Inecxxii, ISSUE XVIII SERVING the COLLEGE of WOOSTER SINCE 1883 Tuesday, February 21, 20O6

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Inecxxii, ISSUE XVIII SERVING the COLLEGE of WOOSTER SINCE 1883 Tuesday, February 21, 20O6 The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 2001-2011 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 2-21-2006 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2006-02-21 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 2006-02-21" (2006). The Voice: 2001-2011. 405. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 2001-2011 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL.IneCXXII, ISSUE XVIII SERVING THE COLLEGE OF WOOSTER SINCE 1883 Tuesday, February 21, 20O6 "You can't blame anybody else ... I'm the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend. Vice President Dick Cheney in a public comment to Fox News Channel Wooster ; Fees-rise- sUiti Gifts butraoed this Liz Miller Robert Walton said the fee will contin- competitive salaries for faculty and that they paid much, much less ue to rise in 2007-0- 8 "and, most likely as staff members." because the College provided ample Editor-in-Chi- ef with other schools, each year after that." "I think it's ridiculous," said Gillian financial aid to make the cost more com- President R. Stanton Hales sent a let- The comprehensive fee is another Trownson '07. Trownson's aid does not parable to that of other public colleges." Monday, Feb. which total cost stu- ar Week ter on 6, announced way of describing the increase from year-to-ye- because she According to the Office of an increase in the cost of attending the dents are expected to pay per academic receives merit-bas- ed aid. She said "I Admissions' Web site, the fee covers College of Wooster for the next aca- year, either through their own means or think first of all if they're going "tuition, all academic fees, student hous- demic year. by a combination of grants, loans and to increase fees, they need to show ing, board meals, laboratory fees, The 2006-0- 7 comprehensive fee of scholarships plus their own funds. something for it." medical care from the College's student $37,580 marks a 6.3 percent increase Hales' letter cited economic pressure . Walton said he cautioned "students health facility, and most cultural and from the fee for the current academic on College finances as the reason for "to be accurate about how they describe athletic events on campus." The same year ($35,500). If the College's fees increase. As the Voice reported on Feb. what they pay to the College." He said, Web site reports that every college continue to increase at this rate, 10, Hales said "the new fee set by the "in several situations, I have heard stu- experiences a four-to-sev- en percent Wooster will surpass the $40,000 mark Board of' Trustees is necessary in dents state in frustration that they pay increase each year. in the 2007-0- 8 academic year. Vice order to deal with rising energy costs, X dollars to the College. I have looked David Miller, the director of the President for Finance and Business to fund College programs, and provide up their payment history only to see See "Tuition," page 2 James Sutterlin discussed the J-Bo- future legitimacy and rele- ard: 7 De-Stre- vance of United Nations ter- ss Fair offers therapy variety for students rorism resolutions and peace operations. See page 2. fall reports Summaries of Judicial Board Cases from thefall (2005) semester have been released. Dean of Students Kurt Holmes provided the information. A student was found guilty of vio- Visiting Professor of Africana lating Section VI of the Judicial Code, Studies Michael Ralph crit- prohibiting the use of fire within icizes the College's current College boundaries. The student was placed on Recorded Disciplinary lack of support for the Probation and required to complete five Department of Africana to six hours of community service. The Studies. See page 3. student must also write a research paper investigating the history of fires on campus. A student was found not guilty of violating Section IX of the Code. The accused, however, was found guilty of . violating Section I of the Judicial Code, outlining personal behavior expecta- tions. The student was placed on Conduct Probation, required to partici- pate in counseling and required to relo- Features showcases campus cate to a different residence hall. A photographer Matt Dilyard. restraining order was also granted for the accuser. See award-winnin- g and Two students were found guilty of unseen photos on page 4. violating Section VI of the Judicial Code, prohibiting underage consump- in De-Stre- ss On Wednesday students and faculty alike gathered Lowry lobby for the Fair, tion of alcohol on campus. One student sponsored by the Longbrake Student Wellness Center. The fair offered an extensive vari- was placed on Recorded Disciplinary ety of therapy methods to help students relieve stress. Activities ranged from coloring and Probation, restricted from using alco- handwriting analysis to hand and body massages, acupuncture and visiting with therapy hol, required to live in a chemical-fre- e room, complete a mandatory compre- dogs, with a number of additional options in between (Photo by Caroline Hotra). hensive assessment of alcohol use and comply with any recommendations that result from the assessment. t r mid-ter- m The second was suspended from SGA holds elections school until at least the first semester of 2006-200- 7. The student was also a full chemical I ft- ,- required to complete for spring semester president assessment, treatment, and counseling Arts previews the upcoming program, maintain weekly meetings ' write-i- experience and heshe must be in n candidates, whp are subject to with the College's chemical dependency . production ofArthur Miller's "All Sara Taggart good academic standing as dictated by the same election and publicity guide- counselor and with Carolyn Buxton, My Sons.n See page 5. News Edfor the Catalogue. lines as formal candidates. senior associate dean of students. Other requirements include, with the Though he is not on the ballot, A student was found guilty of vio- The recent resignation of the addition to the petition, the submission Dapeng Hu '06 informed the Voice that lating Section IV of the Judicial Code, . Arts highlights the favorite win- Student Government Association he would not contest the occurrence of prohibiting the possession of drug ter fashions on campus. Get (SGA) president Michael Prohaska '06 becoming a write-i-n candidate. paraphernalia. The student was sus- requires a mid-ye- ar SGA election for Because there is only one current pended from the College until at least trendy on page 6. president. presidential candidate, the formal the first semester of 2006-0- 7. The Prohaska turned in his letter of res- debate that is dictated by SGA guide- accused must also complete a full chem- ignation on Jan. 17 after admitting to lines has been replaced by a formal ical assessment, treatment, and counsel- forging the signature of SGA treasurer information session led by Hartschuh. ing program, complete 60 hours of Lauren Mogavero '08 on a T-sh- irt order The session will be held on Monday, community service, and write a reflec- form. Following this charge and admit- Feb. 20, in Lowry Pit and Hartschuh tive 20-pa- ge paper. Upon the student's tance, SGA senate and cabinet members has said he will advertise the time for return, he or she must be placed on gave Prohaska the option to resign or the session in WHN as soon as possible. Recorded Disciplinary Probation for a r face impeachment hearings; he chose At this time, Hartschuh admits to year, live in a chemical-fre- e room and the former, claiming he regretted his pjans tJ cunning br SGA president maintain weekly meetings with the mistake. inten- Jonathan Hartschuh '07 v again ne"xt year, saying it was his College's chemical dependency coun- With the cabinet position of presi- (Photo by Mac Buehler) tion early on to run next year, and that selor and with Buxton. dent unfilled, vice president Jonathan. current events have not changed those A student was found not guilty of Men's Fighting Scots Hartschuh '07 is obliged to fill th'e space of a biography that includes a small plans. violating Section IX of the Judicial 14-ga- Basketball is on a me as acting president for SGA, until a new summary of why the candidate is run- SGA Senator and election committee Code, prohibiting harassment, coercion, winning streak, not stopping president can be elected. The resulting ning, the attendance of the mandatory member Michael Doerr '08 expressed intimidation, and assault The accused winner of this presidential election will information session held by SGA and disappointment at the turnout of elec- was placed on Recorded Disciplinary with Tuesday's win against hold ofTice only until the end of this participation in the public debate. tion candidates. "It is "unfortunate that Probation. Kenyon. See fie back page. year, when new elections will be held for SGA Secretary of Public Relations we only have only one person running A student was found guilty of vio- the 2006-0- 7 SGA president and other Christina Shiroma '08, who is also serv- for this thing," said Doerr. "I'd like to lating Sections IV and IX of the Senate and Cabinet members.
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