Phenotypic Pattern Over Centric Fusion Clinal Variation in the Water-Hyacinth Grasshopper, Cornops Aquaticum (Orthoptera: Acrididae)

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Phenotypic Pattern Over Centric Fusion Clinal Variation in the Water-Hyacinth Grasshopper, Cornops Aquaticum (Orthoptera: Acrididae) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGYENTOMOLOGY ISSN (online): 1802-8829 Eur. J. Entomol. 115: 303–311, 2018 doi: 10.14411/eje.2018.029 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Phenotypic pattern over centric fusion clinal variation in the water-hyacinth grasshopper, Cornops aquaticum (Orthoptera: Acrididae) PABLO C. COLOMBO 1 and MARÍA I. REMIS 1, 2 1 Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución (IEGEBA), Consejo de Investigaciones Científi cas y Técnicas, Argentina; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Laboratorio de Estructura Poblacional, Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, (1428) Intendente Güiraldes y Costanera Norte, Buenos Aires, Argentina; e-mail: [email protected] Key words. Orthoptera, Acrididae, Cornops aquaticum, centric fusions, grasshoppers, chromosomal clines, morphometric effects Abstract. The water-hyacinth grasshopper, Cornops aquaticum, occurs in freshwater environments in the New World between latitudes 23°N and 35°S. At the southernmost margin of this distribution the populations are polymorphic for three centric fusions (Robertsonian translocations). The frequencies of these chromosome rearrangements increase southwards and the recombina- tion in structural homozygotes and heterozygotes diminishes both along the middle and lower courses of the Paraná River. In the present paper we report a similar cline along the southward fl owing Uruguay River. In addition, we report the morphological effects of two of these centric fusion polymorphisms, namely the fusions between chromosomes 2 and 5 of the standard complement (fu- sion 2/5) and chromosomes 3 and 4 (fusion 3/4) and extend this study to the Uruguay River. There is a strong inverse correlation of fusion frequency with temperature, which indicates that these polymorphisms may be related to increased tolerance of colder climates in this originally tropical species, or some other correlated variable. This study is a further example of chromosomal clines correlated with latitude and is one of a few examples of chromosome polymorphisms associated with phenotypic effects. Finally, it indicates ways of using this species for controlling pests. INT ROD U CT IO N & Mirol, 1988; Bidau & Martí, 2005); Sinipta dalmani Th e family Acr idida e of t he in sect o rder Orthop tera are (Remis, 1990); (Remis, 2008), Cornops aquaticum (Mesa, we ll stu died be cause of th eir r elativ ely bi g chro mosome s 1956; Colombo, 2008), Dichroplus fuscus (Taffarel et al., and the c larity of t heir me ioti c fi g ures. Their karyo type is 2015) and Scotussa cliens (Martí et al., 2017), all of them rat her c onserv ative , with 23 chromo somes in ma les a nd 24 in the New World and six out of eight from South America chrom osomes in f emales due to an X 0/XX sex de termi- (Colombo, 2013). nation syst em. Mos t of their chrom osomes are acrocen tric The water-hyacinth grasshopper, Cornops aquaticum, or telocen tric . Howe ver, quite a few of th eir s pecies are occurs in the New World between latitudes 23°N, in Mex- chromos omally polym orphic , on o ccasi on rem arkab ly so ico, and 35°S in Central Argentina and Uruguay following (Hewi tt, 19 79; J ohn, 19 83). Th e stud y of c hro mosome pol- the distribution of its host plants, i.e. different species of y morphi sms i n acri did g rasshop pers h as re vealed that most water-hyacinths (family Pontederiaceae) (Adis et al., 2007; of the m are peric entric inve rsions (White, 19 51; Co lombo Capello et al., 2010). The recent worldwide expansion of & Conf alonie ri, 19 96; Re mis, 1989) and R obertso nian the water-hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes as a serious fresh- tran slocat ions ( centr ic fus ions) (Colo mbo, 2013) , alo ng water weed in tropical and subtropical, and even temperate, with super numera ry seg ments and B ch romoso me po ly- regions of the world (Center et al., 2002) has led to the use morp hisms (Hewit t, 1 979; C amacho et al ., 200 0; Ros etti & of C. aquaticum as a biological control agent (Oberholzer Remi s, 201 7). Polymorphic centric fusions in acridid grass- & Hill, 2001; Coetzee et al., 2011; Bownes et al., 2013). hoppers occur in just a few species, such as Hesperotettix Its basic karyotype consists of 22 acrocentric autosomes, viridis (McClung, 1917), Oedaleonotus enigma (Hewitt with an X0/XX sex determination system (França Rocha & Schroeter, 1967); Leptysma argentina (Bidau & Has- et al., 2004). The cytological study of natural populations son, 1984; Colombo, 1989), Dichroplus pratensis (Bidau have revealed the presence of three centric fusion poly- Final formatted article © Institute of Entomology, Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, České Budějovice. An Open Access article distributed under the Creative Commons (CC-BY) license ( 303 Colombo & Remis, Eur. J. Entomol. 115: 303–311, 2018 doi: 10.14411/eje.2018.029 morphisms (= Robertsonian translocations) (Mesa, 1956; MATERIALS AND METHODS Mesa et al., 1982). Recent work at the southern margin of Biological material and cytogenetic analyses this species’ distribution, between latitudes 27°S and 34°S We collected 240 individuals of Cornops aquaticum from 6 along the Paraná River in Argentina, revealed the existence Argentine populations at Monte Caseros (37 individuals), Salto of a N-S cline in fused chromosome frequencies, namely Grande (12 individuals), Colón (45 individuals), Concepción del fusions 2/5, 1/6 and 3/4 (Colombo, 2008). These fusions Uruguay (66 individuals), Gualeguaychú (42 individuals) and severely reduce recombination in fusion homozygotes and Villa Paranacito (38 individuals) along the Uruguay River. The heterozygotes (Colombo, 2007). chromosome studies were on males; testes were dissected and Populations of orthopteran species, particularly those fi xed in ethanol-acetic acid (3 : 1). Cytological analysis was per- with a wide geographic distribution, usually show signifi - formed by squashing some follicles in propionic haematoxylin. cant variations in body size. Some of the body size-related Karyotypes were determined using male metaphase I plates. In order to identify the chromosome pairs involved in centric fu- studies explain the variation in terms of Bergmann’s rule, sions in each individual, trivalents or sub metacentric bivalents which predicts an inverse correlation between temperature with terminal chiasmata were carefully measured. When there and body size in nature. This rule was fi rst established for are interstitial or proximal chiasmata the pairs of chromosomes endotherms; later studies report that Bergmann’s or con- involved in the rearrangement cannot be identifi ed, but otherwise verse Bergmann’s rule may also apply to ectotherms, but they are easily and accurately identifi able. However, due to poor in some of them, especially insects, life history-related fi xation, the fusion number for the Salto Grande individuals could processes, such as generation span, are frequently more be determined but fusions could not be identifi ed. Only males important. In fact, in Orthoptera most of the species so were analysed because male sample size was large enough for far studied follow the converse Bergmann’s rule, whereby drawing reliable statistical conclusions, and because as yet un- published research has shown that, within these limitations, the body size decreases with latitude or altitude, but some re- frequency of fusions per individual per population does not vary port they follow Bergmann’s rule, with larger individuals between sexes. Currently, with a larger sampling effort, we are at high latitudes and altitudes (for review see Blackburn carrying out a morphometric and cytological studies that include et al., 1999; Blanckenhorn & Demont, 2004; Whitman, females, which will be a subject for a future publication (P.C. 2008). Colombo & M.I. Remis, unpubl. data). Colombo & Remis (2015), using a continent-wide mor- The environmental variables for each site were obtained using phometric dataset published by Adis et al. (2008) and the programme NewLocClim. The correlations between the fu- Romero et al. (2014), which includes several South-Amer- sion frequencies and average number of centric fusions per indi- ican populations of C. aquaticum distributed between lat. vidual per population (fpi) with climatic data were obtained using nonparametric Kendall correlations. 10°N and 35°S, suggest that this species’ body size-related variables are correlated positively with latitude. However, Morphometric analyses although the latitudinal area studied was very large (45 de- All specimens were measured for fi ve morphometric traits: grees of latitude), there are considerable gaps in the loca- length of fastigium/third coxa, P/CL), length of third femur (FL), tions of the samples analysed and the study is based only length of third tibia (TiL), length of thorax (TxL) and length of on tegmen length, the only variable measured in the same tegmen (TegL). Morphometric traits were measured on the left way by both us and Adis et al. (2008). side of each insect using an ocular micrometre (1 mm = 48 ocular units). Moreover, a preliminary morphometric study of two Morphometric variation among populations was tested using polymorphic populations indicates an association between nonparametric multivariate analyses of variance (np-MANOVA) fusion 1/6 and body size (Romero et al., 2014). As one of and Euclidean distances, and Kruskal-Wallis (KW) tests consid- the centric fusions is correlated with body size-related vari- ering “population” as the independent factor and each morpho- ables (Romero et al., 2014), we suggest that the increas- metric trait as a dependent variable. Both analyses were done ing cline for fusion frequency in the southern populations using PAST 2.16 software (PAST, 2012). could be the indirect result of selection for increased body The relationships between chromosome karyotype and body size (Colombo & Remis, 2015).
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    The Grasshoppers and Other Orthoptera of Arizona Item Type text; Book Authors Ball, E. D.; Tinkham, E. R.; Flock, Robert; Vorhies, C. T. Publisher College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ) Rights Copyright © Arizona Board of Regents. The University of Arizona. Download date 04/10/2021 13:31:26 Link to Item Technical Bulletin No. §3 June 15, 1942 Utttomttg fff Arfemta COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION THE AND OF ARIZONA BY E. D. BALL, K R. XIHKHAM, ROBERT FtocK, AND C. T. VQKBIES BY Itttaerattg ORGANIZATION BOABD OF BEGENTS Sidney P. Osborn (ex-of&cio).. Governor of Arizona E. D. Ring, B.A, (ex-officio). State Superintendent of Public Instruction APPOINTED MEMBERS Albert M. Crawford, B.S., President Prescott William H. Westover, LL.B Yuma Martin Gentry, LL,B Willcox Cleon T. Kmapp, LL.B.» Treasurer Tucson Jack B. Martin, Secretary,.,. Tucson M. O. Best Phoenix Clarence E. Houston, LL.B., B.A..... , ..Tucson Mrs. Joseph Madison Greet, B.A. Phoenix Alfred Atkinson, D.Sc .President of the University EXPJSBIMEHT STATION STAFF Paul S. Burgess, PhJX Dean and Director Ralph S. Hawkins, Ph,D ..Vice-Dean and Vice-Director ENTOMOLOGY AND ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY Charles T. Vorhies, Ph,D .Economic Zoologist •Elmer D. Ball, PhD ...™._ Entomologist Lawrence P, Wehrle, Ph.D...., , .„„. Associate Entomologist H, G* Johnston, Ph.D Associate Entomologist (Phoenix) *On leave. EBRWR Make following changes in numbers caa right hand margins only; Page 299, change "2^" to "26" Page 300, change "26" to "2k" Page 533, change "2V to "25" Pass 333, change "22" to "23" Page 33U, change "23" to "22" Page 33^, change "25" to "24" TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION.,.
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