RECEIVl:.U Fm O4 2019 mac 3750 Krumm Avenue CP

Hello Members of Terrace Council,

I need your help in establishing a platoon/troop of a Unit in the Terrace/Thornhill area.

I would like to see a Canadian Armed Forces Primary Reserve Unit established in the community of Terrace, .

The size would initially be a platoon/troop of 40 personnel led by a 2Lt. or Lt. assisted by a Warrant Officer. These 2 positions would be a full time paid job for at least 2 persons.

We have a facility in the form of an unused school which can be used as a headquarters for the platoon. A rifle range is located nearby.

I know there are at least a dozen such Units in the lower mainland and they provide an opportunity for youth in these areas to be employed part and full time in the CAF with out having to leave home as we in the north must do.

We do have the Canadian Rangers in this area but they are not Primary Reserve and do not offer full time employment. The Cdn Rangers do not offer deployment out of country and seldom deploy in , but for short durations.

We have in Terrace at least 7 members of the Primary Reserve who now live in the area yet have no place to parade as the closest Primary Reserve Unit is in Prince George. We also have 28 individuals who wish to join a Primary Reserve Unit and some of these have considered driving to Prince George once a week in order to do so. Time (14 hr drive )and cost make this not very feasible.

This past May saw the arrival of a Capt. Michael Oviatt, [email protected], , who was sent here to help a family who's son had passed away and who was a member of the CAF. Capt. Oviatt spent the better part of a month here and came to know not only the family but the Terrace area. He felt it was a well situated location for a sub component of the CAF. Terrace is a hub or centre of a greater catch basin and the only route to Prince Rupert and Kitimat. Terrace could support a platoon/troop size unit of the Primary Reserve and its members would enjoy the ability to live and work in the Terrace area while being a member of the Canadian Armed Forces. Terrace has a large population of First Nations People who would benefit from such a CAF Unit being established here.

I have support from the #13 Branch Royal Canadian Legion, and I am seeking support from Nathan Cullen MP, Ellis Ross MLA, Regional District Thornhill, Terrace Chamber of Commerce, City ofKitimat, City of Prince Rupert, Hazelton, Nass Valley, Terrace, Kitimat and Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Clubs.

The benefit of having a Primary Reserve Unit established in Terrace would be a great help in event of a natural disaster. Terrace is geographically in an ideal location as to be able to deploy a unit quickly to the communities of the surrounding area should such a disaster occur. Due to the decrease of volunteers in the local Fire Depts, Search and Rescue, ect, a CAF Primary Reserve Unit could help as their members are paid, well trained individuals who would fill this void should a need arise. Youth in our communities would see a better future in the training they would receive as a member of the CAF. The ability to learn a trade in the military is a considerable asset. To do so without leaving the community, but for months at a time for training, as opposed to years in joining the . A Primary Reserve unit in Terrace would draw many youth and give them a pride and place in the community which over the years would leave a legacy and a tradition which would then pass on to the initial members children, building a solid stable CAF Unit in Terrace and from those drawn from surrounding communities.

Terrace BC has a very stable and established population, not only of First Nations but other former nationalities which now reside here and have for generations. People are reluctant to leave here but for durations of a year or two. As the story the First Nations Elders tell, once you drink of the water of the Skeena you will always return.

Terrace Council members, can you please take this request to the CAF and have them at least look at the establishment of a Primary Reserve Unit here in Terrace BC as I and others wish to see such an asset established here in Terrace BC.

[email protected]