aovemnientr~ ^- ? Queensland th ^. ~-/ .::^l v ".-":' It ;SS UNIT: p^ '^D ^A.?/^| Wr<:rfSf^^'i / / 1^ -t.a'v fL- . ..'Ct^ ;-; .-:- UAHVV/UUU141 PREMISES MANAGEMENT ACQUISITION w. '' LAND & BUILDINGS * GLR 7091 - BRISBANE DENTAL HOSPITAL * CNR TURBOT & UPPER ALBERT ST LOT 442 PLAN Sl-6565 ( t Q. -L-- ^n ^,^^'es^>, ip*- w- <.-; c}^'rfci^<Bl month D RTI Release Tliis file is the propsrty of Queensland Health and Is only to be used for filing official Queensland Healthbusiness documents. HuS use this file for any other purpose. DOH-DL 14/15-016RTI Document 1 Page 1 of 5 Kate Fleming From: Jason Qaudry Sent Tuesday, 2 September 2014 8:37 AM To: Jason Coibet Cc: Kate Fleming Subject: RE: IGSTurbotSteet Jason, The briefis still in draft pending a copy of the valuation from DSDIP Jason Gaudry Manager Property Asset and Property Services Health Infrastructure Branch Department of Health Level 5 Anzac Square Building 200 Adelaide Street Brisbane Qld 4000 P: (07)3006 2790 M: 6 jason,
[email protected] From: Jason Corbet Sent: Monday, 1 September 2014 5:02 PM To: Jason Gaudry Cc; Kate Fleming Subjacb RE: 168 Turtxrt Steet Hi Jason, Can you please provide a copy oftte bnefing note for disposal of 168 Turbol Street? Jason Corbet Manager, Strategic Projects Health Infrastructure Branch | System Support Services Division Department of Health \ Queensland Rovemmeht Level 8,200 Adelaide Street Brisbane QLD 4000 or QPO Box 48 Brisbane OLD 4001 t. 07 3008 2830 e ias6n.cort)et@hMl Lg!dfloy^u | Publte sennce values RTI Release From: Jason Gaudry Sent: Tliursday, 28 August 2014 9:16 AM To: Jason Corbet Cc: Kate Fleming Subject: RW: 168Tyrbot Steet Jason section 73 - irrelevant 4/09/2014 DOH-DL 14/15-016RTI Document 2 Page 2 of 5 From: Scott McMullen Sent: Friday, 22 August 2014 5:46 PM To:Jason Gaudry Cc: Kate Fleming; Eugene McAteer; Malcolm Stamp Subject: RE: 168 Turbot Steet Jason Thanks for sending this on and including the key aspects on the clinical activities and financials in the brief.