Ay of Sex Charges Appealed

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Ay of Sex Charges Appealed QUOTABLE QUOTE "I am not a Native politician. I am a politician who is Native...." - Mike Cardinal, Alberta Social Services Minister See Page 3 January 18, 1993 America's North Leading Native Newspaper Volume IO No. 21 si .00 plus G.ST. where applicable -er_ L ir' !i1 Gambling on the odds Many Canadian bands are looking at on- reserve gambling ventures as a way to become self -sufficient. Leaders also see it as a way to increase the well -being of their people by pouring the profits back into the community. Delegates from all over North America attended a Native gaming conference in Vancouver r To receive Windspeaker 1 S in your mailbox every two weeks, just send your cheque or money ay order in the amount of of sex charges appealed $28 (G.S.T. included) to: By Cooper Langford es sary to ensure public confidence ceeding. lily criticized for handling a high WI Windspeaker Staff Writer in the important service they pro- Meanwhile, Robert Gourlay, number of cases that never get to 15001 vide." the president of the B.C. branch of trial. EDMOI TA O'Connor, former head of the the Canadian Bar Association, has Rick Miller, president of the VANCOUVER now- defunct St Joseph's residen- been appointed to review the Crown Counsel Association of tial school at Williams lake, is the Crown's handling of the case and British Columbia, defended Jones z Legal officials areappealing the highest ranking Catholic official in make the findings public. The against the attacks. He raised the stay of rape and indecent assault Canada to be charged with sex Crown lawyer's actions have been possibility that staffing levels at cr, charges against a Roman Catholic offences. He has been accused of a focus for complaints. Williams Lake might be too low to NAME: _ bishop, which launched waves of sexually assaulting four Native Goulay will review the "man - handle cases effectively. criticismagainstBritishColumbia s women at the school during the agement" of the O'Connor pros- The stay of the O'Connor case court system. 1960s. ecution as well as the policies the sparked calls for the bishop's ex- ADORES And an independent investi- A provincial supreme court Crowns office uses to assign law- communication and demands for gator has been appointed to re- judge stayed proceedings in De- yers to cases, Gableman said. judicial inquiries into the Crown's view the Crown's questionable cember after defence lawyers ar- At least one judge has said handling of the case. CITY /TC handling of the case against Bishop gued they were not given full ac- Crown counsel Greg Jones may But tempers are subsiding Hubert O'Connor, Attorney Gen- cess to the prosecution's case have been in a conflictofinterestat around Williams Lake, where eral Colin Gableman said. against O'Connor. the trial because of his Roman news of the stay struck closest to "I have been deeply troubled POSTAL In appeal documents filed just Catholic beliefs. home, said band manager Chris by the issues the case has raised," before Christmas, Crown lawyers Provincial court judge Wycotte. Gableman said in a media release argueJusticeAllanThackerymade AnthonySarich,who isheadinga "Everybody was pretty announcing the appeal and special mistakeswhenhestoppedthetrial. Native justice inquiry, said there is shocked by the fact it got thrown $10 c review. They say the judge did not con- no evidence Jones's religion influ- out There were a lot of angry peo- NSF Cheques '7heprosecutionserviceinBrit- $40 for all sider alternative solutions to de- enced the case. But Sarich said he is ple," he said, adding most people ish Columbia enjoys my full sup- fence complaints about how the willing to investigate complaints are now waiting to see where offi- subscriptions port. However, this review is nec- outside Canada the case against O'Connor was pm- about Jones, who was also pub- cial government actions will lead. L PUBLICATION MALL REGISTRATION #2177 IN TER CONTEST I PAGE 2, JANUARY 18, 1993, WINDSPEAKER News Arts & Entertainment.12,13 Collecting taxes on reserves Business proflle....... ..... 7 may finance self- government OTTAWA could be raised through on -re- taxes from oil companies work- Mercier Bridge, which was block- serve taxes. But it says the total ing on its land. aded during the 1990 Oka crisis. Native communities should could add millions to the $5 bil- The federal report does not Transferring tax powers to havetherighttocollecttaxeswith- lion per year Ottawa spends on stateexactlywhichpowersshould band councils could also meet re- out affecting existing funding ar- Native programs. be given over to communities and sistance at the community level rangements with Ottawa and the At present, first nations gov- says first nations should decide from critics who fear Ottawa is provinces, a federal report ob- emments are only allowed to levy when and how to collect taxes. hying to sneak taxation onto re- tained by an Ottawa newspaper property taxes on reserves. The In the past different bands serves. says. federal study looks at ways Ot- have toyed with levying taxes. But federal officials have said 'The power tax represents a tawa could extend tax powers to Indian taxes became controver- they do not intend to use a tax key instrument of self-govern- cover sales, tobacco and income sial in some regions after band policy review to start collecting ment," says a Finance Departtnett taxes, as well as levies on bingo, governments began collecting money from first nations. At the l!:-..y::!:%:' working paper obtained by the rented lands and resource extrac- money from non -Natives for on- 1991 conference where the policy Ottawa Citizen. tion. reserve hunting and fishing li- review was announced, deputy Aboriginal film- makers The working paper, part of a Similar programs have been cences. finance minister Fred Gorbertsaid have never been allowed two-year-old Native tax policy re- tried in the United States. One MohawksnearMontrealhave Ottawa was committed to ex- to make full -length fea- view due to be released soon, does band in Wyoming collects $22 threatened to collect tolls on roads empting on- reserve Natives from ture films in Hollywood, not estimate how much money million per year in royalties and that cross their land leading to all non -Native taxes. no matter what their cre- dentials or other film successes prove. Not Casino will go ahead Tinkering with system only have they been shut out of making films, but ROSEAU RIVER, Man. A government -run casino $72 million accommodate Hollywood continues to and lotteries earned to Thechiefof thecash -strapped for the Mani toba government last reinforce stereotypes of Roseau River band in southern year. Itrecently announced plans brave calvary men he- Manitoba won't say when a pro- to build two $15 million bingo needs of first nations roically fighting war Posed casino on his reserve will palaces in Winnipeg and placed Vii,.... painted Indian warriors. open but promises it wil l go ahead electronic slot machines in rural INNIPEG The pilot projeihas:', See Page 13. desp ite stiff provincial opposition. hotels. ceived only luket'ptt 'We are fighting a battle like A handful of first nation com- Two provinces are tak- provai from the Assembly.;? >_ ing year to of Manitoba chiefs. But ?Z..s. Custer going into W ounded Knee. munities, including Roseau steps this build it .il But are going to win this one," River, have been licenced to hold changes into has garnered support from:; Lawrence Henry said. bingos and sell break -open ticket their court systems that will at least one organization:>i' >''": Sherida Crane found a 'We could become self -suffi - games. But officials say the gov- betteraccommodate first na- Mary Staniscia,a spokes ï link to her Blackfoot an- cient. Not just from the gaming ernment is not prepared to let tion needs and concerns. woman for the Winnipeg -¡ ¡, cestors when she met but from investments as well." communities scale up to casino Consultations are based Aboriginal Women's time operations. underway in Manitoba be- Collective, says the new sys- Poor Eagle in Revealing plans at this Beatrice would be tipping the band's hand, That's a double standard for tween the province and tem could be financed Siksika near Calgary. Henry said. But full business plans the reserve, where unemploy- Mans and Native commu- through the offset costs from The 80- year -old woman, and casino standards are being ment runs around 75 per cent and 3gties to develop a model less incarceration. ::::'fora three -year pilot project. Meanwhile. Quebec jus- who was raised by finalized and residents are ready band finances are near bankrupt, to "test the case shortly." Henry said. Under the proposed sys- tice Minister Gilles Crane's great- grand- The province has promised to And the potential profits of tein, councils of Elders and Remillard has announced mother, told her stories block additions to the 30 -slot- gaming are evident to the corn- 4letis senators would advise the creation of a special com- back of munity,which,fromitsviewpoint on cases involving mittee to adapt the courts to of a way of life now van- machine operation in the Judges the community hall. Although 60 kilometres south of Winnipeg, iative people. Native Native needs. ished. band officials have warned of can see the benefits of on- reserve ï, judges and para- legalwork- The three -member group See Page 10. armed stand -offs in the face of a gaming across the U.S. border. rs would also be able to will spend the next year; potential police raid, provincial There are 13 casinos in Min- accept guilty pleas and im- studying modelswhichcould is officials have ruled out actions nesota which grossed $170 mil- pose sentences for lesser be used to administer Cana- that could lead to violence.
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