OVERVIEW A REGION ON THE MOVE EDITORIAL TESTIMONY OF THE AGGLOME- JEAN-LOUIS RATION OF THE SUBILEAU LOUVRE-LENS, A REGION ON Locating the Louvre at Lens in the middle of a facilities. In 2019, it also joins the Louvre former flat spoil heap, near a pit, in the middle Conservation Centre at Liévin, designed by of the mining towns, under the watchful eye Rogers (Pritzker Prize winner, architect of the THE MOVE of the two highest spoil heaps of Europe, is Georges Pompidou Centre), a partner with For a number of years now, the Lens-Liévin city council and the municipalities that make a powerful statement that respects the past Stirk Harbour. The essence of green town plan- it up have taken up the challenge to revive the region after the closing of the pits with while writing a new chapter in the transfor- ning, i.e. bringing the cities, mining towns and a plan for developing the economy and jobs through the development of culture, tou- mation of the region that sets the tone for mining sites together with nature, has been rism and the quality of life. The incorporation of the Nord-Pas de mining basin on its rebirth. The architectural work of SANAA restarted on the scale of the Pas de Calais UNESCO’s prestigious World Heritage List and the opening of the Louvre-Lens in 2012 (Pritzker Prize laureates) does not dominate its mining basin, with the major project of the are key steps in this process. surroundings; thanks to its horizontal features Chaîne des parcs (chain of parks). This initiative has the backing of the Euralens association which was founded in 2009 to and elegance, it reveals it. Like the Ring of Remembrance by Philippe support the transformation initiated by the arrival of the Louvre in Lens. Collective and To connect the Louvre-Lens to the station Prost and the 14-18 History Centre by Pierre- coordinated solutions are now being sought to address the shared challenges faced by and the centres of Lens and Liévin and get to Louis Faloci (Grand Prix of Architecture 2018), the Pôle Métropolitain de l’Artois, which is made up of the three city councils of Lens- the major mining site near the 11/19, Michel other magnificent historical and memorial Liévin, Hénin- and Béthune-Bruay Artois Lys Romane, i.e. a population of 650,000. Desvigne (winner of the 2011 urban planning creations designed by highly reputed archi- With the coming together of local key players and the use of high-level external expertise, Grand Prix) initiated an urban transformation tects have emerged over the last 10 years in the certified projects can be developed with the help of partners like Mission Bassin Minier, scheme that makes use of the landscape; it region. The renovation of the mining towns, an engineering, development and regional planning scheme to support the implemen- transforms the black archipelago to the green which were added to the World Heritage List by tation of a comprehensive programme for the urban, social, economic and ecological archipelago. He designs very understated UNESCO, has begun. The 4-star hotel (Hubert restructuring of the mining basin. public spaces bordered with lines of trees that Maes architect) built in a former miner’s village Whether the developments presented in this brochure concern city planning, landscaping lead to Catherine Mosbach’s Louvre Park. With opposite the Louvre-Lens bears witness to the architecture, culture, sport, health, mobility or innovative housing, they are powerful Christian de Portzamparc (Pritzker Prize win- tremendous potential for high-quality deve- tangible signs of renewal. ner), Michel Desvigne drew up the master plan lopments found in the mining heritage. Thus, for the development of Lens Centralité. These while respecting its own particular features Sylvain Robert, are the circumstances in which the contempo- and its simplicity, the region is now showing Chairman of the ‘Communauté d’Agglomération’ (City Council) of Lens-Liévin rary buildings (Saison Menu architects) were visitors the promising signs of its rebirth, to the already built in the neighbourhood of Lens point where it is being referred to as a region railway station, as well as the new boulevard of the phoenix. linking the centre of the city, the University located in the magnificent Grands Bureaux Jean-Louis Subileau des Mines, the Bollaert-Delelis stadium moder- Grand Prix for town planning 2001 nised by the architect Pierre Ferret and the Digital Cultural Centre in a refurbished former school and the Louvre-Lens. This forms a cen- tral green arc, gathering together the major 3 22


Bénifontaine Pont-à-Vendin Vendin-le-Vieil

16 Annay-sous-Lens Loos-en-Gohelle

13 Grenay 20 Sains-en-Gohelle 19 29 18 25 9 Bully-les-Mines 27 Loison-sous-Lens 10 Lens 28 23 3 4 6 Noyelles-sous-Lens 1 5 8 Fouquières-lez-Lens 14 2 Bouvigny-Boyeffles Liévin Aix-Noulette

26 Éleu-dit-Leauwette Billy-Montigny 1 2 15 7

Avion 17 Gouy-Servins 12 11 24 Méricourt FROM THE BLACK ARCHIPELAGO TO THE plementary activities. The challenge is to rely Ablain-Saint-Nazaire Givenchy-en-Gohelle 21 GREEN ARCHIPELAGO on this vast network of parkland to offer the population a coherent set of locations made In a very real sense, the black that once domi-

Vimy nated the landscape is gradually turning for walking, learning, recreation, adventure, Villers-au-Bois green, especially with the Chaîne des parcs. exploration and healing. Since 2017, the Pôle Figuratively speaking, the industrial heritage, Métropolitain de l’Artois has been supporting

2 km which has now been recognised as a UNESCO the interconnected communities in imple- World Heritage site and is accepted as such, menting this scheme. It launched two major serves as a solid foundation for the sustainable projects as a consequence: a common signage development of the region with its powerful in order to clearly identify and promote the 1 Louvre-Lens p. 7 17 Eco-district and La Gare Cultural Centre p. 25 and identifiable landscape leading the way. Chaîne des parcs on the site and a revision of 2 Conservation Centre of the Louvre Museum p. 8 18 Media Library p. 26 The landscape and scheduling study conduc- the strategic plan. The latter has now incor- 3 Artist Residency Pinault Collection p. 10 19 Media Library-Estaminet p. 27 ted from 2013 to 2015 by Michel Desvigne led porated new landscaping projects, bringing 4 Hotel Louvre Lens p. 11 20 Place Daniel Breton and the Bleu Grenay Work p. 27 to the definition of the concept of the «Chaîne the total area to 9900 acres covering 11 large 5 Louvre Lens Vallée p. 11 21 Media Library Le Préau Livre p. 28 des parcs» which is made up of 7 major lands- complexes and nearly 420km of trails. In the 6 Bollaert-Delelis Stadium p. 12 22 The Artchipel p. 29 cape systems connected by about 100km of centre of the Chaîne des parcs, the Boucles de 7 Covered Arena Stadium p. 12 23 Water tower p. 29 green corridors covering almost 5400 acres. la Gohelle and the creation of a bike park on 8 Lens Centralité p. 14 24 Republique District-Cité 4 p. 30 This regional project brings together the most spoil heap 58 at Grenay-Mazingarbe is being 9 Park of the Banks of the Souchez p. 17 25 Grande Résidence District p. 30 beautiful spaces of the region: mining was- developed within this context. Plans are also 10 Base 11/19 p. 18 26 Vent de Bise District-Jean Lebas p. 30 telands transformed into parks, spoil heaps being sketched out to create the Arc Nord com- 11 Ring of Remembrance p. 20 27 Cité 12-14 p. 31 that leave their unique mark on the horizon, plex linking Harnes to via Annay-sous- 12 History Centre p. 21 28 Luminesens District p. 32 former mining railway lines reconverted into Lens and Estevelles using a «cavalier minier» 13 Hill 70 Memorial p. 22 29 New Lens Hospital p. 33 green corridors, great memorial sites of the (former mining railway cutting). 14 Malterie p. 22 Tourist Office or Tourist information desk First World War, amusement parks, woods 15 Media Library Nelson Madiba Mandela p. 22 Bike Rental and forests and canals. It is a vast network of 16 Trait d’Union p. 23 Chaîne des parcs 1. View of the twin spoil heaps in Loos- landscapes but also an urban structure that en-Gohelle. © CALL / Y. Cussey slots neatly into the towns. As for the Pôle 2. Restaurant in the Marcel Cabiddu Métropolitain de l’Artois, the sites of the Chaîne Nature and Leisure Park in Wingles. This pictogram indicates the projects that benefit from the Euralens label. © Euralens / Pidz 4 des parcs are interconnected and provide com- 5 ACHIEVEMENTS & PROJECTS

1 LOUVRE - LENS ties, Islamic arts, etc.), the Galerie du Temps The Louvre-Lens, which was opened in 2012, exhibits the works in an open space covering was built on the former coal mining site of 3,000m2 and offers an unprecedented view of 1 pit no. 9 of the Société des Mines de Lens and the Louvre’s collections, allowing visitors to symbolises the renewal of a rapidly changing journey through 5,000 years of art history, art 1. Glass and aluminium façades of the region. The park museum, which was designed and culture, from the 4th millennium BC to the Louvre-Lens. © Euralens / JM André by the Japanese architects, Kazuyo Sejima and middle of the 19th century. The originality of 2. Galerie du temps. © Laurent Lamacz Ryue Nishizawa, of the SANAA agency (Pritzker the iconic Louvre-Lens site continues to inspire 3. The museum park. © Frédéric Iovino Architecture Prize in 2010 and Architecture museums all over the world. Two major tem- 4. Interior of the museum lobby. © Euralens / JM André Silver Square Award in 2013 for this pro- porary exhibitions a year contribute to the suc- ject) with the landscape architect Catherine cess of the museum (one of the busiest outside Mosbach, beautifully fits into its environment Paris with nearly 500,000 visitors a year), whose in an understated way. The location of the buil- achievements in bringing culture to the masses dings, the large glazed or aluminium facades are widely recognised. facilitate a permanent connection between the In 2018, 110 museum agents and 104 contractor museum and the landscape setting of the for- employees worked on the Louvre-Lens site. 2 mer mining wasteland thanks to the reflections and the transparency effect. What’s more, the interaction between the park museum and the surrounding landscape shaped by the coal industry has been a key factor in defining the architectural project and associated urban development. A tour of the museum-park gives the visitor an idea of the riches of the Nord-Pas de Calais mining basin, which has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the redevelopment of the region to which the museum contributes. Unlike the Louvre Museum in Paris, whose 4 structure is broken down into specialised 3 departments (paintings, Egyptian antiqui- 6 7 1 2

1. Overview of the conservation centre 2 CONSERVATION CENTRE OF THE Thanks to its vast green roof of grassland, it To the South of the conservation centre, the of the Louvre Museum in Liévin. LOUVRE MUSEUM IN LIÉVIN fits in seamlessly with the extension of the new buildings of the Jaurès neighbourhood © Roger Stirk Harbour When the Louvre Museum sets out to find a landscaped park of Louvre-Lens. are the sign of a new residential offer at the + Partners / Mutabilis new site to preserve the works of its reserves Thanks to its bio-climatic design, it offers very heart of the central point of the region. 2. Overview. Cross-section of the building. in danger in the event of 100-year floods of the good energy efficiency. © Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners 2 Seine, the territory is mobilized to host these All 9,550m of conservation areas are spread 3. Overview of the Jaurès reserves in synergy with the Louvre-Lens. over a single level. Depending on their nature neighbourhood. © Vilogia-Logifim The building, wich was completed in the and format, the works are divided into 6 autumn of 2019, is designed to house 250,000 rooms. Located at the rear of the building, works on a single site to make them available these reserves allow the collections to bene- to the scientific community as part of one fit from constant thermal conditions thanks of the largest study and research facilities in to the excellent inertia of the construction. Europe. It can also be used to house works The real backbone of the centre, the wide threatened by international conflicts. traffic corridor, known as the «boulevard des The selected site is part of the green arc œuvres», serves the conservation and proces- defined by the landscape architect Michel sing areas. On the front of the building, a large Desvigne and the architect and urban planner space is dedicated to studying the collections. Christian de Portzamparc to consolidate the It includes a photo studio, workshops for pro- central role of the region in linking the econo- cessing the works and study and consultation mic clusters and several major facilities of the rooms for the researchers. On the mezzanine agglomeration. floor are the teams’ offices. Large bay win- Following an international call for proposals dows provide natural light and offer views of that received 173 bids, the project of the archi- the landscaped garden below. tectural firm Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) associated with Mutabilis Paysage, was selected on 7 July 2015. 3 The building takes the form of a 20,000m2 park building with a concrete frame. 8 9 1 1

1 2 4 5

3 ARTIST RESIDENCY ping with the architectural style developed 4 HÔTEL LOUVRE LENS IN LENS 5 LOUVRE LENS VALLÉE IN LENS PINAULT COLLECTION IN LENS by the Société des Mines de Lens (roof with In front of the old pit that now houses the The Louvre Lens Vallée is a cultural digital clus- In 2016, the businessman and art collector, wide overhanging eaves, decorative frieze of Louvre-Lens museum, these two rows of ter that was founded in 2013 to bring together François Pinault, created his first artist resi- red and white bricks, etc.) and a simple and miners’ terraced houses of the «Cité 9», part businesses, communities, start-ups and uni- dency in Lens. It was set up at the heart of the modular interior design (the roles of the diffe- of the World Heritage area of the Nord-Pas versities. Its ambition is to put innovation and Cité 9 associated with the pit on which the rent spaces are suggested and can be moved de Calais mining basin, have been converted new technologies at the service of culture, edu- Louvre-Lens was built. The project has two around) for more comfort and freedom. into an original 4-star hotel complex of 52 cation and tourism in order to develop the eco- components: the refurbishment of the for- The construction of the workshop fulfils a rooms since autumn 2018. nomy and the appeal of the region. It is located mer presbytery of the town, which is now to need that is regularly expressed by artists to Backed by Maisons et Cités in partnership next to the Louvre-Lens in the old Paul Bert accommodate the resident artist, on the one create a difference between their workplace with the hotel group Esprit de , this school composed of two buildings (one dating hand, and the construction of a workshop in and their accommodation. project was developed by Maes, the Lille- back to the 1920s, the other to the 1950s) the garden on the other hand. This creativity site has also been designed based architectural firm. The goal was to connected by a concrete vaulted nave. The On the presbytery, the work of the architects as a modular area (space, light, etc.) to meet provide the specifications of a luxury esta- project of the Chelouti et Associés agency is to of the Parisian agency NeM (Lucie Niney and the many needs and practices of the resident blishment combined with a unique customer redevelop the entire complex and complement Thibault Marca, Architects DPLG) involves artists. experience inspired by the «Nord» and the it with two new wood-frame buildings, bearing a restoration of its outer envelope in kee- lifestyle of the mining towns with its updated wide glazed façades, located at each end of heritage, authenticity and hospitality. The the nave. This 2800m2 area dedicated to digital hotel team (25 people) are born and bred in culture houses spaces devoted to start-up incu- the agglomeration, thereby reinforcing this bators and accelerators. The former covered 1. Exterior view of the accommodation warm and authentic approach. A contem- area under the nave has also been converted and workshop. © Euralens / JM André porary extension houses a bar, a restaurant into a large atrium to host events and encou- 2. Interior view of the house. © NeM architectes / R. Castan and an area dedicated to seminars and rage interactions between young companies, 3. Interior view of the workshop. receptions. the neighbourhood and the Louvre-Lens wit- © Euralens / JM André hin the framework of this rich ecosystem. 4. Façades daubed with the black lime of the mining towns transformed into a hotel. © CALL / Y. Cussey 5. Louvre-Lens Vallée. Drawing of the west façade. 3 10 © CHELOUTI & Associés 11 1 2 3 4

6 BOLLAERT-DELELIS STADIUM IN LENS duction of digital devices (Wi-Fi,video) and city to 14,000 seats for shows and 6,000 for the public space and powerfully raises the During the financial crises of 1929, Felix the new reception and VIP spaces were just sports events. The same plan was applied to profile of the site. Bollaert decided to hire miners from the Pit some of the major changes made. The struc- the Regional Reception and Training Centre, After several years of work to repair its roof 5 of the Mines de Lens to build this stadium ture that supports the new roof is composed which increased the number and quality of structure, the covered Arena stadium is open so that they would avoid unemployment. of 4 masts weighting 90 tonnes each and rea- its rooms and reception areas. These two again and has been operational since April The Stadium of the Racing Clud de Lens (club ching 72m in height located at the corners, facilities were linked in order to create a lea- 2017. The athletics tournament of Liévin founded in 1906) is a temple of football that is which support 4 “megabeams” with a system ding venue for events combined with a centre returned to the venue in 2018. famous for the enthusiasm of its supporters. of cables (two 104m and two 158m long cables for sporting excellence covering 270 acres. The building of the Vivalley project will soon Opened in 1933, it was reorganized on several weighing 350 tonnes each) The latter includes the Faculty of Sports see the light of day on the neighbouring site. occasions before adopting its “ English style” The new white outer shell made of polycar- and Physical Education of the University of It will consolidate the structure of this regio- stadium layout that places the spectators as bonate and perforated metal gives coherence Artois which hosts nearly 800 students in nal cluster of excellence, driven by the city close as possible to the pitch. to the facades and interacts with the clean Liévin. The project has urban landscaped council of Lens-Liévin, which must support It is the subject of a significant refurbishment in architecture of the neighbouring Louvre- aspects connected to the development of the economic development of the region order to host several matches of the Euro 2016. Lens. It contrasts with the more colourful car parks and access roads, which have been in accordance with the «sport, well-being This work is being managed by Pierre Ferret interior that pays tribute to the “blood and resized and upgraded in keeping with the and health» principles. Facing the Faculty (Atelier Ferret architecture), a leading archi- gold” colours of the team. Rollencourt Park and cycle route 31. The of Liévin, this 5,000m2 building designed by tect for the design and construction of sports dominant marker of this complex designed the Boyeldieu Dehaene agency is certified for facilities and stadiums, associated with 7 COVERED ARENA STADIUM IN LIEVIN by Architecture Studio is the concrete and its energy efficiency. It will host an incubator, Francis Cardete and Gérard Huet (Cardete The stadium, which was opened in 1986, glass arch that unifies the facilities, frames businesses and a co-working space. Huets Architectes). rapidly gained international renown as the 1. Bollaert-Delelis Stadium. This renovation modernizes the stadium, venue for the 1988 athletics tournament of © Lanoo Photographe / Cardete & Huet make it comfortable, more easily accessible Liévin. It also hosts various sporting, econo- Architectes / Atelier Ferret Architectures and compliant with UEFA standards. The mic or cultural events including concerts by 2. Interior view of the stadium. © RCLens new, partly transparent roof over all 38,223 Miles Davis, AC/DC or Depeche Mode. In 2004, 3. Covered Arena Stadium. seats, the removal of the posts that sup- a vast extension and renovation project was © CALL / Y. Cussey ported the old roof to provide unrestricted launched. The aim was to consolidate the 4. Athletics tournament in 2018. viewing, the standardization of the facades, stadium’s technical facilities, make it more © Euralens / Pidz 5. Building of the Vivalley cluster. the new more comfortable seats, the intro- adaptable and increase its seating capa- Overview of the co-working space. 12 © Lucliefooghe 13

5 1 2 3

8 LENS CENTRALITÉ GREEN CORRIDORS the Louvre-Lens and the Parc de la Glissoire. redevelopment of the region for people dis- This project helps to assert the central The car parks and the green corridors deve- These green corridors are complemented covering the city upon arrival at the station. position of Lens and to develop its appeal loped in 2012 on the route to the museum with high-quality public transport facilities. The buildings were designed by the Lille- by linking its major facilities: TGV station, from Lens and Liévin include an understated Near the stadium, a new crossing under the based architecture firm, Saison Menu, desi- University of Artois, Bollaert-Delelis stadium, and innovative layout of urban and lands- railway is being used by the bus rapid tran- gner of office buildings and housing near the Louvre-Lens etc. caped areas that are in keeping with certain sit in particular. This now provides the link station. sustainable development and landscaping between the city centre, the museum and the The Art Deco façade, which will be rebuilt STATION DISTRICT requirements. In these areas, the plantations west of the agglomeration. exactly as it was, will preserve a historical In line with the forecourt of the refurbished formed by strings of trees are an addition to account of this important cultural site. station and the new bus station, a property the existing vegetation while the valleys help APOLLO - LENS programme is being developed on the route to manage rainwater. The surfacing and very This cinema and auditorium, which was leading to the Louvre-Lens as far as the Bollaert understated elements of urban furniture opened in 1932 opposite the Lens SNCF train roundabout. Covering an area of 15 acres, it is a (benches, barriers, signage etc.) clearly guide station, was one of the largest in France with mixed development project combining offices, the way for users while also fitting neatly its 2,532 seats, second only to the Parisian housing, services and shops. The Saison Menu into the landscape. The «cavaliers miniers», auditoriums of the Rex and the Paramount. architecture agency, which is in charge of the former railway cuttings used to transport The cinema, which was transformed into a urban planning for the development of the zone, equipment and coal, have been enhanced as five-screen complex in 1979, closed its doors completed the first two buildings. Both buildings a consequence and their continuity restored in 2000. are certified for their thermal efficiency and fea- by the creation of two contemporary walk- The site is naturally at the heart of the rede- ture large, bright and clear façades and green ways designed by Christian de Portzamparc. velopment project of the station district as terraces. The architecture and composition of In total, more than 6,000 trees were planted part of Lens Centralité. volumes foster a permanent interaction with in one year on these spaces and 4km of It will host a property redevelopment pro- 1. Up’White, the first building of the station district designed by the the landscaping of the public spaces designed footpaths were opened up to the public. gramme including a 3-star hotel with about Saison Menu agency by Michel Desvigne and give this project a Recently linked to these developments is 80 rooms, 91 rental social housing units, 29 © Euralens / JM André resolutely urban and contemporary character. the Parc Centralité of the Chaîne des parcs. accommodation units available for unres- 2. Green corridor between the tricted purchase and a commercial ground station and the Louvre-Lens. The construction of a third building for offices This is formed by the routes, which have © Euralens / JM André floor dedicated to restaurants. This complex and services designed by the Paindavoine been associated with bike paths, orchards 3. Overview of the project of the Parmentier agency is under way. and playgrounds between the Base 11/19, will play a major role in the perception of the Apollo site. © François Marcuz 14 15 3 4

9 PARK OF THE BANKS OF THE SOUCHEZ sporting equipment, picnic tables or even 1 This monumental park covering over 740 slides down the side of the spoil heap have acres stretches for about ten kilometres resulted in the upgrading of the access roads, along the Souchez canal be-tween Lens improvement of the pathways, development and the confluence with the Deûle canal at of leisure activities and enhancement of the Courrières. Thanks to such sites as the open- hotspots while emphasising the consistency air base at Loison-sous Lens, the spoil heaps of the park’s landscapes. of Noyelles-sous-Lens and Fouquières-lez- These developments, which contribute to Lens, the wetlands of Harnes, the educa- the environmental enhancement of the canal tional farm and the Léo Lagrange park in and its surroundings, also trigger a move- Courrières, it is one of the most significant ment of the cities concerned towards water landscaping complexes of the Chaîne des with the idea of promoting developments parcs. along the canal rather than urban sprawl on Works are carried out in 2018-2019. Plantations, agricultural land. car parks, walkways, pontoons, lookouts,


1. Overview of the water garden 4. VAerial view of the Park of the of the Marais de la Galance in Banks of the Souchez. Noyelles-sous-Lens. © Euralens / Pidz © Espace Libre / Atelier Nervures 5. Overview of the layout of the 2. Overview of the trail running confluence at Courrières. stadium on the spoil heap of © Espace Libre / Atelier Nervures Noyelles-sous-Lens. 6. Overview of a panoramic © Espace Libre / Atelier Nervures viewpoint on the Brochet Harnésien 3. Ascent of the spoil heap of lake in Harnes. Noyelles-sous-Lens as part of the © Espace Libre / Atelier Nervures 16 2017 Pyramides Noires trail run. © Euralens / Pidz 5 6 1 2 4 5

10 BASE 11/19 IN LOOS-EN-GOHELLE centre (CeRDD), the purpose of which is to (steel, masonry and wood). Each construction itself a demonstrator in eco-construction. The Following its closure in 1986, this former coal support the generalisation of sustainable deve- brings together some twenty innovative tech- LumiWatt solar platform, which was opened mining site was gradually converted into a lopment and awareness about climate change niques (integrated solar thermal panels on the in 2011, is used to test different photovoltaic centre of excellence for sustainable develop- issues by analysing and monitoring, producing façade, Canadian wells, etc.) The operation also technologies in the real-life conditions of a ment. Different structures are developing econo- and disseminating resources, consulting and helped structure the eco-construction sector in region with moderate sunlight. mic, environmental, social or cultural activities organising events while contributing to the terms of training. The experimental Réhafutur Thanks to these achievements, the Base 11/19 in this space: enhanced exploration of regional innovations. project initiated by the Cd2e in partnership with and its surroundings are making a name for The Chaîne des Terrils (spoil heap chain), Since 2008, the old building dedicated to the the Maisons & Cités council estates and several themselves as a leading location for experimen- a Permanent Centre of Initiatives for the repair of mine cars has been housing an eco-bu- partners, developed an experimental and inno- ting on and demonstrating eco-activities. This Environment works for the protection, enhan- siness incubator. vative approach for the eco-renovation of mining iconic site of the World Heritage mining basin cement and coordination of the natural and housing. This project is of particular interest for symbolises the progress made by the region industrial heritage inherited from the mines. the management of the UNESCO World Heritage through the advances made from the First to The national Common Culture stage, a place site regarding the need for alternative solutions the Third Industrial Revolution. of artistic expression and responsible commit- to external insulation that are both economically ment, implements artistic initiatives and cultural viable and reproducible on a large scale in order projects throughout the region: shows, creative to preserve the exceptional architectural quali- works, artist residencies, training courses, prac- ties (composition of volumes, decoration, mate- tical workshops, etc. rials) of the mining houses built in distinct styles 3 The Cd2e guides the businesses, communities by rival companies. Every year, the Apprentis and economic sectors in the Hauts-de-France A tourist reception point installed in a former d’Auteuil Sainte-Barbe professional training region towards the eco-transition in the sustai- electrical power room and a brasserie restau- centre trains about 200 young people in the 1. Base 11/19. © Euralens / JM André nable building and the renewable energy sectors rant under development in the engine room building trades, eco-construction and eco-reno- 2. Solar platform LumiWatt. and the economy as part of the Third Industrial make it easier to explore the site. vation in a «Minergie» certified building that pro- © Euralens / JM André 2 3. Tourist reception point. Revolution. The site hosts an eco-construction At the edge of the old pit, several operations vides a 3700m teaching platform. With its 85m © Lens-Liévin Tourisme theatre which is a genuine tool for raising aware- share the same approach. The Villavenir façade facing south and its «trombe» earth walls 4. Mining engineer’s house rede- ness and training professionals in eco-materials programme built 6 energy-efficient, modular that store solar energy and diffuse it, the use of veloped as part of the Réhafutur project. © Euralens / JM André and their implementation conditions. and accessible housing units for people with poplar wood in the frame or even an insulation 5. Apprentis d’Auteuil training centre. The sustainable development resource reduced mobility while using different sectors made of recycled textile fibres, the building is © Euralens / JM André 18 19 1 2 3 4

MEMORIAL’ 14-18 Prost chose the shape of a ring, like that of the 12 HISTORY CENTRE The austerity of the building prompts a reflec- NOTRE-DAME-DE-LORETTE IN ABLAIN- circle formed by those who hold hands. While The History Centre, which was built on the tive and meditative mood in the visitor while SAINT-NAZAIRE AND SOUCHEZ two-thirds of the circle are embedded in the initiative of the city council of Lens-Liévin at enhancing the exceptional collection of docu- The National Necropolis, the Ring of soil, the ring lifts off the ground as the latter the foot of the hill of Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, ments, photos, films and objects on show. Remembrance and the History Centre are the falls away at the edge of the hill. This ove- presents the story of the Great War in French Pierre-Louis Faloci received the 2018 Grand three components of this significant memo- rhang is the architect’s reminder that peace Flanders and in Artois using a rich iconogra- National Architecture Award for all of his work. rial site that includes two great contemporary remains fragile, as if its stability was always phy. The centre was designed to fit in with the achievements. under threat. Ring of Remembrance and hosts a memorial This monumental work has a circumference space where visitors can consult the cards 11 RING OF REMEMBRANCE of 328m composed of 125 segments made of the soldiers whose names are engraved The Regional Council wanted to build a of ultra-high performance fibre-reinforced on the international memorial. The 1,200m2 unique monument on an international scale concrete in a dark colour that contrasts with building was designed by the architect and to transcend the national memories of the the golden light of the 500 stainless steel scenographer Pierre-Louis Faloci and is made First World War. This memorial, which was plates on which are engraved the names of up of a series of black concrete cubes, sym- erected symbolically in front of the necro- the soldiers. The entire monument has been bolising the photographic dark rooms, which polis of Notre-Dame-de-Lorette and opened lit by the artist Yann Toma. house the various exhibition halls, reception 5 on 11 November 2014 in the presence of By combining technical innovation and aes- area and service spaces. Using the slope of the the President of France, brings together the thetic research, the monument is an extremely terrain, these cubes are organised so that the names of the 579,620 soldiers from all over sensitive reminder and fits into the landscape centre fits in perfectly with its surroundings. 1. Aerial view of the Ring of the world who fell on the soil of the Nord – beautifully. It enhances the panorama of the mining basin Remembrance. © Pascal Rossignol Pas de Calais during the conflict. This symbol This work has been the subject of several and reflects the care taken by the architect to 2. Ring of Remembrance. of reconciliation places all the names of the nominations and awards. In particular, it was respect the interaction with the landscape. © Aitor Ortiz, 2017-3 3. History Centre. © Daniel OSSO fallen soldiers on an equal footing in alpha- honoured in the “Culture, Youth and Sport” The architectural quality of the building relies 4. Exhibition hall of the History betical order, regardless of their nationality, category of the Equerre d’Argent Award in largely on the calculated inclusion of cleverly Centre. © Daniel OSSO side, religion or rank. For this project that 2014 and was one of six finalists in the 2016 arranged bay windows that create contrasts 5. Touchscreen tablet for opening the index cards of the soldiers listed embodies the massive loss of life of the war International Competition of the Royal between the dark and light shades and pro- on the Ring of Remembrance. while highlighting the idea of peace and fra- Institute of British Architects (RIBA). vide a means of escape to the outside. © Euralens / JM André ternity among peoples, the architect Philippe 20 21 1 2 3 4

13 HILL 70 MEMORIAL Amis du Patrimoine (friends of the heritage) Mandela media library is located on the open, dynamic and modular venue made up IN LOOS -EN-GOHELLE association. A second project was completed site of the old Sevigne school, at the of a media library, a music school and the Having been commissioned by the Hill 70 in 2018 with the creation of a contemporary meeting point of the town centre and the youth service. It is designed so that these Foundation, the monument erected in the extension by the Goidin architecture firm Cité 10. The objective of the SCENARIO-ARA entities can operate simultaneously and middle of a park was opened in August 2017. above the historic cellars. The site hosts an Architects agency was to create a place with independently. The building is built as part The memorial, which was designed by the office for the youth recreation service of a peaceful and welcoming architecture where of a High Quality Environmental approach to Atelier Castro Denissof Associés, pays tribute the town, 2 large rooms dedicated to dance people can enjoy the different cultural and promote energy efficiency. Coated concrete to the Canadian soldiers who fought on and gymnastics clubs, as well as a nursery recreational activities provided. and white and grey-coloured metal roofs taking Hill 70 in August 1917. Like the taking space upstairs. As for the restored vaulted The media library is a square, single-storey combined with large bay windows create a of Ridge, this episode played a decisive cellars, they are reserved for exhibitions and brick building with two patios so that natural clear and understated structure punctuated role in the independence of Canada. The receptions. The simplicity of the facades of light can illuminate the interior spaces. by the dynamic design of the roofs and by project makes use of the topography of the the extension mixing white stone, black metal An offset square of overhanging roofing the lighting during night-time use in order site to evoke the history of this battle. The cladding, walls painted in black or red and provides the space needed for the patios to highlight this major cultural facility. The path dotted with maple leaves engraved glazed surfaces lined with chestnut trellis and a covered forecourt so that they can be outdoor facilities strengthen its reputation in the concrete gradually ascends to the panels fit in beautifully with the historical part protected from the elements and the natural as a place for the organising meetings and central amphitheatre, above which stands a of the building made of white chalk and bricks. lighting inside the building is not too harsh. In exchanging information. The patios and white stone obelisk that recalls the victory. Inside, the rooms display bright contrasting line with the building is a public garden and a gardens have spaces for reading and outdoor Reaching a height of 15m, the summit colours that are tailored to the visitors and fenced reading garden. activities while the wetlands to the south culminates at Hill 70. The memorial is in a the proposed activities. With this operation, are used to manage rainwater and conduct vast meadow with poppies that symbolise the municipality wanted to preserve the local 16 TRAIT D’UNION IN VENDIN-LE-VIEIL educational activities on biodiversity. the blood shed during the battle. historical heritage and offer a pleasant living This work completed by the Boyeldieu- space dedicated to the children and leisure Dehaene Agency located near the leisure 1. Hill 70 Memorial. activities of the local population. park of Faitelles marks the creation of a new © Francis Maréchal 14 MALTERIE IN AIX-NOULETTE and consistent epicentre in the town. In 2. The Malthouse. This malthouse, which belongs to the © Ville d’Aix-Noulette particular, it helps to connect the Cité 8 which Brasme family brewery and was used as a 15 MEDIA LIBRARY NELSON MADIBA was built far away from the town centre. The 3. Interior view of Billy-Montigny’s field hospital during the First World War, MANDELA IN BILLY-MONTIGNY media library. © Scenario-Ara facilities, covering 3,000m2, the opening of was first refurbished in 2008 to house the So that it can be embraced by the entire 4. The Trait d’Union. which is scheduled for the end of 2019, is an © Boyeldieu-Dehaene Agency 22 nursery assistants’ association and the population of the town, the Nelson Madiba 23 4

17 ECO-DISTRICT was previously separated by the pit and former 1 AND LA GARE CULTURAL CENTRE mining railway cutting. This cultural space is IN MÉRICOURT the first element of an eco-district designed Having been established on the wasteland of by the Houyez agency as part of a participatory the former pit no4 - 5 of the Compagnie des project. In the long term, it will consist of nearly Mines de Drocourt and its marshalling yard, 300 housing units, public facilities and services, the “Espace Culturel la Gare”, designed by the including a municipal restaurant and a social Alzua + and Atelier 9.81 agencies, was opened centre in one building. The eco-friendly travel in 2011. Rainwater harvesting, double flow systems have also been designed with the local control mechanical ventilation and solar hot population. The eco-district and its facilities water are combined with a clever distribution are within walking distance of the different system using a bioclimatic design. The service neighbourhoods of the city and connected spaces act as a heat buffer to the north, while using the mining basin cycle route to the green the viewing areas benefit from the light of a spaces of the Chaîne des parcs. patio and a large glass façade protected by a large awning to the south. The wooden slats 2 used internally in the ceiling, and outside for the awning and the facades unify the entire complex. The building, which includes an 1. La Gare Cultural Centre. exhibition area, a workshop room, a computer © Julien Lanoo area and a 96-seat auditorium, interacts 2. Space dedicated to story telling. © Euralens / JM André closely with its garden and the forecourt. 3. Interior of the media library. The location, nature of the equipment, its © Euralens / JM André welcoming architecture, its dual-aspect hall 4. Overview of the eco-district. and the approach jointly put together with © Houyez Agency the local population are an expression of the 5. Wood cladding of the building desire to rebuild ties between the centre of dedicated to the municipal restaurant and the social centre. Méricourt and the mining town of Maroc that 5 24 © CALL / Y. Cussey 3 1 2 3

18 MEDIA LIBRARY IN HARNES while also addressing concerns of social 19 MEDIA LIBRARY-ESTAMINET IN GRENAY 20 PLACE DANIEL BRETON This project is part of the redevelopment of equity, preservation of the environment and Having been opened in 2015, this 1,500m2 AND THE BLEU GRENAY WORK IN GRENAY a vast industrial wasteland at the site of the economic efficiency. The media library has facility is located at the meeting point of the This square, which was renovated as part old pit 21/22 of the Compagnie des Mines de adopted the role of partner working at the city centre, the mining towns and the new of a public commission, opened in its new Courrières and the Noroxo plant. The chosen centre to serve the city’s associations and residential neighbourhoods. It is made up configuration in 2009 and surrounded by the site is located at the intersection between its cultural, educational and socio-economic of a media library, an auditorium, artistic dispensary of the Société de Secours Minière, this wasteland, two mining towns (the Cité organisations. In addition to the traditional workshops, a recording studio, a kitchen, is a public space and an artistic creation based d’Orient and the Cité Bellevue included within forms of support, the facility will create an a bar, a snack bar and a garden. With this on a cultural plan put together in consultation the scope of the World Heritage mining basin) environment dedicated to early childhood alternative strategy, the media library- with the local population. 175,000 blocks of and a former mining railway converted into a and activities dealing with innovation and estaminet has branded itself as warm and blue stone from Hainaut were assembled to green corridor. heritage issues. welcoming venue for imparting knowledge, sculpt this work of Carmen Perrin that reso- The creation of the media library in this sector Four renowned agencies participated in the techniques and sharing that is open to nates with the mine. On the square, there are is a positive addition to the public facilities national competition organised in association everyone. As a result, it is a genuine “third- two blue stone tables bearing the names of centre (Mimoun sports hall, dojo, Citizens’ with the Mission Bassin Minier and the place” or “community space” that creates a the mining towns and spoil heaps. For the Initiatives Centre, Communal Centre for Social CAUE (Architecture, Town Planning and strong physical connection combined with a benefit of pigeon fanciers, the largest of the Action, solidarity grocery, etc.) intended to Environment Council) of the Pas-de-Calais. new cultural approach and determined social two tables is used by pigeons to take flight. the combat solitude and strengthen the social The project retained was that of the Trace ambition that is in keeping with the definition Apple trees and pear trees of the spoil heaps, cohesion of the neighbourhood. Architectes agency based in Hem (59). It brings of Ray Oldenburg. The architecture proposed vestiges of the pips thrown away by the min- On a larger scale, the selected site is equidistant to mind a facility “that gently fits in with the by Isabelle Richard and Frédéric Schoeller (RS ers, were also planted around the square. Bleu from the city centres of Harnes, Annay-sous- green corridor like a pebble in a stream”. ARCHITECTURES Agency) has a combination Grenay is therefore a place for reviewing and Lens and Loison-sous-Lens. The future public The attention devoted to acoustic and visual of immaculate concrete elements, metal and reclaiming the collective memory of the local reading facility and its operational resources comfort, the access roads, the shape of the glass facades and a roof completely covered population. are tailored to a population of 15,000 in order building, its façade with wooden cladding and with vegetation. Given the construction site to enhance regional cohesion by benefiting a its green roof bear witness to the significant selected, the work done on volumes and 1. Media library at Harnes. wider audience than the population of Harnes architectural and landscaping ambitions of building materials emphasises the ambition to © Ville de Harnes alone. the project. The media library is opening in create a clearly understandable, accessible and 2. Media library-estaminet at Grenay. The facility is designed within the context September 2019. flexible place while incorporating a number of © Sergio Grazia - RichardSchoeller of a sustainable development approach sustainable development objectives. 3. Detail of one of the flying tables 26 of Bleu Grenay. © CALL / Y. Cussey 27 1 2 4 5

21 MEDIA LIBRARY LE PRÉAU LIVRE IN 22 THE ARTCHIPEL IN MEURCHIN 23 WATER TOWER IN BULLY-LES-MINES GIVENCHY-EN-GOHELLE This cultural and educational area covering As part of its water and sanitation manage- The new media library, which was designed nearly 800m2 opened in 2015 on the Place ment role, the city council of Lens-Liévin will as a place for the local population to meet Jean Jaurès which is surrounded by the build a water tower with a capacity of 4,000m3 and interact, provides a link between the church, the cemetery, the village hall, on the Alouette business park. This building primary school and the town centre. Its the town hall and the school. It is located is one of the cornerstones of the master shape, designed by the architect Elsa Liverani centrally while also being constrained by plan aimed at ensuring the quantity, quality (STUDIO A & P), provides a contemporary the narrowness of the plot of land and the and availability of the drinking water in the response to the buildings that surround it special connection with the neighbouring area. The 40m high building designed by the with a space that is organised in a clearly church and cemetery. The Artchipel hosts a AVANTPROPOS SA architecture agency is posi- understandable way. The large glass surfaces media library, dance school, music school tioned to provide a landmark in the landscape. enhance the connection between the interior and a multi-purpose room on a single site, Its aesthetic appearance is innovative with and exterior spaces. In accordance with the that it strives to run as efficiently as possible. its concrete structure and envelope made of development objectives of the regional timber The facility designed by the Wonk Architectes metal rings in a variety of colour shades rang- industry, the building is essentially made from agency consists of three simple understated ing from copper to brass. This elegant archi- local wood (poplar, oak and beech) and offers volumes that interact with the surrounding tecture is highlighted at night by a dynamic an innovative structure made of laminated 3 buildings in order to provide good access, lighting system. The tower is built within its poplar wood. By using other bio-sourced clarity and separation of each entity’s specific countryside surroundings on terrain that has materials (wood fibre, cellulose gypsum 1. Media library at Givenchy-en- operations. A glazed volume hosts the media been landscaped like wetlands to create the Gohelle © CALL / Y. Cussey slabs, raw earth/straw plaster) and various 2. Oak shingles used for the roof library. The windows open out onto a small valleys needed to manage the rainwater and systems (insulation, water management, and covering of the north façade. garden and the Church of Saint-Pierre. A drain a reservoir. It is due to be commissioned etc.), this work has obtained the High Quality © Studio VDM second volume made of bricks hosts the by the end of 2019. Environmental certification. In addition to 3. Interior view. © Elsa Liverani multi-purpose room at the southern end the ecological approach, the extensive use of 4. The Artchipel at Meurchin. of the building. At the back, there is a third © Wonk Architectes wood helps to enhance the warm character volume, which is also built in bricks, above, 5. Overview of the water tower of this place created for reading and bringing at Bully-les-Mines. that interacts with the transept of the church people together. © AVANTPROPOS Architectes and brings the garden to life. The music school operations are run upstairs. 28 29 1 2 3 4

URBAN REDEVELOPMENT 25 GRANDE RÉSIDENCE DISTRICT IN LENS 27 CITÉ 12-14 IN LENS terms of energy efficiency. Significant works Several major urban renewal operations Having been built from 1967 according to the The complex of Cité 12 is an exceptional her- (thermal insulation, electricity, sanitary are under way in the region. One of plans of the architect-city planner Jean de itage with remarkable assets in terms of its plumbing, heating, etc.) have been under- their objectives is to improve the living Mailly, the district, with its towers, schools architecture, town planning and landscape taken on the mining houses while preserving environment of the neighbourhood (demo- and its cultural and sports facilities, is typical that forms part of the World Heritage site of and enhancing the architectural features that lition of the most dilapidated buildings, of the large complexes established within the Nord-Pas de Calais mining basin. With the are characteristic of the Société des Mines de development of public spaces, new housing the context of the Priority Development Areas neighbouring Cité 14, the district declined fol- Lens. As for the modern constructions, new options, etc.), to develop a blend of facilities (ZUP). Like other projects of the same type, lowing the closing of the pits. The entire dis- types of small housing blocks and farmhouses (shops, community amenities, etc.) and open the Grande Résidence soon had to tackle a trict has been retained at the national level as have been introduced that stand out because the neighbourhoods concerned to the city number of challenges. It was classified as part of the New Urban Renovation Programme of the layout of the volumes and the materi- (ranking of the access routes, creation of a Sensitive Urban Area in 1996. The major and is undergoing significant redevelopment als used while complying with the stringent green routes, etc.) restructuring project implemented from to meet the urban, social and environmental consistency requirements for World Heritage 2006 to 2019 has profoundly transformed the issues of today. The project aims to revive the sites. The public spaces are also embellished 24 REPUBLIQUE DISTRICT - CITÉ 4 IN AVION neighbourhood. district and develop its appeal by promoting with vegetation to promote biodiversity, man- This neighbourhood that is the home to social diversity. This also involves promoting age rainwater, help moderate temperatures about a third of the city’s population, is 26 VENT DE BISE DISTRICT – JEAN LEBAS its assets in order to encourage new families to and provide edible plants for residents (fruit made up of former mining towns and a large IN LIÉVIN move in: detached houses with gardens; near trees, aromatic plants). This block, which is complex of blocks of flats built in 1963. A This complex located to the west of the town, the city centre and major facilities (train sta- modelled on an eco-district, demonstrates the project is under way as part of the New Urban which is made up of about 400 housing units, tion, stadium, museum, hospital, university, main principles of the transformation under- Renewal Programme of regional interest, to is also part of a campaign of the New Urban etc.) ; access to the major roads and the coun- taken on the scale of the Cité 12-14. improve the quality of the housing, create Redevelopment Programme of regional inter- tryside, etc. The project also devotes partic- a more diversified housing offer, promote est. The latter is aiming to improve the connec- ular attention to developments and facilities social diversity and improve the connections tions between the district and the city centre dedicated to the well-being of children and between these urban entities in particular. and the economic clusters of the town, develop young people. A renewal project is already new local amenities and develop innovative under way on the Cook-Chaplain block, with 3. Renovated mining houses of the 1. New homes in the Grande Résidence Cité 12-14. © CALL / Y. Cussey housing in the context of the Third Industrial the combined renovation of 32 historic min- district in Lens. © CALL / Y. Cussey 4. Overview of the new 2. Aerial view of the République district Revolution. ing houses and the construction of 90 housing constructions of the Cité 12-14. in Avion in 2003. © CAUE 62 units to meet residents’ needs, particularly in © Babled Agency 30 31 1 2 3

28 THE LUMINESENS DISTRICT IN LENS lighting, a balcony, enclosed garden and patio, 29 NEW LENS HOSPITAL in France. Information sharing internally On the site of former Nexans cables manu- they are designed to provide a high level of The current Lens hospital, whose buildings and to health professionals, paperless work facturing plant covering about 12 acres, a comfort. The use of red brick in a contempo- were constructed from the 1930s to the end environment, automated logistics using new neighbourhood is emerging just next rary style pays homage to the industrial past of the last century, is no longer suitable robotics, smart energy management, are to the city centre of Lens and its amenities of the site and enhances the consistency of the for modern medicine and the future just some of the examples of the practical (schools, shops, transportation, etc.) From project with its surroundings. This programme developments in patient care. The decision applications. type 1 to type 5, the individual and collective designed by the Otton Sanchez Architectes was therefore taken to rebuild it on a new In terms of sustainable development, housing (120 delivered at the end of 2017, 175 agency also incorporates spaces intended to site, near the old one. the project is designed to minimise the planned for the spring of 2019) benefit from accommodate tertiary businesses and local The future establishment, designed by the environmental impact using renewable Low Energy Building (BBC) certification. shops. MBA agency (Michel Beauvais & Associés) that energy production, good water management With a contemporary design, plenty of natural specialises in hospital projects, must provide or the use of efficient, local and ecological a connected, practical and welcoming urban materials. The chosen location, straddling hospital. It is aiming to establish itself as a the towns of Lens and Loos-en-Gohelle, will leading health facility in keeping with the have a direct link to the A21. principles of the Third Industrial Revolution The organisation of the car parks (increased (Rev3) backed by the Hauts-de-France capacity to solve the parking problems), the Region. creation of a forecourt, gardens and the inter- This ambitious programme is based on a action with the “cavaliers” (former mining number of key principles: digital technology, railway cuttings redeveloped into green cor- sustainable development and outpatient ridors) of the green plan will contribute to the 1. Overview of the central part of the block of the Luminésens services. The ultimate goal is to improve quality and the consistency of the project. The project. © Otton Sanchez Architectes patient care. construction work is expected to start soon. 2. Overview of the flats and houses On a 49-acre site, the new hospital covering in the Luminésens project. more than 70,000m2 is therefore designed © Otton Sanchez Architectes around a large single building that opens 3. Overview of Lens Hospital. © Michel Beauvais & Associés out onto about 15 patios, with direct access to different medical specialities. The Lens Hospital will be the leading Digital Hospital 32 33 Head of publishing: Sylvain Robert, Pré- Cartography: CALL / Frédéric Cousin 1 2 sident de la Communauté d’agglomération de et Grégory Galvaire Lens-Liévin. Graphics: Léa Chevrier et Hélène Mathorel, Design and création: Yann Cussey, Commu- Collectif Sans Shérif according to DES SIGNES BUS RAPID TRANSIT (BHNS) With the development of dedicated bus lanes nauté d’agglomération de Lens-Liévin. studio Muchir Desclouds 2018. This unifying project aims to create a better and the investment in better equipped and urban mobility offer spread across the more environmentally friendly vehicles, it is Acknowledgements: Ville d’Ablain-Saint-Na- Translated by: ATI Traduction three urban city authorities of the Pôle possible to offer a high-frequency bus service zaire, Ville d’Avion, Ville d’Aix-Noulette, Ville Printed by: PPO Graphic Métropolitain de l’Artois. No less than and guarantee optimised travel times with de Billy-Montigny, Ville de Bully-les-Mines, increased operating hours. Ville de Courrières, Ville de Fouquières-lez- 650,000 inhabitants are directly concerned ISBN : 979-10-95203-10-0 on a sector covering about 1000km2. The The organisation of the stations (benches, Lens, Ville de Givenchy-en-Gohelle, Ville de project manifests itself in the field by the shelters, dynamic information, height of the Grenay, Ville de Harnes, Ville de Lens, Ville Cover photos: redevelopment of the network as part of platforms, etc.) helps to provide a transport de Liévin, Ville de Loison-sous-Lens, Ville de Plaques of the Ring of Remembrance bearing Loos-en-Gohelle, Ville de Méricourt, Ville de the names of the soldiers who lost their lives in a network linking the structural centres system that is clearly understandable, Meurchin, Ville de Noyelles-sous-Lens, Ville the Nord - Pas de Calais during the Great War. with the creation of six BHNS lines covering comfortable and easily accessible. de Souchez, Ville de Vendin-le-Vieil. © Aurélie Leclercq 115km of lanes specially designed for the The developments have also modified the Agence AVANTPROPOS SA, Agence Babled, Louvre-Lens. © Amalgame, Guillaume Petranto occasion. Special attention is also devoted roads and public spaces with, for example, Agence Boyeldieu-Dehaene, Agence de Al- to improving the connections with other green spaces planted to enhance the zua +, Agence Pierre-Louis Faloci, Agence modes of transport (train, bicycle, etc.) by landscaping on certain links. Houyez, Agence MBA, Agence NeM, Agence creating park-and-ride facilities, cycle paths Otton Sanchez architectes, Agence Philippe and new exchange centres. The entire TADAO Prost, Agence R+S Architectures, Agence Sai- network is also being reorganised using new son Menu, Agence Scenario Ara architectes, depots and renovated sites, not to mention Agence Trace, Agence Wonk architectes, the complete overhaul of the ticketing and Arena Stade Couvert, Atelier Ferret Archi- tectures, Cd2e, Centre Hospitalier de Lens, user information services, which will now Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles, run in real-time, on board the buses and on Esprit de France, Euralens, Fiducim, Hôtel the platforms. The purchase of a new fleet of Louvre-Lens, Lens-Liévin Tourisme, Musée hybrid buses and the operation of an entire 1. New BHNS bus. © SMT du Louvre, Musée du Louvre-Lens, Louvre- line with hydrogen-powered buses (a first in Lens Vallée, Maisons & Cités, Mission Bassin 2. Overview of the development France), reflect the environmental ambitions of a station at Fouquières-lez-Lens. Minier, Mission Louvre-Lens Tourisme, Pi- of the project. © SMT nault Collection, RCLens, Syndicat Mixte des Transports Artois-Gohelle, Studio A&P, Une 34 Fabrique de la Ville. 35 « YOU WERE THE BLACK ARCHIPELAGO, (...), YOU WILL BECOME THE GREEN ARCHIPELAGO, THE SUSTAINABLE CITY.. » Michel Desvigne, landscape designer and town planning grand prize, 2011

Contemporary architecture over- In the surrounding area, view The Land of Art and History of Beauvais, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Cambrai, Lens-Liévin designed this brochure to Chantilly, Laon, Lille, Noyon, Roubaix, inform you about the contemporary Saint-Quentin, Soissons and Tourcoing achievements that illustrate the trans- benefit from the Town of Art and His- formation of our region. tory certification; Amiens Métropole, The “City or Land of Art and History” Saint-Omer and Senlis at Ermenonville certification is awarded by the Minister benefit from the Land of Art and History of Culture following a consultation with certification. the National Council of Cities and Lands of Art and History. It certifies regions, For more information on the local municipalities or groups of municipa- heritage and the activities of the lities that are aware of the challenges ‘Pays d’art et d’histoire’: of getting their local populations to Communauté d’agglomération appropriate their architecture and he- de Lens-Lievin - 21 rue Marcel Sembat ritage and that make a commitment BP 65 - 62302 Lens cedex to get actively involved in circulating Tél. 03 21 790 790 information and promoting the latter. [email protected]

The Land of Art and History depart- All year round, Lens-Liévin Tourisme ment of the Lens-Liévin city council, organises events on Art Deco, the mi- led by the coordinator for architecture ning heritage and the sites of the First and heritage, organises many initia- World War so that you can find out all tives for building awareness among the about the region. local population – young and old – as Information-bookings: well as the visitors to the region, about www.tourisme-lenslievin.fr the architectural and cultural heritage [email protected] of the Land, with the help of professio- Tél. 03 21 67 66 66 nal guides-speakers.

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