The EULAKS Summer School

TheRoleof theSSH in theConstruction of theKnowledge-basedSociety – European and Latin American Perspectives

Dirk Johann (ZSI), Austria MOST II – 10th Session of the Intergovernmental Council UNESCO Paris, 14 March 2011 Project funded under the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities


• SSH-2007-8.2 Horizontal measures to support international cooperation • Project Reference: 217190 • Type of contract: Support Action (CSA) • Start: 2008-02-01 (5-month extension requested) • End: 2010-10-31 • Duration: 33 months • Estimated costs: € 775,942.00 • EC Funding: € 694,094.00



… a Euro-Latin training and learning network in the Social Sciences and Humanities



… promote a shared unterstanding of the challenges in the construction of Knowledge Societies in Europe and through the support for networks and partnerships between social science communities of both regions



3 European and 4 Latin American partner institutions



• To promote the role of the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in the EU – LAC policy dialogue on S&T cooperation

• To support current and future collaborative research endeavours in the field of SSH between the and Latin America

• To strengthen networks that link social science communities and institutions to policymakers and practitioners in both regions


3 The EULAKS Summer School at FLACSO



• Academic Committee (launch of call, evaluation of applications, administration of grants, etc.) • Logistical organisation • Development of conference programme • Video conference (Carlota Perez) • Virtual participation (collaboration with RedCLARA) • Workshops and side events • Evaluation of the SS


4 Objectives of the SS

• To bring together a group of specialised researchers from Europe and Latin America to discuss the challenges in the construction of knowledge societies from a comparative social science and humanities (SSH) perspective • To provide a space of multi-disciplinary reflection on new concepts and perspectives underpinning the changing regimes of science and policy in the construction of knowledge societies in Europe and Latin America • To compare the differential histories in the co-evolution of science, technology and society in Europe and Latin America and the factors and conditions favouring or impeding the development of systems in both regions • To consolidate networks between young Latin American and European researchers and to mobilise institutional and individual collaboration in future research activities in the SSH in the context of the European Community‘s Framework Programme for RTD


EULAKS Summer School at FLACSO


5 Summary

• During the two weeks, 41 young researchers from 14 countries (EU / LAC) participated. The dynamics was based on seminars, lectures and workshops. • The Summer School was a fruitful exchange of ideas and perspectives among the participants and lecturers that came from diverse (SSH) fields, but had a common research interest: SSH-policy nexus in the Knowledge Society (in LAC / EU). • The multidisciplinary thinking was enriched by the contribution of participants from different countries who took an important step towards building networks of cooperation for future collaborative research. • After the Summer School, a call for papers was launched to develop an e- book, with the principal aim to disseminate the work of the Summer School. Æ downloadable at the EULAKS website ( • The exchange among the participants led to the creation of a blog Æ available at the website of the Summer School.



6 Strenthening the Social Science – Policymaking Nexus

Knowledge Knowledge use production (KP)

Knowledge exchange: exploring the black box KP from research Policy making KP from Research Innovation KP from SSH Groups on Innovation policy making * research

* Innovation policy refers to policy for S,T,I 13