THE SUMMER MEETING IN CHICAGO The forty-seventh Summer Meeting of the Society and the twenty- third Colloquium were held at the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Tuesday to Saturday, September 2-6, 1941. The Mathemati cal Association of America met on Monday morning and afternoon, and jointly with the Society on Wednesday afternoon. The Institute of Mathematical Statistics held sessions Tuesday morning and after noon and Wednesday afternoon. The Econometric Society met Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday mornings and Tuesday afternoon. The meeting was held in connection with the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of the University of Chicago, and on Tuesday morning Mr. Frederic Woodward, vice president emeritus of the University and director of the Celebration, gave a greeting and welcome to the mathematicians. As a part of the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration, the University of Chicago collaborated with the Society in arranging a special program of lectures and conferences. The number of papers presented at this meeting is the largest in the history of the Society and the attendance the second largest. Six hundred thirty-five persons registered including the following four hundred twenty-four members of the Society: C. R. Adams, V. W. Adkisson, R. P. Agnew, A. A. Albert, G. E. Albert, C. B. Allendoerfer, Warren Ambrose, M. R. Anderson, T. W. Anderson, K. J. Arnold, Emil Artin, W. L. Ayres, H. M. Bacon, R. M. Ballard, J. D. Bankier, R. W. Barnard, I. A. Barnett, Walter Bartky, R. E. Basye, Harry Bateman, R. A. Beaumont, M. M. Beenken, A. A. Bennett, D. L. Bernstein, R. M. Besancon, E.
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