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Index of Scientific and Vernacular Names 325 Index of Scientific and Vernacular Names 325 INDEX OF SCIENTIFIC AND VERNACULAR NAMES Explanation of the System Italics: Valid scientific names (genera and species). ROMAN: Family names. ROMAN: Names of groups, classes, orders, suborders, and subfamilies. Roman: FAO and vernacular names. 326A Field IdentificationAlbula vulpes Guide.................. to the Living Marine Resources of Kenya121 ALBULIDAE ................ 82, 121 Abalistes stellaris ................. 307 ALBULIFORMES ................ 82 Ablennes hians .................. 144 Alectis ciliaris .................. 186 Acanthocybium solandri .............. 293 Alectis indica .................. 187 Acanthocybium sp. ................ 116 Alectis sp. .................... 102 Acanthopagrus berda ............... 225 Alepes djedaba .................. 187 Acanthopagrus bifasciatus ............. 225 ALEPOCEPHALIDAE ............. 86 ACANTHURIDAE ............. 114, 280 Alfonsinos§ ................. 94, 151 ACANTHUROIDEI .............. 113 Aloha prawn § .................. 13 Acanthurus blochii ................ 280 Alopias pelagicus ................. 57 Acanthurus dussumieri .............. 280 Alopias superciliosus ............... 57 Acanthurus leucosternon ............. 280 Alopias vulpinus ................. 57 Acanthurus lineatus ................ 281 ALOPIIDAE ................. 53, 57 Acanthurus mata ................. 281 Alose-écaille indienne § .............. 136 Acanthurus nigricauda .............. 281 Alose palli § ................... 131 Acanthurus nigrofuscus .............. 282 Aluterus monoceros ................ 312 Acanthurus tennentii ............... 282 Aluterus scriptus ................. 313 Acanthurus thompsoni .............. 282 Amanses scopas ................. 313 Acanthurus triostegus ............... 283 AMBASSIDAE ................. 99 Acanthurus xanthopterus ............. 283 Ambassis gymnocephalus ............. 99 acaudatus, Cynoglossus .............. 305 Ambassis natalensis ................ 99 acclivirostris, Parapenaeopsis ........... 14 Ambassis productus ................ 99 Acetes erythraeus ................. 17 amblycephalum, Thalassoma ............ 266 Acropoma japonicum ............... 166 amblycephalus, Johnius .............. 236 ACROPOMATIDAE ............ 99, 166 Amblygaster leiogaster .............. 129 Actinopyga mauritiana .............. 50 Amblygaster sirm ................. 129 aculeatus, Rhinecanthus .............. 310 amblyrhynchos, Carcharhinus ........... 60 acuta, Dussumieria ................ 129 amboinensis, Carcharhinus ............ 61 acutidens, Negaprion ............... 65 AMMODYTIDAE ............... 111 acutus, Rhizoprionodon .............. 65 Ammodytoides xanthops .............. 111 adeni, Synagrops ................. 166 Amri ..................... 268 Aden splitfin § .................. 166 Anampses caeruleopunctatus ............ 252 Adorned wrasse § ................. 260 Anampses lineatus ................ 252 adusta, Myripristis ................ 151 Anampses meleagrides .............. 253 aegina, Octopus ................. 46 Anampses twistii ................. 253 Aeoliscus punctulatus ............... 96 Anchois bombra §................. 134 Aeoliscus strigatus ................ 96 Anchois boucanier § ................ 133 aeolus, Sillago .................. 184 Anchois devis .................. 133 Aesopia cornuta ................. 304 Anchois douanier § ................ 133 Aethaloperca rogaa ................ 167 Anchois indien § ................. 134 Aetobatus narinari ................ 76 Anchois-moustache cornu ............. 135 affinis, Euthynnus ................ 294 Anchois-moustache cristal § ............ 135 affinis, Hyporhamphus .............. 146 Anchois-moustache sardin § ............ 134 African angelshark § ................ 67 Anchovies§ ................. 84, 133 africana, Squatina ................ 67 ancylostoma, Rhina ................ 73 African coris § .................. 259 andamanicus, Metanephrops ............ 20 African lobster § ................. 20 Andaman lobster § ................ 20 African pompano ................. 186 Ange de mer africain § ............... 67 African sailfin flyingfish § ............. 150 Angelfishes§ ................. 108, 245 African sea catfish § ................ 136 Angelot § .................... 73 African spadefish § ................ 277 Angel sharks § ................. 54, 67 African spear lobster § ............... 21 Anglerfishes§ ................... 91 africanus, Arius ................. 136 Anguilla bengalensis labiata ............ 82 agassizi, Chlorophthalmus ............. 138 Anguilla bicolor bicolor .............. 82 Agujon needlefish § ................ 145 Anguilla marmorata ............... 82 Aholeholes § ................. 100, 181 Anguilla mossambica ............... 82 Aigle de mer léopard § ............... 76 ANGUILLIDAE ................ 82 Aiguille crocodile § ................ 145 ANGUILLIFORMES .............. 82 Aiguille voyeuse § ................. 145 angulatus, Puerulus ............... 18, 24 alalunga, Thunnus ................ 296 angustirostris, Tetrapturus ............. 299 alba, Cyclothone ................. 87 annulatus, Hologymnosus ............. 262 albacares, Thunnus ................ 297 annulatus, Naso ................. 284 Albacore § .................. 296, 297 annulus, Monetaria ................ 38 Albacores § ................. 116, 293 Anoli à deux taches § ............... 140 albella, Sardinella ................ 131 Anoli à grandes écailles § .............. 139 albimarginata, Variola .............. 179 Anoli bigarré § .................. 140 albimarginatus, Carcharhinus ........... 60 Anoli grêle § ................... 139 albomarginata, Gracila .............. 177 Anoli indien § .................. 140 albovittata, Stethojulis .............. 265 IndexAnoli of tumbil Scientific § .................. and Vernacular Names 139 AULOPIFORMES ................ 32788 ANOMALOPIDAE ............... 94 AULOSTOMIDAE ............. 96, 157 ANTENNARIDAE ............... 91 Aulostomus chinensis ............... 157 antennata, Pterois ................ 159 aurantia, Cephalopholis .............. 168 anthioides, Bodianus ............... 253 Aurigequula fasciata ............... 202 Antigonia rubescens ................ 301 aurolineatus, Gnathodentex ............ 228 Anyperodon leucogrammicus ............ 167 Auxide § ..................... 294 Aphareus furca .................. 206 Auxis rochei ................... 294 Aphareus rutilans................. 206 Auxis sp. .................... 116 APISTIDAE ................ 98, 162 Auxis thazard .................. 294 Apistus carinatus ................. 162 axillaris, Bodianus ................ 254 APOGONIDAE ................ 101 Axilspot hogfish § ................. 254 Apolemichthys trimaculatus ............ 245 aygula, Coris ................... 258 Aprion virescens ................. 206 Arabian monocle bream § ............. 236 B Arabian scad § .................. 200 Arabian smooth-hound § ............. 59 Badu § ..................... 257 archiepiscopus, Ostichthys ............. 153 Baelama anchovy § ................ 134 Areolate grouper § ................ 170 baelama, Thryssa ................. 134 areolatus, Epinephelus .............. 170 bagio, Muraenesox ................ 128 argenteus, Diretmus................ 94 baillonii, Trachinotus ............... 199 argenteus, Monodactylus ............. 245 Balistapus undulatus ............... 307 argenteus, Pomadasys ............... 222 Baliste étoilé § .................. 307 argenteus, Siganus ................ 278 Baliste masqué § ................. 312 argentimaculatus, Lutjanus ............ 207 Baliste olivâtre .................. 308 Argentina euchus ................. 86 Baliste rude § ................... 308 Argentines§ ................... 86 BALISTIDAE................ 119, 307 ARGENTINIDAE ............... 86 Balistoides conspicillum .............. 307 argo, Argonauta ................. 48 Balistoides viridescens .............. 308 Argonauta argo .................. 48 Balloonfishes§ .................. 315 Argonaute papier § ................ 48 balssi, Penaeopsis ................. 15 ARGONAUTIDAE ............... 48 balteatus, Dipterygonotus ............. 214 Argonauts § .................. 40, 48 Banana fusilier § ................. 216 argus, Cephalopholis ............... 168 Banane de mer § ................. 121 Argyrops filamentosus ............... 225 Banded grunter § ................. 223 Argyrops spinifer ................. 226 Banded lizardfish § ................ 140 ARIIDAE ................. 85, 136 Banded moray .................. 125 Ariomma indicum ................ 300 Banded needlefish § ................ 145 Ariommas§ ................. 117, 300 Banded whip lobster § ............... 24 Bandfishes§ ................... 109 ARIOMMATIDAE ............. 117, 300 Bangalamwewe§ ................. 248 Ariomme indienne § ............... 300 banksii, Onychoteuthis .............. 44 ARISTEIDAE ................ 7, 11 Barbeled dragonfishes § .............. 87 Aristeid shrimps §................ 7, 11 Barbel flyingfish § ................. 149 Aristaeomorpha foliacea .............. 11 barberinus, Parupeneus .............. 239 Aristaeopsis edwardsiana ............. 11 Barcheek trevally § ................ 191 Arius africanus .................. 136 Barnes’ silverside § ................ 144 Arius madagascariensis .............. 137 barnesi, Hypoatherina .............. 144 Arius venosus .................. 137 Barracoutas§ ................. 115, 291 armatus, Carangoides ............... 188 Barracuda § ..................
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