Formation, Ager Valley (South-Central Pyrenees, Spain) Nieves Lopez-Martinez, M a Teresa Fern~/Dez - Marron & Maria F

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Formation, Ager Valley (South-Central Pyrenees, Spain) Nieves Lopez-Martinez, M a Teresa Fern~/Dez - Marron & Maria F THE SUCCESSION OF VERTEBRATES AND PLANTS ACROSS THE CRETACEOUS- TERTIARY BOUNDARY IN THE TREMP FORMATION, AGER VALLEY (SOUTH-CENTRAL PYRENEES, SPAIN) NIEVES LOPEZ-MARTINEZ, M A TERESA FERN~/DEZ - MARRON & MARIA F. VALLE LOPEZ-MARTINEZ N., FERN~NDEZ-MARRON M.T. & VALLE M.F. 1999. The succession of Vertebrates and Plants across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Tremp Formation, Ager valley (South-central Pyrenees, Spain). [La succession de vert6br~s et de plantes ~ travers la limite Cr~tac~-Tertiaire dans la Formation Tremp, vall6e d'Ager (Pyr6n~es sud-centrales, Espagne)]. GEOBIOS, 32, 4: 617-627. Villeurbanne, le 31.08.1999. Manuscrit d~pos~ le 11.03.1998; accept~ dgfinitivement le 25.05.1998. ABSTRACT - The Tremp Formation red beds in the Ager valley (Fontllonga section, Lleida, Spain) have yielded plants (macrorests, palynomorphs) and vertebrates (teeth, bones, eggshells and footprints) at different levels from Early Maastrichtian to Early Palaeocene. A decrease in diversity affected both, plants and vertebrates, but not syn- chronously. Plant diversity decreases early in the Maastrichtian, while the change in vertebrate assemblages (sud- den extinction of the dinosaurs) occurs later on, at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary. This pattern agrees with the record of France and China, but contrasts with that of North American Western Interim; where both changes coincide with the K/T boundary. KEYWORDS: CRETACEOUS-TERTIARYBOUNDARY, PALAEOBOTANY,VERTEBRATES, TREMP FM., PYRENEES. RI~SUMI~ - Les d6p6ts continentaux de la Formation Tremp dans la vallge d'Ager (coupe de Fontllonga, Lleida, Spain) ont fourni des fossiles de plantes (palynomorphes et macrorestes) et de vertebras (ossements, dents, oeufs et traces) dates du Maastrichtien infgrieur-PalSoc~ne inf~rieur. Les deux groupes montrent une r~duction de la diver- sitg mais celle-ci n'est pas synchrone: la crise floraie a eu lieu pendant le Maastrichtien, et celle des vertebras ter- restres s'est passSe plus tard, ~ la limite K/T. Ceci est en accord avec les donn~es de la France et de la Chine, mais contraste avec celles du Western Interior de l'Am~rique du Nord of1 les deux changements coYncident avec Ia limite Crgtac~-Tertiaire. MOTS-CLI~S: LIMITE CRI~TACE-TERTIAIRE, PALEOBOTANIQUE, VERTEBRES, FORMATION TREMP~ PYRENI~ES. INTRODUCTION and the fossil content from presumably reworked channel-fill sediments, seriously flaw the inter- The Tremp Formation in the south-central pretations of the palaeoenvironmental crisis. Also Pyrenees (Lleida, Spain), dated from Early in other areas of the world (Southern France, Maastrichtian to Late Palaeocene, is one of the China), the K/T boundary in continental forma- rare areas in the world preserving the geological tions cannot yet be unambiguously situated record across the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boun- (Jaeger & Westphal 1989; Zao et al. 1991; Stets et dary in continental environments. Its study is al. 1996). The study of new sections in continental relevant in order to assess the conditions, extent formations is thus necessary for collecting high and intensity of the K/T boundary crisis far from resolution geological data. the area of the extraterrestrial impact. The Tremp Fro. has the suitable conditions in The lack of sedimentary continuity in continental thickness, facies and continuity for enabling the palaeoenvironments often produces ambiguous study of the palaeoenvironmental changes during results when studying palaeoenvironmental this critical period. Its red beds are rich in fossil changes. This is the case in US Western Interior, remains from shallow marine, coastal and the only continental area in the world were the non- marine environments: algae, benthic foramini- K/T boundary crisis has been intensively docu- fera, rudists, plants, fish, dinosaurs and mammals. mented (Tschudy et al. 1984; Lerbekmo et al. On the basis of palaeomagnetic and biostratigra- 1986; Smit et al. 1987; Sheenan et al. 1991; phic data, the I%'T boundary can be accurately pla- Archibald 1996). The abundant erosive episodes ced in the Ager valley (Lleida, Spain), where the 618 Fontllonga section contains an almost complete the oblique collision between the Iberian and sequence from the Early Maastrichtian to the Early European plates. The compressive tectonics res- Danian. (Llompart & Krauss 1982; Feist & Colombo ponsible for the Pyrenean orogeny has divided the 1983; M~dus et al. 1988, 1992; Galbrun et al. 1993; basin into several tectonic units by a progressive Alvarez-Sierra et al. 1994; L6pez Martinez et al. series of thrusts. 1998 a; Vianey-Liaud & LSpez-Martinez 1997). The Tremp Formation represents the last filling In our present study, we compare the vertebrate episode of the Pyrenean foredeep basin. It is and the new plant fossil records around the K/T underlain and intercalated with the near-shore boundary in the Fontllonga section and in the sur- marine Ar~n Sandstone (Late Campanian-Early rounding Ager valley, which allow us to interpret Maastrichtian), and overlain by the Ilerdian the pattern of changes of the terrestrial biota in transgressive Alveolina limestones and marls the area during the K/T transition. (Late Palaeocene-Early Eocene, Fig. 1) (Mey et al. 1968; Diaz Molina 1987; Krauss 1990). GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Tremp Formation crops out in the central and The Pyrenean foredeep basin was formed subse- western part of the Southern Pyrenees, reaching quently to the opening of the Bay of Biscay during about 900 m at the depocenter near the type locali- the Early Cretaceous. It constitutes the first stage ty (Tremp, Lleida province, Spain). Fossil verte- of the history of the Pyrenean orogeny, caused by brates and plants from this area have been studied ~hv~ s 4"" ._m unit 3 0 unit 2 3 Map of the Tremp & Ager basins - F6 dinosaur ~ Paleogeneconglomerates tracks C~) eggshells I~ Ilerdian Tremp Fro. £;:=3 bones ~ TrempFormation plant I--'--] Ar~n Sandstone macrorests # palynomorphs ~ Upper Cretaceous and older unit 1 oysters "~ Fossil sites rudists ~) oncolithes ~ Though cross-stratification paleosol ~ Sigmoidal cross-str. O-Ut Serres Lst. Fontllonga section FIGURE 1 - Geological map of the Tremp-Ager area, and stratigraphic column of the Fontllonga section with the situation of the main fossil localities. Palaeomagnetic data from Galbrun et al., 1993; stratigraphic data from L. Arddvol, in L6pez-Martinez et al. (1998a). Carte gdologique de la rdgion de Tremp-Ager, et colonne stratigraphique de la coupe de Fontllonga avecla situation des principales localitds fossilif~res. Donndes paldomagndtiques d'apr~s Galbrun et al, 1993; donndes stratigraphiques d'apr~s L. Arddvol, in Ldpez- Martfnez et al. (1998a). 619 by Casanovas et al. (1987), De Porta et al. (1985), Maastrichtian to the Danian in stratigraphical Ashraf & Erben (1986), M6dus et al. (1988, 1992) superposition correlated with the geomagnetic and Barr6n & Di6guez (1992). South of this area, time scale (L6pez-Martinez et al. 1996a, 1998a). the Montsec thrust separates two large, asymme- Two Early Maastrichtian sites contain large sau- tric synclines oriented W-E, the Tremp syncline in ropod footprints, situated about 150 m below the the North from the Ager valley in the South (Fig. 1). K/T boundary interval at the top of Unit 1. La The Tremp Formation in the Ager valley, where Massana site, in the Fontllonga section is an the Fontllonga section is located, reaches about extend dinoturbated surface with hundreds of 700 m in thickness and has been divided into four round- shaped dinosaur footprints bimodal in size units: Unit 1 consists of limestones and marls up (40 and 60 cm in diameter; L6pez- Martinez et al. to 70 m thick with minor intercalations of sand- 1998b). Peralba site, 10 km east from Fontllonga, stones. It has a diverse fossil content with shows several large footprints similar to those remains of oysters, Girvanella, charophytes, from La Massana. plants, benthic foraminifers, ostracods and dino- The Fontllonga-6 site is situated about 100 m saurs footprints near the top of the unit. Unit 2 below the K/T boundary interval, near the base of consists of up to 150 m thick reddish mudstones the chron C31r (Early Maastrichtian). It has yiel- and sandstones with minor intercalations of ded remains of fish (scales from bony fishes, teeth limestones and gypsum. It contains plant, ostra- from the rays Igdabatis indicus and Rhornbodus cod, gastropod and vertebrate remains• Unit 3 and sp.), amphibians, turtles, lizards, crocodiles and 4 consist of up to 400 m thick limestones, mud- dinosaurs (dromeosaurs, titanosaurian sauro- stones and sandstones with minor intercalations pods, ankylosaurs and seven types of eggshells} of gypsum. Its main fossil content is Microcodium (Alvarez- Sierra et al. 1994; Soler- Gij6n & De la in the lower part, gastropods and large benthic Pe~a 1995; Vianey-Liaud & LSpez-Martinez 1997; foraminifera in the upper part. Soler Gij6n & L6pez-Martinez 1998}. Scattered Detailed studies of the stratigraphy, sedimentology, bones and eggshell remains of dinosaurs are docu- paleontology and isotopic content of the Tremp For- mented as well along this section, reaching up to about 70 m below the K/T boundary interval mation in the Ager syncline can be found in Ldpez- Martinez et al. (1998 a) and references therein. (Galbrun et al. 1993). Additionally, a mandible of a large hadrosaur has been reported from the The Chron C29r containing the K/T boundary is Fontllonga section, about 60 m below the K/T located in a 24 m thick succession of sandstone boundary interval (Le Loeuff, verbal com. 1996). and mudstone deposits from estuarine environ- This record has been interpreted by Galbrun ments in the upper part of this unit (Galbrun et al. (1997) as evidence of a diachronous extinction of 1993). The K/T boundary interval can be situated the dinosaurs, which would disappear in Europe in a 3 m thick silt level near the top of the section before than in North America. On the contrary, correlated to the upper part of chron C29r.
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