Directory for Cigarettes and Roll-Your-Own Tobacco
DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE OF HAWAI‘I DIRECTORY FOR CIGARETTES AND ROLL-YOUR-OWN TOBACCO of (Available at: Certified Tobacco Product Manufacturers Their Brands and Brand Families DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL TOBACCO ENFORCEMENT UNIT 425 QUEEN STREET HONOLULU, HAWAI‘I 96813 (808) 586-1203 INDEX I. Directory: Cigarettes and Roll-Your-Own Tobacco Page 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. DEFINITIONS 3 3. NOTICES 5 II. Update Summary For June 1, 2018 Posting * III. Alphabetical Brand List IV. Compliant Participating Manufacturers List V. Compliant Non-Participating Manufacturers List Posted: June 1, 2018 (updated most recent 9/5/2018) 2 1. INTRODUCTION Pursuant to Haw. Rev. Stat. §245-22.5(a), beginning December 1, 2003, it shall be unlawful for an entity (1) to affix a stamp to a package or other container of cigarettes belonging to a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family not included in this directory, or (2) to import, sell, offer, keep, store, acquire, transport, distribute, receive, or possess for sale or distribution cigarettes1 belonging to a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family not included in this directory. Pursuant to §245-22.5(b), any entity that knowingly violates subsection (a) shall be guilty of a class C felony. Pursuant to Haw. Rev. Stat. §§245-40 and 245-41, any cigarettes unlawfully possessed, kept, stored, acquired, transported, or sold in violation of Haw. Rev. Stat. §245-22.5 may be ordered forfeited pursuant to Haw. Rev. Stat., Chapter 712A. In addition, the attorney general may apply for a temporary or permanent injunction restraining any person from violating or continuing to violate Haw.
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