The Compositional Integrity of the Aurignacian

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The Compositional Integrity of the Aurignacian MUNIBE (Antropologia-Arkeologia) 57 Homenaje a Jesús Altuna 107-118 SAN SEBASTIAN 2005 ISSN 1132-2217 The Compositional Integrity of the Aurignacian La integridad composicional del Auriñaciense KEY WORDS: Aurignacian, lithic typology, lithic technology, organic technology, west Eurasia. PALABRAS CLAVE: Auriñaciense, tipología lítica, tecnología lítica, tecnología orgánica, Eurasia occidental. Geoffrey A. CLARK* Julien RIEL-SALVATORE* ABSTRACT For the Aurignacian to have heuristic validity, it must share a number of defining characteristics that co-occur systematically across space and time. To test its compositional integrity, we examine data from 52 levels identified as Aurignacian by their excavators. Classical indicators of the French Aurignacian are reviewed and used to contextualize data from other regions, allowing us to assess whether or not the Aurignacian can be considered a single, coherent archaeological entity. RESUMEN Para tener validez heurística, el Auriñaciense tiene que compartir características que co-ocurren sistemáticamente a través del espacio y tiempo. Para evaluar su integridad composicional, examinamos aquí los datos procedentes de 52 niveles identificados como ‘Auriñaciense’ por sus excavadores. Se repasan los indicadores ‘clásicos’ del Auriñaciense francés para contextualizar los datos procedentes de otras regio- nes con el objetivo de examinar si el Auriñaciense puede considerarse una sola coherente entidad arqueológica. LABURPENA Baliozkotasun heuristikoa izateko, Aurignac aldiak espazioan eta denboran zehar sistematikoki batera gertatzen diren ezaugarriak partekatu behar ditu. Haren osaketa osotasuna ebaluatzeko, beren hondeatzaileek ‘Aurignac aldikotzat” identifikaturiko 52 mailetatik ateratako datuak aztertzen ditugu hemen. Aurignac aldi frantziarraren adierazle “klasikoak” berrikusten dira beste hainbat eskualdetatik lorturiko datuak bere testuinguruan jartzeko Aurignac aldia entitate arkeologiko bakar eta koherentetzat jo daitekeen aztertzea helburu. At the annual meeting of the Society for offer a preliminary empirical assessment of these American Archaeology in 2002, we asserted that assertions in respect of the most visible of these the basic analytical units used in Upper Paleolithic analytical units, the Aurignacian, taken by many to archaeological research are (1) ‘accidents of mark the appearance of modern humans in history’, created – for the most part – by French western Eurasia (e.g., MELLARS 1992, 2004; KLEIN prehistorians between c. 1880 and c. 1940 in 1999). order to solve chronological problems, (2) that For the Aurignacian to have heuristic validity, it they are based ultimately on typological systema- must share a number of defining typological and tics and have become essentialized by technological features that co-occur consistently subsequent workers, (3) that they have little or no across space and time. To test its compositional compositional integrity across space and time, (4) integrity, we examine data from 52 Aurignacian are defined differently by different workers, and layers at Kebara, Hayonim, Warwasi, Bacho Kiro, (5) that there is no consensus about what they Siuren I, Geißenklösterle, Trou Magrite, Abri mean or represent behaviorally. In this paper, we Pataud, La Ferrassie, La Laouza, Fumane, Riparo * GEOFFREY A. CLARK & JULIEN RIEL-SALVATORE. Department of Anthropology. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ 85287-2402 U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] 108 GEOFFREY A. CLARK & JULIEN RIEL-SALVATORE Mochi, Castelcivita, El Castillo, and Cueva Morín. Middle Aurignacian was retained and divided into All sites are compared to one another on the basis five phases. Shortly thereafter, GARROD (1936) of (1) relative frequencies of endscrapers, burins, proposed that Peyrony’s Lower Perigordian be and Dufour bladelets; (2) aspects of technology redesignated the Châtelperronian and his Upper that monitor the prevalence of lamellar blanks Perigordian the Gravettian, changes predicated on (blades, bladelets), and debitage characteristics, a supposed lack of phylogenetic relationship and (3) observations about organic technologies, between the former and the latter. These ideas ‘art’, and personal adornment. Indicators of the were contested in various segments of the French classic French Aurignacian are reviewed and are research tradition over the 1940s and 1950s, with used as a yardstick to contextualize data from the status of Peyrony’s Pergordian II, which had a other regions, allowing for quantitative lot of backed bladelets, being particularly assessment of whether or not the Aurignacian can controversial. In the 1950s, de SONNEVILLE-BORDES be considered a single, coherent entity, suitable (e.g., 1958) and others argued that the Perigordian for use as an analytical device. We close with II showed greater similarity with the Aurignacian some observations on the problematic nature of than with the Perigordian, and should therefore be ‘historicity’ (i.e., treating pattern and process in extracted from its ‘parent culture’ and reassigned the remote past as if they were analogous to to the Aurignacian phylum. In the era of patterns and processes known from recent supposedly time-sensitive stylistic marker types, historical contexts), and some remarks on the role and in the absence of radiometric dates, this of formal convergence in lithic technology. earliest Aurignacian phase was thought to pre-date Aurignacian I because of its stratigraphic position relative to the latter at sites like La A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FRENCH Ferrassie. It was later christened Aurignacian 0 by AURIGNACIAN DELPORTE (1968: 60). Despite the use of different After it was first defined at Aurignac by Lartet, typological systems (i.e., de SONNEVILLE-BORDES & de Mortillet and their contemporaries in the last PERROT, LAPLACE, HOURS, idiosyncratic) in different quarter of the 19th century, the Aurignacian was parts of Europe (e.g., France, Italy) and west Asia reassessed by BREUIL (e.g., 1912) to account for (e.g., the Levant, Zagros Mountains), there is a the discoveries of Piette and others in the 1890s. general impression that the earliest Aurignacian On the basis of characteristic typological features, (= 0, I; Laplace’s ‘Proto-Aurignacian’) is characterized Breuil created a unilineal scheme that divided the by low tool-type diversity, a prevalence of Dufour Aurignacian into three chronological subdivisions bladelets, and very few bone tools and examples (Lower, Middle, Upper) with the latest supposedly of ‘art’. The modern view retains the notion of allochthonous, unrelated to the others. In the separate, penecontemporaneous ‘phyla’, although 1930s, PEYRONY (1933) revised Breuil’s scheme the credibility (and reality) of the various based on his work at La Ferrassie, creating a Aurignacian and Perigordian subdivisions ‘parallel-phylum’ model in which Breuil’s Lower continues to be debated, as does their behavioral and Upper Aurignacian were reassigned to a meaning. A good synopsis of the history of separate ‘Perigordian culture’ (eventually divided Aurignacian research is given by DAVIES (2001: on typological criteria into six phases). Breuil’s 195-201; see also DAVIES 1999). AURIGNACIAN TYPOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS • carinated, keeled and ‘nosed’ endscrapers • ordinary endscrapers made on blades (usually) or flakes (less commonly) • big blades with invasive, scalar retouch (Aurignacian, strangled blades) • busqué and/or Vachons type burins • Dufour bladelets, Font-Yves/Krems-type retouched bladelets • split-based bone ‘points’ • lozenge-shaped, biconical points in ivory, antler and bone Table 1. Aurignacian Typological Diagnostics. Munibe (Antropologia-Arkeologia) 57, 2005 · Homenaje a Jesús Altuna S. C. Aranzadi. Z. E. Donostia/San Sebastián THE COMPOSITIONAL INTEGRITY OF THE AURIGNACIAN 109 THE IRREDUCIBLE AURIGNACIAN compositional integrity whatsoever. Leaving aside The Aurignacian is defined, first and foremost, the question of meaning, we and other workers by a set of supposedly diagnostic, allegedly (e.g., MIRACLE 1998, STRAUS 1996) have become skeptical of the assumption that the Aurignacian is time-sensitive ‘index fossil’ tool types (Table 1). a single ‘thing’, that it is technologically and The earliest Aurignacian assemblages are typologically consistent across space and time. If supposedly rather meagre overall, but have it can be shown that it has no compositional substantial numbers of Dufour bladelets and integrity, its utility as an analytical unit is open to carinated endscapers. Aurignacian I is defined by question. the occurrence of split-based bone points, numerous carinated and nosed scapers, and by ‘Aurignacian’ and strangled blades. Aurignacian II THE TYPOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF THE is marked by flattened, lozenge-shaped bone AURIGNACIAN points and large numbers of busqué burins, There are c. 185 reliably dated Aurignacian, Aurignacian III by oval-sectioned lozenge-shaped Aurignacian-like, Proto-Aurignacian, and bone and antler points, and the appearance of ‘Aurignacoid’ (e.g., Bachokirian) assemblages Vachons-type burins (which differ only minimally known from western Eurasia, roughly a 36% from busked burins), and Aurignacian IV by sample of the 507 radiocarbon dates available for biconical bone points. The Aurignacian V diagnostics the western Eurasian Aurignacoid industries are contested, as is the existence of the subunit through the late 1990s (DAVIES 2001: 202). We itself, with some workers defining it by the were unable to come up with a figure for the total occurrence of conical,
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    Assessing relationships between human adaptive responses and ecology via eco-cultural niche modeling William E. Banks To cite this version: William E. Banks. Assessing relationships between human adaptive responses and ecology via eco- cultural niche modeling. Archaeology and Prehistory. Universite Bordeaux 1, 2013. hal-01840898 HAL Id: hal-01840898 Submitted on 11 Nov 2020 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. Thèse d'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches Université de Bordeaux 1 William E. BANKS UMR 5199 PACEA – De la Préhistoire à l'Actuel : Culture, Environnement et Anthropologie Assessing Relationships between Human Adaptive Responses and Ecology via Eco-Cultural Niche Modeling Soutenue le 14 novembre 2013 devant un jury composé de: Michel CRUCIFIX, Chargé de Cours à l'Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique Francesco D'ERRICO, Directeur de Recherche au CRNS, Talence Jacques JAUBERT, Professeur à l'Université de Bordeaux 1, Talence Rémy PETIT, Directeur de Recherche à l'INRA, Cestas Pierre SEPULCHRE, Chargé de Recherche au CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette Jean-Denis VIGNE, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, Paris Table of Contents Summary of Past Research Introduction ..................................................................................................................
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