t tsachers vegetables be procured at all the above POISON. ' Ail3 " and of various kinuJ KEGS HIDE Wrm asbIs AdaiMntlnaCandlea.iila Xor aalaby ST. MO' tursrvia - - - ...... to bo taught, they have been left to their own " ' ' rr - J.H. scaoci. law named ports. . 'ta CLOTHINQ. variety, for ! Z I ksc? dlaeretioa imparting such religious Instruction, and a)srM an at tk W'S In ausntltiss to w.v nnons .nt ia treat 20 GUM. KJMWMM, ttlrctiallh free scLJbls in other countries, we ia tm wi kul . t r ,.U1Wta ' m "worship a beau undarttsod to , . i . .i . vrvrt F5i hat (MS7 VfUSW rnsaptaiu ex trtw mtmhiw. v swdxZJ J n