FU LBR IG H T SCHOLAR PROGRAM 2005-2006 Visiting Scholar Directory A Resource for the Occasional Lecturer Program F ulbrig ht V is itin g S cholar P rogram S taff To obtain U.S. contact information fo r a Scholar listed in this directory, please speak swith ta ff memberthe CIES responsible fo r the Scholar s home country or special program. A frica (S ub -S aharan ) and W estern H emisphere Europe and E urasia Debra Egan, Assistant Angola Mali Sone Loh,Senior Program Austria Ireland Director 202.686.6230, Benin Mauritius Coordinator, 202.686.4011, Belgium/ Kazakhstan
[email protected] Botswana Mozambique
[email protected] Luxembourg Kyrgyz Republic Burkina FasoNamibia Bulgaria Netherlands Michelle Grant,Senior Program Tanya Janes,Program Cameroon Niger European Union Poland Coordinator 202.686.4029, Associate, 202.686.6259, Chad Nigeria Tajikistan
[email protected] [email protected] (EU) Research Cote d’Ivoire Rwanda Program Turkmenistan Julia Beaver, Program Democratic Senegal Germany Uzbekistan Associate 202.686.6254, Republic Sierra Leone Greece
[email protected] o f Congo South Africa Eritrea Swaziland Ethiopia Tanzania Rachel Showalter,Program Armenia Georgia Ghana Togo Officer, 202.686.4016, Azerbaijan M oldova Guinea Uganda
[email protected] Belarus Romania Croatia Russia Kenya Zambia Christine Wise,Senior Program Fulbright/Kennan Slovenia Madagascar Zimbabwe Associate, 202.686.8661, Institute Research Malawi
[email protected] Ukraine Scholarship Carol Robles,Senior Program Argentina Guatemala Officer, 202.686.6238,