Anna Bailey & Mike Bradley Anna Bail
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for.” there them.” improve and protect to money for fight will we beckons.” that’s what a good Councillor is is Councillor good a what that’s - want they me told have people local for.” there “Village halls are often a real focus of the community and and community the of focus real a often are halls “Village says: Mike them.” improve and protect to money for fight will we communities which face more and more challenges as the future future the as challenges more and more face which communities beckons.” the villages have for their community. I will always speak up for what what for up speak always will I community. their for have villages the that’s what a good Councillor is is Councillor good a what that’s - want they me told have people local funding. of share “Village halls are often a real focus of the community and and community the of focus real a often are halls “Village says: Mike green to running stalls for family events. I want to stand up for our our for up stand to want I events. family for stalls running to green communities which face more and more challenges as the future future the as challenges more and more face which communities “I love this area and the unstinting passion that people in in people that passion unstinting the and area this love “I says: Anna the villages have for their community. I will always speak up for what what for up speak always will I community. their for have villages the ensure that villages get their fair fair their get villages that ensure funding. of share from cricket on the village village the on cricket from - immensely life my enriched has community green to running stalls for family events. I want to stand up for our our for up stand to want I events. family for stalls running to green “I love this area and the unstinting passion that people in in people that passion unstinting the and area this love “I says: Anna life. village of quality villages, and we will continue to to continue will we and villages, ensure that villages get their fair fair their get villages that ensure “Living in a small village and feeling part of a genuine genuine a of part feeling and village small a in “Living from cricket on the village village the on cricket from - immensely life my enriched has community Mike says: says: Mike system’ and believes passionately in maintaining the the maintaining in passionately believes and system’ that money filters down to the the to down filters money that life. village of quality villages, and we will continue to to continue will we and villages, local issues struggling to navigate ‘the ‘the navigate to struggling issues local “Living in a small village and feeling part of a genuine genuine a of part feeling and village small a in “Living Mike says: says: Mike Anna has worked hard to ensure ensure to hard worked has Anna system’ and believes passionately in maintaining the the maintaining in passionately believes and system’ that money filters down to the the to down filters money that fundraising. Anna has supported many residents with with residents many supported has Anna other local facilities up to date. date. to up facilities local other local issues struggling to navigate ‘the ‘the navigate to struggling issues local Anna has worked hard to ensure ensure to hard worked has Anna local events, including the essential essential the including events, local fundraising. money to keep village halls and and halls village keep to money Anna has supported many residents with with residents many supported has Anna other local facilities up to date. date. to up facilities local other approach. business life and is actively involved in supporting supporting in involved actively is and life local events, including the essential essential the including events, local villages benefit from infrastructure infrastructure from benefit villages money to keep village halls and and halls village keep to money Council to a ‘can do’ and open for for open and do’ ‘can a to Council He has a strong commitment to village village to commitment strong a has He approach. business life and is actively involved in supporting supporting in involved actively is and life It’s really important that our our that important really It’s villages benefit from infrastructure infrastructure from benefit villages positions to save money and moving the the moving and money save to positions Council to a ‘can do’ and open for for open and do’ ‘can a to Council He has a strong commitment to village village to commitment strong a has He generations. future for and It’s really important that our our that important really It’s District Council, cutting management management cutting Council, District positions to save money and moving the the moving and money save to positions Protecting Village Facilities Village Protecting of us here now, especially our children, children, our especially now, here us of generations. future for and involved in a radical restructure of the the of restructure radical a in involved District Council, cutting management management cutting Council, District Protecting Village Facilities Village Protecting and improve the quality of life for those those for life of quality the improve and of us here now, especially our children, children, our especially now, here us of charges in Ely. Recently, she has been been has she Recently, Ely. in charges involved in a radical restructure of the the of restructure radical a in involved local Wildlife Trust, he wants to maintain maintain to wants he Trust, Wildlife local parking!” car on not shops, the in money their spending Ely in people and improve the quality of life for those those for life of quality the improve and She has consistently fought against parking parking against fought consistently has She charges in Ely. Recently, she has been been has she Recently, Ely. in charges protect. As a member of the RSPB and and RSPB the of member a As protect. more see to want “I says: Anna local Wildlife Trust, he wants to maintain maintain to wants he Trust, Wildlife local parking!” car on not shops, the in money their spending Ely in people She has consistently fought against parking parking against fought consistently has She first. natural environment which he is keen to to keen is he which environment natural May. in protect. As a member of the RSPB and and RSPB the of member a As protect. more see to want “I says: Anna and putting the welfare of her residents residents her of welfare the putting and was drawn to the area by the wonderful wonderful the by area the to drawn was elected elected - re if charge of free centres first. natural environment which he is keen to to keen is he which environment natural May. in well known for speaking up for her patch patch her for up speaking for known well Mike has lived in Witcham since 1999. He He 1999. since Witcham in lived has Mike keep parking in our City and town town and City our in parking keep and putting the welfare of her residents residents her of welfare the putting and was drawn to the area by the wonderful wonderful the by area the to drawn was elected elected - re if charge of free centres She is your serving District Councillor and is is and Councillor District serving your is She and Conservatives have pledged to to pledged have Conservatives and well known for speaking up for her patch patch her for up speaking for known well Mike has lived in Witcham since 1999. He He 1999. since Witcham in lived has Mike keep parking in our City and town town and City our in parking keep times. changing these in government against the introduction of charging charging of introduction the against She is your serving District Councillor and is is and Councillor District serving your is She and Conservatives have pledged to to pledged have Conservatives and College. Community Ely of City Mike has much to offer in serving local local serving in offer to much has Mike times. changing these in government services. Anna has fought hard hard fought has Anna services. against the introduction of charging charging of introduction the against Anna was brought up in Little Downham and went to Feoffees School and the the and School Feoffees to went and Downham Little in up brought was Anna level expertise in IT, and ongoing mentoring of businesses large and small, small, and large businesses of mentoring ongoing and IT, in expertise level College. Community Ely of City Mike has much to offer in serving local local serving in offer to much has Mike work and to access shops and and shops access to and work services. Anna has fought hard hard fought has Anna services. - high experience, commercial international his With changes. forthcoming Anna was brought up in Little Downham and went to Feoffees School and the the and School Feoffees to went and Downham Little in up brought was Anna level expertise in IT, and ongoing mentoring of businesses large and small, small, and large businesses of mentoring ongoing and IT, in expertise level villages need to use Ely regularly to to regularly Ely use to need villages work and to access shops and and shops access to and work Mike is keen to ensure that they can reap the benefits from from benefits the reap can they that ensure to keen is Mike - villages our Councillor for the last 8 years 8 last the for Councillor - high experience, commercial international his With changes.