Statement of Environmental Effects

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Statement of Environmental Effects Statement of Environmental Effects Modification application for SSD 8175 relating to the Stage 2 Design and Construction of Western Sydney Stadium (Bankwest Stadium). Proposal to: increase the annual frequency of major events; and increase function space, patron numbers and timing of functions on non-event days at Bankwest Stadium September 2019 Venues NSW owns a portfolio of publicly owned sports and entertainment venues in NSW, on behalf of the NSW Government. Executive Summary Increased Frequency of Events Since Western Sydney Stadium (Bankwest Stadium) opened in April this year it has successfully conducted 21 major sporting and cultural events, welcoming in excess of 350,000 patrons. The Stadium presents as a world class facility capable of hosting a number of different major sporting, concert and cultural events. This has led to considerable interest from sporting clubs and event organisers in hosting their events at Bankwest Stadium. The Stadium is also part of a network of venues which includes the Sydney Football Stadium and Stadium Australia. The Sydney Football Stadium is currently being redeveloped, whilst the redevelopment of Stadium Australia is scheduled to commence in June 2020. The stadium redevelopment program leaves Bankwest Stadium as the only Stadium available in the network for approximately two (2) years. To ensure NSW remains competitive in the national and international sporting and event market both during the stadium network redevelopment and after its completion, Venues NSW seeks to increase the annual frequency of events able to be held at the Stadium. The request is supported by a number of factors: The Stadium redevelopment program is expected to take approximately 2 years to complete; The Stadium is a high quality rectangular sports stadium ideal for patron viewing and experience; The 30,000 seat capacity has proven to be ideal for a range of sporting events providing flexibility in hosting medium to major sporting events; There is no justification for the current limit on major sporting events noting that there was no limit on the former Pirteck Stadium. The former Sydney Football Stadium was not limited and neither is Stadium Australia (SA); An increase in frequency of events will not result in a commensurate increase in environmental, amenity or land use impacts as demonstrated in this application; and the contingency both in the short and long term is vital to ensure NSW retains capacity in its premier sporting event space. Consequently, Venues NSW seeks to: temporarily increase the number of major sporting events permitted at Bankwest Stadium each year from 49 to 80 until such time as the stadium redevelopment program is complete; permanently increase the number of major sporting events permitted at Bankwest Stadium each year from 49 to 65 following the completion of the stadium redevelopment program; and permanently increase the number of concert events permitted each year from 3 to 5. Increased function space, patron numbers and operational hours. Venues NSW has also revisited non-event day function space, patron numbers and operational hours. The review identified a number of additional function spaces within the Stadium that are fit for purpose. Since it commenced operation, there has been enormous demand at Bankwest Stadium for non-event day functions ranging from small strategy meetings for companies to major functions and dinners. However, the Stadium has only been able accommodate functions where the potential hirer believes its function is suitable for the Cumberland Lounge being the only function room identified in the development consent. The Stadium has been unable to fulfil bookings for smaller functions (i.e. less than approximately 200 people). In response, Venues NSW seeks to: permanently increase function space on the western side of Bankwest Stadium; increase the allowable patron numbers from 700 to 2514; and increase function operational hours to 7:00am to 12 midnight on non-event days. Statutory Considerations Venues NSW submits that the development as modified will be substantially the same development as that originally approved given: there are no physical changes proposed; it retains the same building envelope and building height; and retains the same uses, event day capacity, car parking, access, design and public domain. A modification application and Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) has been prepared in accordance with section 4.55(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act). The SEE includes an assessment which demonstrates that the environmental impacts of the modified development are similar to those of the approved development and can be appropriately managed. Key impact issues associated with the modifications primarily relate to performance to date, noise, biodiversity, and to a lesser degree traffic and transport. Engagement In preparing the modification application Venues NSW met and contacted representatives from key stakeholders including Transport for NSW, NSW Police, and City for Parramatta Council, O’Connell Street Public School, Our Lady of Mercy College and the Bankwest Stadium Community Consultative Committee. Where relevant matters raised have been addressed in the modification application. Environmental assessment A noise impact assessment (NIA) was commissioned to determine the noise related impacts associated with increasing the frequency of events. The NIA included a review of the noise impact assessments which supported the original application, the monitoring of events to date; the Operational Noise Management Plan, and the acoustic components of the approved Biodiversity Operational Management Plan (BOMP). The review confirmed that the generation of noise during major sporting events is meeting adopted noise criteria at all sensitive receivers and that the increase in frequency is unlikely to result in unacceptable noise impacts. Noise modelling was also conducted to determine likely noise impacts associated with the increase in non-event day functions. The modelling predicted that noise from patrons and associated car park use would comfortably meet all relevant criteria at sensitive receivers. An ecological assessment was also commissioned with a specific focus on the Grey-headed Flying-fox colony located to the north of the Stadium. The assessment, which considered the results of the noise impact assessment, confirmed that any increase in frequency of events is unlikely to impact the viability of the colony. Population monitoring of the GHFF roost indicates that the population has remained stable and may have increased slightly confirming that the operation of the Stadium has not had a detrimental impact on the GHFF population. The assessment did highligh however the importance of the colony monitoring program outlined in the Biodiversity Operational Management Plan (BOMP) noting that in the unlikely event that negative impacts are detected relating to the operation of Bankwest Stadium, the BOMP provides for the initiation of a corrective actions procedure. In terms of impacts on the local road network, analysis provided by the Traffic Management Centre indicates that the road network before, during and after an event is operating at reasonable levels. However, an ongoing issue relates to the need for Police to close O’Connell Street for up to 30 minutes for events of 14,000 or more to ensure patrons leaving Bankwest Stadium can do so safely. This has had some impact in terms of access to and from adjoining educational institutions. Venues NSW submits that this matter can be resolved subject to further discussion with affected parties and the adoption of contingency access arrangements or other appropriate solution during these periods. The increase in frequency of events will not impact the Stadium’s operational capabilities in terms of utilities, water usage and waste management. The Stadium has accommodated back to sporting events without incident. The operation of the Stadium as modified is predicted to continue to comply with its conditions of consent. Venues NSW has also reviewed all key operational management plans including the Operational Noise Management Plan and the Biodiversity Management Plan all of which remain fit for purpose for the modified development. Conclusion The development as modified would: continue to be consistent with applicable legislation and environmental planning instruments governing the operation of the Stadium; continue to be consistent with the original reasons for granting consent; remain consistent with State’s strategic planning objectives for the site including delivering new and expanded sporting, cultural and entertainment facilities; support Parramatta’s CBD and promote economic development within Western Sydney including value for money for the investment in the Stadium; and enable the NSW Government to accommodate major events within the stadium network while the Sydney Football Stadium and Stadium Australia are being redeveloped. On this basis, and given that residual environmental and amenity impacts are manageable, Venues NSW submits that the development as modified is in the public interest and should be approved. Contents Page 1. Background 1 2. Consent to be modified 1 2.1 Event frequency 2.2 Function space, patronage and timing 3. Proposed modification to the consent 1 3.1 Event frequency 3.2 Function space, patronage and timing 4. Substantially the same development 9 5. Engagement 9 6. Statutory Considerations 11 6.1 Consistency
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